Ejemplo n.º 1
        public DVCLogIn()
            : base(UITableViewStyle.Grouped, null, true)
            loginView = new FBLoginView (ExtendedPermissions);

            if (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.CheckSystemVersion (7, 0)) {
                loginView.Frame = new RectangleF (51, 0, 218, 46);
            } else {
                loginView.Frame = new RectangleF (40, 0, 218, 46);

            loginView.FetchedUserInfo += (sender, e) => {
                if (Root.Count < 3) {
                    user = e.User;
                    pictureView.ProfileID = user.Id;

                    Root.Add (new Section ("Hello " + user.Name) {
                        new StringElement ("Actions Menu", () => {
                            var dvc = new DVCActions (user);
                            NavigationController.PushViewController (dvc, true);
                        }) {
                            Alignment = UITextAlignment.Center
            loginView.ShowingLoggedOutUser += (sender, e) => {
                pictureView.ProfileID = null;
                if (Root.Count >= 3) {
                    InvokeOnMainThread (() => {
                        var section = Root [2];
                        section.Remove (0);
                        Root.Remove (section);
                        ReloadData ();

            pictureView = new FBProfilePictureView () ;

            if (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.CheckSystemVersion (7,0)) {
                pictureView.Frame = new RectangleF (50, 0, 220, 220);
            else {
                pictureView.Frame = new RectangleF (40, 0, 220, 220);

            Root = new RootElement ("Facebook Sample") {
                new Section () {
                    new UIViewElement ("", loginView, true) {
                        Flags = UIViewElement.CellFlags.DisableSelection | UIViewElement.CellFlags.Transparent,
                new Section () {
                    new UIViewElement ("", pictureView, true) {
                        Flags = UIViewElement.CellFlags.DisableSelection | UIViewElement.CellFlags.Transparent,
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public DVCLogIn() : base(UITableViewStyle.Grouped, null, true)
            loginView = new FBLoginView(ExtendedPermissions)
                Frame = new RectangleF(74, 0, 151, 43)
            loginView.FetchedUserInfo += (sender, e) => {
                if (Root.Count < 3)
                    user = e.User;
                    pictureView.ProfileID = user.Id;

                    Root.Add(new Section("Hello " + user.Name)
                        new StringElement("Actions Menu", () => {
                            var dvc = new DVCActions(user);
                            NavigationController.PushViewController(dvc, true);
                            Alignment = UITextAlignment.Center
            loginView.ShowingLoggedOutUser += (sender, e) => {
                pictureView.ProfileID = null;
                if (Root.Count >= 3)
                    InvokeOnMainThread(() => {
                        var section = Root[2];

            pictureView = new FBProfilePictureView()
                Frame = new RectangleF(40, 0, 220, 220)

            Root = new RootElement("Facebook Sample")
                new Section()
                    new UIViewElement("", loginView, true)
                        Flags = UIViewElement.CellFlags.DisableSelection | UIViewElement.CellFlags.Transparent,
                new Section()
                    new UIViewElement("", pictureView, true)
                        Flags = UIViewElement.CellFlags.DisableSelection | UIViewElement.CellFlags.Transparent,
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void InitializeView()
            // Create the Facebook LogIn View with the needed Permissions
            // https://developers.facebook.com/ios/login-ui-control/
            var loginView = new FBLoginView()
                Frame = new RectangleF(85, 0, 151, 43)

            // Hook up to FetchedUserInfo event, so you know when
            // you have the user information available

            bool didFetchUserInfo = false;

            loginView.FetchedUserInfo += (sender, e) => {
                if (didFetchUserInfo)
                didFetchUserInfo = true;

                Console.WriteLine("User is logged in ID=" + e.User.GetId() + ", User name is " + e.User.GetName());
                FacebookClient fb = new FacebookClient(FBSession.ActiveSession.AccessTokenData.AccessToken);
                fb.AppId     = PopPicConstants.AppId;
                fb.AppSecret = PopPicConstants.AppSecret;

                BuddyClient buddyClient = new BuddyClient(PopPicConstants.BuddyAppName, PopPicConstants.BuddyAppKey);
                buddyClient.SocialLoginAsync("Facebook", e.User.GetId(), FBSession.ActiveSession.AccessTokenData.AccessToken).ContinueWith(result => {
                    var authenticatedUser  = result.Result;
                    var repository         = new GameRepository(authenticatedUser, buddyClient, fb);
                    AppDelegate.Repository = repository;
                    InvokeOnMainThread(() => {
                        if (this.ReturnAfterLoading)

                        if (this.RepositoryLoaded != null)
                            this.RepositoryLoaded(this, repository);

            // Clean user Picture and label when Logged Out
            loginView.ShowingLoggedOutUser += (sender, e) => {

            Root = new RootElement("Log In")
                new Section("Please Sign In")
                    new UIViewElement("", loginView, false)
                        Flags = UIViewElement.CellFlags.DisableSelection | UIViewElement.CellFlags.Transparent,
 public override void LoginViewShowingLoggedInUser(FBLoginView loginView)
     // first get the buttons set for login mode
     parentViewController.buttonPostPhoto.Enabled = true;
     parentViewController.buttonPostStatus.Enabled = true;
     parentViewController.buttonPickFriends.Enabled = true;
     parentViewController.buttonPickPlace.Enabled = true;
        public override void LoginViewShowingLoggedOutUser(FBLoginView loginView)
            parentViewController.buttonPostPhoto.Enabled = false;
            parentViewController.buttonPostStatus.Enabled = false;
            parentViewController.buttonPickFriends.Enabled = false;
            parentViewController.buttonPickPlace.Enabled = false;

            parentViewController.profilePic.ProfileID = String.Empty;
            parentViewController.labelFirstName.Text = String.Empty;
 public override void LoginViewFetchedUserInfo(FBLoginView loginView, FBGraphUser user)
     // here we use helper properties of FBGraphUser to dot-through to first_name and
     // id properties of the json response from the server; alternatively we could use
     // NSDictionary methods such as objectForKey to get values from the my json object
     parentViewController.labelFirstName.Text = String.Format(@"Hello {0}!", user.ObjectForKey(new NSString(@"first_name")).ToString());
     // setting the profileID property of the FBProfilePictureView instance
     // causes the control to fetch and display the profile picture for the user
     parentViewController.profilePic.ProfileID = user.ObjectForKey(new NSString(@"id")).ToString();
     parentViewController.loggedInUser = user;
        public override void ViewDidLoad()

            // Create Login View so that the app will be granted "status_update" permission.
            FBLoginView loginview = new FBLoginView(NSArray.FromNSObjects(new NSString(@"publish_actions")));
            loginview.Frame = new RectangleF(5, 5, loginview.Frame.Width, loginview.Frame.Height);
            loginview.Delegate = new HelloFBLoginViewDelegate(this);


            // Perform any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
Ejemplo n.º 8
        //float x=22,float y=120,float width=130,float height = 200
        public FBLoginView CreateFaceBookBtn(float x = 18, float y = 135, float width = 135, float height = 400)
            var btn = new FBLoginView(ExtendedPermissions)
                Frame = new RectangleF(x, y, width, height)

            btn.FetchedUserInfo += (sender, e) => {
                var user = e.User;
                //var id = user.GetId ();
                //this.txtUser.Text = user.GetName ();
                this.isFaceBookLogin     = true;
                this.LoggedInServiceType = LoginType.FaceBook;
                this.AccessToken         = FBSession.ActiveSession.AccessTokenData.AccessToken;
Ejemplo n.º 9
		public override void ViewDidLoad ()
			base.ViewDidLoad ();
			this.Add (faceBookView);
			this.Add (facebookView2);

			iPhoneLocationManager = new CLLocationManager ();
			iPhoneLocationManager.DesiredAccuracy = CLLocation.AccuracyNearestTenMeters;
			iPhoneLocationManager.LocationsUpdated += (object sender, CLLocationsUpdatedEventArgs e) => {

			iPhoneLocationManager.RequestAlwaysAuthorization ();
			if (CLLocationManager.LocationServicesEnabled) {
				iPhoneLocationManager.StartUpdatingLocation ();
			#region observadores del teclado
			// Keyboard popup

			// Keyboard Down

			#region declaracion de vista de Facebook
			// Create the Facebook LogIn View with the needed Permissions
			// https://developers.facebook.com/ios/login-ui-control/
			loginView = new FBLoginView (ExtendedPermissions) {
				Frame = new CGRect (0,0,45, 45)

			// Create view that will display user's profile picture
			// https://developers.facebook.com/ios/profilepicture-ui-control/

			pictureView = new FBProfilePictureView () {
				Frame = new CGRect (0, 0, 45, 45)
			pictureView.UserInteractionEnabled = true;
			// Hook up to FetchedUserInfo event, so you know when
			// you have the user information available
			loginView.FetchedUserInfo += (sender, e) => {
				user = e.User;
				pictureView.ProfileID = user.GetId ();
				MainView.isWithFacebook = true;
				loginView.Alpha = 0.1f;
				pictureView.Hidden = false;

			// Clean user Picture and label when Logged Out
			loginView.ShowingLoggedOutUser += (sender, e) => {
				pictureView.ProfileID = null;
				pictureView.Hidden = true;
				lblUserName.Text = string.Empty;
				loginView.Alpha = 1f;
				MainView.isWithFacebook = false;

			var documents = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal);
			_pathToDatabase = Path.Combine(documents, "db_sqlite-net.db");

			//Creamos la base de datos y la tabla de persona
			using (var conn= new SQLite.SQLiteConnection(_pathToDatabase))
				conn.CreateTable<State> ();
				conn.CreateTable<Terms> ();
				conn.CreateTable<PrivacyNotice> ();

			using (var db = new SQLite.SQLiteConnection(_pathToDatabase ))
				people = new List<Person> (from p in db.Table<Person> () select p);
				states = new List<State> (from s in db.Table<State> () select s);
				terms = new List<Terms> (from t in db.Table<Terms> ()select t);
				privacyNotices = new List<PrivacyNotice> (from pr in db.Table<PrivacyNotice> () select pr);

			if(people.Count > 0){
				Person user = people.ElementAt(0);
				MainView.userId = user.ID;
				Console.WriteLine ("El Id de usuario es: "+ user.ID);

			if(states.Count > 0){
				State estado = states.ElementAt(0);
				MainView.localityId = estado.localityId;
				Console.WriteLine ("El Id de localidad es: "+ estado.stateId);
			//Boton para entrar al menu de la aplicacion.
			this.btnEntrar.TouchUpInside += (sender, e) => {
				scanView = new ScanView();
				this.NavigationController.PushViewController(scanView, true);

			this.btnListas.TouchUpInside += (sender, e) => {
				using (var db = new SQLite.SQLiteConnection(_pathToDatabase ))
					people = new List<Person> (from p in db.Table<Person> () select p);
				if(people.Count > 0){
					MyListsView mylists = new MyListsView();
					UIAlertView alert = new UIAlertView () { 
						Title = "Espera!", Message = "Debes iniciar sesion para acceder a tus listas"
					alert.AddButton ("Aceptar");
					alert.Show ();

			//Boton para hacer busqueda por nombre de producto
			this.btnBuscar.TouchUpInside += (sender, e) => {
				if(this.cmpNombre.Text == ""){
					UIAlertView alert = new UIAlertView () { 
						Title = "Espera!", Message = "Debes ingresar el nombre del producto a buscar"
					alert.AddButton ("Aceptar");
					alert.Show ();
				else if (states.Count < 1){
					UIAlertView alert = new UIAlertView () { 
						Title = "Espera!", Message = "Debes seleccionar tu ubicacion antes de comenzar a usar FixBuy, por favor ingresa " +
							"Al menu de opciones para establecerla"
					alert.AddButton ("Aceptar");
					alert.Clicked += (s, o) => {
						StatesView statesView = new StatesView();
						this.NavigationController.PushViewController(statesView, true);
					alert.Show ();
					this._loadPop = new LoadingOverlay (UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds);
					this.View.Add ( this._loadPop );
					Task.Factory.StartNew (
						() => {
							System.Threading.Thread.Sleep ( 1 * 1000 );
					).ContinueWith ( 
						t => {
							nsr = new NameSearchResultView();
							this._loadPop.Hide ();
						}, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext()

			this.cmpNombre.ShouldReturn += (textField) => {
				if(this.cmpNombre.Text == ""){
					UIAlertView alert = new UIAlertView () { 
						Title = "Espera!", Message = "Debes ingresar el nombre del producto a buscar"
					alert.AddButton ("Aceptar");
					alert.Show ();
				else if (states.Count < 1){
					UIAlertView alert = new UIAlertView () { 
						Title = "Espera!", Message = "Debes seleccionar tu ubicacion antes de comenzar a usar FixBuy, por favor ingresa " +
							"Al menu de opciones para establecerla"
					alert.AddButton ("Aceptar");
					alert.Clicked += (s, o) => {
						StatesView statesView = new StatesView();
						this.NavigationController.PushViewController(statesView, true);
					alert.Show ();
					this._loadPop = new LoadingOverlay (UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds);
					this.View.Add ( this._loadPop );
					Task.Factory.StartNew (
						() => {
							System.Threading.Thread.Sleep ( 1 * 1000 );
					).ContinueWith ( 
						t => {
							nsr = new NameSearchResultView();
							this._loadPop.Hide ();
						}, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext()
				return true; 

			//Boton para iniciar el escaner de codigo de barras
			this.btnCodigo.TouchUpInside += (sender, e) => {
				if(states.Count > 0){
					// Configurar el escaner de codigo de barras.
					picker = new ScanditSDKRotatingBarcodePicker (appKey);
					picker.OverlayController.Delegate = new overlayControllerDelegate(picker, this);
					picker.OverlayController.SetSearchBarPlaceholderText("Búsqueda por nombre de producto");
					picker.OverlayController.SetTextForInitializingCamera("Iniciando la camara");
					this.PresentViewController (picker, true, null);
					picker.StartScanning ();
					UIAlertView alert = new UIAlertView () { 
						Title = "Espera!", Message = "Debes seleccionar tu ubicacion antes de comenzar a usar FixBuy, por favor ingresa " +
							"Al menu de opciones para establecerla"
					alert.AddButton ("Aceptar");
					alert.Clicked += (s, o) => {
						StatesView statesView = new StatesView();
						this.NavigationController.PushViewController(statesView, true);
					alert.Show ();
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public override void ViewDidLoad()

            iPhoneLocationManager = new CLLocationManager();
            iPhoneLocationManager.DesiredAccuracy   = CLLocation.AccuracyNearestTenMeters;
            iPhoneLocationManager.LocationsUpdated += (object sender, CLLocationsUpdatedEventArgs e) => {

            if (CLLocationManager.LocationServicesEnabled)
            #region observadores del teclado
            // Keyboard popup
                (UIKeyboard.DidShowNotification, KeyBoardUpNotification);

            // Keyboard Down
                (UIKeyboard.WillHideNotification, KeyBoardDownNotification);

            #region declaracion de vista de Facebook
            // Create the Facebook LogIn View with the needed Permissions
            // https://developers.facebook.com/ios/login-ui-control/
            loginView = new FBLoginView(ExtendedPermissions)
                Frame = new CGRect(0, 0, 45, 45)

            // Create view that will display user's profile picture
            // https://developers.facebook.com/ios/profilepicture-ui-control/

            pictureView = new FBProfilePictureView()
                Frame = new CGRect(0, 0, 45, 45)
            pictureView.UserInteractionEnabled = true;
            // Hook up to FetchedUserInfo event, so you know when
            // you have the user information available
            loginView.FetchedUserInfo += (sender, e) => {
                user = e.User;
                pictureView.ProfileID   = user.GetId();
                MainView.isWithFacebook = true;
                loginView.Alpha         = 0.1f;
                pictureView.Hidden      = false;

            // Clean user Picture and label when Logged Out
            loginView.ShowingLoggedOutUser += (sender, e) => {
                pictureView.ProfileID   = null;
                pictureView.Hidden      = true;
                lblUserName.Text        = string.Empty;
                loginView.Alpha         = 1f;
                MainView.isWithFacebook = false;


            var documents = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal);
            _pathToDatabase = Path.Combine(documents, "db_sqlite-net.db");

            //Creamos la base de datos y la tabla de persona
            using (var conn = new SQLite.SQLiteConnection(_pathToDatabase))
                conn.CreateTable <Person>();
                conn.CreateTable <State> ();
                conn.CreateTable <Terms> ();
                conn.CreateTable <PrivacyNotice> ();

            using (var db = new SQLite.SQLiteConnection(_pathToDatabase))
                people         = new List <Person> (from p in db.Table <Person> () select p);
                states         = new List <State> (from s in db.Table <State> () select s);
                terms          = new List <Terms> (from t in db.Table <Terms> () select t);
                privacyNotices = new List <PrivacyNotice> (from pr in db.Table <PrivacyNotice> () select pr);

            if (people.Count > 0)
                Person user = people.ElementAt(0);
                MainView.userId = user.ID;
                Console.WriteLine("El Id de usuario es: " + user.ID);

            if (states.Count > 0)
                State estado = states.ElementAt(0);
                MainView.localityId = estado.localityId;
                Console.WriteLine("El Id de localidad es: " + estado.stateId);

            //Boton para entrar al menu de la aplicacion.
            this.btnEntrar.TouchUpInside += (sender, e) => {
                scanView = new ScanView();
                this.NavigationController.PushViewController(scanView, true);

            this.btnListas.TouchUpInside += (sender, e) => {
                using (var db = new SQLite.SQLiteConnection(_pathToDatabase))
                    people = new List <Person> (from p in db.Table <Person> () select p);
                if (people.Count > 0)
                    MyListsView mylists = new MyListsView();
                    this.NavigationController.PushViewController(mylists, true);
                    UIAlertView alert = new UIAlertView()
                        Title = "Espera!", Message = "Debes iniciar sesion para acceder a tus listas"

            //Boton para hacer busqueda por nombre de producto
            this.btnBuscar.TouchUpInside += (sender, e) => {
                if (this.cmpNombre.Text == "")
                    UIAlertView alert = new UIAlertView()
                        Title = "Espera!", Message = "Debes ingresar el nombre del producto a buscar"
                else if (states.Count < 1)
                    UIAlertView alert = new UIAlertView()
                        Title = "Espera!", Message = "Debes seleccionar tu ubicacion antes de comenzar a usar FixBuy, por favor ingresa " +
                                                     "Al menu de opciones para establecerla"
                    alert.Clicked += (s, o) => {
                        StatesView statesView = new StatesView();
                        this.NavigationController.PushViewController(statesView, true);
                    this._loadPop = new LoadingOverlay(UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds);
                        () => {
                        System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1 * 1000);
                        t => {
                        nsr = new NameSearchResultView();
                        this.NavigationController.PushViewController(nsr, true);
                    }, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext()

            this.cmpNombre.ShouldReturn += (textField) => {
                if (this.cmpNombre.Text == "")
                    UIAlertView alert = new UIAlertView()
                        Title = "Espera!", Message = "Debes ingresar el nombre del producto a buscar"
                else if (states.Count < 1)
                    UIAlertView alert = new UIAlertView()
                        Title = "Espera!", Message = "Debes seleccionar tu ubicacion antes de comenzar a usar FixBuy, por favor ingresa " +
                                                     "Al menu de opciones para establecerla"
                    alert.Clicked += (s, o) => {
                        StatesView statesView = new StatesView();
                        this.NavigationController.PushViewController(statesView, true);
                    this._loadPop = new LoadingOverlay(UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds);
                        () => {
                        System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1 * 1000);
                        t => {
                        nsr = new NameSearchResultView();
                        this.NavigationController.PushViewController(nsr, true);
                    }, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext()

            //Boton para iniciar el escaner de codigo de barras
            this.btnCodigo.TouchUpInside += (sender, e) => {
                if (states.Count > 0)
                    // Configurar el escaner de codigo de barras.
                    picker = new ScanditSDKRotatingBarcodePicker(appKey);
                    picker.OverlayController.Delegate = new overlayControllerDelegate(picker, this);
                    picker.OverlayController.SetSearchBarPlaceholderText("Búsqueda por nombre de producto");
                    picker.OverlayController.SetTextForInitializingCamera("Iniciando la camara");
                    this.PresentViewController(picker, true, null);
                    UIAlertView alert = new UIAlertView()
                        Title = "Espera!", Message = "Debes seleccionar tu ubicacion antes de comenzar a usar FixBuy, por favor ingresa " +
                                                     "Al menu de opciones para establecerla"
                    alert.Clicked += (s, o) => {
                        StatesView statesView = new StatesView();
                        this.NavigationController.PushViewController(statesView, true);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public override void ViewWillAppear(bool animated)
            this.Email.Background = UIImage.FromFile ("./Assets/input.png");
            this.Password.Background = UIImage.FromFile ("./Assets/input.png");
            this.Login.SetBackgroundImage (UIImage.FromFile ("./Assets/buttonlong.png"), UIControlState.Normal);

            this.Email.LeftView = new UIView (new RectangleF (0, 0, 5, 30));
            this.Email.LeftViewMode = UITextFieldViewMode.Always;
            this.Password.LeftView = new UIView (new RectangleF (0, 0, 5, 30));
            this.Password.LeftViewMode = UITextFieldViewMode.Always;

            var button = new UIBarButtonItem ("Back", UIBarButtonItemStyle.Plain, null);
            var custom = new UIButton (new RectangleF (0, 0, 26, 15));
            custom.SetBackgroundImage(UIImage.FromFile("./Assets/back.png"), UIControlState.Normal);
            custom.TouchUpInside += (sender, e) => NavigationController.PopViewControllerAnimated (true);
            button.CustomView = custom;

            this.NavigationItem.LeftBarButtonItem = button;
            this.NavigationController.SetNavigationBarHidden (false, false);

            // FACEBOOK LOGIN
            fbLogin = new FBLoginView (AppDelegate.Permissions);
            FacebookView.AddSubview (fbLogin);
            fbLogin.SizeToFit ();

            fbLogin.FetchedUserInfo += (object sender, FBLoginViewUserInfoEventArgs e) => {
                if (FBSession.ActiveSession.IsOpen) {
                    var model = new FacebookProfile { Id = long.Parse (e.User.Id), Name = e.User.Name,
                        first_name = e.User.FirstName, last_name = e.User.LastName,
                        Birthday = e.User.Birthday, Email = e.User.ObjectForKey ("email").ToString (), UserName = e.User.Username
                    var request = new RestRequest ();
                    request.RequestFinished += (object sendr, RequestEndedArgs ev) => {
                        var jsonId = (int)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject (ev.Result, typeof(int));
                        InvokeOnMainThread (delegate {
                            var tabbar = new MainTabController();
                            UIApplication.SharedApplication.Delegate.Window.RootViewController = tabbar;
                    request.Send (RequestConfig.Facebook, "POST", model);

            fbLogin.ShowingLoggedOutUser += (object sender, EventArgs e) => {
            fbLogin.ShowingLoggedInUser += (object sender, EventArgs e) => {
                Console.WriteLine("Logged in.");

            // GOOGLE LOGIN
            var signIn = SignIn.SharedInstance;
            signIn.ClientId = AppDelegate.GoogleClientId;
            signIn.Scopes = new [] { PlusConstants.AuthScopePlusLogin, PlusConstants.AuthScopePlusMe,
                                    "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email" };
            signIn.ShouldFetchGoogleUserEmail = true;
            signIn.ShouldFetchGoogleUserId = true;

            signIn.Finished += (object sender, SignInDelegateFinishedEventArgs e) => {
                if(e.Error != null) {
                    InvokeOnMainThread(delegate {
                        new UIAlertView("Error.", "Could not sign in.", null, "Ok", null).Show();
                else {
                    var request = new RestRequest();
                    request.RequestFinished += (object sendr, RequestEndedArgs ev) => {
                        var data = (GoogleClient)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(ev.Result, typeof(GoogleClient));
                        var request2 = new RestRequest();
                        request2.RequestFinished += (object sndr, RequestEndedArgs evnt) => {
                            var jsonId = (int)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject (evnt.Result, typeof(int));
                            InvokeOnMainThread (delegate {
                                var tabbar = new MainTabController();
                                UIApplication.SharedApplication.Delegate.Window.RootViewController = tabbar;
                        request2.Send(RequestConfig.Google, "POST", data);
                    request.Send(String.Format(RequestConfig.GoogleFetch, Uri.EscapeDataString(signIn.Authentication.AccessToken)), "GET");

            var signInButton = new SignInButton ();
            GoogleView.AddSubview (signInButton);
            signInButton.Frame = new RectangleF (0, 0, GoogleView.Frame.Size.Width - 8, GoogleView.Frame.Size.Height);
            signInButton.SizeToFit ();