Ejemplo n.º 1
 public void Render(Perimeter worldSize)
     skybox.Center = new TGCVector3(FastMath.Clamp(Camera.Position.X, worldSize.xMin + Radius, worldSize.xMax - Radius),
                                    FastMath.Clamp(Camera.Position.Z, worldSize.zMin + Radius, worldSize.zMax - Radius));
Ejemplo n.º 2
 private TGCVector3 clampPickingResult(TGCVector3 v)
     v.X = FastMath.Clamp(v.X, -BIG_VAL, BIG_VAL);
     v.Y = FastMath.Clamp(v.Y, -BIG_VAL, BIG_VAL);
     v.Z = FastMath.Clamp(v.Z, -BIG_VAL, BIG_VAL);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void play(int volume)
            var clampedVolume = FastMath.Clamp(volume, (int)Volume.Min, (int)Volume.Max);

            this.sound.SoundBuffer.Volume = clampedVolume;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void propulsion(float elapsedTime)
            if (GameInput._Speed.IsDown(Input) && this.Character.ActualStats.Oxygen > 0)
                this.propulsionValue += elapsedTime * 12;
                this.GameState.character.UpdateStats(new Stats(-elapsedTime * 8, 0));
                this.propulsionValue -= elapsedTime * 8;

            var maxValue  = 6;
            var variation = (int)Volume.Min / maxValue;

            this.propulsionValue = FastMath.Clamp(this.propulsionValue, 1, maxValue);

            if (this.propulsionValue <= 1)
                SoundManager.Play(SoundManager.MotorSound, (int)Volume.Min - (int)Math.Ceiling(this.propulsionValue * variation));

            this.Camera.MovementSpeed = this.baseCameraSpeed * this.propulsionValue;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void Rotation()
            Latitude  -= -Input.XposRelative * Constants.ROTATION_SPEED;
            Longitude -= Input.YposRelative * Constants.ROTATION_SPEED;
            Longitude  = FastMath.Clamp(Longitude, Constants.LIMIT_MIN, Constants.LIIMIT_MAX);

            CameraRotation = TGCMatrix.RotationX(Longitude) * TGCMatrix.RotationY(Latitude);
 public override void Update(Camera camera)
     Mesh.Position = camera.LookAt + TGCVector3.TransformNormal(new TGCVector3(-10, -4, -9f), camera.cameraRotation);
     Mesh.Rotation = new TGCVector3(
         FastMath.QUARTER_PI * 0.05f + FastMath.Clamp(camera.updownRot, -FastMath.QUARTER_PI * 0.2f, FastMath.QUARTER_PI * 0.2f),
         camera.leftrightRot + FastMath.QUARTER_PI * 0.9f,
         -FastMath.QUARTER_PI * 1.4f + FastMath.Clamp(camera.updownRot, -FastMath.QUARTER_PI * 0.2f, FastMath.QUARTER_PI * 0.2f)
        public TGCMatrix CalculateCameraRotation()
            if (ConsideringInput)
                leftrightRot += Input.XposRelative * RotationSpeed;
                updownRot     = FastMath.Clamp(updownRot - Input.YposRelative * RotationSpeed, -FastMath.PI_HALF, FastMath.PI_HALF);

            return(TGCMatrix.RotationX(updownRot) * TGCMatrix.RotationY(leftrightRot));
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private void CalculateShoppingChance(float currentHour)
            float minShoppingChanceEndHour   = Math.Min(config.WakeUpHour, EarliestWakeUp);
            float maxShoppingChanceStartHour = Math.Max(config.WorkBegin, config.WakeUpHour);

            if (minShoppingChanceEndHour == maxShoppingChanceStartHour)
                minShoppingChanceEndHour = FastMath.Clamp(maxShoppingChanceStartHour - 1f, 2f, maxShoppingChanceStartHour - 1f);

            uint oldChance = shoppingChances[(int)Citizen.AgeGroup.Adult];

            float chance;
            bool  isNight;
            float maxShoppingChanceEndHour = Math.Max(config.GoToSleepHour, config.WorkEnd);
            if (currentHour < minShoppingChanceEndHour)
                isNight = true;
                chance  = NightShoppingChance;
            else if (currentHour < maxShoppingChanceStartHour)
                isNight = true;
                chance  = NightShoppingChance +
                          ((100u - NightShoppingChance) * (currentHour - minShoppingChanceEndHour) / (maxShoppingChanceStartHour - minShoppingChanceEndHour));
            else if (currentHour < maxShoppingChanceEndHour)
                isNight = false;
                chance  = 100;
                isNight = true;
                chance  = NightShoppingChance +
                          ((100u - NightShoppingChance) * (24f - currentHour) / (24f - maxShoppingChanceEndHour));

            uint roundedChance = (uint)Math.Round(chance);

            shoppingChances[(int)Citizen.AgeGroup.Child]  = isNight ? 0u : roundedChance;
            shoppingChances[(int)Citizen.AgeGroup.Teen]   = isNight ? 0u : roundedChance;
            shoppingChances[(int)Citizen.AgeGroup.Young]  = roundedChance;
            shoppingChances[(int)Citizen.AgeGroup.Adult]  = roundedChance;
            shoppingChances[(int)Citizen.AgeGroup.Senior] = isNight ? (uint)Math.Round(chance * 0.1f) : roundedChance;

            if (oldChance != roundedChance)
                Log.Debug(LogCategory.Simulation, $"SHOPPING CHANCES for {timeInfo.Now}: child = {shoppingChances[0]}, teen = {shoppingChances[1]}, young = {shoppingChances[2]}, adult = {shoppingChances[3]}, senior = {shoppingChances[4]}");
Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>Gets an estimated travel time (in hours) between two specified buildings.</summary>
        /// <param name="building1">The ID of the first building.</param>
        /// <param name="building2">The ID of the second building.</param>
        /// <returns>An estimated travel time in hours.</returns>
        public float GetEstimatedTravelTime(ushort building1, ushort building2)
            if (building1 == 0 || building2 == 0 || building1 == building2)

            float distance = buildingManager.GetDistanceBetweenBuildings(building1, building2);

            return(FastMath.Clamp(distance / OnTheWayDistancePerHour, MinTravelTime, MaxTravelTime));
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public virtual void Update()
            //if (!colisionaEnY)
            VelocidadY = FastMath.Clamp(VelocidadY + Gravedad * Context.ElapsedTime, VelocidadTerminal, -VelocidadTerminal);

            movimiento += new TGCVector3(0, FastMath.Clamp(VelocidadY * Context.ElapsedTime, -DesplazamientoMaximoY, DesplazamientoMaximoY), 0);
            moving      = true;

            //this.colisionaEnY = false;
 /// <summary>Validates this instance and corrects possible invalid property values.</summary>
 public void Validate()
     MaxWaitingPassengersBus           = RoundToNearest(FastMath.Clamp(MaxWaitingPassengersBus, 10, 500), 5);
     MaxWaitingPassengersTouristBus    = RoundToNearest(FastMath.Clamp(MaxWaitingPassengersTouristBus, 10, 500), 5);
     MaxWaitingPassengersEvacuationBus = RoundToNearest(FastMath.Clamp(MaxWaitingPassengersEvacuationBus, 10, 500), 5);
     MaxWaitingPassengersTram          = RoundToNearest(FastMath.Clamp(MaxWaitingPassengersTram, 10, 500), 5);
     MaxWaitingPassengersMetro         = RoundToNearest(FastMath.Clamp(MaxWaitingPassengersMetro, 50, 2000), 25);
     MaxWaitingPassengersTrain         = RoundToNearest(FastMath.Clamp(MaxWaitingPassengersTrain, 50, 2000), 25);
     MaxWaitingPassengersMonorail      = RoundToNearest(FastMath.Clamp(MaxWaitingPassengersMonorail, 50, 2000), 25);
     MaxWaitingPassengersAirplane      = RoundToNearest(FastMath.Clamp(MaxWaitingPassengersAirplane, 50, 1000), 10);
     MaxWaitingPassengersShip          = RoundToNearest(FastMath.Clamp(MaxWaitingPassengersShip, 50, 1000), 10);
     MaxWaitingPassengersCableCar      = RoundToNearest(FastMath.Clamp(MaxWaitingPassengersCableCar, 10, 500), 5);
     MaxWaitingPassengersHotAirBalloon = RoundToNearest(FastMath.Clamp(MaxWaitingPassengersHotAirBalloon, 10, 500), 5);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public override void Update(float ElapsedTime)
            var   desplazamiento = Velocidad;
            float dist;

            desplazamiento *= ElapsedTime;
            if (!Sentido)
                desplazamiento *= -1f;
            if (EjeX)
                dist = Mesh.Position.X - Pos.X;
            else if (EjeY)
                dist = Mesh.Position.Y - Pos.Y;
                dist = Mesh.Position.Z - Pos.Z;

            //var dist = EjeX ? Mesh.Position.X - Pos.X : Mesh.Position.Z - Pos.Z;
            desplazamiento = FastMath.Clamp(desplazamiento, -Rango - dist, Rango - dist);
            TGCVector3 movimiento;

            if (EjeX)
                movimiento = new TGCVector3(desplazamiento, 0, 0);
            else if (EjeY)
                movimiento = new TGCVector3(0, desplazamiento, 0);
                movimiento = new TGCVector3(0, 0, desplazamiento);
            //var movimiento = EjeX ? new TGCVector3(desplazamiento, 0, 0) : new TGCVector3(0, 0, desplazamiento);
            var old = Mesh.Position;

            Mesh.Position += movimiento;
            if (FastMath.Abs(EjeX ? Mesh.Position.X - Pos.X : EjeY?Mesh.Position.Y - Pos.Y: Mesh.Position.Z - Pos.Z) >= Rango)
                Sentido = !Sentido;
            Delta = movimiento;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>Gets an estimated travel time (in hours) between two specified buildings.</summary>
        /// <param name="building1">The ID of the first building.</param>
        /// <param name="building2">The ID of the second building.</param>
        /// <returns>An estimated travel time in hours.</returns>
        public float GetEstimatedTravelTime(ushort building1, ushort building2)
            if (building1 == 0 || building2 == 0 || building1 == building2)

            float distance = buildingManager.GetDistanceBetweenBuildings(building1, building2);

            if (distance == 0)

            return(FastMath.Clamp(distance / averageCitizenSpeed, MinTravelTime, MaxTravelTime));
Ejemplo n.º 14
        private void UpdateRotation(float ElapsedTime)
            cam_angles  += new TGCVector2(Input.YposRelative, Input.XposRelative) * sensitivity * ElapsedTime;
            cam_angles.X = FastMath.Clamp(cam_angles.X, -CAMERA_MAX_X_ANGLE, CAMERA_MAX_X_ANGLE);
            cam_angles.Y = cam_angles.Y > 2 * FastMath.PI || cam_angles.Y < -2 * FastMath.PI ? 0 : cam_angles.Y;
            TGCQuaternion rotationY = TGCQuaternion.RotationAxis(new TGCVector3(0f, 1f, 0f), cam_angles.Y);
            TGCQuaternion rotationX = TGCQuaternion.RotationAxis(new TGCVector3(1f, 0f, 0f), -cam_angles.X);

            rotation = rotationX * rotationY;

            var        init_offset = new TGCVector3(0f, 0f, 1f);
            TGCMatrix  camera_m    = TGCMatrix.Translation(init_offset) * TGCMatrix.RotationTGCQuaternion(rotation) * TGCMatrix.Translation(Player.Position());
            TGCVector3 pos         = new TGCVector3(camera_m.M41, camera_m.M42, camera_m.M43);

            Camara.SetCamera(pos, Player.Position());
Ejemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>Validates this instance and corrects possible invalid property values.</summary>
        public void Validate()
            WakeUpHour    = FastMath.Clamp(WakeUpHour, 4f, 8f);
            GoToSleepHour = FastMath.Clamp(GoToSleepHour, 20f, 23.75f);

            DayTimeSpeed   = FastMath.Clamp(DayTimeSpeed, 1u, 6u);
            NightTimeSpeed = FastMath.Clamp(NightTimeSpeed, 1u, 6u);

            VirtualCitizens   = (VirtualCitizensLevel)FastMath.Clamp((int)VirtualCitizens, (int)VirtualCitizensLevel.None, (int)VirtualCitizensLevel.Vanilla);
            ConstructionSpeed = FastMath.Clamp(ConstructionSpeed, 1u, 100u);

            SwitchOffLightsMaxHeight = FastMath.Clamp(SwitchOffLightsMaxHeight, 0f, 100f);

            SecondShiftQuota         = FastMath.Clamp(SecondShiftQuota, 1u, 25u);
            NightShiftQuota          = FastMath.Clamp(NightShiftQuota, 1u, 25u);
            LunchQuota               = FastMath.Clamp(LunchQuota, 0u, 100u);
            LocalBuildingSearchQuota = FastMath.Clamp(LocalBuildingSearchQuota, 0u, 100u);
            ShoppingForFunQuota      = FastMath.Clamp(ShoppingForFunQuota, 0u, 50u);
            OnTimeQuota              = FastMath.Clamp(OnTimeQuota, 0u, 100u);

            EarliestHourEventStartWeekday = FastMath.Clamp(EarliestHourEventStartWeekday, 0f, 23.5f);
            LatestHourEventStartWeekday   = FastMath.Clamp(LatestHourEventStartWeekday, 0f, 23.5f);
            if (LatestHourEventStartWeekday < EarliestHourEventStartWeekday)
                LatestHourEventStartWeekday = EarliestHourEventStartWeekday;

            EarliestHourEventStartWeekend = FastMath.Clamp(EarliestHourEventStartWeekend, 0f, 23.5f);
            LatestHourEventStartWeekend   = FastMath.Clamp(LatestHourEventStartWeekend, 0f, 23.5f);
            if (LatestHourEventStartWeekend < EarliestHourEventStartWeekend)
                LatestHourEventStartWeekend = EarliestHourEventStartWeekend;

            WorkBegin         = FastMath.Clamp(WorkBegin, 4f, 11f);
            WorkEnd           = FastMath.Clamp(WorkEnd, 12f, 20f);
            LunchBegin        = FastMath.Clamp(LunchBegin, 11f, 13f);
            LunchEnd          = FastMath.Clamp(LunchEnd, 13f, 15f);
            SchoolBegin       = FastMath.Clamp(SchoolBegin, 4f, 10f);
            SchoolEnd         = FastMath.Clamp(SchoolEnd, 11f, 16f);
            MaxOvertime       = FastMath.Clamp(MaxOvertime, 0f, 4f);
            MaxVacationLength = FastMath.Clamp(MaxVacationLength, 0u, 7u);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        private void CalculateDefaultChances(float currentHour, uint weekdayModifier)
            float latestGoingOutHour = config.GoToSleepHour - simulationCycle;
            bool  isDayTime          = currentHour >= config.WakeUpHour && currentHour < latestGoingOutHour;
            float timeModifier;

            if (isDayTime)
                timeModifier = FastMath.Clamp(currentHour - config.WakeUpHour, 0, 4f);
                float nightDuration = 24f - (latestGoingOutHour - config.WakeUpHour);
                float relativeHour  = currentHour - latestGoingOutHour;
                if (relativeHour < 0)
                    relativeHour += 24f;

                timeModifier = 3f / nightDuration * (nightDuration - relativeHour);

            float chance        = (timeModifier + weekdayModifier) * timeModifier;
            uint  roundedChance = (uint)Math.Round(chance);

            bool dump = defaultChances[(int)Citizen.AgeGroup.Adult] != roundedChance;

            defaultChances[(int)Citizen.AgeGroup.Child]  = isDayTime ? roundedChance : 0;
            defaultChances[(int)Citizen.AgeGroup.Teen]   = isDayTime ? (uint)Math.Round(chance * 0.9f) : 0;
            defaultChances[(int)Citizen.AgeGroup.Young]  = (uint)Math.Round(chance * 1.3f);
            defaultChances[(int)Citizen.AgeGroup.Adult]  = roundedChance;
            defaultChances[(int)Citizen.AgeGroup.Senior] = isDayTime ? (uint)Math.Round(chance * 0.8f) : 0;

            if (dump)
                Log.Debug(LogCategory.Simulation, $"DEFAULT GOING OUT CHANCES for {timeInfo.Now}: child = {defaultChances[0]}, teen = {defaultChances[1]}, young = {defaultChances[2]}, adult = {defaultChances[3]}, senior = {defaultChances[4]}");
        private void CheckColisionY(float ElapsedTime)
            TgcBoundingAxisAlignBox Collider = Env.Escenario.ColisionY(Mesh.BoundingBox);

            if (Collider != null)
                Mesh.Position = new TGCVector3(Mesh.Position.X, FastMath.Clamp(Mesh.Position.Y, Collider.PMax.Y, Collider.PMax.Y + 2), Mesh.Position.Z);
                CanJump       = VelocidadY < 0;
            if (TipoColisionActual == TiposColision.Pozo)
            else if (TipoColisionActual == TiposColision.Caja)

            else if (TipoColisionActual == TiposColision.Techo)
                Mesh.Position = new TGCVector3(oldPos.X, posicionPlataforma.Y, oldPos.Z);
                VelocidadY    = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public void Update()
            var velocidadCaminar  = 300f;
            var velocidadSalto    = 100f;
            var velocidadRotacion = 120f;

            vectorDesplazamiento = TGCVector3.Empty;
            vectorColision       = TGCVector3.Empty;

            //Calcular proxima posicion de personaje segun Input
            var   Input       = GModel.Input;
            var   moveForward = 0f;
            var   moveJump    = 0f;
            float rotate      = 0;
            var   moving      = false;
            var   rotating    = false;

            var lastPos = personaje.Position;

            desplazamientoDePlataforma = TGCVector3.Empty;

            if (Input.keyDown(Key.W))
                moveForward = velocidadCaminar * GModel.ElapsedTime;
                moving      = true;

            if (Input.keyDown(Key.S))
                moveForward = -velocidadCaminar * GModel.ElapsedTime;
                moving      = true;

            if (Input.keyDown(Key.D))
                rotate   = velocidadRotacion;
                rotating = true;

            if (Input.keyDown(Key.A))
                rotate   = -velocidadRotacion;
                rotating = true;

            //Si hubo rotacion
            if (rotating)
                //Rotar personaje y la camara, hay que multiplicarlo por el tiempo transcurrido para no atarse a la velocidad el hardware
                var rotAngle = FastMath.ToRad(rotate * GModel.ElapsedTime);
                matrizRotacionPersonajeY *= TGCMatrix.RotationY(rotAngle);

                anguloDeRotacion += rotAngle;
                //Ajustar la matriz de rotacion segun el angulo de rotacion (sobre el sentido de la orientacion)
                //Lo que se desplaza en cada eje depende del angulo de rotacion
                //Cada componente podria separarse en funcion del seno y coseno
                orientacion.X = FastMath.Sin(anguloDeRotacion);
                orientacion.Z = FastMath.Cos(anguloDeRotacion);

            if (moving)
                //Activar animacion de caminando
                personaje.playAnimation("Caminando", true);
                //Ajustar el vector desplazamiento en base a lo que se movio y la orientacion que tiene
                vectorDesplazamiento.X += moveForward * orientacion.X;
                vectorDesplazamiento.Z += moveForward * orientacion.Z;
            } //Si no se esta moviendo, activar animacion de Parado
                personaje.playAnimation("Parado", true);

            //Por el momento solamente parece que flota
            if (Input.keyDown(Key.Space) /*&& colliderY != null*/)
                moveJump = velocidadSalto * GModel.ElapsedTime;
                vectorDesplazamiento.Y += moveJump;

            //---------prueba gravedad----------

            vectorDesplazamiento.Y += FastMath.Clamp(gravedad * GModel.ElapsedTime, -10, 10);

            //--------Colision con el piso a nivel triangulo
            TgcBoundingAxisAlignBox colliderPlano = null;

            foreach (var obstaculo in GModel.escenario1.getPiso())
                if (TgcCollisionUtils.testAABBAABB(personaje.BoundingBox, obstaculo.BoundingBox))
                    colliderPlano = obstaculo.BoundingBox;
                    //No le afecta la gravedad si está en el piso
                    vectorDesplazamiento.Y -= FastMath.Clamp(gravedad * GModel.ElapsedTime, -10, 10);

            this.posicion = posicion + vectorDesplazamiento;

            //Reseteo el vector desplazamiento una vez que lo sume
            vectorDesplazamiento = TGCVector3.Empty;

            //---------Colisiones objetos--------------------------
            var collide = false;

            foreach (var obstaculo in GModel.escenario1.getAABBDelEscenario() /*GModel.escenario1.getPared1()*/)
                if (TgcCollisionUtils.testAABBAABB(personaje.BoundingBox, obstaculo))
                    collide  = true;
                    collider = obstaculo;

            //Una buena idea seria diferenciar las plataformas del resto de los objetos
            foreach (var plataforma in GModel.escenario1.getPlataformasDelEscenario())
                if (TgcCollisionUtils.testAABBAABB(personaje.BoundingBox, plataforma))
                    collide  = true;
                    collider = plataforma;
                    //Pensamos en calcular cuanto se desplaza la plataforma y mandarselo al personaje para que se muevan juntos
                    //Todavia no funciona como esperamos
                    desplazamientoDePlataforma = GModel.escenario1.desplazamientoDePlataforma(collider);

            if (collide)
                var movementRay = lastPos - posicion;
                //Cuando choca con algo que se ponga rojo, nos sirve para probar
                var rs = TGCVector3.Empty;
                if (((personaje.BoundingBox.PMax.X > collider.PMax.X && movementRay.X > 0) ||
                     (personaje.BoundingBox.PMin.X < collider.PMin.X && movementRay.X < 0)) &&
                    ((personaje.BoundingBox.PMax.Z > collider.PMax.Z && movementRay.Z > 0) ||
                     (personaje.BoundingBox.PMin.Z < collider.PMin.Z && movementRay.Z < 0)) &&
                    ((personaje.BoundingBox.PMax.Y > collider.PMax.Y && movementRay.Y > 0) ||
                     (personaje.BoundingBox.PMin.Y < collider.PMin.Y && movementRay.Y < 0)))
                    if (personaje.Position.X > collider.PMin.X && personaje.Position.X < collider.PMax.X)
                        //El personaje esta contenido en el bounding X

                        rs = new TGCVector3(movementRay.X, movementRay.Y, 0);
                    if (personaje.Position.Z > collider.PMin.Z && personaje.Position.Z < collider.PMax.Z)
                        //El personaje esta contenido en el bounding Z

                        rs = new TGCVector3(0, movementRay.Y, movementRay.Z);
                    if (personaje.Position.Y > collider.PMin.Y && personaje.Position.Y < collider.PMax.Y)
                        //El personaje esta contenido en el bounding Y

                        rs = new TGCVector3(movementRay.X, 0, movementRay.Z);
                    if ((personaje.BoundingBox.PMax.X > collider.PMax.X && movementRay.X > 0) ||
                        (personaje.BoundingBox.PMin.X < collider.PMin.X && movementRay.X < 0))
                        rs = new TGCVector3(0, movementRay.Y, movementRay.Z);
                    if ((personaje.BoundingBox.PMax.Z > collider.PMax.Z && movementRay.Z > 0) ||
                        (personaje.BoundingBox.PMin.Z < collider.PMin.Z && movementRay.Z < 0))
                        rs = new TGCVector3(movementRay.X, movementRay.Y, 0);
                    if ((personaje.BoundingBox.PMax.Y > collider.PMax.Y && movementRay.Y > 0) ||
                        (personaje.BoundingBox.PMin.Y < collider.PMin.Y && movementRay.Y < 0))
                        //Si esta sobre un plano XZ tampoco deberia afectarle la gravedad
                        vectorDesplazamiento.Y -= FastMath.Clamp(gravedad * GModel.ElapsedTime, -10, 10);
                        rs = new TGCVector3(movementRay.X, 0, movementRay.Z);
                //El vector rs actua como "freno" al movimiento del personaje
                //Le "descuento" la gravedad si es que colisiona con el plano XZ
                personaje.Position = lastPos - rs + new TGCVector3(0, vectorDesplazamiento.Y, 0);
                posicion           = personaje.Position;

            personaje.Position = posicion;

            //Una forma de reiniciar, que se active con R o cuando el personaje muere
            //Por ahora el personaje muere solamente si su coordenada en Y es inferior a un valor determinado
            if (Input.keyDown(Key.R) || this.estaMuerto())
                posicion = this.checkpoint;

            matrizPosicionamientoPersonaje = TGCMatrix.Translation(posicion /*+ desplazamientoDePlataforma*/);

            GModel.camaraInterna.Target = GModel.tgcPersonaje.getPosicion();
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public static void Update(TgcD3dInput Input)
            bool up    = Input.keyDown(Key.Up);
            bool down  = Input.keyDown(Key.Down);
            bool left  = Input.keyDown(Key.Left);
            bool right = Input.keyDown(Key.Right);
            bool enter = Input.keyDown(Key.Return);

            if (up)
                up         = false;
                presionoUp = true;
                if (presionoUp)
                    up         = true;
                    presionoUp = false;

            if (down)
                down         = false;
                presionoDown = true;
                if (presionoDown)
                    down         = true;
                    presionoDown = false;

            if (left)
                left         = false;
                presionoLeft = true;
                if (presionoLeft)
                    left         = true;
                    presionoLeft = false;

            if (right)
                right         = false;
                presionoRight = true;
                if (presionoRight)
                    right         = true;
                    presionoRight = false;

            if (enter)
                enter         = false;
                presionoEnter = true;
                if (presionoEnter)
                    enter         = true;
                    presionoEnter = false;

            bool anyKey = up || down || left || right || enter;

            //Reset effect when any key is pressed
            if (anyKey)
                SelectedText.Color = Color.White;

            ///// si tocas enter volver al menu

            //Update selection var
            if (CurrentStatus == Status.Gameplay)
                var health    = Player.Health();
                var maxHealth = Player.MaxHealth();
                var oxygen    = Player.Oxygen();
                var maxOxygen = Player.MaxOxygen();

                HealthBar.Scaling = new TGCVector2(health / maxHealth, 1);
                OxygenBar.Scaling = new TGCVector2(oxygen / maxOxygen, 1);
            else if (CurrentStatus == Status.MainMenu)
                if (up)
                    if (SelectedText == Start)
                        SelectedText = Exit;
                    else if (SelectedText == Instruccion)
                        SelectedText = Start;
                    else if (SelectedText == Exit)
                        SelectedText = Instruccion;
                else if (down)
                    if (SelectedText == Start)
                        SelectedText = Instruccion;
                    else if (SelectedText == Instruccion)
                        SelectedText = Exit;
                    else if (SelectedText == Exit)
                        SelectedText = Start;
                else if (enter)
                    if (SelectedText == Start)
                    else if (SelectedText == Exit)
                    else if (SelectedText == Instruccion)
                        CurrentStatus = Status.Instructions;
            else if (CurrentStatus == Status.Instructions)
                if (enter)
                    CurrentStatus = Status.MainMenu;
            else if (CurrentStatus == Status.Inventory || CurrentStatus == Status.Crafting)
                if (LastStatus != Status.Inventory && LastStatus != Status.Crafting)

                CraftingItems[SelectedItemIndex].background.Color = Color.CadetBlue;

                if (CurrentStatus == Status.Crafting)
                    //Change selected item
                    if (left)
                    else if (right)
                    if (left || right)
                    SelectedItemIndex = FastMath.Clamp(SelectedItemIndex, 0, MAX_CRAFTING_ITEMS - 1);
                    CraftingItems[SelectedItemIndex].background.Color = Color.Orange;

                    //Check for crafting
                    if (enter)
                        bool SelectedItemExists = SelectedItemIndex < Inventory.Instance().GetCraftings().Count;
                        if (SelectedItemExists)
                            var SelectedItem = Inventory.Instance().GetCraftings()[SelectedItemIndex];
                            if (SelectedItem.EstoyHabilitado())
            else if (CurrentStatus == Status.GameOver || CurrentStatus == Status.Win)
                if (enter)

            //Update last status so it doesn't UpdateIconSprites() multiple times
            LastStatus = CurrentStatus;
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public void SetTime(float value) => Time = FastMath.Clamp(Time + value, 0, 10);
        public override void Update()
            Mesh.BoundingBox = Mesh.Animations["Walk"].BoundingBox;
            var   ElapsedTime       = Env.ElapsedTime;
            var   Input             = Env.Input;
            float VelocidadAdelante = 0f;
            var   Diff = Env.NuevaCamara.LookAt - Env.NuevaCamara.Position;

            Diff.Y             = 0;
            TipoColisionActual = TiposColision.SinColision;

            if (CanJump && Input.keyPressed(Key.Space))
                VelocidadY = VelocidadSalto;
                CanJump    = false;

            D3DDevice.Instance.Device.RenderState.FillMode = Input.keyDown(Key.F4) ? FillMode.WireFrame : FillMode.Solid;
            if ((Input.keyDown(Key.W) || Input.keyDown(Key.UpArrow)) && Input.keyDown(Key.LeftShift))
                VelocidadAdelante += VelocidadMovimiento * 2;
            else if (Input.keyDown(Key.W) || Input.keyDown(Key.UpArrow))
                VelocidadAdelante += VelocidadMovimiento;
            if (Input.keyDown(Key.S) || Input.keyDown(Key.DownArrow))
                VelocidadAdelante -= VelocidadMovimiento;
            if (Input.keyDown(Key.F8))
                VelocidadMovimiento += 10 * ElapsedTime;
            if (Input.keyDown(Key.F9))
                VelocidadMovimiento -= 10 * ElapsedTime;
            if (Input.keyDown(Key.M))
            if (Input.keyPressed(Key.G))
                if (!modoGod)
                    VelocidadMovimiento = 250;
                    VelocidadSalto      = 250;
                    VelocidadTerminal   = -150;
                    modoGod             = true;
            if (Input.keyPressed(Key.H))
                ShowHelp = !ShowHelp;
            if (Input.keyDown(Key.F10))
                VelocidadSalto    += 10 * ElapsedTime;
                VelocidadTerminal -= 2 * ElapsedTime;
            if (Input.keyDown(Key.F11))
                VelocidadSalto    -= 10 * ElapsedTime;
                VelocidadTerminal += 2 * ElapsedTime;
            Env.NuevaCamara.keyboardMovement = 0;
            if (Input.keyDown(Key.D) || Input.keyDown(Key.RightArrow))
                Env.NuevaCamara.keyboardMovement += 1;
            if (Input.keyDown(Key.A) || Input.keyDown(Key.LeftArrow))
                Env.NuevaCamara.keyboardMovement -= 1;
            if (Input.keyDown(Key.R))
                Mesh.Position = new TGCVector3(0, 1, 0);

            var versorAdelante = TGCVector3.Normalize(Diff);

            VelocidadY = FastMath.Clamp(VelocidadY + Gravedad * ElapsedTime, VelocidadTerminal, -VelocidadTerminal);
            var LastPos = Mesh.Position;

            // Colision en Y
            oldPos         = Mesh.Position;
            Mesh.Position += new TGCVector3(0, FastMath.Clamp(VelocidadY * ElapsedTime, -DesplazamientoMaximoY, DesplazamientoMaximoY), 0);
            if (UltimoTipoColision == TiposColision.PisoResbaloso)
                VelocidadAdelante += ultimoDesplazamientoAdelante;
                ultimoDesplazamientoAdelante = 0;

            MoveXZ(versorAdelante * FastMath.Clamp(VelocidadAdelante * ElapsedTime, -DesplazamientoMaximoXZ, DesplazamientoMaximoXZ));
            UltimoTipoColision            = TipoColisionActual;
            ultimoDesplazamientoAdelante += VelocidadAdelante * ElapsedTime;

            updateAnimation = true;

            if (Mesh.Position.Y != LastPos.Y)
                SetAnimation("Jump", false);
            else if (Input.keyDown(Key.LeftShift) || Input.keyDown(Key.RightShift))
                updateAnimation  = VelocidadAdelante != 0;
                emitter.Position = Mesh.Position;
            else if (Input.keyDown(Key.C))
                updateAnimation = VelocidadAdelante != 0;
            if (VelocidadAdelante != 0)

            Env.NuevaCamara.Target = Mesh.Position;
            Mesh.Rotation          = new TGCVector3(0, Env.NuevaCamara.rotY + FastMath.PI, 0);
            if (updateAnimation)

            emitter.Position = Mesh.Position;
Ejemplo n.º 22
 protected void AddHealth(int quantity)
     health = FastMath.Clamp(health + quantity, 0, maxHealth);
Ejemplo n.º 23
 private void UpdateLife(float value) => Life = FastMath.Clamp(Life + value, Constants.LIFE_MIN, Constants.LIFE_MAX);