public void OnAppRequestsComplete(string message) { var rawResult = (Dictionary <string, object>)MiniJSON.Json.Deserialize(message); if (rawResult.ContainsKey(CallbackIdKey)) { var result = new Dictionary <string, object>(); var callbackId = (string)rawResult[CallbackIdKey]; rawResult.Remove(CallbackIdKey); if (rawResult.Count > 0) { List <string> to = new List <string>(rawResult.Count - 1); foreach (string key in rawResult.Keys) { if (!key.StartsWith("to")) { result[key] = rawResult[key]; continue; } to.Add((string)rawResult[key]); } result.Add("to", to); rawResult.Clear(); FbDebug.Log("Call the callback " + callbackId + " with " + MiniJSON.Json.Serialize(result)); OnFacebookResponse(callbackId, new FBResult(MiniJSON.Json.Serialize(result))); } else { //if we make it here java returned a callback message with only an id //this isnt supposed to happen OnFacebookResponse(callbackId, new FBResult(MiniJSON.Json.Serialize(result), "Malformed request response. Please file a bug with facebook here:")); } } }
public override void Init( InitDelegate onInitComplete, string appId, bool cookie = false, bool logging = true, bool status = true, bool xfbml = false, string channelUrl = "", string authResponse = null, bool frictionlessRequests = false, HideUnityDelegate hideUnityDelegate = null) { if (appId == null || appId == "") { throw new ArgumentException("appId cannot be null or empty!"); } FbDebug.Log("start android init"); var parameters = new Dictionary <string, object>(); if (appId != "") { parameters.Add("appId", appId); } if (cookie != false) { parameters.Add("cookie", true); } if (logging != true) { parameters.Add("logging", false); } if (status != true) { parameters.Add("status", false); } if (xfbml != false) { parameters.Add("xfbml", true); } if (channelUrl != "") { parameters.Add("channelUrl", channelUrl); } if (authResponse != null) { parameters.Add("authResponse", authResponse); } if (frictionlessRequests != false) { parameters.Add("frictionlessRequests", true); } var paramJson = MiniJSON.Json.Serialize(parameters); this.onInitComplete = onInitComplete; this.CallFB("Init", paramJson.ToString()); }
public void OnLogoutComplete(string message) { FbDebug.Log("OnLogoutComplete"); isLoggedIn = false; userId = ""; accessToken = ""; }
public void UpdatePlayerData(Player player) { try{ string jsonString; if (player.Revision != null) { jsonString = "{\"_id\":\"" + player.Id + "\",\"_rev\":\"" + player.Revision + "\",\"Name\":\"" + player.Name + "\",\"Coins\":" + player.Coins + ",\"Highscore\":" + player.Highscore + "}"; } else { jsonString = "{\"Name\":\"" + player.Name + "\",\"Coins\":" + player.Coins + ",\"Highscore\":" + player.Highscore + "}"; } HTTP.Request request = new HTTP.Request("put", this.baseUrl + "players/" + player.Id, new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(jsonString))); request.synchronous = true; request.Send((requestObject) => { JSONObject playerJSON = new JSONObject(requestObject.response.Text); List <JSONObject> json = playerJSON.list; player.Revision = json[2].str; }); while (!request.isDone) { } } catch (Exception e) { FbDebug.Log(e.StackTrace); } }
public Match GetMatchForId(string id) { try{ HTTP.Request request = new HTTP.Request("get", this.baseUrl + ("matches/" + id)); request.Send(); while (!request.isDone) { } JSONObject matchesJson = new JSONObject(request.response.Text); List <JSONObject> json = matchesJson.list; if (!(json[0].str == "not_found" && json[1].str == "missing")) { Match match = new Match(); //match.Id = json[0].str; //match.Revision = json[1].str; //match.ChallengerId = json[2].str; //match.ChallengedId = json[3].str; match.ChallengerScore = (int)json[4].n; match.ChallengedScore = (int)json[5].n; //match.Winner = json[6].str; match.Seed = (int)json[7].n; return(match); } } catch (Exception e) { FbDebug.Log(e.StackTrace); } return(null); }
void OnLoggedIn() { FbDebug.Log("Logged in. ID: " + FB.UserId); // Request player info and profile picture FB.API("/me?fields=id,first_name,friends.limit(100).fields(first_name,id)", Facebook.HttpMethod.GET, APICallback); FB.API(Util.GetPictureURL("me", 128, 128), Facebook.HttpMethod.GET, MyPictureCallback); }
public static void EndGame() { if (immortal) { return; } GameObject[] friends = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Friend"); GameObject[] enemies = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Enemy"); foreach (GameObject t in friends) { Destroy(t); } foreach (GameObject t in enemies) { Destroy(t); } FbDebug.Log("EndGame Instance.highScore = " + Instance.highScore + "\nInstance.score = " + Instance.score); Instance.highScore = Instance.score; FbDebug.Log("Player has new high score :" + Instance.score); Application.LoadLevel("MainMenu"); Time.timeScale = 0.0f; }
public void GetFbProfileInfo() { FbDebug.Log("Logged in. ID: " + FB.UserId); // Reqest player info and profile picture FB.API("/me?fields=id,first_name,friends.limit(100).fields(first_name,id,picture)", Facebook.HttpMethod.GET, APICallback); FB.API(Util.GetPictureURL("me", 1024, 1024), Facebook.HttpMethod.GET, MyPictureCallback); }
public override void AppEventsLogPurchase( float logPurchase, string currency = "USD", Dictionary <string, object> parameters = null) { FbDebug.Log("Pew! Pretending to send this off. Doesn't actually work in the editor"); }
/** * onInitComplete - Delegate is called when FB.Init() finished initializing everything. * By passing in a delegate you can find out when you can safely call the other methods. */ public static void Init(Facebook.InitDelegate onInitComplete, Facebook.HideUnityDelegate onHideUnity = null, string authResponse = null) { if (!isInitCalled) { FB.authResponse = authResponse; FB.OnInitComplete = onInitComplete; FB.OnHideUnity = onHideUnity; FbDebug.Info(String.Format("Using SDK {0}, Build {1}", FBBuildVersionAttribute.SDKVersion, FBBuildVersionAttribute.GetBuildVersionOfType(typeof(IFacebook)))); #if UNITY_EDITOR FBComponentFactory.GetComponent <EditorFacebookLoader>(); #elif UNITY_WEBPLAYER FBComponentFactory.GetComponent <CanvasFacebookLoader>(); #elif UNITY_IOS FBComponentFactory.GetComponent <IOSFacebookLoader>(); #elif UNITY_ANDROID FBComponentFactory.GetComponent <AndroidFacebookLoader>(); #else throw new NotImplementedException("Facebook API does not yet support this platform"); #endif FB.isInitCalled = true; return; } FbDebug.Warn("FB.Init() has already been called. You only need to call this once and only once."); // Init again if possible just in case something bad actually happened. if (FacebookImpl != null) { OnDllLoaded(); } }
public static void Log(string msg) { if (allowLogging) { FbDebug.Log(msg); } }
private static void OnDllLoaded() { var versionInfo = FBBuildVersionAttribute.GetVersionAttributeOfType(FacebookImpl.GetType()); if (versionInfo == null) { FbDebug.Warn("Finished loading Facebook dll, but could not find version info"); } else { FbDebug.Log(string.Format("Finished loading Facebook dll. Version {0} Build {1}", versionInfo.SdkVersion, versionInfo.BuildVersion)); } FacebookImpl.Init( OnInitComplete, appId, cookie, logging, status, xfbml, FBSettings.ChannelUrl, authResponse, frictionlessRequests, OnHideUnity ); }
public static void likeFriends(FBResult result) { if (result.Error != null) { FbDebug.Error(result.Error); Debug.LogError(result.Error); FB.API("fql?q=SELECT+uid+FROM+page_fan+WHERE+page_id=1477936459088484+AND+uid+IN+(SELECT+uid1+FROM+friend+WHERE+uid2=" + FB.UserId + ")", Facebook.HttpMethod.GET, likeFriends); return; } List <object> likesFriends = Util.DeserializeLikeFriends(result.Text); var x = 0; foreach (object temp in likesFriends) { Dictionary <string, object> t = (Dictionary <string, object>)temp; string uid = System.Convert.ToString(t["uid"]); if (LikeUs.instance != null) { LikeUs.instance.setFriendsFid(uid, x); } x++; if (x > 10) { break; } } }
public void GetUserHighScoreProfilePicture(UserHighScore userHighScore, int?width = null, int?height = null, string type = null) { string path = Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, userHighScore.UserId + "_ProfilePicture.png"); if (File.Exists(path) && DateTime.Now - File.GetLastWriteTime(path) < TimeSpan.FromDays(this.DaysToKeepProfilePicture)) { userHighScore.ProfilePicture = TextureIo.ReadTextureFromFile( path, width ?? userHighScore.ProfilePicture.width, height ?? userHighScore.ProfilePicture.height); } else { string url = this.GetPictureURL(userHighScore.UserId, width, height, type); FB.API( url, HttpMethod.GET, result => { if (result.Error != null) { FbDebug.Error(result.Error); return; } userHighScore.ProfilePicture = result.Texture; TextureIo.SaveTextureToFile(path, userHighScore.ProfilePicture); }); } }
public static void Warn(string msg) { if (allowLogging) { FbDebug.Warn(msg); } }
public override void AppEventsLogEvent( string logEvent, float?valueToSum = null, Dictionary <string, object> parameters = null) { FbDebug.Log("Pew! Pretending to send this off. Doesn't actually work in the editor"); }
public static void Error(string msg) { if (allowLogging) { FbDebug.Error(msg); } }
private static bool IsVersion42OrLater() { string version = Application.unityVersion; string[] versionComponents = version.Split('.'); int majorVersion = 0; int minorVersion = 0; try { if (versionComponents != null && versionComponents.Length > 0 && versionComponents[0] != null) { majorVersion = Convert.ToInt32(versionComponents[0]); } if (versionComponents != null && versionComponents.Length > 1 && versionComponents[1] != null) { minorVersion = Convert.ToInt32(versionComponents[1]); } } catch (System.Exception e) { FbDebug.Error("Error parsing Unity version number: " + e); } return(majorVersion > 4 || (majorVersion == 4 && minorVersion >= 2)); }
public static IEnumerator LoadFacebookClass(string className, LoadedDllCallback callback) { var url = string.Format(IntegratedPluginCanvasLocation.DllUrl, className); var www = new WWW(url); FbDebug.Log("loading dll: " + url); yield return(www); if (www.error != null) { FbDebug.Error(www.error); if (retryLoadCount < maxRetryLoadCount) { ++retryLoadCount; #if UNITY_WEBPLAYER FBComponentFactory.AddComponent <CanvasFacebookLoader>(); #endif } www.Dispose(); yield break; } var assembly = Security.LoadAndVerifyAssembly(www.bytes, "B8GvecdX0rQ47kzhCEwlrRzYKA8LKeiZxy1HI3HfnhdgUATvBwQQViji8ot44dADM55QuHk5+hwrLso" + "au32IDmRDQTclMSsTsIywGRo/nE5vbmRMMIECYXBFhliz+kvK0RWZ57XPxw0s7YhGnNLav0EE2QH/m+9a" + "jlLOY+2ckxSoSEHLpotllyZLktRK+oFiDPvmzXLDUMOnwK9RFRSh2VBmoyWTZx8BYqWjqug3kAljJk/Xw" + "TYZT9Ie+HvzLO5DBSqMNYbEX03WaNfpaq9GKBF/Oz37AHelf1Es36amP1v2Aut3nmIk2xxN6zwzBXyEyw" + "90vJ/O8suikU+8kDDbZA=="); if (assembly == null) { FbDebug.Error("Could not securely load assembly from " + url); www.Dispose(); yield break; } var facebookClass = assembly.GetType(facebookNamespace + className); if (facebookClass == null) { FbDebug.Error(className + " not found in assembly!"); www.Dispose(); yield break; } // load the Facebook component into the gameobject // using the "as" cast so it'll null if it fails to cast, instead of exception var fb = typeof(FBComponentFactory) .GetMethod("GetComponent") .MakeGenericMethod(facebookClass) .Invoke(null, new object[] { IfNotExist.AddNew }) as IFacebook; if (fb == null) { FbDebug.Error(className + " couldn't be created."); www.Dispose(); yield break; } callback(fb); www.Dispose(); }
private void onChallengeClicked() { FbDebug.Log("onChallengeClicked"); if (GameStateManager.Score != 0 && GameStateManager.FriendID != null) { string[] recipient = { GameStateManager.FriendID }; FB.AppRequest( message: "I just smashed you " + GameStateManager.Score.ToString() + " times! Can you beat it?", to: recipient, filters: "", excludeIds: null, maxRecipients: null, data: "{\"challenge_score\":" + GameStateManager.Score.ToString() + "}", title: "Friend Smash Challenge!", callback: appRequestCallback ); } else { FB.AppRequest( message: "Friend Smash is smashing! Check it out.", title: "Play Friend Smash with me!", callback: appRequestCallback ); } }
void ScoresCallback(FBResult result) { FbDebug.Log("ScoresCallback"); if (result.Error != null) { FbDebug.Error(result.Error); return; } scores = new List <object>(); List <object> scoresList = Util.DeserializeScores(result.Text); foreach (object score in scoresList) { var entry = (Dictionary <string, object>)score; var user = (Dictionary <string, object>)entry["user"]; string userId = (string)user["id"]; if (string.Equals(userId, FB.UserId)) { // This entry is the current player int playerHighScore = getScoreFromEntry(entry); FbDebug.Log("Local players score on server is " + playerHighScore); if (playerHighScore < GameStateManager.Score) { FbDebug.Log("Locally overriding with just acquired score: " + GameStateManager.Score); playerHighScore = GameStateManager.Score; } entry["score"] = playerHighScore.ToString(); GameStateManager.HighScore = playerHighScore; } scores.Add(entry); if (!friendImages.ContainsKey(userId)) { // We don't have this players image yet, request it now FB.API(Util.GetPictureURL(userId, 128, 128), Facebook.HttpMethod.GET, pictureResult => { if (pictureResult.Error != null) { FbDebug.Error(pictureResult.Error); } else { friendImages.Add(userId, pictureResult.Texture); } }); } } // Now sort the entries based on score scores.Sort(delegate(object firstObj, object secondObj) { return(-getScoreFromEntry(firstObj).CompareTo(getScoreFromEntry(secondObj))); } ); }
public static void Info(string msg) { if (allowLogging) { FbDebug.Info(msg); } }
public static void likeMe(FBResult result) { if (result.Error != null) { FbDebug.Error(result.Error); Debug.LogError(result.Error); FB.API("fql?q=SELECT+uid+FROM+page_fan+WHERE+page_id=1477936459088484+AND+uid=" + FB.UserId + ")", Facebook.HttpMethod.GET, likeMe); return; } List <object> checkMy = Util.DeserializeLikeFriends(result.Text); foreach (object temp in checkMy) { Dictionary <string, object> t = (Dictionary <string, object>)temp; string uid = System.Convert.ToString(t["uid"]); if (uid.Equals(FB.UserId)) { if (LikeUs.instance != null) { LikeUs.instance.setLikeButtonSet(true); } return; } } if (LikeUs.instance != null) { LikeUs.instance.setLikeButtonSet(false); } }
/** * If you need a more programmatic way to set the facebook app id and other setting call this function. * Useful for a build pipeline that requires no human input. */ public static void Init( InitDelegate onInitComplete, string appId, bool cookie = true, bool logging = true, bool status = true, bool xfbml = false, bool frictionlessRequests = true, HideUnityDelegate onHideUnity = null, string authResponse = null) { FB.appId = appId; FB.cookie = cookie; FB.logging = logging; FB.status = status; FB.xfbml = xfbml; FB.frictionlessRequests = frictionlessRequests; FB.authResponse = authResponse; FB.OnInitComplete = onInitComplete; FB.OnHideUnity = onHideUnity; if (!isInitCalled) { var versionInfo = FBBuildVersionAttribute.GetVersionAttributeOfType(typeof(IFacebook)); if (versionInfo == null) { FbDebug.Warn("Cannot find Facebook SDK Version"); } else { FbDebug.Info(String.Format("Using SDK {0}, Build {1}", versionInfo.SdkVersion, versionInfo.BuildVersion)); } #if UNITY_EDITOR FBComponentFactory.GetComponent <EditorFacebookLoader>(); #elif UNITY_WEBPLAYER FBComponentFactory.GetComponent <CanvasFacebookLoader>(); #elif UNITY_IOS FBComponentFactory.GetComponent <IOSFacebookLoader>(); #elif UNITY_ANDROID FBComponentFactory.GetComponent <AndroidFacebookLoader>(); #elif UNITY_WP8 FBComponentFactory.GetComponent <WindowsPhoneFacebookLoader>(); #else throw new NotImplementedException("Facebook API does not yet support this platform"); #endif isInitCalled = true; return; } FbDebug.Warn("FB.Init() has already been called. You only need to call this once and only once."); // Init again if possible just in case something bad actually happened. if (FacebookImpl != null) { OnDllLoaded(); } }
public WWW POSTGETMESSAGE(string page, string data) { FbDebug.Log("postgetmessage test : " + data); WWW www = new WWW(CDefine.serverURL, Encoding.Default.GetBytes(data)); StartCoroutine(WaitForGetMessage(www)); return(www); }
public override void GetDeepLink(FacebookDelegate callback) { FbDebug.Info("No Deep Linking in the Editor"); if (callback != null) { callback(new FBResult("<platform dependent>")); } }
public WWW POSTSENDMESSAGE(string page, string data, string fid, CallBackClass.SendMessageCallBack callback) { FbDebug.Log("postsendmessage test : " + data); WWW www = new WWW(CDefine.serverURL, Encoding.Default.GetBytes(data)); StartCoroutine(WaitForSendMessage(www, fid, callback)); return(www); }
public static IEnumerator LoadFacebookClass(string className, LoadedDllCallback callback) { var url = string.Format(IntegratedPluginCanvasLocation.DllUrl, className); var www = new WWW(url); FbDebug.Log("loading dll: " + url); yield return(www); }
private void CallFB(string method, string args) { #if UNITY_ANDROID FB.CallStatic(method, args); #else FbDebug.Error("Using Android when not on an Android build! Doesn't Work!"); #endif }
public WWW POSTLOGIN(string page, string data) { FbDebug.Log("postloing test : " + data); WWW www = new WWW(CDefine.serverURL, Encoding.Default.GetBytes(data)); StartCoroutine(WaitForRequest(www)); return(www); }