Ejemplo n.º 1
 private void SetExportMag(ExportMagType type)
     if (type == ExportMagType.V)
         rbV.Checked = true;
     else if (type == ExportMagType.R)
         rbR.Checked = true;
     else if (type == ExportMagType.B)
         rbB.Checked = true;
     else if (type == ExportMagType.J)
         rbJ.Checked = true;
     else if (type == ExportMagType.K)
         rbK.Checked = true;
         rbClear.Checked = true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 private void SetExportMag(ExportMagType type)
     if (type == ExportMagType.V) rbV.Checked = true;
     else if (type == ExportMagType.R) rbR.Checked = true;
     else if (type == ExportMagType.B) rbB.Checked = true;
     else if (type == ExportMagType.J) rbJ.Checked = true;
     else if (type == ExportMagType.K) rbK.Checked = true;
         rbClear.Checked = true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        internal void OnEndMultiFrameAstrometry()
            ExportMagType type = Properties.Settings.Default.ExportMag;

            if (m_MeasurementsPerStar.Count > 0)
                var output = new StringBuilder();
                output.Append(string.Format("Star No, RA Deg (J2000), DE Deg (J2000), Catalog Mag ({0}), B-V, Sloan r', Average Intencity, StdDev, Median Intencity, StdDev, Average PSF Amplitude, StdDev, Median PSF Amplitude, StdDev, All Frames, Saturated Frames, Excluded Frames, Aperture, SignalMethod, BackgroundMethod, BgPixelCount, SaturationLevel\r\n", type.ToString()));

                foreach (ulong starNo in m_MeasurementsPerStar.Keys)
                    ITangraCatalogStar catStar = m_CatalogStars.SingleOrDefault(x => x.StarNo == starNo);

                    List <MeasurementInfo> mea         = m_MeasurementsPerStar[starNo];
                    List <float>           intensities = mea.Select(x => x.Intensity).Where(i => i > 0).ToList();
                    float average      = intensities.Count > 0 ? intensities.Average() : float.NaN;
                    float averageError = intensities.Count > 1
                                                ? (float)Math.Sqrt(intensities.Select(x => Math.Pow(x - average, 2)).Sum() / (intensities.Count - 1))
                                                : float.NaN;

                    float median      = intensities.Count > 0 ? intensities.SortAndGetMedian() : float.NaN;
                    float medianError = intensities.Count > 1
                                                ? (float)Math.Sqrt(intensities.Select(x => Math.Pow(x - median, 2)).Sum() / (intensities.Count - 1))
                                                : float.NaN;

                    List <float> amplitudes      = mea.Select(x => x.PsfAmplitude).Where(i => i > 0).ToList();
                    float        averageAmp      = amplitudes.Count > 0 ? amplitudes.Average() : float.NaN;
                    float        averageAmpError = amplitudes.Count > 1
                                                ? (float)Math.Sqrt(amplitudes.Select(x => Math.Pow(x - averageAmp, 2)).Sum() / (amplitudes.Count - 1))
                                                : float.NaN;

                    float medianAmp      = amplitudes.Count > 0 ? amplitudes.SortAndGetMedian() : float.NaN;
                    float medianAmpError = amplitudes.Count > 1
                                                ? (float)Math.Sqrt(amplitudes.Select(x => Math.Pow(x - medianAmp, 2)).Sum() / (amplitudes.Count - 1))
                                                : float.NaN;

                    int allMea       = mea.Count;
                    int allSaturated = mea.Count(x => x.IsSaturated);
                    int allHighRes   = mea.Count(x => x.ExcludedForHighResiduals || Math.Abs(x.Intensity) < 0.001 || Math.Abs(x.PsfAmplitude - 1) < 0.001);

                    float exportMag;
                    var   apassData = catStar as ITangraAPASSStarMagnitudes;
                    if (type == ExportMagType.V)
                        exportMag = apassData != null ? apassData.V : catStar.MagV;
                    else if (type == ExportMagType.R)
                        exportMag = apassData != null ? apassData.r : catStar.MagR;
                    else if (type == ExportMagType.B)
                        exportMag = apassData != null ? apassData.B : catStar.MagB;
                    else if (type == ExportMagType.J)
                        exportMag = catStar.MagJ;
                    else if (type == ExportMagType.K)
                        exportMag = catStar.MagK;
                        exportMag = catStar.Mag;

                    string bvColour = null;
                    string sloanR   = null;
                    if (apassData != null)
                        if (!float.IsNaN(apassData.r))
                            sloanR = apassData.r.ToString("0.000");
                        if (!float.IsNaN(apassData.B) && !float.IsNaN(apassData.V))
                            bvColour = (apassData.B - apassData.V).ToString("0.000");

                    string meaAperture         = null;
                    string meaSignalMethod     = null;
                    string meaBackgroundMethod = null;
                    string meaBgPixelCount     = null;
                    string meaSaturationLevel  = null;
                    if (mea.Count > 2)
                        var allApertures   = mea.Select(x => x.MeaSingleApertureSize).ToList();
                        var medianAperture = allApertures.SortAndGetMedian();
                        int sameCnt        = allApertures.Count(x => AbsNullFloat(x, medianAperture) < 0.01);
                        if (sameCnt + 2 < allApertures.Count)
                            meaAperture = string.Format("{0} ({1} of {2})", Convert.ToString(medianAperture), sameCnt, allApertures.Count);
                            meaAperture = Convert.ToString(medianAperture);

                        var allSig    = mea.Select(x => x.MeaSignalMethod).ToList();
                        var medianSig = allSig.SortAndGetMedian();
                        sameCnt = allSig.Count(x => x == medianSig);
                        if (sameCnt + 2 < allSig.Count)
                            meaSignalMethod = string.Format("{0} ({1} of {2})", Convert.ToString(medianSig), sameCnt, allSig.Count);
                            meaSignalMethod = Convert.ToString(medianSig);

                        var allBg    = mea.Select(x => x.MeaBackgroundMethod).ToList();
                        var medianBg = allBg.SortAndGetMedian();
                        sameCnt = allBg.Count(x => x == medianBg);
                        if (sameCnt + 2 < allBg.Count)
                            meaBackgroundMethod = string.Format("{0} ({1} of {2})", Convert.ToString(medianBg), sameCnt, allBg.Count);
                            meaBackgroundMethod = Convert.ToString(medianBg);

                        var allBgPix = mea.Select(x => x.MeaBackgroundPixelCount).ToList();
                        var bgPix    = allBgPix.SortAndGetMedian();
                        sameCnt = allBgPix.Count(x => x == bgPix);
                        if (sameCnt + 2 < allBgPix.Count)
                            meaBgPixelCount = string.Format("{0} ({1} of {2})", Convert.ToString(bgPix), sameCnt, allBgPix.Count);
                            meaBgPixelCount = Convert.ToString(bgPix);

                        var allSat = mea.Select(x => x.MeaSaturationLevel).ToList();
                        var sat    = allSat.SortAndGetMedian();
                        sameCnt = allSat.Count(x => x == sat);
                        if (sameCnt + 2 < allSat.Count)
                            meaSaturationLevel = string.Format("{0} ({1} of {2})", Convert.ToString(sat), sameCnt, allSat.Count);
                            meaSaturationLevel = Convert.ToString(sat);

                    output.AppendFormat("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {10}, {11}, {12}, {13}, {14}, {15}, {16}, {17}, {18}, {19}, {20}, {21}\r\n", starNo, catStar.RAJ2000Deg, catStar.DEJ2000Deg, exportMag, bvColour, sloanR,
                                        average, averageError, median, medianError, averageAmp, averageAmpError, medianAmp, medianAmpError, allMea, allSaturated, allHighRes,
                                        meaAperture, meaSignalMethod, meaBackgroundMethod, meaBgPixelCount, meaSaturationLevel);

                var dialog = new SaveFileDialog();
                dialog.Filter     = "Comma Separated Values (*.csv)|*.csv|All Files (*.*)|*.*";
                dialog.DefaultExt = "csv";
                dialog.Title      = "Export Tangra Measurements";

                if (dialog.ShowDialog(m_Host.ParentWindow) == DialogResult.OK)
                    File.WriteAllText(dialog.FileName, output.ToString());