Ejemplo n.º 1
        //  Determines whether a floater should be rejected or not
        private bool IsFloaterRejected(bool fAtMaxWidth, double availableSpace)
            if (fAtMaxWidth)

            if (Element is Floater && HorizontalAlignment != HorizontalAlignment.Stretch)
            else if (Element is Figure)
                FigureLength figureLength = ((Figure)Element).Width;
                if (figureLength.IsAuto)
                if (figureLength.IsAbsolute && figureLength.Value < availableSpace)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        void OnMouseDownDecreaseWidth(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs args)
            FigureLength myFigureLength = myFigure.Width;
            double       widthValue     = myFigureLength.Value;

            if (widthValue > 0)
                myFigure.Width = new FigureLength((widthValue - 10), FigureUnitType.Pixel);
Ejemplo n.º 3
     // ------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Width figure size calculation
     // ------------------------------------------------------------------
     internal static double CalculateFigureWidth(StructuralCache structuralCache, Figure figure, FigureLength figureLength, out bool isWidthAuto)
         double value;
         isWidthAuto = figureLength.IsAuto ? true : false;
         // Check figure's horizontal anchor. If anchored to page, use page width to format
         FigureHorizontalAnchor horizontalAnchor = figure.HorizontalAnchor;
         if(figureLength.IsPage || (figureLength.IsAuto && IsHorizontalPageAnchor(horizontalAnchor)))
             value = structuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PageWidth * figureLength.Value;
         else if (figureLength.IsAbsolute)
             value = CalculateFigureCommon(figureLength);
         else // figureLength.IsColumn || figureLength.IsContent || figureLength.IsAuto 
             double columnWidth, gap, rule;
             int cColumns;
             GetColumnMetrics(structuralCache, out cColumns, out columnWidth, out gap, out rule);
             if (figureLength.IsContent || (figureLength.IsAuto && IsHorizontalContentAnchor(horizontalAnchor)))
                 // Use content width for figure
                 value = (columnWidth * cColumns + gap * (cColumns - 1)) * figureLength.Value;
             else // figureLength.IsColumn || figureLength.IsAuto
                 // We do this to prevent a 2.0 columns from spanning 2.0 + gap, so we just check for edge
                 double lengthValue = figureLength.Value;
                 int columnGapsSpanned = (int) lengthValue;
                 if(columnGapsSpanned == lengthValue && columnGapsSpanned > 0)
                     columnGapsSpanned -= 1;
                 value = (columnWidth * lengthValue) + gap * columnGapsSpanned;
         return value;
        // Token: 0x060067D2 RID: 26578 RVA: 0x001D1AD8 File Offset: 0x001CFCD8
        internal static double CalculateFigureCommon(FigureLength figureLength)
            double result;

            if (figureLength.IsAuto)
                result = double.NaN;
            else if (figureLength.IsAbsolute)
                result = figureLength.Value;
                Invariant.Assert(false, "Unknown figure length type specified.");
                result = 0.0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
     // ------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Common figure size calculation
     // ------------------------------------------------------------------
     internal static double CalculateFigureCommon(FigureLength figureLength)
         double value;
             value = Double.NaN;
         else if(figureLength.IsAbsolute)
             value = figureLength.Value;
             Invariant.Assert(false, "Unknown figure length type specified.");
             value = 0.0;
         return value;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Height figure size calculation
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        internal static double CalculateFigureHeight(StructuralCache structuralCache, Figure figure, FigureLength figureLength, out bool isHeightAuto)
            double value; 

                value = (structuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PageHeight) * figureLength.Value;
            else if(figureLength.IsContent) // Column to be treated same as content
                Thickness pageMargin = structuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PageMargin;

                value = (structuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PageHeight - pageMargin.Top - pageMargin.Bottom) * figureLength.Value;
            else if (figureLength.IsColumn)
                // Height is calculated based on column width, since column height is the same as content. Per spec.
                // Retrieve all column metrics for current page
                int cColumns;
                double columnWidth;
                double gap;
                double rule;
                FigureHelper.GetColumnMetrics(structuralCache, out cColumns, out columnWidth, out gap, out rule);

                // We do this to prevent a 2.0 columns from spanning 2.0 + gap, so we just check for edge
                double lengthValue = figureLength.Value;
                if (lengthValue > cColumns)
                    lengthValue = cColumns;
                int columnGapsSpanned = (int)lengthValue;
                if (columnGapsSpanned == lengthValue && columnGapsSpanned > 0)
                    columnGapsSpanned -= 1;

                value = (columnWidth * lengthValue) + gap * columnGapsSpanned;
                value = FigureHelper.CalculateFigureCommon(figureLength);

                FigureVerticalAnchor verticalAnchor = figure.VerticalAnchor;

                // Value is in pixels. Now we limit value to max out depending on anchoring.
                    value = Math.Max(1, Math.Min(value, structuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PageHeight));
                else // Column and paragraph anchoring still max out at content height
                    Thickness pageMargin = structuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PageMargin;
                    value = Math.Max(1, Math.Min(value, structuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PageHeight - pageMargin.Top - pageMargin.Bottom));

                TextDpi.EnsureValidPageWidth(ref value);

                isHeightAuto = false;
                value = structuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PageHeight;
                isHeightAuto = true;

            return value;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Width figure size calculation
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        internal static double CalculateFigureWidth(StructuralCache structuralCache, Figure figure, FigureLength figureLength, out bool isWidthAuto)
            double value;

            isWidthAuto = figureLength.IsAuto ? true : false;

            // Check figure's horizontal anchor. If anchored to page, use page width to format

            FigureHorizontalAnchor horizontalAnchor = figure.HorizontalAnchor;

            if (figureLength.IsPage || (figureLength.IsAuto && IsHorizontalPageAnchor(horizontalAnchor)))
                value = structuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PageWidth * figureLength.Value;
            else if (figureLength.IsAbsolute)
                value = CalculateFigureCommon(figureLength);
            else // figureLength.IsColumn || figureLength.IsContent || figureLength.IsAuto
                double columnWidth, gap, rule;
                int    cColumns;

                GetColumnMetrics(structuralCache, out cColumns, out columnWidth, out gap, out rule);

                if (figureLength.IsContent || (figureLength.IsAuto && IsHorizontalContentAnchor(horizontalAnchor)))
                    // Use content width for figure
                    value = (columnWidth * cColumns + gap * (cColumns - 1)) * figureLength.Value;
                else // figureLength.IsColumn || figureLength.IsAuto
                    // We do this to prevent a 2.0 columns from spanning 2.0 + gap, so we just check for edge
                    double lengthValue = figureLength.Value;

                    int columnGapsSpanned = (int)lengthValue;
                    if (columnGapsSpanned == lengthValue && columnGapsSpanned > 0)
                        columnGapsSpanned -= 1;

                    value = (columnWidth * lengthValue) + gap * columnGapsSpanned;


Ejemplo n.º 8
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Height figure size calculation
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        internal static double CalculateFigureHeight(StructuralCache structuralCache, Figure figure, FigureLength figureLength, out bool isHeightAuto)
            double value;

            if (figureLength.IsPage)
                value = (structuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PageHeight) * figureLength.Value;
            else if (figureLength.IsContent) // Column to be treated same as content
                Thickness pageMargin = structuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PageMargin;

                value = (structuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PageHeight - pageMargin.Top - pageMargin.Bottom) * figureLength.Value;
            else if (figureLength.IsColumn)
                // Height is calculated based on column width, since column height is the same as content. Per spec.
                // Retrieve all column metrics for current page
                int    cColumns;
                double columnWidth;
                double gap;
                double rule;
                FigureHelper.GetColumnMetrics(structuralCache, out cColumns, out columnWidth, out gap, out rule);

                // We do this to prevent a 2.0 columns from spanning 2.0 + gap, so we just check for edge
                double lengthValue = figureLength.Value;
                if (lengthValue > cColumns)
                    lengthValue = cColumns;
                int columnGapsSpanned = (int)lengthValue;
                if (columnGapsSpanned == lengthValue && columnGapsSpanned > 0)
                    columnGapsSpanned -= 1;

                value = (columnWidth * lengthValue) + gap * columnGapsSpanned;
                value = FigureHelper.CalculateFigureCommon(figureLength);

            if (!double.IsNaN(value))
                FigureVerticalAnchor verticalAnchor = figure.VerticalAnchor;

                // Value is in pixels. Now we limit value to max out depending on anchoring.
                if (FigureHelper.IsVerticalPageAnchor(verticalAnchor))
                    value = Math.Max(1, Math.Min(value, structuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PageHeight));
                else // Column and paragraph anchoring still max out at content height
                    Thickness pageMargin = structuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PageMargin;
                    value = Math.Max(1, Math.Min(value, structuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PageHeight - pageMargin.Top - pageMargin.Bottom));

                TextDpi.EnsureValidPageWidth(ref value);

                isHeightAuto = false;
                value        = structuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PageHeight;
                isHeightAuto = true;

Ejemplo n.º 9
        //  Internal Methods

        #region Internal Methods 

        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a FigureLength instance to a String given the CultureInfo.
        /// </summary> 
        /// <param name="fl">FigureLength instance to convert.</param>
        /// <param name="cultureInfo">Culture Info.</param> 
        /// <returns>String representation of the object.</returns> 
        static internal string ToString(FigureLength fl, CultureInfo cultureInfo)
            switch (fl.FigureUnitType)
                //  for Auto print out "Auto". value is always "1.0"
                case FigureUnitType.Auto: 
                    return ("Auto");
                case FigureUnitType.Pixel: 
                    return Convert.ToString(fl.Value, cultureInfo);
                    return Convert.ToString(fl.Value, cultureInfo) + " " + fl.FigureUnitType.ToString();
        // Token: 0x060067D1 RID: 26577 RVA: 0x001D1984 File Offset: 0x001CFB84
        internal static double CalculateFigureHeight(StructuralCache structuralCache, Figure figure, FigureLength figureLength, out bool isHeightAuto)
            double num;

            if (figureLength.IsPage)
                num = structuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PageHeight * figureLength.Value;
            else if (figureLength.IsContent)
                Thickness pageMargin = structuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PageMargin;
                num = (structuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PageHeight - pageMargin.Top - pageMargin.Bottom) * figureLength.Value;
            else if (figureLength.IsColumn)
                int    num2;
                double num3;
                double num4;
                double num5;
                FigureHelper.GetColumnMetrics(structuralCache, out num2, out num3, out num4, out num5);
                double num6 = figureLength.Value;
                if (num6 > (double)num2)
                    num6 = (double)num2;
                int num7 = (int)num6;
                if ((double)num7 == num6 && num7 > 0)
                num = num3 * num6 + num4 * (double)num7;
                num = FigureHelper.CalculateFigureCommon(figureLength);
            if (!DoubleUtil.IsNaN(num))
                FigureVerticalAnchor verticalAnchor = figure.VerticalAnchor;
                if (FigureHelper.IsVerticalPageAnchor(verticalAnchor))
                    num = Math.Max(1.0, Math.Min(num, structuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PageHeight));
                    Thickness pageMargin2 = structuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PageMargin;
                    num = Math.Max(1.0, Math.Min(num, structuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PageHeight - pageMargin2.Top - pageMargin2.Bottom));
                TextDpi.EnsureValidPageWidth(ref num);
                isHeightAuto = false;
                num          = structuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PageHeight;
                isHeightAuto = true;
        // Token: 0x060067D0 RID: 26576 RVA: 0x001D18A4 File Offset: 0x001CFAA4
        internal static double CalculateFigureWidth(StructuralCache structuralCache, Figure figure, FigureLength figureLength, out bool isWidthAuto)
            isWidthAuto = figureLength.IsAuto;
            FigureHorizontalAnchor horizontalAnchor = figure.HorizontalAnchor;
            double num;

            if (figureLength.IsPage || (figureLength.IsAuto && FigureHelper.IsHorizontalPageAnchor(horizontalAnchor)))
                num = structuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PageWidth * figureLength.Value;
            else if (figureLength.IsAbsolute)
                num = FigureHelper.CalculateFigureCommon(figureLength);
                int    num2;
                double num3;
                double num4;
                double num5;
                FigureHelper.GetColumnMetrics(structuralCache, out num2, out num3, out num4, out num5);
                if (figureLength.IsContent || (figureLength.IsAuto && FigureHelper.IsHorizontalContentAnchor(horizontalAnchor)))
                    num = (num3 * (double)num2 + num4 * (double)(num2 - 1)) * figureLength.Value;
                    double value = figureLength.Value;
                    int    num6  = (int)value;
                    if ((double)num6 == value && num6 > 0)
                    num = num3 * value + num4 * (double)num6;