Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void TestGetContent()
            FakeContentRepo repo        = new FakeContentRepo();
            Content         testContent = new Content();

            testContent.ContentID   = "Test";
            testContent.CurrentText = "This is a test statement.";
            Assert.AreSame(testContent.ContentID, repo.GetContent(testContent.ContentID).ContentID);
            Assert.AreSame(testContent.CurrentText, repo.GetContent(testContent.ContentID).CurrentText);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void TestUpdateContent()
            FakeContentRepo repo = new FakeContentRepo();

            Content testContent1 = new Content();

            testContent1.ContentID   = "Test1";
            testContent1.CurrentText = "This text was originally for TestContent1";

            Content testContent2 = new Content();

            testContent2.ContentID   = "Test2";
            testContent2.CurrentText = "This text was originally for TestContent2";
            testContent2.NewText     = testContent1.CurrentText;
            Assert.AreSame(testContent1.CurrentText, testContent2.CurrentText);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        //The function to do the updating
        public void UpdateSection(/*string contentID, string newSectionInfo*/)
            //Commented out for testing!  Please uncomment the next two lines later for the real DB.
            //ContentRepository contentRepo = new ContentRepository();

            FakeContentRepo contentRepo = new FakeContentRepo();

            contentRepo.SaveContent(this, contentRepo);

            /*Psuedo-code for possible update method:
             * Get Section to Update (passed in as function parameter above)
             * If NewSectionInfo is < 750 characters
             * {
             * If Section is found in database
             * {
             * Replace entry in Database with the NewSectionInfo parameter
             * }
             * Else return an appropriate error message and do nothing.
             * }