Ejemplo n.º 1
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="index"></param>
		private void SetControlsToSelectedCustomField(FDWrapper fdw)
			CustomFieldName.Text = fdw.Fd.Userlabel;
			rtbDescription.Text = fdw.Fd.HelpString;


Ejemplo n.º 2
		private void SwitchDialogtoSelectedCustomField()
			m_listViewItemChanging = true;

			//I think at this point all the changes are already saved
			//so I do not think I need to do anything
			//except I need to say what the current item is which the user just selected
			//m_fdwCurrentField = listViewCustomFields.FocusedItem.Tag as FDWrapper;

			m_fdwCurrentField = listViewCustomFields.SelectedItems[0].Tag as FDWrapper;

			//show the values that are in the item the user just selected
			SetControlsToSelectedCustomField(listViewCustomFields.SelectedItems[0].Tag as FDWrapper);

			EnableSettingsControls(false);//do not allow the user the change
			//the value for writingSystem or Sense/Entry

			//once we have

			m_listViewItemChanging = false;

Ejemplo n.º 3
		/// <summary>
		/// Create a new Custom field and insert it in
		/// m_customFields and listViewCustomFields
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>true if a field was saved</returns>
		private FDWrapper CreateNewCustomField()
			m_creatingNewCustomField = true;
			FDWrapper fdw = null;

			// create new custom field
			FieldDescription fd = new FieldDescription(m_cache);
			if (fd != null)
				fd.Userlabel = "New Custom Field";
				fd.HelpString = "";
				//set the writting system to whatever was last selected in the control
				if (cbWritingSystem.Enabled || fd.Type == 0)
					fd.WsSelector = (cbWritingSystem.SelectedItem as IdAndString).Id;

					if (fd.WsSelector == LangProject.kwsAnal ||
						fd.WsSelector == LangProject.kwsVern)
						fd.Type = (int)CellarModuleDefns.kcptString;
						fd.Type = (int)CellarModuleDefns.kcptMultiUnicode;
				// set the Entry or Sense of the new custom field to whatever was
				// last selecte in the control.
				fd.Class = (cbCreateIn.SelectedItem as IdAndString).Id;
				fdw = new FDWrapper(fd, false);
			m_customFields.Add(fdw); //add this new Custom Field to the list

			//now we need to add it to the listViewBox.
			ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem(fdw.Fd.Userlabel);
			lvi.Tag = fdw;
			lvi.Selected = true;

			CustomFieldName.Text = "New Custom Field";
			rtbDescription.Text = "";

			//now this is the current field
			m_fdwCurrentField = fdw;

			m_creatingNewCustomField = false;
			return fdw;
Ejemplo n.º 4
		/// <summary>
		/// Check to see if the user label field is nonempty and unique.  If not show a message box.
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>true if invalid, false otherwise.</returns>
		private bool CheckInvalidCustomField(FDWrapper fdwToCheck)
			string Fieldname = fdwToCheck.Fd.Userlabel;
			string FieldName = Fieldname.TrimEnd(); //we don't allow a name of only spaces

			if (FieldName.Length == 0)

						xWorksStrings.EmptyFieldName, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK);
			   return true;

			Fieldname = fdwToCheck.Fd.Userlabel;
			foreach (FDWrapper fdw in m_customFields)
				if (fdwToCheck != fdw && fdw.Fd.Userlabel == FieldName
					&& fdwToCheck.Fd.Class == fdw.Fd.Class )
					string sClassName = GetClassName(fdw.Fd.Class);
					string str1 = string.Format(xWorksStrings.AlreadyFieldWithThisLabel, sClassName, FieldName);
							xWorksStrings.LabelAlreadyExists, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK);
					return true;


				return false;
