Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected override void OnRender(RenderGraphics g)

            int patternSizeX      = PatternSizeX;
            int minVisiblePattern = Math.Max((int)Math.Floor(scrollX / (float)patternSizeX), 0);
            int maxVisiblePattern = Math.Min((int)Math.Ceiling((scrollX + Width) / (float)patternSizeX), Song.Length);

            // Track name background
            g.FillRectangle(0, 0, trackNameSizeX, Height, whiteKeyBrush);

            // Header
            g.DrawLine(0, 0, Width, 0, theme.BlackBrush);
            g.DrawLine(trackNameSizeX - 1, 0, trackNameSizeX - 1, headerSizeY, theme.DarkGreyLineBrush1);
            g.PushTranslation(trackNameSizeX, 0);
            g.PushClip(0, 0, Width, Height);

            for (int i = minVisiblePattern, x = minVisiblePattern * patternSizeX - scrollX; i <= maxVisiblePattern; i++, x += patternSizeX)
                if (i != 0)
                    g.DrawLine(x, 0, x, Height, theme.DarkGreyLineBrush1);

            for (int i = minVisiblePattern, x = minVisiblePattern * patternSizeX - scrollX; i < maxVisiblePattern; i++, x += patternSizeX)
                g.PushTranslation(x, 0);
                g.DrawText(i.ToString(), ThemeBase.FontMediumCenter, 0, barTextPosY, theme.LightGreyFillBrush1, patternSizeX);


            g.PushTranslation(0, headerSizeY);

            // Icons
            for (int i = 0, y = 0; i < Song.Channels.Length; i++, y += trackSizeY)
                g.DrawBitmap(bmpTracks[(int)Song.Channels[i].Type], trackIconPosX, y + trackIconPosY, RenderTheme.MainWindowScaling, (App.ChannelMask & (1 << i)) != 0 ? 1.0f : 0.2f);

            // Track names
            for (int i = 0, y = 0; i < Song.Channels.Length; i++, y += trackSizeY)
                g.DrawText(Song.Channels[i].Name, i == selectedChannel ? ThemeBase.FontMediumBold : ThemeBase.FontMedium, trackNamePosX, y + trackNamePosY, theme.BlackBrush);

            // Ghost note icons
            for (int i = 0, y = 0; i < Song.Channels.Length; i++, y += trackSizeY)
                g.DrawBitmap(bmpGhostNote, trackNameSizeX - ghostNoteOffsetX, y + trackSizeY - ghostNoteOffsetY - 1, RenderTheme.MainWindowScaling, (App.GhostChannelMask & (1 << i)) != 0 ? 1.0f : 0.2f);

            // Vertical line seperating the track labels.
            g.DrawLine(trackNameSizeX - 1, 0, trackNameSizeX - 1, Height, theme.DarkGreyLineBrush1);

            // Grey background rectangles ever other pattern + vertical lines
            g.PushClip(trackNameSizeX, 0, Width, Height);
            g.PushTranslation(trackNameSizeX, 0);
            for (int i = minVisiblePattern, x = minVisiblePattern * patternSizeX - scrollX; i < maxVisiblePattern; i++, x += patternSizeX)
                if ((i & 1) == 0)
                    g.FillRectangle(x, 0, x + patternSizeX, Height, theme.DarkGreyFillBrush2);
            for (int i = minVisiblePattern, x = minVisiblePattern * patternSizeX - scrollX; i <= maxVisiblePattern; i++, x += patternSizeX)
                if (i != 0)
                    g.DrawLine(x, 0, x, Height, theme.DarkGreyLineBrush1);

            // Horizontal lines
            for (int i = 0, y = 0; i < Song.Channels.Length; i++, y += trackSizeY)
                g.DrawLine(0, y, Width, y, theme.DarkGreyLineBrush1);

            g.PushClip(trackNameSizeX, 0, Width, Height);

            // Seek
            int xxx = ScaleForZoom(App.CurrentFrame) + trackNameSizeX - scrollX;

            g.DrawLine(xxx, -headerSizeY, xxx, Height, playPositionBrush);

            // Patterns
            for (int t = 0, y = 0; t < Song.Channels.Length; t++, y += trackSizeY)
                for (int i = minVisiblePattern, x = minVisiblePattern * patternSizeX + trackNameSizeX - scrollX; i < maxVisiblePattern; i++, x += patternSizeX)
                    var pattern = Song.Channels[t].PatternInstances[i];

                    if (pattern != null)
                        var bmp = GetPatternBitmapFromCache(g, pattern);

                        g.PushTranslation(x, y);
                        g.FillRectangle(1, 1, patternSizeX, patternHeaderSizeY, g.GetVerticalGradientBrush(pattern.Color, patternHeaderSizeY - 1, 0.9f));
                        g.DrawLine(0, patternHeaderSizeY, patternSizeX, patternHeaderSizeY, theme.DarkGreyLineBrush1);
                        if (IsPatternSelected(t, i))
                            g.FillRectangle(1, 1 + patternHeaderSizeY, PatternSizeX, patternHeaderSizeY + bmp.Size.Height + 1, selectedPatternBrush);

                        g.DrawBitmap(bmp, 1, 1 + patternHeaderSizeY, PatternSizeX - 1, bmp.Size.Height, 1.0f);
                        g.PushClip(0, 0, PatternSizeX, trackSizeY);
                        g.DrawText(pattern.Name, ThemeBase.FontSmall, patternNamePosX, patternNamePosY, theme.BlackBrush);

            // Dragging selection
            if (isDraggingSelection)
                var pt = this.PointToClient(Cursor.Position);

                //pt.X -= TrackNameSizeX;
                pt.Y -= headerSizeY;

                var drawX = pt.X - selectionDragAnchorX;
                var drawY = minSelectedChannelIdx * trackSizeY;
                var sizeX = (maxSelectedPatternIdx - minSelectedPatternIdx + 1) * patternSizeX;
                var sizeY = (maxSelectedChannelIdx - minSelectedChannelIdx + 1) * trackSizeY;

                g.FillRectangle(drawX, drawY, drawX + sizeX, drawY + sizeY, selectedPatternBrush);


            g.DrawLine(0, Height - 1, Width, Height - 1, theme.DarkGreyLineBrush1);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void RenderWarningAndTooltip(RenderGraphics g)
            var scaling           = RenderTheme.MainWindowScaling;
            var message           = tooltip;
            var messageBrush      = redTooltip ? warningBrush : theme.LightGreyFillBrush2;
            var messageFont       = ThemeBase.FontMedium;
            var messageFontCenter = ThemeBase.FontMediumCenter;

            g.PushClip(lastButtonX, 0, Width, Height);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(warning))
                var span = DateTime.Now - warningTime;

                if (span.TotalMilliseconds >= 2000)
                    warning = "";
                    message           = (((((long)span.TotalMilliseconds) / 250) & 1) != 0) ? warning : "";
                    messageBrush      = warningBrush;
                    messageFont       = ThemeBase.FontMediumBold;
                    messageFontCenter = ThemeBase.FontMediumBoldCenter;

            // Tooltip
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message))
                var lines = message.Split(new[] { '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                var posY  = lines.Length == 1 ? tooltipSingleLinePosY : tooltipMultiLinePosY;

                for (int j = 0; j < lines.Length; j++)
                    var splits = lines[j].Split(new char[] { '{', '}' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    var posX   = Width - 40 * scaling;

                    for (int i = splits.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        var str = splits[i];

                        if (specialCharacters.TryGetValue(str, out var specialCharacter))
                            posX -= specialCharacter.Width;

                            if (specialCharacter.Bmp != null)
                                g.DrawBitmap(specialCharacter.Bmp, posX, posY + specialCharacter.OffsetY);
                                if (str == "Ctrl")
                                    str = "Cmd";

                                // HACK: The way we handle fonts in OpenGL is so different, i cant be bothered to debug this.
                                posX -= (int)scaling;

                                g.DrawRectangle(posX, posY + specialCharacter.OffsetY, posX + specialCharacter.Width, posY + specialCharacter.Height + specialCharacter.OffsetY, messageBrush);
                                g.DrawText(str, messageFontCenter, posX, posY, messageBrush, specialCharacter.Width);

                                // HACK: The way we handle fonts in OpenGL is so different, i cant be bothered to debug this.
                                posX -= (int)scaling;
                            posX -= g.MeasureString(splits[i], messageFont);
                            g.DrawText(str, messageFont, posX, posY, messageBrush);

                    posY += tooltipLineSizeY;
