private void MakeGroup(FacilityDownTimeRepository repo, InsertReservationArgs args)
            if (args.Tools.Count() > 0)

                var reservations = repo.GetReservationsByDateRange(args.Start, args.End, false);

                // 2009-07-19 make a reservation group
                int groupId = repo.CreateNewFacilityDownTime(args.ClientID, args.Start, args.End);

                // If we ever want to allow notes for FDT reservations, do it here.
                string notes = args.Notes;

                // Loop through each selected tool and make reservation and delete other people's reservation
                foreach (int resourceId in args.Tools)
                    // Find and Remove any un-started reservations made during time of repair
                    var existing = reservations.Where(x => x.ResourceID == resourceId).ToList();
                    HandleExistingReservations(repo, existing, args.ClientID, args.End);
                    repo.InsertFacilityDownTimeReservation(resourceId, args.ClientID, groupId, args.Start, args.End, notes);
                throw new Exception("No tools selected, so no reservations were made.");
        private void ModifyGroup(FacilityDownTimeRepository repo, UpdateReservationArgs args)

            repo.UpdateFacilityDownTime(args.GroupID, args.Start, args.End);
            repo.UpdateReservationsByGroup(args.GroupID, args.Start, args.End, args.Notes);

            var group        = repo.GetReservationsByGroup(args.GroupID);
            var reservations = repo.GetReservationsByDateRange(args.Start, args.End, false);

            //Delete all the reservations in this period
            foreach (var rsv in group)
                // Find and Remove any unstarted reservations made during time of repair
                var existing = reservations.Where(x => x.ResourceID == rsv.ResourceID).ToList();
                HandleExistingReservations(repo, existing, args.ClientID, args.End);
        private void HandleExistingReservations(FacilityDownTimeRepository repo, IEnumerable <FacilityDownTimeReservation> reservations, int clientId, DateTime ed)
            foreach (var rsv in reservations)
                if (rsv.ActualBeginDateTime == null)
                    // handle unstarted reservations
                    repo.CancelAndForgiveReservation(rsv.ReservationID, "Cancelled and forgiven for facility down time.", clientId);
                    repo.EmailOnCanceledByRepair(rsv.ReservationID, true, "LNF Facility Down", "Facility is down, thus we have to disable the tool.", ed, clientId);
                    // handle started reservations

                // [jg 2019-09-12] Original comment no longer accurate (see below).
                // We have to disable all those reservations that have been activated by setting IsActive to 0.
                // The catch here is that we must compare the "Actual" usage time with the repair time because if the user ends the reservation before the repair starts, we still
                // have to charge the user for that reservation

                // [jg 2019-09-12] Started reservations should not be cancelled (IsActive = 0). Rather they should be ended and not forgiven
                // (tool engineers can forgive manually if needed). Repairs should be ignored. A tool can be in repair and have a FDT at
                // the same time (per Sandrine) becuase when the FDT is over the tool should still be in repair until the repair is ended.

                if (!IsRepair(rsv))
                    // Non repair reservations should be ended (not cancelled) and not forgiven.
                    // The user will have to request that the reservation be forgiven.
                    // We only need to deal with in-progress reservations.
                    if (rsv.ActualEndDateTime == null)
                        //Provider.Scheduler.Reservation.EndReservation(New EndReservationArgs(existing.ReservationID, Date.Now, CurrentUser.ClientID))
                        repo.EndReservation(rsv.ReservationID, clientId);
        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            context.Response.ContentType            = "application/json";
            context.Response.TrySkipIisCustomErrors = true;

            string command = context.Request.QueryString["command"];

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(command))
                throw new Exception("Missing required paramter: command");

            using (var conn = GetConnection())
                using (var tx = conn.BeginTransaction())
                        var repo = new FacilityDownTimeRepository(conn, tx);

                        if (context.Request.HttpMethod.ToUpper() == "POST")
                            using (var stream = context.Request.InputStream)
                                using (var sr = new StreamReader(stream))
                                    string message;

                                    if (command == "make-group")
                                        var json = sr.ReadToEnd();
                                        var args = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <InsertReservationArgs>(json);
                                        MakeGroup(repo, args);
                                        message = string.Format("You created a new Facility Down Time reservation from {0} to {1} on {2} tools. User reservations have been deleted as well.", args.Start, args.End, args.Tools.Count());
                                    else if (command == "modify-group")
                                        var json = sr.ReadToEnd();
                                        var args = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <UpdateReservationArgs>(json);
                                        ModifyGroup(repo, args);
                                        message = string.Format("Facility Down Time reservation has been modified. New date range is {0} to {1}. User reservations have been deleted as well.", args.Start, args.End);
                                        throw new Exception($"Unknown POST command: {command}");

                                    context.Response.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { message }));
                            int groupId;
                            IEnumerable <object> groups;

                            switch (command)
                            case "get-labs":
                                var labs = repo.GetLabs();

                            case "get-tools":
                                var labId = int.Parse(context.Request["labId"]);
                                var tools = repo.GetTools(labId);

                            case "get-group":
                                groupId = int.Parse(context.Request["groupId"]);
                                var group = repo.GetGroup(groupId);

                            case "get-groups":
                                groups = repo.GetGroups();

                            case "delete-group":
                                groupId = int.Parse(context.Request["groupId"]);
                                groups = repo.GetGroups();

                                throw new Exception($"Unknown GET command: {command}");

                    catch (Exception ex)
                        context.Response.StatusCode = 500;
                        context.Response.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { message = ex.Message }));