Ejemplo n.º 1
        private async Task <(string type, bool cons, StringBuilder Fc, StringBuilder TitleFc)> DoRevert(AbbybotCommandArgs a)
            var axis = await FavoriteCharacterHistorySql.GetFavoriteCharacterHistoryAsync(a.user.Id);

            var axis10            = axis.OrderByDescending(x => x.Id).ToList();
            var FavoriteCharacter = a.Replace(Command);

            FavoriteCharacter.Remove(0, 7);
                var iii = int.Parse(FavoriteCharacter.ToString());

                if (axis10.Count > 0)
                    var iaxisuf = axis10[iii].FavoriteCharacter;
                    await FavoriteCharacterSql.SetFavoriteCharacterAsync(a.user.Id, iaxisuf);

                    await FavoriteCharacterHistorySql.SetFavoriteCharacterHistoryAsync(a.user.Id, iaxisuf, "revert", $"reverted back to fc history: {axis10[iii].FavoriteCharacter}.", axis10[0].Id);

                    EmbedBuilder ebxz = new();
                    ebxz.Title       = "reverted fc!";
                    ebxz.Description = $"reverted {axis10[0].type} {axis10[0].Info}... back to {axis10[iii].type} {axis10[iii].Info}";

                    await a.Send(ebxz);
            catch { }

            return("revert", false, null, null);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private async Task <(string type, bool cons, StringBuilder Fc, StringBuilder TitleFc)> DoUndo(AbbybotCommandArgs a)
            Console.WriteLine("trying undo");
            var axis = await FavoriteCharacterHistorySql.GetFavoriteCharacterHistoryAsync(a.user.Id);

            var axis10 = axis.OrderByDescending(i => i.Id).ToList();

            if (axis10.Count > 1)
                Console.WriteLine("we can undo");
                var undoid = axis10[0].UndoId;
                if (undoid == 0)
                    return("", false, null, null);
                foreach (var i in axis10)
                Console.WriteLine($"undoid is {undoid}");
                Console.WriteLine("undoid wasn't 0");
                var undo = axis10.Where(o => o.Id == undoid).ToList();
                if (undo.Count == 0)
                    return("", false, null, null);
                Console.WriteLine("there was an undo object");

                var nextundoid = undo[0].UndoId;
                if (nextundoid == 0)
                    return("", false, null, null);
                Console.WriteLine("the undo's id is not 0");
                await FavoriteCharacterSql.SetFavoriteCharacterAsync(a.user.Id, undo[0].FavoriteCharacter);

                await FavoriteCharacterHistorySql.SetFavoriteCharacterHistoryAsync(a.user.Id, undo[0].FavoriteCharacter, "undo", $"set back to ...{new string(undo[0].FavoriteCharacter.TakeLast(250).ToArray())}.", nextundoid);

                EmbedBuilder ebxz = new();
                ebxz.Title       = "undo";
                ebxz.Description = $"Undone {new string(axis10[0].FavoriteCharacter.TakeLast(250).ToArray())}... was set back to ...{new string(undo[0].FavoriteCharacter.TakeLast(250).ToArray())}";

                await a.Send(ebxz);
            return("undo", false, null, null);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public override async Task DoWork(AbbybotCommandArgs a)
            var input = a.Replace(Command);

            if (input.Length == 0)
                if (a.hasMultipleFcs)
                    var fclists = GetMultiFCStringBuilders(a);

                    await a.Send(fclists);

                    string message = $"Your favorite character is: {a.BreakAbbybooruTag(a.user.FavoriteCharacter)}. Get help with {Command} help";

                    await a.Send(message);


            var ofclist = a.GetFCList();

            var subCommand = input.Split(" ")[0];
            var info       = subCommand switch {
                "help" => await DoHelp(a),
                "history" => await DoHistory(a),
                "undo" => await DoUndo(a),
                "revert" => await DoRevert(a),
                "add" => await DoAdd(a),
                "remove" => await DoRemove(a),
                "buildtag" => await DoBuildTag(a),
                "breaktag" => await DoBreakTag(a),
                _ => await DoSet(a)

            if (!info.cons)

            string[] o = new string[1];
            o[0] = (info.TitleFc ?? info.Fc).ToString();

            (bool canrun, string pictureurl, string previewurl, string fc)aaa = (false, null, null, "");

            int  failcount = 0;
            bool failed    = false;

            EmbedBuilder eb = new EmbedBuilder();

            bool set = false;

                var sif = o[0];
                try {
                    aaa = await awa(a, o, info.type);

                    if (!aaa.canrun)
                        throw new Exception("Can't run");
                } catch {
                if (info.type == "set")
                    o[0] = aaa.fc;
                string[] uris = new string[] {
                    aaa.pictureurl, aaa.previewurl
                int count = 0;
                foreach (var u in uris)
                    try {
                        eb.ImageUrl = u.ToString();
                        set         = true;
                    } catch {
                if (count >= uris.Length)
                    failed = true;

                Console.WriteLine($"set? {set}, fails?{failcount}, image? {eb.ImageUrl != null}");
            } while (!set && failcount < 3);
            if (failed)
                await a.Send("I'm sorry master... I tried really hard to find you a picture you would like... But nothing came up... I tried 3 searches... oh well...");


            var oioio = a.BreakAbbybooruTag(((info.TitleFc != null) ? info.TitleFc : info.Fc).ToString());

            Console.WriteLine($"{oioio}: {info.TitleFc}, {info.Fc}");
            if (aaa.canrun)
                var u = await FavoriteCharacterHistorySql.GetFavoriteCharacterHistoryAsync(a.user.Id);

                await FavoriteCharacterSql.SetFavoriteCharacterAsync(a.user.Id, info.Fc.ToString());

                var lastId = (u.Count > 0 ? u[0].Id : 0);
                await FavoriteCharacterHistorySql.SetFavoriteCharacterHistoryAsync(a.user.Id, info.Fc.ToString(), info.type, oioio, lastId);

                eb.Color = Color.Green;

                eb.Title = info.type switch {
                    "add" => $"Added {oioio}!!!",
                    "remove" => $"Removed {oioio}!!!",
                    "set" => $"{oioio} Yayy!!",
                    _ => "I'm kinda confused master..."

                eb.Description = info.type switch {
                    "add" => $"I added {oioio} to your fc!!",
                    "remove" => $"I removed {oioio} from your fc!",
                    "set" => $"I know your favorite character now hehehehe cutie {a.user.Preferedname} master!! ",
                    _ => "I... I really don't know what's going on..."
                var foc = a.BreakAbbybooruTag(info.Fc.ToString());
                eb.Title       = $"oof... {foc}...";
                eb.Description = $"sorry {a.user.Preferedname}... i couldn't find {foc} ({info.Fc}) ...";
                eb.Color       = Color.Red;

            await a.Send(eb);

            if (ofclist.Length > 2 && info.type == "set")
                await a.Send("Hey, ps... I think you may have made a mistake... You set that favorite character instead of adding it. \nIf you didn't mean to override your favorite character list, I suggest you to run: ``%fc undo``");