Ejemplo n.º 1
 public JsonExecutionTrace(ExecutionTrace item)
     this.Name          = string.Format("{0}.{1}({2})", item.ClassName, item.MethodName, item.Tag);
     this.MinDuration   = item.MinDuration;
     this.MaxDuration   = item.MaxDuration;
     this.AvgDuration   = item.AvgDuration;
     this.TotalDuration = Format(Math.Round((double)item.TotalDuration / 1000 /*secs*/ / 60 /*mins*/ / 60 /*hrs*/, 2));
     this.Counter       = item.Counter;
     this.LastCall      = item.LastCall.ToString("yyy-MM-dd HH:mm");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Default contructor, initializes properties, etc. accordingly.
        /// </summary>
        public DebugConfiguration()
            // Initialize our execution trace
            ExecutionTrace = new ExecutionTrace();

            // Set our default tracing
            IsTracing = false;

            // Set our default for exception throwing on failed results.
            ThrowExceptionOnFailResult = true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Default contructor, initializes properties, etc. accordingly.
        /// </summary>
        public DebugConfiguration(BaseDB database = null)
            // Set/initialize our database.
            Database = database ?? new BaseDB();

            // Initialize our execution trace
            ExecutionTrace = new ExecutionTrace();

            // Set our default tracing
            IsTracing = false;

            // Set our default for preimage tracing
            IsTracingPreimages = true;

            // Set our default for exception throwing on failed results.
            ThrowExceptionOnFailResult = true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        // Exceptions
        public void RecordException(Exception exception, bool isContractExecuting, bool onlyIfNoPreviousErrors = false)
            // Use optional tracing information to return with the error for callstack/execution information.
            if (IsTracing && !onlyIfNoPreviousErrors)
                ExecutionTrace?.RecordException(exception, isContractExecuting);

            // If we already have an exception, stop
            if (Error != null)

            // Set our error.
            Error = exception;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        // Tracing
        public void RecordExecutionStart(MeadowEVM evm)
            // If we're not tracing, clear our execution trace.
            if (!IsTracing)
                ExecutionTrace = null;

            // If our depth is 0, we should start a new trace map and clear errors.
            if (evm.Message.Depth == 0)
                // Start a new trace map if we're tracing.
                if (IsTracing)
                    ExecutionTrace = new ExecutionTrace();

                // Clear our error.
                Error = null;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        internal static ExecutionTrace CoreExecutionTraceJsonExecutionTrace(Meadow.EVM.Debugging.Tracing.ExecutionTrace coreExecutionTrace)
            // If the execution trace is null, we return null
            if (coreExecutionTrace == null)

            // Create our array of trace points
            ExecutionTracePoint[] tracepoints = new ExecutionTracePoint[coreExecutionTrace.Tracepoints.Count];

            // Populate all tracepoint items.
            for (int i = 0; i < tracepoints.Length; i++)
                // Obtain our trace point.
                var executionTracePoint = coreExecutionTrace.Tracepoints[i];

                // Define our memory and stack
                Data[] executionMemory = null;
                Data[] executionStack  = executionTracePoint.Stack.Select(s => new Data(s)).ToArray();

                if (executionTracePoint.Memory != null)
                    int         wordCount  = (int)EVMDefinitions.GetWordCount(executionTracePoint.Memory.Length);
                    Span <byte> memorySpan = executionTracePoint.Memory;
                    executionMemory = new Data[wordCount];
                    for (int x = 0; x < executionMemory.Length; x++)
                        executionMemory[x] = new Data(memorySpan.Slice(x * EVMDefinitions.WORD_SIZE, EVMDefinitions.WORD_SIZE));

                // Obtain our memory
                tracepoints[i] = new ExecutionTracePoint()
                    CallData         = executionTracePoint.CallData,
                    Code             = executionTracePoint.Code,
                    ContractAddress  = executionTracePoint.ContractAddress == null ? (Address?)null : new Address(executionTracePoint.ContractAddress.ToByteArray()),
                    ContractDeployed = executionTracePoint.ContractDeployed,
                    Opcode           = executionTracePoint.Opcode,
                    GasRemaining     = (UInt256)executionTracePoint.GasRemaining,
                    GasCost          = (UInt256)executionTracePoint.GasCost,
                    PC      = executionTracePoint.PC,
                    Depth   = executionTracePoint.Depth,
                    Stack   = executionStack,
                    Memory  = executionMemory,
                    Storage = executionTracePoint.Storage

            // Create our array of exceptions
            ExecutionTraceException[] exceptions = new ExecutionTraceException[coreExecutionTrace.Exceptions.Count];

            // Populate all exception items
            for (int i = 0; i < exceptions.Length; i++)
                // Set our item.
                exceptions[i] = new ExecutionTraceException()
                    TraceIndex = coreExecutionTrace.Exceptions[i].TraceIndex,
                    Message    = coreExecutionTrace.Exceptions[i].Exception.Message

            // Obtain our execution trace analysis.
            ExecutionTrace executionTrace = new ExecutionTrace()
                Tracepoints = tracepoints,
                Exceptions  = exceptions

            // Return our execution trace.
Ejemplo n.º 7
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes the storage manager with the provided execution trace.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="executionTrace">The execution trace to initialize and track storage across.</param>
 public StorageManager(ExecutionTrace executionTrace)
     // Set our properties
     ExecutionTrace = executionTrace;