Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        void _experimentPanel_DataLoaded(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Depending on experimental type of output data (numerical or categorical or boolean)
            // prepare the panels for parameters and type of the factory.
            if (_GPModel == GPModelType.ANNMODEL)
                //create facotry based on column data type
                if (_experimentPanel.IsCategoricalOutput)
                    this._mainANNFactory = new PSOFactory();
                    this._mainANNFactory = new BPFactory();

                if (_setANNPanel == null)
                    _setANNPanel = new ANNSettingsPanel();
                    loadGPPanelInMainWindow(this, _setANNPanel, "Settings");

                    //lock some parameters based on type of output variable
                    if (_experimentPanel.Experiment.GetOutputColumnType() == Core.Experiment.ColumnDataType.Binary ||
                        _experimentPanel.Experiment.GetOutputColumnType() == Core.Experiment.ColumnDataType.Categorical


                if (_runANNPanel == null)
                    _runANNPanel = new ANNRunPanel();
                    loadGPPanelInMainWindow(this, _runANNPanel, "Modeling");

                if (_infoPanel == null)
                    _infoPanel = new InfoPanel();
                    loadGPPanelInMainWindow(this, _infoPanel, "Info");

                if (_runANNPanel != null)
                    this._mainANNFactory.ReportIteration += new EvolutionHandler(annFactory_ReportIteration);
                    _runANNPanel.UpdateChartDataPoint(_experimentPanel.GetOutputValues(), false);
                    _isFileDirty = true;
            else//Preparing GP for modelling nd prediction
                //create facotry based on column data type
                if (_experimentPanel.IsBinarylOutput || _experimentPanel.IsCategoricalOutput)
                    this._mainGPFactory = new GPFactoryClass();
                else if (_experimentPanel.GetOutputColumnType() == Core.Experiment.ColumnDataType.Numeric)
                    this._mainGPFactory = new GPFactory();
                    throw new Exception("Unknown output value type!");

                if (_funPanel == null)
                    _funPanel = new FunctionPanel();
                    loadGPPanelInMainWindow(this, _funPanel, "Functions");

                if (_setPanel == null)
                    _setPanel = new SettingsPanel();
                    loadGPPanelInMainWindow(this, _setPanel, "Settings");
                //set problem type

                if (_runPanel == null)
                    _runPanel = new RunPanel();
                    loadGPPanelInMainWindow(this, _runPanel, "Run");

                if (_resultPanel == null)
                    _resultPanel = new ResultPanel();
                    loadGPPanelInMainWindow(this, _resultPanel, "Result");

                if (_infoPanel == null)
                    _infoPanel = new InfoPanel();
                    loadGPPanelInMainWindow(this, _infoPanel, "Info");

                //set base run panel on _runPAnel
                _baseRunPanel = _runPanel;

                if (_runPanel != null)
                    this._mainGPFactory.ReportEvolution += new EvolutionHandler(gpFactory_ReportEvolution);
                    _runPanel.UpdateChartDataPoint(_experimentPanel.GetOutputValues(), false);
                    _isFileDirty = true;

                if (_funDefinit != null)
                    _funDefinit.btnFinishAnalFun.Click += btnFinishAnalFun_Click;

                if (_setPanel != null)
                    _setPanel.ResetSolution += _setPanel_ResetSolution;