Ejemplo n.º 1
        public Response <List <KnowledegeShareList> > GetMyKnowledgeShareList(KnowledegeInput input)
            Response <List <KnowledegeShareList> > response = new Response <List <KnowledegeShareList> >();

                List <KnowledegeShareList>           knowledegeShareLists = new List <KnowledegeShareList>();
                Expression <Func <FileShare, bool> > filter = x => x.JobNum == input.JobNum && x.Status == input.Status;
                Func <IQueryable <FileShare>, IOrderedQueryable <FileShare> > orderBy = x => x.OrderByDescending(o => o.CreateTime);
                response.TotalCount = _repository.Get(filter, orderBy).Count();
                response.PageIndex  = input.PageIndex;
                response.PageSize   = input.PageSize;
                var queryresult = _repository.Get(filter, orderBy).Skip((input.PageIndex - 1) * input.PageSize).Take(input.PageSize).ToList();
                foreach (var item in queryresult)
                    KnowledegeShareList knowledegeShareList = new KnowledegeShareList();
                    knowledegeShareList = ExpressionGenericMapper <FileShare, KnowledegeShareList> .Trans(item);

                response.Data = knowledegeShareLists;
            catch (Exception ex)
                response.Status = 0;
                response.Msg    = ex.Message.ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static void Show()
                //Hard copy people to peopleCopy
                People people = new People()
                    Id   = 11,
                    Name = "Eleven",
                    Age  = 31
                PeopleCopy peopleCopy = new PeopleCopy()
                    Id   = people.Id,
                    Name = people.Name,
                    Age  = people.Age

                //By reflection, fit different type of classes.
                var resultReflection = ReflectionMapper.Trans <People, PeopleCopy>(people);

                //By serialization
                var resultSerialization = SerializaMapper.Trans <People, PeopleCopy>(people);

                //By expression, 1. generic, 2. high performance. Could hard program dynamically and cache the result.
                var resultExpression = ExpressionGenericMapper <People, PeopleCopy> .Trans(people);

                var resultExpression1 = ExpressionGenericMapper <People, PeopleCopy> .Trans(people);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static void MapToTest()
            var student11 = new Student1()
                Id = 1, Name = "wf", Pic = "wfpic"
            var student33 = new Student3()
                Id = 1, Name = "wf"

            #region 方案一
            var student2 = Mapping.MapTo <Student2>(student11);
            var student3 = Mapping.MapTo <Student3>(student11);
            var student4 = Mapping.MapTo <Student1>(student33);

            #region 方案二
            var student5 = Mapping.JsonMapTo <Student2>(student11);
            var student6 = Mapping.JsonMapTo <Student2>(student33);

            #region 方案三
            var student7 = Mapping.AutoMapperTo <Student2, Student1>(student11);
            var student8 = Mapping.AutoMapperTo <Student2, Student3>(student33);

            #region 方案四
            var student9  = ExpressionGenericMapper.Map <Student1, Student2>(student11);
            var student10 = ExpressionGenericMapper.Map <Student3, Student2>(student33);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取菜单对象
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="menusDbModel"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private MenuTreeModel GetMenuTreeModel(TPMMenusDbModel menusDbModel)
            var result = ExpressionGenericMapper <TPMMenusDbModel, MenuTreeModel> .Trans(menusDbModel);

            result.Children = new List <MenuTreeModel>();
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// 企业设置
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="requestObject"></param>
        /// <param name="UserID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <ResponseObject <TSMCompanyAllEditModel, bool> > ModifyCurentCompany(RequestObject <TSMCompanyAllEditModel> requestObject, int UserID)
            var result = false;

            if (requestObject.PostDataList == null && requestObject.PostData == null)
                return(ResponseUtil <TSMCompanyAllEditModel, bool> .FailResult(requestObject, result, "PostData不能都为null"));

            var curentDb = _db.Instance;

            int        id         = requestObject.PostData.ID;
            SMUserInfo sMUserInfo = SMCurentUserManager.GetCurentUserID(UserID, curentDb);

            if (sMUserInfo.CompanyId != id)
                return(ResponseUtil <TSMCompanyAllEditModel, bool> .FailResult(requestObject, result, "只能修改自己公司"));

            var companyDb = curentDb.Queryable <TSMCompanyDbModel>().Where(p => p.ID == id).First();

            if (companyDb.AdminId != UserID)
                return(ResponseUtil <TSMCompanyAllEditModel, bool> .FailResult(requestObject, result, "您不是公司管理员"));


                var curentData = requestObject.PostData;
                var mainDb     = ExpressionGenericMapper <TSMCompanyAllEditModel, TSMCompanyDbModel> .Trans(curentData);

                await curentDb.Updateable <TSMCompanyDbModel>(mainDb).UpdateColumns(p => new { p.CompanyName, p.LegalPerson, p.ContactNumber, p.EnterpriseType }).ExecuteCommandAsync();

                var cDb = ExpressionGenericMapper <TSMCompanyAllEditModel, TTenantsModel> .Trans(curentData);

                cDb.ID = curentData.CId;

                await curentDb.Updateable <TTenantsModel>(cDb).UpdateColumns(p => new { p.TenantShortName, p.TenantEngName, p.TenantLogo, p.BusinessLogo }).ExecuteCommandAsync();


                return(ResponseUtil <TSMCompanyAllEditModel, bool> .SuccessResult(requestObject, true));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(ResponseUtil <TSMCompanyAllEditModel, bool> .FailResult(requestObject, result, ex.ToString()));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// 修改T_Tenants数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="requestObject">返回响应结果对象,包括响应代码,修改操作结果</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <ResponseObject <TTenantsPutModel, bool> > PutAsync(RequestObject <TTenantsPutModel> requestObject)
                var result = false;
                if (requestObject.PostDataList == null && requestObject.PostData == null)
                    return(ResponseUtil <TTenantsPutModel, bool> .FailResult(requestObject, false, "PostData不能都为null"));
                if (requestObject.PostDataList != null && requestObject.PostDataList.Count > 0)
                    // result = await _db.Instance.Updateable(requestObject.PostDataList).IgnoreColumns(p => new { p.BusinessLogo }).ExecuteCommandAsync() > 0;

                    int    id   = requestObject.PostData.ID;
                    string name = requestObject.PostData.TenantName;

                    var editModel = ExpressionGenericMapper <TTenantsPutModel, TTenantsModel> .Trans(requestObject.PostData);

                    var idList = _db.Instance.Queryable <TSMCompanyDbModel>().Where(p => p.CompanyInfoId == id).Select(p => p.ID).ToList();

                    await _db.Instance.Updateable <TSMCompanyDbModel>().Where(p => idList.Contains(p.ID)).SetColumns(p => new TSMCompanyDbModel {
                        ID = p.ID, CompanyName = name

                    result = await _db.Instance.Updateable(editModel).IgnoreColumns(p => new { p.BusinessLogo, p.CreateId, p.CreateTime }).ExecuteCommandAsync() > 0;


                if (result)
                    return(ResponseUtil <TTenantsPutModel, bool> .SuccessResult(requestObject, true));
                return(ResponseUtil <TTenantsPutModel, bool> .FailResult(requestObject, false, "修改数据失败!"));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(ResponseUtil <TTenantsPutModel, bool> .FailResult(requestObject, false, ex.Message));
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private List <ChinaAreaChildRecord> GetMenuTree(List <ChinaAreaRecord> aimData, int pid)
            List <ChinaAreaChildRecord> tree = new List <ChinaAreaChildRecord>();
            var children = aimData.Where(p => p.ParentArea_id == pid).ToList();

            if (children.Count > 0)
                foreach (var item in aimData.Where(p => p.ParentArea_id == pid).OrderBy(p => p.Code))
                    ChinaAreaChildRecord node = ExpressionGenericMapper <ChinaAreaRecord, ChinaAreaChildRecord> .Trans(item);

                    node.Children = GetMenuTree(aimData, item.ID);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private List <TSMDeptQueryTreeModel> GetMenuTree(List <TSMDeptQueryModel> aimData, int pid)
            List <TSMDeptQueryTreeModel> tree = new List <TSMDeptQueryTreeModel>();
            var children = aimData.Where(p => p.ParentId == pid).ToList();

            if (children.Count > 0)
                foreach (var item in aimData.Where(p => p.ParentId == pid).OrderBy(p => p.SeqNumber))
                    TSMDeptQueryTreeModel node = ExpressionGenericMapper <TSMDeptQueryModel, TSMDeptQueryTreeModel> .Trans(item);

                    node.Children = GetMenuTree(aimData, item.VitualId);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public async Task <Response <Post> > addView(KnowledegeInput input)
            Response <Post> response = new Response <Post>();

                var post = ExpressionGenericMapper <KnowledegeInput, Post> .Trans(input);

                await _mongoRepository.UpdateIncAsync <Post>(input.Id, new { Views = 1 });

                var mongoent = await _mongoRepository.QueryAsync <Post>(p => p.PostGuid == input.PostGuid);

                response.Data = mongoent.FirstOrDefault();
            catch (Exception ex)
                response.Status = 0;
                response.Msg    = ex.Message.ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public async Task <Response <string> > MyKnowledgeSharePublish(KnowledegeInput input, string original)
            Response <string> response = new Response <string>();

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.Guid))
                    input.Guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                input.PostGuid = input.Guid;
                FileShare fileShare = new FileShare();
                Post      post      = new Post();
                fileShare = ExpressionGenericMapper <KnowledegeInput, FileShare> .Trans(input);

                post = ExpressionGenericMapper <KnowledegeInput, Post> .Trans(input);

                post.State = input.Status;
                var mongoent = await _mongoRepository.InsertOrUpdateAsync(post);

                await _repository.InsertOrUpdate(fileShare, original, new List <string> {
                    "JobNum", "Title", "Author", "Status"


                response.Data = mongoent.Id;
            catch (Exception ex)
                response.Status = 0;
                response.Msg    = ex.Message.ToString();

Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取T_BM_CustomerFile主表数据数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="requestObject">Get请求参数</param>
        /// <param name="currentUser"></param>
        /// <returns>返回响应结果对象,包括响应代码,查询操作结果</returns>
        public async Task <ResponseObject <List <TBMCustomerFileQueryModel> > > GetMainListAsync(RequestGet requestObject, CurrentUser currentUser)
                List <TBMCustomerFileQueryModel> queryData = new List <TBMCustomerFileQueryModel>(); //查询结果集对象
                RefAsync <int> totalNumber = -1;                                                     //总记录数
                var            query       = _db.Instance.Queryable <TBMCustomerFileDbModel, TBMCustomerContactDbModel>((t, t1) => new object[] {
                    JoinType.Left, t1.CustomerId == t.ID
                }).Where((t, t1) => t.CompanyId == currentUser.CompanyID && t.DeleteFlag == false);

                List <TBMDictionaryCacheModel> dics  = BasicCacheGet.GetDic(currentUser);
                List <ChinaAreaRecord>         Areas = BasicCacheGet.GetChinaArea(currentUser);

                if (requestObject.QueryConditions != null && requestObject.QueryConditions.Count > 0)
                    var customerConditions1 = requestObject.QueryConditions.Where(p => p.Column.ToLower() == "contactname").ToList();
                    if (customerConditions1 != null && customerConditions1.Count() > 0)
                        var conditionals = SqlSugarUtil.GetConditionalModels(customerConditions1);
                        foreach (ConditionalModel item in conditionals)
                            item.FieldName = $"t1.{item.FieldName}";

                    var customerConditions2 = requestObject.QueryConditions.Where(p => p.Column.ToLower() != "contactname").ToList();
                    if (customerConditions2 != null && customerConditions2.Count() > 0)
                        var conditionals = SqlSugarUtil.GetConditionalModels(customerConditions2);
                        foreach (ConditionalModel item in conditionals)
                            item.FieldName = $"t.{item.FieldName}";

                if (requestObject.OrderByConditions != null && requestObject.OrderByConditions.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var item in requestObject.OrderByConditions)
                        var exp = SqlSugarUtil.GetOrderByLambda <TBMCustomerFileDbModel>(item.Column);
                        if (exp == null)
                        if (item.Condition.ToLower() != "asc" &&
                            item.Condition.ToLower() != "desc")
                        query.OrderBy($"{item.Column} {item.Condition}");

                var query1 = query.Select((t, t1) => t).Distinct();

                List <TBMCustomerFileDbModel> queryDataTemp = new List <TBMCustomerFileDbModel>();
                if (requestObject.IsPaging)
                    queryDataTemp = await query1
                                    .Where(t => !t.DeleteFlag)
                                    .Select((t) => t)
                                    .ToPageListAsync(requestObject.PageIndex, requestObject.PageSize, totalNumber);
                    queryDataTemp = await query1
                                    .Where(t => !t.DeleteFlag)
                                    .Select(t => t)

                queryDataTemp.ForEach((x) =>
                    var itemEnity       = ExpressionGenericMapper <TBMCustomerFileDbModel, TBMCustomerFileQueryModel> .Trans(x);
                    itemEnity.ChildList = new List <TBMCustomerContactQueryModel>();
                    foreach (var citem in x.Child.OrderBy(p => p.Priority))
                        var citemEnity = ExpressionGenericMapper <TBMCustomerContactDbModel, TBMCustomerContactQueryModel> .Trans(citem);

                    var item = dics.Where(p => p.ID == x.CustomerTypeId).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (item != null)
                        itemEnity.CustomerTypeName = item.DicValue;

                    if (x.IndustryId != null)
                        var industry = dics.Where(p => p.ID == x.IndustryId).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (x.IndustryId != null)
                            itemEnity.IndustryName = industry?.DicValue;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.City))
                        var cityEntity     = Areas.Where(p => p.Code == x.City).FirstOrDefault();
                        itemEnity.CityName = cityEntity?.FullName;


                return(ResponseUtil <List <TBMCustomerFileQueryModel> > .SuccessResult(queryData, totalNumber));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(ResponseUtil <List <TBMCustomerFileQueryModel> > .FailResult(null, ex.Message));
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public static void MapperTest()
            People people = new People()
                Id   = 11,
                Name = "Eleven",
                Age  = 31

            long common     = 0;
            long generic    = 0;
            long cache      = 0;
            long reflection = 0;
            long serialize  = 0;

                Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();
                for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++)
                    PeopleCopy peopleCopy = new PeopleCopy()
                        Id   = people.Id,
                        Name = people.Name,
                        Age  = people.Age
                common = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();
                for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++)
                    PeopleCopy peopleCopy = ReflectionMapper.Trans <People, PeopleCopy>(people);
                reflection = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();
                for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++)
                    PeopleCopy peopleCopy = SerializeMapper.Trans <People, PeopleCopy>(people);
                serialize = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();
                for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++)
                    PeopleCopy peopleCopy = ExpressionMapper.Trans <People, PeopleCopy>(people);
                cache = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();
                for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++)
                    PeopleCopy peopleCopy = ExpressionGenericMapper <People, PeopleCopy> .Trans(people);
                generic = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            Console.WriteLine($"common = { common} ms");
            Console.WriteLine($"reflection = { reflection} ms");
            Console.WriteLine($"serialize = { serialize} ms");
            Console.WriteLine($"cache = { cache} ms");
            Console.WriteLine($"generic = { generic} ms");
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public static void Show()
                Func <int, int, int> func = (m, n) => m * n + 2;              // new Func<int, int, int>((m, n) => m * n + 2);
                Expression <Func <int, int, int> > exp = (m, n) => m * n + 2; //lambda表达式声明表达式目录树
                                                                              //Expression<Func<int, int, int>> exp1 = (m, n) =>//只能一行 不能有大括号
                                                                              //    {
                                                                              //        return m * n + 2;
                                                                              //    };
                                                                              //Queryable    //a=>a.Id>3

                int iResult1 = func.Invoke(12, 23);
                int iResult2 = exp.Compile().Invoke(12, 23);//可以转换过去
                Expression <Func <int, int, int> > exp   = (m, n) => m * n + 2;
                ParameterExpression parameterExpression  = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int), "m");
                ParameterExpression parameterExpression2 = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int), "n");
                var multiply = Expression.Multiply(parameterExpression, parameterExpression2);
                var constant = Expression.Constant(2, typeof(int));
                var add      = Expression.Add(multiply, constant);

                Expression <Func <int, int, int> > expression =
                    Expression.Lambda <Func <int, int, int> >(
                        new ParameterExpression[]

                int iResult1 = exp.Compile().Invoke(11, 12);
                int iResult2 = expression.Compile().Invoke(11, 12);

                ConstantExpression  conLeft       = Expression.Constant(345);
                ConstantExpression  conRight      = Expression.Constant(456);
                BinaryExpression    binary        = Expression.Add(conLeft, conRight);        //345+456
                Expression <Action> actExpression = Expression.Lambda <Action>(binary, null); //()=>345+456
                actExpression.Compile()();                                                    //()=>345+456

                ParameterExpression paraLeft   = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int), "a");   //左边
                ParameterExpression paraRight  = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int), "b");   //右边
                BinaryExpression    binaryLeft = Expression.Multiply(paraLeft, paraRight); //a*b
                ConstantExpression  conRight   = Expression.Constant(2, typeof(int));      //右边常量
                BinaryExpression    binaryBody = Expression.Add(binaryLeft, conRight);     //a*b+2

                Expression <Func <int, int, int> > lambda =
                    Expression.Lambda <Func <int, int, int> >(binaryBody, paraLeft, paraRight);
                Func <int, int, int> func = lambda.Compile();//Expression Compile成委托
                int result = func(3, 4);
                Expression <Func <People, bool> > lambda = x => x.Id.ToString().Equals("5");
                ParameterExpression parameterExpression  = Expression.Parameter(typeof(People), "x");
                var field        = Expression.Field(parameterExpression, typeof(People).GetField("Id"));
                var toString     = typeof(People).GetMethod("ToString");
                var toStringCall = Expression.Call(field, toString, new Expression[0]);
                var equals       = typeof(People).GetMethod("Equals");
                var constant     = Expression.Constant("5", typeof(string));
                var equalsCall   = Expression.Call(toStringCall, equals, new Expression[] { constant });
                Expression <Func <People, bool> > expression =
                    Expression.Lambda <Func <People, bool> >(equalsCall, new ParameterExpression[]

                expression.Compile().Invoke(new People()
                    Id   = 11,
                    Name = "Eleven",
                    Age  = 31

                ParameterExpression  parameterExpression = Expression.Parameter(typeof(People), "x");
                Expression           field              = Expression.Field(parameterExpression, typeof(People).GetField("Id"));
                MethodCallExpression toString           = Expression.Call(field, typeof(People).GetMethod("ToString"), new Expression[0]);
                ConstantExpression   constantExpression = Expression.Constant("5", typeof(string));

                MethodCallExpression equals = Expression.Call(toString, typeof(People).GetMethod("Equals"), new Expression[] { constantExpression });
                Expression <Func <People, bool> > lambda = Expression.Lambda <Func <People, bool> >(equals, new ParameterExpression[]
                bool bResult = lambda.Compile()(new People()
                    Id   = 11,
                    Name = "Eleven",
                    Age  = 31
                string sql  = "SELECT * FROM USER WHERE 1=1";
                string name = "Eleven";//用户选择条件
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name))
                    sql += $" and name like '%{name}%'";//应该参数化

                //现在entityx framework查询的时候,需要一个表达式目录树
                IQueryable <int> list = null;
                //都不过滤 1
                if (true)//只过滤A 2
                    Expression <Func <People, bool> > exp1 = x => x.Id > 1;
                if (true)//只过滤B 3
                    Expression <Func <People, bool> > exp2 = x => x.Age > 10;

                //都过滤 4
                Expression <Func <People, bool> > exp3 = x => x.Id > 1 && x.Age > 10;
                //2个条件  4种可能  排列组合
                //3个条件  2的3次方


                //Expression<Func<People, bool>> lambda = x => x.Age > 5;
                ParameterExpression parameterExpression = Expression.Parameter(typeof(People), "x");
                Expression          propertyExpression  = Expression.Property(parameterExpression, typeof(People).GetProperty("Age"));
                //Expression property = Expression.Field(parameterExpression, typeof(People).GetField("Id"));
                ConstantExpression constantExpression    = Expression.Constant(5, typeof(int));
                BinaryExpression   binary                = Expression.GreaterThan(propertyExpression, constantExpression);//添加方法的
                Expression <Func <People, bool> > lambda = Expression.Lambda <Func <People, bool> >(binary, new ParameterExpression[]
                bool bResult = lambda.Compile()(new People()
                    Id   = 11,
                    Name = "Eleven",
                    Age  = 31

                People people = new People()
                    Id   = 11,
                    Name = "Eleven",
                    Age  = 31
                PeopleCopy peopleCopy = new PeopleCopy()
                    Id   = people.Id,
                    Name = people.Name,
                    Age  = people.Age
                //硬编码 是不是写死了  只能为这两个类型服务   性能是最好的

                    //反射 不同类型都能实现
                    var result = ReflectionMapper.Trans <People, PeopleCopy>(people);
                    //序列化器  不同类型都能实现
                    var result = SerializeMapper.Trans <People, PeopleCopy>(people);
                    //1 通用   2 性能要高
                    var result = ExpressionMapper.Trans <People, PeopleCopy>(people);
                    var result = ExpressionMapper.Trans <People, PeopleCopy>(people);
                    var result = ExpressionGenericMapper <People, PeopleCopy> .Trans(people);
                    var result = ExpressionGenericMapper <People, PeopleCopy> .Trans(people);
                //automapper基于emit  动态生成硬编码

                //Expression<Func<People, PeopleCopy>> lambda = p =>
                //        new PeopleCopy()
                //        {
                //            Id = p.Id,
                //            Name = p.Name,
                //            Age = p.Age
                //        };

                ParameterExpression  parameterExpression = Expression.Parameter(typeof(People), "p");
                List <MemberBinding> memberBindingList   = new List <MemberBinding>();
                foreach (var item in typeof(PeopleCopy).GetProperties())
                    MemberExpression property      = Expression.Property(parameterExpression, typeof(People).GetProperty(item.Name));
                    MemberBinding    memberBinding = Expression.Bind(item, property);
                foreach (var item in typeof(PeopleCopy).GetFields())
                    MemberExpression property      = Expression.Field(parameterExpression, typeof(People).GetField(item.Name));
                    MemberBinding    memberBinding = Expression.Bind(item, property);
                MemberInitExpression memberInitExpression      = Expression.MemberInit(Expression.New(typeof(PeopleCopy)), memberBindingList.ToArray());
                Expression <Func <People, PeopleCopy> > lambda = Expression.Lambda <Func <People, PeopleCopy> >(memberInitExpression, new ParameterExpression[]
                Func <People, PeopleCopy> func = lambda.Compile();
                PeopleCopy copy = func(people);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public async Task <ResponseObject <bool> > PostAsync(RequestPost <TMMBOMMainAddNewModel> requestObject, CurrentUser currentUser)
            var currDb = _db.Instance;//事务需要使用同一个 SqlSugarClient对象实例

                if (requestObject.PostData == null)
                    return(ResponseUtil <bool> .FailResult(false, "PostData不能为null"));
                int PackageId = requestObject.PostData.PackageId;

                TMMBOMMainDbModel oldDBMolde = _db.Instance.Queryable <TMMBOMMainDbModel>().Where(p => p.PackageId == PackageId).First();

                if (oldDBMolde != null)
                    _db.Instance.Deleteable <TMMBOMDetailDbModel>().Where(p => p.MainId == PackageId).ExecuteCommand();
                    _db.Instance.Deleteable <TMMBOMMainDbModel>(oldDBMolde).ExecuteCommand();

                var mapMainModel = _mapper.Map <TMMBOMMainDbModel>(requestObject.PostData);
                var mainId       = await currDb.Insertable(mapMainModel).ExecuteReturnIdentityAsync();

                var materCache = BasicCacheGet.GetMaterial(currentUser);

                #region 处理配色项目

                List <string>            ItemList = requestObject.PostData.ChildList.Select(p => p.ItemName).Distinct().ToList();
                Dictionary <string, int> itemToId = new Dictionary <string, int>();

                foreach (string name in ItemList)
                    var colorItem = _db.Instance.Queryable <TMMPackageColorItemDbModel>().Where(p => p.CompanyId == currentUser.CompanyID && p.ItemName == name && p.PackageId == PackageId).First();

                    int ItemId = 0;
                    if (colorItem == null)
                        TMMPackageColorItemDbModel temp = new TMMPackageColorItemDbModel();
                        temp.CompanyId  = currentUser.CompanyID;
                        temp.DeleteFlag = false;
                        temp.PackageId  = mapMainModel.PackageId;
                        temp.ItemName   = name;

                        ItemId = _db.Instance.Insertable(temp).ExecuteReturnIdentity();
                        ItemId = colorItem.ID;
                        if (colorItem.DeleteFlag == true)
                            colorItem.DeleteFlag = false;
                    itemToId.Add(name, ItemId);

                var itemIDs = _db.Instance.Queryable <TMMPackageColorItemDbModel>().Where(p => p.CompanyId == currentUser.CompanyID && p.PackageId == PackageId &&
                                                                                          !ItemList.Contains(p.ItemName)).Select(p => p.ID).ToList();

                _db.Instance.Updateable <TMMPackageColorItemDbModel>().Where(p => itemIDs.Contains(p.ID)).
                SetColumns(it => new TMMPackageColorItemDbModel {
                    DeleteFlag = true

                _db.Instance.Deleteable <TMMColorSolutionDetailDbModel>().Where(p => SqlFunc.Subqueryable <TMMColorSolutionMainDbModel>().
                                                                                Where(p1 => p1.ID == p.MainId && p1.CompanyId == currentUser.CompanyID && p1.PackageId == PackageId).Any() && itemIDs.Contains(p.ItemId));


                #region 处理部位

                List <string>            PartList = requestObject.PostData.ChildList.Where(p => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(p.PartName)).Select(p => p.PartName).Distinct().ToList();
                Dictionary <string, int> partId   = new Dictionary <string, int>();

                var dictionaryType = _db.Instance.Queryable <TBMDictionaryTypeDbModel>().Where(p => p.CompanyId == currentUser.CompanyID && p.TypeName == "部位档案").First();

                foreach (string name in PartList)
                    var dicItem = _db.Instance.Queryable <TBMDictionaryDbModel>().Where(p => p.CompanyId == currentUser.CompanyID && p.DicValue == name).First();

                    int dicID = 0;
                    if (dicItem == null)
                        TBMDictionaryDbModel temp = new TBMDictionaryDbModel();
                        temp.CompanyId  = currentUser.CompanyID;
                        temp.DeleteFlag = false;
                        temp.TypeId     = dictionaryType.ID;
                        temp.DicValue   = name;
                        dicID           = _db.Instance.Insertable(temp).ExecuteReturnIdentity();
                        dicID = dicItem.ID;

                    partId.Add(name, dicID);


                List <TMMBOMDetailDbModel> deatail = new List <TMMBOMDetailDbModel>();
                foreach (TMMBOMDetailAddNewModel item in requestObject.PostData.ChildList)
                    TMMBOMDetailDbModel tMMBOMDetailDbModel = ExpressionGenericMapper <TMMBOMDetailAddNewModel, TMMBOMDetailDbModel> .Trans(item);

                    tMMBOMDetailDbModel.MainId = mainId;
                    tMMBOMDetailDbModel.ItemId = itemToId[item.ItemName];

                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.PartName))
                        tMMBOMDetailDbModel.PartId = partId[item.PartName];

                    if (!materCache.Any(p1 => p1.MaterialName == item.MaterialName))
                        throw new Exception($"{item.MaterialName}物料不存在");


                // var mapDetailModelList = _mapper.Map<List<TMMBOMDetailAddNewModel>, List<TMMBOMDetailDbModel>>(requestObject.PostData.ChildList);
                var result = await currDb.Insertable(deatail).ExecuteCommandAsync() > 0;

                return(result ? ResponseUtil <bool> .SuccessResult(true) : ResponseUtil <bool> .FailResult(false, "新增数据失败!"));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(ResponseUtil <bool> .FailResult(false, ex.Message));
Ejemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// 新增
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="requestObject"></param>
        /// <param name="UserID">操作人ID</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <ResponseObject <TSMUserAccountAddAllModel, bool> > PostAsync(RequestObject <TSMUserAccountAddAllModel> requestObject, int UserID)
            var currDb = _db.Instance;//事务需要使用同一个 SqlSugarClient对象实例

                if (requestObject.PostData == null)
                    return(ResponseUtil <TSMUserAccountAddAllModel, bool> .FailResult(requestObject, false, "PostData不能为null"));

                var user = _db.Instance.Queryable <TSMUserAccountDbModel, TSMCompanyDbModel>(
                    (t, t1) => new object[]
                    JoinType.Left, t.CompanyId == t1.ID,
                }).Where((t, t1) => t.ID == UserID).Select((t, t1) => new { CompanyId = t.CompanyId, Name = t1.CompanyName }).First();

                TSMUserAccountDbModel dbMain = ExpressionGenericMapper <TSMUserAccountAddAllModel, TSMUserAccountDbModel> .Trans(requestObject.PostData);

                dbMain.Salt       = RandCodeCreate.GenerateRandomNumber(32);
                dbMain.Passwd     = EncryptUtil.EnAESBykey(dbMain.Passwd, dbMain.Salt);
                dbMain.CreateTime = DateTime.Now;
                dbMain.CompanyId  = user.CompanyId.Value;

                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dbMain.EmailAccount))
                    dbMain.EmailAccount = null;

                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dbMain.TelAccount))
                    dbMain.TelAccount = null;

                TSMUserInfoDbModel dbDeatail = ExpressionGenericMapper <TSMUserAccountAddAllModel, TSMUserInfoDbModel> .Trans(requestObject.PostData);

                var cId = await currDb.Insertable(dbDeatail).ExecuteReturnIdentityAsync();

                dbMain.UserInfoId = cId;
                var mId = await currDb.Insertable(dbMain).ExecuteReturnIdentityAsync();

                if (requestObject.PostData.RoleId != null && requestObject.PostData.RoleId > 0)
                    TSMRoleUserRelationDbModel itemEntity = new TSMRoleUserRelationDbModel();
                    itemEntity.RoleId = requestObject.PostData.RoleId.Value;
                    itemEntity.UserId = mId;

                    currDb.Insertable <TSMRoleUserRelationDbModel>(itemEntity).ExecuteCommand();

                if (requestObject.PostData.DeptId != null && requestObject.PostData.DeptId > 0)
                    TSMDeptUserRelationDbModel itemEntity = new TSMDeptUserRelationDbModel();
                    itemEntity.DeptId        = requestObject.PostData.DeptId.Value;
                    itemEntity.UserAccountId = mId;
                    currDb.Insertable <TSMDeptUserRelationDbModel>(itemEntity).ExecuteCommand();


                return(ResponseUtil <TSMUserAccountAddAllModel, bool> .SuccessResult(requestObject, true));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(ResponseUtil <TSMUserAccountAddAllModel, bool> .FailResult(requestObject, false, ex.Message));
Ejemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// 修改
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="requestObject"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <ResponseObject <TSMUserAccountEditAllModel, bool> > PutAsync(RequestObject <TSMUserAccountEditAllModel> requestObject)
            var currDb = _db.Instance;//事务需要使用同一个 SqlSugarClient对象实例

                if (requestObject.PostData == null)
                    return(ResponseUtil <TSMUserAccountEditAllModel, bool> .FailResult(requestObject, false, "PostData不能为null"));

                TSMUserAccountDbModel dbMain = ExpressionGenericMapper <TSMUserAccountEditAllModel, TSMUserAccountDbModel> .Trans(requestObject.PostData);

                dbMain.Salt   = RandCodeCreate.GenerateRandomNumber(32);
                dbMain.Passwd = EncryptUtil.EnAESBykey(dbMain.Passwd, dbMain.Salt);

                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dbMain.EmailAccount))
                    dbMain.EmailAccount = null;

                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dbMain.TelAccount))
                    dbMain.TelAccount = null;

                TSMUserInfoDbModel dbDeatail = ExpressionGenericMapper <TSMUserAccountEditAllModel, TSMUserInfoDbModel> .Trans(requestObject.PostData);

                dbDeatail.ID = requestObject.PostData.CId;

                await currDb.Updateable(dbMain).IgnoreColumns(p => new { p.CreateTime, p.CompanyId, p.UserInfoId }).ExecuteCommandAsync();

                await currDb.Updateable(dbDeatail).ExecuteCommandAsync();

                currDb.Deleteable <TSMRoleUserRelationDbModel>().Where(p => p.UserId == dbMain.ID).ExecuteCommand();
                if (requestObject.PostData.RoleId != null && requestObject.PostData.RoleId > 0)
                    TSMRoleUserRelationDbModel itemEntity = new TSMRoleUserRelationDbModel();
                    itemEntity.RoleId = requestObject.PostData.RoleId.Value;
                    itemEntity.UserId = dbMain.ID;

                    currDb.Insertable <TSMRoleUserRelationDbModel>(itemEntity).ExecuteCommand();

                currDb.Deleteable <TSMDeptUserRelationDbModel>().Where(p => p.UserAccountId == dbMain.ID).ExecuteCommand();
                if (requestObject.PostData.DeptId != null && requestObject.PostData.DeptId > 0)
                    TSMDeptUserRelationDbModel itemEntity = new TSMDeptUserRelationDbModel();
                    itemEntity.DeptId        = requestObject.PostData.DeptId.Value;
                    itemEntity.UserAccountId = dbMain.ID;

                    currDb.Insertable <TSMDeptUserRelationDbModel>(itemEntity).ExecuteCommand();


                return(ResponseUtil <TSMUserAccountEditAllModel, bool> .SuccessResult(requestObject, true));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(ResponseUtil <TSMUserAccountEditAllModel, bool> .FailResult(requestObject, false, ex.Message));
 public static void MapperTest()
         //People people = new People()
         //    Id = 11,
         //    Name = "Richard",
         //    Age = 31
         //PeopleCopy peopleCopy = new PeopleCopy()//硬编码 //硬编码性能好,但是通用型差
         //    Id = people.Id,
         //    Name = people.Name,
         //    Age = people.Age
         //PeopleCopy peopleCopy1 = ReflectionMapper.Trans<People, PeopleCopy>(people);//反射+泛型方法
         //PeopleCopy peopleCopy2 = SerializeMapper.Trans<People, PeopleCopy>(people);
         ////Func<People, PeopleCopy> exp1 = p =>
         ////    return new PeopleCopy()
         ////    {
         ////        Id = p.Id,
         ////        Name = p.Name,
         ////        Age = p.Age
         ////    };
         ////泛型方法+表达式目录 = 既可以通用,效率高
         //PeopleCopy peopleCopy3 = ExpressionMapper.Trans<People, PeopleCopy>(people);
         //PeopleCopy peopleCopy4 = ExpressionGenericMapper<People, PeopleCopy>.Trans(people);
         People people = new People()
             Id   = 11,
             Name = "Richard",
             Age  = 31
         long common     = 0;
         long generic    = 0;
         long cache      = 0;
         long reflection = 0;
         long serialize  = 0;
             Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();
             for (int i = 0; i < 100_000; i++)
                 PeopleCopy peopleCopy = new PeopleCopy()
                     Id   = people.Id,
                     Name = people.Name,
                     Age  = people.Age
             common = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
             Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();
             for (int i = 0; i < 100_000; i++)
                 PeopleCopy peopleCopy = ReflectionMapper.Trans <People, PeopleCopy>(people);
             reflection = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
             Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();
             for (int i = 0; i < 100_000; i++)
                 PeopleCopy peopleCopy = SerializeMapper.Trans <People, PeopleCopy>(people);
             serialize = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
             Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();
             for (int i = 0; i < 100_000; i++)
                 PeopleCopy peopleCopy = ExpressionMapper.Trans <People, PeopleCopy>(people);
             cache = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
             Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();
             for (int i = 0; i < 100_000; i++)
                 PeopleCopy peopleCopy = ExpressionGenericMapper <People, PeopleCopy> .Trans(people);
             generic = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
         Console.WriteLine($"common = { common} ms");
         Console.WriteLine($"reflection = { reflection} ms");
         Console.WriteLine($"serialize = { serialize} ms");
         Console.WriteLine($"cache = { cache} ms");
         Console.WriteLine($"generic = { generic} ms");
     //通过拼接表达式目录树+ 泛型缓存性能最高!