Ejemplo n.º 1
    protected override void drawValue()
        var range = Range + mDRange;

        if (range < 100)
            range = 100;
        var pOfs     = DispUnit * 2 - 1;
        var pRise    = pOfs - (int)(Rise * DispUnit * 2 / range);
        var pTop     = pOfs - (int)(Top * DispUnit * 2 / range);
        var pSustain = pOfs;
        var pFall    = pOfs - (int)(Fall * DispUnit * 2 / range);

        var psRise = pRise;
        var psTop  = pTop;
        var psFall = pFall;

        if (mPicValue.Height < psRise + 20)
            psRise = mPicValue.Height - 20;
        if (mPicValue.Height < psTop + 20)
            psTop = mPicValue.Height - 20;
        if (mPicValue.Height < psFall + 20)
            psFall = mPicValue.Height - 20;

        mGValue.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
        mGValue.DrawLine(Colors.PLineA, 0, pRise, ColumnWidth, pTop);
        mGValue.DrawLine(Colors.PLineA, ColumnWidth, pTop, ColumnWidth * 2, pSustain);
        mGValue.DrawLine(Colors.PLineA, ColumnWidth * 2, pSustain, ColumnWidth * 3, pFall);
        mGValue.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.None;
        mGValue.FillPie(Colors.BPoint, -4, pRise - 4, 8, 8, 0, 360);
        mGValue.FillPie(Colors.BPoint, ColumnWidth - 4, pTop - 4, 8, 8, 0, 360);
        mGValue.FillPie(Colors.BPoint, ColumnWidth * 3 - 4, pFall - 4, 8, 8, 0, 360);
        mGValue.DrawArc(Colors.PTableBorderLight, -4, pRise - 4, 8, 8, 0, 360);
        mGValue.DrawArc(Colors.PTableBorderLight, ColumnWidth - 4, pTop - 4, 8, 8, 0, 360);
        mGValue.DrawArc(Colors.PTableBorderLight, ColumnWidth * 3 - 4, pFall - 4, 8, 8, 0, 360);
        mGValue.DrawString(Rise.ToString("0cent"), Fonts.Small, Colors.BTableFont, 3, psRise);
        mGValue.DrawString(Top.ToString("0cent"), Fonts.Small, Colors.BTableFont, ColumnWidth + 3, psTop);
        mGValue.DrawString(Fall.ToString("0cent"), Fonts.Small, Colors.BTableFont, ColumnWidth * 3 - 3, psFall, Fonts.AlignTR);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void ActualUpdateButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (fallSelector.SelectedItem.ToString() == "---")
            if (latText.Text == "?")

            fallSelector.IsEnabled    = false;
            picSelectButton.IsEnabled = false;

                // Finding the fall we want to update
                Fall leFall = new Fall();
                foreach (Fall f in MainWindow.GetCurrentVM().Falls)
                    if (f.ToString() == fallSelector.SelectedItem.ToString())
                        leFall = f;
                // Setting up the variables for the new coordinates
                float NewX = 0.0f, NewY = 0.0f;
                float.TryParse(latText.Text, out NewX);
                float.TryParse(lonText.Text, out NewY);

                string confirm = "Lat1: " + leFall.x.ToString() +
                                 " -> Lat2: " + latText.Text + "\nLon1: " +
                                 leFall.y.ToString() + " -> Lon2: " + lonText.Text;

                string[] messageTitle = showConfirm(confirm, leFall.ToString());

                MessageBoxResult result1 = System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(messageTitle[0], messageTitle[1], MessageBoxButton.OKCancel, MessageBoxImage.Question);
                if (result1 != MessageBoxResult.OK)
                    fallSelector.IsEnabled    = true;
                    picSelectButton.IsEnabled = true;

                // Calling the model to deal with the actual data
                MainWindow.GetCurrentVM().CurrentModel.UpdateFall(leFall.id, NewX, NewY);

                // Re-setting the source of the selector...
                List <string> currentFalls = new List <string>();
                foreach (Fall fall in MainWindow.GetCurrentVM().Falls)
                    if (fall.isGeotagged == null || !fall.isGeotagged)
                fallSelector.ItemsSource  = currentFalls;
                fallSelector.SelectedItem = fallSelector.Items.GetItemAt(0);
                // ... and re-setting the demo photo and the lat and lon texts
                latText.Text  = "?";
                lonText.Text  = "?";
                geoPic.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(@"Resources/demoPic.png", UriKind.Relative));

            catch (Exception)

            fallSelector.IsEnabled    = true;
            picSelectButton.IsEnabled = true;