Ejemplo n.º 1
        public Object ResolveArgumentGroup(IActor resolvedActor, String[] parameters, ExecutionContextImpl executionContext)
            log.Debug("resolvedActor inside resolveArgumentGroup: " + resolvedActor);

            if (resolvedActor == null)
                if (parameters.Length != 1)
                    throw new SystemException("argument group expects exactly one parameter instead of " + parameters.Length);

                String groupId = parameters[0];
                IGroup group   = null;
                    group = executionContext.GetOrganisationComponent().FindGroupById(groupId);
                catch (OrganisationRuntimeException e)
                    throw new SystemException("can't resolve group-argument with parameter " + groupId + " : " + e.Message);

                if (parameters.Length != 1)
                    throw new SystemException("argument group expects exactly one parameter (membership-type) instead of " + parameters.Length);

                IUser  user           = null;
                IGroup group          = null;
                String membershipType = parameters[0];

                    group = executionContext.GetOrganisationComponent().FindGroupByMembership(resolvedActor.Id, membershipType);
                catch (InvalidCastException e)
                    throw new SystemException("can't resolve group-argument : a group must be calculated from a User, not a " + resolvedActor.GetType().FullName, e);
                catch (OrganisationRuntimeException e)
                    throw new SystemException("can't resolve group-argument : can't find the hierarchy-memberschip of User " + user.Id + " and membership-type " + membershipType + " : " + e.Message, e);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public Object ResolveArgumentRole(IActor resolvedActor, String[] parameters, ExecutionContextImpl executionContext)
            if (parameters.Length != 1)
                throw new SystemException("argument role expects exactly one parameter (role-name) instead of " + parameters.Length);

            IActor actor = null;

            if (resolvedActor == null)
                    actor = (IActor)executionContext.GetAttribute(parameters[0]);
                catch (InvalidCastException e)
                    throw new SystemException("argument attribute(" + parameters[0] + ") does not contain an actor : " + executionContext.GetAttribute(parameters[0]).GetType().FullName, e);
                String roleName = parameters[0].Trim();

                    IList users = executionContext.GetOrganisationComponent().FindUsersByGroupAndRole(resolvedActor.Id, roleName);
                    if (users.Count < 1)
                        throw new SystemException("no users have role " + roleName + " for group " + resolvedActor.Id);
                    actor = (IUser)users[0];

                    // TODO : create a new group if more then one user is returned on the query...
                catch (InvalidCastException e)
                    throw new SystemException("can't resolve role-argument : a role must be calculated from a Group, not a " + resolvedActor.GetType().FullName, e);
                catch (OrganisationRuntimeException e)
                    throw new SystemException("can't resolve role-argument : can't find the users that perform role " + roleName + " for group " + resolvedActor.Id + " : " + e.Message);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public Object ResolveArgumentActor(IActor resolvedActor, String[] parameters, ExecutionContextImpl executionContext)
            if (parameters.Length != 1)
                throw new SystemException("argument actor expects exactly one (the actor-id) parameter instead of " + parameters.Length);

            IActor actor = null;

                actor = executionContext.GetOrganisationComponent().FindActorById(parameters[0]);
            catch (OrganisationRuntimeException e)
                throw new SystemException("can't resolve actor-argument with parameter " + parameters[0], e);
