Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public override unsafe void Update(float dt, ParticlePool pool)
            if (!pool.FieldExists(ParticleFields.Position) || !pool.FieldExists(ParticleFields.Velocity))

            var posField  = pool.GetField(ParticleFields.Position);
            var velField  = pool.GetField(ParticleFields.Velocity);
            var lifeField = pool.GetField(ParticleFields.Life);

            foreach (var particle in pool)
                var surfacePoint  = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
                var surfaceNormal = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);

                var particlePos = (*((Vector3 *)particle[posField]));
                var particleVel = (*((Vector3 *)particle[velField]));

                var isInside = false;
                if (FieldShape != null)
                    FieldShape.PreUpdateField(WorldPosition, WorldRotation, WorldScale);

                    isInside = FieldShape.IsPointInside(particlePos, out surfacePoint, out surfaceNormal);

                if (IsHollow != isInside)
                    if (IsHollow)
                        surfaceNormal *= -1;

                    // The particle is on the wrong side of the collision shape and must collide
                    (*((Vector3 *)particle[posField])) = surfacePoint;

                    var verIncidentCoef = Vector3.Dot(surfaceNormal, particleVel);

                    var verticalIncidentVelocity   = verIncidentCoef * surfaceNormal;
                    var horizontalIncidentVelocity = particleVel - verticalIncidentVelocity;

                    particleVel = horizontalIncidentVelocity * (1 - Friction) +
                                  verticalIncidentVelocity * ((verIncidentCoef > 0) ? Restitution : -Restitution);

                    (*((Vector3 *)particle[velField])) = particleVel;

                    // TODO Maybe set some collision flags if other calculations depend on them

                    // Possibly kill the particle
                    if (KillParticles)
                        // Don't set the particle's life directly to 0 just yet - it might need to spawn other particles on impact
                        (*((float *)particle[lifeField])) = MathUtil.ZeroTolerance;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override unsafe void Update(float dt, ParticlePool pool)
            // The force field operates over position and velocity. If the particles don't have such fields we can't run this update
            if (!pool.FieldExists(ParticleFields.Position) || !pool.FieldExists(ParticleFields.Velocity))

            var posField = pool.GetField(ParticleFields.Position);
            var velField = pool.GetField(ParticleFields.Velocity);

            // Depending on our settings some of the energy will be lost (it directly translates to changes in position)
            //  and some of the energy will be preserved (it translates to changes in velocity)
            var directToPosition = 1f - EnergyConservation;

            foreach (var particle in pool)
                var alongAxis  = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);
                var awayAxis   = new Vector3(0, 0, 1);
                var aroundAxis = new Vector3(1, 0, 0);

                var particlePos = (*((Vector3 *)particle[posField]));
                var particleVel = (*((Vector3 *)particle[velField]));

                var forceMagnitude = 1f;
                if (FieldShape != null)
                    FieldShape.PreUpdateField(WorldPosition, WorldRotation, WorldScale);

                    forceMagnitude = FieldShape.GetDistanceToCenter(particlePos, particleVel, out alongAxis, out aroundAxis, out awayAxis);

                    forceMagnitude = FieldFalloff.GetStrength(forceMagnitude);
                forceMagnitude *= dt * parentScale;

                var totalForceVector = ForceFixed +
                                       alongAxis * ForceDirected +
                                       aroundAxis * ForceVortex +
                                       awayAxis * ForceRepulsive;

                totalForceVector *= forceMagnitude;

                // Force contribution to velocity - conserved energy
                var vectorContribution = totalForceVector * EnergyConservation;
                (*((Vector3 *)particle[velField])) += vectorContribution;

                // Force contribution to position - lost energy
                vectorContribution = (vectorContribution * (dt * 0.5f)) + (totalForceVector * directToPosition);
                (*((Vector3 *)particle[posField])) += vectorContribution;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public override unsafe void Update(float dt, ParticlePool pool)
            if (!pool.FieldExists(ParticleFields.Position) || !pool.FieldExists(ParticleFields.Velocity))

            var posField = pool.GetField(ParticleFields.Position);
            var velField = pool.GetField(ParticleFields.Velocity);
//            var colField = pool.GetField(ParticleFields.Color);

            var directToPosition = 1f - EnergyConservation;

            foreach (var particle in pool)
                var alongAxis  = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);
                var awayAxis   = new Vector3(0, 0, 1);
                var aroundAxis = new Vector3(1, 0, 0);

                var particlePos = (*((Vector3 *)particle[posField]));
                var particleVel = (*((Vector3 *)particle[velField]));

                var forceMagnitude = 1f;
                if (FieldShape != null)
                    FieldShape.PreUpdateField(WorldPosition, WorldRotation, WorldScale);

                    forceMagnitude = FieldShape.GetDistanceToCenter(particlePos, particleVel, out alongAxis, out aroundAxis, out awayAxis);

                    forceMagnitude = FieldFalloff.GetStrength(forceMagnitude);
                forceMagnitude *= dt * parentScale;

                var totalForceVector = ForceFixed +
                                       alongAxis * ForceDirected +
                                       aroundAxis * ForceVortex +
                                       awayAxis * ForceRepulsive;

                totalForceVector *= forceMagnitude;

                // Force contribution to velocity - conserved energy
                var vectorContribution = totalForceVector * EnergyConservation;
                (*((Vector3 *)particle[velField])) += vectorContribution;

                // Force contribution to position - lost energy
                vectorContribution = (vectorContribution * (dt * 0.5f)) + (totalForceVector * directToPosition);
                (*((Vector3 *)particle[posField])) += vectorContribution;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void ExportFieldMapData()
            // Reading Palette
            FDPalette palette = new FDPalette(@".\color");

            ShapeDataFile shapeData = new ShapeDataFile(@".\FDSHAP.DAT");


            FieldDataFile fieldData = new FieldDataFile(@".\FDFIELD.DAT");


            for (int m = 0; m < 33; m++)
                FieldMap      map    = fieldData.GetField(m);
                HashSet <int> shapes = new HashSet <int>();
                for (int i = 0; i < map.Width; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < map.Height; j++)
                        var shapeIndex = map.GetShapeIndexAt(i, j);

                var shapePanel = shapeData.GetPanel(m);
                foreach (int shapeIndex in shapes)
                    ShapeInfo shapeInfo = shapePanel.Shapes[shapeIndex];

                    FieldShape shape = new FieldShape();
                    shape.Type             = shapeInfo.Type;
                    shape.BattleGroundId   = shapeInfo.BattleGroundId;
                    map.Shapes[shapeIndex] = shape;

                string mapString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(map, Formatting.Indented);
                int    mm        = m + 1;
                File.WriteAllText(string.Format(@"D:\Temp\FDII\Chapter_{0}.txt", (mm < 10 ? "0" + mm.ToString() : mm.ToString())), mapString);
Ejemplo n.º 5
    private void DoEmissionSettings()
        if (gameObject.GetComponent <SphereCollider>() != null)
            fieldShape = FieldShape.Sphere;
        else if (gameObject.GetComponent <CapsuleCollider>() != null)
            fieldShape = FieldShape.Cylinder;
            fieldShape = FieldShape.Box;

        if (emitterObject)
            emitterObject.GetComponent <ParticleSystem>().emissionRate = Mathf.Clamp(particleMultiplier * volume * 0.033f, 20.0f, 5000.0f);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override bool TryGetDebugDrawShape(out DebugDrawShape debugDrawShape, out Vector3 translation, out Quaternion rotation, out Vector3 scale)
            if (!DebugDraw)
                return(base.TryGetDebugDrawShape(out debugDrawShape, out translation, out rotation, out scale));

            rotation    = Quaternion.Identity;
            scale       = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
            translation = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

            debugDrawShape = FieldShape?.GetDebugDrawShape(out translation, out rotation, out scale) ?? DebugDrawShape.None;

            rotation *= WorldRotation;

            scale *= WorldScale;

            translation *= WorldScale;
            rotation.Rotate(ref translation);
            translation += WorldPosition;
