Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void CreateNewCollectionWithDelete()
            // Arrange
            var          importer    = new ExerciseImportHelper();
            const string validHeader = "ExerciseCode,Name,CDT_Class,CDT_AtHome,IsMovementDataCo" +
                                       "llected,UnitTarget,HintEasier,HintHarder,Hint1,Hint2,MDT_Class," +
                                       "MDT_AtHome,OldCode,Name_animationFile," +
            string inputLine = "STAB_010_R,Half tandem stand Right,Y,Y,Y,N,wider stance," +
                               "put weight evenly on both feet,Remember the goal is to have your feet as close" +
                               "as possible.Your left foot should be nestling inside your right instep. ," +
                               "Do your best to stand up tall with your head aligned with your spine.," +
                               " N, N,, STAB_010_R_ HalfTandemStand,STAB_010 Half tandem stand";

            string input = validHeader + Environment.NewLine + inputLine;
            // Act
            var result = importer.ImportWithDelete(input, _existingExercises);
            // Assert
            List <Exercise> resultList = result.ToList();

            resultList[0].Name.Should().Be("Half tandem stand Right");
            resultList[0].EasierHint.Should().Be("wider stance");
            resultList[0].HarderHint.Should().Be("put weight evenly on both feet");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void ThrowExceptionWhenNoDataIsThere()
            const string CSVListTest3 = "ExerciseCode,Name,CDT_Class,CDT" +
                                        "_AtHome,IsMovementDataCollected,UnitTarget," +
                                        "HintEasier,Hint Harder,Hint1,Hint2,MDT_Class,MDT_AtHome,OldCode," +
            // Arrange
            var Import    = new ExerciseImportHelper();
            var AllExList = new List <string[]>();
            // Act
            Action act1 = () => Import.ImportWithoutDelete(CSVListTest3, new List <Exercise>());
            Action act2 = () => Import.ImportWithDelete(CSVListTest3, new List <Exercise>());

            // Assert
            act1.Should().Throw <ArgumentException>();
            act2.Should().Throw <ArgumentException>();
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void CreateNewCollectionWithDeleteWithUpdate()
            // Arrange
            var          importer    = new ExerciseImportHelper();
            const string validHeader = "ExerciseCode,Name,CDT_Class,CDT_AtHome,IsMovementDataCo" +
                                       "llected,UnitTarget,HintEasier,HintHarder,Hint1,Hint2,MDT_Class," +
                                       "MDT_AtHome,OldCode,Name_animationFile," +
            string inputLine = "STAB_010_R,Half tandem stand Right,Y,Y,Y,N,wider stance," +
                               "put weight evenly on both feet,Remember the goal is to have your feet as close" +
                               "as possible.Your left foot should be nestling inside your right instep. ," +
                               "Do your best to stand up tall with your head aligned with your spine.," +
                               " N, N,, STAB_010_R_ HalfTandemStand,STAB_010 Half tandem stand";
            string inputLine2 = "STAB_012_X,TestName,Y,Y,N,Y,make it easy," +
                                "make it hard," +
                                "Stand with your feet hip width apart and keep your legs straight as you shift weight from one foot to the other. ," +
                                ",N,N,,STAB_012_X_StandingWeightShift,STAB_012 Standing weight shift";
            string input      = validHeader + Environment.NewLine + inputLine + Environment.NewLine + inputLine2;
            var    originalId = _existingExercises.ToList()[2].Id;
            // Act
            var result = importer.ImportWithDelete(input, _existingExercises);
            // Assert
            List <Exercise> resultList = result.ToList();

            resultList[0].Name.Should().Be("Half tandem stand Right");
            resultList[0].EasierHint.Should().Be("wider stance");
            resultList[0].HarderHint.Should().Be("put weight evenly on both feet");
            resultList[1].EasierHint.Should().Be("make it easy");
            resultList[1].HarderHint.Should().Be("make it hard");