public StandardTransactionPolicy()
			ScriptVerify = NBitcoin.ScriptVerify.Standard;
			MaxTransactionSize = 100000;
			MaxTxFee = new FeeRate(Money.Coins(0.1m));
			MinRelayTxFee = new FeeRate(Money.Satoshis(5000));
			CheckFee = true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void ReadSettings(bool bindControl = true)
            Algorithm   = BotSetting.AlgorithmList.Where(x => x.Id == Settings.Default.algorithm).First();
            CandleType  = new CandleType(Settings.Default.candleType);
            FeeRate     = Settings.Default.feeRate;
            TradeRate   = Settings.Default.tradeRate;
            Coin        = BotSetting.CoinList.Where(x => x.Ticker.Equals(Settings.Default.coin)).FirstOrDefault();
            Interval    = Convert.ToInt32(Settings.Default.interval);
            TriggerRate = Settings.Default.triggerRate;
            CandleCount = Convert.ToInt32(Settings.Default.candleCount);

            if (bindControl)
                cmbAlgorithm.SelectedItem = Algorithm;
                cmbCandle.SelectedItem    = CandleType;
                txtFee.Text          = FeeRate.ToString();
                txtTradeRate.Text    = TradeRate.ToString();
                cmbCoin.SelectedItem = Coin;
                txtInterval.Text     = Interval.ToString();
                txtTriggerRate.Text  = TriggerRate.ToString();
                txtCandleCount.Text  = CandleCount.ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public TrustedBroadcastRequest CreateOfferRedeemTransaction(FeeRate feeRate)
            Transaction tx = new Transaction();

            tx.LockTime = EscrowScriptPubKeyParameters.GetFromCoin(InternalState.EscrowedCoin).LockTime;
            tx.Inputs.Add(new TxIn());
            tx.Inputs[0].Sequence = 0;
            tx.Outputs.Add(new TxOut(InternalState.OfferCoin.Amount, InternalState.RedeemDestination));
            tx.Inputs[0].ScriptSig = new Script(
            tx.Outputs[0].Value -= feeRate.GetFee(tx.GetVirtualSize());

            var redeemTransaction = new TrustedBroadcastRequest
                Key = InternalState.EscrowKey,
                PreviousScriptPubKey = InternalState.OfferCoin.ScriptPubKey,
                Transaction          = tx

    private void ValidateCustomFee(IValidationErrors errors)
        var customFeeString = CustomFee;

        if (customFeeString is null or "")

        if (customFeeString.Any(c => !char.IsDigit(c) && c != '.'))
            errors.Add(ErrorSeverity.Error, "The field only accepts numbers.");

        if (!decimal.TryParse(customFeeString, NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out var value))
            errors.Add(ErrorSeverity.Error, "The entered fee is not valid.");

        if (value < decimal.One)
            errors.Add(ErrorSeverity.Error, "Cannot be less than 1 sat/vByte.");

            _ = new FeeRate(value);
        catch (OverflowException)
            errors.Add(ErrorSeverity.Error, "The entered fee is too high.");
Ejemplo n.º 5
    public async Task GenerateCoinsAsync(int numberOfCoins, int seed, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        var feeRate = new FeeRate(4.0m);

        var(splitTx, spendingCoin) = Wallet.CreateTemplateTransaction();
        var availableAmount = spendingCoin.EffectiveValue(feeRate, CoordinationFeeRate.Zero);

        var rnd = new Random(seed);

        double NextNotTooSmall() => 0.00001 + (rnd.NextDouble() * 0.99999);

        var sampling = Enumerable
                       .Range(0, numberOfCoins - 1)
                       .Select(_ => NextNotTooSmall())
                       .OrderBy(x => x)

        var amounts = sampling
                      .Zip(sampling.Skip(1), (x, y) => y - x)
                      .Select(x => x * availableAmount.Satoshi)
                      .Select(x => Money.Satoshis((long)x));

        var scriptPubKey = Wallet.ScriptPubKey;

        foreach (var amount in amounts)
            var effectiveOutputValue = amount - feeRate.GetFee(scriptPubKey.EstimateOutputVsize());
            splitTx.Outputs.Add(new TxOut(effectiveOutputValue, scriptPubKey));

        await Wallet.SendRawTransactionAsync(Wallet.SignTransaction(splitTx), cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

        SplitTransaction = new SmartTransaction(splitTx, new Height(1));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public static ExternalServices CreateUsingFullNode(IRepository repository, Tracker tracker, TumblingState tumblingState)
            FeeRate minimumRate = new FeeRate(MempoolValidator.MinRelayTxFee.FeePerK);

            ExternalServices service = new ExternalServices();

            service.FeeService = new FullNodeFeeService()
                MinimumFeeRate = minimumRate

            // on regtest the estimatefee always fails
            if (tumblingState.TumblerNetwork == Network.RegTest)
                service.FeeService = new FullNodeFeeService()
                    MinimumFeeRate  = minimumRate,
                    FallBackFeeRate = new FeeRate(Money.Satoshis(50), 1)

            // TODO: These ultimately need to be brought in from the tumblebit client UI
            string dummyWalletName  = "";
            string dummyAccountName = "";

            FullNodeWalletCache cache = new FullNodeWalletCache(repository, tumblingState);

            service.WalletService           = new FullNodeWalletService(tumblingState, dummyWalletName, dummyAccountName);
            service.BroadcastService        = new FullNodeBroadcastService(cache, repository, tumblingState);
            service.BlockExplorerService    = new FullNodeBlockExplorerService(cache, repository, tumblingState);
            service.TrustedBroadcastService = new FullNodeTrustedBroadcastService(service.BroadcastService, service.BlockExplorerService, repository, cache, tracker, tumblingState)
                // BlockExplorer will already track the addresses, since they used a shared bitcoind, no need of tracking again (this would overwrite labels)
                TrackPreviousScriptPubKey = false
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public PowBlockAssembler(ConsensusLoop consensusLoop, Network network, ConcurrentChain chain,
                                 MempoolScheduler mempoolScheduler, TxMempool mempool,
                                 IDateTimeProvider dateTimeProvider, AssemblerOptions options = null)
            options = options ?? new AssemblerOptions();
            this.blockMinFeeRate = options.BlockMinFeeRate;
            // Limit weight to between 4K and MAX_BLOCK_WEIGHT-4K for sanity:
            this.blockMaxWeight = (uint)Math.Max(4000, Math.Min(PowMining.DefaultBlockMaxWeight - 4000, options.BlockMaxWeight));
            // Limit size to between 1K and MAX_BLOCK_SERIALIZED_SIZE-1K for sanity:
            this.blockMaxSize = (uint)Math.Max(1000, Math.Min(network.Consensus.Option <PowConsensusOptions>().MAX_BLOCK_SERIALIZED_SIZE - 1000, options.BlockMaxSize));
            // Whether we need to account for byte usage (in addition to weight usage)
            this.needSizeAccounting = (blockMaxSize < network.Consensus.Option <PowConsensusOptions>().MAX_BLOCK_SERIALIZED_SIZE - 1000);

            this.consensusLoop    = consensusLoop;
            this.chain            = chain;
            this.mempoolScheduler = mempoolScheduler;
            this.mempool          = mempool;
            this.dateTimeProvider = dateTimeProvider;
            this.options          = options;
            = network;

            this.inBlock = new TxMempool.SetEntries();

            // Reserve space for coinbase tx
            this.blockSize       = 1000;
            this.blockWeight     = 4000;
            this.blockSigOpsCost = 400;
            this.fIncludeWitness = false;

            // These counters do not include coinbase tx
            this.blockTx = 0;
            this.fees    = 0;

            this.pblocktemplate = new BlockTemplate {
                Block = new Block(), VTxFees = new List <Money>()
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private async Task <bool> TryConfirmConnectionAsync(long vsizeAllocationToRequest, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var inputVsize      = Coin.ScriptPubKey.EstimateInputVsize();
            var vsizesToRequest = new[] { vsizeAllocationToRequest - inputVsize };

            var totalFeeToPay   = FeeRate.GetFee(Coin.ScriptPubKey.EstimateInputVsize());
            var totalAmount     = Coin.Amount;
            var effectiveAmount = totalAmount - totalFeeToPay;

            if (effectiveAmount <= Money.Zero)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Round({ RoundId }), Alice({ AliceId}): Not enough funds to pay for the fees.");

            var amountsToRequest = new[] { effectiveAmount.Satoshi };

            var response = await ArenaClient

            var isConfirmed = response.Value;

            if (isConfirmed)
                RealAmountCredentials = response.RealAmountCredentials;
                RealVsizeCredentials  = response.RealVsizeCredentials;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public override void CheckTransaction(MempoolValidationContext context)
            if (context.Transaction.IsCoinBase)

            List <byte[]> opReturns       = context.Transaction.Outputs.Select(o => o.ScriptPubKey.ToBytes(true)).Where(b => IsOpReturn(b)).ToList();
            Money         transactionFees = context.Fees;
            FeeRate       OpReturnFeeRate = new FeeRate(((x42Consensus);

            // If there is OP_RETURN data, we will want to make sure the fee is correct.
            if (opReturns.Count() > 0)
                var opReturnSize = opReturns.Sum(r => r.Length);
                if (transactionFees < OpReturnFeeRate.GetFee(opReturnSize))

Ejemplo n.º 10
        public TrustedBroadcastRequest CreateRedeemTransaction(Network network, FeeRate feeRate)
            if (feeRate == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(feeRate));

            var         escrow     = EscrowScriptPubKeyParameters.GetFromCoin(InternalState.EscrowedCoin);
            var         escrowCoin = InternalState.EscrowedCoin;
            Transaction tx         = new Transaction();

            tx.LockTime = escrow.LockTime;
            tx.Inputs.Add(new TxIn());
            //Put a dummy signature and the redeem script
            tx.Inputs[0].ScriptSig =
                new Script(
            tx.Inputs[0].Sequence = 0;

            tx.Outputs.Add(new TxOut(escrowCoin.Amount, InternalState.RedeemDestination));
            var virtualSize = tx.HasWitness ? tx.GetVirtualSize(network.Consensus.Options.WitnessScaleFactor) : tx.GetSerializedSize();

            tx.Outputs[0].Value -= feeRate.GetFee(tx.GetVirtualSize(virtualSize));

            var redeemTransaction = new TrustedBroadcastRequest
                Key = InternalState.EscrowKey,
                PreviousScriptPubKey = escrowCoin.ScriptPubKey,
                Transaction          = tx,
                KnownPrevious        = new Coin[] { escrowCoin }

        public BlockPolicyEstimator(FeeRate minRelayFee, NodeSettings nodeArgs, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
            this.mapMemPoolTxs   = new Dictionary <uint256, TxStatsInfo>();
            this.nodeArgs        = nodeArgs;
            this.nBestSeenHeight = 0;
            this.trackedTxs      = 0;
            this.untrackedTxs    = 0;
            this.logger          = loggerFactory.CreateLogger(this.GetType().FullName);

            this.minTrackedFee = minRelayFee < new FeeRate(new Money(MIN_FEERATE))
                ? new FeeRate(new Money(MIN_FEERATE))
                : minRelayFee;
            var vfeelist = new List <double>();

            for (double bucketBoundary = this.minTrackedFee.FeePerK.Satoshi;
                 bucketBoundary <= MAX_FEERATE;
                 bucketBoundary *= FEE_SPACING)
            this.feeStats = new TxConfirmStats(this.logger);
            this.feeStats.Initialize(vfeelist, MAX_BLOCK_CONFIRMS, DEFAULT_DECAY);
        // Process a transaction accepted to the mempool
        public void ProcessTransaction(TxMempoolEntry entry, bool validFeeEstimate)
            int     txHeight = entry.EntryHeight;
            uint256 hash     = entry.TransactionHash;

            if (mapMemPoolTxs.ContainsKey(hash))
                Logging.Logs.EstimateFee.LogInformation($"Blockpolicy error mempool tx {hash} already being tracked");

            if (txHeight != nBestSeenHeight)
                // Ignore side chains and re-orgs; assuming they are random they don't
                // affect the estimate.  We'll potentially double count transactions in 1-block reorgs.
                // Ignore txs if BlockPolicyEstimator is not in sync with chainActive.Tip().
                // It will be synced next time a block is processed.

            // Only want to be updating estimates when our blockchain is synced,
            // otherwise we'll miscalculate how many blocks its taking to get included.
            if (!validFeeEstimate)

            // Feerates are stored and reported as BTC-per-kb:
            FeeRate feeRate = new FeeRate(entry.Fee, (int)entry.GetTxSize());

            mapMemPoolTxs.Add(hash, new TxStatsInfo());
            mapMemPoolTxs[hash].blockHeight = txHeight;
            mapMemPoolTxs[hash].bucketIndex = feeStats.NewTx(txHeight, (double)feeRate.FeePerK.Satoshi);
        public WalletFeePolicy(BlockPolicyEstimator blockPolicyEstimator, MempoolValidator mempoolValidator, TxMempool mempool, Network network)
            this.blockPolicyEstimator = blockPolicyEstimator;
            this.mempoolValidator     = mempoolValidator;
            this.mempool = mempool;

            this.minTxFee      = new FeeRate(1000);
            this.fallbackFee   = new FeeRate(20000);
            this.payTxFee      = new FeeRate(0);
            this.maxTxFee      = new Money(0.1M, MoneyUnit.BTC);
            this.minRelayTxFee = MempoolValidator.MinRelayTxFee;

            // this is a very very ugly hack
            // the fee constants should be set at the
            // network level or the consensus options
            if (network.Name.ToLower().Contains("stratis"))
                this.minTxFee      = new FeeRate(10000);
                this.fallbackFee   = new FeeRate(40000);
                this.payTxFee      = new FeeRate(0);
                this.maxTxFee      = new Money(0.1M, MoneyUnit.BTC);
                this.minRelayTxFee = new FeeRate(10000);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs an instance of the block policy estimator object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mempoolSettings">Mempool settings.</param>
        /// <param name="loggerFactory">Factory for creating loggers.</param>
        /// <param name="nodeSettings">Full node settings.</param>
        public BlockPolicyEstimator(MempoolSettings mempoolSettings, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, NodeSettings nodeSettings)
            this.mapMemPoolTxs   = new Dictionary <uint256, TxStatsInfo>();
            this.mempoolSettings = mempoolSettings;
            this.nBestSeenHeight = 0;
            this.trackedTxs      = 0;
            this.untrackedTxs    = 0;
            this.logger          = loggerFactory.CreateLogger(this.GetType().FullName);

            this.minTrackedFee = nodeSettings.MinRelayTxFeeRate < new FeeRate(new Money(MinFeeRate))
                ? new FeeRate(new Money(MinFeeRate))
                : nodeSettings.MinRelayTxFeeRate;
            var vfeelist = new List <double>();

            for (double bucketBoundary = this.minTrackedFee.FeePerK.Satoshi;
                 bucketBoundary <= MaxFeeRate;
                 bucketBoundary *= FeeSpacing)
            this.feeStats = new TxConfirmStats(this.logger);
            this.feeStats.Initialize(vfeelist, MaxBlockConfirms, DefaultDecay);
Ejemplo n.º 15
    public RoundParameters(
        WabiSabiConfig wabiSabiConfig,
        Network network,
        WasabiRandom random,
        FeeRate feeRate,
        CoordinationFeeRate coordinationFeeRate)
        Network             = network;
        Random              = random;
        FeeRate             = feeRate;
        CoordinationFeeRate = coordinationFeeRate;

        MaxInputCountByRound = wabiSabiConfig.MaxInputCountByRound;
        MinInputCountByRound = wabiSabiConfig.MinInputCountByRound;
        MinRegistrableAmount = wabiSabiConfig.MinRegistrableAmount;
        MaxRegistrableAmount = wabiSabiConfig.MaxRegistrableAmount;

        // Note that input registration timeouts can be modified runtime.
        StandardInputRegistrationTimeout = wabiSabiConfig.StandardInputRegistrationTimeout;
        ConnectionConfirmationTimeout    = wabiSabiConfig.ConnectionConfirmationTimeout;
        OutputRegistrationTimeout        = wabiSabiConfig.OutputRegistrationTimeout;
        TransactionSigningTimeout        = wabiSabiConfig.TransactionSigningTimeout;
        BlameInputRegistrationTimeout    = wabiSabiConfig.BlameInputRegistrationTimeout;
Ejemplo n.º 16
        protected BlockDefinition(
            IConsensusManager consensusManager,
            IDateTimeProvider dateTimeProvider,
            ILoggerFactory loggerFactory,
            ITxMempool mempool,
            MempoolSchedulerLock mempoolLock,
            MinerSettings minerSettings,
            Network network)
            this.ConsensusManager = consensusManager;
            this.DateTimeProvider = dateTimeProvider;
            this.logger           = loggerFactory.CreateLogger(this.GetType().FullName);
            this.Mempool          = mempool;
            this.MempoolLock      = mempoolLock;
            this.Network          = network;

            this.Options         = minerSettings.BlockDefinitionOptions;
            this.BlockMinFeeRate = this.Options.BlockMinFeeRate;

            // Whether we need to account for byte usage (in addition to weight usage).
            this.NeedSizeAccounting = (this.Options.BlockMaxSize < network.Consensus.Options.MaxBlockSerializedSize);

Ejemplo n.º 17
        public async Task <Transaction> ReceiveAsync(ScriptCoin escrowedCoin, TransactionSignature clientSignature, Key escrowKey, FeeRate feeRate)
            _ReceiveBatch.FeeRate = feeRate;
            var task = _ReceiveBatch.WaitTransactionAsync(new ClientEscapeData()
                ClientSignature = clientSignature,
                EscrowedCoin    = escrowedCoin,
                EscrowKey       = escrowKey

            Logs.Tumbler.LogDebug($"ClientEscape batch count {_ReceiveBatch.BatchCount}");
            return(await task);
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public GetFeeRateResult GetFeeRate(int blockCount, FeeRate fallbackFeeRate, CancellationToken cancellation = default)
     return(GetFeeRateAsync(blockCount, fallbackFeeRate, cancellation).GetAwaiter().GetResult());
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public void BlockPolicyEstimates()
            var          dateTimeSet = new DateTimeProviderSet();
            NodeSettings settings    = NodeSettings.Default();
            var          mpool       = new TxMempool(DateTimeProvider.Default,
                                                     new BlockPolicyEstimator(new MempoolSettings(settings), settings.LoggerFactory, settings), settings.LoggerFactory, settings);
            var entry    = new TestMemPoolEntryHelper();
            var basefee  = new Money(2000);
            var deltaFee = new Money(100);
            var feeV     = new List <Money>();

            // Populate vectors of increasing fees
            for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
                feeV.Add(basefee * (j + 1));

            // Store the hashes of transactions that have been
            // added to the mempool by their associate fee
            // txHashes[j] is populated with transactions either of
            // fee = basefee * (j+1)
            var txHashes = new List <uint256> [10];

            for (int i = 0; i < txHashes.Length; i++)
                txHashes[i] = new List <uint256>();

            // Create a transaction template
            var garbage = new Script(Enumerable.Range(0, 128).Select(i => (byte)1).ToArray());

            var txf = new Transaction();

            txf.AddInput(new TxIn(garbage));
            txf.AddOutput(new TxOut(0L, Script.Empty));
            var baseRate = new FeeRate(basefee, txf.GetVirtualSize());

            // Create a fake block
            var block    = new List <Transaction>();
            int blocknum = 0;
            int answerFound;

            // Loop through 200 blocks
            // At a decay .998 and 4 fee transactions per block
            // This makes the tx count about 1.33 per bucket, above the 1 threshold
            while (blocknum < 200)
                for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
                {                                                                        // For each fee
                    for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
                    {                                                                    // add 4 fee txs
                        Transaction tx = txf.Clone(false);
                        tx.Inputs[0].PrevOut.N = (uint)(10000 * blocknum + 100 * j + k); // make transaction unique
                        uint256 hash = tx.GetHash();
                        mpool.AddUnchecked(hash, entry.Fee(feeV[j]).Time(dateTimeSet.GetTime()).Priority(0).Height(blocknum).FromTx(tx, mpool));
                //Create blocks where higher fee txs are included more often
                for (int h = 0; h <= blocknum % 10; h++)
                    // 10/10 blocks add highest fee transactions
                    // 9/10 blocks add 2nd highest and so on until ...
                    // 1/10 blocks add lowest fee transactions
                    while (txHashes[9 - h].Count > 0)
                        Transaction ptx = mpool.Get(txHashes[9 - h].Last());
                        if (ptx != null)
                        txHashes[9 - h].Remove(txHashes[9 - h].Last());
                mpool.RemoveForBlock(block, ++blocknum);
                if (blocknum == 30)
                    // At this point we should need to combine 5 buckets to get enough data points
                    // So estimateFee(1,2,3) should fail and estimateFee(4) should return somewhere around
                    // 8*baserate.  estimateFee(4) %'s are 100,100,100,100,90 = average 98%
                    Assert.True(mpool.EstimateFee(1) == new FeeRate(0));
                    Assert.True(mpool.EstimateFee(2) == new FeeRate(0));
                    Assert.True(mpool.EstimateFee(3) == new FeeRate(0));
                    Assert.True(mpool.EstimateFee(4).FeePerK < 8 * baseRate.FeePerK + deltaFee);
                    Assert.True(mpool.EstimateFee(4).FeePerK > 8 * baseRate.FeePerK - deltaFee);

                    Assert.True(mpool.EstimateSmartFee(1, out answerFound) == mpool.EstimateFee(4) && answerFound == 4);
                    Assert.True(mpool.EstimateSmartFee(3, out answerFound) == mpool.EstimateFee(4) && answerFound == 4);
                    Assert.True(mpool.EstimateSmartFee(4, out answerFound) == mpool.EstimateFee(4) && answerFound == 4);
                    Assert.True(mpool.EstimateSmartFee(8, out answerFound) == mpool.EstimateFee(8) && answerFound == 8);

            var origFeeEst = new List <Money>();

            // Highest feerate is 10*baseRate and gets in all blocks,
            // second highest feerate is 9*baseRate and gets in 9/10 blocks = 90%,
            // third highest feerate is 8*base rate, and gets in 8/10 blocks = 80%,
            // so estimateFee(1) would return 10*baseRate but is hardcoded to return failure
            // Second highest feerate has 100% chance of being included by 2 blocks,
            // so estimateFee(2) should return 9*baseRate etc...
            for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++)
                if (i > 2)
                { // Fee estimates should be monotonically decreasing
                    Assert.True(origFeeEst[i - 1] <= origFeeEst[i - 2]);
                int mult = 11 - i;
                if (i > 1)
                    Assert.True(origFeeEst[i - 1] < mult * baseRate.FeePerK + deltaFee);
                    Assert.True(origFeeEst[i - 1] > mult * baseRate.FeePerK - deltaFee);
                    Assert.True(origFeeEst[i - 1] == new FeeRate(0).FeePerK);

            // Mine 50 more blocks with no transactions happening, estimates shouldn't change
            // We haven't decayed the moving average enough so we still have enough data points in every bucket
            while (blocknum < 250)
                mpool.RemoveForBlock(block, ++blocknum);

            Assert.True(mpool.EstimateFee(1) == new FeeRate(0));
            for (int i = 2; i < 10; i++)
                Assert.True(mpool.EstimateFee(i).FeePerK < origFeeEst[i - 1] + deltaFee);
                Assert.True(mpool.EstimateFee(i).FeePerK > origFeeEst[i - 1] - deltaFee);

            // Mine 15 more blocks with lots of transactions happening and not getting mined
            // Estimates should go up
            while (blocknum < 265)
                for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
                {     // For each fee multiple
                    for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
                    { // add 4 fee txs
                        Transaction tx = txf.Clone(false);
                        tx.Inputs[0].PrevOut.N = (uint)(10000 * blocknum + 100 * j + k);
                        uint256 hash = tx.GetHash();
                        mpool.AddUnchecked(hash, entry.Fee(feeV[j]).Time(dateTimeSet.GetTime()).Priority(0).Height(blocknum).FromTx(tx, mpool));
                mpool.RemoveForBlock(block, ++blocknum);

            for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++)
                Assert.True(mpool.EstimateFee(i) == new FeeRate(0) || mpool.EstimateFee(i).FeePerK > origFeeEst[i - 1] - deltaFee);
                Assert.True(mpool.EstimateSmartFee(i, out answerFound).FeePerK > origFeeEst[answerFound - 1] - deltaFee);

            // Mine all those transactions
            // Estimates should still not be below original
            for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
                while (txHashes[j].Count > 0)
                    Transaction ptx = mpool.Get(txHashes[j].Last());
                    if (ptx != null)
            mpool.RemoveForBlock(block, 265);
            Assert.True(mpool.EstimateFee(1) == new FeeRate(0));
            for (int i = 2; i < 10; i++)
                Assert.True(mpool.EstimateFee(i).FeePerK > origFeeEst[i - 1] - deltaFee);

            // Mine 200 more blocks where everything is mined every block
            // Estimates should be below original estimates
            while (blocknum < 465)
                for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
                {     // For each fee multiple
                    for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
                    { // add 4 fee txs
                        Transaction tx = txf.Clone(false);
                        tx.Inputs[0].PrevOut.N = (uint)(10000 * blocknum + 100 * j + k);
                        uint256 hash = tx.GetHash();
                        mpool.AddUnchecked(hash, entry.Fee(feeV[j]).Time(dateTimeSet.GetTime()).Priority(0).Height(blocknum).FromTx(tx, mpool));
                        Transaction ptx = mpool.Get(hash);
                        if (ptx != null)
                mpool.RemoveForBlock(block, ++blocknum);
            Assert.True(mpool.EstimateFee(1) == new FeeRate(0));
            for (int i = 2; i < 10; i++)
                Assert.True(mpool.EstimateFee(i).FeePerK < origFeeEst[i - 1] - deltaFee);

            // Test that if the mempool is limited, estimateSmartFee won't return a value below the mempool min fee
            // and that estimateSmartPriority returns essentially an infinite value
            mpool.AddUnchecked(txf.GetHash(), entry.Fee(feeV[5]).Time(dateTimeSet.GetTime()).Priority(0).Height(blocknum).FromTx(txf, mpool));
            // evict that transaction which should set a mempool min fee of minRelayTxFee + feeV[5]
            Assert.True(mpool.GetMinFee(1).FeePerK > feeV[5]);
            for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++)
                Assert.True(mpool.EstimateSmartFee(i, out answerFound).FeePerK >= mpool.EstimateFee(i).FeePerK);
                Assert.True(mpool.EstimateSmartFee(i, out answerFound).FeePerK >= mpool.GetMinFee(1).FeePerK);
                Assert.True(mpool.EstimateSmartPriority(i, out answerFound) == BlockPolicyEstimator.InfPriority);
        public async Task <IActionResult> LedgerConnection(
            string command,
            // getinfo
            string cryptoCode = null,
            // getxpub
            DerivationStrategyBase derivationScheme = null,
            int account = 0,
            // sendtoaddress
            string destination = null, string amount = null, string feeRate = null, string substractFees = null
            if (!HttpContext.WebSockets.IsWebSocketRequest)
            var webSocket = await HttpContext.WebSockets.AcceptWebSocketAsync();

            using (var normalOperationTimeout = new CancellationTokenSource())
                using (var signTimeout = new CancellationTokenSource())
                    var    hw     = new HardwareWalletService(webSocket);
                    object result = null;
                        BTCPayNetwork network = null;
                        if (cryptoCode != null)
                            network = _NetworkProvider.GetNetwork(cryptoCode);
                            if (network == null)
                                throw new FormatException("Invalid value for crypto code");

                        BitcoinAddress destinationAddress = null;
                        if (destination != null)
                                destinationAddress = BitcoinAddress.Create(destination, network.NBitcoinNetwork);
                            catch { }
                            if (destinationAddress == null)
                                throw new FormatException("Invalid value for destination");

                        FeeRate feeRateValue = null;
                        if (feeRate != null)
                                feeRateValue = new FeeRate(Money.Satoshis(int.Parse(feeRate, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)), 1);
                            catch { }
                            if (feeRateValue == null || feeRateValue.FeePerK <= Money.Zero)
                                throw new FormatException("Invalid value for fee rate");

                        Money amountBTC = null;
                        if (amount != null)
                                amountBTC = Money.Parse(amount);
                            catch { }
                            if (amountBTC == null || amountBTC <= Money.Zero)
                                throw new FormatException("Invalid value for amount");

                        bool subsctractFeesValue = false;
                        if (substractFees != null)
                                subsctractFeesValue = bool.Parse(substractFees);
                            catch { throw new FormatException("Invalid value for subtract fees"); }
                        if (command == "test")
                            result = await hw.Test(normalOperationTimeout.Token);
                        if (command == "getxpub")
                            var getxpubResult = await hw.GetExtPubKey(network, account, normalOperationTimeout.Token);

                            result = getxpubResult;
                        if (command == "getinfo")
                            var strategy = GetDirectDerivationStrategy(derivationScheme);
                            if (strategy == null || await hw.GetKeyPath(network, strategy, normalOperationTimeout.Token) == null)
                                throw new Exception($"This store is not configured to use this ledger");

                            var feeProvider     = _feeRateProvider.CreateFeeProvider(network);
                            var recommendedFees = feeProvider.GetFeeRateAsync();
                            var balance         = _walletProvider.GetWallet(network).GetBalance(derivationScheme);
                            result = new GetInfoResult()
                                Balance = (double)(await balance).ToDecimal(MoneyUnit.BTC), RecommendedSatoshiPerByte = (int)(await recommendedFees).GetFee(1).Satoshi

                        if (command == "sendtoaddress")
                            if (!_dashboard.IsFullySynched(network.CryptoCode, out var summary))
                                throw new Exception($"{network.CryptoCode}: not started or fully synched");
                            var strategy = GetDirectDerivationStrategy(derivationScheme);
                            var wallet   = _walletProvider.GetWallet(network);
                            var change   = wallet.GetChangeAddressAsync(derivationScheme);

                            var unspentCoins = await wallet.GetUnspentCoins(derivationScheme);

                            var changeAddress = await change;
                            var send          = new[] { (
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public Money CalculateOutputAmount(FeeRate feeRate)
 => CredentialAmount - feeRate.GetFee(OutputVsize);
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public async Task <IActionResult> Submit(string cryptoCode)
            var network = _btcPayNetworkProvider.GetNetwork <BTCPayNetwork>(cryptoCode);

            if (network == null)
                return(BadRequest(CreatePayjoinError(400, "invalid-network", "Incorrect network")));

            var explorer = _explorerClientProvider.GetExplorerClient(network);

            if (Request.ContentLength is long length)
                if (length > 1_000_000)
                                           CreatePayjoinError(413, "payload-too-large", "The transaction is too big to be processed")));
                                  CreatePayjoinError(411, "missing-content-length",
                                                     "The http header Content-Length should be filled")));

            string rawBody;

            using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(Request.Body, Encoding.UTF8))
                rawBody = (await reader.ReadToEndAsync()) ?? string.Empty;

            Transaction originalTx      = null;
            FeeRate     originalFeeRate = null;
            bool        psbtFormat      = true;

            if (!PSBT.TryParse(rawBody, network.NBitcoinNetwork, out var psbt))
                psbtFormat = false;
                if (!Transaction.TryParse(rawBody, network.NBitcoinNetwork, out var tx))
                    return(BadRequest(CreatePayjoinError(400, "invalid-format", "invalid transaction or psbt")));
                originalTx = tx;
                psbt       = PSBT.FromTransaction(tx, network.NBitcoinNetwork);
                psbt       = (await explorer.UpdatePSBTAsync(new UpdatePSBTRequest()
                    PSBT = psbt
                for (int i = 0; i < tx.Inputs.Count; i++)
                    psbt.Inputs[i].FinalScriptSig     = tx.Inputs[i].ScriptSig;
                    psbt.Inputs[i].FinalScriptWitness = tx.Inputs[i].WitScript;
                if (!psbt.IsAllFinalized())
                    return(BadRequest(CreatePayjoinError(400, "psbt-not-finalized", "The PSBT should be finalized")));
                originalTx = psbt.ExtractTransaction();

            async Task BroadcastNow()
                await _explorerClientProvider.GetExplorerClient(network).BroadcastAsync(originalTx);

            var sendersInputType = psbt.GetInputsScriptPubKeyType();

            if (sendersInputType is null)
                return(BadRequest(CreatePayjoinError(400, "unsupported-inputs", "Payjoin only support segwit inputs (of the same type)")));
            if (psbt.CheckSanity() is var errors && errors.Count != 0)
                return(BadRequest(CreatePayjoinError(400, "insane-psbt", $"This PSBT is insane ({errors[0]})")));
            if (!psbt.TryGetEstimatedFeeRate(out originalFeeRate))
                return(BadRequest(CreatePayjoinError(400, "need-utxo-information",
                                                     "You need to provide Witness UTXO information to the PSBT.")));

            // This is actually not a mandatory check, but we don't want implementers
            // to leak global xpubs
            if (psbt.GlobalXPubs.Any())
                return(BadRequest(CreatePayjoinError(400, "leaking-data",
                                                     "GlobalXPubs should not be included in the PSBT")));

            if (psbt.Outputs.Any(o => o.HDKeyPaths.Count != 0) || psbt.Inputs.Any(o => o.HDKeyPaths.Count != 0))
                return(BadRequest(CreatePayjoinError(400, "leaking-data",
                                                     "Keypath information should not be included in the PSBT")));

            if (psbt.Inputs.Any(o => !o.IsFinalized()))
                return(BadRequest(CreatePayjoinError(400, "psbt-not-finalized", "The PSBT Should be finalized")));

            var mempool = await explorer.BroadcastAsync(originalTx, true);

            if (!mempool.Success)
                return(BadRequest(CreatePayjoinError(400, "invalid-transaction",
                                                     $"Provided transaction isn't mempool eligible {mempool.RPCCodeMessage}")));

            var   paymentMethodId = new PaymentMethodId(network.CryptoCode, PaymentTypes.BTCLike);
            bool  paidSomething   = false;
            Money due             = null;
            Dictionary <OutPoint, UTXO> selectedUTXOs = new Dictionary <OutPoint, UTXO>();

            async Task UnlockUTXOs()
                await _payJoinRepository.TryUnlock(selectedUTXOs.Select(o => o.Key).ToArray());

            PSBTOutput               originalPaymentOutput = null;
            BitcoinAddress           paymentAddress        = null;
            InvoiceEntity            invoice = null;
            DerivationSchemeSettings derivationSchemeSettings = null;

            foreach (var output in psbt.Outputs)
                var key = output.ScriptPubKey.Hash + "#" + network.CryptoCode.ToUpperInvariant();
                invoice = (await _invoiceRepository.GetInvoicesFromAddresses(new[] { key })).FirstOrDefault();
                if (invoice is null)
                derivationSchemeSettings = invoice.GetSupportedPaymentMethod <DerivationSchemeSettings>(paymentMethodId)
                if (derivationSchemeSettings is null)

                var receiverInputsType = derivationSchemeSettings.AccountDerivation.ScriptPubKeyType();
                if (!PayjoinClient.SupportedFormats.Contains(receiverInputsType))
                    //this should never happen, unless the store owner changed the wallet mid way through an invoice
                    return(StatusCode(500, CreatePayjoinError(500, "unavailable", $"This service is unavailable for now")));
                if (sendersInputType != receiverInputsType)
                                      CreatePayjoinError(503, "out-of-utxos",
                                                         "We do not have any UTXO available for making a payjoin with the sender's inputs type")));
                var paymentMethod  = invoice.GetPaymentMethod(paymentMethodId);
                var paymentDetails =
                    paymentMethod.GetPaymentMethodDetails() as Payments.Bitcoin.BitcoinLikeOnChainPaymentMethod;
                if (paymentDetails is null || !paymentDetails.PayjoinEnabled)
                if (invoice.GetAllBitcoinPaymentData().Any())
                    return(UnprocessableEntity(CreatePayjoinError(422, "already-paid",
                                                                  $"The invoice this PSBT is paying has already been partially or completely paid")));

                paidSomething = true;
                due           = paymentMethod.Calculate().TotalDue - output.Value;
                if (due > Money.Zero)

                if (!await _payJoinRepository.TryLockInputs(originalTx.Inputs.Select(i => i.PrevOut).ToArray()))
                    return(BadRequest(CreatePayjoinError(400, "inputs-already-used",
                                                         "Some of those inputs have already been used to make payjoin transaction")));

                var utxos = (await explorer.GetUTXOsAsync(derivationSchemeSettings.AccountDerivation))
                // In case we are paying ourselves, be need to make sure
                // we can't take spent outpoints.
                var prevOuts = originalTx.Inputs.Select(o => o.PrevOut).ToHashSet();
                utxos = utxos.Where(u => !prevOuts.Contains(u.Outpoint)).ToArray();
                Array.Sort(utxos, UTXODeterministicComparer.Instance);
                foreach (var utxo in await SelectUTXO(network, utxos, output.Value,
                                                      psbt.Outputs.Where(o => o.Index != output.Index).Select(o => o.Value).ToArray()))
                    selectedUTXOs.Add(utxo.Outpoint, utxo);

                originalPaymentOutput = output;
                paymentAddress        = paymentDetails.GetDepositAddress(network.NBitcoinNetwork);

            if (!paidSomething)
                return(BadRequest(CreatePayjoinError(400, "invoice-not-found",
                                                     "This transaction does not pay any invoice with payjoin")));

            if (due is null || due > Money.Zero)
                return(BadRequest(CreatePayjoinError(400, "invoice-not-fully-paid",
                                                     "The transaction must pay the whole invoice")));

            if (selectedUTXOs.Count == 0)
                await BroadcastNow();

                                  CreatePayjoinError(503, "out-of-utxos",
                                                     "We do not have any UTXO available for making a payjoin for now")));

            var originalPaymentValue = originalPaymentOutput.Value;
            await _broadcaster.Schedule(DateTimeOffset.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1.0), originalTx, network);

            //check if wallet of store is configured to be hot wallet
            var extKeyStr = await explorer.GetMetadataAsync <string>(

            if (extKeyStr == null)
                // This should not happen, as we check the existance of private key before creating invoice with payjoin
                await UnlockUTXOs();
                await BroadcastNow();

                return(StatusCode(500, CreatePayjoinError(500, "unavailable", $"This service is unavailable for now")));

            Money           contributedAmount = Money.Zero;
            var             newTx             = originalTx.Clone();
            var             ourNewOutput      = newTx.Outputs[originalPaymentOutput.Index];
            HashSet <TxOut> isOurOutput       = new HashSet <TxOut>();

            foreach (var selectedUTXO in selectedUTXOs.Select(o => o.Value))
                contributedAmount += (Money)selectedUTXO.Value;
            ourNewOutput.Value += contributedAmount;
            var minRelayTxFee = this._dashboard.Get(network.CryptoCode).Status.BitcoinStatus?.MinRelayTxFee ??
                                new FeeRate(1.0m);

            // Probably receiving some spare change, let's add an output to make
            // it looks more like a normal transaction
            if (newTx.Outputs.Count == 1)
                var change = await explorer.GetUnusedAsync(derivationSchemeSettings.AccountDerivation, DerivationFeature.Change);

                var randomChangeAmount = RandomUtils.GetUInt64() % (ulong)contributedAmount.Satoshi;

                // Randomly round the amount to make the payment output look like a change output
                var roundMultiple = (ulong)Math.Pow(10, (ulong)Math.Log10(randomChangeAmount));
                while (roundMultiple > 1_000UL)
                    if (RandomUtils.GetUInt32() % 2 == 0)
                        roundMultiple = roundMultiple / 10;
                        randomChangeAmount = (randomChangeAmount / roundMultiple) * roundMultiple;

                var fakeChange = newTx.Outputs.CreateNewTxOut(randomChangeAmount, change.ScriptPubKey);
                if (fakeChange.IsDust(minRelayTxFee))
                    randomChangeAmount = fakeChange.GetDustThreshold(minRelayTxFee);
                    fakeChange.Value   = randomChangeAmount;
                if (randomChangeAmount < contributedAmount)
                    ourNewOutput.Value -= fakeChange.Value;

            var rand = new Random();

            Utils.Shuffle(newTx.Inputs, rand);
            Utils.Shuffle(newTx.Outputs, rand);

            // Remove old signatures as they are not valid anymore
            foreach (var input in newTx.Inputs)
                input.WitScript = WitScript.Empty;

            Money ourFeeContribution = Money.Zero;
            // We need to adjust the fee to keep a constant fee rate
            var txBuilder = network.NBitcoinNetwork.CreateTransactionBuilder();

            txBuilder.AddCoins(psbt.Inputs.Select(i => i.GetSignableCoin()));
            txBuilder.AddCoins(selectedUTXOs.Select(o => o.Value.AsCoin(derivationSchemeSettings.AccountDerivation)));
            Money expectedFee   = txBuilder.EstimateFees(newTx, originalFeeRate);
            Money actualFee     = newTx.GetFee(txBuilder.FindSpentCoins(newTx));
            Money additionalFee = expectedFee - actualFee;

            if (additionalFee > Money.Zero)
                // If the user overpaid, taking fee on our output (useful if sender dump a full UTXO for privacy)
                for (int i = 0; i < newTx.Outputs.Count && additionalFee > Money.Zero && due < Money.Zero; i++)
                    if (isOurOutput.Contains(newTx.Outputs[i]))
                        var outputContribution = Money.Min(additionalFee, -due);
                        outputContribution = Money.Min(outputContribution,
                                                       newTx.Outputs[i].Value - newTx.Outputs[i].GetDustThreshold(minRelayTxFee));
                        newTx.Outputs[i].Value -= outputContribution;
                        additionalFee          -= outputContribution;
                        due += outputContribution;
                        ourFeeContribution += outputContribution;

                // The rest, we take from user's change
                for (int i = 0; i < newTx.Outputs.Count && additionalFee > Money.Zero; i++)
                    if (!isOurOutput.Contains(newTx.Outputs[i]))
                        var outputContribution = Money.Min(additionalFee, newTx.Outputs[i].Value);
                        outputContribution = Money.Min(outputContribution,
                                                       newTx.Outputs[i].Value - newTx.Outputs[i].GetDustThreshold(minRelayTxFee));
                        newTx.Outputs[i].Value -= outputContribution;
                        additionalFee          -= outputContribution;

                if (additionalFee > Money.Zero)
                    // We could not pay fully the additional fee, however, as long as
                    // we are not under the relay fee, it should be OK.
                    var newVSize   = txBuilder.EstimateSize(newTx, true);
                    var newFeePaid = newTx.GetFee(txBuilder.FindSpentCoins(newTx));
                    if (new FeeRate(newFeePaid, newVSize) < minRelayTxFee)
                        await UnlockUTXOs();
                        await BroadcastNow();

                        return(UnprocessableEntity(CreatePayjoinError(422, "not-enough-money",
                                                                      "Not enough money is sent to pay for the additional payjoin inputs")));

            var accountKey = ExtKey.Parse(extKeyStr, network.NBitcoinNetwork);
            var newPsbt    = PSBT.FromTransaction(newTx, network.NBitcoinNetwork);

            foreach (var selectedUtxo in selectedUTXOs.Select(o => o.Value))
                var signedInput = newPsbt.Inputs.FindIndexedInput(selectedUtxo.Outpoint);
                var coin        = selectedUtxo.AsCoin(derivationSchemeSettings.AccountDerivation);
                var privateKey = accountKey.Derive(selectedUtxo.KeyPath).PrivateKey;
                newTx.Inputs[signedInput.Index].WitScript = newPsbt.Inputs[(int)signedInput.Index].FinalScriptWitness;

            // Add the transaction to the payments with a confirmation of -1.
            // This will make the invoice paid even if the user do not
            // broadcast the payjoin.
            var originalPaymentData = new BitcoinLikePaymentData(paymentAddress,
                                                                 new OutPoint(originalTx.GetHash(), originalPaymentOutput.Index),

            originalPaymentData.ConfirmationCount  = -1;
            originalPaymentData.PayjoinInformation = new PayjoinInformation()
                CoinjoinTransactionHash = newPsbt.GetGlobalTransaction().GetHash(),
                CoinjoinValue           = originalPaymentValue - ourFeeContribution,
                ContributedOutPoints    = selectedUTXOs.Select(o => o.Key).ToArray()
            var payment = await _invoiceRepository.AddPayment(invoice.Id, DateTimeOffset.UtcNow, originalPaymentData, network, true);

            if (payment is null)
                await UnlockUTXOs();
                await BroadcastNow();

                return(UnprocessableEntity(CreatePayjoinError(422, "already-paid",
                                                              $"The original transaction has already been accounted")));
            await _btcPayWalletProvider.GetWallet(network).SaveOffchainTransactionAsync(originalTx);

            _eventAggregator.Publish(new InvoiceEvent(invoice, 1002, InvoiceEvent.ReceivedPayment)
                Payment = payment

            if (psbtFormat && HexEncoder.IsWellFormed(rawBody))
            else if (psbtFormat)
Ejemplo n.º 23
        public async Task <IActionResult> LedgerConnection(
            string storeId,
            string command,
            // getinfo
            string cryptoCode = null,
            // sendtoaddress
            string destination = null, string amount = null, string feeRate = null, string substractFees = null
            if (!HttpContext.WebSockets.IsWebSocketRequest)
            var store = await _Repo.FindStore(storeId, GetUserId());

            if (store == null)

            var webSocket = await HttpContext.WebSockets.AcceptWebSocketAsync();

            var    hw     = new HardwareWalletService(webSocket);
            object result = null;

                BTCPayNetwork network = null;
                if (cryptoCode != null)
                    network = _NetworkProvider.GetNetwork(cryptoCode);
                    if (network == null)
                        throw new FormatException("Invalid value for crypto code");

                BitcoinAddress destinationAddress = null;
                if (destination != null)
                        destinationAddress = BitcoinAddress.Create(destination);
                    catch { }
                    if (destinationAddress == null)
                        throw new FormatException("Invalid value for destination");

                FeeRate feeRateValue = null;
                if (feeRate != null)
                        feeRateValue = new FeeRate(Money.Satoshis(int.Parse(feeRate)), 1);
                    catch { }
                    if (feeRateValue == null || feeRateValue.FeePerK <= Money.Zero)
                        throw new FormatException("Invalid value for fee rate");

                Money amountBTC = null;
                if (amount != null)
                        amountBTC = Money.Parse(amount);
                    catch { }
                    if (amountBTC == null || amountBTC <= Money.Zero)
                        throw new FormatException("Invalid value for amount");

                bool subsctractFeesValue = false;
                if (substractFees != null)
                        subsctractFeesValue = bool.Parse(substractFees);
                    catch { throw new FormatException("Invalid value for substract fees"); }
                if (command == "test")
                    result = await hw.Test();
                if (command == "getxpub")
                    result = await hw.GetExtPubKey(network);
                if (command == "getinfo")
                    var strategy     = GetDirectDerivationStrategy(store, network);
                    var strategyBase = GetDerivationStrategy(store, network);
                    if (!await hw.SupportDerivation(network, strategy))
                        throw new Exception($"This store is not configured to use this ledger");

                    var feeProvider     = _FeeRateProvider.CreateFeeProvider(network);
                    var recommendedFees = feeProvider.GetFeeRateAsync();
                    var balance         = _WalletProvider.GetWallet(network).GetBalance(strategyBase);
                    result = new GetInfoResult()
                        Balance = (double)(await balance).ToDecimal(MoneyUnit.BTC), RecommendedSatoshiPerByte = (int)(await recommendedFees).GetFee(1).Satoshi

                if (command == "sendtoaddress")
                    var strategy     = GetDirectDerivationStrategy(store, network);
                    var strategyBase = GetDerivationStrategy(store, network);
                    var wallet       = _WalletProvider.GetWallet(network);
                    var change       = wallet.GetChangeAddressAsync(strategyBase);
                    var unspentCoins = await wallet.GetUnspentCoins(strategyBase);

                    var changeAddress = await change;
                    unspentCoins.Item2.TryAdd(changeAddress.Item1.ScriptPubKey, changeAddress.Item2);
                    var transaction = await hw.SendToAddress(strategy, unspentCoins.Item1, network,
                                                             new[] { (destinationAddress as IDestination, amountBTC, subsctractFeesValue) },
Ejemplo n.º 24
		public bool SetTxFee(FeeRate feeRate)
			return SendCommand(RPCOperations.settxfee, new[] { feeRate.FeePerK.ToString() }).Result.ToString() == "true";
Ejemplo n.º 25
		public void CanEstimateFees()
			var alice = new Key();
			var bob = new Key();
			var satoshi = new Key();
			var bobAlice = PayToMultiSigTemplate.Instance.GenerateScriptPubKey(2, alice.PubKey, bob.PubKey);

			//Alice sends money to bobAlice
			//Bob sends money to bobAlice
			//bobAlice sends money to satoshi

			var aliceCoins = new ICoin[] { RandomCoin("0.4", alice), RandomCoin("0.6", alice) };
			var bobCoins = new ICoin[] { RandomCoin("0.2", bob), RandomCoin("0.3", bob) };
			var bobAliceCoins = new ICoin[] { RandomCoin("1.5", bobAlice, false), RandomCoin("0.25", bobAlice, true) };

			TransactionBuilder builder = new TransactionBuilder();
			builder.StandardTransactionPolicy = EasyPolicy;
			var unsigned = builder
				.Send(bobAlice, "1.0")
				.Send(bobAlice, "0.5")
				.Send(satoshi.PubKey, "1.74")

			builder.AddKeys(alice, bob, satoshi);
			var signed = builder.BuildTransaction(true);

			Assert.True(Math.Abs(signed.ToBytes().Length - builder.EstimateSize(unsigned)) < 20);

			var rate = new FeeRate(Money.Coins(0.0004m));
			var estimatedFees = builder.EstimateFees(unsigned, rate);
			signed = builder.BuildTransaction(true);
			Assert.True(builder.Verify(signed, estimatedFees));
Ejemplo n.º 26
 private FeeStrategy(FeeStrategyType type, int?confirmationTarget, FeeRate feeRate)
     Type = type;
     if (type == FeeStrategyType.Rate)
         if (confirmationTarget is { })
Ejemplo n.º 27
 public bool SetTxFee(FeeRate feeRate)
     return(SendCommand(RPCOperations.settxfee, new[] { feeRate.FeePerK.ToString() }).Result.ToString() == "true");
Ejemplo n.º 28
 /// <exception cref="ArgumentException"></exception>
 /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"></exception>
 /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException"></exception>
 public BuildTransactionResult BuildTransaction(
     PaymentIntent payments,
     FeeRate feeRate,
     IEnumerable <OutPoint> allowedInputs = null,
     IPayjoinClient payjoinClient         = null)
 => BuildTransaction(payments, () => feeRate, allowedInputs, () => LockTime.Zero, payjoinClient);
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public void Start()
            this.asyncLoop = this.asyncLoopFactory.Run(nameof(LightWalletBitcoinExternalFeePolicy), async token =>
                // This will run evry 3 to 10 minutes randomly
                // So the API provider is not able to identify our transaction with a timing attack
                int waitMinutes = new Random().Next(3, 10);

                HttpResponseMessage response = null;
                    // TestNet fee estimation is useless, because the miners don't select transactions, like mainnet miners
                    // Test results on RegTest and TestNet are more illustrative with mainnet fees
                    response =
                        await HttpClient.GetAsync(@"", HttpCompletionOption.ResponseContentRead, token)
                catch (OperationCanceledException)
                catch (Exception ex) when(ex is HttpRequestException || ex is TimeoutException)
                    response = null;

                if (response == null || !response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                    // If it's already been initialized once just keep using the feerate we already have
                    if (this.initializedOnce)
                        await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(waitMinutes), token).ContinueWith(t => { }).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    else // Try again 3 seconds later, first time fee query is critical
                        await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3), token).ContinueWith(t => { }).ConfigureAwait(false);

                if (token.IsCancellationRequested)

                JObject json          = JObject.Parse(await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false));
                this.lowTxFeePerKb    = new FeeRate(new Money((int)(json.Value <decimal>("low_fee_per_kb")), MoneyUnit.Satoshi));
                this.mediumTxFeePerKb = new FeeRate(new Money((int)(json.Value <decimal>("medium_fee_per_kb")), MoneyUnit.Satoshi));
                this.highTxFeePerKb   = new FeeRate(new Money((int)(json.Value <decimal>("high_fee_per_kb")), MoneyUnit.Satoshi));

                this.initializedOnce = true;

                if (token.IsCancellationRequested)

                await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(waitMinutes), token).ContinueWith(t => { }).ConfigureAwait(false);
                                                       repeatEvery: TimeSpans.Second,
                                                       startAfter: TimeSpans.Second);
Ejemplo n.º 30
        public async Task <IActionResult> Submit(string cryptoCode,
                                                 decimal minfeerate             = -1.0m,
                                                 bool disableoutputsubstitution = false,
                                                 int v = 1)
            var network = _btcPayNetworkProvider.GetNetwork <BTCPayNetwork>(cryptoCode);

            if (network == null)

            if (v != 1)
                return(BadRequest(new JObject
                    new JProperty("errorCode", "version-unsupported"),
                    new JProperty("supported", new JArray(1)),
                    new JProperty("message", "This version of payjoin is not supported.")

            await using var ctx = new PayjoinReceiverContext(_invoiceRepository, _explorerClientProvider.GetExplorerClient(network), _payJoinRepository);
            ObjectResult CreatePayjoinErrorAndLog(int httpCode, PayjoinReceiverWellknownErrors err, string debug)
                ctx.Logs.Write($"Payjoin error: {debug}");
                return(StatusCode(httpCode, CreatePayjoinError(err, debug)));

            var explorer = _explorerClientProvider.GetExplorerClient(network);

            if (Request.ContentLength is long length)
                if (length > 1_000_000)
                                           CreatePayjoinError("payload-too-large", "The transaction is too big to be processed")));
                                                     "The http header Content-Length should be filled")));

            string rawBody;

            using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(Request.Body, Encoding.UTF8))
                rawBody = (await reader.ReadToEndAsync()) ?? string.Empty;

            FeeRate originalFeeRate = null;
            bool    psbtFormat      = true;

            if (PSBT.TryParse(rawBody, network.NBitcoinNetwork, out var psbt))
                if (!psbt.IsAllFinalized())
                    return(BadRequest(CreatePayjoinError("original-psbt-rejected", "The PSBT should be finalized")));
                ctx.OriginalTransaction = psbt.ExtractTransaction();
            // BTCPay Server implementation support a transaction instead of PSBT
                psbtFormat = false;
                if (!Transaction.TryParse(rawBody, network.NBitcoinNetwork, out var tx))
                    return(BadRequest(CreatePayjoinError("original-psbt-rejected", "invalid transaction or psbt")));
                ctx.OriginalTransaction = tx;
                psbt = PSBT.FromTransaction(tx, network.NBitcoinNetwork);
                psbt = (await explorer.UpdatePSBTAsync(new UpdatePSBTRequest()
                    PSBT = psbt
                for (int i = 0; i < tx.Inputs.Count; i++)
                    psbt.Inputs[i].FinalScriptSig     = tx.Inputs[i].ScriptSig;
                    psbt.Inputs[i].FinalScriptWitness = tx.Inputs[i].WitScript;

            FeeRate senderMinFeeRate             = minfeerate >= 0.0m ? new FeeRate(minfeerate) : null;
            Money   allowedSenderFeeContribution = Money.Satoshis(maxadditionalfeecontribution is long t && t >= 0 ? t : 0);

            var sendersInputType = psbt.GetInputsScriptPubKeyType();

            if (psbt.CheckSanity() is var errors && errors.Count != 0)
                return(BadRequest(CreatePayjoinError("original-psbt-rejected", $"This PSBT is insane ({errors[0]})")));
            if (!psbt.TryGetEstimatedFeeRate(out originalFeeRate))
                                                     "You need to provide Witness UTXO information to the PSBT.")));

            // This is actually not a mandatory check, but we don't want implementers
            // to leak global xpubs
            if (psbt.GlobalXPubs.Any())
                                                     "GlobalXPubs should not be included in the PSBT")));

            if (psbt.Outputs.Any(o => o.HDKeyPaths.Count != 0) || psbt.Inputs.Any(o => o.HDKeyPaths.Count != 0))
                                                     "Keypath information should not be included in the PSBT")));

            if (psbt.Inputs.Any(o => !o.IsFinalized()))
                return(BadRequest(CreatePayjoinError("original-psbt-rejected", "The PSBT Should be finalized")));

            var mempool = await explorer.BroadcastAsync(ctx.OriginalTransaction, true);

            if (!mempool.Success)
                                                     $"Provided transaction isn't mempool eligible {mempool.RPCCodeMessage}")));
            var   enforcedLowR    = ctx.OriginalTransaction.Inputs.All(IsLowR);
            var   paymentMethodId = new PaymentMethodId(network.CryptoCode, PaymentTypes.BTCLike);
            bool  paidSomething   = false;
            Money due             = null;
            Dictionary <OutPoint, UTXO> selectedUTXOs      = new Dictionary <OutPoint, UTXO>();
            PSBTOutput               originalPaymentOutput = null;
            BitcoinAddress           paymentAddress        = null;
            InvoiceEntity            invoice = null;
            DerivationSchemeSettings derivationSchemeSettings = null;

            foreach (var output in psbt.Outputs)
                var key = output.ScriptPubKey.Hash + "#" + network.CryptoCode.ToUpperInvariant();
                invoice = (await _invoiceRepository.GetInvoicesFromAddresses(new[] { key })).FirstOrDefault();
                if (invoice is null)
                derivationSchemeSettings = invoice.GetSupportedPaymentMethod <DerivationSchemeSettings>(paymentMethodId)
                if (derivationSchemeSettings is null)

                var receiverInputsType = derivationSchemeSettings.AccountDerivation.ScriptPubKeyType();
                if (!PayjoinClient.SupportedFormats.Contains(receiverInputsType))
                    //this should never happen, unless the store owner changed the wallet mid way through an invoice
                    return(CreatePayjoinErrorAndLog(503, PayjoinReceiverWellknownErrors.Unavailable, "Our wallet does not support payjoin"));
                if (sendersInputType is ScriptPubKeyType t1 && t1 != receiverInputsType)
                    return(CreatePayjoinErrorAndLog(503, PayjoinReceiverWellknownErrors.Unavailable, "We do not have any UTXO available for making a payjoin with the sender's inputs type"));
                var paymentMethod  = invoice.GetPaymentMethod(paymentMethodId);
                var paymentDetails =
                    paymentMethod.GetPaymentMethodDetails() as Payments.Bitcoin.BitcoinLikeOnChainPaymentMethod;
                if (paymentDetails is null || !paymentDetails.PayjoinEnabled)
                if (invoice.GetAllBitcoinPaymentData().Any())
                                                                  $"The invoice this PSBT is paying has already been partially or completely paid")));

                paidSomething = true;
                due           = paymentMethod.Calculate().TotalDue - output.Value;
                if (due > Money.Zero)

                if (!await _payJoinRepository.TryLockInputs(ctx.OriginalTransaction.Inputs.Select(i => i.PrevOut).ToArray()))
                    return(CreatePayjoinErrorAndLog(503, PayjoinReceiverWellknownErrors.Unavailable, "Some of those inputs have already been used to make another payjoin transaction"));

                var utxos = (await explorer.GetUTXOsAsync(derivationSchemeSettings.AccountDerivation))
                // In case we are paying ourselves, be need to make sure
                // we can't take spent outpoints.
                var prevOuts = ctx.OriginalTransaction.Inputs.Select(o => o.PrevOut).ToHashSet();
                utxos = utxos.Where(u => !prevOuts.Contains(u.Outpoint)).ToArray();
                Array.Sort(utxos, UTXODeterministicComparer.Instance);
                foreach (var utxo in (await SelectUTXO(network, utxos, psbt.Inputs.Select(input => input.WitnessUtxo.Value.ToDecimal(MoneyUnit.BTC)), output.Value.ToDecimal(MoneyUnit.BTC),
                                                       psbt.Outputs.Where(psbtOutput => psbtOutput.Index != output.Index).Select(psbtOutput => psbtOutput.Value.ToDecimal(MoneyUnit.BTC)))).selectedUTXO)
                    selectedUTXOs.Add(utxo.Outpoint, utxo);
                ctx.LockedUTXOs       = selectedUTXOs.Select(u => u.Key).ToArray();
                originalPaymentOutput = output;
                paymentAddress        = paymentDetails.GetDepositAddress(network.NBitcoinNetwork);

            if (!paidSomething)
                                                     "This transaction does not pay any invoice with payjoin")));

            if (due is null || due > Money.Zero)
                                                     "The transaction must pay the whole invoice")));

            if (selectedUTXOs.Count == 0)
                return(CreatePayjoinErrorAndLog(503, PayjoinReceiverWellknownErrors.Unavailable, "We do not have any UTXO available for contributing to a payjoin"));

            var originalPaymentValue = originalPaymentOutput.Value;
            await _broadcaster.Schedule(DateTimeOffset.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2.0), ctx.OriginalTransaction, network);

            //check if wallet of store is configured to be hot wallet
            var extKeyStr = await explorer.GetMetadataAsync <string>(

            if (extKeyStr == null)
                // This should not happen, as we check the existance of private key before creating invoice with payjoin
                return(CreatePayjoinErrorAndLog(503, PayjoinReceiverWellknownErrors.Unavailable, "The HD Key of the store changed"));

            Money           contributedAmount = Money.Zero;
            var             newTx             = ctx.OriginalTransaction.Clone();
            var             ourNewOutput      = newTx.Outputs[originalPaymentOutput.Index];
            HashSet <TxOut> isOurOutput       = new HashSet <TxOut>();

            TxOut feeOutput =
                additionalfeeoutputindex is int feeOutputIndex &&
                maxadditionalfeecontribution is long v3 &&
                v3 >= 0 &&
                feeOutputIndex >= 0 &&
                feeOutputIndex < newTx.Outputs.Count &&
                ? newTx.Outputs[feeOutputIndex] : null;
            var rand             = new Random();
            int senderInputCount = newTx.Inputs.Count;

            foreach (var selectedUTXO in selectedUTXOs.Select(o => o.Value))
                contributedAmount += (Money)selectedUTXO.Value;
                var newInput = newTx.Inputs.Add(selectedUTXO.Outpoint);
                newInput.Sequence = newTx.Inputs[rand.Next(0, senderInputCount)].Sequence;
            ourNewOutput.Value += contributedAmount;
            var minRelayTxFee = this._dashboard.Get(network.CryptoCode).Status.BitcoinStatus?.MinRelayTxFee ??
                                new FeeRate(1.0m);

            // Remove old signatures as they are not valid anymore
            foreach (var input in newTx.Inputs)
                input.WitScript = WitScript.Empty;

            Money ourFeeContribution = Money.Zero;
            // We need to adjust the fee to keep a constant fee rate
            var txBuilder = network.NBitcoinNetwork.CreateTransactionBuilder();
            var coins     = psbt.Inputs.Select(i => i.GetSignableCoin())
                            .Concat(selectedUTXOs.Select(o => o.Value.AsCoin(derivationSchemeSettings.AccountDerivation))).ToArray();

            Money expectedFee   = txBuilder.EstimateFees(newTx, originalFeeRate);
            Money actualFee     = newTx.GetFee(txBuilder.FindSpentCoins(newTx));
            Money additionalFee = expectedFee - actualFee;

            if (additionalFee > Money.Zero)
                // If the user overpaid, taking fee on our output (useful if sender dump a full UTXO for privacy)
                for (int i = 0; i < newTx.Outputs.Count && additionalFee > Money.Zero && due < Money.Zero; i++)
                    if (disableoutputsubstitution)
                    if (isOurOutput.Contains(newTx.Outputs[i]))
                        var outputContribution = Money.Min(additionalFee, -due);
                        outputContribution = Money.Min(outputContribution,
                                                       newTx.Outputs[i].Value - newTx.Outputs[i].GetDustThreshold(minRelayTxFee));
                        newTx.Outputs[i].Value -= outputContribution;
                        additionalFee          -= outputContribution;
                        due += outputContribution;
                        ourFeeContribution += outputContribution;

                // The rest, we take from user's change
                if (feeOutput != null)
                    var outputContribution = Money.Min(additionalFee, feeOutput.Value);
                    outputContribution = Money.Min(outputContribution,
                                                   feeOutput.Value - feeOutput.GetDustThreshold(minRelayTxFee));
                    outputContribution            = Money.Min(outputContribution, allowedSenderFeeContribution);
                    feeOutput.Value              -= outputContribution;
                    additionalFee                -= outputContribution;
                    allowedSenderFeeContribution -= outputContribution;

                if (additionalFee > Money.Zero)
                    // We could not pay fully the additional fee, however, as long as
                    // we are not under the relay fee, it should be OK.
                    var newVSize   = txBuilder.EstimateSize(newTx, true);
                    var newFeePaid = newTx.GetFee(txBuilder.FindSpentCoins(newTx));
                    if (new FeeRate(newFeePaid, newVSize) < (senderMinFeeRate ?? minRelayTxFee))
                        return(CreatePayjoinErrorAndLog(422, PayjoinReceiverWellknownErrors.NotEnoughMoney, "Not enough money is sent to pay for the additional payjoin inputs"));

            var accountKey = ExtKey.Parse(extKeyStr, network.NBitcoinNetwork);
            var newPsbt    = PSBT.FromTransaction(newTx, network.NBitcoinNetwork);

            foreach (var selectedUtxo in selectedUTXOs.Select(o => o.Value))
                var signedInput = newPsbt.Inputs.FindIndexedInput(selectedUtxo.Outpoint);
                var coin        = selectedUtxo.AsCoin(derivationSchemeSettings.AccountDerivation);
                var privateKey = accountKey.Derive(selectedUtxo.KeyPath).PrivateKey;
                signedInput.Sign(privateKey, new SigningOptions()
                    EnforceLowR = enforcedLowR
                newTx.Inputs[signedInput.Index].WitScript = newPsbt.Inputs[(int)signedInput.Index].FinalScriptWitness;

            // Add the transaction to the payments with a confirmation of -1.
            // This will make the invoice paid even if the user do not
            // broadcast the payjoin.
            var originalPaymentData = new BitcoinLikePaymentData(paymentAddress,
                                                                 new OutPoint(ctx.OriginalTransaction.GetHash(), originalPaymentOutput.Index),

            originalPaymentData.ConfirmationCount  = -1;
            originalPaymentData.PayjoinInformation = new PayjoinInformation()
                CoinjoinTransactionHash = GetExpectedHash(newPsbt, coins),
                CoinjoinValue           = originalPaymentValue - ourFeeContribution,
                ContributedOutPoints    = selectedUTXOs.Select(o => o.Key).ToArray()
            var payment = await _invoiceRepository.AddPayment(invoice.Id, DateTimeOffset.UtcNow, originalPaymentData, network, true);

            if (payment is null)
                                                              $"The original transaction has already been accounted")));
            await _btcPayWalletProvider.GetWallet(network).SaveOffchainTransactionAsync(ctx.OriginalTransaction);

            _eventAggregator.Publish(new InvoiceEvent(invoice, 1002, InvoiceEvent.ReceivedPayment)
                Payment = payment
            _eventAggregator.Publish(new UpdateTransactionLabel()
                WalletId          = new WalletId(invoice.StoreId, network.CryptoCode),
                TransactionLabels = selectedUTXOs.GroupBy(pair => pair.Key.Hash).Select(utxo =>
                                                                                        new KeyValuePair <uint256, List <(string color, string label)> >(utxo.Key,
                                                                                                                                                         new List <(string color, string label)>()
                                    .ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value)
Ejemplo n.º 31
		public void CanSplitFees()
			var satoshi = new Key();
			var alice = new Key();
			var bob = new Key();

			var aliceCoins = new ICoin[] { RandomCoin("0.4", alice), RandomCoin("0.6", alice) };
			var bobCoins = new ICoin[] { RandomCoin("0.2", bob), RandomCoin("0.3", bob) };

			TransactionBuilder builder = new TransactionBuilder();
			FeeRate rate = new FeeRate(Money.Coins(0.0004m));
			var tx = builder
				.Send(satoshi, Money.Coins(0.1m))
				.Send(satoshi, Money.Coins(0.01m))

			var estimated = builder.EstimateFees(tx, rate);

			Assert.True(builder.Verify(tx, estimated));
Ejemplo n.º 32
 public Money CalculateRemainingAmountCredentials(FeeRate feeRate) => TotalInputAmount - feeRate.GetFee(TotalInputVsize);
Ejemplo n.º 33
		public void CanEstimatedFeesCorrectlyIfFeesChangeTransactionSize()
			var redeem = PayToMultiSigTemplate.Instance.GenerateScriptPubKey(2, new Key().PubKey, new Key().PubKey, new Key().PubKey);
			var transactionBuilder = new TransactionBuilder();
			transactionBuilder.AddCoins(new Coin(new OutPoint(uint256.Parse("75425c904289f21feef0cffab2081ba22030b633623115adf0780edad443e6c7"), 1), new TxOut("0.00010000", PayToScriptHashTemplate.Instance.GenerateScriptPubKey(redeem).GetDestinationAddress(Network.Main))).ToScriptCoin(redeem));
			transactionBuilder.AddCoins(new Coin(new OutPoint(uint256.Parse("75425c904289f21feef0cffab2081ba22030b633623115adf0780edad443e6c7"), 2), new TxOut("0.00091824", PayToScriptHashTemplate.Instance.GenerateScriptPubKey(redeem).GetDestinationAddress(Network.Main))).ToScriptCoin(redeem));
			transactionBuilder.AddCoins(new Coin(new OutPoint(uint256.Parse("75425c904289f21feef0cffab2081ba22030b633623115adf0780edad443e6c7"), 3), new TxOut("0.00100000", PayToScriptHashTemplate.Instance.GenerateScriptPubKey(redeem).GetDestinationAddress(Network.Main))).ToScriptCoin(redeem));
			transactionBuilder.AddCoins(new Coin(new OutPoint(uint256.Parse("75425c904289f21feef0cffab2081ba22030b633623115adf0780edad443e6c7"), 4), new TxOut("0.00100000", PayToScriptHashTemplate.Instance.GenerateScriptPubKey(redeem).GetDestinationAddress(Network.Main))).ToScriptCoin(redeem));
			transactionBuilder.AddCoins(new Coin(new OutPoint(uint256.Parse("75425c904289f21feef0cffab2081ba22030b633623115adf0780edad443e6c7"), 5), new TxOut("0.00246414", PayToScriptHashTemplate.Instance.GenerateScriptPubKey(redeem).GetDestinationAddress(Network.Main))).ToScriptCoin(redeem));
			transactionBuilder.AddCoins(new Coin(new OutPoint(uint256.Parse("75425c904289f21feef0cffab2081ba22030b633623115adf0780edad443e6c7"), 6), new TxOut("0.00250980", PayToScriptHashTemplate.Instance.GenerateScriptPubKey(redeem).GetDestinationAddress(Network.Main))).ToScriptCoin(redeem));
			transactionBuilder.AddCoins(new Coin(new OutPoint(uint256.Parse("75425c904289f21feef0cffab2081ba22030b633623115adf0780edad443e6c7"), 7), new TxOut("0.01000000", PayToScriptHashTemplate.Instance.GenerateScriptPubKey(redeem).GetDestinationAddress(Network.Main))).ToScriptCoin(redeem));
			transactionBuilder.Send(new Key().PubKey.GetAddress(Network.Main), "0.01000000");
			transactionBuilder.SetChange(new Key().PubKey.GetAddress(Network.Main));

			var feeRate = new FeeRate((long)32563);
			//Adding the estimated fees will cause 6 more coins to be included, so let's verify the actual sent fees take that into account
			var tx = transactionBuilder.BuildTransaction(false);
			var estimation = transactionBuilder.EstimateFees(tx, feeRate);
			Assert.Equal(estimation, tx.GetFee(transactionBuilder.FindSpentCoins(tx)));
Ejemplo n.º 34
 public Transaction FundTransaction(TxOut txOut, FeeRate feeRate)
Ejemplo n.º 35
		public void CanBuildColoredTransaction()
			var gold = new Key();
			var silver = new Key();
			var goldId = gold.PubKey.ScriptPubKey.Hash.ToAssetId();
			var silverId = silver.PubKey.ScriptPubKey.Hash.ToAssetId();

			var satoshi = new Key();
			var bob = new Key();
			var alice = new Key();

			var repo = new NoSqlColoredTransactionRepository();

			var init = new Transaction()
				Outputs =
					new TxOut("1.0", gold.PubKey),
					new TxOut("1.0", silver.PubKey),
					new TxOut("1.0", satoshi.PubKey)


			var issuanceCoins =
				.Select((c, i) => new IssuanceCoin(c))

			var satoshiBTC = init.Outputs.AsCoins().Last();

			var coins = new List<ICoin>();
			var txBuilder = new TransactionBuilder();
			txBuilder.StandardTransactionPolicy = RelayPolicy;
			//Can issue gold to satoshi and bob
			var tx = txBuilder
				.IssueAsset(satoshi.PubKey, new AssetMoney(goldId, 1000))
				.IssueAsset(bob.PubKey, new AssetMoney(goldId, 500))
			Assert.True(txBuilder.Verify(tx, "0.1"));

			//Ensure BTC from the IssuanceCoin are returned
			Assert.Equal(Money.Parse("0.89994240"), tx.Outputs[2].Value);
			Assert.Equal(gold.PubKey.ScriptPubKey, tx.Outputs[2].ScriptPubKey);


			var colored = tx.GetColoredTransaction(repo);
			Assert.Equal(2, colored.Issuances.Count);
			Assert.True(colored.Issuances.All(i => i.Asset.Id == goldId));
			AssertHasAsset(tx, colored, colored.Issuances[0], goldId, 500, bob.PubKey);
			AssertHasAsset(tx, colored, colored.Issuances[1], goldId, 1000, satoshi.PubKey);

			var coloredCoins = ColoredCoin.Find(tx, colored).ToArray();
			Assert.Equal(2, coloredCoins.Length);

			//Can issue silver to bob, and send some gold to satoshi
			coins.Add(coloredCoins.First(c => c.ScriptPubKey == bob.PubKey.ScriptPubKey));
			txBuilder = new TransactionBuilder();
			txBuilder.StandardTransactionPolicy = EasyPolicy;
			tx = txBuilder
				.AddKeys(silver, bob)
				.IssueAsset(bob.PubKey, new AssetMoney(silverId, 10))
				.SendAsset(satoshi.PubKey, new AssetMoney(goldId, 30))

			colored = tx.GetColoredTransaction(repo);
			Assert.Equal(1, colored.Inputs.Count);
			Assert.Equal(goldId, colored.Inputs[0].Asset.Id);
			Assert.Equal(500, colored.Inputs[0].Asset.Quantity);
			Assert.Equal(1, colored.Issuances.Count);
			Assert.Equal(2, colored.Transfers.Count);
			AssertHasAsset(tx, colored, colored.Transfers[0], goldId, 470, bob.PubKey);
			AssertHasAsset(tx, colored, colored.Transfers[1], goldId, 30, satoshi.PubKey);


			//Can swap : 
			//satoshi wants to send 100 gold to bob 
			//bob wants to send 200 silver, 5 gold and 0.9 BTC to satoshi

			//Satoshi receive gold
			txBuilder = new TransactionBuilder();
			txBuilder.StandardTransactionPolicy = RelayPolicy;
			tx = txBuilder
					.IssueAsset(satoshi.PubKey, new AssetMoney(goldId, 1000UL))
			var satoshiCoin = ColoredCoin.Find(tx, repo).First();

			//Gold receive 2.5 BTC
			tx = new Transaction()
				Outputs =
					new TxOut("2.5",gold.PubKey)
			repo.Transactions.Put(tx.GetHash(), tx);

			//Bob receive silver and 2 btc
			txBuilder = new TransactionBuilder();
			txBuilder.StandardTransactionPolicy = RelayPolicy;
			tx = txBuilder
					.AddKeys(silver, gold)
					.AddCoins(new Coin(new OutPoint(tx.GetHash(), 0), new TxOut("2.5", gold.PubKey.ScriptPubKey)))
					.IssueAsset(bob.PubKey, new AssetMoney(silverId, 300UL))
					.Send(bob.PubKey, "2.00")

			var bobSilverCoin = ColoredCoin.Find(tx, repo).First();
			var bobBitcoin = new Coin(new OutPoint(tx.GetHash(), 2), tx.Outputs[2]);

			//Bob receive gold
			txBuilder = new TransactionBuilder();
			txBuilder.StandardTransactionPolicy = RelayPolicy;
			tx = txBuilder
					.IssueAsset(bob.PubKey, new AssetMoney(goldId, 50UL))
			repo.Transactions.Put(tx.GetHash(), tx);

			var bobGoldCoin = ColoredCoin.Find(tx, repo).First();

			txBuilder = new TransactionBuilder();
			txBuilder.StandardTransactionPolicy = RelayPolicy;
			tx = txBuilder
				.SendAsset(bob.PubKey, new AssetMoney(goldId, 100))
				.AddCoins(bobSilverCoin, bobGoldCoin, bobBitcoin)
				.SendAsset(satoshi.PubKey, new AssetMoney(silverId, 200))
				.Send(satoshi.PubKey, "0.9")
				.SendAsset(satoshi.PubKey, new AssetMoney(goldId, 5))

			colored = tx.GetColoredTransaction(repo);

			AssertHasAsset(tx, colored, colored.Inputs[0], goldId, 1000, null);
			AssertHasAsset(tx, colored, colored.Inputs[1], silverId, 300, null);

			AssertHasAsset(tx, colored, colored.Transfers[0], goldId, 900, satoshi.PubKey);
			AssertHasAsset(tx, colored, colored.Transfers[1], goldId, 100, bob.PubKey);

			AssertHasAsset(tx, colored, colored.Transfers[2], silverId, 100, bob.PubKey);
			AssertHasAsset(tx, colored, colored.Transfers[3], silverId, 200, satoshi.PubKey);

			AssertHasAsset(tx, colored, colored.Transfers[4], goldId, 45, bob.PubKey);
			AssertHasAsset(tx, colored, colored.Transfers[5], goldId, 5, satoshi.PubKey);

			Assert.True(tx.Outputs[8].Value == Money.Parse("1.0999424"));
			Assert.True(tx.Outputs[8].ScriptPubKey == bob.PubKey.ScriptPubKey);
			Assert.True(tx.Outputs[9].Value == Money.Parse("0.9"));
			Assert.True(tx.Outputs[9].ScriptPubKey == satoshi.PubKey.ScriptPubKey);

			tx = txBuilder.AddKeys(satoshi, bob).SignTransaction(tx);

			//Bob send coins to Satoshi, but alice pay for the dust
			var funding =
				new TransactionBuilder()
					StandardTransactionPolicy = RelayPolicy
				.IssueAsset(bob.PubKey.Hash, new AssetMoney(goldId, 100UL))


			var bobGold = ColoredCoin.Find(funding, repo).ToArray();

			Transaction transfer = null;
				transfer =
					new TransactionBuilder()
						StandardTransactionPolicy = RelayPolicy
					.SendAsset(alice.PubKey.Hash, new AssetMoney(goldId, 40UL))
				Assert.False(true, "Should have thrown");
			catch(NotEnoughFundsException ex) //Not enough dust to send the change
				Assert.True(((Money)ex.Missing).Satoshi == 2730);
				var rate = new FeeRate(Money.Coins(0.0004m));
				txBuilder = new TransactionBuilder();
				txBuilder.StandardTransactionPolicy = RelayPolicy;
				transfer =
					.AddKeys(gold, bob)
					.SendAsset(alice.PubKey, new AssetMoney(goldId, 40UL))
					.SetChange(bob.PubKey, ChangeType.Colored)
					.SetChange(gold.PubKey.Hash, ChangeType.Uncolored)
				var fee = transfer.GetFee(txBuilder.FindSpentCoins(transfer));
				Assert.True(txBuilder.Verify(transfer, fee));

				repo.Transactions.Put(funding.GetHash(), funding);

				colored = ColoredTransaction.FetchColors(transfer, repo);
				AssertHasAsset(transfer, colored, colored.Transfers[0], goldId, 60, bob.PubKey);
				AssertHasAsset(transfer, colored, colored.Transfers[1], goldId, 40, alice.PubKey);

				var change = transfer.Outputs.Last(o => o.ScriptPubKey == gold.PubKey.Hash.ScriptPubKey);
				Assert.Equal(Money.Coins(0.99980450m), change.Value);

				Assert.Equal(gold.PubKey.Hash, change.ScriptPubKey.GetDestination());

				//Verify issuancecoin can have an url
				var issuanceCoin = (IssuanceCoin)issuanceCoins[0];
				issuanceCoin.DefinitionUrl = new Uri("");
				txBuilder = new TransactionBuilder();
				tx = txBuilder
					.IssueAsset(bob, new AssetMoney(gold.PubKey, 10))

				Assert.Equal("", tx.GetColoredMarker().GetMetadataUrl().AbsoluteUri);
Ejemplo n.º 36
        public void FundTransaction_Given__a_wallet_has_enough_inputs__When__adding_inputs_to_an_existing_transaction__Then__the_transaction_is_funded_successfully()
            DataFolder dataFolder = CreateDataFolder(this);

            Types.Wallet wallet = WalletTestsHelpers.GenerateBlankWallet("myWallet1", "password");
            (ExtKey ExtKey, string ExtPubKey)accountKeys = WalletTestsHelpers.GenerateAccountKeys(wallet, "password", "m/44'/0'/0'");
            (PubKey PubKey, BitcoinPubKeyAddress Address)spendingKeys     = WalletTestsHelpers.GenerateAddressKeys(wallet, accountKeys.ExtPubKey, "0/0");
            (PubKey PubKey, BitcoinPubKeyAddress Address)destinationKeys1 = WalletTestsHelpers.GenerateAddressKeys(wallet, accountKeys.ExtPubKey, "0/1");
            (PubKey PubKey, BitcoinPubKeyAddress Address)destinationKeys2 = WalletTestsHelpers.GenerateAddressKeys(wallet, accountKeys.ExtPubKey, "0/2");
            (PubKey PubKey, BitcoinPubKeyAddress Address)destinationKeys3 = WalletTestsHelpers.GenerateAddressKeys(wallet, accountKeys.ExtPubKey, "0/3");

            var address = new HdAddress
                Index        = 0,
                HdPath       = $"m/44'/0'/0'/0/0",
                Address      = spendingKeys.Address.ToString(),
                Pubkey       = spendingKeys.PubKey.ScriptPubKey,
                ScriptPubKey = spendingKeys.Address.ScriptPubKey,
                // Transactions = new List<TransactionData>()

            // wallet with 4 coinbase outputs of 50 = 200 Bitcoin
            var chain = new ChainIndexer(wallet.Network);

            WalletTestsHelpers.AddBlocksWithCoinbaseToChain(wallet.walletStore as WalletMemoryStore, wallet.Network, chain, address, 4);

            wallet.AccountsRoot.ElementAt(0).Accounts.Add(new HdAccount
                Index             = 0,
                Name              = "account1",
                HdPath            = "m/44'/0'/0'",
                ExtendedPubKey    = accountKeys.ExtPubKey,
                ExternalAddresses = new List <HdAddress> {
                InternalAddresses = new List <HdAddress>()

            var walletFeePolicy = new Mock <IWalletFeePolicy>();

            walletFeePolicy.Setup(w => w.GetFeeRate(FeeType.Low.ToConfirmations())).Returns(new FeeRate(20000));
            var overrideFeeRate = new FeeRate(20000);

            var walletManager = new WalletManager(this.LoggerFactory.Object, this.Network, chain, new WalletSettings(NodeSettings.Default(this.Network)),
                                                  dataFolder, walletFeePolicy.Object, new Mock <IAsyncProvider>().Object, new NodeLifetime(), DateTimeProvider.Default, this.scriptAddressReader);
            var walletTransactionHandler = new WalletTransactionHandler(this.LoggerFactory.Object, walletManager, walletFeePolicy.Object, this.Network, this.standardTransactionPolicy);


            var walletReference = new WalletAccountReference
                AccountName = "account1",
                WalletName  = "myWallet1"

            // create a trx with 3 outputs 50 + 50 + 50 = 150 BTC
            var context = new TransactionBuildContext(this.Network)
                AccountReference = walletReference,
                MinConfirmations = 0,
                FeeType          = FeeType.Low,
                WalletPassword   = "******",
                Recipients       = new[]
                    new Recipient {
                        Amount = new Money(50, MoneyUnit.BTC), ScriptPubKey = destinationKeys1.PubKey.ScriptPubKey
                    new Recipient {
                        Amount = new Money(50, MoneyUnit.BTC), ScriptPubKey = destinationKeys2.PubKey.ScriptPubKey
                    new Recipient {
                        Amount = new Money(50, MoneyUnit.BTC), ScriptPubKey = destinationKeys3.PubKey.ScriptPubKey

            Transaction fundTransaction = walletTransactionHandler.BuildTransaction(context);

            Assert.Equal(4, fundTransaction.Inputs.Count);  // 4 inputs
            Assert.Equal(4, fundTransaction.Outputs.Count); // 3 outputs with change

            // remove the change output
            fundTransaction.Outputs.Remove(fundTransaction.Outputs.First(f => f.ScriptPubKey == context.ChangeAddress.ScriptPubKey));
            // remove 3 inputs they will be added back by fund transaction
            Assert.Single(fundTransaction.Inputs); // 4 inputs

            Transaction fundTransactionClone = this.Network.CreateTransaction(fundTransaction.ToBytes());
            var         fundContext          = new TransactionBuildContext(this.Network)
                AccountReference = walletReference,
                MinConfirmations = 0,
                FeeType          = FeeType.Low,
                WalletPassword   = "******",
                Recipients       = new List <Recipient>()

            fundContext.OverrideFeeRate = overrideFeeRate;
            walletTransactionHandler.FundTransaction(fundContext, fundTransaction);

            foreach (TxIn input in fundTransactionClone.Inputs) // all original inputs are still in the trx
                Assert.Contains(fundTransaction.Inputs, a => a.PrevOut == input.PrevOut);

            Assert.Equal(4, fundTransaction.Inputs.Count);  // we expect 4 inputs
            Assert.Equal(4, fundTransaction.Outputs.Count); // we expect 4 outputs
            Assert.Equal(new Money(200, MoneyUnit.BTC) - fundContext.TransactionFee, fundTransaction.TotalOut);

            Assert.Contains(fundTransaction.Outputs, a => a.ScriptPubKey == destinationKeys1.PubKey.ScriptPubKey);
            Assert.Contains(fundTransaction.Outputs, a => a.ScriptPubKey == destinationKeys2.PubKey.ScriptPubKey);
            Assert.Contains(fundTransaction.Outputs, a => a.ScriptPubKey == destinationKeys3.PubKey.ScriptPubKey);
Ejemplo n.º 37
		public void CanSplitFees()
			var satoshi = new Key();
			var alice = new Key();
			var bob = new Key();

			var aliceCoins = new ICoin[] { RandomCoin("0.4", alice), RandomCoin("0.6", alice) };
			var bobCoins = new ICoin[] { RandomCoin("0.2", bob), RandomCoin("0.3", bob) };

			TransactionBuilder builder = new TransactionBuilder();
			FeeRate rate = new FeeRate(Money.Coins(0.0004m));
			var tx = builder
				.Send(satoshi, Money.Coins(0.1m))
				.Send(satoshi, Money.Coins(0.01m))

			var estimated = builder.EstimateFees(tx, rate);

			Assert.True(builder.Verify(tx, estimated));

			// Alice should pay two times more fee than bob
			builder = new TransactionBuilder();
			tx = builder
				.Send(satoshi, Money.Coins(0.1m))
				.Send(satoshi, Money.Coins(0.01m))

			var spentAlice = builder.FindSpentCoins(tx).Where(c => aliceCoins.Contains(c)).OfType<Coin>().Select(c => c.Amount).Sum();
			var receivedAlice = tx.Outputs.AsCoins().Where(c => c.ScriptPubKey == alice.PubKey.Hash.ScriptPubKey).Select(c => c.Amount).Sum();
			Assert.Equal(Money.Coins(0.1m + 0.4m), spentAlice - receivedAlice);

			var spentBob = builder.FindSpentCoins(tx).Where(c => bobCoins.Contains(c)).OfType<Coin>().Select(c => c.Amount).Sum();
			var receivedBob = tx.Outputs.AsCoins().Where(c => c.ScriptPubKey == bob.PubKey.Hash.ScriptPubKey).Select(c => c.Amount).Sum();
			Assert.Equal(Money.Coins(0.01m + 0.2m), spentBob - receivedBob);