public WMException CreateExternalDesign(Design design)
            WMException WMexcept = null;

            ////get the next Oracle WE_S_SO_EXTDSG
            ExtDesignKey key = new ExtDesignKey()
                TsExtDsgn = DateTime.Now, IdOper = design.IDOper

            // TODO: Add an insert to the design table
            //   twmDesignRepository.Insert(null);

            ////insert Points//
            new PointBl().CreateExternalDesign(design, design.Points, key);

            ////insert CUs /FAC's//
            CreateCUsFacilityAttributes(design, key);

            ////call P Driver//
            WMexcept = ExecutePDriver(design, key);

        public WMException CreateExternalDesignFromIf(IFExtDsgnPoint twmifextdsgn_pt_obj, bool finished, DateTime timeofcreate, string oper, string asbOrEstInd)
            WMException WMexcept = null;

            ////get the next Oracle WE_S_SO_EXTDSG
            ExtDesignKey key = new ExtDesignKey()
                TsExtDsgn = timeofcreate, IdOper = oper

            //      ExtDesignKey key = new ExtDesignKey() { TsExtDsgn = twmifextdsgn_pt_obj.ExternalDesignTimeStamp, IdOper = twmifextdsgn_pt_obj.OperatorId };

            ////insert Points//
            //      new PointBl().CreateExternalDesign(design, design.Points, key);

            ////insert CUs /FAC's//
            //     CreateCUsFacilityAttributes(design, key);

            CreateExternalDesignIf(twmifextdsgn_pt_obj, key);

            ////call P Driver//
            //      WMexcept = ExecutePDriver(twmifextdsgn_pt_obj, key);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public CU TransformToCU(string workRequestId, ExtDesignKey key, string PointNumber, string PointSpanNumber, decimal?quanity, UnitDetail obj)
            CU cu = new CU();

            cu.WorkRequest = workRequestId;
            cu.UnitAction  = obj.IND_ACTION;
            cu.Account     = obj.IND_ACCT;
            cu.UnitCode    = obj.Name;
            //cu.MUID = obj.
            //cu.DesignNumber =
            cu.PointNumber     = PointNumber;
            cu.PointSpanNumber = PointSpanNumber;
            cu.Usage           = obj.CD_USAGE;
            cu.OnOff           = "N";
            cu.EquipNumber     = "";
            cu.SupplyMethod    = "";
            cu.Quantity        = quanity.ToString();
            //cu.CrewClass =

            cu.UnitDetail           = null;
            cu.CUFacilityAttributes = null;
            cu.LaborDetails         = null;

 private void CreateCUsFacilityAttributes(Design design, ExtDesignKey key)
     foreach (Point p in design.Points)
         new CUBl().CreateExternalDesign(design.District, p.CUs, key);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 private void CreateFacilityAttributes(IFExtDsgnCU cup, ExtDesignKey key)
     if (cup.IfExtDsgnFacAtt != null && cup.IfExtDsgnFacAtt.Count > 0)
         foreach (IFExtDsgnFacAtt fa in cup.IfExtDsgnFacAtt)
             unitOfWork.IfExtDesignFacRepo.Insert(MapObjectToFacIfEntity(fa, key));
Ejemplo n.º 6
 private void CreateFacilityAttributes(CU cup, ExtDesignKey key)
     if (cup.CUFacilityAttributes != null && cup.CUFacilityAttributes.Count > 0)
         foreach (CUFacilityAttribute fa in cup.CUFacilityAttributes)
             unitOfWork.IfExtDesignFacRepo.Insert(MapObjectToIfEntity(fa, key));
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public TWMIFEXTDSGN_CU MapObjectToIfEntity(IFExtDsgnCU cu, ExtDesignKey key)
            TWMIFEXTDSGN_CU entity = new TWMIFEXTDSGN_CU();

            entity.CD_SEQ_EXTDSGN = GetIfSequenceNo();
            //       entity.CD_SEQ_EXTDSGN = cu.ExternalDesignSequence;
            entity.TS_EXTDSGN    = key.TsExtDsgn;
            entity.ID_OPER       = key.IdOper;
            entity.NO_POINT      = String.IsNullOrEmpty(cu.PointNumber) ? " " : cu.PointNumber;         //NotNull
            entity.NO_POINT_SPAN = String.IsNullOrEmpty(cu.PointSpanNumber) ? " " : cu.PointSpanNumber; //NotNull
            entity.CD_CU         = cu.CUCode;
            //  entity.IND_ACCT = cu.AccountIndicator;
            entity.IND_ACCT         = String.IsNullOrEmpty(cu.AccountIndicator) ? GetCUAccount(cu.CUCode) : cu.AccountIndicator; //NotNull - C, M or O
            entity.IND_ON_OFF       = String.IsNullOrEmpty(cu.OnOffIndicator) ? "N" : cu.OnOffIndicator;                         //NotNull
            entity.FG_CNTCR         = cu.ContractorFlag;                                                                         //NotNull
            entity.CD_USAGE         = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cu.UsageCode) ? GetCUUsage(cu.CUCode) : cu.UsageCode;            //NotNull - get from twmCU table
            entity.CD_SUPPLY_METHOD = String.IsNullOrEmpty(cu.SupplyMethodCode) ? " " : cu.SupplyMethodCode;                     //NotNull
            entity.NO_EQUIP         = String.IsNullOrEmpty(cu.EquipmentNumber) ? " " : cu.EquipmentNumber;                       //NotNull
            entity.CD_WO            = string.Empty;
            entity.DT_COMPLETE      = DateTime.Now;
            //   entity.DT_COMPLETE = cu.CompletionDate;
            entity.IND_ACTION = String.IsNullOrEmpty(cu.ActionIndicator) ? " " : cu.ActionIndicator;  //NotNull
            //  entity.QT_ACTION = String.IsNullOrEmpty(cu.ActionQuantity) ? -1 : (decimal)int.Parse(cu.ActionQuantity);    //NotNull
            entity.QT_ACTION     = cu.ActionQuantity;
            entity.FC_DIFFICULTY = null;

            entity.CD_DIST = cu.District;
            //  entity.CD_WR = String.IsNullOrEmpty(cu.WorkRequest) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(cu.WorkRequest);
            entity.CD_WR         = cu.WorkRequest;
            entity.CD_WORKPACKET = cu.Workpacket;
            entity.CD_OWNERSHIP  = string.Empty;
            entity.CD_BDGT_ITEM  = string.Empty;
            entity.CD_CREW       = cu.CrewCode;
            //  entity.IND_PROCESS = "A";   //NotNull - A = add, M = modify, D = delete
            entity.IND_PROCESS = cu.ProcessIndicator; //NotNull - A = add, M = modify, D = delete
            entity.FG_ERROR    = "N";                 //NotNull
            if (key.ExtDsgnFacAttSeq == null)
                entity.NO_FACILITY = null;
                entity.NO_FACILITY = key.ExtDsgnFacAttSeq;
            entity.NO_APPLICATION = null;
            if (cu.MUCode == "NONE")
                cu.MUCode = " ";
            entity.CD_MU            = String.IsNullOrEmpty(cu.MUCode) ? " " : cu.MUCode; //NotNull
            entity.CD_SEQ_ERROR_RUN = null;

Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void CreateExternalDesignCu(List <IFExtDsgnCU> cus, ExtDesignKey key)
            IEnumerable <TWMIFEXTDSGN_CU> entities = MapObjectsToIfEntities(cus, key);

            if (entities != null && entities.Count() > 0)
                foreach (var item in entities)
        public int CreateExternalDesignIf(IFExtDsgnPoint ifExtDsgnPt, ExtDesignKey key)
            //  TWMIFEXTDSGN_PT entity = MapObjectToPtIfEntity(ifExtDsgnPt, key);
            TWMIFEXTDSGN_PT entity = MapObjectToIfEntity(ifExtDsgnPt);

            if (entity != null)

        public WMException CallExternalDesign(IFExtDsgnPoint twmifextdsgn_pt_obj, bool finished, DateTime timeofcreate, string oper, string asbOrEstInd)
            WMException  WMexcept = null;
            ExtDesignKey key      = new ExtDesignKey()
                TsExtDsgn = timeofcreate, IdOper = oper

            WMexcept = ExecutePDriver(twmifextdsgn_pt_obj, key, asbOrEstInd);

        private TWMIFEXTDSGN_PT MapObjectToPtIfEntity(IFExtDsgnPoint ifpoint, ExtDesignKey key)
            TWMIFEXTDSGN_PT entity = new TWMIFEXTDSGN_PT();

            entity.CD_SEQ_EXTDSGN     = GetIfSequenceNo();
            entity.TS_EXTDSGN         = key.TsExtDsgn;
            entity.ID_OPER            = key.IdOper;
            entity.NO_POINT           = ifpoint.PointNumber;
            entity.NO_POINT_SPAN      = ifpoint.PointSpanNumber;
            entity.CD_DIST            = ifpoint.District;
            entity.CD_WR              = ifpoint.WorkRequest;
            entity.AD_GR_1            = string.Empty;
            entity.AD_GR_2            = string.Empty;
            entity.TXT_DESN           = string.Empty;
            entity.DT_RPTD            = null;
            entity.DT_IN_SERVICE      = null;
            entity.CD_TOWN_RANGE_SECT = string.Empty;
            entity.CD_TAX_DIST        = string.Empty;
            entity.CD_SIDE_OF_STREET  = string.Empty;
            entity.IND_WORK_STATUS    = " ";
            entity.IND_MAIN_STATUS    = "N"; //N = not designated, L = long, S = short
            entity.IND_PROCESS        = "A"; //A = add, M = modify, D = delete
            entity.CD_ENTITY          = string.Empty;
            entity.CD_ISOLATION_SECT  = string.Empty;
            entity.CD_LANDMARK        = string.Empty;
            entity.CD_POLITICAL_SUB   = string.Empty;
            entity.CD_SCHOOL_TAX      = string.Empty;
            entity.AMT_FIXED_BID      = null;
            entity.NO_DRAWING         = string.Empty;
            if (ifpoint.SpanLength == null)
                entity.LN_SPAN = (decimal?)0.00;
                entity.LN_SPAN = (decimal?)Convert.ToDecimal(ifpoint.SpanLength);
            entity.NO_MAP             = string.Empty;
            entity.AD_POINT           = string.Empty;
            entity.ID_POINT           = string.IsNullOrEmpty(ifpoint.PointId) ? string.Empty : ifpoint.PointId;
            entity.CD_CREW            = string.Empty;
            entity.IND_CNTCR_CALC_MTH = "1";   //1, 2, 3, 4
            entity.FG_ERROR           = "N";
            entity.CD_BID_ITEM        = string.Empty;
            entity.FG_RWORKS          = "N"; //"N" or "Y", default is "N"
            entity.CD_SEQ_ERROR_RUN   = null;
            entity.NO_COMPLEXITY      = null;
            entity.QT_BID_ITEM        = 0;

        private WMException ExecutePDriver(Design design, ExtDesignKey key)
            WMException wme = null;

            DesignError error = unitOfWork.DesignRepo.Insert(MapObjectToEntity(design), key.TsExtDsgn, key.IdOper);

            if (error != null)
                wme = CreateWMException(error.v_fg_error
                                        , error.v_cd_seq_error
                                        , error.v_cd_sqlcode
                                        , error.v_nm_interface
                                        , error.v_ts_error
                                        , error.v_txt_sqlerrtext
                                        , error.v_txt_iferror
                                        , error.v_cd_seq_error_run
                                        , error.v_cd_district
                                        , error.v_cd_workpacket
                                        , error.v_cd_crew
                                        , error.v_cd_project
                                        , error.v_id_empl
                                        , error.v_cd_fleet
                                        , error.v_nm_table
                                        , error.v_nm_column
                                        , error.v_fg_data_error
                                        , error.v_ts_error_logged);

            //TODO: create the multispeak library and put all of this there
            if (wme == null)
                //////if success set the 211 to Complete
                ////new MilestoneRequirementBl(dbManagerBase.iOrigin, dbManagerBase.iEnvironment).SetRequirementStatus("211", design.WorkRequestID, "C");
                //////set the 491 Required
                ////new MilestoneRequirementBl(dbManagerBase.iOrigin, dbManagerBase.iEnvironment).SetRequirementStatus("491", design.WorkRequestID, "R");

                //TODO: create the multispeak library
                //get Approval Queue
                //WorkRequest wr = new WorkRequestBl(dbManagerBase.iOrigin, dbManagerBase.iEnvironment).GetWorkRequest(Int32.Parse(design.WorkRequestID));
                //MultiSpeakType mst = new MultiSpeakTypeDal().GetMultiSpeakTypeByWorkRequest(wr, Active.Yes);

                //TODO: create the multispeak library
                //set 491 Responsible to the correct Approval Queue
                //new MilestoneRequirementBl(dbManagerBase.iOrigin, dbManagerBase.iEnvironmentType).SetRequirementOperator("491", design.WorkRequestID.ToString(), mst.StormsApprovalQueue, "XXGEO_DO");

        public int CreateExternalDesign(Design design, List <Point> points, ExtDesignKey key)
            IEnumerable <TWMIFEXTDSGN_PT> entities = MapObjectsToIfEntities(design, points, key);

            if (entities != null && entities.Count() > 0)
                foreach (var item in entities)

Ejemplo n.º 14
        public TWMIFEXTDSGN_FAC MapObjectToFacIfEntity(IFExtDsgnFacAtt fa, ExtDesignKey key)
            TWMIFEXTDSGN_FAC entity = new TWMIFEXTDSGN_FAC();

            entity.CD_SEQ_EXTDSGN   = GetIfSequenceNo2();
            entity.TS_EXTDSGN       = key.TsExtDsgn;
            entity.ID_OPER          = key.IdOper;
            entity.NO_FACILITY      = (long)key.ExtDsgnFacAttSeq;
            entity.CD_SEQ           = fa.SequenceCode;
            entity.TXT_FAC_VALUE    = fa.FacilityValueText;
            entity.CD_ATTRIBUTE     = fa.AttributeCode;
            entity.FG_ERROR         = "N";
            entity.CD_SEQ_ERROR_RUN = 0;

Ejemplo n.º 15
        public TWMIFEXTDSGN_FAC MapObjectToIfEntity(CUFacilityAttribute fa, ExtDesignKey key)
            TWMIFEXTDSGN_FAC entity = new TWMIFEXTDSGN_FAC();

            entity.CD_SEQ_EXTDSGN   = GetIfSequenceNo2();
            entity.TS_EXTDSGN       = key.TsExtDsgn;              //PK
            entity.ID_OPER          = key.IdOper;                 //PK
            entity.NO_FACILITY      = (long)key.ExtDsgnFacAttSeq; //PK -- seq generated
            entity.CD_SEQ           = fa.IdSeq;                   //PK
            entity.TXT_FAC_VALUE    = fa.Value;
            entity.CD_ATTRIBUTE     = fa.AttributeName;           //PK
            entity.FG_ERROR         = "N";
            entity.CD_SEQ_ERROR_RUN = null;

Ejemplo n.º 16
        public void CreateExternalDesign(string district, List <CU> CUPoints, ExtDesignKey key)
            foreach (CU cup in CUPoints)
                key.ExtDsgnFacAttSeq = null;
                if (cup.CUFacilityAttributes != null && cup.CUFacilityAttributes.Count > 0)
                    key.ExtDsgnFacAttSeq = (int)GetIfSequenceNo();

                //insert CUs
                CreateExternalDesign(cup, district, key);

                //insert FAs
                CreateFacilityAttributes(cup, key);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public TWMIFEXTDSGN_CU MapObjectToIfEntity(CU cu, string district, ExtDesignKey key)
            TWMIFEXTDSGN_CU entity = new TWMIFEXTDSGN_CU();

            entity.CD_SEQ_EXTDSGN   = GetIfSequenceNo();
            entity.TS_EXTDSGN       = key.TsExtDsgn;
            entity.ID_OPER          = key.IdOper;
            entity.NO_POINT         = String.IsNullOrEmpty(cu.PointNumber) ? " " : cu.PointNumber;               //NotNull
            entity.NO_POINT_SPAN    = String.IsNullOrEmpty(cu.PointSpanNumber) ? " " : cu.PointSpanNumber;       //NotNull
            entity.CD_CU            = cu.UnitCode;
            entity.IND_ACCT         = String.IsNullOrEmpty(cu.Account) ? GetCUAccount(cu.UnitCode) : cu.Account; //NotNull - C, M or O
            entity.IND_ON_OFF       = String.IsNullOrEmpty(cu.OnOff) ? "N" : cu.OnOff;                           //NotNull
            entity.FG_CNTCR         = "N";                                                                       //NotNull
            entity.CD_USAGE         = GetCUUsage(cu.UnitCode);                                                   //NotNull - get from twmCU table
            entity.CD_SUPPLY_METHOD = String.IsNullOrEmpty(cu.SupplyMethod) ? " " : cu.SupplyMethod;             //NotNull
            entity.NO_EQUIP         = String.IsNullOrEmpty(cu.EquipNumber) ? " " : cu.EquipNumber;               //NotNull
            entity.CD_WO            = string.Empty;
            entity.DT_COMPLETE      = null;
            entity.IND_ACTION       = String.IsNullOrEmpty(cu.UnitAction) ? " " : cu.UnitAction;                //NotNull
            entity.QT_ACTION        = String.IsNullOrEmpty(cu.Quantity) ? -1 : (decimal)int.Parse(cu.Quantity); //NotNull
            entity.FC_DIFFICULTY    = null;

            entity.CD_DIST      = district;
            entity.CD_WR        = String.IsNullOrEmpty(cu.WorkRequest) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(cu.WorkRequest);
            entity.CD_OWNERSHIP = string.Empty;
            entity.CD_BDGT_ITEM = string.Empty;
            entity.CD_CREW      = string.Empty;
            entity.IND_PROCESS  = "A"; //NotNull - A = add, M = modify, D = delete
            entity.FG_ERROR     = "N"; //NotNull
            if (key.ExtDsgnFacAttSeq == null)
                entity.NO_FACILITY = null;
                entity.NO_FACILITY = key.ExtDsgnFacAttSeq;
            entity.NO_APPLICATION   = null;
            entity.CD_MU            = String.IsNullOrEmpty(cu.MUID) ? " " : cu.MUID; //NotNull
            entity.CD_SEQ_ERROR_RUN = null;
            entity.CD_WORKPACKET    = null;

Ejemplo n.º 18
        public WMException CreateExternalDesignFromIf(IFExtDsgnCU twmifextdsgn_cu_obj, DateTime timeOfCreate, string oper, string asbOrEstInd)
            WMException  WMexcept = null;
            ExtDesignKey key      = new ExtDesignKey()
                TsExtDsgn = timeOfCreate, IdOper = oper

            //   foreach (IFExtDsgnCU cuIf in twmifextdsgn_cu_objs)
            //  {

            ////get the next Oracle WE_S_SO_EXTDSG
            //  ExtDesignKey key = new ExtDesignKey() { TsExtDsgn = DateTime.Now, IdOper = twmifextdsgn_pt_obj.OperatorId };
            //   ExtDesignKey key = new ExtDesignKey() { TsExtDsgn = twmifextdsgn_cu_objs[0].ExternalDesignTimeStamp, IdOper = twmifextdsgn_cu_objs[0].OperatorId };

            ////insert Points//
            //      new PointBl().CreateExternalDesign(design, design.Points, key);

            ////insert CUs /FAC's//
            //     CreateCUsFacilityAttributes(design, key);

            key.ExtDsgnFacAttSeq = null;
            if (twmifextdsgn_cu_obj.IfExtDsgnFacAtt != null && twmifextdsgn_cu_obj.IfExtDsgnFacAtt.Count > 0)
                key.ExtDsgnFacAttSeq = (int)GetIfSequenceNo();

            CreateExternalDesignCuIf(twmifextdsgn_cu_obj, key);

            CreateFacilityAttributes(twmifextdsgn_cu_obj, key);
            //    }

            ////call P Driver//
            //    WMexcept = ExecutePDriver(twmifextdsgn_cu_obj, key);

Ejemplo n.º 19
        // -------------------------

        private TWMIFEXTDSGN_CU MapObjectToCuIfEntity(IFExtDsgnCU ifcu, ExtDesignKey key)
            TWMIFEXTDSGN_CU entity = new TWMIFEXTDSGN_CU();

            entity.CD_SEQ_EXTDSGN = GetIfSequenceNo();
            entity.TS_EXTDSGN     = key.TsExtDsgn;
            entity.ID_OPER        = key.IdOper;
            entity.NO_POINT       = ifcu.PointNumber;
            entity.NO_POINT_SPAN  = ifcu.PointSpanNumber;
            entity.CD_DIST        = ifcu.District;
            entity.CD_WR          = ifcu.WorkRequest;
            entity.CD_BDGT_ITEM   = "";
            entity.CD_CREW        = ifcu.CrewCode;
            entity.CD_CU          = ifcu.CUCode;
            entity.CD_MU          = ifcu.MUCode;
            entity.CD_USAGE       = ifcu.UsageCode;
            entity.CD_WORKPACKET  = ifcu.Workpacket;
            entity.DT_COMPLETE    = ifcu.CompletionDate;
            entity.IND_ACCT       = ifcu.AccountIndicator;
            entity.IND_ON_OFF     = ifcu.OnOffIndicator;
            entity.IND_PROCESS    = ifcu.ProcessIndicator;
            entity.QT_ACTION      = ifcu.ActionQuantity;
            // entity.CD_SEQ_EXTDSGN = GetIfSequenceNo();
            entity.CD_SEQ_EXTDSGN   = ifcu.ExternalDesignSequence;
            entity.ID_OPER          = ifcu.OperatorId;
            entity.NO_POINT         = ifcu.PointNumber;
            entity.NO_POINT_SPAN    = ifcu.PointSpanNumber;
            entity.TS_EXTDSGN       = ifcu.ExternalDesignTimeStamp;
            entity.CD_SEQ_ERROR_RUN = ifcu.ErrorRunSequence;
            entity.FG_ERROR         = ifcu.ErrorFlag;
            entity.FG_CNTCR         = ifcu.ContractorFlag;
            entity.CD_SUPPLY_METHOD = ifcu.SupplyMethodCode;
            entity.IND_ACTION       = ifcu.ActionIndicator;
            entity.NO_EQUIP         = ifcu.EquipmentNumber;
            entity.NO_FACILITY      = ifcu.FacilityNumber;
            //  FC_DIFFICULTY = obj
            //   CD_BDGT_ITEM = obj.
            //  CD_SEQ_ERROR_RUN = GetIfSequenceNo()

        private WMException ExecutePDriver(IFExtDsgnPoint ifpoint, ExtDesignKey key, string asbOrEstInd)
            WMException wme = null;

            DesignIfError error = unitOfWork.IfExtDsgnPtRepo.Insert(MapObjectToIfEntity(ifpoint), asbOrEstInd);

            if (error != null)
                wme = CreateWMException(error.v_fg_error
                                        , error.v_cd_seq_error
                                        , error.v_cd_sqlcode
                                        , error.v_nm_interface
                                        , error.v_ts_error
                                        , error.v_txt_sqlerrtext
                                        , error.v_txt_iferror
                                        , error.v_cd_seq_error_run
                                        , error.v_cd_district
                                        , error.v_cd_workpacket
                                        , error.v_cd_crew
                                        , error.v_cd_project
                                        , error.v_id_empl
                                        , error.v_cd_fleet
                                        , error.v_nm_table
                                        , error.v_nm_column
                                        , error.v_fg_data_error
                                        , error.v_ts_error_logged);

            if (wme == null)

Ejemplo n.º 21
 public void CreateExternalDesign(CU cu, string district, ExtDesignKey key)
     unitOfWork.IfExtDesignCuRepo.Insert(MapObjectToIfEntity(cu, district, key));
        public IEnumerable <TWMIFEXTDSGN_PT> MapObjectsToPtIfEntities(List <IFExtDsgnPoint> objs, ExtDesignKey key)
            List <TWMIFEXTDSGN_PT> entities = new List <TWMIFEXTDSGN_PT>();

            foreach (var item in objs)
                entities.Add(MapObjectToPtIfEntity(item, key));

Ejemplo n.º 23
 public void CreateExternalDesignCuIf(IFExtDsgnCU cu, ExtDesignKey key)
     unitOfWork.IfExtDesignCuRepo.Insert(MapObjectToIfEntity(cu, key));