Ejemplo n.º 1
    /// <summary>
    /// returns the nearest point in the path to the givenPoint
    /// @@TODO: Dynamic path stuff
    /// </summary>
    public Vector3 NearestPoint(Vector3 givenPoint)
        Vector3 pos;

        if (transform != null)
            pos = transform.position;
            pos = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

        if ((!DynamicPath && IsValidPath()) || (SetupPointData() && IsValidPath()))
            // offset, rotate and scale point to get it in the same world space as path
            givenPoint = FFMatrix3X3.ScaleBy(Quaternion.Inverse(transform.rotation) * (givenPoint - pos),
                                             new Vector3(1.0f / transform.lossyScale.x, 1.0f / transform.lossyScale.y, 1.0f / transform.lossyScale.z));

            Vector3 nearestPoint = FFVector3.VecMaxValue;
            float   nearestDist  = float.MaxValue;

            foreach (Vector3 point in points)
                float distToPoint = (point - givenPoint).sqrMagnitude;
                if (distToPoint < nearestDist)
                    nearestDist  = distToPoint;
                    nearestPoint = point;
            return(pos + (transform.rotation * FFMatrix3X3.ScaleBy(nearestPoint, transform.lossyScale)));
            Debug.LogError("NearestPoint failed to setup");
            return(new Vector3(0, 0, 0));
Ejemplo n.º 2
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns the previous point on the path relative to the
    /// given distance along the path
    /// </summary>
    public Vector3 PrevPoint(float distanceAlongPath)
        float distmod          = distanceAlongPath % PathLength;
        float distNegEqualZero = (distmod + PathLength) % PathLength;
        float distPos          = distmod > 0 ? distPos = distmod : distPos = PathLength;

        if (distanceAlongPath <= 0) // given negative/zero distance
            distanceAlongPath = distNegEqualZero;
        else   // given positive distance
            distanceAlongPath = distPos;

        Vector3 pos; // TODO: not sure if this is an edge case or not

        if (transform != null)
            pos = transform.position;
            pos = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

        if ((!DynamicPath && IsValidPath()) || (SetupPointData() && IsValidPath()))
            int i      = 0;
            int first  = 1;
            int middle = PointCount / 2;
            int last   = PointCount - 1;

            // do not mod unless >, so that we can move to the end of the path
            if (distanceAlongPath > PathLength)
                distanceAlongPath = distanceAlongPath % PathLength;

            while (first <= last)
                if (distanceAlongPath > (linearDistanceAlongPath[middle])) // greater than
                    first = middle + 1;
                else if (distanceAlongPath >= (linearDistanceAlongPath[middle - 1]) && // equal to
                         distanceAlongPath <= (linearDistanceAlongPath[middle]))
                    i = middle;
                else // less than (dist < linearDistanceAlongPath[middle - 1])
                    last = middle - 1;

                middle = (first + last) / 2;
            return(pos + (transform.rotation * FFMatrix3X3.ScaleBy(points[i - 1], transform.lossyScale)));

        Debug.LogError("Error, Path failed to setup");
        return(new FFVector3(0, 0, 0));
Ejemplo n.º 3
    /// <summary>
    /// returns the nearest point to a distance along the path
    /// TODO: Mod Needed in end?
    /// </summary>
    public Vector3 NearestPoint(float distanceAlongPath)
        float distmod          = distanceAlongPath % PathLength;
        float distNegEqualZero = (distmod + PathLength) % PathLength;
        float distPos          = distmod > 0 ? distPos = distmod : distPos = PathLength;

        if (distanceAlongPath <= 0) // given negative/zero distance
            distanceAlongPath = distNegEqualZero;
        else   // given positive distance
            distanceAlongPath = distPos;

        Vector3 pos; // TODO: not sure if this is an edge case or not

        if (transform != null)
            pos = transform.position;
            pos = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

        if ((!DynamicPath && IsValidPath()) || (SetupPointData() && IsValidPath()))
            int i      = 0;
            int first  = 1;
            int middle = PointCount / 2;
            int last   = PointCount - 1;

            while (first <= last)
                if (distanceAlongPath > (linearDistanceAlongPath[middle])) // greater than
                    first = middle + 1;
                else if (distanceAlongPath >= (linearDistanceAlongPath[middle - 1]) && // equal to
                         distanceAlongPath <= (linearDistanceAlongPath[middle]))
                    i = middle;
                else // less than (dist < linearDistanceAlongPath[middle - 1])
                    last = middle - 1;

                middle = (first + last) / 2;
            distanceAlongPath -= linearDistanceAlongPath[i - 1];
            float halfLengthBetweenPoints = (linearDistanceAlongPath[i] - linearDistanceAlongPath[i - 1]) / 2;
            if (distanceAlongPath > halfLengthBetweenPoints)
                return(pos + (transform.rotation * FFMatrix3X3.ScaleBy(points[i % points.Length], transform.lossyScale))); // if we are more than halfway through line
                return(pos + (transform.rotation * FFMatrix3X3.ScaleBy(points[i - 1], transform.lossyScale)));  // if we less than or equal to than halfway through line
        Debug.LogError("Error, Path failed to setup");
        return(new FFVector3(0, 0, 0));
Ejemplo n.º 4
    /// <summary>
    /// returns the nearest point along path to the givenPoint and the distance along
    /// the path at which this point is. There are inaccuracies for curved paths.
    /// </summary>
    public Vector3 NearestPointAlongPath(Vector3 givenPoint, out float distAlongPathToNearestPoint)
        distAlongPathToNearestPoint = -1.0f;
        Vector3 pos;

        if (transform != null)
            pos = transform.position;
            pos = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

        if ((!DynamicPath && IsValidPath()) || (SetupPointData() && IsValidPath()))
            // Rotate relative point to match path's rotation, and / the scale
            givenPoint = FFMatrix3X3.ScaleBy(Quaternion.Inverse(transform.rotation) * (givenPoint - pos),
                                             new Vector3(1.0f / transform.lossyScale.x, 1.0f / transform.lossyScale.y, 1.0f / transform.lossyScale.z));

            float closestDist = float.MaxValue;

            //check if first point is closest
            Vector3 nearestPoint = givenPoint - points[0];
            if (nearestPoint.sqrMagnitude < closestDist)
                closestDist = nearestPoint.sqrMagnitude;
                distAlongPathToNearestPoint = linearDistanceAlongPath[0];

            var pointCount = PointCount;
            for (int i = 1; i < pointCount; ++i)
                Vector3 nextPoint               = points[i % points.Length];
                Vector3 prevPoint               = points[i - 1];
                Vector3 vecToGivenPoint         = givenPoint - prevPoint;
                Vector3 vecToNextPoint          = nextPoint - prevPoint;
                Vector3 vecToClosestPointOnLine = Vector3.Project(vecToGivenPoint, vecToNextPoint);
                Vector3 vecToPointOnLine        = (vecToClosestPointOnLine + prevPoint) - givenPoint;

                nearestPoint = givenPoint - nextPoint;
                if (nearestPoint.sqrMagnitude < closestDist)
                    closestDist = nearestPoint.sqrMagnitude;
                    distAlongPathToNearestPoint = linearDistanceAlongPath[i] * linearDistanceAlongPath[i];

                if (vecToClosestPointOnLine.sqrMagnitude > vecToNextPoint.sqrMagnitude ||
                    Vector3.Dot(vecToGivenPoint, vecToNextPoint) < 0)

                if (vecToPointOnLine.sqrMagnitude < closestDist)
                    closestDist = vecToPointOnLine.sqrMagnitude;
                    distAlongPathToNearestPoint = vecToClosestPointOnLine.magnitude + linearDistanceAlongPath[i - 1];
                    distAlongPathToNearestPoint = distAlongPathToNearestPoint * distAlongPathToNearestPoint;

                    // Debug draw
                    // vecToGivenPoint
                    //Debug.DrawLine(points[i - 1], vecToGivenPoint + points[i - 1], Color.yellow);
                    // vecToNextPoint
                    //Debug.DrawLine(points[i - 1], vecToNextPoint + points[i - 1], Color.red);
                    // Projection of vecToGivenPoint onto vecToNextPoint
                    //Debug.DrawLine(points[i - 1], vecToClosestPointOnLine + points[i - 1], Color.magenta);

            // Since we already ran the SetupPointData fuction above
            // we shouldn't need to do it again in PointAlongPath, also
            // turning off smoothBetweenPoints increases accuracy
            bool tempDynamicPath         = DynamicPath;
            bool tempSmoothBetweenPoints = SmoothBetweenPoints;
            DynamicPath                 = false;                                   // Optimization
            SmoothBetweenPoints         = false;                                   // Accuracy
            distAlongPathToNearestPoint = Mathf.Sqrt(distAlongPathToNearestPoint); // sqrt to get size right
            Vector3 nearestPointAlongPath = PointAlongPath(distAlongPathToNearestPoint);
            DynamicPath         = tempDynamicPath;
            SmoothBetweenPoints = tempSmoothBetweenPoints;
            Debug.LogError("NearestPointAlongPath failed to setup");
            return(new Vector3(0, 0, 0));