Ejemplo n.º 1
        public ActionResult UploadExcel(HttpPostedFileBase FileUpload, int?ImportType, FormCollection formCollection)
            string test = String.Empty;

            #region Test GetAreaName
            ////Case 1 – If char 5 to 8 <> PROF, but upper 5 to 8 does = COUNS set field 8 to Counselor
            //test = GetAreaName("Adj Counslr-DSP&S-428A"); //Counselor
            ////Case 2 – If char 5 to 8 <> PROF, AND upper 5 to 8 does = LIBR set field 8 to Librarian
            //test = GetAreaName("Adj Librarian-Supplementl-014C"); //Librarian
            //test = GetAreaName("Adj Librarian FLC Supp 014C"); //Librarian
            ////Case 3 – If char 5 to 8 <> PROF, but upper 5 to 8 does = Nurses set field 8 to Nurses
            //test = GetAreaName("Adj Nurses-Unrestricted-015F"); //Nurses
            ////Case 4 – If char 5 to 8 <> PROF, but upper 5 to 8 does = "COORD" set field to Coord to end of string
            //test = GetAreaName("Adj Coord-Miscellaneous"); //Coord-Miscellaneous
            //test = GetAreaName("ADJ Coord-Work Experience"); //Coord-Work Experience
            ////Case 5 – Set to “Miscellaneous” WHERE Field 8 is still NULL and “misc” exists anywhere in the string
            //test = GetAreaName("Adj Prof-TS-SCC Miscellaneous"); //Miscellaneous
            //test = GetAreaName("Adj Prof-TS-CRC Miscellaneous"); //Miscellaneous
            //test = GetAreaName("Adj Prof- Miscellaneous Servic"); //Miscellaneous
            //test = GetAreaName("Adj Counslr-Misc Categorical"); //Counselor
            //test = GetAreaName("Adj Counselor-Miscellaneous"); //Counselor
            ////Case 6 – Set to “CJTC” WHERE Field 8 is still NULL and “CJTC” exists anywhere in the string
            //test = GetAreaName("Adjunct Professor CJTC"); //CJTC
            ////Case 7 – Has at least one dash AND there are two dashes (a dash found searching from the start and a dash found searching from the end are not in the same position
            //test = GetAreaName("Adj Prof-MAIN-Law"); //Law
            //test = GetAreaName("Adj Prof-MAIN-Eng & Ind Tech"); //Eng & Ind Tech
            //test = GetAreaName("Adj Prof-MCCL-Psychology"); //Psychology
            //test = GetAreaName("OL Prof-MAIN-Education"); //Education
            //test = GetAreaName("SUM Prof-DAVS-Fine & App Arts"); //Fine & App Arts
            //test = GetAreaName("Adj Prof-Miscellaneou"); //Miscellaneous
            ////Case 7b – Only one dash (a dash found searching from the start and a dash found searching from the end ARE in the same position).
            //test = GetAreaName("Adjunct Professors - Fire Tech"); //Fire Tech
            //test = GetAreaName("ADJ Coord-Work Experience"); //Coord-Work Experience
            //test = GetAreaName("Adj Instr Coord - Writing Cent"); //Writing Cent
            //test = GetAreaName("Adj Coord-Natomas 037B"); //Coord-Natomas 037B
            ////Case 8 - Get entire string when Field8 value is still NULL

            ////from Excel Full-Time page
            //test = GetAreaName("Professor-Mathematics"); //Mathematics
            //test = GetAreaName("English (Reading) Professor"); //English (Reading) Professor
            //test = GetAreaName("Professor-Humanities"); //Humanities
            //test = GetAreaName("Professor-Biology"); //Biology
            //test = GetAreaName("Professor-Physical Education"); //Physical Education

            #region  Test GetDepartmentName
            ////Case 1 – If "COUNS" exists anywhere in the string, set field "DepartmentName" to "Counselor"
            //test = GetDepartmentName("Adj Counslr-DSP&S-428A"); //Counselor

            ////Case 3 –If dash exists, set field "DepartmentName" to text from dash to end of string (Existing) trim leading space.
            //test = GetDepartmentName("Adj Librarian-Supplementl-014C"); //Supplementl-014C

            ////If no 'prof', take first word
            //test = GetDepartmentName("Adj Librarian FLC Supp 014C"); //Librarian FLC Supp 014C

            ////Case 1.1 – If "NURSE" exists anywhere in string, set field "DepartmentName" to "Nurse".  Note do not change "nursing"
            //test = GetDepartmentName("Adj Nurses-Unrestricted-015F"); //Nurses

            ////Case 2 – If "COORD" exists anywhere in the string, set field "DepartmentName" to text from "COORD" set field to Coord to end of string
            //test = GetDepartmentName("Adj Coord-Miscellaneous"); //Coord-Miscellaneous
            //test = GetDepartmentName("ADJ Coord-Work Experience"); //Coord-Work Experience

            ////If contain 'prof'
            ////If first four chars is not Prof, take whole field
            ////Case 3 –If dash exists, set field "DepartmentName" to text from dash to end of string (Existing) trim leading space.
            //test = GetDepartmentName("Adj Prof-TS-SCC Miscellaneous"); //TS-SCC Miscellaneous
            //test = GetDepartmentName("Adj Prof-TS-CRC Miscellaneous"); //TS-CRC Miscellaneous
            //test = GetDepartmentName("Adj Prof- Miscellaneous Servic"); //Miscellaneous Servic

            ////Case 1 – If "COUNS" exists anywhere in the string, set field "DepartmentName" to "Counselor"
            //test = GetDepartmentName("Adj Counslr-Misc Categorical"); //Counselor
            //test = GetDepartmentName("Adj Counselor-Miscellaneous"); //Counselor

            ////If first four chars is not Prof, take whole field
            //test = GetDepartmentName("Adjunct Professor CJTC"); //Adjunct Professor CJTC

            ////If contain 'prof'
            ////If first four chars is not Prof, take whole field
            ////Case 3 –If dash exists, set field "DepartmentName" to text from dash to end of string (Existing) trim leading space.
            //test = GetDepartmentName("Adj Prof-MAIN-Law"); //MAIN-Law
            //test = GetDepartmentName("Adj Prof-MAIN-Eng & Ind Tech"); //MAIN-Eng & Ind Tech
            //test = GetDepartmentName("Adj Prof-MCCL-Psychology"); //MCCL-Psychology
            //test = GetDepartmentName("OL Prof-MAIN-Education"); //MAIN-Education
            //test = GetDepartmentName("SUM Prof-DAVS-Fine & App Arts"); //DAVS-Fine & App Arts
            //test = GetDepartmentName("Adj Prof-Miscellaneous"); //Miscellaneous
            //test = GetDepartmentName("Adjunct Professors - Fire Tech"); //Fire Tech

            ////Case 2 – If "COORD" exists anywhere in the string, set field "DepartmentName" to text from "COORD" set field to Coord to end of string
            //test = GetDepartmentName("ADJ Coord-Work Experience"); //Coord-Work Experience
            //test = GetDepartmentName("Adj Instr Coord - Writing Cent"); //Coord - Writing Cent
            //test = GetDepartmentName("Adj Coord-Natomas 037B"); //Coord-Natomas 037B

            ////If contain 'prof'
            ////If first four chars is Prof.., begin take after first dash -
            //test = GetDepartmentName("Professor-Mathematics"); //Mathematics

            ////If contain 'prof'
            ////If first four chars is not Prof, take whole field
            //test = GetDepartmentName("English (Reading) Professor"); //English (Reading) Professor

            ////If contain 'prof'
            ////If first four chars is Prof.., begin take after first dash -
            //test = GetDepartmentName("Professor-Humanities"); //Humanities
            //test = GetDepartmentName("Professor-Biology"); //Biology
            //test = GetDepartmentName("Professor-Physical Education"); //Physical Education

            #region Test GetCampusDescr
            //test = GetCollegeCode("01ARCMAIN");
            //test = GetCollegeCode("01SRPSTC");
            //test = GetCollegeCode("02CRCMAIN");
            //test = GetCollegeCode("04FLCMAIN");
            //test = GetCollegeCode("04EDC");
            //test = GetCollegeCode("05SCCMAIN");
            //test = GetCollegeCode("03ETHAN");
            //test = GetCollegeCode("03DO");

            Error         error = new Error();
            List <string> errs  = new List <string>();
            if (FileUpload == null)
                error.errCode = ErrorDetail.Failed;
                error.errMsg  = ErrorDetail.GetMsg(error.errCode) + "!Please choose file to upload";
                TempData["ErrorList"] = errs;

            string filename  = FileUpload.FileName;
            var    extension = filename.Split('.').Last().ToUpper();
            if (extension != "XSL" && extension != "XLSX")
                error.errCode = ErrorDetail.Failed;
                error.errMsg  = ErrorDetail.GetMsg(error.errCode) + "!Only Excel file format is allowed (.xls or .xlsx)";
                TempData["ErrorList"] = errs;

            if (ImportType == null)
                error.errCode = ErrorDetail.Failed;
                error.errMsg  = ErrorDetail.GetMsg(error.errCode) + "!Import type (Excel sheet) is not selected";
                TempData["ErrorList"] = errs;

            bool result = Int32.TryParse(formCollection["Semesters"], out int semesterRecID);
            if (!result)
                error.errCode = ErrorDetail.Failed;
                error.errMsg  = ErrorDetail.GetMsg(error.errCode) + "!Please select semester";
                TempData["ErrorList"] = errs;

            string filepath = "~/ImportExcel/1/";
            if (!Directory.Exists(Server.MapPath(filepath)))
            string targetpath = Server.MapPath(filepath);
            FileUpload.SaveAs(targetpath + filename);
            string         pathToExcelFile = targetpath + filename;
            string         sheetName       = String.Empty;
            ExcelMembers   excelMembers    = new ExcelMembers();
            ExcelSchedules excelSchedules  = new ExcelSchedules();
            //var uName = HttpContext.GetOwinContext().Authentication.User.Identity.GetUserName();
            var userId = HttpContext.GetOwinContext().Authentication.User.Identity.GetUserId();

            switch (ImportType)
            case 1: errs = excelMembers.MembersImport(pathToExcelFile, "Full time", semesterRecID, userId); break;

            case 2: errs = excelMembers.MembersImport(pathToExcelFile, "Adjunct", semesterRecID, userId); break;

            case 3: errs = excelSchedules.ScheduleImport(pathToExcelFile, "REG-Schedule", semesterRecID, userId); break;

            case 4: errs = excelSchedules.ScheduleImport(pathToExcelFile, "ADJ-Schedule", semesterRecID, userId); break;

            default: return(RedirectToAction("AdminImportCBU" /*, new { fileTypeSelectResult = "Select appropriate file type" }*/));
            if (errs == null || errs.Count == 0)
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));
                TempData["ErrorList"] = errs;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public async Task <ActionResult> Register(RegisterViewModel model, string Roles)
            SelectList roles = new SelectList(db.AspNetRoles, "Id", "Name");

            ViewBag.Roles = roles;
            var _users = db.AspNetUsers.ToList();
            List <SelectListItem> _UsersRoles = new List <SelectListItem>();

            foreach (var _user in _users)
                var currentRoles = UserManager.GetRolesAsync(_user.Id);
                _UsersRoles.Add(new SelectListItem()
                    Text = _user.UserName, Value = currentRoles.Result.FirstOrDefault()
            ViewBag.UsersAndRoles = _UsersRoles;
            ExcelMembers excelMembers = new ExcelMembers();

            Error error = excelMembers.SplitFullName(model.UserLastFirstName, null, 0, out string lastName, out string firstName, out string middleName);

            if (error.errCode != ErrorDetail.Success)
                ModelState.AddModelError("User Name Error", error.errMsg + ". Please enter last name and first name, separated by a comma.");

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                string selectedRole = roles.Where(t => t.Value == Roles).FirstOrDefault().Text;
                var    user         = new ApplicationUser {
                    UserName = model.Email + ":" + selectedRole, Email = model.Email
                };                                                                                                   // placing selected Role Name to User Name in AspNetUsers table
                var result = await UserManager.CreateAsync(user, model.Password);

                if (result.Succeeded)
                    using (LRCEntities context = new LRCEntities())
                            AspNetUsers aUser = context.AspNetUsers.Where(s => s.Email.ToUpper() == model.Email.ToUpper()).FirstOrDefault();
                            aUser.LastFirstName = model.UserLastFirstName;
                        catch (DbEntityValidationException ex)
                            error.errCode = ErrorDetail.DataImportError;
                            error.errMsg  = ErrorDetail.GetMsg(error.errCode);
                            foreach (DbEntityValidationResult validationError in ex.EntityValidationErrors)
                                error.errMsg += ". Object: " + validationError.Entry.Entity.ToString();
                                foreach (DbValidationError err in validationError.ValidationErrors)
                                    error.errMsg += ". " + err.ErrorMessage;
                    if (error.errCode != ErrorDetail.Success)
                        ModelState.AddModelError("User Name Update Failed", error.errMsg);

                    return(RedirectToAction("RegistrationRequestSentToAdmin", "Account"));

            // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form