Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the last geometry used to Tick the widget.  This data may not exist yet if this call happens prior to
        /// the widget having been ticked/painted, or it may be out of date, or a frame behind.
        /// We recommend not to use this data unless there's no other way to solve your problem.  Normally in Slate we
        /// try and handle these issues by making a dependent widget part of the hierarchy, as to avoid frame behind
        /// or what are referred to as hysteresis problems, both caused by depending on geometry from the previous frame
        /// being used to advise how to layout a dependent object the current frame.
        /// </summary>
        public FGeometry GetCachedGeometry()
            FGeometry ___ret = GetCachedGeometry(_this.Get());

Ejemplo n.º 2
/// <summary>
/// Translates local coordinates into absolute coordinates
/// Absolute coordinates could be either desktop or window space depending on what space the root of the widget hierarchy is in.
/// @return  Absolute coordinates
/// </summary>
        public static FVector2D LocalToAbsolute(FGeometry Geometry, FVector2D LocalCoordinate)
            FVector2D ___ret = LocalToAbsolute(IntPtr.Zero, ref Geometry, ref LocalCoordinate);

Ejemplo n.º 3
 extern static FVector2D LocalToAbsolute(IntPtr _this, ref FGeometry Geometry, ref FVector2D LocalCoordinate);
Ejemplo n.º 4
/// <summary>@return the size of the geometry in local space.</summary>
        public static FVector2D GetLocalSize(FGeometry Geometry)
            FVector2D ___ret = GetLocalSize(IntPtr.Zero, ref Geometry);

Ejemplo n.º 5
 extern static FVector2D GetLocalSize(IntPtr _this, ref FGeometry Geometry);
Ejemplo n.º 6
/// <summary>
/// Translates local coordinate of the geometry provided into local viewport coordinates.
/// @param PixelPosition The position in the game's viewport, usable for line traces and
/// other uses where you need a coordinate in the space of viewport resolution units.
/// @param ViewportPosition The position in the space of other widgets in the viewport.  Like if you wanted
/// to add another widget to the viewport at the same position in viewport space as this location, this is
/// what you would use.
/// </summary>
        public static void LocalToViewport(UObject WorldContextObject, FGeometry Geometry, FVector2D LocalCoordinate, out FVector2D PixelPosition, out FVector2D ViewportPosition)
            LocalToViewport(IntPtr.Zero, WorldContextObject, ref Geometry, ref LocalCoordinate, out PixelPosition, out ViewportPosition);
 /// <summary>
 /// Translates local coordinate of the geometry provided into local viewport coordinates.
 /// @param PixelPosition The position in the game's viewport, usable for line traces and
 /// other uses where you need a coordinate in the space of viewport resolution units.
 /// @param ViewportPosition The position in the space of other widgets in the viewport.  Like if you wanted
 /// to add another widget to the viewport at the same position in viewport space as this location, this is
 /// what you would use.
 /// </summary>
 public extern static void LocalToViewport(UObject WorldContextObject, FGeometry Geometry, FVector2D LocalCoordinate, out FVector2D PixelPosition, out FVector2D ViewportPosition);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 extern static int IsUnderLocation(IntPtr _this, ref FGeometry Geometry, ref FVector2D AbsoluteCoordinate);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 static extern void ScreenToWidgetLocal(IntPtr _this, IntPtr WorldContextObject, ref FGeometry Geometry, ref FVector2D ScreenPosition, out FVector2D LocalCoordinate);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 /// <summary>
 /// Absolute coordinates could be either desktop or window space depending on what space the root of the widget hierarchy is in.
 /// @return true if the provided location in absolute coordinates is within the bounds of this geometry.
 /// </summary>
 public extern static bool IsUnderLocation(FGeometry Geometry, FVector2D AbsoluteCoordinate);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 /// <summary>
 /// Absolute coordinates could be either desktop or window space depending on what space the root of the widget hierarchy is in.
 /// @return Transforms AbsoluteCoordinate into the local space of this Geometry.
 /// </summary>
 public extern static FVector2D AbsoluteToLocal(FGeometry Geometry, FVector2D AbsoluteCoordinate);
Ejemplo n.º 12
 /// <summary>
 /// Translates local coordinates into absolute coordinates
 /// Absolute coordinates could be either desktop or window space depending on what space the root of the widget hierarchy is in.
 /// @return  Absolute coordinates
 /// </summary>
 public extern static FVector2D LocalToAbsolute(FGeometry Geometry, FVector2D LocalCoordinate);
Ejemplo n.º 13
 /// <summary>@return the size of the geometry in local space.</summary>
 public extern static FVector2D GetLocalSize(FGeometry Geometry);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 extern static FVector2D AbsoluteToLocal(IntPtr _this, ref FGeometry Geometry, ref FVector2D AbsoluteCoordinate);
Ejemplo n.º 15
 /// <summary>Translates a screen position in pixels into the local space of a widget with the given geometry.</summary>
 public static void ScreenToWidgetLocal(UObject WorldContextObject, FGeometry Geometry, FVector2D ScreenPosition, out FVector2D LocalCoordinate)
     ScreenToWidgetLocal(IntPtr.Zero, WorldContextObject, ref Geometry, ref ScreenPosition, out LocalCoordinate);
Ejemplo n.º 16
/// <summary>
/// Absolute coordinates could be either desktop or window space depending on what space the root of the widget hierarchy is in.
/// @return Transforms AbsoluteCoordinate into the local space of this Geometry.
/// </summary>
        public static FVector2D AbsoluteToLocal(FGeometry Geometry, FVector2D AbsoluteCoordinate)
            FVector2D ___ret = AbsoluteToLocal(IntPtr.Zero, ref Geometry, ref AbsoluteCoordinate);

Ejemplo n.º 17
 extern static void LocalToViewport(IntPtr _this, IntPtr WorldContextObject, ref FGeometry Geometry, ref FVector2D LocalCoordinate, out FVector2D PixelPosition, out FVector2D ViewportPosition);
Ejemplo n.º 18
/// <summary>
/// Absolute coordinates could be either desktop or window space depending on what space the root of the widget hierarchy is in.
/// @return true if the provided location in absolute coordinates is within the bounds of this geometry.
/// </summary>
        public static bool IsUnderLocation(FGeometry Geometry, FVector2D AbsoluteCoordinate)
            int ___ret = IsUnderLocation(IntPtr.Zero, ref Geometry, ref AbsoluteCoordinate);

            return(___ret != 0);
Ejemplo n.º 19
 /// <summary>Translates a screen position in pixels into the local space of a widget with the given geometry.</summary>
 public extern static void ScreenToWidgetLocal(UObject WorldContextObject, FGeometry Geometry, FVector2D ScreenPosition, out FVector2D LocalCoordinate);