Ejemplo n.º 1
        public LotThumbContent()
            GameThread.SetInterval(Update, 1000);
            Client = new ApiClient(ApiClient.CDNUrl ?? GlobalSettings.Default.GameEntryUrl);

            DefaultThumb = TextureUtils.TextureFromFile(GameFacade.GraphicsDevice, GameFacade.GameFilePath("userdata/houses/defaulthouse.bmp"));
            using (var strm = File.Open("Content/3D/defaulthouse.fsof", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite))
                DefaultFSOF = new FSOF();

            TextureUtils.ManualTextureMask(ref DefaultThumb, new uint[] { 0xFF000000 });
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public FSOF GetFSOF(GraphicsDevice gd, WorldRC world, Blueprint bp, Action onNight, bool compressed)
            var result = new FSOF();

            RoofOnFloor = true;
            GenerateWalls(gd, world, bp, false);
            //GROUND_SUBDIV = 64;
            GenerateFloor(gd, world, bp, false);
            GenerateRoof(gd, world, bp);

            result.TexCompressionType = (compressed) ? 1 : 0;
            result.FloorWidth         = FloorTexture.Width;
            result.FloorHeight        = FloorTexture.Height;
            result.WallWidth          = WallTarget.Width;
            result.WallHeight         = WallTarget.Height;

            result.FloorTextureData = TexToData(FloorTexture, compressed);
            result.WallTextureData  = TexToData(WallTarget, compressed);

            var tVerts = new List <DGRP3DVert>();
            var tInd   = new List <int>();
            var indOff = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                var tcOffset = new Vector2((i % 3) / 3f, (i / 3) / 2f);
                //save each floor. offset the floor for each level
                var posOffset = i * 2.95f;
                var fVerts    = FloorVerts.Select(x => new DGRP3DVert(new Vector3(x.Position.X, x.Position.Y + posOffset, x.Position.Z), Vector3.Zero, x.TextureCoordinate + tcOffset));
                tInd.AddRange(FloorIndices.Select(x => x + indOff));

                indOff = tVerts.Count;

                if (i == 0)
                    tcOffset = new Vector2((5 % 3) / 3f, (5 / 3) / 2f);
                    //save each floor. offset the floor for each level
                    posOffset = 0.5f * 2.95f;
                    fVerts    = FloorVerts.Select(x => new DGRP3DVert(new Vector3(x.Position.X, x.Position.Y + posOffset, x.Position.Z), Vector3.Zero, x.TextureCoordinate + tcOffset));
                    tInd.AddRange(FloorIndices.Select(x => x + indOff));
                    indOff = tVerts.Count;

            tVerts.AddRange(RoofVerts.Select(x => new DGRP3DVert(x.Position, Vector3.Zero, x.TextureCoordinate)));
            tInd.AddRange(RoofIndices.Select(x => x + indOff));

            DGRP3DVert.GenerateNormals(false, tVerts, FloorIndices);
            result.FloorVertices = tVerts.ToArray();
            result.FloorIndices  = tInd.ToArray();

            var tempVerts = WallVerts.Select(x => new DGRP3DVert(x.Position, Vector3.Zero, x.TextureCoordinate)).ToList();

            DGRP3DVert.GenerateNormals(false, tempVerts, WallIndices);
            result.WallVertices = tempVerts.ToArray();
            result.WallIndices  = WallIndices;

            GenerateWalls(gd, world, bp, true);
            GenerateFloor(gd, world, bp, true);

            result.NightFloorTextureData = TexToData(FloorTexture, compressed);
            result.NightWallTextureData  = TexToData(WallTarget, compressed);
            result.NightLightColor       = world.State.OutsideColor;
