Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void AppendDepthStencilStatistics(FetchFrameInfo frameInfo)
            FetchFrameDepthStencilStats depths = frameInfo.stats.depths;

            statisticsLog.AppendText("\n*** Depth Stencil Statistics ***\n");
            statisticsLog.AppendText(String.Format("Depth/stencil calls: {0} non-null sets: {1}, null (default) sets: {2}, redundant sets: {3}\n", depths.calls, depths.sets, depths.nulls, depths.redundants));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void AppendBlendStatistics(FetchFrameInfo frameInfo)
            FetchFrameBlendStats blends = frameInfo.stats.blends;

            statisticsLog.AppendText("\n*** Blend Statistics ***\n");
            statisticsLog.AppendText(String.Format("Blend calls: {0} non-null sets: {1} null (default) sets: {2} redundant sets: {3}\n", blends.calls, blends.sets, blends.nulls, blends.redundants));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void AppendShaderStatistics(FetchFrameInfo frameInfo)
            FetchFrameShaderStats[] shaders = frameInfo.stats.shaders;
            FetchFrameShaderStats   totalShadersPerStage = new FetchFrameShaderStats();

            for (var s = (int)ShaderStageType.First; s < (int)ShaderStageType.Count; s++)
                totalShadersPerStage.calls      += shaders[s].calls;
                totalShadersPerStage.sets       += shaders[s].sets;
                totalShadersPerStage.nulls      += shaders[s].nulls;
                totalShadersPerStage.redundants += shaders[s].redundants;

            statisticsLog.AppendText("\n*** Shader Set Statistics ***\n\n");

            for (var s = (int)ShaderStageType.First; s < (int)ShaderStageType.Count; s++)
                statisticsLog.AppendText(String.Format("{0} calls: {1}, non-null shader sets: {2}, null shader sets: {3}, redundant shader sets: {4}\n",
                                                       m_Core.CurPipelineState.Abbrev((ShaderStageType)s), shaders[s].calls,
                                                       shaders[s].sets, shaders[s].nulls, shaders[s].redundants));

            statisticsLog.AppendText(String.Format("Total calls: {0}, non-null shader sets: {1}, null shader sets: {2}, reundant shader sets: {3}\n",
                                                   totalShadersPerStage.calls, totalShadersPerStage.sets, totalShadersPerStage.nulls, totalShadersPerStage.redundants));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void AppendOutputStatistics(FetchFrameInfo frameInfo)
            FetchFrameOutputStats outputs = frameInfo.stats.outputs;

            statisticsLog.AppendText("\n*** Output Statistics ***\n");
            statisticsLog.AppendText(String.Format("Output calls: {0} non-null sets: {1}, null sets: {2}\n", outputs.calls, outputs.sets, outputs.nulls));
            statisticsLog.AppendText(CreateSimpleIntegerHistogram("Outputs set", outputs.bindslots));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void AppendSamplerBindStatistics(FetchFrameInfo frameInfo)
            // #mivance see AppendConstantBindStatistics
            FetchFrameSamplerBindStats template = frameInfo.stats.samplers[0];

            FetchFrameSamplerBindStats[] totalSamplersPerStage = new FetchFrameSamplerBindStats[(int)ShaderStageType.Count];
            for (var s = (int)ShaderStageType.First; s < (int)ShaderStageType.Count; s++)
                totalSamplersPerStage[s]           = new FetchFrameSamplerBindStats();
                totalSamplersPerStage[s].bindslots = new UInt32[template.bindslots.Length];

                FetchFrameSamplerBindStats[] resources = frameInfo.stats.samplers;
                for (var s = (int)ShaderStageType.First; s < (int)ShaderStageType.Count; s++)
                    totalSamplersPerStage[s].calls += resources[s].calls;
                    totalSamplersPerStage[s].sets  += resources[s].sets;
                    totalSamplersPerStage[s].nulls += resources[s].nulls;

                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(totalSamplersPerStage[s].bindslots.Length == resources[s].bindslots.Length);
                    for (var l = 0; l < resources[s].bindslots.Length; l++)
                        totalSamplersPerStage[s].bindslots[l] += resources[s].bindslots[l];

            FetchFrameSamplerBindStats totalSamplersForAllStages = new FetchFrameSamplerBindStats();

            totalSamplersForAllStages.bindslots = new UInt32[totalSamplersPerStage[0].bindslots.Length];

            for (var s = (int)ShaderStageType.First; s < (int)ShaderStageType.Count; s++)
                FetchFrameSamplerBindStats perStage = totalSamplersPerStage[s];
                totalSamplersForAllStages.calls += perStage.calls;
                totalSamplersForAllStages.sets  += perStage.sets;
                totalSamplersForAllStages.nulls += perStage.nulls;
                for (var l = 0; l < perStage.bindslots.Length; l++)
                    totalSamplersForAllStages.bindslots[l] += perStage.bindslots[l];

            statisticsLog.AppendText("\n*** Sampler Bind Statistics ***\n\n");

            for (var s = (int)ShaderStageType.First; s < (int)ShaderStageType.Count; s++)
                statisticsLog.AppendText(String.Format("{0} calls: {1}, non-null sampler sets: {2}, null sampler sets: {3}\n",
                                                       m_Core.CurPipelineState.Abbrev((ShaderStageType)s), totalSamplersPerStage[s].calls,
                                                       totalSamplersPerStage[s].sets, totalSamplersPerStage[s].nulls));

            statisticsLog.AppendText(String.Format("Total calls: {0}, non-null sampler sets: {1}, null sampler sets: {2}\n",
                                                   totalSamplersForAllStages.calls, totalSamplersForAllStages.sets, totalSamplersForAllStages.nulls));

            statisticsLog.AppendText(CreateSimpleIntegerHistogram("Aggregate slot counts per invocation across all stages", totalSamplersForAllStages.bindslots));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private void AppendRasterizationStatistics(FetchFrameInfo frameInfo)
            FetchFrameRasterizationStats rasters = frameInfo.stats.rasters;

            statisticsLog.AppendText("\n*** Rasterization Statistics ***\n");
            statisticsLog.AppendText(String.Format("Rasterization calls: {0} non-null sets: {1}, null (default) sets: {2}, redundant sets: {3}\n", rasters.calls, rasters.sets, rasters.nulls, rasters.redundants));
            statisticsLog.AppendText(CreateSimpleIntegerHistogram("Viewports set", rasters.viewports));
            statisticsLog.AppendText(CreateSimpleIntegerHistogram("Scissors set", rasters.rects));
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private void AppendDrawStatistics(FetchFrameInfo frameInfo)
            // #mivance see AppendConstantBindStatistics
            FetchFrameDrawStats template = frameInfo.stats.draws;

            FetchFrameDrawStats totalUpdates = new FetchFrameDrawStats();

            totalUpdates.counts = new UInt32[template.counts.Length];

                FetchFrameDrawStats draws = frameInfo.stats.draws;

                totalUpdates.calls     += draws.calls;
                totalUpdates.instanced += draws.instanced;
                totalUpdates.indirect  += draws.indirect;

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(totalUpdates.counts.Length == draws.counts.Length);
                for (var t = 0; t < draws.counts.Length; t++)
                    totalUpdates.counts[t] += draws.counts[t];

            statisticsLog.AppendText("\n*** Draw Statistics ***\n\n");

            statisticsLog.AppendText(String.Format("Total calls: {0}, instanced: {1}, indirect: {2}\n", totalUpdates.calls, totalUpdates.instanced, totalUpdates.indirect));

            if (totalUpdates.instanced > 0)
                statisticsLog.AppendText("\nInstance counts:\n");
                UInt32 maxCount     = 0;
                int    maxWithValue = 0;
                int    maximum      = totalUpdates.counts.Length;
                for (var s = 1; s < maximum; s++)
                    UInt32 value = totalUpdates.counts[s];
                    if (value > 0)
                        maxWithValue = s;
                    maxCount = Math.Max(maxCount, value);

                for (var s = 1; s <= maxWithValue; s++)
                    UInt32 count = totalUpdates.counts[s];
                    int    slice = SliceForString(Stars, count, maxCount);
                    statisticsLog.AppendText(String.Format("{0,2}{1,2}: {2} {3}\n", (s == maximum - 1) ? ">=" : "", s, Stars.Substring(0, slice), CountOrEmpty(count)));
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private void AppendInputAssemblerStatistics(FetchFrameInfo frameInfo)
            FetchFrameIndexBindStats totalIndexStats = new FetchFrameIndexBindStats();

                FetchFrameIndexBindStats indices = frameInfo.stats.indices;

                totalIndexStats.calls += indices.calls;
                totalIndexStats.sets  += indices.sets;
                totalIndexStats.nulls += indices.nulls;

            FetchFrameLayoutBindStats totalLayoutStats = new FetchFrameLayoutBindStats();

                FetchFrameLayoutBindStats layouts = frameInfo.stats.layouts;

                totalLayoutStats.calls += layouts.calls;
                totalLayoutStats.sets  += layouts.sets;
                totalLayoutStats.nulls += layouts.nulls;

            // #mivance see AppendConstantBindStatistics
            FetchFrameVertexBindStats template         = frameInfo.stats.vertices;
            FetchFrameVertexBindStats totalVertexStats = new FetchFrameVertexBindStats();

            totalVertexStats.bindslots = new UInt32[template.bindslots.Length];

                FetchFrameVertexBindStats vertices = frameInfo.stats.vertices;

                totalVertexStats.calls += vertices.calls;
                totalVertexStats.sets  += vertices.sets;
                totalVertexStats.nulls += vertices.nulls;

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(totalVertexStats.bindslots.Length == vertices.bindslots.Length);
                for (var s = 0; s < vertices.bindslots.Length; s++)
                    totalVertexStats.bindslots[s] += vertices.bindslots[s];

            statisticsLog.AppendText("\n*** Input Assembler Statistics ***\n\n");

            statisticsLog.AppendText(String.Format("Total index calls: {0}, non-null index sets: {1}, null index sets: {2}\n", totalIndexStats.calls, totalIndexStats.sets, totalIndexStats.nulls));
            statisticsLog.AppendText(String.Format("Total layout calls: {0}, non-null layout sets: {1}, null layout sets: {2}\n", totalLayoutStats.calls, totalLayoutStats.sets, totalLayoutStats.nulls));
            statisticsLog.AppendText(String.Format("Total vertex calls: {0}, non-null vertex sets: {1}, null vertex sets: {2}\n", totalVertexStats.calls, totalVertexStats.sets, totalVertexStats.nulls));

            statisticsLog.AppendText(CreateSimpleIntegerHistogram("Aggregate vertex slot counts per invocation", totalVertexStats.bindslots));
Ejemplo n.º 9
        private void AppendDispatchStatistics(FetchFrameInfo frameInfo)
            FetchFrameDispatchStats totalUpdates = new FetchFrameDispatchStats();

                FetchFrameDispatchStats dispatches = frameInfo.stats.dispatches;

                totalUpdates.calls    += dispatches.calls;
                totalUpdates.indirect += dispatches.indirect;

            statisticsLog.AppendText("\n*** Dispatch Statistics ***\n\n");

            statisticsLog.AppendText(String.Format("Total calls: {0}, indirect: {1}\n", totalUpdates.calls, totalUpdates.indirect));
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void CloseLogfile()
            if (!m_LogLoaded)

            m_LogFile = "";


            m_APIProperties = null;
            m_FrameInfo     = null;
            m_DrawCalls     = null;
            m_Buffers       = null;
            m_Textures      = null;

            m_D3D11PipelineState  = null;
            m_D3D12PipelineState  = null;
            m_GLPipelineState     = null;
            m_VulkanPipelineState = null;
            m_PipelineState.SetStates(null, null, null, null, null);

            UnreadMessageCount = 0;

            m_LogLoaded = false;

            if (m_LogWatcher != null)
                m_LogWatcher.EnableRaisingEvents = false;
            m_LogWatcher = null;

            foreach (var logviewer in m_LogViewers)
                Control c = (Control)logviewer;
                if (c.InvokeRequired)
                    c.Invoke(new Action(() => logviewer.OnLogfileClosed()));
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public string AppendAPICallSummary(FetchFrameInfo frameInfo, uint numAPICalls)
            if (frameInfo.stats.recorded == 0)

            uint numConstantSets = 0;
            uint numSamplerSets  = 0;
            uint numResourceSets = 0;
            uint numShaderSets   = 0;

            for (var s = (int)ShaderStageType.First; s < (int)ShaderStageType.Count; s++)
                numConstantSets += frameInfo.stats.constants[s].calls;
                numSamplerSets  += frameInfo.stats.samplers[s].calls;
                numResourceSets += frameInfo.stats.resources[s].calls;
                numShaderSets   += frameInfo.stats.shaders[s].calls;

            uint numResourceUpdates   = frameInfo.stats.updates.calls;
            uint numIndexVertexSets   = (frameInfo.stats.indices.calls + frameInfo.stats.vertices.calls + frameInfo.stats.layouts.calls);
            uint numDraws             = frameInfo.stats.draws.calls;
            uint numDispatches        = frameInfo.stats.dispatches.calls;
            uint numBlendSets         = frameInfo.stats.blends.calls;
            uint numDepthStencilSets  = frameInfo.stats.depths.calls;
            uint numRasterizationSets = frameInfo.stats.rasters.calls;
            uint numOutputSets        = frameInfo.stats.outputs.calls;

            string calls = "";

            calls += String.Format("API calls: {0}\n", numAPICalls);
            calls += String.Format("\tIndex/vertex bind calls: {0}\n", numIndexVertexSets);
            calls += String.Format("\tConstant bind calls: {0}\n", numConstantSets);
            calls += String.Format("\tSampler bind calls: {0}\n", numSamplerSets);
            calls += String.Format("\tResource bind calls: {0}\n", numResourceSets);
            calls += String.Format("\tShader set calls: {0}\n", numShaderSets);
            calls += String.Format("\tBlend set calls: {0}\n", numBlendSets);
            calls += String.Format("\tDepth/stencil set calls: {0}\n", numDepthStencilSets);
            calls += String.Format("\tRasterization set calls: {0}\n", numRasterizationSets);
            calls += String.Format("\tResource update calls: {0}\n", numResourceUpdates);
            calls += String.Format("\tOutput set calls: {0}\n", numOutputSets);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        private void AppendDetailedInformation(FetchFrameInfo frameInfo)
            if (frameInfo.stats.recorded == 0)

Ejemplo n.º 13
        private void AppendUpdateStatistics(FetchFrameInfo frameInfo)
            // #mivance see AppendConstantBindStatistics
            FetchFrameUpdateStats template = frameInfo.stats.updates;

            FetchFrameUpdateStats totalUpdates = new FetchFrameUpdateStats();

            totalUpdates.types = new UInt32[template.types.Length];
            totalUpdates.sizes = new UInt32[template.sizes.Length];

                FetchFrameUpdateStats updates = frameInfo.stats.updates;

                totalUpdates.calls   += updates.calls;
                totalUpdates.clients += updates.clients;
                totalUpdates.servers += updates.servers;

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(totalUpdates.types.Length == updates.types.Length);
                for (var t = 0; t < updates.types.Length; t++)
                    totalUpdates.types[t] += updates.types[t];

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(totalUpdates.sizes.Length == updates.sizes.Length);
                for (var t = 0; t < updates.sizes.Length; t++)
                    totalUpdates.sizes[t] += updates.sizes[t];

            statisticsLog.AppendText("\n*** Resource Update Statistics ***\n\n");

            statisticsLog.AppendText(String.Format("Total calls: {0}, client-updated memory: {1}, server-updated memory: {2}\n", totalUpdates.calls, totalUpdates.clients, totalUpdates.servers));

            statisticsLog.AppendText("\nUpdated resource types:\n");
            UInt32 maxCount     = 0;
            int    maxWithValue = 0;

            for (var s = 1; s < totalUpdates.types.Length; s++)
                UInt32 value = totalUpdates.types[s];
                if (value > 0)
                    maxWithValue = s;
                maxCount = Math.Max(maxCount, value);

            for (var s = 1; s <= maxWithValue; s++)
                UInt32             count = totalUpdates.types[s];
                int                slice = SliceForString(Stars, count, maxCount);
                ShaderResourceType type  = (ShaderResourceType)s;
                statisticsLog.AppendText(String.Format("{0,16}: {1} {2}\n", type.ToString(), Stars.Substring(0, slice), CountOrEmpty(count)));

            statisticsLog.AppendText("\nUpdated resource sizes:\n");
            maxCount     = 0;
            maxWithValue = 0;
            for (var s = 0; s < totalUpdates.sizes.Length; s++)
                UInt32 value = totalUpdates.sizes[s];
                if (value > 0)
                    maxWithValue = s;
                maxCount = Math.Max(maxCount, value);

            for (var s = 0; s <= maxWithValue; s++)
                UInt32 count = totalUpdates.sizes[s];
                int    slice = SliceForString(Stars, count, maxCount);
                statisticsLog.AppendText(String.Format("{0,8}: {1} {2}\n", Pow2IndexAsReadable(s), Stars.Substring(0, slice), CountOrEmpty(count)));
Ejemplo n.º 14
        // generally logFile == origFilename, but if the log was transferred remotely then origFilename
        // is the log locally before being copied we can present to the user in dialogs, etc.
        public void LoadLogfile(string logFile, string origFilename, bool temporary, bool local)
            m_LogFile = origFilename;

            m_LogLocal = local;

            m_LogLoadingInProgress = true;

            if (File.Exists(Core.ConfigFilename))

            float postloadProgress = 0.0f;

            bool progressThread = true;

            // start a modal dialog to prevent the user interacting with the form while the log is loading.
            // We'll close it down when log loading finishes (whether it succeeds or fails)
            ProgressPopup modal = new ProgressPopup(LogLoadCallback, true);

            Thread modalThread = Helpers.NewThread(new ThreadStart(() =>
                modal.SetModalText(string.Format("Loading Log: {0}", origFilename));

                AppWindow.BeginInvoke(new Action(() =>


            // this thread continually ticks and notifies any threads of the progress, through a float
            // that is updated by the main loading code
            Thread thread = Helpers.NewThread(new ThreadStart(() =>

                foreach (var p in m_ProgressListeners)

                while (progressThread)

                    float progress = 0.8f * m_Renderer.LoadProgress + 0.19f * postloadProgress + 0.01f;


                    foreach (var p in m_ProgressListeners)


            // this function call will block until the log is either loaded, or there's some failure

            // if the renderer isn't running, we hit a failure case so display an error message
            if (!m_Renderer.Running)
                string errmsg = m_Renderer.InitException.Status.Str();

                MessageBox.Show(String.Format("{0}\nFailed to open file for replay: {1}.\n\n" +
                                              "Check diagnostic log in Help menu for more details.", origFilename, errmsg),
                                "Error opening log", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                progressThread = false;

                m_LogLoadingInProgress = false;


                foreach (var p in m_ProgressListeners)


            if (!temporary)
                m_Config.AddRecentFile(m_Config.RecentLogFiles, origFilename, 10);

                if (File.Exists(Core.ConfigFilename))

            m_EventID = 0;

            m_FrameInfo     = null;
            m_APIProperties = null;

            // fetch initial data like drawcalls, textures and buffers
            m_Renderer.Invoke((ReplayRenderer r) =>
                m_FrameInfo = r.GetFrameInfo();

                m_APIProperties = r.GetAPIProperties();

                postloadProgress = 0.2f;

                m_DrawCalls = FakeProfileMarkers(r.GetDrawcalls());

                bool valid = HasValidMarkerColors(m_DrawCalls);

                if (!valid)

                postloadProgress = 0.4f;

                m_Buffers = r.GetBuffers();

                postloadProgress = 0.7f;
                var texs         = new List <FetchTexture>(r.GetTextures());
                m_Textures       = texs.OrderBy(o => o.name).ToArray();

                postloadProgress = 0.9f;

                m_D3D11PipelineState  = r.GetD3D11PipelineState();
                m_D3D12PipelineState  = r.GetD3D12PipelineState();
                m_GLPipelineState     = r.GetGLPipelineState();
                m_VulkanPipelineState = r.GetVulkanPipelineState();
                m_PipelineState.SetStates(m_APIProperties, m_D3D11PipelineState, m_D3D12PipelineState, m_GLPipelineState, m_VulkanPipelineState);

                UnreadMessageCount = 0;

                postloadProgress = 1.0f;


            DateTime today   = DateTime.Now;
            DateTime compare = today.AddDays(-21);

            if (compare.CompareTo(Config.DegradedLog_LastUpdate) >= 0 && m_APIProperties.degraded)
                Config.DegradedLog_LastUpdate = today;

                MessageBox.Show(String.Format("{0}\nThis log opened with degraded support - " +
                                              "this could mean missing hardware support caused a fallback to software rendering.\n\n" +
                                              "This warning will not appear every time this happens, " +
                                              "check debug errors/warnings window for more details.", origFilename),
                                "Degraded support of log", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);

            m_LogLoaded    = true;
            progressThread = false;

            if (local)
                    m_LogWatcher = new FileSystemWatcher(Path.GetDirectoryName(m_LogFile), Path.GetFileName(m_LogFile));
                    m_LogWatcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
                    m_LogWatcher.NotifyFilter        = NotifyFilters.Size | NotifyFilters.FileName | NotifyFilters.LastAccess | NotifyFilters.LastWrite;
                    m_LogWatcher.Created            += new FileSystemEventHandler(OnLogfileChanged);
                    m_LogWatcher.Changed            += new FileSystemEventHandler(OnLogfileChanged);
                    m_LogWatcher.SynchronizingObject = m_MainWindow; // callbacks on UI thread please
                catch (ArgumentException)
                    // likely an "invalid" directory name - FileSystemWatcher doesn't support UNC paths properly

            List <ILogViewerForm> logviewers = new List <ILogViewerForm>();


            // make sure we're on a consistent event before invoking log viewer forms
            FetchDrawcall draw = m_DrawCalls.Last();

            while (draw.children != null && draw.children.Length > 0)
                draw = draw.children.Last();

            SetEventID(logviewers.ToArray(), draw.eventID, true);

            // notify all the registers log viewers that a log has been loaded
            foreach (var logviewer in logviewers)
                if (logviewer == null || !(logviewer is Control))

                Control c = (Control)logviewer;
                if (c.InvokeRequired)
                    if (!c.IsDisposed)
                        c.Invoke(new Action(() => {
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                throw new AccessViolationException("Rethrown from Invoke:\n" + ex.ToString());
                else if (!c.IsDisposed)

            m_LogLoadingInProgress = false;


            foreach (var p in m_ProgressListeners)
Ejemplo n.º 15
        private void AppendConstantBindStatistics(FetchFrameInfo frameInfo)
            // #mivance C++-side we guarantee all stages will have the same slots
            // and sizes count, so pattern off of the first frame's first stage
            FetchFrameConstantBindStats template = frameInfo.stats.constants[0];

            // #mivance there is probably a way to iterate the fields via
            // GetType()/GetField() and build a sort of dynamic min/max/average
            // structure for a given type with known integral types (or arrays
            // thereof), but given we're heading for a Qt/C++ rewrite of the UI
            // perhaps best not to dwell too long on that
            FetchFrameConstantBindStats[] totalConstantsPerStage = new FetchFrameConstantBindStats[(int)ShaderStageType.Count];
            for (var s = (int)ShaderStageType.First; s < (int)ShaderStageType.Count; s++)
                totalConstantsPerStage[s]           = new FetchFrameConstantBindStats();
                totalConstantsPerStage[s].bindslots = new UInt32[template.bindslots.Length];
                totalConstantsPerStage[s].sizes     = new UInt32[template.sizes.Length];

                FetchFrameConstantBindStats[] constants = frameInfo.stats.constants;
                for (var s = (int)ShaderStageType.First; s < (int)ShaderStageType.Count; s++)
                    totalConstantsPerStage[s].calls += constants[s].calls;
                    totalConstantsPerStage[s].sets  += constants[s].sets;
                    totalConstantsPerStage[s].nulls += constants[s].nulls;

                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(totalConstantsPerStage[s].bindslots.Length == constants[s].bindslots.Length);
                    for (var l = 0; l < constants[s].bindslots.Length; l++)
                        totalConstantsPerStage[s].bindslots[l] += constants[s].bindslots[l];

                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(totalConstantsPerStage[s].sizes.Length == constants[s].sizes.Length);
                    for (var z = 0; z < constants[s].sizes.Length; z++)
                        totalConstantsPerStage[s].sizes[z] += constants[s].sizes[z];

            FetchFrameConstantBindStats totalConstantsForAllStages = new FetchFrameConstantBindStats();

            totalConstantsForAllStages.bindslots = new UInt32[totalConstantsPerStage[0].bindslots.Length];
            totalConstantsForAllStages.sizes     = new UInt32[totalConstantsPerStage[0].sizes.Length];

            for (var s = (int)ShaderStageType.First; s < (int)ShaderStageType.Count; s++)
                FetchFrameConstantBindStats perStage = totalConstantsPerStage[s];
                totalConstantsForAllStages.calls += perStage.calls;
                totalConstantsForAllStages.sets  += perStage.sets;
                totalConstantsForAllStages.nulls += perStage.nulls;
                for (var l = 0; l < perStage.bindslots.Length; l++)
                    totalConstantsForAllStages.bindslots[l] += perStage.bindslots[l];
                for (var z = 0; z < perStage.sizes.Length; z++)
                    totalConstantsForAllStages.sizes[z] += perStage.sizes[z];

            statisticsLog.AppendText("\n*** Constant Bind Statistics ***\n\n");

            for (var s = (int)ShaderStageType.First; s < (int)ShaderStageType.Count; s++)
                statisticsLog.AppendText(String.Format("{0} calls: {1}, non-null buffer sets: {2}, null buffer sets: {3}\n",
                                                       m_Core.CurPipelineState.Abbrev((ShaderStageType)s), totalConstantsPerStage[s].calls,
                                                       totalConstantsPerStage[s].sets, totalConstantsPerStage[s].nulls));

            statisticsLog.AppendText(String.Format("Total calls: {0}, non-null buffer sets: {1}, null buffer sets: {2}\n",
                                                   totalConstantsForAllStages.calls, totalConstantsForAllStages.sets, totalConstantsForAllStages.nulls));

            statisticsLog.AppendText(CreateSimpleIntegerHistogram("Aggregate slot counts per invocation across all stages", totalConstantsForAllStages.bindslots));

            statisticsLog.AppendText("\nAggregate constant buffer sizes across all stages:\n");
            UInt32 maxCount     = 0;
            int    maxWithValue = 0;

            for (var s = 0; s < totalConstantsForAllStages.sizes.Length; s++)
                UInt32 value = totalConstantsForAllStages.sizes[s];
                if (value > 0)
                    maxWithValue = s;
                maxCount = Math.Max(maxCount, value);

            for (var s = 0; s <= maxWithValue; s++)
                UInt32 count = totalConstantsForAllStages.sizes[s];
                int    slice = SliceForString(Stars, count, maxCount);
                statisticsLog.AppendText(String.Format("{0,8}: {1} {2}\n", Pow2IndexAsReadable(s), Stars.Substring(0, slice), CountOrEmpty(count)));
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public void OnLogfileLoaded()

            long fileSize = (new FileInfo(m_Core.LogFileName)).Length;

            var lastDraw = m_Core.CurDrawcalls[m_Core.CurDrawcalls.Length - 1];

            while (lastDraw.children != null && lastDraw.children.Length > 0)
                lastDraw = lastDraw.children[lastDraw.children.Length - 1];

            uint drawCount       = 0;
            uint dispatchCount   = 0;
            uint diagnosticCount = 0;

            foreach (var d in m_Core.CurDrawcalls)
                CountContributingEvents(d, ref drawCount, ref dispatchCount, ref diagnosticCount);

            uint numAPIcalls = lastDraw.eventID - (drawCount + dispatchCount + diagnosticCount);

            int numTextures = m_Core.CurTextures.Length;
            int numBuffers  = m_Core.CurBuffers.Length;

            ulong IBBytes  = 0;
            ulong VBBytes  = 0;
            ulong BufBytes = 0;

            foreach (var b in m_Core.CurBuffers)
                BufBytes += b.length;

                if ((b.creationFlags & BufferCreationFlags.IB) != 0)
                    IBBytes += b.length;
                if ((b.creationFlags & BufferCreationFlags.VB) != 0)
                    VBBytes += b.length;

            ulong RTBytes       = 0;
            ulong TexBytes      = 0;
            ulong LargeTexBytes = 0;

            int   numRTs = 0;
            float texW = 0, texH = 0;
            float largeTexW = 0, largeTexH = 0;
            int   texCount = 0, largeTexCount = 0;

            foreach (var t in m_Core.CurTextures)
                if ((t.creationFlags & (TextureCreationFlags.RTV | TextureCreationFlags.DSV)) != 0)

                    RTBytes += t.byteSize;
                    texW += (float)t.width;
                    texH += (float)t.height;

                    TexBytes += t.byteSize;

                    if (t.width > 32 && t.height > 32)
                        largeTexW += (float)t.width;
                        largeTexH += (float)t.height;

                        LargeTexBytes += t.byteSize;

            texW /= texCount;
            texH /= texCount;

            largeTexW /= largeTexCount;
            largeTexH /= largeTexCount;

            FetchFrameInfo frameInfo = m_Core.FrameInfo;

            UInt64 persistentData = frameInfo.persistentSize;

            float compressedMB   = (float)fileSize / (1024.0f * 1024.0f);
            float uncompressedMB = (float)frameInfo.fileSize / (1024.0f * 1024.0f);
            float compressRatio  = uncompressedMB / compressedMB;
            float persistentMB   = (float)frameInfo.persistentSize / (1024.0f * 1024.0f);
            float initDataMB     = (float)frameInfo.initDataSize / (1024.0f * 1024.0f);

            string header = String.Format("Stats for {0}.\n\nFile size: {1:N2}MB ({2:N2}MB uncompressed, compression ratio {3:N2}:1)\nPersistent Data (approx): {4:N2}MB, Frame-initial data (approx): {5:N2}MB\n",
                                          Path.GetFileName(m_Core.LogFileName), compressedMB, uncompressedMB, compressRatio, persistentMB, initDataMB);
            string draws = String.Format("Draw calls: {0}\nDispatch calls: {1}\n",
                                         drawCount, dispatchCount);
            string calls    = AppendAPICallSummary(frameInfo, numAPIcalls);
            string ratio    = String.Format("API:Draw/Dispatch call ratio: {0}\n\n", (float)numAPIcalls / (float)(drawCount + dispatchCount));
            string textures = String.Format("{0} Textures - {1:N2} MB ({2:N2} MB over 32x32), {3} RTs - {4:N2} MB.\nAvg. tex dimension: {5}x{6} ({7}x{8} over 32x32)\n",
                                            numTextures, (float)TexBytes / (1024.0f * 1024.0f), (float)LargeTexBytes / (1024.0f * 1024.0f),
                                            numRTs, (float)RTBytes / (1024.0f * 1024.0f),
                                            texW, texH, largeTexW, largeTexH);
            string buffers = String.Format("{0} Buffers - {1:N2} MB total {2:N2} MB IBs {3:N2} MB VBs.\n",
                                           numBuffers, (float)BufBytes / (1024.0f * 1024.0f), (float)IBBytes / (1024.0f * 1024.0f), (float)VBBytes / (1024.0f * 1024.0f));
            string load = String.Format("{0} MB - Grand total GPU buffer + texture load.\n", (float)(TexBytes + BufBytes + RTBytes) / (1024.0f * 1024.0f));


            statisticsLog.AppendText("\n*** Summary ***\n\n");


            statisticsLog.Select(0, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        private void AppendResourceBindStatistics(FetchFrameInfo frameInfo)
            // #mivance see AppendConstantBindStatistics
            FetchFrameResourceBindStats template = frameInfo.stats.resources[0];

            FetchFrameResourceBindStats[] totalResourcesPerStage = new FetchFrameResourceBindStats[(int)ShaderStageType.Count];
            for (var s = (int)ShaderStageType.First; s < (int)ShaderStageType.Count; s++)
                totalResourcesPerStage[s]           = new FetchFrameResourceBindStats();
                totalResourcesPerStage[s].types     = new UInt32[template.types.Length];
                totalResourcesPerStage[s].bindslots = new UInt32[template.bindslots.Length];

                FetchFrameResourceBindStats[] resources = frameInfo.stats.resources;
                for (var s = (int)ShaderStageType.First; s < (int)ShaderStageType.Count; s++)
                    totalResourcesPerStage[s].calls += resources[s].calls;
                    totalResourcesPerStage[s].sets  += resources[s].sets;
                    totalResourcesPerStage[s].nulls += resources[s].nulls;

                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(totalResourcesPerStage[s].types.Length == resources[s].types.Length);
                    for (var z = 0; z < resources[s].types.Length; z++)
                        totalResourcesPerStage[s].types[z] += resources[s].types[z];

                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(totalResourcesPerStage[s].bindslots.Length == resources[s].bindslots.Length);
                    for (var l = 0; l < resources[s].bindslots.Length; l++)
                        totalResourcesPerStage[s].bindslots[l] += resources[s].bindslots[l];

            FetchFrameResourceBindStats totalResourcesForAllStages = new FetchFrameResourceBindStats();

            totalResourcesForAllStages.types     = new UInt32[totalResourcesPerStage[0].types.Length];
            totalResourcesForAllStages.bindslots = new UInt32[totalResourcesPerStage[0].bindslots.Length];

            for (var s = (int)ShaderStageType.First; s < (int)ShaderStageType.Count; s++)
                FetchFrameResourceBindStats perStage = totalResourcesPerStage[s];
                totalResourcesForAllStages.calls += perStage.calls;
                totalResourcesForAllStages.sets  += perStage.sets;
                totalResourcesForAllStages.nulls += perStage.nulls;
                for (var t = 0; t < perStage.types.Length; t++)
                    totalResourcesForAllStages.types[t] += perStage.types[t];
                for (var l = 0; l < perStage.bindslots.Length; l++)
                    totalResourcesForAllStages.bindslots[l] += perStage.bindslots[l];

            statisticsLog.AppendText("\n*** Resource Bind Statistics ***\n\n");

            for (var s = (int)ShaderStageType.First; s < (int)ShaderStageType.Count; s++)
                statisticsLog.AppendText(String.Format("{0} calls: {1} non-null resource sets: {2} null resource sets: {3}\n",
                                                       m_Core.CurPipelineState.Abbrev((ShaderStageType)s), totalResourcesPerStage[s].calls,
                                                       totalResourcesPerStage[s].sets, totalResourcesPerStage[s].nulls));

            statisticsLog.AppendText(String.Format("Total calls: {0} non-null resource sets: {1} null resource sets: {2}\n",
                                                   totalResourcesForAllStages.calls, totalResourcesForAllStages.sets,

            UInt32 maxCount     = 0;
            int    maxWithCount = 0;

            statisticsLog.AppendText("\nResource types across all stages:\n");
            for (var s = 0; s < totalResourcesForAllStages.types.Length; s++)
                UInt32 count = totalResourcesForAllStages.types[s];
                if (count > 0)
                    maxWithCount = s;
                maxCount = Math.Max(maxCount, count);

            for (var s = 0; s <= maxWithCount; s++)
                UInt32             count = totalResourcesForAllStages.types[s];
                int                slice = SliceForString(Stars, count, maxCount);
                ShaderResourceType type  = (ShaderResourceType)s;
                statisticsLog.AppendText(String.Format("{0,16}: {1} {2}\n", type.ToString(), Stars.Substring(0, slice), CountOrEmpty(count)));

            statisticsLog.AppendText(CreateSimpleIntegerHistogram("Aggregate slot counts per invocation across all stages", totalResourcesForAllStages.bindslots));