Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void SampleData()
            string sampleText =
                @"Hi Yvaine,
Please create an expense claim for the below.Relevant details are marked up as
<total>1024.01</total><payment_method>personal card</payment_method>
From: Ivan Castle
Sent: Friday, 16 February 2018 10:32 AM
To: Antoine Lloyd <Antoine.Lloyd @example.com>
Subject: test
Hi Antoine,
Please create a reservation at the <vendor>Viaduct Steakhouse</vendor> our
<description> development team’s project end celebration dinner</description> on
<date>Thursday 27 April 2017</date>. We expect to arrive around
7.15pm.Approximately 12 people but I’ll confirm exact numbers closer to the day.
            var ExpenseParser = new ExpenseParser();
            var Expense       = ExpenseParser.ExtractExpenseData(sampleText);

            Assert.AreEqual("DEV002", Expense.cost_centre);
            Assert.AreEqual((Decimal)1024.01, Expense.total);
            Assert.AreEqual("personal card", Expense.payment_method);
            Assert.AreEqual("Viaduct Steakhouse", Expense.vendor);
            Assert.AreEqual(" development team’s project end celebration dinner", Expense.description);
            Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2017, 4, 27), Expense.date.Date);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public Expense ReadText(string expenseText)
         var expenseParser = new ExpenseParser();
     //report back the specified errors
     catch (CustomExpenseException ex)
         var response = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError)
             Content      = new StringContent(ex.Message),
             ReasonPhrase = "Error:" + ex.Message
         throw new HttpResponseException(response);
     //everything else, dont expose, todo: either log or notify in windows event log
     catch (Exception)
         var response = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError)
             Content      = new StringContent("Internal error"),
             ReasonPhrase = "Internal Error"
         throw new HttpResponseException(response);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void UnknownCostCentre()
            var    ExpenseParser     = new ExpenseParser();
            string UnknownCostCentre =
                @"Hi Yvaine,
Please create an expense claim for the below.Relevant details are marked up as
<payment_method>personal card</payment_method>
</expense><total>100.00</total> xxzbc ";
            var Expense = ExpenseParser.ExtractExpenseData(UnknownCostCentre);

            Assert.AreEqual("UNKNOWN", Expense.cost_centre);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void MissingClosingTag()
            var ExpenseParser = new ExpenseParser();

            string MissingTotalText =
                @"Hi Yvaine,
Please create an expense claim for the below.Relevant details are marked up as
<payment_method>personal card</payment_method>
</expense><total>100.00</total> xx <date> zbc ";

                var Expense = ExpenseParser.ExtractExpenseData(MissingTotalText);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Assert.AreEqual(typeof(NoClosingTagException), ex.GetType());
                Assert.AreEqual("No Closing Tag for: date", ex.Message);