Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static bool Prefix(FarmerRenderer __instance, SpriteBatch b, FarmerSprite.AnimationFrame animationFrame, int currentFrame, Rectangle sourceRect, Vector2 position, Vector2 origin, float layerDepth, int facingDirection, Color overrideColor, float rotation, float scale, Farmer who)
            if (AllowOneMethodCall)
                AllowOneMethodCall = false;

                if (who != null && hitShakeTimers.ContainsKey(who.UniqueMultiplayerID))
                    if (hitShakeTimers[who.UniqueMultiplayerID] % 100 < 50)
            }catch (Exception)

            AllowOneMethodCall = true;
                __instance.draw(b, animationFrame, currentFrame, sourceRect, position, origin, layerDepth, facingDirection, overrideColor, rotation, scale, who);
            catch (Exception) { }
            AllowOneMethodCall = false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        ** Private methods
        /// <summary>The method to call before <see cref="FarmerRenderer.ApplyShoeColor"/>.</summary>
        /// <returns>Returns whether to run the original method.</returns>
        private static bool Before_ApplyShoeColor(FarmerRenderer __instance, string texture_name, Color[] pixels)
            var this_shoes = Mod.instance.Helper.Reflection.GetField <NetInt>(__instance, "shoes").GetValue();

            if (Mod.itemLookup.ContainsKey(this_shoes.Value))
                BootsPackData data            = Mod.Find(Mod.itemLookup[this_shoes.Value]) as BootsPackData;
                var           this__SwapColor = Mod.instance.Helper.Reflection.GetMethod(__instance, "_SwapColor");

                var currTex = data.pack.GetTexture(data.FarmerColors, 4, 1);

                int       which          = this_shoes.Value;
                Texture2D shoeColors     = currTex.Texture;
                Color[]   shoeColorsData = new Color[shoeColors.Width * shoeColors.Height];
                shoeColors.GetData(0, currTex.Rect, shoeColorsData, 0, 4);
                Color darkest   = shoeColorsData[0];
                Color medium    = shoeColorsData[1];
                Color lightest  = shoeColorsData[2];
                Color lightest2 = shoeColorsData[3];
                this__SwapColor.Invoke(texture_name, pixels, 268, darkest);
                this__SwapColor.Invoke(texture_name, pixels, 269, medium);
                this__SwapColor.Invoke(texture_name, pixels, 270, lightest);
                this__SwapColor.Invoke(texture_name, pixels, 271, lightest2);


Ejemplo n.º 3
 public static void Prefix(FarmerRenderer __instance, Farmer who, ref Hat __state)
     if (!Config.EnableMod || who.hat.Value is null || !who.hat.Value.modData.ContainsKey(seedKey))
     __state       = who.hat.Value;
     who.hat.Value = null;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>The method to call before <see cref="FarmerRenderer.ClampShirt"/>.</summary>
        /// <returns>Returns whether to run the original method.</returns>
        private static bool Before_ClampShirt(FarmerRenderer __instance, int shirt_value, ref int __result)
            if (Mod.itemLookup.ContainsKey(shirt_value) || Mod.itemLookup.ContainsKey(shirt_value + 1))
                __result = shirt_value;

Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>The method to call before <see cref="FarmerRenderer.ClampPants"/>.</summary>
        /// <returns>Returns whether to run the original method.</returns>
        private static bool Before_ClampPants(FarmerRenderer __instance, int pants_value, ref int __result)
            if (Mod.itemLookup.ContainsKey(pants_value))
                __result = pants_value;

Ejemplo n.º 6
 public static bool draw_Prefix(ref FarmerRenderer __instance, SpriteBatch b, FarmerSprite.AnimationFrame animationFrame, int currentFrame, Rectangle sourceRect,
                                Vector2 position, Vector2 origin, float layerDepth, int facingDirection, Color overrideColor, float rotation, float scale, Farmer who,
                                ref PanHat __state)
     // Store the hat if it's a pan.
     if (who.hat.Value != null && who.hat.Value is PanHat panHat)
         __state = panHat;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 /// <summary>The method to call as a finalized on <see cref="FarmerRenderer.ApplyShoeColor"/>.</summary>
 private static Exception Finalizer_ApplyShoeColor(Exception __exception, FarmerRenderer __instance)
     if (__exception is not null)
         var this_shoes = Mod.instance.Helper.Reflection.GetField <NetInt>(__instance, "shoes").GetValue();
         Log.Warn($"Detected invalid boots with value {this_shoes.ToString()} and error {__exception}");
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public static bool Prefix_doChangeShirt(FarmerRenderer __instance, int whichShirt)
            if (whichShirt < 0 && ((whichShirt * -1) - 1) > 0 && ((whichShirt * -1) - 1) < CustomShirtsMod.shirts.Count)
                int id = CustomShirtsMod.shirts[(whichShirt * -1) - 1].baseid - 1;
                CustomShirtsMod._helper.Reflection.GetMethod(__instance, "doChangeShirt").Invoke(new object[] { null, null, id });

Ejemplo n.º 9
            public static void Postfix(FarmerRenderer __instance, Vector2 ___positionOffset, Hat __state, SpriteBatch b, int facingDirection, Farmer who, Vector2 position, Vector2 origin, float scale, int currentFrame, float rotation, Color overrideColor, float layerDepth)
                if (!Config.EnableMod || __state is null)
                who.hat.Value = __state;
                //string phase = who.hat.Value.modData[phaseKey];
                //string days = who.hat.Value.modData[daysKey];
                bool  flip         = who.FarmerSprite.CurrentAnimationFrame.flip;
                float layer_offset = 3.9E-05f;
                var   sourceRect   = new Rectangle(Convert.ToInt32(who.hat.Value.modData[xKey]), Convert.ToInt32(who.hat.Value.modData[yKey]), 16, 32);

                b.Draw(Game1.cropSpriteSheet, position + origin + ___positionOffset + new Vector2((float)(-8 + (flip ? -1 : 1) * FarmerRenderer.featureXOffsetPerFrame[currentFrame] * 4), (float)(-16 + FarmerRenderer.featureYOffsetPerFrame[currentFrame] * 4 + (who.hat.Value.ignoreHairstyleOffset.Value ? 0 : FarmerRenderer.hairstyleHatOffset[who.hair.Value % 16]) + 4 + __instance.heightOffset.Value)) + new Vector2(8, -80), sourceRect, Color.White, rotation, origin, 4f * scale, who.FacingDirection < 2 ? SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally : SpriteEffects.None, layerDepth + layer_offset);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        private static bool ApplyShoeColorPrefix(FarmerRenderer __instance, LocalizedContentManager ___farmerTextureManager, Texture2D ___baseTexture, NetInt ___skin, bool ____sickFrame, string texture_name, Color[] pixels)
            // Since the game doesn't pass the farmer over to the native ApplyShoeColor method, we have to find it by matching the FarmerRender instance
            Farmer who = Game1.player;

            if (who.FarmerRenderer != __instance && Game1.activeClickableMenu is SearchMenu searchMenu && searchMenu is not null)
                foreach (var fakeFarmer in searchMenu.fakeFarmers)
                    if (fakeFarmer.FarmerRenderer == __instance)
                        who = fakeFarmer;

            if (!who.modData.ContainsKey(ModDataKeys.UI_HAND_MIRROR_SHOES_COLOR) || !who.modData.ContainsKey(ModDataKeys.CUSTOM_SHOES_ID) || who.modData[ModDataKeys.CUSTOM_SHOES_ID] is null || who.modData[ModDataKeys.CUSTOM_SHOES_ID] == "None")
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public static void draw_Postfix(ref FarmerRenderer __instance, SpriteBatch b, FarmerSprite.AnimationFrame animationFrame, int currentFrame, Rectangle sourceRect,
                                        Vector2 position, Vector2 origin, float layerDepth, int facingDirection, Color overrideColor, float rotation, float scale, Farmer who,
                                        Texture2D ___baseTexture, Vector2 ___positionOffset, ref PanHat __state)
            // Draw our updated graphics over the original based on the upgrade level.
            if (who.UsingTool && who.CurrentTool is Pan pan)
                switch (pan.UpgradeLevel)
                case 2:
                    sourceRect.Offset(48, 0);

                case 3:
                    sourceRect.Offset(96, 0);

                case 4:
                    sourceRect.Offset(-48, 0);

                b.Draw(___baseTexture, position + origin + ___positionOffset + who.armOffset, sourceRect, overrideColor, rotation, origin, 4f * scale, animationFrame.flip ? SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally : SpriteEffects.None, layerDepth + 5.0E-05f);

            // Draw updated hat graphics over the original.
            if (__state != null)
                bool      flip          = who.FarmerSprite.CurrentAnimationFrame.flip;
                float     layer_offset2 = 4.0E-05f;
                Rectangle hatSourceRect = new Rectangle(20 * (__state.UpgradeLevel - 2), 20 * (__state.UpgradeLevel - 2) / PanHat.panHatTexture.Width * 20 * 4, 20, 20);

                b.Draw(PanHat.panHatTexture, position + origin + ___positionOffset + new Vector2(-8 + ((!flip) ? 1 : (-1)) * FarmerRenderer.featureXOffsetPerFrame[currentFrame] * 4, -16 + FarmerRenderer.featureYOffsetPerFrame[currentFrame] * 4 + ((!__state.ignoreHairstyleOffset) ? FarmerRenderer.hairstyleHatOffset[(int)who.hair % 16] : 0) + 4 + __instance.heightOffset.Value), hatSourceRect, __state.isPrismatic ? Utility.GetPrismaticColor() : Color.White, rotation, origin, 4f * scale, SpriteEffects.None, layerDepth + layer_offset2);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public static void Postfix(FarmerRenderer __instance,
                                   SpriteBatch b, int facingDirection, Farmer who, Vector2 position, Vector2 origin, float scale, int currentFrame, float rotation, Color overrideColor, float layerDepth,
                                   Rectangle ___hatSourceRect, Vector2 ___positionOffset)
            if (who.hat.Value != null && !who.bathingClothes.Value)
                var hat = who.hat.Value;
                if (!Mod.GetDataForHat(hat, out Color col, out Texture2D tex))

                var hsr = ___hatSourceRect;
                hsr.X = 0;
                hsr.Y = hsr.Y % 80;

                // Vanilla code
                bool  flip         = who.FarmerSprite.CurrentAnimationFrame.flip;
                float layer_offset = 3.9E-05f + 1E-06f;
                if (who.hat.Value.isMask && facingDirection == 0)
                    Rectangle mask_draw_rect = hsr;
                    mask_draw_rect.Height -= 11;
                    mask_draw_rect.Y      += 11;
                    //b.Draw(tex, position + origin + ___positionOffset + new Vector2(0f, 44f) + new Vector2(-8 + ((!flip) ? 1 : (-1)) * FarmerRenderer.featureXOffsetPerFrame[currentFrame] * 4, -16 + FarmerRenderer.featureYOffsetPerFrame[currentFrame] * 4 + ((!who.hat.Value.ignoreHairstyleOffset) ? FarmerRenderer.hairstyleHatOffset[(int)who.hair % 16] : 0) + 4 + (int)__instance.heightOffset), mask_draw_rect, Color.White, rotation, origin, 4f * scale, SpriteEffects.None, layerDepth + layer_offset);
                    mask_draw_rect        = ___hatSourceRect;
                    mask_draw_rect.Height = 11;
                    layer_offset          = +1E-06f;
                    b.Draw(tex, position + origin + ___positionOffset + new Vector2(-8 + ((!flip) ? 1 : (-1)) * FarmerRenderer.featureXOffsetPerFrame[currentFrame] * 4, -16 + FarmerRenderer.featureYOffsetPerFrame[currentFrame] * 4 + ((!who.hat.Value.ignoreHairstyleOffset) ? FarmerRenderer.hairstyleHatOffset[(int)who.hair % 16] : 0) + 4 + (int)__instance.heightOffset), mask_draw_rect, col, rotation, origin, 4f * scale, SpriteEffects.None, layerDepth + layer_offset);
                    b.Draw(tex, position + origin + ___positionOffset + new Vector2(-8 + ((!flip) ? 1 : (-1)) * FarmerRenderer.featureXOffsetPerFrame[currentFrame] * 4, -16 + FarmerRenderer.featureYOffsetPerFrame[currentFrame] * 4 + ((!who.hat.Value.ignoreHairstyleOffset) ? FarmerRenderer.hairstyleHatOffset[(int)who.hair % 16] : 0) + 4 + (int)__instance.heightOffset), hsr, col, rotation, origin, 4f * scale, SpriteEffects.None, layerDepth + layer_offset);
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public FarmerRendererWrapper(FarmerRenderer item) => GetBaseType = item;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        internal static void DrawPostFix(SpriteBatch b, FarmerSprite.AnimationFrame animationFrame, int currentFrame, Rectangle sourceRect, Vector2 position, Vector2 origin, float layerDepth, int facingDirection, Color overrideColor, float rotation, float scale, Farmer who, FarmerRenderer __instance)
            if (ModEntry.EquippedOuterwear == null)

            OuterwearData outerwearData = ModEntry.OuterwearData
                                          .Where(data => data.DisplayName == ModEntry.EquippedOuterwear.DisplayName)

            // get private member values
            Vector2 positionOffset = (Vector2)typeof(FarmerRenderer).GetField("positionOffset", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(__instance);

            positionOffset.Y -= 4;

            Rectangle?    sourceRectangle = null;
            SpriteEffects spriteEffects   = SpriteEffects.None;

            switch (facingDirection)
            case 0:
                positionOffset.Y += 4;
                sourceRectangle   = new Rectangle(0, 64, 16, 32);

            case 1:
                sourceRectangle = new Rectangle(0, 32, 16, 32);

            case 2:
                sourceRectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 32);

            case 3:
                sourceRectangle = new Rectangle(0, 32, 16, 32);
                spriteEffects   = SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally;

                texture: outerwearData.EquippedTexture,
                position: position + origin + positionOffset + new Vector2(FarmerRenderer.featureXOffsetPerFrame[currentFrame] * 4, FarmerRenderer.featureYOffsetPerFrame[currentFrame] * 4),
                sourceRectangle: sourceRectangle,
                color: Color.White,
                rotation: rotation,
                origin: origin,
                scale: 4f * scale,
                effects: spriteEffects,
                layerDepth: layerDepth + 4.9E-04f
Ejemplo n.º 15
        ** Internal Methods
        /// <summary>The post fix for the <see cref="FarmerRenderer.draw(SpriteBatch, FarmerSprite.AnimationFrame, int, Rectangle, Vector2, Vector2, float, int, Color, float, float, Farmer)"/> method.</summary>
        /// <param name="b">The sprite batch to draw the outerwear to.</param>
        /// <param name="animationFrame">The animation frame of the farmer.</param>
        /// <param name="currentFrame">The current frame of the farmer.</param>
        /// <param name="sourceRect">The source rectangle of the farmer.</param>
        /// <param name="position">The position of the farmer.</param>
        /// <param name="origin">The origin of the farmer.</param>
        /// <param name="layerDepth">The layer depth of the farmer.</param>
        /// <param name="facingDirection">The facing direction of the farmer.</param>
        /// <param name="overrideColor">The override colour of the farmer.</param>
        /// <param name="rotation">The rotation of the farmer.</param>
        /// <param name="scale">The scale of the farmer.</param>
        /// <param name="who">The farmer being drawn.</param>
        /// <param name="__instance">The current <see cref="FarmerRenderer"/> instance being patched.</param>
        /// <remarks>This is used to draw the outerwear on the farmer.</remarks>
        internal static void DrawPostFix(SpriteBatch b, FarmerSprite.AnimationFrame animationFrame, int currentFrame, Rectangle sourceRect, Vector2 position, Vector2 origin, float layerDepth, int facingDirection, Color overrideColor, float rotation, float scale, Farmer who, FarmerRenderer __instance)
            // ensure farmer being drawn is wearing some outerwear
            var objectId = ModEntry.Instance.Api.GetEquippedOuterwearId(who);

            if (objectId == -1)

            // get the outerwear with the specified objectId
            var outerwearData = ModEntry.Instance.Api.GetOuterwearData(objectId);

            if (outerwearData == null)

            // retrieve private members
            var positionOffset     = (Vector2)typeof(FarmerRenderer).GetField("positionOffset", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(__instance);
            var rotationAdjustment = (Vector2)typeof(FarmerRenderer).GetField("rotationAdjustment", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(__instance);

            // get outerwear type dependant values
            var drawPosition        = Vector2.Zero;
            var drawSourceRectangle = sourceRect;
            var drawEffects         = SpriteEffects.None;
            var drawLayerDepth      = layerDepth;

            switch (outerwearData.Type)
            case OuterwearType.Shirt:
                drawPosition        = position + origin + positionOffset + new Vector2(16 * scale + FarmerRenderer.featureXOffsetPerFrame[currentFrame] * 4, 56 + FarmerRenderer.featureYOffsetPerFrame[currentFrame] * 4 + __instance.heightOffset * scale);
                drawSourceRectangle = SourceRectangles[OuterwearType.Shirt][facingDirection];
                drawLayerDepth      = layerDepth + 2.81E-07f;

            case OuterwearType.Accessory:
                drawPosition        = position + origin + positionOffset + rotationAdjustment + new Vector2(FarmerRenderer.featureXOffsetPerFrame[currentFrame] * 4, 4 + FarmerRenderer.featureYOffsetPerFrame[currentFrame] * 4 + __instance.heightOffset);
                drawSourceRectangle = SourceRectangles[OuterwearType.Accessory][facingDirection];
                drawEffects         = IsFlipped[OuterwearType.Accessory][facingDirection] ? SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally : SpriteEffects.None;
                drawLayerDepth      = layerDepth + 2.9E-05f;

            case OuterwearType.Hair:
                drawPosition        = position + origin + positionOffset + new Vector2(FarmerRenderer.featureXOffsetPerFrame[currentFrame] * 4, FarmerRenderer.featureYOffsetPerFrame[currentFrame] * 4 + (facingDirection != 0 ? 4 : 0) + (who.IsMale ? -4 : 0));
                drawSourceRectangle = SourceRectangles[OuterwearType.Hair][facingDirection];
                drawEffects         = IsFlipped[OuterwearType.Hair][facingDirection] ? SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally : SpriteEffects.None;
                drawLayerDepth      = layerDepth + 2.21E-05f;

            case OuterwearType.Hat:
                drawPosition        = position + origin + positionOffset + new Vector2(-8 + (who.FarmerSprite.CurrentAnimationFrame.flip ? -1 : 1) * FarmerRenderer.featureXOffsetPerFrame[currentFrame] * 4, -16 + FarmerRenderer.featureYOffsetPerFrame[currentFrame] * 4 + 4 + __instance.heightOffset);
                drawSourceRectangle = SourceRectangles[OuterwearType.Hat][facingDirection];
                drawLayerDepth      = layerDepth + 3.91E-05f;

            case OuterwearType.Pants:
                drawPosition        = position + origin + positionOffset;
                drawSourceRectangle = sourceRect;
                drawEffects         = animationFrame.flip ? SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally : SpriteEffects.None;
                drawLayerDepth      = layerDepth + (who.FarmerSprite.CurrentAnimationFrame.frame == 5 ? 9.9E-04f : 9.9E-08f);

            // draw outerwear
                texture: outerwearData.EquippedTexture,
                position: drawPosition,
                sourceRectangle: drawSourceRectangle,
                color: Color.White,
                rotation: rotation,
                origin: origin,
                scale: scale * 4,
                effects: drawEffects,
                layerDepth: drawLayerDepth
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public static void draw_Postfix(ref FarmerRenderer __instance, SpriteBatch b, FarmerSprite.AnimationFrame animationFrame, int currentFrame, Rectangle sourceRect,
                                 Vector2 position, Vector2 origin, float layerDepth, int facingDirection, Color overrideColor, float rotation, float scale, Farmer who,
                                 Texture2D ___baseTexture, Vector2 ___positionOffset)
         if (ModEntry.drawUmbrella)
             if (ModEntry.isMaleFarmer)
                 if (Game1.player.FarmerSprite.currentFrame == 12)
                 {                         //standing back
                     b.Draw(ModEntry.umbrellaOverlayTextureBack, position + origin + ___positionOffset + who.armOffset + new Vector2(0, -4 * scale), new Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), overrideColor, rotation, origin, 4f * scale, animationFrame.flip ? SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally : SpriteEffects.None, layerDepth + 5.0E-05f);
                 else if (Game1.player.FarmerSprite.currentFrame == 13 || Game1.player.FarmerSprite.currentFrame == 14 || Game1.player.FarmerSprite.currentFrame == 22 || Game1.player.FarmerSprite.currentFrame == 23)
                 {                         //moving back
                     b.Draw(ModEntry.umbrellaOverlayTextureBack, position + origin + ___positionOffset + who.armOffset, new Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), overrideColor, rotation, origin, 4f * scale, animationFrame.flip ? SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally : SpriteEffects.None, layerDepth + 5.0E-05f);
                 else if (Game1.player.FarmerSprite.currentFrame == 113)
                 {                         //sitting back
                     b.Draw(ModEntry.umbrellaOverlayTextureBack, position + origin + ___positionOffset + who.armOffset + new Vector2(0, -20 * scale), new Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), overrideColor, rotation, origin, 4f * scale, animationFrame.flip ? SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally : SpriteEffects.None, layerDepth + 5.0E-05f);
                 else if (Game1.player.FarmerSprite.currentFrame == 117)
                 {                         //sitting side
                     b.Draw(ModEntry.umbrellaOverlayTextureSide, position + origin + ___positionOffset + who.armOffset + new Vector2(0, -20 * scale), new Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), overrideColor, rotation, origin, 4f * scale, animationFrame.flip ? SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally : SpriteEffects.None, layerDepth + 5.0E-05f);
                 else if (Game1.player.FarmerSprite.currentFrame == 107)
                 {                         //sitting front
                     b.Draw(ModEntry.umbrellaOverlayTextureBack, position + origin + ___positionOffset + who.armOffset + new Vector2(0, -24 * scale), new Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), overrideColor, rotation, origin, 4f * scale, animationFrame.flip ? SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally : SpriteEffects.None, layerDepth + 5.0E-05f);
                 if (Game1.player.FarmerSprite.currentFrame == 12)
                 {                         //standing back
                     b.Draw(ModEntry.umbrellaOverlayTextureBack, position + origin + ___positionOffset + who.armOffset, new Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), overrideColor, rotation, origin, 4f * scale, animationFrame.flip ? SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally : SpriteEffects.None, layerDepth + 5.0E-05f);
                 else if (Game1.player.FarmerSprite.currentFrame == 13 || Game1.player.FarmerSprite.currentFrame == 14 || Game1.player.FarmerSprite.currentFrame == 22 || Game1.player.FarmerSprite.currentFrame == 23)
                 {                         //moving back
                     b.Draw(ModEntry.umbrellaOverlayTextureBack, position + origin + ___positionOffset + who.armOffset + new Vector2(0, 4 * scale), new Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), overrideColor, rotation, origin, 4f * scale, animationFrame.flip ? SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally : SpriteEffects.None, layerDepth + 5.0E-05f);
                 else if (Game1.player.FarmerSprite.currentFrame == 113)
                 {                         //sitting back
                     b.Draw(ModEntry.umbrellaOverlayTextureBack, position + origin + ___positionOffset + who.armOffset + new Vector2(0, -16 * scale), new Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), overrideColor, rotation, origin, 4f * scale, animationFrame.flip ? SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally : SpriteEffects.None, layerDepth + 5.0E-05f);
                 else if (Game1.player.FarmerSprite.currentFrame == 117)
                 {                         //sitting side
                     b.Draw(ModEntry.umbrellaOverlayTextureSide, position + origin + ___positionOffset + who.armOffset + new Vector2(0, -16 * scale), new Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), overrideColor, rotation, origin, 4f * scale, animationFrame.flip ? SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally : SpriteEffects.None, layerDepth + 5.0E-05f);
                 else if (Game1.player.FarmerSprite.currentFrame == 107)
                 {                         //sitting front
                     b.Draw(ModEntry.umbrellaOverlayTextureBack, position + origin + ___positionOffset + who.armOffset + new Vector2(0, -20 * scale), new Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), overrideColor, rotation, origin, 4f * scale, animationFrame.flip ? SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally : SpriteEffects.None, layerDepth + 5.0E-05f);
     catch (Exception ex)
         Monitor.Log($"Failed in {nameof(draw_Postfix)}:\n{ex}", LogLevel.Error);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public static void Prefix_drawHairAndAccesories(FarmerRenderer __instance, Farmer who, int facingDirection, Vector2 position, Vector2 origin, float scale, int currentFrame, float rotation, Color overrideColor)
            if (Game1.activeClickableMenu is TitleMenu && who.hat.Value is Hat h && !(h is CustomHat) && SaveHandler.getAdditionalSaveData(h) is Dictionary <string, string> savdata)
                if (savdata.ContainsKey("blueprint") && savdata["blueprint"] is string bid && CustomShirtsMod.hats.Find(bp => bp.fullid == bid) is HatBlueprint hbp)
                    who.hat.Value = new CustomHat(hbp);

            if (who.hat.Value is CustomHat c)
                if (c.texture == null && CustomShirtsMod.syncedHats.ContainsKey(c.hatId + "." + who.UniqueMultiplayerID))
                    c.texture = CustomShirtsMod.syncedHats[c.hatId + "." + who.UniqueMultiplayerID];

                if (c.texture == null && !requestedHatSyncs.Contains(c.hatId + "." + who.UniqueMultiplayerID))
                    requestedHatSyncs.Add(c.hatId + "." + who.UniqueMultiplayerID);
                        Task.Run(async() =>
                            await PyNet.sendRequestToFarmer <HatSync>(CustomShirtsMod.HatSyncerRequestName, c.hatId, who, (hs) =>
                                requestedHatSyncs.Remove(c.hatId + "." + who.UniqueMultiplayerID);

                                if (hs == null || hs.Texture == null)

                                if (CustomShirtsMod.syncedHats.ContainsKey(hs.SyncId))

                                CustomShirtsMod.syncedHats.Add(hs.SyncId, hs.Texture.getTexture());
                            }, SerializationType.PLAIN, 1000);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        CustomShirtsMod._monitor.Log(e.Message + ":" + e.StackTrace);

                if (c.texture != null)
                    int direction = who.FacingDirection;
                    FarmerRenderer.hatsTexture = c.texture;
                    if (direction == 0)
                        direction = 3;
                    else if (direction == 2)
                        direction = 0;
                    else if (direction == 3)
                        direction = 2;

                    if (Game1.activeClickableMenu is TitleMenu || Game1.activeClickableMenu is GameMenu)
                        direction = 0;

                    if (c.texture is ScaledTexture2D sct)
                        sct.ForcedSourceRectangle = new Rectangle(0, (int)(direction * 20 * sct.Scale), (int)(20 * sct.Scale), (int)(20 * sct.Scale));
                FarmerRenderer.hatsTexture = CustomShirtsMod.vanillaHats;

            bool savedShirt = CustomShirtsMod.playerShirts.ContainsKey(who.UniqueMultiplayerID) && CustomShirtsMod.playerBaseShirts.ContainsKey(who.UniqueMultiplayerID) && CustomShirtsMod.playerBaseShirts[who.UniqueMultiplayerID] != -9999;

            if (savedShirt && (Game1.activeClickableMenu is CharacterCustomization || menuIsCC()))
                savedShirt = false;
                who.shirt.Value = ((CustomShirtsMod.shirts.FindIndex(fj => fj.fullid == CustomShirtsMod.config.ShirtId) + 1) * -1);

            if (who.shirt.Value >= 0 && !savedShirt)
                FarmerRenderer.shirtsTexture = CustomShirtsMod.vanillaShirts;
                    if (!savedShirt && who == Game1.player)
                        FarmerRenderer.shirtsTexture = CustomShirtsMod.shirts[(who.shirt.Value * -1) - 1].texture2d;
                        if (CustomShirtsMod.playerShirts[who.UniqueMultiplayerID] == null)
                        FarmerRenderer.shirtsTexture = CustomShirtsMod.playerShirts[who.UniqueMultiplayerID];
                catch { }

            if (FarmerRenderer.shirtsTexture is ScaledTexture2D st)
                st.ForcedSourceRectangle = new Rectangle?(new Rectangle(0, (int)((facingDirection == 0 ? 24 : facingDirection == 1 ? 8 : facingDirection == 3 ? 16 : 0) * st.Scale), (int)(8 * st.Scale), (int)(8 * st.Scale)));
Ejemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>The method to call before <see cref="FarmerRenderer.ApplySleeveColor"/>.</summary>
        /// <returns>Returns whether to run the original method.</returns>
        private static bool Before_ApplySleeveColor(FarmerRenderer __instance, string texture_name, Color[] pixels, Farmer who)
            if (who.shirtItem.Value is CustomShirt shirt)
                var  this_farmerTextureManager = Mod.instance.Helper.Reflection.GetField <LocalizedContentManager>(__instance, "farmerTextureManager").GetValue();
                var  this_skin        = Mod.instance.Helper.Reflection.GetField <NetInt>(__instance, "skin").GetValue();
                bool this__sickFrame  = Mod.instance.Helper.Reflection.GetField <bool>(__instance, "_sickFrame").GetValue();
                var  this_baseTexture = Mod.instance.Helper.Reflection.GetField <Texture2D>(__instance, "baseTexture").GetValue();
                var  this__SwapColor  = Mod.instance.Helper.Reflection.GetMethod(__instance, "_SwapColor");

                Color[][] shirtData = new Color[4][]
                    new Color[8 * 32],
                    new Color[8 * 32],
                    new Color[8 * 32],
                    new Color[8 * 32],
                };// new Color[FarmerRenderer.shirtsTexture.Bounds.Width * FarmerRenderer.shirtsTexture.Bounds.Height];
                foreach (var colors in shirtData)
                    for (int i = 0; i < colors.Length; i++)
                        colors[i] = Color.Transparent;
                var maleNC   = shirt.Data.pack.GetTexture(shirt.Data.TextureMale, 8, 32);
                var maleC    = shirt.Data.TextureMaleColor == null ? null : shirt.Data.pack.GetTexture(shirt.Data.TextureMaleColor, 8, 32);
                var femaleNC = shirt.Data.TextureFemale == null ? maleNC : shirt.Data.pack.GetTexture(shirt.Data.TextureFemale, 8, 32);
                var femaleC  = shirt.Data.TextureFemaleColor == null ? null : shirt.Data.pack.GetTexture(shirt.Data.TextureFemaleColor, 8, 32);
                    maleNC.Texture.GetData(0, maleNC.Rect, shirtData[0], 0, 8 * 32);
                    maleC?.Texture?.GetData(0, maleNC.Rect, shirtData[1], 0, 8 * 32);
                    femaleNC.Texture.GetData(0, femaleNC.Rect, shirtData[2], 0, 8 * 32);
                    femaleC?.Texture?.GetData(0, maleNC.Rect, shirtData[3], 0, 8 * 32);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Log.Error($"Failed to apply sleeve color with exception {ex}");
                //FarmerRenderer.shirtsTexture.GetData( shirtData );
                int   index            = who.IsMale ? 0 : 2; // __instance.ClampShirt(who.GetShirtIndex()) * 8 / 128 * 32 * FarmerRenderer.shirtsTexture.Bounds.Width + __instance.ClampShirt(who.GetShirtIndex()) * 8 % 128 + FarmerRenderer.shirtsTexture.Width * 4;
                int   dye_index        = index + 1;
                Color shirtSleeveColor = Color.White;
                if (who.GetShirtExtraData().Contains("Sleeveless") || index >= shirtData.Length)
                    Texture2D skinColors     = this_farmerTextureManager.Load <Texture2D>("Characters\\Farmer\\skinColors");
                    Color[]   skinColorsData = new Color[skinColors.Width * skinColors.Height];
                    int       skin_index     = this_skin.Value;
                    if (skin_index < 0)
                        skin_index = skinColors.Height - 1;
                    if (skin_index > skinColors.Height - 1)
                        skin_index = 0;
                    Color darkest  = skinColorsData[skin_index * 3 % (skinColors.Height * 3)];
                    Color medium   = skinColorsData[skin_index * 3 % (skinColors.Height * 3) + 1];
                    Color lightest = skinColorsData[skin_index * 3 % (skinColors.Height * 3) + 2];
                    if (this__sickFrame)
                        darkest  = pixels[260 + this_baseTexture.Width];
                        medium   = pixels[261 + this_baseTexture.Width];
                        lightest = pixels[262 + this_baseTexture.Width];
                    shirtSleeveColor = darkest;
                    this__SwapColor.Invoke(texture_name, pixels, 256, darkest);
                    this__SwapColor.Invoke(texture_name, pixels, 257, medium);
                    this__SwapColor.Invoke(texture_name, pixels, 258, lightest);
                Color color = Utility.MakeCompletelyOpaque(who.GetShirtColor());
                shirtSleeveColor = shirtData[dye_index][32];
                Color clothes_color = color;
                if (shirtSleeveColor.A < byte.MaxValue)
                    shirtSleeveColor = shirtData[index][32];
                    clothes_color    = Color.White;
                shirtSleeveColor = Utility.MultiplyColor(shirtSleeveColor, clothes_color);
                this__SwapColor.Invoke(texture_name, pixels, 256, shirtSleeveColor);
                shirtSleeveColor = shirtData[dye_index][24];
                if (shirtSleeveColor.A < byte.MaxValue)
                    shirtSleeveColor = shirtData[index][24];
                    clothes_color    = Color.White;
                shirtSleeveColor = Utility.MultiplyColor(shirtSleeveColor, clothes_color);
                this__SwapColor.Invoke(texture_name, pixels, 257, shirtSleeveColor);
                shirtSleeveColor = shirtData[dye_index][16];
                if (shirtSleeveColor.A < byte.MaxValue)
                    shirtSleeveColor = shirtData[index][16];
                    clothes_color    = Color.White;
                shirtSleeveColor = Utility.MultiplyColor(shirtSleeveColor, clothes_color);
                this__SwapColor.Invoke(texture_name, pixels, 258, shirtSleeveColor);
