public async Task ThenWhatHappensNextIsPopulatedCorrectly(bool isTransfer, SaveStatus saveStatus, ExpectedWhatHappensNextType expectedWhatHappensNextType)
            var fixture = new WhenMappingAcknowledgementRequestToViewModelTestsFixture();

            fixture.Cohort.TransferSenderId       = isTransfer ? 100 : default(long?);
            fixture.Cohort.ChangeOfPartyRequestId = isTransfer ? default(long?) : 100;

            .Setup(x => x.GetCohort(It.IsAny <long>(), It.IsAny <CancellationToken>()))

            fixture.Source.SaveStatus = saveStatus;

            var result = await fixture.Map();

            string[] expectedWhatHappensNext;
            switch (expectedWhatHappensNextType)
            case ExpectedWhatHappensNextType.TransferFirstApproval:
                expectedWhatHappensNext = new[]
                    "The employer will review the cohort and either approve or contact you with an update.",
                    "Once the employer approves the cohort, a transfer request will be sent to the funding employer to review.",
                    "You’ll receive a notification when the funding employer approves or rejects the transfer request."

            case ExpectedWhatHappensNextType.EmployerWillReview:
                expectedWhatHappensNext = new[] { "The employer will review the cohort and either approve it or contact you with an update." };

            case ExpectedWhatHappensNextType.UpdatedCohort:
                expectedWhatHappensNext = new[] { "The updated cohort will appear in the employer’s account for them to review." };

                throw new NotImplementedException();

            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(expectedWhatHappensNext, result.WhatHappensNext);
        //[TestCase(false, SaveStatus.Save, ExpectedWhatHappensNextType.UpdatedCohort)]
        public async Task ThenWhatHappensNextIsPopulatedCorrectly(bool isTransfer, SaveStatus saveStatus, ExpectedWhatHappensNextType expectedWhatHappensNextType)
            if (isTransfer)
                _commitment.TransferSender = new TransferSender();

            var viewModel = await _orchestrator.GetAcknowledgementViewModel(1, "Hashed-Id", saveStatus);

            string[] expectedWhatHappensNext;
            switch (expectedWhatHappensNextType)
            case ExpectedWhatHappensNextType.TransferFirstApproval:
                expectedWhatHappensNext = new[]
                    "The employer will receive your cohort and will either confirm the information is correct or contact you to suggest changes.",
                    "Once the employer approves the cohort, a transfer request will be sent to the funding employer to review.",
                    "You will receive a notification once the funding employer approves or rejects the transfer request. You can view the progress of a request from the 'With transfer sending employers' status screen."

            case ExpectedWhatHappensNextType.EmployerWillReview:
                expectedWhatHappensNext = new[] { "The employer will review the cohort and either approve it or contact you with an update." };

            case ExpectedWhatHappensNextType.UpdatedCohort:
                expectedWhatHappensNext = new[] { "The updated cohort will appear in the employer’s account for them to review." };

                throw new NotImplementedException();

            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(expectedWhatHappensNext, viewModel.WhatHappensNext);