Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void ValidateAsyncEndpointTransformation()
            var code = @"
service HelloWorldService;

get Ok<string> ()
    await Task.Delay(10);
    return Ok(""Hello World!"");

            var csharpCode = @"
using Express.Net;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace ProjectName.Controllers
    public class HelloWorldService : ControllerBase
        [ProducesResponseType(typeof(string), 200)]
        public async Task<IResult> __get0Async()
            await Task.Delay(10);
            return Ok(""Hello World!"");

            var syntaxTree = SyntaxTree.Parse(code);


            var transformedSyntaxTree = syntaxTree.Transform("ProjectName", false, out _);


            var generatedCode = transformedSyntaxTree.ToString();

            Assert.Equal(csharpCode, generatedCode);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void TestBasicDebugInfomation()
            var text = @"
service HelloWorldService;

get Ok<string> ()
    return Ok(""Hello World"");

get ""{name}"" Ok<string> (route string name)
	var message = $""Hello {name}"";
    return Ok(message);

            var csharpCode = @"
using Express.Net;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace ProjectName.Controllers
#line 1 ""Filename.en""
    public class HelloWorldService : ControllerBase
        [ProducesResponseType(typeof(string), 200)]
#line 3
        public IResult __get0()
#line 5
            return Ok(""Hello World"");

        [ProducesResponseType(typeof(string), 200)]
#line 8
        public IResult __getname1([FromRoute] string name)
#line 10
            var message = $""Hello {name}"";
#line 11
            return Ok(message);

            var syntaxTree = SyntaxTree.Parse(text, "Filename.en");


            var transformedSyntaxTree = syntaxTree.Transform("ProjectName", true, out _);


            var generatedCode = transformedSyntaxTree.ToString();

            Assert.Equal(csharpCode, generatedCode);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void TestFullTransformation()
            var text = @"
service ""api/v1/todo"" TodoService;

using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;

//Interop with C# language
    public record TodoItem(Guid Id, string Description);

    private static readonly IList<TodoItem> todoItems = new List<TodoItem>()
        new (Guid.NewGuid(), ""Test Item 1""),
        new (Guid.NewGuid(), ""Test Item 2""),
        new (Guid.NewGuid(), ""Test Item 3""),
        new (Guid.NewGuid(), ""Test Item 4""),
        new (Guid.NewGuid(), ""Test Item 5""),

    private static int FindIndexById(Guid itemId)
        var index = -1;

        for (var i = 0; i < todoItems.Count; i++)
            if (todoItems[i].Id == itemId)
                index = i;

        return index;

    @description: Returns all the todo items.
    #limit: Maximum number of elements to return.
    #skip: Number of elements to exclude from the beginning.
get Ok<TodoItem[]> (query int limit = 10, query int skip = 0)
    return Ok(todoItems.Skip(skip).Take(limit));

    @description: Returns a todo item by its ID.
    #itemId: ID of the todo item.
get ""{itemId}"" Ok<TodoItem> | NotFound<string> (route Guid itemId)
    var index = FindIndexById(itemId);
    if (index < 0)
        // Item with the ID not found, return a not found error response.
        return NotFound($""TODO Item with ID: {itemId} not found."");
    return Ok(todoItems[index]);

    #description: Adds a new todo item.
post Ok (body TodoItem newItem)
    return Ok();

    @description: Updates a todo item.
    #itemId: ID of the todo item.
put ""{itemId}"" Ok<TodoItem> | NotFound<string>  (
    route Guid itemId,
    body TodoItem updateItem)
    var index = FindIndexById(itemId);
    if (index < 0)
        // Item with the ID not found, return a not found error response.
        return NotFound($""TODO Item with ID: {itemId} not found."");
    todoItems[index] = updateItem with { Id = itemId };
    return Ok();

    @description: Deletes a todo item.
    #itemId: ID of the todo item.
delete ""{itemId}"" NoContent | NotFound<string> (route Guid itemId)
    var index = FindIndexById(itemId);
    if (index < 0)
        // Item with the ID not found, return a not found error response.
        return NotFound($""TODO Item with ID: {itemId} not found."");
    return NoContent();

            var csharpCode = @"
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Express.Net;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace ProjectName.Controllers
#line 1 ""Filename.en""
    public class TodoService : ControllerBase
#line 10
        public record TodoItem(Guid Id, string Description);
#line 12
        private static readonly IList<TodoItem> todoItems = new List<TodoItem>()
#line 13
#line 14
        new(Guid.NewGuid(), ""Test Item 1""), 
#line 15
        new(Guid.NewGuid(), ""Test Item 2""), 
#line 16
        new(Guid.NewGuid(), ""Test Item 3""), 
#line 17
        new(Guid.NewGuid(), ""Test Item 4""), 
#line 18
        new(Guid.NewGuid(), ""Test Item 5""), 
#line 19
#line 21
        private static int FindIndexById(Guid itemId)
#line 22
#line 23
            var index = -1;
#line 25
            for (var i = 0; i < todoItems.Count; i++)
#line 26
#line 27
                if (todoItems[i].Id == itemId)
#line 28
#line 29
                    index = i;
#line 30
#line 31
#line 32

#line 34
            return index;
#line 35

        [ProducesResponseType(typeof(TodoItem[]), 200)]
#line 43
        public IResult __get0([FromQuery] int limit = 10, [FromQuery] int skip = 0)
#line 45
            return Ok(todoItems.Skip(skip).Take(limit));

        [ProducesResponseType(typeof(TodoItem), 200)]
        [ProducesResponseType(typeof(string), 404)]
#line 52
        public IResult __getitemId1([FromRoute] Guid itemId)
#line 54
            var index = FindIndexById(itemId);
#line 56
            if (index < 0)
#line 57
#line 59
                return NotFound($""TODO Item with ID: {itemId} not found."");
#line 60

#line 62
            return Ok(todoItems[index]);

#line 68
        public IResult __post2([FromBody] TodoItem newItem)
#line 70
#line 72
            return Ok();

        [ProducesResponseType(typeof(TodoItem), 200)]
        [ProducesResponseType(typeof(string), 404)]
#line 79
        public IResult __putitemId3([FromRoute] Guid itemId, [FromBody] TodoItem updateItem)
#line 83
            var index = FindIndexById(itemId);
#line 85
            if (index < 0)
#line 86
#line 88
                return NotFound($""TODO Item with ID: {itemId} not found."");
#line 89

#line 91
            todoItems[index] = updateItem with {Id = itemId};
#line 93
            return Ok();

        [ProducesResponseType(typeof(string), 404)]
#line 100
        public IResult __deleteitemId4([FromRoute] Guid itemId)
#line 102
            var index = FindIndexById(itemId);
#line 104
            if (index < 0)
#line 105
#line 107
                return NotFound($""TODO Item with ID: {itemId} not found."");
#line 108

#line 110
#line 112
            return NoContent();

            var syntaxTree = SyntaxTree.Parse(text, "Filename.en");


            var transformedSyntaxTree = syntaxTree.Transform("ProjectName", true, out _);


            var generatedCode = transformedSyntaxTree.ToString();

            Assert.Equal(csharpCode, generatedCode);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void TestCSBlockDebugInfomation()
            var text = @"
service HelloWorldService;

    private readonly string _text;

    public HelloWorldService()

        _text = ""Hello World"";


get Ok<string> ()
    return Ok(_text);

            var csharpCode = @"
using Express.Net;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace ProjectName.Controllers
#line 1 ""Filename.en""
    public class HelloWorldService : ControllerBase
#line 5
        private readonly string _text;
#line 7
        public HelloWorldService()
#line 8
#line 10
            _text = ""Hello World"";
#line 12

        [ProducesResponseType(typeof(string), 200)]
#line 15
        public IResult __get0()
#line 17
            return Ok(_text);

            var syntaxTree = SyntaxTree.Parse(text, "Filename.en");


            var transformedSyntaxTree = syntaxTree.Transform("ProjectName", true, out _);


            var generatedCode = transformedSyntaxTree.ToString();

            Assert.Equal(csharpCode, generatedCode);