Ejemplo n.º 1
        public double InnerEdgeForm(ref CommonParams cp, double[] U_Neg, double[] U_Pos, double[,] Grad_uA, double[,] Grad_uB, double v_Neg, double v_Pos, double[] Grad_vA, double[] Grad_vB)
            CommonParams inp = cp;

            // Particle parameters
            // =============================
            FSI_ParameterAtIB coupling            = m_getParticleParams(inp.X);
            Vector            orientation         = new Vector(Math.Cos(coupling.Angle()), Math.Sin(coupling.Angle()));
            double            scaleActiveBoundary = orientation * new Vector(inp.Normal) > 0 && coupling.ActiveStress() != 0 ? 1 : 0;

            // Level-set velocity
            // =============================
            double[] uLevSet_temp = new double[1];
            if (m_d == 0)
                uLevSet_temp[0] = coupling.VelocityAtPointOnLevelSet()[0];
                uLevSet_temp[0] = coupling.VelocityAtPointOnLevelSet()[1];

            // Outer values for Velocity and VelocityMean
            // =============================
            inp.Parameters_OUT    = new double[inp.Parameters_IN.Length];
            inp.Parameters_OUT[0] = coupling.VelocityAtPointOnLevelSet()[0];
            inp.Parameters_OUT[1] = coupling.VelocityAtPointOnLevelSet()[1];
            // Velocity0MeanVectorOut is set to zero, i.e. always LambdaIn is used.
            inp.Parameters_OUT[2] = 0;
            inp.Parameters_OUT[3] = 0;

            // Computing Flux
            // =============================
            double FlxNeg = m_UseMovingMesh == true
                ? 0                                                                                                                         // Moving mesh
                : (this.NegFlux.InnerEdgeForm(ref inp, U_Neg, uLevSet_temp, null, null, v_Neg, 0, null, null)) * (1 - scaleActiveBoundary); // Splitting

Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// default-implementation
        /// </summary>
        public double InnerEdgeForm(ref CommonParams inp, double[] uA, double[] uB, double[,] Grad_uA, double[,] Grad_uB, double vA, double vB, double[] Grad_vA, double[] Grad_vB)
            int    dim      = inp.Normal.Dim;
            double _penalty = m_PenaltyFunc(m_penalty, inp.jCellIn);

            // Particle parameters
            // =====================
            if (inp.X.IsNullOrEmpty())
                throw new Exception("X is null or empty");
            if (m_GetParticleParams == null)
                throw new Exception("m_GetParticleParams is null or empty");
            if (inp.X.Abs() < 0)
                throw new ArithmeticException("invalid length of position vector");
            FSI_ParameterAtIB coupling = m_GetParticleParams(inp.X);

            if (coupling == null)
                throw new Exception("coupling is null or empty");
            Vector orientation        = new Vector(Math.Cos(coupling.Angle()), Math.Sin(coupling.Angle()));
            Vector orientationNormal  = new Vector(-Math.Sin(coupling.Angle()), Math.Cos(coupling.Angle()));
            Vector activeStressVector = orientationNormal * inp.Normal > 0 ? new Vector(-coupling.ActiveStress() * inp.Normal[1], coupling.ActiveStress() * inp.Normal[0])
                                                                  : new Vector(coupling.ActiveStress() * inp.Normal[1], -coupling.ActiveStress() * inp.Normal[0]);
            BoundaryConditionType bcType = orientation * inp.Normal <= 0 || coupling.ActiveStress() == 0 ? BoundaryConditionType.passive : BoundaryConditionType.active;

            Debug.Assert(ArgumentOrdering.Count == dim);
            Debug.Assert(Grad_uA.GetLength(0) == ArgumentOrdering.Count);
            Debug.Assert(Grad_uB.GetLength(0) == ArgumentOrdering.Count);
            Debug.Assert(Grad_uA.GetLength(1) == dim);
            Debug.Assert(Grad_uB.GetLength(1) == dim);

            // Gradient of u and v
            // =====================
            double Grad_uA_xN = 0, Grad_vA_xN = 0;

            for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++)
                Grad_uA_xN += Grad_uA[component, d] * inp.Normal[d];
                Grad_vA_xN += Grad_vA[d] * inp.Normal[d];

            double returnValue = 0.0;

            // 3D for IBM_Solver
            // =====================
            if (dim == 3)
                returnValue -= Grad_uA_xN * (vA);                                                    // consistency term
                returnValue -= Grad_vA_xN * (uA[component] - 0);                                     // symmetry term
                returnValue += _penalty * (uA[component] - 0) * (vA);                                // penalty term
                Debug.Assert(!(double.IsInfinity(returnValue) || double.IsNaN(returnValue)));
                return(returnValue * muA);

            // 2D
            // =====================
            Vector uAFict = coupling.VelocityAtPointOnLevelSet();

            switch (bcType)
            case BoundaryConditionType.passive: {
                for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++)
                    returnValue -= muA * Grad_uA[component, d] * vA * inp.Normal[d];
                    returnValue -= muA * Grad_vA[d] * (uA[component] - uAFict[component]) * inp.Normal[d];
                returnValue += muA * (uA[component] - uAFict[component]) * vA * _penalty;

            case BoundaryConditionType.active: {
                // normal direction, solid wall
                for (int dN = 0; dN < dim; dN++)
                    for (int dD = 0; dD < dim; dD++)
                        // consistency term
                        returnValue -= muA * (inp.Normal[dN] * Grad_uA[dN, dD] * inp.Normal[dD]) * vA * inp.Normal[component];
                        // symmetry term
                        returnValue -= muA * (Grad_vA[dD] * inp.Normal[dD]) * (inp.Normal[dN] * uA[dN] - inp.Normal[dN] * uAFict[dN]) * inp.Normal[component];
                    // penalty term
                    returnValue += muA * inp.Normal[dN] * (uA[dN] - uAFict[dN]) * inp.Normal[component] * vA * _penalty;
                // tangential direction, active part
                double[,] P = new double[dim, dim];
                for (int d1 = 0; d1 < dim; d1++)
                    for (int d2 = 0; d2 < dim; d2++)
                        if (d1 == d2)
                            P[d1, d2] = 1 - inp.Normal[d1] * inp.Normal[d2];
                            P[d1, d2] = inp.Normal[d1] * inp.Normal[d2];
                for (int d1 = 0; d1 < dim; d1++)
                    for (int d2 = 0; d2 < dim; d2++)
                        returnValue -= P[d1, d2] * activeStressVector[d2] * (P[d1, component] * vA);
            Debug.Assert(!(double.IsInfinity(returnValue) || double.IsNaN(returnValue)));