public void LogIn()
            var          loginForm = new LogInView(_appConfig);
            DialogResult result    = loginForm.ShowDialog();

            if (result == DialogResult.OK)
                _appConfig = loginForm.AppConfig;
                _presenter = new ExcelPresenter(_application,
                                                new DatabaseConnectionFactory().CreateDbConnection(_appConfig.DatabaseType, _appConfig.ConnectionString),
                                                new SqlGeneratorFactory().CreateSqlGenerator(_appConfig.DatabaseType),
        //public void verifyReportStructure()
        //    // dict of missing structure and related message to display to user
        //    Dictionary<string, string> errors = new Dictionary<string, string>();

        //    // check for Data worsheet
        //    try
        //    {
        //        Excel.Worksheet sheet = app.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets["Data"];
        //    }
        //    catch (Exception)
        //    {
        //        errors["Data Worksheet"] = "A worksheet named 'Data' does not exist";
        //    }

        //    // check for startCell
        //    try
        //    {
        //        Excel.Range range = app.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets["Data"].Range["startCell"];
        //    }
        //    catch (Exception)
        //    {
        //        errors["Start Cell"] = "Named range, 'startCell', does not exist in Data worksheet";
        //    }

        //    // check that each pivot table's data source exists (truncate pivot table's name and search)
        //    foreach (Excel.PivotTable pt in app.ActiveWorkbook.PivotTables)
        //    {
        //        string sourceSheetName = pt.Name.Substring(0, pt.Name.IndexOf("__"));
        //        try
        //        {
        //            Excel.Worksheet sourceSheet = app.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets[sourceSheetName];
        //        }
        //        catch (Exception)
        //        {
        //            errors[sourceSheetName] = string.Format("{0} is not a sheet in this workbook.  If left uncorrected, this pivot table will not update " +
        //                "when expected", sourceSheetName);
        //        }
        //    }

        //    // check that Properties worksheet exists
        //    try
        //    {
        //        Excel.Worksheet sheet = app.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets["Properties"];
        //    }
        //    catch (Exception)
        //    {
        //        errors["Properties Worksheet"] = "A worksheet named 'Properties' does not exist";
        //    }

        //    // check that each workbook property exists in Properties worksheet
        //    foreach (string property in
        //    {
        //        try
        //        {
        //            Excel.Range range = app.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets["Properties"].Range[property];
        //        }
        //        catch (Exception)
        //        {
        //            errors[property] = string.Format("Named range, '{0}', does not exist in the Properties worksheet", property);
        //        }
        //    }

        //    // show message box with 1) missing structure and 2) related message
        //    if (errors.Count > 0)
        //    {
        //        string message = "The following errors should be fixed before the workbook is saved:\r\n";
        //        foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> error in errors)
        //        {
        //            message += string.Format("***{0}:  {1}\r\n", error.Key, error.Value);
        //        }
        //        MessageBox.Show(message, "Report Structure Errors", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
        //    }
        //    else
        //    {
        //        MessageBox.Show("Report structure is correct!", "Report Structure Check", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
        //    }


        //public void addCellMapping()
        //    //not implemented yet

        //public void deleteCellMapping()
        //    //not implemented yet

        public Hashtable EditConfiguration(IList <string> dbConnStrings)
            var          editConfig = new ConfigurationEditorView(dbConnStrings);
            DialogResult result     = editConfig.ShowDialog();

            if (result == DialogResult.OK)
                // wipe appConfig object, which reloads the ConnectionString and SQL_getAvailableTables settings set above
                var defaultDatabaseType     = editConfig.DefaultConnectionDatabaseType;
                var availableTablesSQL      = AvailableTablesSql.availableTablesSql[defaultDatabaseType];
                var defaultConnectionString = editConfig.DefaultConnectionString;

                // Update class fields with new default connection string, availableTablesSQL, and database type (don't update _application field, though)
                // Updating the _presenter field here allows the new connection string and database type to be tested for validity.  If either is not valid
                // then the an exception will be throw, a message will be displayed to the user, and no settings (null) will be returned to the calling method,
                // so that no application settings are updated in the calling application.  Essentially it guards against malformed connection strings or mismatched
                // database types leaving the NovenaLibrary application and going to the calling appliation.
                    _appConfig = new AppConfig(defaultConnectionString, availableTablesSQL, defaultDatabaseType);
                    _workbookPropertiesConfig = new WorkbookPropertiesConfig(_application.ActiveWorkbook);

                    _presenter = new ExcelPresenter(_application,
                                                    new DatabaseConnectionFactory().CreateDbConnection(defaultDatabaseType, defaultConnectionString),
                                                    new SqlGeneratorFactory().CreateSqlGenerator(defaultDatabaseType),
                catch (Exception ex)
                    MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

                // Pass connection strings to calling application method to update application's settings.
                Hashtable results = new Hashtable();
                results.Add("dbConnStrings", editConfig.DatabaseConnections);
                results.Add("activeConnectionString", defaultConnectionString);
                results.Add("activeDatabaseType", (int)defaultDatabaseType);
                results.Add("availableTablesSQL", availableTablesSQL);

        public NovenaReportingAPI(Excel.Application application, string connectionString, string availableTablesSQL, DatabaseType databaseType, string workbookPropertiesConfigXML)
            _appConfig   = new AppConfig(connectionString, availableTablesSQL, databaseType);
            _application = application;

                _workbookPropertiesConfig = new WorkbookPropertiesConfig(application.ActiveWorkbook).DeserializeXML(workbookPropertiesConfigXML);

                // If no credentials are required, create ExcelPresenter with DatabaseConnection and SqlGenerator dependencies.
                // If credentials are required, then they are set in the Login() method below.
                if (_appConfig.GetCredentialsRequired == AppConfig.CredentialsRequired.None)
                    _presenter = new ExcelPresenter(application,
                                                    new DatabaseConnectionFactory().CreateDbConnection(_appConfig.DatabaseType, _appConfig.ConnectionString),
                                                    new SqlGeneratorFactory().CreateSqlGenerator(databaseType),
            catch (Exception)