protected SwapchainData CreateSwapchain(PhysicalDevice physicalDevice, SurfaceKHR surface, uint windowWidth, uint windowHeight) { var data = new SwapchainData(); var surfaceFormats = physicalDevice.GetSurfaceFormatsKHR(surface); var surfaceFormat = surfaceFormats[0].Format; var surfaceCapabilities = physicalDevice.GetSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR(surface); var desiredImageCount = Math.Min(surfaceCapabilities.MinImageCount + 1, surfaceCapabilities.MaxImageCount); SurfaceTransformFlagsKHR preTransform; if ((surfaceCapabilities.SupportedTransforms & SurfaceTransformFlagsKHR.Identity) != 0) { preTransform = SurfaceTransformFlagsKHR.Identity; } else { preTransform = surfaceCapabilities.CurrentTransform; } var presentModes = physicalDevice.GetSurfacePresentModesKHR(surface); var swapChainPresentMode = PresentModeKHR.Fifo; if (presentModes.Contains(PresentModeKHR.Mailbox)) { swapChainPresentMode = PresentModeKHR.Mailbox; } else if (presentModes.Contains(PresentModeKHR.Immediate)) { swapChainPresentMode = PresentModeKHR.Immediate; } var imageExtent = new Extent2D(windowWidth, windowHeight); var swapchainCreateInfo = new SwapchainCreateInfoKHR { Surface = surface, MinImageCount = desiredImageCount, ImageFormat = surfaceFormat, ImageExtent = imageExtent, ImageArrayLayers = 1, ImageUsage = ImageUsageFlags.ColorAttachment, ImageSharingMode = SharingMode.Exclusive, //ImageColorSpace = ColorSpaceKHR.SrgbNonlinear, QueueFamilyIndices = null, PreTransform = preTransform, CompositeAlpha = CompositeAlphaFlagsKHR.Opaque, PresentMode = swapChainPresentMode, Clipped = true, }; data.Swapchain = device.CreateSwapchainKHR(swapchainCreateInfo); data.ImageFormat = surfaceFormat; return(data); }
Extent2D GetSwapChainExtent(ref SurfaceCapabilitiesKHR surface_capabilities) { // Special value of surface extent is width == height == -1 // If this is so we define the size by ourselves but it must fit within defined confines if (surface_capabilities.currentExtent.width == unchecked ((uint)(-1))) { Extent2D swap_chain_extent = new Extent2D { width = 640, height = 480 }; if (swap_chain_extent.width < surface_capabilities.minImageExtent.width) { swap_chain_extent.width = surface_capabilities.minImageExtent.width; } if (swap_chain_extent.height < surface_capabilities.minImageExtent.height) { swap_chain_extent.height = surface_capabilities.minImageExtent.height; } if (swap_chain_extent.width > surface_capabilities.maxImageExtent.width) { swap_chain_extent.width = surface_capabilities.maxImageExtent.width; } if (swap_chain_extent.height > surface_capabilities.maxImageExtent.height) { swap_chain_extent.height = surface_capabilities.maxImageExtent.height; } return(swap_chain_extent); } // Most of the cases we define size of the swap_chain images equal to current window's size return(surface_capabilities.currentExtent); }
public MipMap2D(IntPtr dataPtr, int stride, Extent2D extent, bool flip = true) { Extent = extent; var totalBytes = stride * extent.Height; Data = new byte[totalBytes]; unsafe { var src = (byte *)dataPtr; fixed(byte *destStart = Data) { if (flip) { var dest = destStart + totalBytes - stride; for (var i = 0; i < extent.Height; i++) { System.Buffer.MemoryCopy(src, dest, stride, stride); dest -= stride; src += stride; } } else { System.Buffer.MemoryCopy(src, destStart, totalBytes, totalBytes); } } } }
public List <Point2D> GetPointsInExtents(Extent2D extents) { var xs = XS.Where(x => x >= extents.min.x && x <= extents.max.x).ToList(); var ys = YS.Where(y => y >= extents.min.y && y <= extents.max.y).ToList(); return(BuildGrid(xs, ys)); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SwapchainCreateInfoKhr"/> structure. /// </summary> /// <param name="surface"> /// The <see cref="SurfaceKhr"/> that the swapchain will present images to. /// </param> /// <param name="imageFormat">A format that is valid for swapchains on the specified surface.</param> /// <param name="imageExtent"> /// The size (in pixels) of the swapchain. /// <para> /// Behavior is platform-dependent when the image extent does not match the surface's <see /// cref="SurfaceCapabilitiesKhr.CurrentExtent"/> as returned by <see cref="PhysicalDeviceExtensions.GetSurfaceCapabilitiesKhr"/>. /// </para> /// </param> /// <param name="minImageCount"> /// The minimum number of presentable images that the application needs. The platform will /// either create the swapchain with at least that many images, or will fail to create the swapchain. /// </param> /// <param name="imageColorSpace">Color space value specifying the way the swapchain interprets image data.</param> /// <param name="imageArrayLayers"> /// The number of views in a multiview/stereo surface. /// <para>For non-stereoscopic-3D applications, this value is 1.</para> /// </param> /// <param name="imageUsage">A bitmask describing the intended usage of the (acquired) swapchain images.</param> /// <param name="imageSharingMode">The sharing mode used for the image(s) of the swapchain.</param> /// <param name="queueFamilyIndices"> /// Queue family indices having access to the image(s) of the swapchain when <see /// cref="ImageSharingMode"/> is <see cref="SharingMode.Concurrent"/>. /// </param> /// <param name="preTransform"> /// A value describing the transform, relative to the presentation engine's natural /// orientation, applied to the image content prior to presentation. /// <para> /// If it does not match the <see cref="SurfaceCapabilitiesKhr.CurrentTransform"/> value /// returned by <see cref="PhysicalDeviceExtensions.GetSurfaceCapabilitiesKhr"/>, the /// presentation engine will transform the image content as part of the presentation operation. /// </para> /// </param> /// <param name="compositeAlpha"> /// A bitmask indicating the alpha compositing mode to use when this surface is composited /// together with other surfaces on certain window systems. /// </param> /// <param name="presentMode"> /// The presentation mode the swapchain will use. /// <para> /// A swapchain's present mode determines how incoming present requests will be processed and /// queued internally. /// </para> /// </param> /// <param name="clipped"> /// Indicates whether the Vulkan implementation is allowed to discard rendering operations /// that affect regions of the surface which are not visible.</param> /// <param name="oldSwapchain">Existing swapchain to replace, if any.</param> public SwapchainCreateInfoKhr( SurfaceKhr surface, Format imageFormat, Extent2D imageExtent, int minImageCount = 2, ColorSpaceKhr imageColorSpace = ColorSpaceKhr.SRgbNonlinear, int imageArrayLayers = 1, ImageUsages imageUsage = ImageUsages.ColorAttachment | ImageUsages.TransferDst, SharingMode imageSharingMode = SharingMode.Exclusive, int[] queueFamilyIndices = null, SurfaceTransformsKhr preTransform = SurfaceTransformsKhr.Identity, CompositeAlphasKhr compositeAlpha = CompositeAlphasKhr.Opaque, PresentModeKhr presentMode = PresentModeKhr.Fifo, bool clipped = true, SwapchainKhr oldSwapchain = null) { Flags = SwapchainCreateFlagsKhr.None; Surface = surface; MinImageCount = minImageCount; ImageFormat = imageFormat; ImageColorSpace = imageColorSpace; ImageExtent = imageExtent; ImageArrayLayers = imageArrayLayers; ImageUsage = imageUsage; ImageSharingMode = imageSharingMode; QueueFamilyIndices = queueFamilyIndices; PreTransform = preTransform; CompositeAlpha = compositeAlpha; PresentMode = presentMode; Clipped = clipped; OldSwapchain = oldSwapchain; }
public VKImage(Image image, Format format, Extent2D extent, ImageSubresourceRange subresourceRange) { Image = image; Format = format; Extent = extent; SubresourceRange = subresourceRange; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SwapchainCreateInfoKhr"/> structure. /// </summary> /// <param name="surface"> /// The <see cref="SurfaceKhr"/> that the swapchain will present images to. /// </param> /// <param name="imageExtent"> /// The size (in pixels) of the swapchain. /// <para> /// Behavior is platform-dependent when the image extent does not match the surface's <see /// cref="SurfaceCapabilitiesKhr.CurrentExtent"/> as returned by <see cref="PhysicalDeviceExtensions.GetSurfaceCapabilitiesKhr"/>. /// </para> /// </param> /// <param name="preTransform"> /// A bitmask describing the transform, relative to the presentation engine's natural /// orientation, applied to the image content prior to presentation. /// <para> /// If it does not match the <see cref="SurfaceCapabilitiesKhr.CurrentTransform"/> value /// returned by <see cref="PhysicalDeviceExtensions.GetSurfaceCapabilitiesKhr"/>, the /// presentation engine will transform the image content as part of the presentation operation. /// </para> /// </param> /// <param name="imageUsage"> /// A bitmask indicating how the application will use the swapchain's presentable images. /// </param> /// <param name="flags">A bitmask indicating parameters of swapchain creation.</param> /// <param name="minImageCount"> /// The minimum number of presentable images that the application needs. The platform will /// either create the swapchain with at least that many images, or will fail to create the swapchain. /// </param> /// <param name="imageFormat">A format that is valid for swapchains on the specified surface.</param> /// <param name="compositeAlpha"> /// A bitmask indicating the alpha compositing mode to use when this surface is composited /// together with other surfaces on certain window systems. /// </param> /// <param name="imageArrayLayers"> /// The number of views in a multiview/stereo surface. For non-stereoscopic-3D applications, /// this value is 1. /// </param> /// <param name="presentMode"> /// The presentation mode the swapchain will use. /// <para> /// A swapchain's present mode determines how incoming present requests will be processed and /// queued internally. /// </para> /// </param> /// <param name="clipped"> /// Indicates whether the Vulkan implementation is allowed to discard rendering operations /// that affect regions of the surface which are not visible. /// </param> /// <param name="oldSwapchain">Existing swapchain to replace, if any.</param> public SwapchainCreateInfoKhr( SurfaceKhr surface, Format imageFormat, Extent2D imageExtent, SurfaceTransformsKhr preTransform, PresentModeKhr presentMode, SwapchainCreateFlagsKhr flags = 0, int minImageCount = 2, ImageUsages imageUsage = ImageUsages.ColorAttachment | ImageUsages.TransferDst, CompositeAlphasKhr compositeAlpha = CompositeAlphasKhr.Opaque, int imageArrayLayers = 1, bool clipped = true, SwapchainKhr oldSwapchain = null) { Flags = flags; Surface = surface; ImageUsage = imageUsage; MinImageCount = minImageCount; ImageFormat = imageFormat; ImageColorSpace = 0; ImageExtent = imageExtent; ImageArrayLayers = imageArrayLayers; ImageSharingMode = 0; QueueFamilyIndices = null; PreTransform = preTransform; CompositeAlpha = compositeAlpha; PresentMode = presentMode; Clipped = clipped; OldSwapchain = oldSwapchain; }
public Extent2D CircumCircleExtent() { if (m_circumCircleExtent == null) m_circumCircleExtent = DelaunayGeometry.Circumcircle(m_v[0], m_v[1], m_v[2], centroidX, centroidY); return m_circumCircleExtent; }
public void Insert(T item, Extent2D extents) { if (IsLeaf) { Data[item] = extents; if (Data.Count > SplitThreshold) { Split(); } } else { bool inserted = false; foreach (var quad in ChildrenExtents) { if (quad.Value.IsExtentsIn(extents)) { Children[quad.Key].Insert(item, extents); inserted = true; break; } } if (!inserted) { Data[item] = extents; } } }
public Frame(Image image, Device device, Extent2D imageSize, RenderPass renderpass) { Image = image; ImageView = device.CreateImageView(new ImageViewCreateInfo { Image = image, SubresourceRange = new ImageSubresourceRange { BaseMipLevel = 0, LevelCount = 1, LayerCount = 1, BaseArrayLayer = 0, AspectMask = ImageAspectFlags.Color }, Components = new ComponentMapping { B = ComponentSwizzle.B, G = ComponentSwizzle.G, R = ComponentSwizzle.R, A = ComponentSwizzle.A }, Format = Format.B8G8R8A8Unorm, ViewType = ImageViewType.View2D, }); Framebuffer = device.CreateFramebuffer(new FramebufferCreateInfo { Attachments = new[] { ImageView }, Height = imageSize.Height, Width = imageSize.Width, RenderPass = renderpass, Layers = 1 }); }
public List <Point3D> GetDEMPoints(double gridSize) { var extents = new Extent2D(Points.Keys); var demPoints = new Dictionary <Point2D, double>(); var sampleGrid = new SampleGrid(extents, gridSize); for (double x = extents.min.x; x < extents.max.x; x += gridSize) { for (double y = extents.min.y; y < extents.max.y; y += gridSize) { demPoints[new Point2D(x, y)] = 0; } } //var p2ds = demPoints.Keys.ToList(); foreach (var tri in Triangles) { var tri2 = tri.ToTriangle2(); var pts = sampleGrid.GetPointsInExtents(new Extent2D(tri2.P)); foreach (var p in pts) { if (tri2.IsPointIn(p)) { demPoints[p] = Algorithms.TriangleInterpolate(p.x, p.y, tri.A, tri.B, tri.C); } } } return(demPoints.Select(p => new Point3D(p.Key.x, p.Key.y, p.Value)).ToList()); }
public static Extent2D ToExtent2D(System.Drawing.Size size) { Extent2D extent = new Extent2D(); extent.Width = (uint)size.Width; extent.Height = (uint)size.Height; return(extent); }
protected override CityEntity[] HandleWindowOrCross() { Point p1 = _draggingStartPoint; Point p2 = _draggingEndPoint; Extent2D extent = new Extent2D(DisplayManager.Current.CityCoordinate(p1.X, p1.Y), DisplayManager.Current.CityCoordinate(p2.X, p2.Y)); return(DisplayManager.Current.CityModel.CitySpots.Where(x => extent.IsPointIn(x.Position)).ToArray()); }
public void GetRenderAreaGranularity() { using (RenderPass renderPass = CreateRenderPass()) { Extent2D granularity = renderPass.GetRenderAreaGranularity(); Assert.True(granularity.Width > 0); Assert.True(granularity.Height > 0); } }
public ShapeCollection() : base() { _patternName = string.Empty; _patternType = PatternType.NONE; _items = new ObservableCollection<Shape>(); _items.CollectionChanged += _items_CollectionChanged; _extent = new Extent2D(); }
public ShapeCollection() : base() { _patternName = string.Empty; _patternType = PatternType.NONE; _items = new ObservableCollection <Shape>(); _items.CollectionChanged += _items_CollectionChanged; _extent = new Extent2D(); }
bool IsContainedBy(Extent2D extent) { if (extent.Contains(m_v[0].X, m_v[0].Y) && extent.Contains(m_v[1].X, m_v[1].Y) && extent.Contains(m_v[2].X, m_v[2].Y)) { return(true); } return(false); }
public Extent2D CircumCircleExtent() { if (m_circumCircleExtent == null) { m_circumCircleExtent = DelaunayGeometry.Circumcircle(m_v[0], m_v[1], m_v[2], centroidX, centroidY); } return(m_circumCircleExtent); }
/// <param name="Display">Handle of the display object</param> /// <param name="DisplayName">Name of the display</param> /// <param name="PhysicalDimensions">In millimeters?</param> /// <param name="PhysicalResolution">Max resolution for CRT?</param> /// <param name="PlaneReorderPossible">VK_TRUE if the overlay plane's z-order can be changed on this display.</param> /// <param name="PersistentContent">VK_TRUE if this is a "smart" display that supports self-refresh/internal buffering.</param> public DisplayPropertiesKHR(DisplayKHR Display, String DisplayName, Extent2D PhysicalDimensions, Extent2D PhysicalResolution, Bool32 PlaneReorderPossible, Bool32 PersistentContent) : this() { this.Display = Display; this.DisplayName = DisplayName; this.PhysicalDimensions = PhysicalDimensions; this.PhysicalResolution = PhysicalResolution; this.PlaneReorderPossible = PlaneReorderPossible; this.PersistentContent = PersistentContent; }
public CityDistrict() { Extents = new Extent2D("0,0|1000,1000"); Roads = new List <CityRoad>(); Parcels = new List <CityParcel>(); CitySpots = new List <SpotEntity>(); CityLinears = new List <LinearEntity>(); CityRegions = new List <RegionEntity>(); }
public QuadTreeNode(Extent2D extents) { Extents = extents; IsLeaf = true; Children = new Dictionary <Quad, QuadTreeNode <T> >(); ChildrenExtents = new Dictionary <Quad, Extent2D>(); Data = new Dictionary <T, Extent2D>(); _quads.ForEach(q => ChildrenExtents[q] = GetChildExtents(extents, q)); }
/// <param name="DisplayMode">The mode to use when displaying this surface</param> /// <param name="PlaneIndex">The plane on which this surface appears. Must be between 0 and the value returned by vkGetPhysicalDeviceDisplayPlanePropertiesKHR() in pPropertyCount.</param> /// <param name="PlaneStackIndex">The z-order of the plane.</param> /// <param name="Transform">Transform to apply to the images as part of the scannout operation</param> /// <param name="GlobalAlpha">Global alpha value. Must be between 0 and 1, inclusive. Ignored if alphaMode is not VK_DISPLAY_PLANE_ALPHA_GLOBAL_BIT_KHR</param> /// <param name="AlphaMode">What type of alpha blending to use. Must be a bit from vkGetDisplayPlanePropertiesKHR::supportedAlpha.</param> /// <param name="ImageExtent">Size of the images to use with this surface</param> public DisplaySurfaceCreateInfoKHR(DisplayModeKHR DisplayMode, UInt32 PlaneIndex, UInt32 PlaneStackIndex, SurfaceTransformFlagsKHR Transform, Single GlobalAlpha, DisplayPlaneAlphaFlagsKHR AlphaMode, Extent2D ImageExtent) : this() { this.DisplayMode = DisplayMode; this.PlaneIndex = PlaneIndex; this.PlaneStackIndex = PlaneStackIndex; this.Transform = Transform; this.GlobalAlpha = GlobalAlpha; this.AlphaMode = AlphaMode; this.ImageExtent = ImageExtent; }
public ArrayInitiate(Extent2D extents) { _extents = extents; double a = _extents.min.x; double b = _extents.max.x; double c = _extents.min.y; double d = _extents.max.y; _formula = p => this[(int)((p.x - a) / (b - a) * Width * 0.999), (int)((p.y - c) / (d - c) * Height * 0.999)]; }
private void CentrePolygon(ref Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes.Polygon poly) { var CurrentExtent = new Extent2D(double.MaxValue, double.MinValue, double.MaxValue, double.MinValue); foreach (Point p in poly.Points) CurrentExtent.Update(p); Point cntr = CurrentExtent.Centre; for (var i = 0; i < poly.Points.Count(); i++) { poly.Points[i] = new Point(poly.Points[i].X - cntr.X, poly.Points[i].Y - cntr.Y); } }
public Triangle(DelaunayPoint v1, DelaunayPoint v2, DelaunayPoint v3) { m_v = new DelaunayPoint[] { v1, v2, v3 }; ForceClockwise(); adjacentFace = new Triangle[3]; centroidX = (float)(v1.X + v2.X + v3.X) / 3.0f; centroidY = (float)(v1.Y + v2.Y + v3.Y) / 3.0f; m_extent = new Extent2D(m_v[0], m_v[1], m_v[2]); }
public void Extent2DEquals() { var val1 = new Extent2D(0, 1); var val2 = new Extent2D(2, 3); Assert.True(val1.Equals(val1)); Assert.False(val1.Equals(val2)); Assert.True(val1 == val1); Assert.False(val1 == val2); Assert.False(val1 != val1); Assert.True(val1 != val2); Assert.NotEqual(val1.GetHashCode(), val2.GetHashCode()); }
private void CreateSwapChain() { var swapChainSupport = new SwapChainSupportDetails(vkPhysicalDevice, vkSurface); SurfaceFormatKhr surfaceFormat = ChooseSwapSurfaceFormat(swapChainSupport.formats); PresentModeKhr presentMode = ChooseSwapPresentMode(swapChainSupport.presentModes); Extent2D extent = ChooseSwapExtent(swapChainSupport.capabilities); uint imageCount = swapChainSupport.capabilities.MinImageCount + 1; if (swapChainSupport.capabilities.MaxImageCount > 0) { imageCount = Math.Min(imageCount, swapChainSupport.capabilities.MaxImageCount); } var createInfo = new SwapchainCreateInfoKhr() { MinImageCount = imageCount, ImageFormat = surfaceFormat.Format, ImageColorSpace = surfaceFormat.ColorSpace, ImageExtent = extent, ImageArrayLayers = 1, ImageUsage = ImageUsageFlags.ColorAttachment, PreTransform = swapChainSupport.capabilities.CurrentTransform, CompositeAlpha = CompositeAlphaFlagsKhr.Opaque, PresentMode = presentMode, Surface = vkSurface, }; var indices = new QueueFamilyIndices(vkPhysicalDevice, vkSurface); if (indices.GraphicsFamily != indices.PresentFamily) { createInfo.ImageSharingMode = SharingMode.Concurrent; createInfo.QueueFamilyIndices = new[] { (uint)indices.GraphicsFamily, (uint)indices.PresentFamily, }; } else { createInfo.ImageSharingMode = SharingMode.Exclusive; } vkSwapChain = vkDevice.CreateSwapchainKHR(createInfo); vkSwapChainImages = vkDevice.GetSwapchainImagesKHR(vkSwapChain); vkSwapChainImageFormat = surfaceFormat.Format; vkSwapChainExtent = extent; }
public SampleGrid(Extent2D extents, double cellSize) { XS = new List <double>(); YS = new List <double>(); for (double x = extents.min.x; x < extents.max.x; x += cellSize) { XS.Add(x); } for (double y = extents.min.y; y < extents.max.y; y += cellSize) { YS.Add(y); } Extents = new Extent2D(extents.min, new Point2D(XS.Last(), YS.Last())); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DisplaySurfaceCreateInfoKhr"/> structure. /// </summary> /// <param name="displayMode">The mode to use when displaying this surface.</param> /// <param name="planeIndex">The plane on which this surface appears.</param> /// <param name="planeStackIndex">The z-order of the plane.</param> /// <param name="transform"> /// The transform to apply to the images as part of the scanout operation. /// </param> /// <param name="globalAlpha"> /// The global alpha value. This value is ignored if <see cref="AlphaMode"/> is not <see cref="DisplayPlaneAlphasKhr.Global"/>. /// </param> /// <param name="alphaMode">The type of alpha blending to use.</param> /// <param name="imageExtent">Size of the images to use with this surface.</param> public DisplaySurfaceCreateInfoKhr(DisplayModeKhr displayMode, int planeIndex, int planeStackIndex, SurfaceTransformsKhr transform, float globalAlpha, DisplayPlaneAlphasKhr alphaMode, Extent2D imageExtent) { Type = StructureType.DisplaySurfaceCreateInfoKhr; Next = IntPtr.Zero; Flags = 0; DisplayMode = displayMode; PlaneIndex = planeIndex; PlaneStackIndex = planeStackIndex; Transform = transform; GlobalAlpha = globalAlpha; AlphaMode = alphaMode; ImageExtent = imageExtent; }
public bool CreateFrameBuffer() { ImageView [] chainImageViews = mDevices.GetChainImageViews(); mChainBuffers = new Framebuffer[chainImageViews.Length]; Extent2D chainExtent = mDevices.GetChainExtent(); for (int i = 0; i < chainImageViews.Length; i++) { mChainBuffers[i] = mRenderPass.CreateFramebuffer(new FramebufferCreateInfo( new[] { chainImageViews[i] }, chainExtent.Width, chainExtent.Height, 1)); } return(true); }
private void CentrePolygon(ref Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes.Polygon poly) { var CurrentExtent = new Extent2D(double.MaxValue, double.MinValue, double.MaxValue, double.MinValue); foreach (Point p in poly.Points) { CurrentExtent.Update(p); } Point cntr = CurrentExtent.Centre; for (var i = 0; i < poly.Points.Count(); i++) { poly.Points[i] = new Point(poly.Points[i].X - cntr.X, poly.Points[i].Y - cntr.Y); } }
private void CreateSwapChain() { SwapChainSupportDetails swapChainSupport = this.QuerySwapChainSupport(this.physicalDevice); uint imageCount = swapChainSupport.Capabilities.MinImageCount + 1; if (swapChainSupport.Capabilities.MaxImageCount > 0 && imageCount > swapChainSupport.Capabilities.MaxImageCount) { imageCount = swapChainSupport.Capabilities.MaxImageCount; } SurfaceFormat surfaceFormat = this.ChooseSwapSurfaceFormat(swapChainSupport.Formats); QueueFamilyIndices queueFamilies = this.FindQueueFamilies(this.physicalDevice); var indices = queueFamilies.Indices.ToArray(); Extent2D extent = this.ChooseSwapExtent(swapChainSupport.Capabilities); this.swapChain = device.CreateSwapchain(new SwapchainCreateInfo { Surface = surface, Flags = SwapchainCreateFlags.None, PresentMode = this.ChooseSwapPresentMode(swapChainSupport.PresentModes), MinImageCount = imageCount, ImageExtent = extent, ImageUsage = ImageUsageFlags.ColorAttachment, PreTransform = swapChainSupport.Capabilities.CurrentTransform, ImageArrayLayers = 1, ImageSharingMode = indices.Length == 1 ? SharingMode.Exclusive : SharingMode.Concurrent, QueueFamilyIndices = indices, ImageFormat = surfaceFormat.Format, ImageColorSpace = surfaceFormat.ColorSpace, Clipped = true, CompositeAlpha = CompositeAlphaFlags.Opaque, OldSwapchain = this.swapChain }); this.swapChainFormat = surfaceFormat.Format; this.swapChainExtent = extent; this.swapChainImages = this.swapChain.GetImages(); this.swapChainImageViews = swapChainImages.Select(image => this.CreateImageView(image, this.swapChainFormat, ImageAspectFlags.Color)).ToArray(); }
protected void CreateSwapChain() { format = ChooseFormat(data.formats); var presentMode = ChoosePresentMode(data.presentModes); extent = ChooseSwapExtent(); var imageCount = data.surfaceCapabilities.MinImageCount + 1; if (data.surfaceCapabilities.MaxImageCount > 0 && imageCount > data.surfaceCapabilities.MaxImageCount) { imageCount = data.surfaceCapabilities.MaxImageCount; } var swapChainInfo = new SwapchainCreateInfoKhr { Surface = data.surface, MinImageCount = imageCount, ImageFormat = format.Format, ImageColorSpace = format.ColorSpace, ImageExtent = extent, ImageArrayLayers = 1, ImageUsage = ImageUsageFlags.ColorAttachment, PreTransform = data.surfaceCapabilities.CurrentTransform, CompositeAlpha = CompositeAlphaFlagsKhr.Opaque, PresentMode = presentMode, Clipped = true }; var indices = data.queueFamilyIndices; var queueFamilyIndices = new uint[] { (uint)indices.GraphicsFamily, (uint)indices.PresentFamily }; if (indices.PresentFamily != indices.GraphicsFamily) { swapChainInfo.ImageSharingMode = SharingMode.Concurrent; swapChainInfo.QueueFamilyIndexCount = (uint)queueFamilyIndices.Length; swapChainInfo.QueueFamilyIndices = queueFamilyIndices; } else { swapChainInfo.ImageSharingMode = SharingMode.Exclusive; } swapchain = device.CreateSwapchainKHR(swapChainInfo); images = device.GetSwapchainImagesKHR(swapchain); bufferSize = imageCount; }
public static Extent2D Circumcircle(DelaunayPoint v1, DelaunayPoint v2, DelaunayPoint v3, double cx, double cy) { const double ERROR_BOUND = 0.005; // double x1 = v1.X; double x2 = v2.X; double x3 = v3.X; double y1 = v1.Y; double y2 = v2.Y; double y3 = v3.Y; double x1Sq = x1 * x1; double x2Sq = x2 * x2; double x3Sq = x3 * x3; double y1Sq = y1 * y1; double y2Sq = y2 * y2; double y3Sq = y3 * y3; double a = (x1 - x2) * (y2 - y3) - (y1 - y2) * (x2 - x3); double bx = -((x1Sq + y1Sq - x2Sq - y2Sq) * (y2 - y3) - (x2Sq + y2Sq - x3Sq - y3Sq) * (y1 - y2)); double by = ((x1Sq + y1Sq - x2Sq - y2Sq) * (x2 - x3) - (x2Sq + y2Sq - x3Sq - y3Sq) * (x1 - x2)); double c = -((x1Sq + y1Sq) * (x2 * y3 - x3 * y2) - (x2Sq + y2Sq) * (x1 * y3 - x3 * y1) + (x3Sq + y3Sq) * (x1 * y2 - x2 * y1)); Extent2D extent = null; if (a == 0.0f) { extent = new Extent2D(cx - ERROR_BOUND, cx + ERROR_BOUND, cy - ERROR_BOUND, cy + ERROR_BOUND); } else { double x0 = -bx / (2.0f * a); double y0 = -by / (2.0f * a); double numerator = bx * bx + by * by - 4.0f * a * c; double rad = 0; if (numerator >= 0) rad = Math.Sqrt(numerator) / (2.0f * Math.Abs(a)); extent = new Extent2D(x0 - rad - ERROR_BOUND, x0 + rad + ERROR_BOUND, y0 - rad - ERROR_BOUND, y0 + rad + ERROR_BOUND); } return extent; }
bool IsContainedBy(Extent2D extent) { if (extent.Contains(m_v[0].X, m_v[0].Y) && extent.Contains(m_v[1].X, m_v[1].Y) && extent.Contains(m_v[2].X, m_v[2].Y)) { return true; } return false; }
public Rect2D(Offset2D offset, Extent2D extent) { Offset = offset; Extent = extent; }
public Rect2D(int x, int y, uint width, uint height) { Offset = new Offset2D(x, y); Extent = new Extent2D(width, height); }
bool Overlaps(Extent2D extent) { // Check simplist case - triangle inside extent. if (extent.Contains(m_extent)) return true; // Use right-hand rule for each triangle segment against all points of extent rectangle. DelaunayPoint p1 = new DelaunayPoint(extent.MinX, extent.MinY, 0.0f, 0); DelaunayPoint p2 = new DelaunayPoint(extent.MaxX, extent.MinY, 0.0f, 0); DelaunayPoint p3 = new DelaunayPoint(extent.MaxX, extent.MaxY, 0.0f, 0); DelaunayPoint p4 = new DelaunayPoint(extent.MinX, extent.MaxY, 0.0f, 0); int ar = 0; if (DelaunayGeometry.CrossProduct(m_v[0], p1, m_v[1]) >= 0.0f) ++ar; if (DelaunayGeometry.CrossProduct(m_v[0], p2, m_v[1]) >= 0.0f) ++ar; if (DelaunayGeometry.CrossProduct(m_v[0], p3, m_v[1]) >= 0.0f) ++ar; if (DelaunayGeometry.CrossProduct(m_v[0], p4, m_v[1]) >= 0.0f) ++ar; int br = 0; if (DelaunayGeometry.CrossProduct(m_v[1], p1, m_v[2]) >= 0.0f) ++br; if (DelaunayGeometry.CrossProduct(m_v[1], p2, m_v[2]) >= 0.0f) ++br; if (DelaunayGeometry.CrossProduct(m_v[1], p3, m_v[2]) >= 0.0f) ++br; if (DelaunayGeometry.CrossProduct(m_v[1], p4, m_v[2]) >= 0.0f) ++br; int cr = 0; if (DelaunayGeometry.CrossProduct(m_v[2], p1, m_v[0]) >= 0.0f) ++cr; if (DelaunayGeometry.CrossProduct(m_v[2], p2, m_v[0]) >= 0.0f) ++cr; if (DelaunayGeometry.CrossProduct(m_v[2], p3, m_v[0]) >= 0.0f) ++cr; if (DelaunayGeometry.CrossProduct(m_v[2], p4, m_v[0]) >= 0.0f) ++cr; // There will be some sort intersection of triangle with rectangle if at least one point of // the rectangle is on, or to the right (not zero) of every segment of the triangle. if (ar != 0 && br != 0 && cr != 0) { return true; } return false; }