Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void WriteRecordsTest()
            var date      = DateTime.Today;
            var yesterday = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1);
            var records   = new List <TestRecord> {
                new TestRecord {
                    IntColumn           = 1,
                    StringColumn        = "string column",
                    IgnoredColumn       = "ignored column",
                    FirstColumn         = "first column",
                    TypeConvertedColumn = "written as test",
                    BoolColumn          = true,
                    DoubleColumn        = 12.34,
                    DateTimeColumn      = date,
                    NullStringColumn    = null,
                    FormulaColumn       = "=1+2",
                new TestRecord {
                    IntColumn           = 2,
                    StringColumn        = "string column 2",
                    IgnoredColumn       = "ignored column 2",
                    FirstColumn         = "first column 2",
                    TypeConvertedColumn = "written as test",
                    BoolColumn          = false,
                    DoubleColumn        = 43.21,
                    DateTimeColumn      = yesterday,
                    NullStringColumn    = null,
                    FormulaColumn       = "not a formula",

            using (var stream = new MemoryStream()) {
                using (var excel = new ExcelWriterC1(stream)) {
                    excel.Configuration.RegisterClassMap <TestRecordMap>();

                    stream.Position = 0;
                    using (var book = new C1XLBook()) {
                        book.Load(stream, FileFormat.OpenXml);
                        var sheet = book.Sheets[0];
                        CheckRecords(sheet, date, yesterday);
                        Assert.AreEqual(3, book.Sheets.Count);
                        sheet = book.Sheets[2];
                        CheckRecords(sheet, date, yesterday);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void WriteCellTest()
            using (var stream = new MemoryStream()) {
                using (var excel = new ExcelWriterC1(stream)) {
                    // Set up our row and column formats first
                    excel.SetRowFormat(1, fontStyle: FontStyle.Bold, fontSize: 16);
                    excel.SetColumnFormat(7, fontStyle: FontStyle.Italic, fontSize: 24);

                    var date = DateTime.Today;
                    var guid = new Guid("bfb9c599-bc9e-4f97-ae59-25f2ca09cfdf");
                    excel.WriteCell(0, 0, "one");
                    excel.WriteCell(0, 1, "one, two", fontStyle: FontStyle.Bold);
                    excel.WriteCell(0, 2, "one \"two\" three", fontSize: 18);
                    excel.WriteCell(0, 3, " one ", fontName: "Times");
                    excel.WriteCell(0, 4, date);
                    excel.WriteCell(0, 5, date, null, "d");
                    excel.WriteCell(0, 6, date, null, "D", FontStyle.Bold);
                    excel.WriteCell(0, 7, (byte)1);
                    excel.WriteCell(0, 8, (short)2);
                    excel.WriteCell(0, 9, 3);
                    excel.WriteCell(0, 10, "=1+2");

                    excel.WriteCell(1, 0, (long)4);
                    excel.WriteCell(1, 1, (float)5);
                    excel.WriteCell(1, 2, (double)6);
                    excel.WriteCell(1, 3, (decimal)123.456, "C");
                    excel.WriteCell(1, 4, guid);
                    excel.WriteCell(1, 5, true);
                    excel.WriteCell(1, 6, false);
                    excel.WriteCell(1, 7, (string)null);
                    excel.WriteCell(1, 8, new TimeSpan(1, 2, 3));
                    excel.WriteCell(1, 9, new TimeSpan(1, 2, 3), "g");
                    excel.WriteCell(1, 10, "=2*3");

                    // Auto size the columns
                    excel.AdjustColumnsToContent(0, 10000);

                    // Override some column and row sizes
                    excel.SetRowHeight(1, 600);
                    excel.SetColumnWidth(1, 500);
                    excel.SetColumnWidth(11, 700);

                    // Change to third sheet and write a cell
                    excel.WriteCell(0, 0, "third sheet");


                    stream.Position = 0;
                    using (var book = new C1XLBook()) {
                        book.Load(stream, FileFormat.OpenXml);
                        var sheet = book.Sheets[0];

                        // Verify row and column styles
                        Assert.AreEqual(FontStyle.Bold, sheet.Rows[1].Style.Font.Style);
                        Assert.AreEqual(16.0, sheet.Rows[1].Style.Font.SizeInPoints);
                        Assert.AreEqual(FontStyle.Italic, sheet.Columns[7].Style.Font.Style);
                        Assert.AreEqual(24.0, sheet.Columns[7].Style.Font.SizeInPoints);

                        // Verify the overridden row and column sizes
                        Assert.AreEqual(600, sheet.Rows[1].Height);
                        Assert.AreEqual(495, sheet.Columns[1].Width);
                        Assert.AreEqual(700, sheet.Columns[11].Width);

                        // Check some automatically sizes column widths
                        Assert.AreEqual(2655, sheet.Columns[2].Width);
                        Assert.AreEqual(2347, sheet.Columns[4].Width);

                        // Verify first row
                        Assert.AreEqual("one", sheet[0, 0].Value);
                        Assert.AreEqual("", sheet[0, 0].Style.Format);
                        Assert.AreEqual("one, two", sheet[0, 1].Value);
                        Assert.AreEqual(FontStyle.Bold, sheet[0, 1].Style.Font.Style);
                        Assert.AreEqual("one \"two\" three", sheet[0, 2].Value);
                        Assert.AreEqual(18.0, sheet[0, 2].Style.Font.SizeInPoints);
                        Assert.AreEqual(" one ", sheet[0, 3].Value);
                        Assert.AreEqual("Times New Roman", sheet[0, 3].Style.Font.Name);
                        Assert.AreEqual(date, sheet[0, 4].Value);
                        Assert.AreEqual(@"m\/D\/YYYY\ H:mm:ss\ AM/PM", sheet[0, 4].Style.Format);
                        Assert.AreEqual(date, sheet[0, 5].Value);
                        Assert.AreEqual(@"m\/D\/YYYY", sheet[0, 5].Style.Format);
                        Assert.AreEqual(date, sheet[0, 6].Value);
                        Assert.AreEqual(@"DDDD,\ mmmm\ D,\ YYYY", sheet[0, 6].Style.Format);
                        Assert.AreEqual(FontStyle.Bold, sheet[0, 6].Style.Font.Style);
                        Assert.AreEqual((double)1, sheet[0, 7].Value);
                        Assert.AreEqual((double)2, sheet[0, 8].Value);
                        Assert.AreEqual((double)3, sheet[0, 9].Value);
                        Assert.AreEqual("=1+2", sheet[0, 10].Formula);
                        Assert.AreEqual(null, sheet[0, 10].Value);

                        // Verify second row
                        Assert.AreEqual((double)4, sheet[1, 0].Value);
                        Assert.AreEqual("", sheet[1, 0].Style.Format);
                        Assert.AreEqual((double)5, sheet[1, 1].Value);
                        Assert.AreEqual((double)6, sheet[1, 2].Value);
                        Assert.AreEqual(123.456, sheet[1, 3].Value);
                        Assert.AreEqual(@"$#,##0.00;($#,##0.00)", sheet[1, 3].Style.Format);
                        Assert.AreEqual("bfb9c599-bc9e-4f97-ae59-25f2ca09cfdf", sheet[1, 4].Value);
                        Assert.AreEqual("true", sheet[1, 5].Value);
                        Assert.AreEqual("false", sheet[1, 6].Value);
                        Assert.AreEqual(null, sheet[1, 7].Value);
                        Assert.AreEqual("01:02:03", sheet[1, 8].Value);
                        Assert.AreEqual("", sheet[1, 8].Style.Format);
                        Assert.AreEqual("01:02:03", sheet[1, 9].Value);
                        Assert.AreEqual("", sheet[1, 9].Style.Format);
                        Assert.AreEqual("=2*3", sheet[1, 10].Formula);
                        Assert.AreEqual(null, sheet[1, 10].Value);

                        // Verify third sheet
                        Assert.AreEqual(3, book.Sheets.Count);
                        sheet = book.Sheets[2];
                        Assert.AreEqual("third sheet", sheet[0, 0].Value);