Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void SendFabricOauthError()
            FabOauthError foe = new FabOauthError();

            foe.error             = "Test";
            foe.error_description = "Desc";

            var wr = new TestWebResponse(GetStream(foe));
            var we = new WebException("Error", null, WebExceptionStatus.UnknownError, wr);

            .Setup(x => x.GetResponse(vHttpReq))

            var req = NewFabricRequest <FabOauthAccess>();

            try {
                req.Send(vContext, SessionType.Default);
                Assert.Fail("WebException expected, but not thrown.");
            catch (FabricErrorException errEx) {
                Assert.Null(errEx.RespError, "Error should be null.");
                Assert.NotNull(errEx.OauthError, "OauthError should be filled.");
                Assert.AreEqual(foe.error, errEx.OauthError.error, "Incorrect OauthError.error.");
                Assert.AreEqual(foe.error_description, errEx.OauthError.error_description,
                                "Incorrect OauthError.error_description.");
            catch (Exception e) {
                Assert.Fail("WebException expected: " + e);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private static string OnAccessExecption(IApiRequest pReq, IApiResponse pResp, Exception pEx)
            FabOauthError fabErr;

            if (pEx is OauthException)
                fabErr = (pEx as OauthException).OauthError;
                fabErr = FabOauthError.ForInternalServerError();
                Log.Fatal("Unhandled OAuth Access Exception", pEx);

            pResp.Status = System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Forbidden;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        protected virtual FabricResponse <T> GetFabricResponse(IClientContext pContext)
            string fullPath = pContext.Config.ApiPath + Path + (Query != null ? "?" + Query : "");

            pContext.LogInfo("Request initiated...");


            try {
                pContext.LogInfo("Request Path: " + Method + " " + Path);
                pContext.LogInfo("Request URL: " + fullPath);

                IFabricHttpResponse wr = GetHttpWebResponse(fullPath);

                string data = StreamToString(wr.GetResponseStream());
                pContext.LogDebug("Request Response: " + data);
                return(new FabricResponse <T>(JsonSerializer.DeserializeFromString <T>(data)));
            catch (WebException we) {
                if (we.Response == null)
                    throw new Exception("No Fabric response from " + Method + " " + fullPath);

                string data       = StreamToString(we.Response.GetResponseStream());
                bool   isOauthErr = (data.Length > 9 && data.Substring(0, 9) == "{\"error\":");
                bool   isRespErr  = typeof(FabResponse).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(T));

                pContext.LogDebug("Request Error: " + data +
                                  " (IsError=" + isRespErr + ", IsOauthError=" + isOauthErr + ")");

                if (isRespErr)
                    FabResponse frErr = JsonSerializer.DeserializeFromString <FabResponse>(data);
                    return(new FabricResponse <T>(frErr, we));

                if (isOauthErr)
                    FabOauthError oerr = JsonSerializer.DeserializeFromString <FabOauthError>(data);
                    return(new FabricResponse <T>(oerr, we));

Ejemplo n.º 4
        private static bool OnLoginException(IApiRequest pReq, IApiResponse pResp, Exception pEx)
            FabOauthError fabErr;

            if (pEx is OauthException)
                fabErr = (pEx as OauthException).OauthError;
                fabErr = FabOauthError.ForInternalServerError();
                Log.Fatal("Unhandled OAuth Login Exception", pEx);

            string redirUri = pReq.GetQueryValue(LoginRedirectUriParam, false);
            string state    = pReq.GetQueryValue(LoginStateParam, false);

            pResp.RedirectUrl = BuildRedirectUri(fabErr, redirUri, state);
 public FabricResponse(FabOauthError pOauthError, Exception pExcep)
     OauthError = pOauthError;
     Excep      = pExcep;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 private static string BuildRedirectUri(FabOauthError pErr, string pRedir, string pState)
     return(pRedir + "?error=" + pErr.Error + "&error_description=" +
            pErr.ErrorDesc.Replace(' ', '+') + "&state=" + pState);
 /// <summary />
 public FabricErrorException(FabOauthError pOauthError) :
     base(pOauthError.error + " / " + pOauthError.error_description)
     OauthError = pOauthError;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public OauthException(string pName, string pDesc) : base(pName + " / " + pDesc)
     OauthError           = new FabOauthError();
     OauthError.Error     = pName;
     OauthError.ErrorDesc = pDesc;