Ejemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Called when this process has finished processing.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="op">The op.</param>
 protected override void OnFinishedProcessing(FdoOperationBase op)
     if (op is FdoBatchedOutputOperation)
         FdoBatchedOutputOperation bop = op as FdoBatchedOutputOperation;
         string className = bop.ClassName;
         SendMessageFormatted("[{0}]: {1}", this.Name, op.Statistics.ToString());
     else if (op is FdoOutputOperation)
         string className = (op as FdoOutputOperation).ClassName;
         SendMessageFormatted("[{0}]: {1}", this.Name, op.Statistics.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Called when [finished processing].
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="op">The op.</param>
 protected override void OnFinishedProcessing(FdoOperationBase op)
     if (op is FdoBatchedOutputOperation)
         FdoBatchedOutputOperation bop = op as FdoBatchedOutputOperation;
         string className = bop.ClassName;
         SendMessageFormatted("[Join => {0}]: {1} features processed in {2}", className, bop.BatchInsertTotal, op.Statistics.Duration.ToString());
     else if (op is FdoOutputOperation)
         string className = (op as FdoOutputOperation).ClassName;
         SendMessageFormatted("[Join => {0}]: {1} features processed in {2}", className, op.Statistics.OutputtedRows, op.Statistics.Duration.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes this instance.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Initialize()
            FdoConnection srcConn = Options.Parent.GetConnection(Options.SourceConnectionName);
            FdoConnection dstConn = Options.Parent.GetConnection(Options.TargetConnectionName);

            //Register delete operation first if delete target specified
            if (Options.DeleteTarget)
                using (var svc = dstConn.CreateFeatureService())
                    var cls = svc.GetClassByName(Options.TargetSchema, Options.TargetClassName);
                    //We can't delete if the class in question doesn't exist
                    if (cls != null)
                        FdoDeleteOperation op = new FdoDeleteOperation(dstConn, Options.TargetClassName);
                        //There's info here worth bubbling up
                        op.OnInfo += (sender, e) =>
                            SendMessageFormatted("[{0}:{1}] {2}", this.Name, "Delete", e.Message);

            if (Options.PreCopyTargetModifier != null)
                var op = new PreClassCopyModifyOperation(Options, srcConn, dstConn);
                //There's info here worth bubbling up
                op.OnInfo += (sender, e) =>
                    SendMessageFormatted("[{0}:{1}] {2}", this.Name, "PreCopy", e.Message);

            IFdoOperation input     = new FdoInputOperation(srcConn, CreateSourceQuery());
            IFdoOperation output    = null;
            IFdoOperation convert   = null;
            IFdoOperation reproject = null;

            NameValueCollection propertyMappings = new NameValueCollection();

            string[] srcProps   = this.Options.SourcePropertyNames;
            string[] srcAliases = this.Options.SourceAliases;
            if (srcProps.Length > 0)
                foreach (string srcProp in srcProps)
                    propertyMappings.Add(srcProp, Options.GetTargetProperty(srcProp));
            if (srcAliases.Length > 0)
                foreach (string srcAlias in srcAliases)
                    propertyMappings.Add(srcAlias, Options.GetTargetPropertyForAlias(srcAlias));
            if (propertyMappings.Count > 0)
                if (Options.BatchSize > 0)
                    FdoBatchedOutputOperation bat = new FdoBatchedOutputOperation(dstConn, Options.TargetClassName, propertyMappings, Options.BatchSize);
                    bat.BatchInserted += delegate(object sender, BatchInsertEventArgs e)
                        SendMessageFormatted("[Bulk Copy => {0}] {1} feature batch written", Options.TargetClassName, e.BatchSize);
                    bat.OnInfo += (sender, e) =>
                        SendMessageFormatted("[{0}:{1}] {2}", this.Name, "BatchOutput", e.Message);
                    output = bat;
                    var outop = new FdoOutputOperation(dstConn, Options.TargetClassName, propertyMappings);
                    outop.OnInfo += (sender, e) =>
                        SendMessageFormatted("[{0}:{1}] {2}", this.Name, "Output", e.Message);
                    output = outop;
                if (Options.BatchSize > 0)
                    FdoBatchedOutputOperation bat = new FdoBatchedOutputOperation(dstConn, Options.TargetClassName, Options.BatchSize);
                    bat.BatchInserted += delegate(object sender, BatchInsertEventArgs e)
                        SendMessageFormatted("[Bulk Copy => {0}] {1} feature batch written", Options.TargetClassName, e.BatchSize);
                    bat.OnInfo += (sender, e) =>
                        SendMessageFormatted("[{0}:{1}] {2}", this.Name, "BatchOutput", e.Message);
                    output = bat;
                    var outop = new FdoOutputOperation(dstConn, Options.TargetClassName);
                    outop.OnInfo += (sender, e) =>
                        SendMessageFormatted("[{0}:{1}] {2}", this.Name, "Output", e.Message);
                    output = outop;

            if (Options.ConversionRules.Count > 0)
                FdoDataValueConversionOperation op = new FdoDataValueConversionOperation(Options.ConversionRules);
                op.OnInfo += (sender, e) =>
                    SendMessageFormatted("[{0}:{1}] {2}", this.Name, "DataValueConvert", e.Message);
                convert = op;

            //Compare the WKTs of the source and target spatial contexts by their association (Pre-copy modifiers should've
            //created and/or assigned the correct contexts). If they are different, set up a re-projection operation using
            //the source and target WKTs, which will do a vertex by vertex transformation of all the geometries that pass
            //through it.
            //I found this solution in a dream I had. (I am *NOT* kidding!)
            //I N C E P T I O N?

            if (convert != null)
            if (Options.FlattenGeometries)
                Register(new FdoFlattenGeometryOperation());
            if (Options.ForceWkb)
                Register(new FdoForceWkbOperation());
            if (reproject != null) //Will always be null atm

            //This is to dispose of any FDO objects stored in the FdoRows being sent through
            Register(new FdoCleanupOperation());