Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override void AI()
            Player      player    = Main.player[projectile.owner];
            FargoPlayer modPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <FargoPlayer>();

            if ((int)Main.time % 120 == 0)
                projectile.netUpdate = true;

            int num1038 = 30;

            bool    flag67      = false;
            Vector2 value67     = Vector2.Zero;
            Vector2 arg_2D865_0 = Vector2.Zero;
            float   num1052     = 0f;

            if (projectile.ai[1] == 1f)
                projectile.ai[1]     = 0f;
                projectile.netUpdate = true;

            int byUUID = FargoSoulsUtil.GetByUUIDReal(projectile.owner, (int)projectile.ai[0], projectile.type, ModContent.ProjectileType <DestroyerHead>());

            if (byUUID >= 0 && Main.projectile[byUUID].active)
                flag67  = true;
                value67 = Main.projectile[byUUID].Center;
                Vector2 arg_2D957_0 = Main.projectile[byUUID].velocity;
                num1052 = Main.projectile[byUUID].rotation;
                float num1053     = MathHelper.Clamp(Main.projectile[byUUID].scale, 0f, 50f);
                int   arg_2D9AD_0 = Main.projectile[byUUID].alpha;
                Main.projectile[byUUID].localAI[0] = projectile.localAI[0] + 1f;
                if (Main.projectile[byUUID].type != mod.ProjectileType("DestroyerHead"))
                    Main.projectile[byUUID].localAI[1] = projectile.identity;

            if (!flag67)

            projectile.alpha -= 42;
            if (projectile.alpha < 0)
                projectile.alpha = 0;
            projectile.velocity = Vector2.Zero;
            Vector2 vector134 = value67 - projectile.Center;

            if (num1052 != projectile.rotation)
                float num1056 = MathHelper.WrapAngle(num1052 - projectile.rotation);
                vector134 = vector134.RotatedBy(num1056 * 0.1f, default(Vector2));

            projectile.rotation = vector134.ToRotation() + 1.57079637f;
            projectile.position = projectile.Center;
            projectile.width    = projectile.height = (int)(num1038 * projectile.scale);
            projectile.Center   = projectile.position;
            if (vector134 != Vector2.Zero)
                projectile.Center = value67 - Vector2.Normalize(vector134) * 36;
            projectile.spriteDirection = vector134.X > 0f ? 1 : -1;

            if (--attackTimer <= 0)
                attackTimer = Main.rand.Next(150) + 150;

            if (attackTimer == 1)
                if (projectile.owner == Main.myPlayer)
                    int         selectedTarget = -1; //pick target
                    const float maxRange       = 750f;
                    for (int i = 0; i < Main.maxNPCs; i++)
                        if (Main.npc[i].CanBeChasedBy(projectile) && Collision.CanHit(projectile.Center, 0, 0, Main.npc[i].Center, 0, 0))
                            if (projectile.Distance(Main.npc[i].Center) <= maxRange && Main.rand.NextBool()) //random because destroyer
                                selectedTarget = i;

                    if (selectedTarget != -1) //shoot
                        Projectile.NewProjectile(projectile.Center, 10f * projectile.DirectionTo(Main.npc[selectedTarget].Center),
                                                 ProjectileID.MiniRetinaLaser, projectile.damage, projectile.knockBack, projectile.owner);
                        Main.PlaySound(SoundID.Item12, projectile.Center);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public override void UpdateAccessory(Player player, bool hideVisual)
            FargoPlayer fargoPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <FargoPlayer>();

            //concentrated rainbow matter
            player.buffImmune[mod.BuffType("FlamesoftheUniverse")] = true;
            if (SoulConfig.Instance.GetValue(SoulConfig.Instance.RainbowSlime))
                player.AddBuff(mod.BuffType("RainbowSlime"), 2);

            //dragon fang
            player.buffImmune[mod.BuffType("ClippedWings")] = true;
            player.buffImmune[mod.BuffType("Crippled")]     = true;
            if (SoulConfig.Instance.GetValue(SoulConfig.Instance.DragonFang))
                fargoPlayer.DragonFang = true;

            //frigid gemstone
            player.buffImmune[BuffID.Frostburn] = true;
            if (SoulConfig.Instance.GetValue(SoulConfig.Instance.FrigidGemstone))
                fargoPlayer.FrigidGemstone = true;
                if (fargoPlayer.FrigidGemstoneCD > 0)

            //wretched pouch
            player.buffImmune[BuffID.ShadowFlame]             = true;
            player.buffImmune[mod.BuffType("Shadowflame")]    = true;
            player.GetModPlayer <FargoPlayer>().WretchedPouch = true;

            //sands of time
            player.buffImmune[BuffID.WindPushed] = true;
            fargoPlayer.SandsofTime = true;

            //squeaky toy
            player.buffImmune[mod.BuffType("SqueakyToy")] = true;
            player.buffImmune[mod.BuffType("Guilty")]     = true;
            fargoPlayer.SqueakyAcc = true;

            //tribal charm
            player.buffImmune[BuffID.Webbed]            = true;
            player.buffImmune[mod.BuffType("Purified")] = true;
            fargoPlayer.TribalCharm = true;

            //mystic skull
            player.buffImmune[BuffID.Suffocation] = true;
            player.manaFlower = true;

            //security wallet
            player.buffImmune[mod.BuffType("Midas")] = true;
            fargoPlayer.SecurityWallet = true;

            player.nightVision = true;

            //nymph's perfume
            player.buffImmune[BuffID.Lovestruck]          = true;
            player.buffImmune[mod.BuffType("Lovestruck")] = true;
            player.buffImmune[mod.BuffType("Hexed")]      = true;
            player.buffImmune[BuffID.Stinky] = true;
            if (SoulConfig.Instance.GetValue(SoulConfig.Instance.NymphPerfume))
                fargoPlayer.NymphsPerfume = true;
                if (fargoPlayer.NymphsPerfumeCD > 0)

            //tim's concoction
            if (SoulConfig.Instance.GetValue(SoulConfig.Instance.TimsConcoction))
                player.GetModPlayer <FargoPlayer>().TimsConcoction = true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public override bool CanUseItem(Item item, Player player)
            FargoPlayer modPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <FargoPlayer>();

            if (modPlayer.IronGuard)
                //Main.NewText($"iron {modPlayer.ironShieldCD}, {modPlayer.ironShieldTimer}");
                modPlayer.IronGuard          = false;
                modPlayer.wasHoldingShield   = false;
                player.shield_parry_cooldown = 0; //prevent that annoying tick sound
                //check is necessary so if player does a real parry then switches to right click weapon, using it won't reset cooldowns
                if (modPlayer.ironShieldCD == 40 && modPlayer.ironShieldTimer == 20)
                    modPlayer.ironShieldCD    = 0;
                    modPlayer.ironShieldTimer = 0;

            //dont use hotkeys in stasis
            if (player.HasBuff(ModContent.BuffType <GoldenStasis>()))
                if (item.type == ItemID.RodofDiscord)
                    player.ClearBuff(ModContent.BuffType <Buffs.Souls.GoldenStasis>());

            if (FargoSoulsWorld.MasochistMode)
                if (item.type == ItemID.RodofDiscord &&
                    (modPlayer.LihzahrdCurse ||
                     (Framing.GetTileSafely(Main.MouseWorld).wall == WallID.LihzahrdBrickUnsafe &&
                      !player.buffImmune[ModContent.BuffType <Buffs.Masomode.LihzahrdCurse>()])))

                if (modPlayer.LihzahrdCurse &&
                    (item.type == ItemID.WireKite || item.type == ItemID.WireCutter))

            if (item.magic && player.GetModPlayer <FargoPlayer>().ReverseManaFlow)
                int damage = (int)(item.mana / (1f - player.endurance) + player.statDefense);
                player.Hurt(PlayerDeathReason.ByCustomReason(player.name + " was destroyed by their own magic."), damage, 0);
                player.immune     = false;
                player.immuneTime = 0;

            if (modPlayer.BuilderMode && (item.createTile != -1 || item.createWall != -1) && item.type != ItemID.PlatinumCoin && item.type != ItemID.GoldCoin)
                item.useTime      = 1;
                item.useAnimation = 1;

            if (modPlayer.AdditionalAttacks && modPlayer.AdditionalAttacksTimer <= 0 && //non weapons and weapons with no ammo begone
                item.damage > 0 && player.HasAmmo(item, true) && !(item.mana > 0 && player.statMana < item.mana) &&
                item.type != ItemID.ExplosiveBunny && item.type != ItemID.Cannonball &&
                item.useTime > 0 && item.createTile == -1 && item.createWall == -1 && item.ammo == AmmoID.None && item.hammer == 0 && item.pick == 0 && item.axe == 0)
                modPlayer.AdditionalAttacksTimer = 60;

                Vector2 position = player.Center;
                Vector2 velocity = Vector2.Normalize(Main.MouseWorld - position);

                if (modPlayer.BorealEnchant && player.GetToggleValue("Boreal") && player.whoAmI == Main.myPlayer)
                    Vector2 vel = Vector2.Normalize(Main.MouseWorld - player.Center) * 17f;
                    int     p   = Projectile.NewProjectile(player.Center, vel, ProjectileID.SnowBallFriendly, (int)(item.damage * .5f), 1, Main.myPlayer);

                    int numSnowballs = 3;

                    if (modPlayer.WoodForce || modPlayer.WizardEnchant)
                        numSnowballs = 5;

                    if (p != 1000)
                        FargoGlobalProjectile.SplitProj(Main.projectile[p], numSnowballs, MathHelper.Pi / 10, 1);

                if (modPlayer.CelestialRune && player.GetToggleValue("MasoCelest"))
                    if (item.melee && item.pick == 0 && item.axe == 0 && item.hammer == 0) //fireball
                        Main.PlaySound(SoundID.Item34, position);
                        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                            Projectile.NewProjectile(position, velocity.RotatedByRandom(Math.PI / 6) * Main.rand.NextFloat(6f, 10f),
                                                     ModContent.ProjectileType <CelestialRuneFireball>(), (int)(50f * player.meleeDamage), 9f, player.whoAmI);
                    if (item.ranged) //lightning
                        float   ai1 = Main.rand.Next(100);
                        Vector2 vel = Vector2.Normalize(velocity.RotatedByRandom(Math.PI / 4)) * 7f;
                        Projectile.NewProjectile(position, vel, ModContent.ProjectileType <CelestialRuneLightningArc>(),
                                                 (int)(50f * player.rangedDamage), 1f, player.whoAmI, velocity.ToRotation(), ai1);
                    if (item.magic) //ice mist
                        Projectile.NewProjectile(position, velocity * 4.25f, ModContent.ProjectileType <CelestialRuneIceMist>(), (int)(50f * player.magicDamage), 4f, player.whoAmI);
                    if (item.thrown) //ancient vision
                        Projectile.NewProjectile(position, velocity * 16f, ModContent.ProjectileType <CelestialRuneAncientVision>(), (int)(50f * player.magicDamage), 0, player.whoAmI);

                if (modPlayer.PumpkingsCape && player.GetToggleValue("MasoPump"))
                    if (item.melee && item.pick == 0 && item.axe == 0 && item.hammer == 0) //flaming jack
                        float distance = 2000f;
                        int   target   = -1;
                        for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++)
                            if (Main.npc[i].active && Main.npc[i].CanBeChasedBy())
                                float newDist = Main.npc[i].Distance(player.Center);
                                if (newDist < distance)
                                    distance = newDist;
                                    target   = i;
                        if (target != -1)
                            Projectile.NewProjectile(position, velocity * 8f, ProjectileID.FlamingJack, (int)(75f * player.meleeDamage), 7.5f, player.whoAmI, target, 0f);
                    if (item.ranged) //jack o lantern
                        Projectile.NewProjectile(position, velocity * 11f, ProjectileID.JackOLantern, (int)(95f * player.rangedDamage), 8f, player.whoAmI);
                    if (item.magic) //bat scepter
                        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                            Vector2 newVel = velocity * 10f;
                            newVel.X += Main.rand.Next(-35, 36) * 0.02f;
                            newVel.Y += Main.rand.Next(-35, 36) * 0.02f;
                            Projectile.NewProjectile(position, newVel, ProjectileID.Bat, (int)(45f * player.magicDamage), 3f, player.whoAmI);

            //critter attack timer
            if (modPlayer.WoodEnchant && player.altFunctionUse == ItemAlternativeFunctionID.ActivatedAndUsed && item.makeNPC > 0)
                if (modPlayer.CritterAttackTimer == 0)
                    Vector2 vel = Vector2.Normalize(Main.MouseWorld - player.Center);
                    float   damageMultiplier = player.minionDamage;

                    int type           = -1;
                    int damage         = 0;
                    int attackCooldown = 0;

                    switch (item.type)
                    //case ItemID.Bunny:
                    //    type = ProjectileID.ExplosiveBunny;
                    //    damage = 10;
                    //    attackCooldown = 10;
                    //    break;

                    case ItemID.Bird:
                        type           = ModContent.ProjectileType <BirdProj>();
                        damage         = 15;
                        attackCooldown = 15;

                    case ItemID.BlueJay:
                        type           = ModContent.ProjectileType <BlueJayProj>();
                        damage         = 10;
                        attackCooldown = 10;

                    case ItemID.Cardinal:
                        type           = ModContent.ProjectileType <CardinalProj>();
                        damage         = 20;
                        attackCooldown = 20;

                    if (type != -1)
                        Projectile.NewProjectile(player.Center, vel * 2f, type, damage, 2, player.whoAmI);
                        modPlayer.CritterAttackTimer = attackCooldown;


            if (item.type == ItemID.RodofDiscord)
                if (FargoSoulsWorld.MasochistMode && EModeGlobalNPC.AnyBossAlive())
                    player.AddBuff(ModContent.BuffType <Buffs.Masomode.ChaosLife>(), 30);
                    modPlayer.MaxLifeReduction += 100;
                    player.chaosState           = true;

                    /*player.statLife -= player.statLifeMax2 / 5;
                     * PlayerDeathReason damageSource = PlayerDeathReason.ByOther(13);
                     * if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0)
                     *  damageSource = PlayerDeathReason.ByOther(player.Male ? 14 : 15);
                     * if (player.statLife <= 0 && !player.chaosState) //since chaos state will check and kill anyway, avoid doublekill
                     *  player.KillMe(damageSource, 1, 0);
                     * player.lifeRegenCount = 0;
                     * player.lifeRegenTime = 0;*/

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public override void UpdateAccessory(Player player, bool hideVisual)
            if (!Fargowiltas.Instance.ThoriumLoaded)

            FargoPlayer   modPlayer     = player.GetModPlayer <FargoPlayer>();
            ThoriumPlayer thoriumPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <ThoriumPlayer>();

            modPlayer.MalignantEnchant = true;
            modPlayer.FolvEnchant      = true;
            if (SoulConfig.Instance.GetValue("Folv's Aura"))
                thoriumPlayer.folvSet = true;
                Lighting.AddLight(player.position, 0.03f, 0.3f, 0.5f);
                thoriumPlayer.folvBonus2 = true;
            if (SoulConfig.Instance.GetValue("Mana-Charged Rocketeers"))
                //mana charge rockets
                thorium.GetItem("ManaChargedRocketeers").UpdateAccessory(player, hideVisual);

            //white dwarf
            modPlayer.WhiteDwarfEnchant = true;

            if (SoulConfig.Instance.GetValue("Celestial Aura"))
                thoriumPlayer.celestialSet = true;

            if (modPlayer.ThoriumSoul)

            if (SoulConfig.Instance.GetValue("Ascension Statuette"))
                //ascension statue
                thoriumPlayer.ascension = true;

            /*//balladeer meme hell
             * if (thoriumPlayer.empowerDamage > 0)
             * {
             *  modPlayer.AllDamageUp(.08f);
             *  player.moveSpeed += 0.03f;
             * }
             * if (thoriumPlayer.empowerAttackSpeed > 0)
             * {
             *  modPlayer.AllDamageUp(.08f);
             *  player.moveSpeed += 0.03f;
             * }
             * if (thoriumPlayer.empowerCriticalStrike > 0)
             * {
             *  modPlayer.AllDamageUp(.08f);
             *  player.moveSpeed += 0.03f;
             * }
             * if (thoriumPlayer.empowerMovementSpeed > 0)
             * {
             *  modPlayer.AllDamageUp(.08f);
             *  player.moveSpeed += 0.03f;
             * }
             * if (thoriumPlayer.empowerInspirationRegen > 0)
             * {
             *  modPlayer.AllDamageUp(.08f);
             *  player.moveSpeed += 0.03f;
             * }
             * if (thoriumPlayer.empowerDamageReduction > 0)
             * {
             *  modPlayer.AllDamageUp(.08f);
             *  player.moveSpeed += 0.03f;
             * }
             * if (thoriumPlayer.empowerManaRegen > 0)
             * {
             *  modPlayer.AllDamageUp(.08f);
             *  player.moveSpeed += 0.03f;
             * }
             * if (thoriumPlayer.empowerMaxMana > 0)
             * {
             *  modPlayer.AllDamageUp(.08f);
             *  player.moveSpeed += 0.03f;
             * }
             * if (thoriumPlayer.empowerLifeRegen > 0)
             * {
             *  modPlayer.AllDamageUp(.08f);
             *  player.moveSpeed += 0.03f;
             * }
             * if (thoriumPlayer.empowerMaxLife > 0)
             * {
             *  modPlayer.AllDamageUp(.08f);
             *  player.moveSpeed += 0.03f;
             * }
             * if (thoriumPlayer.empowerDefense > 0)
             * {
             *  modPlayer.AllDamageUp(.08f);
             *  player.moveSpeed += 0.03f;
             * }
             * if (thoriumPlayer.empowerAmmoConsumption > 0)
             * {
             *  modPlayer.AllDamageUp(.08f);
             *  player.moveSpeed += 0.03f;
             * }*/
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public override void UpdateAccessory(Player player, bool hideVisual)
            if (!Fargowiltas.Instance.ThoriumLoaded)

            FargoPlayer   modPlayer     = player.GetModPlayer <FargoPlayer>();
            ThoriumPlayer thoriumPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <ThoriumPlayer>(thorium);

            //includes malignant debuff, folv bolts, white dwarf flares
            modPlayer.VanaheimForce = true;

            if (Soulcheck.GetValue("Folv's Aura"))
                thoriumPlayer.folvSet = true;
                Lighting.AddLight(player.position, 0.03f, 0.3f, 0.5f);
                thoriumPlayer.folvBonus2 = true;

            if (Soulcheck.GetValue("Mana-Charged Rocketeers"))
                //mana charge rockets
                player.manaRegenDelay -= 2;
                if (player.statMana > 0)
                    player.rocketBoots = 1;
                    if (player.rocketFrame)
                        if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0)
                            player.statMana -= 2;
                            Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(player.position.X, player.position.Y + 20f), player.width, player.height, 15, player.velocity.X * 0.2f, player.velocity.Y * 0.2f, 100, default(Color), 1.5f);
                        player.rocketTime = 1;

            if (Soulcheck.GetValue("Celestial Aura"))
                thoriumPlayer.celestialSet = true;

            if (Soulcheck.GetValue("Ascension Statuette"))
                //ascension statue
                thoriumPlayer.ascension = true;

            //balladeer meme hell
            if (thoriumPlayer.empowerDamage > 0)
                player.moveSpeed += 0.03f;
            if (thoriumPlayer.empowerAttackSpeed > 0)
                player.moveSpeed += 0.03f;
            if (thoriumPlayer.empowerCriticalStrike > 0)
                player.moveSpeed += 0.03f;
            if (thoriumPlayer.empowerMovementSpeed > 0)
                player.moveSpeed += 0.03f;
            if (thoriumPlayer.empowerInspirationRegen > 0)
                player.moveSpeed += 0.03f;
            if (thoriumPlayer.empowerDamageReduction > 0)
                player.moveSpeed += 0.03f;
            if (thoriumPlayer.empowerManaRegen > 0)
                player.moveSpeed += 0.03f;
            if (thoriumPlayer.empowerMaxMana > 0)
                player.moveSpeed += 0.03f;
            if (thoriumPlayer.empowerLifeRegen > 0)
                player.moveSpeed += 0.03f;
            if (thoriumPlayer.empowerMaxLife > 0)
                player.moveSpeed += 0.03f;
            if (thoriumPlayer.empowerDefense > 0)
                player.moveSpeed += 0.03f;
            if (thoriumPlayer.empowerAmmoConsumption > 0)
                player.moveSpeed += 0.03f;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public override void UpdateAccessory(Player player, bool hideVisual)
            if (!Fargowiltas.Instance.ThoriumLoaded)

            FargoPlayer   modPlayer     = player.GetModPlayer <FargoPlayer>();
            ThoriumPlayer thoriumPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <ThoriumPlayer>(thorium);

            //includes illumite rocket and jester bell
            modPlayer.MidgardForce = true;

            mod.GetItem("LodestoneEnchant").UpdateAccessory(player, hideVisual);

            //set bonus
            player.gravControl = true;
            if (player.gravDir == -1f)

            if (Soulcheck.GetValue("Eye of the Beholder"))
                //eye of beholder
                thorium.GetItem("EyeofBeholder").UpdateAccessory(player, hideVisual);

            //slime pet
            modPlayer.AddPet("Pink Slime Pet", hideVisual, thorium.BuffType("PinkSlimeBuff"), thorium.ProjectileType("PinkSlime"));
            modPlayer.IllumiteEnchant = true;

            if (Soulcheck.GetValue("Terrarium Spirits"))
                //terrarium set bonus
                if (timer > 60)
                    Projectile.NewProjectile(player.Center.X + 14f, player.Center.Y - 20f, 0f, 2f, thorium.ProjectileType("TerraRed"), 50, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f);
                    Projectile.NewProjectile(player.Center.X + 9f, player.Center.Y - 20f, 0f, 2f, thorium.ProjectileType("TerraOrange"), 50, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f);
                    Projectile.NewProjectile(player.Center.X + 4f, player.Center.Y - 20f, 0f, 2f, thorium.ProjectileType("TerraYellow"), 50, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f);
                    Projectile.NewProjectile(player.Center.X, player.Center.Y - 20f, 0f, 2f, thorium.ProjectileType("TerraGreen"), 50, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f);
                    Projectile.NewProjectile(player.Center.X - 4f, player.Center.Y - 20f, 0f, 2f, thorium.ProjectileType("TerraBlue"), 50, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f);
                    Projectile.NewProjectile(player.Center.X - 9f, player.Center.Y - 20f, 0f, 2f, thorium.ProjectileType("TerraIndigo"), 50, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f);
                    Projectile.NewProjectile(player.Center.X - 14f, player.Center.Y - 20f, 0f, 2f, thorium.ProjectileType("TerraPurple"), 50, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f);
                    timer = 0;

            //terrarium woofer
            thoriumPlayer.bardRangeBoost += 450;
            for (int i = 0; i < 255; i++)
                Player player2 = Main.player[i];
                if (player2.active && !player2.dead && Vector2.Distance(player2.Center, player.Center) < 450f)
                    thoriumPlayer.empowerTerrarium = true;

            if (Soulcheck.GetValue("Crietz"))
                thoriumPlayer.crietzAcc = true;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public override void UpdateAccessory(Player player, bool hideVisual)
            FargoPlayer fargoPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <FargoPlayer>();

            fargoPlayer.MasochistSoul = true;

            player.AddBuff(mod.BuffType("SouloftheMasochist"), 2);

            //stat modifiers
            player.endurance             += 0.1f;
            player.maxMinions            += 10;
            player.maxTurrets            += 10;
            player.armorPenetration      += 50;
            player.statLifeMax2          += player.statLifeMax;
            player.lifeRegen             += 7;
            player.lifeRegenTime         += 7;
            player.lifeRegenCount        += 7;
            fargoPlayer.wingTimeModifier += 2f;
            player.moveSpeed             += 0.2f;

            //slimy shield
            player.buffImmune[BuffID.Slimed] = true;
            if (SoulConfig.Instance.GetValue(SoulConfig.Instance.SlimyShield))
                player.maxFallSpeed    *= 2f;
                fargoPlayer.SlimyShield = true;

            //agitating lens
            fargoPlayer.AgitatingLens = true;

            //queen stinger
            player.honey = true;
            player.npcTypeNoAggro[210] = true;
            player.npcTypeNoAggro[211] = true;
            player.npcTypeNoAggro[42]  = true;
            player.npcTypeNoAggro[176] = true;
            player.npcTypeNoAggro[231] = true;
            player.npcTypeNoAggro[232] = true;
            player.npcTypeNoAggro[233] = true;
            player.npcTypeNoAggro[234] = true;
            player.npcTypeNoAggro[235] = true;
            fargoPlayer.QueenStinger   = true;

            //necromantic brew
            fargoPlayer.NecromanticBrew = true;

            //supreme deathbringer fairy
            fargoPlayer.SupremeDeathbringerFairy = true;

            //pure heart
            fargoPlayer.PureHeart = true;

            //corrupt heart
            fargoPlayer.CorruptHeart = true;
            if (fargoPlayer.CorruptHeartCD > 0)
                fargoPlayer.CorruptHeartCD -= 2;

            //gutted heart
            fargoPlayer.GuttedHeart    = true;
            fargoPlayer.GuttedHeartCD -= 2; //faster spawns

            //mutant antibodies
            player.buffImmune[BuffID.Wet]    = true;
            player.buffImmune[BuffID.Rabies] = true;
            fargoPlayer.MutantAntibodies     = true;

            //lump of flesh
            player.buffImmune[BuffID.Blackout]   = true;
            player.buffImmune[BuffID.Obstructed] = true;
            player.buffImmune[BuffID.Dazed]      = true;
            fargoPlayer.SkullCharm = true;
            if (!player.ZoneDungeon)
                player.npcTypeNoAggro[NPCID.SkeletonSniper]       = true;
                player.npcTypeNoAggro[NPCID.SkeletonCommando]     = true;
                player.npcTypeNoAggro[NPCID.TacticalSkeleton]     = true;
                player.npcTypeNoAggro[NPCID.DiabolistRed]         = true;
                player.npcTypeNoAggro[NPCID.DiabolistWhite]       = true;
                player.npcTypeNoAggro[NPCID.Necromancer]          = true;
                player.npcTypeNoAggro[NPCID.NecromancerArmored]   = true;
                player.npcTypeNoAggro[NPCID.RaggedCaster]         = true;
                player.npcTypeNoAggro[NPCID.RaggedCasterOpenCoat] = true;

            //sinister icon
            if (SoulConfig.Instance.GetValue(SoulConfig.Instance.SinisterIcon))
                fargoPlayer.SinisterIcon = true;
            if (SoulConfig.Instance.GetValue(SoulConfig.Instance.SinisterIconDrops))
                fargoPlayer.SinisterIconDrops = true;

            //sparkling adoration
            if (SoulConfig.Instance.GetValue(SoulConfig.Instance.Graze))
                player.GetModPlayer <FargoPlayer>().Graze = true;

            if (SoulConfig.Instance.GetValue(SoulConfig.Instance.DevianttHearts))
                player.GetModPlayer <FargoPlayer>().DevianttHearts = true;

            //dragon fang
            if (SoulConfig.Instance.GetValue(SoulConfig.Instance.DragonFang))
                fargoPlayer.DragonFang = true;

            //frigid gemstone
            player.buffImmune[BuffID.Frostburn] = true;
            if (SoulConfig.Instance.GetValue(SoulConfig.Instance.FrigidGemstone))
                fargoPlayer.FrigidGemstone = true;
                if (fargoPlayer.FrigidGemstoneCD > 0)
                    fargoPlayer.FrigidGemstoneCD -= 5;

            //wretched pouch
            player.buffImmune[BuffID.ShadowFlame]             = true;
            player.GetModPlayer <FargoPlayer>().WretchedPouch = true;

            //sands of time
            player.buffImmune[BuffID.WindPushed] = true;
            fargoPlayer.SandsofTime = true;

            //mystic skull
            player.buffImmune[BuffID.Suffocation] = true;
            player.manaFlower = true;

            //security wallet
            fargoPlayer.SecurityWallet = true;

            player.nightVision = true;

            //squeaky toy
            fargoPlayer.SqueakyAcc = true;

            //tribal charm
            player.buffImmune[BuffID.Webbed] = true;
            fargoPlayer.TribalCharm          = true;

            //nymph's perfume
            player.buffImmune[BuffID.Lovestruck] = true;
            player.buffImmune[BuffID.Stinky]     = true;
            if (SoulConfig.Instance.GetValue(SoulConfig.Instance.NymphPerfume))
                fargoPlayer.NymphsPerfume = true;
                if (fargoPlayer.NymphsPerfumeCD > 0)
                    fargoPlayer.NymphsPerfumeCD -= 10;

            //tim's concoction
            if (SoulConfig.Instance.GetValue(SoulConfig.Instance.TimsConcoction))
                player.GetModPlayer <FargoPlayer>().TimsConcoction = true;

            //dubious circuitry
            player.buffImmune[BuffID.CursedInferno] = true;
            player.buffImmune[BuffID.Ichor]         = true;
            fargoPlayer.FusedLens   = true;
            fargoPlayer.GroundStick = true;
            player.noKnockback      = true;

            //magical bulb
            player.buffImmune[BuffID.Venom] = true;

            //ice queen's crown
            player.buffImmune[BuffID.Frozen] = true;

            //lihzahrd treasure
            player.buffImmune[BuffID.Burning] = true;
            fargoPlayer.LihzahrdTreasureBox   = true;

            //saucer control console
            player.buffImmune[BuffID.Electrified] = true;

            //betsy's heart
            player.buffImmune[BuffID.OgreSpit]       = true;
            player.buffImmune[BuffID.WitheredWeapon] = true;
            player.buffImmune[BuffID.WitheredArmor]  = true;
            fargoPlayer.BetsysHeart = true;

            //celestial rune/pumpking's cape
            fargoPlayer.CelestialRune     = true;
            fargoPlayer.PumpkingsCape     = true;
            fargoPlayer.AdditionalAttacks = true;
            if (fargoPlayer.AdditionalAttacksTimer > 0)
                fargoPlayer.AdditionalAttacksTimer -= 2;

            fargoPlayer.MoonChalice = true;

            //galactic globe
            player.buffImmune[BuffID.VortexDebuff] = true;
            //player.buffImmune[BuffID.ChaosState] = true;
            fargoPlayer.GravityGlobeEX = true;
            if (SoulConfig.Instance.GetValue(SoulConfig.Instance.GravityControl))
                player.gravControl = true;

            //heart of maso
            fargoPlayer.MasochistHeart          = true;
            player.buffImmune[BuffID.MoonLeech] = true;

            //cyclonic fin

            /*fargoPlayer.CyclonicFin = true;
            *  if (fargoPlayer.CyclonicFinCD > 0)
            *   fargoPlayer.CyclonicFinCD -= 2;*/
            /*if (player.mount.Active && player.mount.Type == MountID.CuteFishron)
             * {
             *  if (player.ownedProjectileCounts[mod.ProjectileType("CuteFishronRitual")] < 1 && player.whoAmI == Main.myPlayer)
             *      Projectile.NewProjectile(player.MountedCenter, Vector2.Zero, mod.ProjectileType("CuteFishronRitual"), 0, 0f, Main.myPlayer);
             *  player.MountFishronSpecialCounter = 300;
             *  player.meleeDamage += 0.15f;
             *  player.rangedDamage += 0.15f;
             *  player.magicDamage += 0.15f;
             *  player.minionDamage += 0.15f;
             *  player.thrownDamage += 0.15f;
             *  player.meleeCrit += 30;
             *  player.rangedCrit += 30;
             *  player.magicCrit += 30;
             *  player.thrownCrit += 30;
             *  player.statDefense += 30;
             *  player.lifeRegen += 3;
             *  player.lifeRegenCount += 3;
             *  player.lifeRegenTime += 3;
             *  if (player.controlLeft == player.controlRight)
             *  {
             *      if (player.velocity.X != 0)
             *          player.velocity.X -= player.mount.Acceleration * Math.Sign(player.velocity.X);
             *      if (player.velocity.X != 0)
             *          player.velocity.X -= player.mount.Acceleration * Math.Sign(player.velocity.X);
             *  }
             *  else if (player.controlLeft)
             *  {
             *      player.velocity.X -= player.mount.Acceleration * 4f;
             *      if (player.velocity.X < -16f)
             *          player.velocity.X = -16f;
             *      if (!player.controlUseItem)
             *          player.direction = -1;
             *  }
             *  else if (player.controlRight)
             *  {
             *      player.velocity.X += player.mount.Acceleration * 4f;
             *      if (player.velocity.X > 16f)
             *          player.velocity.X = 16f;
             *      if (!player.controlUseItem)
             *          player.direction = 1;
             *  }
             *  if (player.controlUp == player.controlDown)
             *  {
             *      if (player.velocity.Y != 0)
             *          player.velocity.Y -= player.mount.Acceleration * Math.Sign(player.velocity.Y);
             *      if (player.velocity.Y != 0)
             *          player.velocity.Y -= player.mount.Acceleration * Math.Sign(player.velocity.Y);
             *  }
             *  else if (player.controlUp)
             *  {
             *      player.velocity.Y -= player.mount.Acceleration * 4f;
             *      if (player.velocity.Y < -16f)
             *          player.velocity.Y = -16f;
             *  }
             *  else if (player.controlDown)
             *  {
             *      player.velocity.Y += player.mount.Acceleration * 4f;
             *      if (player.velocity.Y > 16f)
             *          player.velocity.Y = 16f;
             *  }
             * }*/

            player.buffImmune[mod.BuffType("Antisocial")]          = true;
            player.buffImmune[mod.BuffType("Atrophied")]           = true;
            player.buffImmune[mod.BuffType("Berserked")]           = true;
            player.buffImmune[mod.BuffType("Bloodthirsty")]        = true;
            player.buffImmune[mod.BuffType("ClippedWings")]        = true;
            player.buffImmune[mod.BuffType("Crippled")]            = true;
            player.buffImmune[mod.BuffType("CurseoftheMoon")]      = true;
            player.buffImmune[mod.BuffType("Defenseless")]         = true;
            player.buffImmune[mod.BuffType("FlamesoftheUniverse")] = true;
            player.buffImmune[mod.BuffType("Flipped")]             = true;
            player.buffImmune[mod.BuffType("FlippedHallow")]       = true;
            player.buffImmune[mod.BuffType("Fused")]              = true;
            player.buffImmune[mod.BuffType("Guilty")]             = true;
            player.buffImmune[mod.BuffType("Hexed")]              = true;
            player.buffImmune[mod.BuffType("Infested")]           = true;
            player.buffImmune[mod.BuffType("IvyVenom")]           = true;
            player.buffImmune[mod.BuffType("Jammed")]             = true;
            player.buffImmune[mod.BuffType("Lethargic")]          = true;
            player.buffImmune[mod.BuffType("LightningRod")]       = true;
            player.buffImmune[mod.BuffType("LivingWasteland")]    = true;
            player.buffImmune[mod.BuffType("Lovestruck")]         = true;
            player.buffImmune[mod.BuffType("LowGround")]          = true;
            player.buffImmune[mod.BuffType("MarkedforDeath")]     = true;
            player.buffImmune[mod.BuffType("Midas")]              = true;
            player.buffImmune[mod.BuffType("MutantNibble")]       = true;
            player.buffImmune[mod.BuffType("NullificationCurse")] = true;
            player.buffImmune[mod.BuffType("Oiled")]              = true;
            player.buffImmune[mod.BuffType("OceanicMaul")]        = true;
            player.buffImmune[mod.BuffType("Purified")]           = true;
            player.buffImmune[mod.BuffType("ReverseManaFlow")]    = true;
            player.buffImmune[mod.BuffType("Rotting")]            = true;
            player.buffImmune[mod.BuffType("Shadowflame")]        = true;
            player.buffImmune[mod.BuffType("SqueakyToy")]         = true;
            player.buffImmune[mod.BuffType("Swarming")]           = true;
            player.buffImmune[mod.BuffType("Stunned")]            = true;
            player.buffImmune[mod.BuffType("Unstable")]           = true;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private void Thorium(Player player, bool hideVisual)
            FargoPlayer   modPlayer     = player.GetModPlayer <FargoPlayer>(mod);
            ThoriumPlayer thoriumPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <ThoriumPlayer>(thorium);


            thoriumPlayer.orbital          = true;
            thoriumPlayer.orbitalRotation3 = Utils.RotatedBy(thoriumPlayer.orbitalRotation3, -0.075000002980232239, default(Vector2));
            //making divers code less of a meme :scuseme:
            if (player.statLife > player.statLifeMax * 0.75)
                thoriumPlayer.berserkStage = 1;
            else if (player.statLife > player.statLifeMax * 0.5)
                modPlayer.AttackSpeed     *= 1.05f;
                thoriumPlayer.berserkStage = 2;
            else if (player.statLife > player.statLifeMax * 0.25)
                modPlayer.AttackSpeed     *= 1.1f;
                thoriumPlayer.berserkStage = 3;
                modPlayer.AttackSpeed     *= 1.15f;
                thoriumPlayer.berserkStage = 4;

            //spring steps
            player.extraFall += 10;
            if (player.velocity.Y < 0f && allowJump)
                allowJump = false;
            if (player.velocity.Y > 0f || player.sliding || player.justJumped)
                allowJump = true;
            if (thoriumPlayer.jumps == 0)
                player.jumpSpeedBoost += 5f;
            if (thoriumPlayer.jumps == 1)
                player.jumpSpeedBoost += 1f;
            if (thoriumPlayer.jumps == 2)
                player.jumpSpeedBoost += 1.75f;
            if (thoriumPlayer.jumps >= 3)
                float num  = 16f;
                int   num2 = 0;
                while (num2 < num)
                    Vector2 vector = Vector2.UnitX * 0f;
                    vector += -Utils.RotatedBy(Vector2.UnitY, (num2 * (6.28318548f / num)), default(Vector2)) * new Vector2(5f, 20f);
                    vector  = Utils.RotatedBy(vector, Utils.ToRotation(player.velocity), default(Vector2));
                    int num3 = Dust.NewDust(player.Center, 0, 0, 127, 0f, 0f, 0, default(Color), 1f);
                    Main.dust[num3].scale     = 1.35f;
                    Main.dust[num3].noGravity = true;
                    Main.dust[num3].position  = player.Center + vector;
                    Dust dust = Main.dust[num3];
                    dust.position.Y          = dust.position.Y + 12f;
                    Main.dust[num3].velocity = player.velocity * 0f + Utils.SafeNormalize(vector, Vector2.UnitY) * 1f;
                    int num4 = num2;
                    num2 = num4 + 1;
                Main.PlaySound(SoundID.Item74, player.position);
                thoriumPlayer.jumps = 0;
            //slag stompers
            if (timer > 20)
                Projectile.NewProjectile(player.Center.X, player.Center.Y, 0.1f * Main.rand.Next(-25, 25), 2f, thorium.ProjectileType("SlagPro"), 20, 1f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f);
                timer = 0;

            if (Soulcheck.GetValue("Proof of Avarice"))
                //proof of avarice
                thoriumPlayer.avarice2 = true;
            modPlayer.AddPet("Coin Bag Pet", hideVisual, thorium.BuffType("DrachmaBuff"), thorium.ProjectileType("DrachmaBag"));
            modPlayer.AddPet("Glitter Pet", hideVisual, thorium.BuffType("ShineDust"), thorium.ProjectileType("ShinyPet"));

Ejemplo n.º 9
        public override void UpdateAccessory(Player player, bool hideVisual)
            FargoPlayer modPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <FargoPlayer>();

            //use speed, velocity, debuffs, crit dmg, mana up, double knockback
            modPlayer.UniverseEffect = true;

            if (player.GetToggleValue("Universe"))
                modPlayer.AttackSpeed += .5f;

            player.maxMinions += 8;
            player.maxTurrets += 4;

            if (player.GetToggleValue("YoyoBag"))
                player.counterWeight = 556 + Main.rand.Next(6);
                player.yoyoGlove     = true;
                player.yoyoString    = true;
            //celestial shell
            player.accMerman = true;
            player.wolfAcc   = true;
            if (hideVisual)
                player.hideMerman = true;
                player.hideWolf   = true;

            player.lifeRegen   += 2;
            player.statDefense += 4;

            if (player.GetToggleValue("Sniper"))
                player.scope = true;
            player.manaFlower = true;
            player.manaMagnet = true;
            player.magicCuffs = true;

            if (ModLoader.GetMod("FargowiltasSoulsDLC") != null)
                Mod fargoDLC = ModLoader.GetMod("FargowiltasSoulsDLC");

                if (ModLoader.GetMod("ThoriumMod") != null)
                    fargoDLC.GetItem("GuardianAngelsSoul").UpdateAccessory(player, hideVisual);
                    fargoDLC.GetItem("BardSoul").UpdateAccessory(player, hideVisual);
                if (ModLoader.GetMod("CalamityMod") != null)
                    fargoDLC.GetItem("RogueSoul").UpdateAccessory(player, hideVisual);
                if (ModLoader.GetMod("DBZMOD") != null)
                    fargoDLC.GetItem("KiSoul").UpdateAccessory(player, hideVisual);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        private void Thorium(Player player, bool hideVisual)
            FargoPlayer   modPlayer     = player.GetModPlayer <FargoPlayer>(mod);
            ThoriumPlayer thoriumPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <ThoriumPlayer>(thorium);

            if (!thoriumPlayer.lichPrevent)
                player.AddBuff(thorium.BuffType("LichActive"), 60, true);
            //crystal scorpion
            if (Soulcheck.GetValue("Crystal Scorpion"))
                thoriumPlayer.crystalScorpion = true;
            //yumas pendant
            if (Soulcheck.GetValue("Yuma's Pendant"))
                thoriumPlayer.yuma = true;

            thoriumPlayer.throwGuide2 = true;
            //dead mans patch
            thoriumPlayer.deadEyeBool = true;
            //mermaid canteen
            thoriumPlayer.canteenEffect += 750;
            thoriumPlayer.canteenCadet   = true;

            thoriumPlayer.radiantBoost += 0.4f;
            thoriumPlayer.radiantSpeed -= 0.25f;
            thoriumPlayer.healingSpeed += 0.25f;
            thoriumPlayer.radiantCrit  += 20;
            //support stash
            thoriumPlayer.supportSash = true;
            thoriumPlayer.quickBelt   = true;
            //saving grace
            thoriumPlayer.crossHeal = true;
            thoriumPlayer.healBloom = true;
            //soul guard
            thoriumPlayer.graveGoods = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < 255; i++)
                Player player2 = Main.player[i];
                if (player2.active && player2 != player && Vector2.Distance(player2.Center, player.Center) < 400f)
                    player2.AddBuff(thorium.BuffType("AegisAura"), 30, false);
            //archdemon's curse
            thoriumPlayer.darkAura = true;
            //archangels heart
            thoriumPlayer.healBonus += 5;
            //medical bag
            thoriumPlayer.medicalAcc = true;
            //head mirror arrow
            if (Soulcheck.GetValue("Head Mirror"))
                float num  = 0f;
                int   num2 = player.whoAmI;
                for (int i = 0; i < 255; i++)
                    if (Main.player[i].active && Main.player[i] != player && !Main.player[i].dead && (Main.player[i].statLifeMax2 - Main.player[i].statLife) > num)
                        num  = (Main.player[i].statLifeMax2 - Main.player[i].statLife);
                        num2 = i;
                if (player.ownedProjectileCounts[thorium.ProjectileType("HealerSymbol")] < 1)
                    Projectile.NewProjectile(player.Center.X, player.Center.Y, 0f, 0f, thorium.ProjectileType("HealerSymbol"), 0, 0f, player.whoAmI, 0f, 0f);
                for (int j = 0; j < 1000; j++)
                    Projectile projectile = Main.projectile[j];
                    if (projectile.active && projectile.owner == player.whoAmI && projectile.type == thorium.ProjectileType("HealerSymbol"))
                        projectile.timeLeft = 2;
                        projectile.ai[1]    = num2;
            thoriumPlayer.symphonicDamage += 0.3f;
            thoriumPlayer.symphonicSpeed  += .2f;
            thoriumPlayer.symphonicCrit   += 15;
            thoriumPlayer.bardResourceMax2 = 20; //the max allowed in thorium
            //epic mouthpiece
            thoriumPlayer.bardHomingBool  = true;
            thoriumPlayer.bardHomingBonus = 5f;
            //straight mute
            thoriumPlayer.bardMute2 = true;
            //digital tuner
            thoriumPlayer.tuner2 = true;
            //guitar pick claw
            thoriumPlayer.bardBounceBonus = 5;
            //terrarium defender
            if (player.statLife < player.statLifeMax * 0.2f)
                player.AddBuff(thorium.BuffType("TerrariumRegen"), 10, true);
                player.lifeRegen += 20;
            if (player.statLife < player.statLifeMax * 0.25f)
                player.AddBuff(thorium.BuffType("TerrariumDefense"), 10, true);
                player.statDefense += 20;
            //blast shield
            thoriumPlayer.blastHurt = true;
            //cape of the survivor
            if (player.FindBuffIndex(thorium.BuffType("Corporeal")) < 0)
                thoriumPlayer.spiritBand2 = true;
            //sweet vengeance
            thoriumPlayer.sweetVengeance = true;
            //oceans retaliation
            thoriumPlayer.turtleShield2 = true;
            thoriumPlayer.SpinyShield   = true;
            MagmaBoundFishingLineMP magmaPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <MagmaBoundFishingLineMP>();

            magmaPlayer.magmaLine = true;
            //terrarium particle sprinters dust
            if (Collision.SolidCollision(player.position, player.width, player.height + 4) && Math.Abs(player.velocity.X) >= 2)
                for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
                    int dust = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(player.position.X - 2f, player.position.Y + (float)player.height - 2f), player.width + 4, 4, 57, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 1.4f);
                    Main.dust[dust].noGravity = true;
                    Main.dust[dust].noLight   = true;
                    Dust dust1 = Main.dust[dust];
                    dust1.velocity *= 0f;
                for (int j = 0; j < 1; j++)
                    int dust = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(player.position.X - 2f, player.position.Y + (float)player.height - 2f), player.width + 4, 4, 61, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 1.35f);
                    Main.dust[dust].noGravity = true;
                    Main.dust[dust].noLight   = true;
                    Dust dust2 = Main.dust[dust];
                    dust2.velocity *= 0f;
                for (int k = 0; k < 1; k++)
                    int dust = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(player.position.X - 2f, player.position.Y + (float)player.height - 2f), player.width + 4, 4, 229, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 1.15f);
                    Main.dust[dust].noGravity = true;
                    Main.dust[dust].noLight   = true;
                    Dust dust3 = Main.dust[dust];
                    dust3.velocity *= 0f;
                for (int l = 0; l < 1; l++)
                    int dust = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(player.position.X - 2f, player.position.Y + (float)player.height - 2f), player.width + 4, 4, 60, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 1.5f);
                    Main.dust[dust].noGravity = true;
                    Main.dust[dust].noLight   = true;
                    Dust dust4 = Main.dust[dust];
                    dust4.velocity *= 0f;
                for (int m = 0; m < 1; m++)
                    int dust = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(player.position.X - 2f, player.position.Y + (float)player.height - 2f), player.width + 4, 4, 127, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 1.75f);
                    Main.dust[dust].noGravity = true;
                    Main.dust[dust].noLight   = true;
                    Dust dust5 = Main.dust[dust];
                    dust5.velocity *= 0f;
                for (int n = 0; n < 1; n++)
                    int dust = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(player.position.X - 2f, player.position.Y + (float)player.height - 2f), player.width + 4, 4, 59, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 1.4f);
                    Main.dust[dust].noGravity = true;
                    Main.dust[dust].noLight   = true;
                    Dust dust6 = Main.dust[dust];
                    dust6.velocity *= 0f;
                for (int num7 = 0; num7 < 1; num7++)
                    int dust = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(player.position.X - 2f, player.position.Y + (float)player.height - 2f), player.width + 4, 4, 62, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 1.35f);
                    Main.dust[dust].noGravity = true;
                    Main.dust[dust].noLight   = true;
                    Dust dust7 = Main.dust[dust];
                    dust7.velocity *= 0f;
            //air walkers
            if (Soulcheck.GetValue("Air Walkers"))
                if (player.controlDown)
                    jumped = true;
                    jumped = false;
                if (!Collision.SolidCollision(player.position, player.width, player.height + 4))
                    hoverTimer = 0;
                if (hoverTimer >= 1000)
                    canHover = false;
                    canHover = true;
                if (canHover && !jumped && !Collision.SolidCollision(player.position, player.width, player.height + 4))
                    player.maxFallSpeed = 0f;
                    player.fallStart    = (int)(player.position.Y / 16f);
                    int dust1 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(player.position.X - 2f, player.position.Y + (float)player.height - 2f), player.width + 4, 4, 229, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 1.25f);
                    Main.dust[dust1].noGravity = true;
                    Main.dust[dust1].noLight   = true;
                    Dust dust = Main.dust[dust1];
                    dust.velocity *= 0f;
            //survivalist boots
            if (Math.Abs(player.velocity.X) > 2f)
                player.lifeRegen += 2;
                player.manaRegenBonus += 2;
                thoriumPlayer.bardResourceRecharge += 2;
            //weighted winglets
            if (player.controlDown && !player.controlUp)
                player.maxFallSpeed *= (player.wet ? 2.4f : 1.6f);
            if (player.controlUp && !player.controlDown)
                player.maxFallSpeed *= 0.4f;
                player.fallStart     = (int)(player.position.Y / 16f);
            //WORLD SHAPER
            modPlayer.AddPet("Inspiring Lantern Pet", hideVisual, thorium.BuffType("SupportLanternBuff"), thorium.ProjectileType("SupportLantern"));
            modPlayer.AddPet("Lock Box Pet", hideVisual, thorium.BuffType("LockBoxBuff"), thorium.ProjectileType("LockBoxPet"));

            //THORIUM SOUL
            mod.GetItem("ThoriumSoul").UpdateAccessory(player, hideVisual);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public override void UpdateAccessory(Player player, bool hideVisual)
            FargoPlayer modPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <FargoPlayer>(mod);

            //includes revive, both spectres, adamantite, and star heal
            modPlayer.TerrariaSoul = true;

            modPlayer.WoodForce = true;
            modPlayer.WoodEnchant = true;
            modPlayer.BorealEnchant = true;
            modPlayer.MahoganyEnchant = true;
            modPlayer.ShadeEnchant = true;

            modPlayer.TerraForce = true; //crit effect improved

            if (!Fargowiltas.Instance.ThoriumLoaded)
                modPlayer.CopperEnchant = true; //lightning
                player.dash             = 2;
                if (Soulcheck.GetValue("Iron Shield"))
                if (Soulcheck.GetValue("Iron Magnet"))
                    modPlayer.IronEnchant = true;

            modPlayer.TinEffect(); //crits
            modPlayer.TungstenEnchant = true;
            player.fireWalk   = true;
            player.lavaImmune = true;

            modPlayer.CobaltEnchant = true;     //shards
            modPlayer.PalladiumEffect();        //regen on hit, heals
            modPlayer.OrichalcumEffect();       //fireballs and petals
            modPlayer.AdamantiteEnchant = true; //split

            if (!Fargowiltas.Instance.ThoriumLoaded)
                modPlayer.TitaniumEffect(); //shadow dodge, full hp resistance
            modPlayer.NatureForce = true;

            if (!Fargowiltas.Instance.ThoriumLoaded)
                modPlayer.CrimsonEffect(hideVisual); //regen, pets

            modPlayer.MoltenEffect(25);              //inferno and explode
            modPlayer.FrostEffect(75, hideVisual);   //icicles, pets
            modPlayer.JungleEffect();                //spores
            modPlayer.ChloroEffect(hideVisual, 100); //crystal and pet
            modPlayer.ShroomiteEffect(hideVisual);   //pet

            modPlayer.LifeForce = true;
            modPlayer.BeeEffect(hideVisual);         //bees ignore defense, super bees, pet
            modPlayer.SpiderEffect(hideVisual);      //pet
            modPlayer.BeetleEffect();                //defense beetle bois
            modPlayer.PumpkinEffect(50, hideVisual); //flame trail, pie heal, pet
            modPlayer.TurtleEffect(hideVisual);      //thorns, pets
            player.thorns       = 1f;
            player.turtleThorns = true;
            modPlayer.CactusEffect(); //needle spray

            modPlayer.SpiritForce = true;            //spectre works for all, spirit trapper works for all
            modPlayer.FossilEffect(40, hideVisual);  //revive, bone zone, pet
            modPlayer.ForbiddenEffect();             //storm
            modPlayer.HallowEffect(hideVisual, 100); //sword, shield, pet
            modPlayer.TikiEffect(hideVisual);        //pet
            modPlayer.SpectreEffect(hideVisual);     //pet

            modPlayer.ShadowForce = true;
            modPlayer.DarkArtistEffect(hideVisual); //shoot from where you were meme, pet
            modPlayer.NecroEffect(hideVisual);      //DG meme, pet
            modPlayer.ShadowEffect(hideVisual);     //pets
            player.blackBelt   = true;
            player.spikedBoots = 2;
            player.dash        = 1;
            modPlayer.ShinobiEffect(hideVisual); //tele thru walls, pet
            modPlayer.NinjaEffect(hideVisual);   //smoke bomb nonsense, pet
            modPlayer.SpookyEffect(hideVisual);  //scythe doom, pets

            modPlayer.WillForce = true;            //knockback remove for all
            modPlayer.GoldEffect(hideVisual);      //midas, greedy ring, pet, zhonyas
            modPlayer.PlatinumEnchant = true;      //loot multiply
            modPlayer.GladiatorEffect(hideVisual); //javelins, pet
            modPlayer.RedRidingEffect(hideVisual); //pet
            player.accMerman = true;
            player.wolfAcc   = true;
            if (hideVisual)
                player.hideMerman = true;
                player.hideWolf   = true;
            modPlayer.ValhallaEffect(hideVisual); //knockback remove
            player.shinyStone = true;

            modPlayer.CosmoForce = true;

            if (!Fargowiltas.Instance.ThoriumLoaded)
                //meteor shower

            modPlayer.SolarEffect();            //solar shields
            modPlayer.VortexEffect(hideVisual); //stealth, voids, pet
            modPlayer.NebulaEffect();           //boosters
            modPlayer.StardustEffect();         //guardian and time freeze
            modPlayer.AddPet("Suspicious Eye Pet", hideVisual, BuffID.SuspiciousTentacle, ProjectileID.SuspiciousTentacle);

            if (Fargowiltas.Instance.ThoriumLoaded)
                if (Fargowiltas.Instance.CalamityLoaded)
                    mod.GetItem("CalamityForce").UpdateAccessory(player, hideVisual);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public override void UpdateAccessory(Player player, bool hideVisual)
            FargoPlayer modPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <FargoPlayer>(mod);

            //auto use, debuffs, mana up
            modPlayer.Eternity = true;

            modPlayer.UniverseEffect = true;
            if (Soulcheck.GetValue("Universe Attack Speed"))
                modPlayer.AttackSpeed *= 2;
            player.maxMinions += 20;
            player.maxTurrets += 10;
            player.counterWeight = 556 + Main.rand.Next(6);
            player.yoyoGlove     = true;
            player.yoyoString    = true;
            if (Soulcheck.GetValue("Universe Scope"))
                player.scope = true;
            player.manaFlower = true;
            player.manaMagnet = true;
            player.magicCuffs = true;

            player.statLifeMax2 *= 5;
            player.endurance    += 0.4f;
            player.lifeRegen    += 15;
            //hand warmer, pocket mirror, ankh shield
            player.buffImmune[BuffID.Chilled]     = true;
            player.buffImmune[BuffID.Frozen]      = true;
            player.buffImmune[BuffID.Stoned]      = true;
            player.buffImmune[BuffID.Weak]        = true;
            player.buffImmune[BuffID.BrokenArmor] = true;
            player.buffImmune[BuffID.Bleeding]    = true;
            player.buffImmune[BuffID.Poisoned]    = true;
            player.buffImmune[BuffID.Slow]        = true;
            player.buffImmune[BuffID.Confused]    = true;
            player.buffImmune[BuffID.Silenced]    = true;
            player.buffImmune[BuffID.Cursed]      = true;
            player.buffImmune[BuffID.Darkness]    = true;
            player.buffImmune[BuffID.ChaosState]  = true;
            player.noKnockback = true;
            player.fireWalk    = true;

            //brain of confusion
            player.brainOfConfusion = true;
            //charm of myths
            player.pStone = true;
            //bee cloak, sweet heart necklace, star veil
            if (Soulcheck.GetValue("Stars On Hit"))
                player.starCloak = true;
            if (Soulcheck.GetValue("Bees On Hit"))
                player.bee = true;
            player.panic       = true;
            player.longInvince = true;
            //spore sac
            if (Soulcheck.GetValue("Spore Sac"))
                player.sporeSac = true;
            //flesh knuckles
            player.aggro += 400;
            //frozen turtle shell
            if (player.statLife <= player.statLifeMax2 * 0.5)
                player.AddBuff(BuffID.IceBarrier, 5, true);
            //paladins shield
            if (player.statLife > player.statLifeMax2 * .25)
                player.hasPaladinShield = true;
                for (int k = 0; k < 255; k++)
                    Player target = Main.player[k];

                    if (target.active && player != target && Vector2.Distance(target.Center, player.Center) < 400)
                        target.AddBuff(BuffID.PaladinsShield, 30);

            //frost spark plus super speed
            if (Soulcheck.GetValue("Supersonic Speed Boosts") && !player.GetModPlayer <FargoPlayer>().noSupersonic)
                player.maxRunSpeed     += 15f;
                player.runAcceleration += .25f;
                player.autoJump         = true;
                player.jumpSpeedBoost  += 2.4f;
                player.jumpBoost        = true;
                player.maxFallSpeed    += 5f;

             * {
             *  player.maxRunSpeed += 5f;
             *  player.runAcceleration += .1f;
             * }*/
            player.moveSpeed  += 0.5f;
            player.accRunSpeed = 12f;
            player.rocketBoots = 3;
            player.iceSkate    = true;
            //arctic diving gear
            player.arcticDivingGear = true;
            player.accFlipper       = true;
            player.accDivingHelm    = true;
            //lava waders
            player.waterWalk  = true;
            player.fireWalk   = true;
            player.lavaImmune = true;
            //magic carpet
            player.carpet = true;
            //frog legs
            player.autoJump        = true;
            player.jumpSpeedBoost += 2.4f;
            player.jumpBoost       = true;
            if (player.wingTime == 0)
                player.doubleJumpCloud     = true;
                player.doubleJumpSandstorm = true;
                player.doubleJumpBlizzard  = true;
                player.doubleJumpFart      = true;

            //FLIGHT MASTERY
            player.wingTimeMax = 999999;
            player.ignoreWater = true;
            player.wingTime    = player.wingTimeMax;

            //extra lures
            modPlayer.FishSoul2 = true;
            //modPlayer.AddPet("Zephyr Fish Pet", hideVisual, BuffID.ZephyrFish, ProjectileID.ZephyrFish);
            player.sonarPotion    = true;
            player.fishingSkill  += 100;
            player.cratePotion    = true;
            player.accFishingLine = true;
            player.accTackleBox   = true;
            player.accFishFinder  = true;

            //WORLD SHAPER
            //placing speed up
            player.tileSpeed += 0.5f;
            player.wallSpeed += 0.5f;
            Player.tileRangeX += 50;
            Player.tileRangeY += 50;
            //gizmo pack
            player.autoPaint = true;
            //pick speed
            player.pickSpeed -= 0.90f;
            //mining helmet
            if (Soulcheck.GetValue("Shine Buff"))
                Lighting.AddLight(player.Center, 0.8f, 0.8f, 0f);
            player.autoActuator = true;
            //builder mode
            if (Soulcheck.GetValue("Builder Mode"))
                modPlayer.BuilderMode = true;
            //cell phone
            player.accWatch        = 3;
            player.accDepthMeter   = 1;
            player.accCompass      = 1;
            player.accFishFinder   = true;
            player.accDreamCatcher = true;
            player.accOreFinder    = true;
            player.accStopwatch    = true;
            player.accCritterGuide = true;
            player.accJarOfSouls   = true;
            player.accThirdEye     = true;
            player.accCalendar     = true;
            player.accWeatherRadio = true;

            mod.GetItem("TerrariaSoul").UpdateAccessory(player, hideVisual);

            mod.GetItem("MasochistSoul").UpdateAccessory(player, hideVisual);

            if (Fargowiltas.Instance.ThoriumLoaded)
                Thorium(player, hideVisual);

            if (Fargowiltas.Instance.CalamityLoaded)
                Calamity(player, hideVisual);

            if (Fargowiltas.Instance.DBTLoaded)
Ejemplo n.º 13
        private void Thorium(Player player, bool hideVisual)
            FargoPlayer   modPlayer     = player.GetModPlayer <FargoPlayer>();
            ThoriumPlayer thoriumPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <ThoriumPlayer>();

            //terrarium defender
            if (player.statLife < player.statLifeMax * 0.2f)
                player.AddBuff(thorium.BuffType("TerrariumRegen"), 10, true);
                player.lifeRegen += 20;
            if (player.statLife < player.statLifeMax * 0.25f)
                player.AddBuff(thorium.BuffType("TerrariumDefense"), 10, true);
                player.statDefense += 20;
            //blast shield
            thoriumPlayer.blastHurt = true;
            //cape of the survivor
            if (player.FindBuffIndex(thorium.BuffType("Corporeal")) < 0)
                thoriumPlayer.spiritBand2 = true;
            //sweet vengeance
            thoriumPlayer.sweetVengeance = true;
            //oceans retaliation
            thoriumPlayer.turtleShield2 = true;
            thoriumPlayer.SpinyShield   = true;
            MagmaBoundFishingLineMP magmaPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <MagmaBoundFishingLineMP>();

            magmaPlayer.magmaLine = true;
            //terrarium particle sprinters dust
            if (Collision.SolidCollision(player.position, player.width, player.height + 4) && Math.Abs(player.velocity.X) >= 2)
                for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
                    int num = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(player.position.X - 2f, player.position.Y + (float)player.height - 2f), player.width + 4, 4, 57, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 1.4f);
                    Main.dust[num].noGravity = true;
                    Main.dust[num].noLight   = true;
                    Dust dust = Main.dust[num];
                    dust.velocity *= 0f;
                for (int j = 0; j < 1; j++)
                    int num2 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(player.position.X - 2f, player.position.Y + (float)player.height - 2f), player.width + 4, 4, 61, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 1.35f);
                    Main.dust[num2].noGravity = true;
                    Main.dust[num2].noLight   = true;
                    Dust dust2 = Main.dust[num2];
                    dust2.velocity *= 0f;
                for (int k = 0; k < 1; k++)
                    int num3 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(player.position.X - 2f, player.position.Y + (float)player.height - 2f), player.width + 4, 4, 229, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 1.15f);
                    Main.dust[num3].noGravity = true;
                    Main.dust[num3].noLight   = true;
                    Dust dust3 = Main.dust[num3];
                    dust3.velocity *= 0f;
                for (int l = 0; l < 1; l++)
                    int num4 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(player.position.X - 2f, player.position.Y + (float)player.height - 2f), player.width + 4, 4, 60, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 1.5f);
                    Main.dust[num4].noGravity = true;
                    Main.dust[num4].noLight   = true;
                    Dust dust4 = Main.dust[num4];
                    dust4.velocity *= 0f;
                for (int m = 0; m < 1; m++)
                    int num5 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(player.position.X - 2f, player.position.Y + (float)player.height - 2f), player.width + 4, 4, 127, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 1.75f);
                    Main.dust[num5].noGravity = true;
                    Main.dust[num5].noLight   = true;
                    Dust dust5 = Main.dust[num5];
                    dust5.velocity *= 0f;
                for (int n = 0; n < 1; n++)
                    int num6 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(player.position.X - 2f, player.position.Y + (float)player.height - 2f), player.width + 4, 4, 59, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 1.4f);
                    Main.dust[num6].noGravity = true;
                    Main.dust[num6].noLight   = true;
                    Dust dust6 = Main.dust[num6];
                    dust6.velocity *= 0f;
                for (int num7 = 0; num7 < 1; num7++)
                    int num8 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(player.position.X - 2f, player.position.Y + (float)player.height - 2f), player.width + 4, 4, 62, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 1.35f);
                    Main.dust[num8].noGravity = true;
                    Main.dust[num8].noLight   = true;
                    Dust dust7 = Main.dust[num8];
                    dust7.velocity *= 0f;
            //air walkers
            if (Soulcheck.GetValue("Air Walkers"))
                if (player.controlDown)
                    jumped = true;
                    jumped = false;
                if (!Collision.SolidCollision(player.position, player.width, player.height + 4))
                    hoverTimer = 0;
                if (hoverTimer >= 500)
                    canHover = false;
                    canHover = true;
                if (canHover && !jumped && !Collision.SolidCollision(player.position, player.width, player.height + 4))
                    player.maxFallSpeed = 0f;
                    player.fallStart    = (int)(player.position.Y / 16f);
                    int num = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(player.position.X - 2f, player.position.Y + (float)player.height - 2f), player.width + 4, 4, 229, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 1.25f);
                    Main.dust[num].noGravity = true;
                    Main.dust[num].noLight   = true;
                    Dust dust = Main.dust[num];
                    dust.velocity *= 0f;
            //survivalist boots
            if (Math.Abs(player.velocity.X) > 2f)
                player.lifeRegen += 2;
                player.manaRegenBonus += 2;
                thoriumPlayer.bardResourceRecharge += 2;
            //weighted winglets
            if (player.controlDown && !player.controlUp)
                player.maxFallSpeed *= (player.wet ? 2.4f : 1.6f);
            if (player.controlUp && !player.controlDown)
                player.maxFallSpeed *= 0.4f;
                player.fallStart     = (int)(player.position.Y / 16f);

            //WORLD SHAPER
            modPlayer.AddPet("Inspiring Lantern Pet", hideVisual, thorium.BuffType("SupportLanternBuff"), thorium.ProjectileType("SupportLantern"));
            modPlayer.AddPet("Lock Box Pet", hideVisual, thorium.BuffType("LockBoxBuff"), thorium.ProjectileType("LockBoxPet"));
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public override void UpdateArmorSet(Player player)
            player.setBonus = @"The blessing of Eridanus empowers your attacks
The empowered class changes every 10 seconds
Eridanus fights alongside you when you use the empowered class
75% increased damage, 30% increased attack speed, and 20% increased critical strike chance for the empowered class";

            FargoPlayer fargoPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <FargoPlayer>();

            fargoPlayer.EridanusEmpower = true;

            if (fargoPlayer.EridanusTimer % (60 * 10) == 1) //make dust whenever changing classes
                Main.PlaySound(SoundID.Item4, player.Center);

                int type;
                switch (fargoPlayer.EridanusTimer / (60 * 10))
                case 0: type = 127; break;     //solar

                case 1: type = 229; break;     //vortex

                case 2: type = 242; break;     //nebula

                default: type = 135; break;    //stardust

                const int max = 100; //make some indicator dusts
                for (int i = 0; i < max; i++)
                    Vector2 vector6 = Vector2.UnitY * 20f;
                    vector6 = vector6.RotatedBy((i - (max / 2 - 1)) * 6.28318548f / max) + player.Center;
                    Vector2 vector7 = vector6 - player.Center;
                    int     d       = Dust.NewDust(vector6 + vector7, 0, 0, type, 0f, 0f, 0, default(Color), 3f);
                    Main.dust[d].noGravity = true;
                    Main.dust[d].velocity  = vector7;

                for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) //make some indicator dusts
                    int d = Dust.NewDust(player.position, player.width, player.height, type, 0f, 0f, 0, default(Color), 2.5f);
                    Main.dust[d].noGravity = true;
                    Main.dust[d].noLight   = true;
                    Main.dust[d].velocity *= 24f;

                if (Main.myPlayer == player.whoAmI)
                    for (int i = 0; i < Main.maxProjectiles; i++) //clear minions
                        if (Main.projectile[i].active && Main.projectile[i].owner == player.whoAmI &&
                            Main.projectile[i].type != ModContent.ProjectileType <Projectiles.Minions.EridanusMinion>() &&
                            Main.projectile[i].minionSlots > 0)

            if (++fargoPlayer.EridanusTimer > 60 * 10 * 4) //handle loop
                fargoPlayer.EridanusTimer = 0;

            switch (fargoPlayer.EridanusTimer / (60 * 10)) //damage boost according to current class
            case 0: player.meleeDamage += 0.75f; player.meleeCrit += 20; if (player.HeldItem.melee)
                    fargoPlayer.AttackSpeed += .3f;

            case 1: player.rangedDamage += 0.75f; player.rangedCrit += 20; if (player.HeldItem.ranged)
                    fargoPlayer.AttackSpeed += .3f;

            case 2: player.magicDamage += 0.75f; player.magicCrit += 20; if (player.HeldItem.magic)
                    fargoPlayer.AttackSpeed += .3f;

            default: player.minionDamage += 0.75f; fargoPlayer.SpiderEnchant = true; if (player.HeldItem.summon)
                    fargoPlayer.AttackSpeed += .3f;

            if (player.whoAmI == Main.myPlayer)
                if (player.ownedProjectileCounts[ModContent.ProjectileType <Projectiles.Minions.EridanusMinion>()] < 1)
                    Projectile.NewProjectile(player.Center, Vector2.Zero, ModContent.ProjectileType <Projectiles.Minions.EridanusMinion>(), 300, 12f, player.whoAmI, -1);
                if (player.ownedProjectileCounts[ModContent.ProjectileType <Projectiles.Minions.EridanusRitual>()] < 1)
                    Projectile.NewProjectile(player.Center, Vector2.Zero, ModContent.ProjectileType <Projectiles.Minions.EridanusRitual>(), 0, 0f, player.whoAmI);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public override void UpdateAccessory(Player player, bool hideVisual)
            FargoPlayer modPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <FargoPlayer>();

Ejemplo n.º 16
        private void Thorium(Player player, bool hideVisual)
            FargoPlayer   modPlayer     = player.GetModPlayer <FargoPlayer>(mod);
            ThoriumPlayer thoriumPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <ThoriumPlayer>(thorium);

            thoriumPlayer.bardRangeBoost += 450;
            for (int i = 0; i < 255; i++)
                Player player2 = Main.player[i];
                if (player2.active && !player2.dead && Vector2.Distance(player2.Center, player.Center) < 450f)
                    thoriumPlayer.empowerPoison = true;
                    thoriumPlayer.empowerFrost  = true;
            modPlayer.BulbEnchant = true;
            //night shade petal
            thoriumPlayer.nightshadeBoost = true;

            thoriumPlayer.orbital          = true;
            thoriumPlayer.orbitalRotation3 = Utils.RotatedBy(thoriumPlayer.orbitalRotation3, -0.075000002980232239, default(Vector2));
            //making divers code less of a meme :scuseme:
            if (player.statLife > player.statLifeMax * 0.75)
                thoriumPlayer.berserkStage = 1;
            else if (player.statLife > player.statLifeMax * 0.5)
                modPlayer.AttackSpeed     *= 1.05f;
                thoriumPlayer.berserkStage = 2;
            else if (player.statLife > player.statLifeMax * 0.25)
                modPlayer.AttackSpeed     *= 1.1f;
                thoriumPlayer.berserkStage = 3;
                modPlayer.AttackSpeed     *= 1.15f;
                thoriumPlayer.berserkStage = 4;

            thoriumPlayer.magmaSet = true;
            //spring steps
            player.extraFall += 10;
            if (player.velocity.Y < 0f && allowJump)
                allowJump = false;
            if (player.velocity.Y > 0f || player.sliding || player.justJumped)
                allowJump = true;
            if (thoriumPlayer.jumps == 0)
                player.jumpSpeedBoost += 5f;
            if (thoriumPlayer.jumps == 1)
                player.jumpSpeedBoost += 1f;
            if (thoriumPlayer.jumps == 2)
                player.jumpSpeedBoost += 1.75f;
            if (thoriumPlayer.jumps >= 3)
                float num  = 16f;
                int   num2 = 0;
                while (num2 < num)
                    Vector2 vector = Vector2.UnitX * 0f;
                    vector += -Utils.RotatedBy(Vector2.UnitY, (num2 * (6.28318548f / num)), default(Vector2)) * new Vector2(5f, 20f);
                    vector  = Utils.RotatedBy(vector, Utils.ToRotation(player.velocity), default(Vector2));
                    int num3 = Dust.NewDust(player.Center, 0, 0, 127, 0f, 0f, 0, default(Color), 1f);
                    Main.dust[num3].scale     = 1.35f;
                    Main.dust[num3].noGravity = true;
                    Main.dust[num3].position  = player.Center + vector;
                    Dust dust = Main.dust[num3];
                    dust.position.Y          = dust.position.Y + 12f;
                    Main.dust[num3].velocity = player.velocity * 0f + Utils.SafeNormalize(vector, Vector2.UnitY) * 1f;
                    int num4 = num2;
                    num2 = num4 + 1;
                Main.PlaySound(SoundID.Item74, player.position);
                thoriumPlayer.jumps = 0;
            if (Soulcheck.GetValue("Slag Stompers"))
                //slag stompers
                if (timer > 20)
                    Projectile.NewProjectile(player.Center.X, player.Center.Y, 0.1f * Main.rand.Next(-25, 25), 2f, thorium.ProjectileType("SlagPro"), 20, 1f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f);
                    timer = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public override void UpdateAccessory(Player player, bool hideVisual)
            FargoPlayer modPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <FargoPlayer>();

            //mining speed, spelunker, dangersense, light, hunter, pet
            modPlayer.MinerEffect(hideVisual, .66f);
            //placing speed up
            player.tileSpeed += 0.5f;
            player.wallSpeed += 0.5f;
            Player.tileRangeX += 50;
            Player.tileRangeY += 50;
            //gizmo pack
            player.autoPaint = true;
            player.autoActuator = true;
            //royal gel
            player.npcTypeNoAggro[1]   = true;
            player.npcTypeNoAggro[16]  = true;
            player.npcTypeNoAggro[59]  = true;
            player.npcTypeNoAggro[71]  = true;
            player.npcTypeNoAggro[81]  = true;
            player.npcTypeNoAggro[138] = true;
            player.npcTypeNoAggro[121] = true;
            player.npcTypeNoAggro[122] = true;
            player.npcTypeNoAggro[141] = true;
            player.npcTypeNoAggro[147] = true;
            player.npcTypeNoAggro[183] = true;
            player.npcTypeNoAggro[184] = true;
            player.npcTypeNoAggro[204] = true;
            player.npcTypeNoAggro[225] = true;
            player.npcTypeNoAggro[244] = true;
            player.npcTypeNoAggro[302] = true;
            player.npcTypeNoAggro[333] = true;
            player.npcTypeNoAggro[335] = true;
            player.npcTypeNoAggro[334] = true;
            player.npcTypeNoAggro[336] = true;
            player.npcTypeNoAggro[537] = true;

            if (SoulConfig.Instance.GetValue(SoulConfig.Instance.BuilderMode))
                modPlayer.BuilderMode = true;

            //cell phone
            player.accWatch        = 3;
            player.accDepthMeter   = 1;
            player.accCompass      = 1;
            player.accFishFinder   = true;
            player.accDreamCatcher = true;
            player.accOreFinder    = true;
            player.accStopwatch    = true;
            player.accCritterGuide = true;
            player.accJarOfSouls   = true;
            player.accThirdEye     = true;
            player.accCalendar     = true;
            player.accWeatherRadio = true;

            if (!Fargowiltas.Instance.ThoriumLoaded)

            modPlayer.AddPet(SoulConfig.Instance.thoriumToggles.BoxPet, hideVisual, thorium.BuffType("LockBoxBuff"), thorium.ProjectileType("LockBoxPet"));
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public override void UpdateAccessory(Player player, bool hideVisual)
            FargoPlayer modPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <FargoPlayer>();

            modPlayer.PlatinumEnchant = true;
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public override void UpdateAccessory(Player player, bool hideVisual)
            if (!Fargowiltas.Instance.ThoriumLoaded)

            FargoPlayer   modPlayer     = player.GetModPlayer <FargoPlayer>();
            ThoriumPlayer thoriumPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <ThoriumPlayer>();

            //spirit trapper
            modPlayer.SpiritTrapperEnchant = true;
            thoriumPlayer.spiritTrapper    = true;
            //inner flame
            thoriumPlayer.spiritFlame = true;

            if (SoulConfig.Instance.GetValue("Dread Speed"))
                player.moveSpeed       += 0.8f;
                player.maxRunSpeed     += 10f;
                player.runAcceleration += 0.05f;
                if (player.velocity.X > 0f || player.velocity.X < 0f)

                    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                        int num  = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(player.position.X, player.position.Y) - player.velocity * 0.5f, player.width, player.height, 65, 0f, 0f, 0, default(Color), 1.75f);
                        int num2 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(player.position.X, player.position.Y) - player.velocity * 0.5f, player.width, player.height, 75, 0f, 0f, 0, default(Color), 1f);
                        Main.dust[num].noGravity  = true;
                        Main.dust[num2].noGravity = true;
                        Main.dust[num].noLight    = true;
                        Main.dust[num2].noLight   = true;
            //crash boots
            thorium.GetItem("CrashBoots").UpdateAccessory(player, hideVisual);
            player.moveSpeed   -= 0.15f;
            player.maxRunSpeed -= 1f;
            if (SoulConfig.Instance.GetValue("Dragon Flames"))
                thoriumPlayer.dragonSet = true;
            //wyvern pet
            modPlayer.AddPet("Wyvern Pet", hideVisual, thorium.BuffType("WyvernPetBuff"), thorium.ProjectileType("WyvernPet"));
            modPlayer.DragonEnchant = true;

            //demon blood effect
            modPlayer.DemonBloodEnchant = true;
            //demon blood badge
            thoriumPlayer.CrimsonBadge = true;
            if (SoulConfig.Instance.GetValue("Flesh Drops"))
                //flesh set bonus
                thoriumPlayer.Symbiotic = true;
            if (SoulConfig.Instance.GetValue("Vampire Gland"))
                //vampire gland
                thoriumPlayer.vampireGland = true;
            //blister pet
            modPlayer.AddPet("Blister Pet", hideVisual, thorium.BuffType("BlisterBuff"), thorium.ProjectileType("BlisterPet"));
            modPlayer.FleshEnchant = true;
            modPlayer.AddPet("Moogle Pet", hideVisual, thorium.BuffType("LilMogBuff"), thorium.ProjectileType("LilMog"));
            modPlayer.KnightEnchant = true;
            //lich gaze
            thoriumPlayer.lichGaze = true;
            modPlayer.PlagueAcc    = true;

            if (modPlayer.ThoriumSoul)

             * thoriumPlayer.bardRangeBoost += 450;
             * for (int i = 0; i < 255; i++)
             * {
             *  Player player2 = Main.player[i];
             *  if (player2.active && !player2.dead && Vector2.Distance(player2.Center, player.Center) < 450f)
             *  {
             *      thoriumPlayer.empowerCursed = true;
             *      thoriumPlayer.empowerIchor = true;
             *  }
             * }*/
            //dragon tooth necklace
            player.armorPenetration += 15;

            if (SoulConfig.Instance.GetValue("Harbinger Overcharge"))
                if (player.statLife > (int)(player.statLifeMax2 * 0.75))
                    thoriumPlayer.overCharge = true;
            //shade band
            thoriumPlayer.shadeBand = true;
            //lich set bonus
            modPlayer.LichEnchant = true;
            //plague doctor
            thoriumPlayer.plagueSet = true;
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public override void Update(Player player, ref int buffIndex)
            FargoPlayer modPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <FargoPlayer>();

            player.endurance = .9f;

            modPlayer.ShellHide = true;

            float distance = 3f * 16;

            if (player.ownedProjectileCounts[ModContent.ProjectileType <TurtleShield>()] < 1)
                Projectile.NewProjectile(player.Center, Vector2.Zero, ModContent.ProjectileType <TurtleShield>(), 0, 0, player.whoAmI);

            Main.projectile.Where(x => x.active && x.hostile && x.damage > 0).ToList().ForEach(x =>
                if (Vector2.Distance(x.Center, player.Center) <= distance &&
                    !x.GetGlobalProjectile <FargoGlobalProjectile>().ImmuneToGuttedHeart&& !x.GetGlobalProjectile <FargoGlobalProjectile>().ImmuneToMutantBomb)
                    int dustId = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(x.position.X, x.position.Y + 2f), x.width, x.height + 5, DustID.GoldFlame, x.velocity.X * 0.2f, x.velocity.Y * 0.2f, 100,
                                              default(Color), 2f);
                    Main.dust[dustId].noGravity = true;
                    int dustId3 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(x.position.X, x.position.Y + 2f), x.width, x.height + 5, DustID.GoldFlame, x.velocity.X * 0.2f, x.velocity.Y * 0.2f, 100,
                                               default(Color), 2f);
                    Main.dust[dustId3].noGravity = true;

                    // Turn around
                    x.velocity *= -1f;

                    // Flip sprite
                    if (x.Center.X > player.Center.X)
                        x.direction       = 1;
                        x.spriteDirection = 1;
                        x.direction       = -1;
                        x.spriteDirection = -1;


                    if (modPlayer.TurtleShellHP == 0)
                        player.AddBuff(ModContent.BuffType <BrokenShell>(), 3600);
                        modPlayer.TurtleShellHP = 10;

                        //some funny dust
                        const int max = 30;
                        for (int i = 0; i < max; i++)
                            Vector2 vector6        = Vector2.UnitY * 5f;
                            vector6                = vector6.RotatedBy((i - (max / 2 - 1)) * 6.28318548f / max) + Main.LocalPlayer.Center;
                            Vector2 vector7        = vector6 - Main.LocalPlayer.Center;
                            int d                  = Dust.NewDust(vector6 + vector7, 0, 0, DustID.GreenBlood, 0f, 0f, 0, default(Color), 2f);
                            Main.dust[d].noGravity = true;
                            Main.dust[d].velocity  = vector7;
        public override void UpdateAccessory(Player player, bool hideVisual)
            FargoPlayer modPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <FargoPlayer>();

Ejemplo n.º 22
        public override void UpdateAccessory(Player player, bool hideVisual)
            if (!Fargowiltas.Instance.ThoriumLoaded)

            FargoPlayer   modPlayer     = player.GetModPlayer <FargoPlayer>();
            ThoriumPlayer thoriumPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <ThoriumPlayer>(thorium);

            //warlock wisps, mix tape
            modPlayer.ThoriumSoul = true;

            //life bloom heals
            modPlayer.MuspelheimForce = true;
            thoriumPlayer.cocoonAcc = true;
            //living wood set bonus
            thoriumPlayer.livingWood = true;
            //free boi
            modPlayer.LivingWoodEnchant = true;
            modPlayer.AddMinion("Sapling Minion", thorium.ProjectileType("MinionSapling"), 25, 2f);
            //vine rope thing
            player.cordage = true;

            //tide hunter foam, yew crits, cryo duplicate
            modPlayer.JotunheimForce = true;
            modPlayer.DepthEnchant   = true;
            modPlayer.AddPet("Jellyfish Pet", hideVisual, thorium.BuffType("JellyPet"), thorium.ProjectileType("JellyfishPet"));
            //tide hunter
            //angler bowl
            if (!hideVisual)
                if (player.direction > 0 && Main.rand.Next(2) == 0)
                    Projectile.NewProjectile(player.Center.X + 56f, player.Center.Y - 10f, 0f, 0f, thorium.ProjectileType("AnglerLight"), 0, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f);
                if (player.direction < 0 && Main.rand.Next(2) == 0)
                    Projectile.NewProjectile(player.Center.X - 56f, player.Center.Y - 10f, 0f, 0f, thorium.ProjectileType("AnglerLight"), 0, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f);
            //strider hide
            thoriumPlayer.frostBonusDamage = true;
            modPlayer.IcyEnchant = true;
            modPlayer.AddPet("Penguin Pet", hideVisual, BuffID.BabyPenguin, ProjectileID.Penguin);
            modPlayer.AddPet("Owl Pet", hideVisual, thorium.BuffType("SnowyOwlBuff"), thorium.ProjectileType("SnowyOwlPet"));
            if (Soulcheck.GetValue("Icy Barrier"))
                //icy set bonus
                thoriumPlayer.icySet = true;
                if (player.ownedProjectileCounts[thorium.ProjectileType("IcyAura")] < 1)
                    Projectile.NewProjectile(player.Center.X, player.Center.Y, 0f, 0f, thorium.ProjectileType("IcyAura"), 0, 0f, player.whoAmI, 0f, 0f);
            if (Soulcheck.GetValue("Whispering Tentacles"))
                thoriumPlayer.whisperingSet = true;
                if (player.ownedProjectileCounts[thorium.ProjectileType("WhisperingTentacle")] + player.ownedProjectileCounts[thorium.ProjectileType("WhisperingTentacle2")] < 6 && player.ownedProjectileCounts[thorium.ProjectileType("WhisperingTentacleSpawn")] < 1)
                    if (whisperingTimer > 30)
                        Projectile.NewProjectile(player.Center.X + (float)Main.rand.Next(-300, 300), player.Center.Y, 0f, 0f, thorium.ProjectileType("WhisperingTentacleSpawn"), 50, 0f, player.whoAmI, 0f, 0f);
                        whisperingTimer = 0;

            //lil cherub
            modPlayer.SacredEnchant = true;
            modPlayer.AddMinion("Li'l Cherub Minion", thorium.ProjectileType("Angel"), 0, 0f);
            //twinkle pet
            modPlayer.AddPet("Life Spirit Pet", hideVisual, thorium.BuffType("LifeSpiritBuff"), thorium.ProjectileType("LifeSpirit"));
            //lil devil
            modPlayer.WarlockEnchant = true;
            modPlayer.AddMinion("Li'l Devil Minion", thorium.ProjectileType("Devil"), 20, 2f);
            mod.GetItem("BiotechEnchant").UpdateAccessory(player, hideVisual);
            thoriumPlayer.warlockSet = true;
            //goat pet
            modPlayer.BinderEnchant = true;
            modPlayer.AddPet("Holy Goat Pet", hideVisual, thorium.BuffType("HolyGoatBuff"), thorium.ProjectileType("HolyGoat"));
            thoriumPlayer.goatPet = true;

            thoriumPlayer.conductorSet = true;

            //includes bronze lightning
            modPlayer.SvartalfheimForce = true;
            if (Soulcheck.GetValue("Eye of the Storm"))
                //eye of the storm
                thorium.GetItem("EyeoftheStorm").UpdateAccessory(player, hideVisual);
            thoriumPlayer.championShield = true;

            if (Soulcheck.GetValue("Incandescent Spark"))
                thorium.GetItem("IncandescentSpark").UpdateAccessory(player, hideVisual);
            if (Soulcheck.GetValue("Greedy Magnet"))
                //greedy magnet
                for (int i = 0; i < 400; i++)
                    if (Main.item[i].active && Main.item[i].noGrabDelay == 0 && Vector2.Distance(player.Center, Main.item[i].position) < 700f)
                        Main.item[i].beingGrabbed = true;
                        float   num    = 10f;
                        Vector2 vector = new Vector2(Main.item[i].position.X + (Main.item[i].width / 2), Main.item[i].position.Y + (Main.item[i].height / 2));
                        float   num2   = player.Center.X - vector.X;
                        float   num3   = player.Center.Y - vector.Y;
                        float   num4   = (float)Math.Sqrt((num2 * num2 + num3 * num3));
                        num4  = num / num4;
                        num2 *= num4;
                        num3 *= num4;
                        int num5 = 5;
                        Main.item[i].velocity.X = (Main.item[i].velocity.X * (num5 - 1) + num2) / num5;
                        Main.item[i].velocity.Y = (Main.item[i].velocity.Y * (num5 - 1) + num3) / num5;
            //EoC Shield
            player.dash = 2;
            if (Soulcheck.GetValue("Iron Shield"))
                //iron shield raise
            //abyssal shell
            thoriumPlayer.AbyssalShell = true;
            if (Soulcheck.GetValue("Conduit Shield"))
                //conduit set bonus
                thoriumPlayer.conduitSet       = true;
                thoriumPlayer.orbital          = true;
                thoriumPlayer.orbitalRotation1 = Utils.RotatedBy(thoriumPlayer.orbitalRotation1, -0.10000000149011612, default(Vector2));
                Lighting.AddLight(player.position, 0.2f, 0.35f, 0.7f);
                if ((player.velocity.X > 0f || player.velocity.X < 0f) && thoriumPlayer.circuitStage < 6)
                    for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
                        int num = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(player.position.X, player.position.Y) - player.velocity * 0.5f, player.width, player.height, 185, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 1f);
                        Main.dust[num].noGravity = true;

            //meteor effect
            //modPlayer.AddPet("Omega Pet", hideVisual, thorium.BuffType("OmegaBuff"), thorium.ProjectileType("Omega"));
            modPlayer.AddPet("I.F.O. Pet", hideVisual, thorium.BuffType("Identified"), thorium.ProjectileType("IFO"));
            modPlayer.AddPet("Bio-Feeder Pet", hideVisual, thorium.BuffType("BioFeederBuff"), thorium.ProjectileType("BioFeederPet"));

            //includes illumite rocket and jester bell
            modPlayer.MidgardForce = true;
            if (Soulcheck.GetValue("Lodestone Resistance"))
                thoriumPlayer.orbital          = true;
                thoriumPlayer.orbitalRotation3 = Utils.RotatedBy(thoriumPlayer.orbitalRotation3, -0.05000000074505806, default(Vector2));
                if (player.statLife > player.statLifeMax * 0.75)
                    thoriumPlayer.thoriumEndurance += 0.1f;
                    thoriumPlayer.lodestoneStage    = 1;
                if (player.statLife <= player.statLifeMax * 0.75 && player.statLife > player.statLifeMax * 0.5)
                    thoriumPlayer.thoriumEndurance += 0.2f;
                    thoriumPlayer.lodestoneStage    = 2;
                if (player.statLife <= player.statLifeMax * 0.5)
                    thoriumPlayer.thoriumEndurance += 0.3f;
                    thoriumPlayer.lodestoneStage    = 3;
            if (Soulcheck.GetValue("Eye of the Beholder"))
                //eye of beholder
                thorium.GetItem("EyeofBeholder").UpdateAccessory(player, hideVisual);
            //slime pet
            modPlayer.AddPet("Pink Slime Pet", hideVisual, thorium.BuffType("PinkSlimeBuff"), thorium.ProjectileType("PinkSlime"));
            modPlayer.IllumiteEnchant = true;
            if (Soulcheck.GetValue("Terrarium Spirits"))
                //terrarium set bonus
                if (terrariumTimer > 60)
                    Projectile.NewProjectile(player.Center.X + 14f, player.Center.Y - 20f, 0f, 2f, thorium.ProjectileType("TerraRed"), 50, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f);
                    Projectile.NewProjectile(player.Center.X + 9f, player.Center.Y - 20f, 0f, 2f, thorium.ProjectileType("TerraOrange"), 50, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f);
                    Projectile.NewProjectile(player.Center.X + 4f, player.Center.Y - 20f, 0f, 2f, thorium.ProjectileType("TerraYellow"), 50, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f);
                    Projectile.NewProjectile(player.Center.X, player.Center.Y - 20f, 0f, 2f, thorium.ProjectileType("TerraGreen"), 50, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f);
                    Projectile.NewProjectile(player.Center.X - 4f, player.Center.Y - 20f, 0f, 2f, thorium.ProjectileType("TerraBlue"), 50, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f);
                    Projectile.NewProjectile(player.Center.X - 9f, player.Center.Y - 20f, 0f, 2f, thorium.ProjectileType("TerraIndigo"), 50, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f);
                    Projectile.NewProjectile(player.Center.X - 14f, player.Center.Y - 20f, 0f, 2f, thorium.ProjectileType("TerraPurple"), 50, 0f, Main.myPlayer, 0f, 0f);
                    terrariumTimer = 0;
            if (Soulcheck.GetValue("Crietz"))
                thoriumPlayer.crietzAcc = true;

            //includes malignant debuff, folv bolts, white dwarf flares
            modPlayer.VanaheimForce = true;

            if (Soulcheck.GetValue("Folv's Aura"))
                thoriumPlayer.folvSet    = true;
                thoriumPlayer.folvBonus2 = true;

            if (Soulcheck.GetValue("Mana-Charged Rocketeers"))
                //mana charge rockets
                thorium.GetItem("ManaChargedRocketeers").UpdateAccessory(player, hideVisual);

            //plague lord flask effect
            modPlayer.HelheimForce = true;
            if (Soulcheck.GetValue("Dread Speed"))
                player.moveSpeed       += 0.8f;
                player.maxRunSpeed     += 10f;
                player.runAcceleration += 0.05f;
                if (player.velocity.X > 0f || player.velocity.X < 0f)
                    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                        int num  = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(player.position.X, player.position.Y) - player.velocity * 0.5f, player.width, player.height, 65, 0f, 0f, 0, default(Color), 1.75f);
                        int num2 = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(player.position.X, player.position.Y) - player.velocity * 0.5f, player.width, player.height, 75, 0f, 0f, 0, default(Color), 1f);
                        Main.dust[num].noGravity  = true;
                        Main.dust[num2].noGravity = true;
                        Main.dust[num].noLight    = true;
                        Main.dust[num2].noLight   = true;
            //crash boots
            thorium.GetItem("CrashBoots").UpdateAccessory(player, hideVisual);
            player.moveSpeed   -= 0.15f;
            player.maxRunSpeed -= 1f;
            if (Soulcheck.GetValue("Dragon Flames"))
                thoriumPlayer.dragonSet = true;
            //wyvern pet
            modPlayer.AddPet("Wyvern Pet", hideVisual, thorium.BuffType("WyvernPetBuff"), thorium.ProjectileType("WyvernPet"));
            //demon blood badge
            thoriumPlayer.CrimsonBadge = true;
            if (Soulcheck.GetValue("Flesh Drops"))
                //flesh set bonus
                thoriumPlayer.Symbiotic = true;
            if (Soulcheck.GetValue("Vampire Gland"))
                //vampire gland
                thoriumPlayer.vampireGland = true;
            //blister pet
            modPlayer.AddPet("Blister Pet", hideVisual, thorium.BuffType("BlisterBuff"), thorium.ProjectileType("BlisterPet"));
            modPlayer.AddPet("Moogle Pet", hideVisual, thorium.BuffType("LilMogBuff"), thorium.ProjectileType("LilMog"));
            modPlayer.KnightEnchant = true;
            //lich gaze
            thoriumPlayer.lichGaze = true;

            //includes tide turner daggers, assassin duplicate and insta kill, pyro burst
            modPlayer.AsgardForce = true;
            //tide turner
            if (Soulcheck.GetValue("Tide Turner Globules"))
                //floating globs and defense
                thoriumPlayer.tideHelmet = true;
                if (thoriumPlayer.tideOrb < 8)
                    if (tideTimer > 30)
                        float num  = 30f;
                        int   num2 = 0;
                        while (num2 < num)
                            Vector2 vector = Vector2.UnitX * 0f;
                            vector += -Utils.RotatedBy(Vector2.UnitY, (num2 * (6.28318548f / num)), default(Vector2)) * new Vector2(25f, 25f);
                            vector  = Utils.RotatedBy(vector, Utils.ToRotation(player.velocity), default(Vector2));
                            int num3 = Dust.NewDust(player.Center, 0, 0, 113, 0f, 0f, 0, default(Color), 1f);
                            Main.dust[num3].scale     = 1.6f;
                            Main.dust[num3].noGravity = true;
                            Main.dust[num3].position  = player.Center + vector;
                            Main.dust[num3].velocity  = player.velocity * 0f + Utils.SafeNormalize(vector, Vector2.UnitY) * 1f;
                            int num4 = num2;
                            num2 = num4 + 1;
                        tideTimer = 0;
            //set bonus damage to healing hot key
            thoriumPlayer.tideSet = true;
            //pyro summon bonus
            thoriumPlayer.napalmSet = true;
            //maid pet
            modPlayer.AddPet("Maid Pet", hideVisual, thorium.BuffType("MaidBuff"), thorium.ProjectileType("Maid1"));
            modPlayer.DreamEnchant = true;
Ejemplo n.º 23
        public override void AI()
            Player      player    = Main.player[projectile.owner];
            FargoPlayer modPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <FargoPlayer>();

            if ((int)Main.time % 120 == 0)
                projectile.netUpdate = true;
            if (!player.active)
                projectile.active = false;

            int num1038 = 10;

            if (player.dead)
                modPlayer.EaterMinion = false;
            if (modPlayer.EaterMinion)
                projectile.timeLeft = 2;
            num1038 = 30;

            //D U S T

            /*if (Main.rand.Next(30) == 0)
             * {
             *  int num1039 = Dust.NewDust(projectile.position, projectile.width, projectile.height, 135, 0f, 0f, 0, default(Color), 2f);
             *  Main.dust[num1039].noGravity = true;
             *  Main.dust[num1039].fadeIn = 2f;
             *  Point point4 = Main.dust[num1039].position.ToTileCoordinates();
             *  if (WorldGen.InWorld(point4.X, point4.Y, 5) && WorldGen.SolidTile(point4.X, point4.Y))
             *  {
             *      Main.dust[num1039].noLight = true;
             *  }
             * }*/

            bool    flag67      = false;
            Vector2 value67     = Vector2.Zero;
            Vector2 arg_2D865_0 = Vector2.Zero;
            float   num1052     = 0f;

            if (projectile.ai[1] == 1f)
                projectile.ai[1]     = 0f;
                projectile.netUpdate = true;

            int byUUID = Projectile.GetByUUID(projectile.owner, (int)projectile.ai[0]);

            if (byUUID >= 0 && Main.projectile[byUUID].active)
                flag67  = true;
                value67 = Main.projectile[byUUID].Center;
                Vector2 arg_2D957_0 = Main.projectile[byUUID].velocity;
                num1052 = Main.projectile[byUUID].rotation;
                float num1053     = MathHelper.Clamp(Main.projectile[byUUID].scale, 0f, 50f);
                int   arg_2D9AD_0 = Main.projectile[byUUID].alpha;
                Main.projectile[byUUID].localAI[0] = projectile.localAI[0] + 1f;
                if (Main.projectile[byUUID].type != mod.ProjectileType("EaterHead"))
                    Main.projectile[byUUID].localAI[1] = projectile.whoAmI;

            if (!flag67)
            if (projectile.alpha > 0)
                for (int num1054 = 0; num1054 < 2; num1054++)
                    int num1055 = Dust.NewDust(projectile.position, projectile.width, projectile.height, 135, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 2f);
                    Main.dust[num1055].noGravity = true;
                    Main.dust[num1055].noLight   = true;

            projectile.alpha -= 42;
            if (projectile.alpha < 0)
                projectile.alpha = 0;
            projectile.velocity = Vector2.Zero;
            Vector2 vector134 = value67 - projectile.Center;

            if (num1052 != projectile.rotation)
                float num1056 = MathHelper.WrapAngle(num1052 - projectile.rotation);
                vector134 = vector134.RotatedBy(num1056 * 0.1f, default(Vector2));

            projectile.rotation = vector134.ToRotation() + 1.57079637f;
            projectile.position = projectile.Center;
            projectile.width    = projectile.height = (int)(num1038 * projectile.scale);
            projectile.Center   = projectile.position;

            float dist = 26;

            if (Main.projectile[byUUID].type == mod.ProjectileType("EaterHead"))
                dist = 32;

            if (vector134 != Vector2.Zero)
                projectile.Center = value67 - Vector2.Normalize(vector134) * dist;
            projectile.spriteDirection = vector134.X > 0f ? 1 : -1;
Ejemplo n.º 24
        public override void Update(Player player, ref int buffIndex)
            if (player.whoAmI == Main.myPlayer)
                FargoPlayer fargoPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <FargoPlayer>();

                if (Soulcheck.GetValue("Skeletron Arms Minion"))
                    fargoPlayer.SkeletronArms = true;
                    if (player.ownedProjectileCounts[mod.ProjectileType("SkeletronArmL")] < 1)
                        Projectile.NewProjectile(player.Center, Vector2.Zero, mod.ProjectileType("SkeletronArmL"), 0, 8f, player.whoAmI);
                    if (player.ownedProjectileCounts[mod.ProjectileType("SkeletronArmR")] < 1)
                        Projectile.NewProjectile(player.Center, Vector2.Zero, mod.ProjectileType("SkeletronArmR"), 0, 8f, player.whoAmI);

                if (Soulcheck.GetValue("Pungent Eye Minion"))
                    fargoPlayer.PungentEyeballMinion = true;
                    if (player.ownedProjectileCounts[mod.ProjectileType("PungentEyeball")] < 1)
                        Projectile.NewProjectile(player.Center, Vector2.Zero, mod.ProjectileType("PungentEyeball"), 0, 0f, player.whoAmI);

                if (Soulcheck.GetValue("Rainbow Slime Minion"))
                    fargoPlayer.RainbowSlime = true;
                    if (player.ownedProjectileCounts[mod.ProjectileType("RainbowSlime")] < 1)
                        Projectile.NewProjectile(player.Center, Vector2.Zero, mod.ProjectileType("RainbowSlime"), 0, 3f, player.whoAmI);

                if (Soulcheck.GetValue("Probes Minion"))
                    fargoPlayer.Probes = true;
                    if (player.ownedProjectileCounts[mod.ProjectileType("Probe1")] < 1)
                        Projectile.NewProjectile(player.Center, Vector2.Zero, mod.ProjectileType("Probe1"), 0, 9f, player.whoAmI);
                    if (player.ownedProjectileCounts[mod.ProjectileType("Probe2")] < 1)
                        Projectile.NewProjectile(player.Center, Vector2.Zero, mod.ProjectileType("Probe2"), 0, 9f, player.whoAmI, 0f, -1f);

                if (Soulcheck.GetValue("Plantera Minion"))
                    fargoPlayer.MagicalBulb = true;
                    if (player.ownedProjectileCounts[mod.ProjectileType("PlanterasChild")] < 1)
                        Projectile.NewProjectile(player.Center.X, player.Center.Y, -0.15f, -0.1f, mod.ProjectileType("PlanterasChild"), 0, 3f, player.whoAmI);

                if (Soulcheck.GetValue("Flocko Minion"))
                    fargoPlayer.SuperFlocko = true;
                    if (player.ownedProjectileCounts[mod.ProjectileType("SuperFlocko")] < 1)
                        Projectile.NewProjectile(player.Center, new Vector2(0f, -10f), mod.ProjectileType("SuperFlocko"), 0, 4f, player.whoAmI);

                if (Soulcheck.GetValue("Saucer Minion"))
                    fargoPlayer.MiniSaucer = true;
                    if (player.ownedProjectileCounts[mod.ProjectileType("MiniSaucer")] < 1)
                        Projectile.NewProjectile(player.Center, Vector2.Zero, mod.ProjectileType("MiniSaucer"), 0, 3f, player.whoAmI);

                if (Soulcheck.GetValue("Cultist Minion"))
                    fargoPlayer.LunarCultist = true;
                    if (player.ownedProjectileCounts[mod.ProjectileType("LunarCultist")] < 1)
                        Projectile.NewProjectile(player.Center, Vector2.Zero, mod.ProjectileType("LunarCultist"), 0, 2f, player.whoAmI, -1f);

                if (Soulcheck.GetValue("True Eyes Minion"))
                    fargoPlayer.TrueEyes = true;
                    if (player.ownedProjectileCounts[mod.ProjectileType("TrueEyeL")] < 1)
                        Projectile.NewProjectile(player.Center, Vector2.Zero, mod.ProjectileType("TrueEyeL"), 0, 3f, player.whoAmI, -1f);

                    if (player.ownedProjectileCounts[mod.ProjectileType("TrueEyeR")] < 1)
                        Projectile.NewProjectile(player.Center, Vector2.Zero, mod.ProjectileType("TrueEyeR"), 0, 3f, player.whoAmI, -1f);

                    if (player.ownedProjectileCounts[mod.ProjectileType("TrueEyeS")] < 1)
                        Projectile.NewProjectile(player.Center, Vector2.Zero, mod.ProjectileType("TrueEyeS"), 0, 3f, player.whoAmI, -1f);
        public override void UpdateAccessory(Player player, bool hideVisual)
            FargoPlayer fargoPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <FargoPlayer>();

            fargoPlayer.MasochistHeart = true;
            player.endurance          += 0.1f;

            //pumpking's cape
            player.buffImmune[mod.BuffType("LivingWasteland")] = true;
            fargoPlayer.PumpkingsCape     = true;
            fargoPlayer.AdditionalAttacks = true;

            //ice queen's crown
            player.buffImmune[BuffID.Frozen] = true;
            if (SoulConfig.Instance.GetValue(SoulConfig.Instance.FlockoMinion))
                player.AddBuff(mod.BuffType("SuperFlocko"), 2);

            //saucer control console
            player.buffImmune[BuffID.Electrified] = true;
            if (SoulConfig.Instance.GetValue(SoulConfig.Instance.UFOMinion))
                player.AddBuff(mod.BuffType("SaucerMinion"), 2);

            //betsy's heart
            player.buffImmune[BuffID.OgreSpit]       = true;
            player.buffImmune[BuffID.WitheredWeapon] = true;
            player.buffImmune[BuffID.WitheredArmor]  = true;
            fargoPlayer.BetsysHeart = true;

            //mutant antibodies
            player.buffImmune[BuffID.Wet]    = true;
            player.buffImmune[BuffID.Rabies] = true;
            player.buffImmune[mod.BuffType("MutantNibble")] = true;
            player.buffImmune[mod.BuffType("OceanicMaul")]  = true;
            fargoPlayer.MutantAntibodies = true;
            if (player.mount.Active && player.mount.Type == MountID.CuteFishron)
                player.dripping = true;

            //galactic globe
            player.buffImmune[mod.BuffType("Flipped")]        = true;
            player.buffImmune[mod.BuffType("FlippedHallow")]  = true;
            player.buffImmune[mod.BuffType("Unstable")]       = true;
            player.buffImmune[mod.BuffType("CurseoftheMoon")] = true;
            player.buffImmune[BuffID.VortexDebuff]            = true;
            //player.buffImmune[BuffID.ChaosState] = true;
            if (SoulConfig.Instance.GetValue(SoulConfig.Instance.GravityControl))
                player.gravControl = true;
            if (SoulConfig.Instance.GetValue(SoulConfig.Instance.TrueEyes))
                player.AddBuff(mod.BuffType("TrueEyes"), 2);
            fargoPlayer.GravityGlobeEX    = true;
            fargoPlayer.wingTimeModifier += 1f;

            //heart of maso
            player.buffImmune[BuffID.MoonLeech] = true;
            player.buffImmune[mod.BuffType("NullificationCurse")] = true;
        public override void AI()
            Player      player    = Main.player[projectile.owner];
            FargoPlayer modPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <FargoPlayer>();

            if ((int)Main.time % 120 == 0)
                projectile.netUpdate = true;

            int num1038 = 30;

            bool    flag67      = false;
            Vector2 value67     = Vector2.Zero;
            Vector2 arg_2D865_0 = Vector2.Zero;
            float   num1052     = 0f;

            if (projectile.ai[1] == 1f)
                projectile.ai[1]     = 0f;
                projectile.netUpdate = true;

            int byUUID = Projectile.GetByUUID(projectile.owner, (int)projectile.ai[0]);

            if (byUUID >= 0 && Main.projectile[byUUID].active)
                flag67  = true;
                value67 = Main.projectile[byUUID].Center;
                Vector2 arg_2D957_0 = Main.projectile[byUUID].velocity;
                num1052 = Main.projectile[byUUID].rotation;
                float num1053     = MathHelper.Clamp(Main.projectile[byUUID].scale, 0f, 50f);
                int   arg_2D9AD_0 = Main.projectile[byUUID].alpha;
                if (arg_2D9AD_0 == 0)
                    projectile.alpha -= 84;
                    if (projectile.alpha < 0)
                        projectile.alpha = 0;
                Main.projectile[byUUID].localAI[0] = projectile.localAI[0] + 1f;

            if (!flag67)

            //projectile.alpha -= 42;
            //if (projectile.alpha < 0) projectile.alpha = 0;
            projectile.velocity = Vector2.Zero;
            Vector2 vector134 = value67 - projectile.Center;

            if (num1052 != projectile.rotation)
                float num1056 = MathHelper.WrapAngle(num1052 - projectile.rotation);
                vector134 = vector134.RotatedBy(num1056 * 0.1f, default(Vector2));

            projectile.rotation = vector134.ToRotation() + 1.57079637f;
            projectile.position = projectile.Center;
            projectile.width    = projectile.height = (int)(num1038 * projectile.scale);
            projectile.Center   = projectile.position;
            if (vector134 != Vector2.Zero)
                projectile.Center = value67 - Vector2.Normalize(vector134) * 36;
            projectile.spriteDirection = vector134.X > 0f ? 1 : -1;
Ejemplo n.º 27
        public override void UpdateAccessory(Player player, bool hideVisual)
            FargoPlayer modPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <FargoPlayer>();

        public override void UpdateAccessory(Player player, bool hideVisual)
            FargoPlayer modPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <FargoPlayer>();

            modPlayer.WorldShaperSoul(hideVisual); //add the pet
Ejemplo n.º 29
        public override void UpdateLifeRegen(NPC npc, ref int damage)
            Player      player    = Main.player[Main.myPlayer];
            FargoPlayer modPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <FargoPlayer>();

            if (Rotting)
                if (npc.lifeRegen > 0)
                    npc.lifeRegen = 0;

                npc.lifeRegen -= 100;

                if (damage < 5)
                    damage = 5;

            if (LeadPoison)
                if (npc.lifeRegen > 0)
                    npc.lifeRegen = 0;

                int dot = npc.type == NPCID.EaterofWorldsBody ? 2 : 10;

                if (modPlayer.TerraForce || modPlayer.WizardEnchant)
                    dot *= 3;

                npc.lifeRegen -= dot;

            //50 dps
            if (SolarFlare)
                if (npc.lifeRegen > 0)
                    npc.lifeRegen = 0;

                npc.lifeRegen -= 100;

                if (damage < 10)
                    damage = 10;

            //100 dps
            if (HellFire)
                if (npc.lifeRegen > 0)
                    npc.lifeRegen = 0;

                npc.lifeRegen -= 200;

                if (damage < 20)
                    damage = 20;

            //20 dps
            if (OriPoison)
                if (npc.lifeRegen > 0)
                    npc.lifeRegen = 0;

                npc.lifeRegen -= 40;

                if (damage < 4)
                    damage = 4;

            if (Infested)
                if (npc.lifeRegen > 0)
                    npc.lifeRegen = 0;

                npc.lifeRegen -= InfestedExtraDot(npc);

                if (damage < 8)
                    damage = 8;
                MaxInfestTime = 0;

            if (Electrified)
                if (npc.lifeRegen > 0)
                    npc.lifeRegen = 0;

                npc.lifeRegen -= 4;
                if (npc.velocity != Vector2.Zero)
                    npc.lifeRegen -= 16;

                if (damage < 4)
                    damage = 4;

            if (CurseoftheMoon)
                if (npc.lifeRegen > 0)
                    npc.lifeRegen = 0;

                npc.lifeRegen -= 24;

                if (damage < 6)
                    damage = 6;

            if (OceanicMaul)
                if (npc.lifeRegen > 0)
                    npc.lifeRegen = 0;

                npc.lifeRegen -= 48;

                if (damage < 12)
                    damage = 12;

            if (Sadism)
                if (npc.lifeRegen > 0)
                    npc.lifeRegen = 0;

                npc.lifeRegen -= 170 + 48 + 60 + 8 + 4 + 16;

                if (damage < 70)
                    damage = 70;

            if (MutantNibble)
                if (npc.lifeRegen > 0)
                    npc.lifeRegen = 0;
                if (npc.lifeRegenCount > 0)
                    npc.lifeRegenCount = 0;

                if (npc.life > 0 && LifePrevious > 0) //trying to prevent some wack despawn stuff
                    if (npc.life > LifePrevious)
                        npc.life = LifePrevious;
                        LifePrevious = npc.life;
                LifePrevious = npc.life;

            if (GodEater)
                if (npc.lifeRegen > 0)
                    npc.lifeRegen = 0;

                npc.lifeRegen -= 4200;

                if (damage < 777)
                    damage = 777;

            if (Suffocation)
                if (npc.lifeRegen > 0)
                    npc.lifeRegen = 0;
                npc.lifeRegen -= (int)(40f * Math.Min(1f, 1f * SuffocationTimer / 480));
                if (damage < 5)
                    damage = 5;

            if (FlamesoftheUniverse)
                if (npc.lifeRegen > 0)
                    npc.lifeRegen = 0;
                npc.lifeRegen -= 30 + 50 + 48 + 30;
                if (damage < 20)
                    damage = 20;

            if (modPlayer.OriEnchant && npc.lifeRegen < 0)
                int multiplier = 3;

                if (modPlayer.EarthForce || modPlayer.WizardEnchant)
                    multiplier = 5;

                npc.lifeRegen *= multiplier;
                damage        *= multiplier;

                //half as effective if daybreak applied
                if (npc.daybreak)
                    npc.lifeRegen /= 2;
                    damage        /= 2;

            if (TimeFrozen && npc.life == 1)
                if (npc.lifeRegen < 0)
                    npc.lifeRegen = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 30
        public override void AI()
            Player      player    = Main.player[projectile.owner];
            FargoPlayer modPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <FargoPlayer>(mod);

            if (player.dead)
                modPlayer.ChloroEnchant = false;

            if (!(modPlayer.ChloroEnchant || modPlayer.TerrariaSoul) || !SoulConfig.Instance.GetValue("Chlorophyte Leaf Crystal"))

            float cooldown = 50f;

            float num395 = Main.mouseTextColor / 200f - 0.35f;

            num395          *= 0.2f;
            projectile.scale = num395 + 0.95f;

            if (projectile.owner == Main.myPlayer)
                //rotation mumbo jumbo
                float distanceFromPlayer = 75;

                Lighting.AddLight(projectile.Center, 0.1f, 0.4f, 0.2f);

                projectile.position    = player.Center + new Vector2(distanceFromPlayer, 0f).RotatedBy(projectile.ai[1]);
                projectile.position.X -= projectile.width / 2;
                projectile.position.Y -= projectile.height / 2;
                float rotation = 0.03f;
                projectile.ai[1] -= rotation;
                if (projectile.ai[1] > (float)Math.PI)
                    projectile.ai[1]    -= 2f * (float)Math.PI;
                    projectile.netUpdate = true;
                projectile.rotation = projectile.ai[1] + (float)Math.PI / 2f;

                //wait for CD
                if (projectile.ai[0] != 0f)
                    projectile.ai[0] -= 1f;

                //trying to shoot
                float num396 = projectile.position.X;
                float num397 = projectile.position.Y;
                float num398 = 700f;
                bool  flag11 = false;

                for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++)
                    if (Main.npc[i].CanBeChasedBy(projectile, true))
                        float num400 = Main.npc[i].position.X + Main.npc[i].width / 2;
                        float num401 = Main.npc[i].position.Y + Main.npc[i].height / 2;
                        float num402 = Math.Abs(projectile.position.X + projectile.width / 2 - num400) + Math.Abs(projectile.position.Y + projectile.height / 2 - num401);

                        if (num402 < num398 && Collision.CanHit(projectile.position, projectile.width, projectile.height, Main.npc[i].position, Main.npc[i].width, Main.npc[i].height))
                            num398 = num402;
                            num396 = num400;
                            num397 = num401;
                            flag11 = true;

                if (flag11)
                    Vector2 vector29 = new Vector2(projectile.position.X + projectile.width * 0.5f, projectile.position.Y + projectile.height * 0.5f);
                    float   num404   = num396 - vector29.X;
                    float   num405   = num397 - vector29.Y;
                    float   num406   = (float)Math.Sqrt(num404 * num404 + num405 * num405);
                    num406  = 10f / num406;
                    num404 *= num406;
                    num405 *= num406;
                    Projectile.NewProjectile(projectile.Center.X - 4f, projectile.Center.Y, num404, num405, 227, projectile.damage, projectile.knockBack, projectile.owner);
                    projectile.ai[0] = cooldown;