Ejemplo n.º 1
        private async Task <FactorsCredentialCreationResult> CreatePhoneCredentialAsync(IFactorsApplication instance, string credentialKey, bool runAsAsync, params KeyValuePair <string, string>[] parameters)
            // Sets up our return model on the event of a successful
            // credential creation
            var credentialResult = new FactorsCredentialCreationResult
                IsSuccess = true,
                VerificationMessageSent = true,
                Message = "Account registered as pending verification, validation token sent",

            // Creates the new "pending verification" credential
            var credentailDetails = new FactorsCredential
                UserAccountId   = instance.UserAccount,
                FeatureTypeGuid = _featureType.FeatureGuid,
                CredentialKey   = credentialKey

                credentialResult.CredentailDetails = runAsAsync
                    ? await instance.Configuration.StorageDatabase.CreateCredentialAsync(credentailDetails).ConfigureAwait(false)
                    : instance.Configuration.StorageDatabase.CreateCredential(credentailDetails);
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new FactorsCredentialCreationResult
                    IsSuccess = false,
                    VerificationMessageSent = false,
                    Message = $"There was an issue when creating the credential: {ex.Message}"

            var sendTokenResult = runAsAsync
                ? await this.BeginTokenRequestAsync(instance, credentialKey, parameters).ConfigureAwait(false)
                : this.BeginTokenRequest(instance, credentialKey, parameters);

            if (!sendTokenResult.IsSuccess)
                return(new FactorsCredentialCreationResult
                    IsSuccess = false,
                    Message = sendTokenResult.Message

            // And finally return our result
            credentialResult.TokenDetails = sendTokenResult.TokenDetails;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private async Task <FactorsCredential> CreateCredentialAsync(FactorsCredential model, bool runAsAsync)
            // Fill out the basic model details
            model.Id                    = 0;
            model.CreatedDateUtc        = DateTime.UtcNow;
            model.ModifiedDateUtc       = DateTime.UtcNow;
            model.CredentialIsValidated = false;

            using (var db = (runAsAsync ? await _dbConnection.OpenAsync().ConfigureAwait(false) : _dbConnection.Open()))
                // Check to see if the credential already exists in the database
                var hasExistingCredential = runAsAsync
                    ? await db.ExistsAsync <FactorsCredential>(fc =>
                                                               fc.UserAccountId == model.UserAccountId &&
                                                               fc.FeatureTypeGuid == model.FeatureTypeGuid &&
                                                               fc.CredentialKey == model.CredentialKey
                    : db.Exists <FactorsCredential>(fc =>
                                                    fc.UserAccountId == model.UserAccountId &&
                                                    fc.FeatureTypeGuid == model.FeatureTypeGuid &&
                                                    fc.CredentialKey == model.CredentialKey

                // If it is an existing credential exit out
                if (hasExistingCredential)
                    throw new Exception("Credential already exists in database for specified user");

                // If not, let's add it
                var credentialId = runAsAsync
                    ? await db.InsertAsync(model, selectIdentity : true).ConfigureAwait(false)
                    : db.Insert(model, selectIdentity: true);

                model.Id = credentialId;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public Task <FactorsCredential> CreateCredentialAsync(FactorsCredential model)
     return(this.CreateCredentialAsync(model, true));
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public FactorsCredential CreateCredential(FactorsCredential model)
     return(this.CreateCredentialAsync(model, false).GetAwaiter().GetResult());