Ejemplo n.º 1
        internal int CloneStyle(ExcelStyles style, int styleId, bool isNamedStyle, bool alwaysAddCellXfs)
            ExcelXfs xfs;

            lock (style)
                if (isNamedStyle)
                    xfs = style.CellStyleXfs[styleId];
                    xfs = style.CellXfs[styleId];

                ExcelXfs newXfs = xfs.Copy(this);
                //Number format
                if (xfs.NumberFormatId > 0)
                    //rake36: Two problems here...
                    //rake36:  1. the first time through when format stays equal to String.Empty, it adds a string.empty to the list of Number Formats
                    //rake36:  2. when adding a second sheet, if the numberformatid == 164, it finds the 164 added by previous sheets but was using the array index
                    //rake36:      for the numberformatid

                    var format = string.Empty;
                    foreach (ExcelNumberFormatXml fmt in style.NumberFormats)
                        if (fmt.NumFmtId == xfs.NumberFormatId)
                            format = fmt.Format;

                    //rake36: Don't add another format if it's blank
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(format))
                        var ix = NumberFormats.FindIndexById(format);
                        if (ix < 0)
                            var item = new ExcelNumberFormatXml(NameSpaceManager)
                                Format = format, NumFmtId = NumberFormats.NextId++
                            NumberFormats.Add(format, item);
                            //rake36: Use the just added format id
                            newXfs.NumberFormatId = item.NumFmtId;
                            //rake36: Use the format id defined by the index... not the index itself
                            newXfs.NumberFormatId = NumberFormats[ix].NumFmtId;

                if (xfs.FontId > -1)
                    var ix = Fonts.FindIndexById(xfs.Font.Id);
                    if (ix < 0)
                        ExcelFontXml item = style.Fonts[xfs.FontId].Copy();
                        ix = Fonts.Add(xfs.Font.Id, item);

                    newXfs.FontId = ix;

                if (xfs.BorderId > -1)
                    var ix = Borders.FindIndexById(xfs.Border.Id);
                    if (ix < 0)
                        ExcelBorderXml item = style.Borders[xfs.BorderId].Copy();
                        ix = Borders.Add(xfs.Border.Id, item);

                    newXfs.BorderId = ix;

                if (xfs.FillId > -1)
                    var ix = Fills.FindIndexById(xfs.Fill.Id);
                    if (ix < 0)
                        ExcelFillXml item = style.Fills[xfs.FillId].Copy();
                        ix = Fills.Add(xfs.Fill.Id, item);

                    newXfs.FillId = ix;

                //Named style reference
                if (xfs.XfId > 0)
                    var id    = style.CellStyleXfs[xfs.XfId].Id;
                    var newId = CellStyleXfs.FindIndexById(id);
                    if (newId >= 0)
                        newXfs.XfId = newId;
                    else if (style._wb != _wb && alwaysAddCellXfs == false) //Not the same workbook, copy the namedstyle to the workbook or match the id
                        var nsFind = style.NamedStyles.ToDictionary(d => d.StyleXfId);
                        if (nsFind.ContainsKey(xfs.XfId))
                            ExcelNamedStyleXml st = nsFind[xfs.XfId];
                            if (NamedStyles.ExistsKey(st.Name))
                                newXfs.XfId = NamedStyles.FindIndexById(st.Name);
                                ExcelNamedStyle ns = CreateNamedStyle(st.Name, st.Style);
                                newXfs.XfId = NamedStyles.Count - 1;

                int index;
                if (isNamedStyle && alwaysAddCellXfs == false)
                    index = CellStyleXfs.Add(newXfs.Id, newXfs);
                    if (alwaysAddCellXfs)
                        index = CellXfs.Add(newXfs.Id, newXfs);
                        index = CellXfs.FindIndexById(newXfs.Id);
                        if (index < 0)
                            index = CellXfs.Add(newXfs.Id, newXfs);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the style XML to memory
        /// </summary>
        private void LoadFromDocument()
            ExcelNumberFormatXml.AddBuildIn(NameSpaceManager, NumberFormats);
            XmlNode numNode = _styleXml.SelectSingleNode(NumberFormatsPath, _nameSpaceManager);

            if (numNode != null)
                foreach (XmlNode n in numNode)
                    ExcelNumberFormatXml nf = new ExcelNumberFormatXml(_nameSpaceManager, n);
                    NumberFormats.Add(nf.Id, nf);
                    if (nf.NumFmtId >= NumberFormats.NextId)
                        NumberFormats.NextId = nf.NumFmtId + 1;

            XmlNode fontNode = _styleXml.SelectSingleNode(FontsPath, _nameSpaceManager);

            foreach (XmlNode n in fontNode)
                ExcelFontXml f = new ExcelFontXml(_nameSpaceManager, n);
                Fonts.Add(f.Id, f);

            XmlNode fillNode = _styleXml.SelectSingleNode(FillsPath, _nameSpaceManager);

            foreach (XmlNode n in fillNode)
                ExcelFillXml f;
                if (n.FirstChild != null && n.FirstChild.LocalName == "gradientFill")
                    f = new ExcelGradientFillXml(_nameSpaceManager, n);
                    f = new ExcelFillXml(_nameSpaceManager, n);
                Fills.Add(f.Id, f);

            XmlNode borderNode = _styleXml.SelectSingleNode(BordersPath, _nameSpaceManager);

            foreach (XmlNode n in borderNode)
                ExcelBorderXml b = new ExcelBorderXml(_nameSpaceManager, n);
                Borders.Add(b.Id, b);

            XmlNode styleXfsNode = _styleXml.SelectSingleNode(CellStyleXfsPath, _nameSpaceManager);

            if (styleXfsNode != null)
                foreach (XmlNode n in styleXfsNode)
                    ExcelXfs item = new ExcelXfs(_nameSpaceManager, n, this);
                    CellStyleXfs.Add(item.Id, item);

            XmlNode styleNode = _styleXml.SelectSingleNode(CellXfsPath, _nameSpaceManager);

            for (int i = 0; i < styleNode.ChildNodes.Count; i++)
                XmlNode  n    = styleNode.ChildNodes[i];
                ExcelXfs item = new ExcelXfs(_nameSpaceManager, n, this);
                CellXfs.Add(item.Id, item);

            XmlNode namedStyleNode = _styleXml.SelectSingleNode(CellStylesPath, _nameSpaceManager);

            if (namedStyleNode != null)
                foreach (XmlNode n in namedStyleNode)
                    ExcelNamedStyleXml item = new ExcelNamedStyleXml(_nameSpaceManager, n, this);
                    NamedStyles.Add(item.Name, item);

            XmlNode dxfsNode = _styleXml.SelectSingleNode(dxfsPath, _nameSpaceManager);

            if (dxfsNode != null)
                foreach (XmlNode x in dxfsNode)
                    ExcelDxfStyleConditionalFormatting item = new ExcelDxfStyleConditionalFormatting(_nameSpaceManager, x, this);
                    Dxfs.Add(item.Id, item);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the style XML to memory
        /// </summary>
        private void LoadFromDocument()
            ExcelNumberFormatXml.AddBuildIn(NameSpaceManager, NumberFormats);
            XmlNode numNode = _styleXml.SelectSingleNode(NumberFormatsPath, _nameSpaceManager);
            if (numNode != null)
                foreach (XmlNode n in numNode)
                    ExcelNumberFormatXml nf = new ExcelNumberFormatXml(_nameSpaceManager, n);
                    NumberFormats.Add(nf.Id, nf);
                    if (nf.NumFmtId >= NumberFormats.NextId) NumberFormats.NextId=nf.NumFmtId+1;

            XmlNode fontNode = _styleXml.SelectSingleNode(FontsPath, _nameSpaceManager);
            foreach (XmlNode n in fontNode)
                ExcelFontXml f = new ExcelFontXml(_nameSpaceManager, n);
                Fonts.Add(f.Id, f);

            XmlNode fillNode = _styleXml.SelectSingleNode(FillsPath, _nameSpaceManager);
            foreach (XmlNode n in fillNode)
                ExcelFillXml f;
                if (n.FirstChild != null && n.FirstChild.LocalName == "gradientFill")
                    f = new ExcelGradientFillXml(_nameSpaceManager, n);
                    f = new ExcelFillXml(_nameSpaceManager, n);
                Fills.Add(f.Id, f);

            XmlNode borderNode = _styleXml.SelectSingleNode(BordersPath, _nameSpaceManager);
            foreach (XmlNode n in borderNode)
                ExcelBorderXml b = new ExcelBorderXml(_nameSpaceManager, n);
                Borders.Add(b.Id, b);

            XmlNode styleXfsNode = _styleXml.SelectSingleNode(CellStyleXfsPath, _nameSpaceManager);
            if (styleXfsNode != null)
                foreach (XmlNode n in styleXfsNode)
                    ExcelXfs item = new ExcelXfs(_nameSpaceManager, n, this);
                    CellStyleXfs.Add(item.Id, item);

            XmlNode styleNode = _styleXml.SelectSingleNode(CellXfsPath, _nameSpaceManager);
            for (int i = 0; i < styleNode.ChildNodes.Count; i++)
                XmlNode n = styleNode.ChildNodes[i];
                ExcelXfs item = new ExcelXfs(_nameSpaceManager, n, this);
                CellXfs.Add(item.Id, item);

            XmlNode namedStyleNode = _styleXml.SelectSingleNode(CellStylesPath, _nameSpaceManager);
            if (namedStyleNode != null)
                foreach (XmlNode n in namedStyleNode)
                    ExcelNamedStyleXml item = new ExcelNamedStyleXml(_nameSpaceManager, n, this);
                    NamedStyles.Add(item.Name, item);

            XmlNode dxfsNode = _styleXml.SelectSingleNode(dxfsPath, _nameSpaceManager);
            if (dxfsNode != null)
                foreach (XmlNode x in dxfsNode)
                    ExcelDxfStyleConditionalFormatting item = new ExcelDxfStyleConditionalFormatting(_nameSpaceManager, x, this);
                    Dxfs.Add(item.Id, item);