Ejemplo n.º 1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            ExcelDocument document = new ExcelDocument();

            document.UserName = "******";
            document.CodePage = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ANSICodePage;

            document.ColumnWidth(0, 120);
            document.ColumnWidth(1, 80);

            document[0, 0].Value     = "ExcelWriter Demo";
            document[0, 0].Font      = new Font("Tahoma", 10, FontStyle.Bold);
            document[0, 0].ForeColor = ExcelColor.DarkRed;
            document[0, 0].Alignment = Alignment.Centered;
            document[0, 0].BackColor = ExcelColor.Silver;

            document.WriteCell(1, 0, "int");
            document.WriteCell(1, 1, 10);

            document.Cell(2, 0).Value = "double";
            document.Cell(2, 1).Value = 1.5;

            document.Cell(3, 0).Value  = "date";
            document.Cell(3, 1).Value  = DateTime.Now;
            document.Cell(3, 1).Format = @"dd/mm/yyyy";

            FileStream stream = new FileStream("demo.xls", FileMode.Create);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        // STATUS: this works
        /// <summary> OPTION 1 --> Set the width of a given column </summary>
        /// <remarks> In option 1, you provide a letter; this is more intuitive than providing a number since Excel column headers are letters. A switch is used to convert the letter you provide to the right number so that the mapper understands it </remarks>
        /// <param name="document"> Excel document that the column is in </param>
        /// <param name="columnLetter"> The header letter (e.g, "A" or "AA" or "Z")</param>
        /// <param name="columnWidth"> The width that you want the column to be </param>
        private void SetColumnWidth(ExcelDocument document, string columnLetter, int columnWidth)
            // document.ColumnWidth(0, 120);
            int columnNumber = ColumnHeaderLetterToNumber(columnLetter);

            document.ColumnWidth(columnNumber, columnWidth);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static void ExportToExcel(DataGridView DataGV, string Name)
            ExcelDocument document = new ExcelDocument();

            document.UserName = "******";
            document.CodePage = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ANSICodePage;

            document.ColumnWidth(0, 120);
            document.ColumnWidth(1, 80);

            document[0, 0].Value     = Name;
            document[0, 0].Font      = new System.Drawing.Font("Tahoma", 10, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold);
            document[0, 0].ForeColor = ExcelColor.DarkRed;
            document[0, 0].Alignment = Alignment.Centered;
            document[0, 0].BackColor = ExcelColor.Silver;

            int i = 1; //стрічка
            int j = 0; //колонка

            foreach (DataGridViewRow r in DataGV.Rows)
                j = 0;

                foreach (DataGridViewCell c in r.Cells)

                    document.WriteCell(i, j, c.Value == null ? "" : c.Value.ToString());


            SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog1 = new SaveFileDialog();

            saveFileDialog1.FileName   = Name;
            saveFileDialog1.DefaultExt = "xls";

            FileStream stream = new FileStream(saveFileDialog1.FileName, FileMode.Create);


Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void ExtractAttributesStart()
            #region Init local vars
            List <Block> OriginalBlockDefs         = new List <Block>();
            List <Block> OriginalBlockRefs         = new List <Block>();
            SortedList <string, double> AttsTotals = new SortedList <string, double>();

            ObjectIdCollection OrigBlockRefsIds = new ObjectIdCollection();
            ObjectIdCollection OrigBlockDefsIds = new ObjectIdCollection();

            Document Doc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
            Database Db  = Doc.Database;
            Editor   Ed  = Doc.Editor;

            char[] badChars = { '\'', ' ', '-', '`', '~', '"', '_' };

            string dateFormat = "yyyy.MM.dd_HH.mm.ss";

            string[] stringSeparators = new string[] { "\\" };
            string[] fileNameExploded = Db.Filename.Split(stringSeparators, StringSplitOptions.None);

            string outputFileName = fileNameExploded[fileNameExploded.Length - 2] + "." + DateTime.Now.ToString(dateFormat) + ".xls";
            string outputDir      = Db.Filename.Remove(Db.Filename.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1);

            ExcelDocument document = new ExcelDocument();
            document.UserName = Environment.UserName;
            document.CodePage = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ANSICodePage;
            document.ColumnWidth(0, 120);
            document.ColumnWidth(1, 80);
            int XLSrows = 0;
            int XLScols = 0;

            document.WriteCell(XLSrows, 4, fileNameExploded[fileNameExploded.Length - 2]);
            XLSrows += 3;

            #region Prompt user for BlockRefs and dwg file/dir opts

            PromptEntityOptions PromptForBlocksOpts = new PromptEntityOptions("\nSelect single block");
            PromptForBlocksOpts.SetRejectMessage("\nYou can select blocks only.");
            PromptForBlocksOpts.AddAllowedClass(typeof(BlockReference), true);
            PromptForBlocksOpts.AllowNone = true;
            PromptEntityResult PromptForBlocksRes = Ed.GetEntity(PromptForBlocksOpts);
            if (PromptForBlocksRes.Status == PromptStatus.Cancel)

            // Prompt the user for blocks
            while (PromptForBlocksRes.Status == PromptStatus.OK)
                using (Transaction Tr = Db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
                    BlockReference Bref = (BlockReference)Tr.GetObject(PromptForBlocksRes.ObjectId, OpenMode.ForRead);
                    Bref.Highlight();         // highlight the selected BlockReference

                    // extract the BlockTableRecord from the BlockReference
                    BlockTableRecord Btr = (BlockTableRecord)Tr.GetObject(Bref.BlockTableRecord, OpenMode.ForRead);

                    bool BlockIsAlreadyIn = false;
                    foreach (Block BlockDef in OriginalBlockDefs)
                        if (BlockDef.Name == Btr.Name)
                            BlockIsAlreadyIn = true;

                    if (!BlockIsAlreadyIn)
                        StringCollection AttributeTags = new StringCollection();
                        StringBuilder    Atts          = new StringBuilder();

                        foreach (ObjectId ObjId in Btr)
                            AttributeDefinition attDef = ObjId.GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead) as AttributeDefinition;
                            if (attDef != null)
                                Atts.Append(attDef.Tag + ";");

                        if (AttributeTags.Count > 0)
                            OriginalBlockDefs.Add(new Block(Btr.Name));
                            OriginalBlockDefs[OriginalBlockDefs.Count - 1].AttributeTags = AttributeTags;

                            XLScols = 1;
                            foreach (string AttTag in AttributeTags)
                                document.WriteCell(XLSrows, XLScols, AttTag);
                        else   // If a Block Def does not contain AttributeDefs - it is excluded
                            //ProcLogger.WriteToLog( "Block Definition ;" + Btr.Name + " was excluded becase it has no attributes" );
                        //ProcLogger.WriteToLog( "Block Definition not imported : ; already in." );

                #region If the user presses cancel in the middle
                //unhighlight all Block References and flush the collections

                PromptForBlocksRes = Ed.GetEntity(PromptForBlocksOpts);
                if (PromptForBlocksRes.Status == PromptStatus.Cancel)
                    using (Transaction Tr = Db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
                        foreach (ObjectId BlockRefId in OrigBlockRefsIds)
                            BlockReference Bref = (BlockReference)Tr.GetObject(BlockRefId, OpenMode.ForWrite);



            #region Unhighlight all entities and get their BlockTableRecords ObjectIds
            using (Transaction Tr = Db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
                foreach (ObjectId BlockRefId in OrigBlockRefsIds)
                    BlockReference Bref = (BlockReference)Tr.GetObject(BlockRefId, OpenMode.ForRead);

            #region prompt for file or dir option
            PromptKeywordOptions KeywordsOpts = new PromptKeywordOptions("Scan current DWG or all files in DWGs dir?");
            KeywordsOpts.AllowArbitraryInput = false;
            KeywordsOpts.AllowNone           = false;
            PromptResult FileOrDirRes = Ed.GetKeywords(KeywordsOpts);
            // If the user pressed cancel - return with no error
            if (FileOrDirRes.Status != PromptStatus.OK)

            List <string> Files = new List <string>();
            string[]      tempFiles;
            if (FileOrDirRes.StringResult == "Dir")
                string currFile = Db.Filename;
                string currDir  = currFile.Remove(currFile.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1);
                tempFiles = Directory.GetFiles(currDir, "*.dwg", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
                foreach (string tempFile in tempFiles)

            // return;


            #region Traverse Dwgs and extract raw data
            Database UnopenedDb;

            // Open every file
            foreach (string file in Files)
                document.WriteCell(XLSrows, 0, file.Remove(0, file.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1));

                if (!file.EndsWith(".dwg", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))

                // Open the Db from the file
                using (UnopenedDb = new Database(false, false))
                    if (Db.Filename != file)
                        UnopenedDb.ReadDwgFile(file, FileShare.Read, true, "");
                        UnopenedDb = Db;

                    List <string>           AppendedTags    = new List <string>();
                    List <StringCollection> AttributeValues = new List <StringCollection>();
                    // open transaction to the db
                    using (Transaction Tr = UnopenedDb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
                            // Get the BlockTable
                            BlockTable Bt = (BlockTable)Tr.GetObject(UnopenedDb.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead);

                            // Traverse all the layouts for Block References
                            foreach (ObjectId ObjId in Bt)
                                BlockTableRecord LayoutBtr = (BlockTableRecord)Tr.GetObject(ObjId, OpenMode.ForRead);
                                if (LayoutBtr.IsLayout)
                                    Layout currLayout = (Layout)Tr.GetObject(LayoutBtr.LayoutId, OpenMode.ForRead);
                                    if (!currLayout.LayoutName.Contains("Model"))
                                        document.WriteCell(XLSrows++, 0, currLayout.LayoutName);

                                    foreach (ObjectId LayoutObjId in LayoutBtr)
                                        BlockReference Bref = Tr.GetObject(LayoutObjId, OpenMode.ForRead) as BlockReference;   // Dont tuch this!
                                        if (Bref != null)
                                            StringCollection AttRefValuesForXLS = new StringCollection();
                                            foreach (Block BDef in OriginalBlockDefs)
                                                if (Bref.Name == BDef.Name)
                                                    for (int i = 0; i < Bref.AttributeCollection.Count; i++)
                                                        AttributeReference AttRef = (AttributeReference)Tr.GetObject(Bref.AttributeCollection[i], OpenMode.ForRead);


                                    #region // bubble sort the attributes by PartNr

                                    string tempAA     = "";
                                    string tempBB     = "";
                                    int    tempA      = 0;
                                    int    tempB      = 0;
                                    bool   parseAIsOk = false;
                                    bool   parseBIsOk = false;
                                    Match  MatchA;
                                    Match  MatchB;
                                    //string AlphaPattern = @"[a-z]|[A-Z]";
                                    string NumericPattern = @"[0-9]+";

                                        if (AttributeValues.Count > 1)
                                            for (int j = 0; j < AttributeValues.Count; j++)
                                                for (int i = 1; i < AttributeValues.Count; i++)
                                                    tempBB = AttributeValues[i][0] = AttributeValues[i][0];
                                                    tempAA = AttributeValues[i - 1][0] = AttributeValues[i - 1][0];

                                                    MatchA = Regex.Match(tempAA, NumericPattern);
                                                    MatchB = Regex.Match(tempBB, NumericPattern);

                                                    parseAIsOk = Int32.TryParse(MatchA.ToString(), out tempA);
                                                    parseBIsOk = Int32.TryParse(MatchB.ToString(), out tempB);

                                                    if (parseAIsOk && parseBIsOk)
                                                        if (tempA > tempB)
                                                            StringCollection temp = AttributeValues[i];
                                                            AttributeValues[i]     = AttributeValues[i - 1];
                                                            AttributeValues[i - 1] = temp;
                                    catch (System.Exception Ex)
                                        Ed.WriteMessage(Ex.Message + Ex.Source + Ex.StackTrace);


                                    #region Parse and write the attribute collection to XLS file

                                        foreach (StringCollection BlockRefAttValues in AttributeValues)
                                            if (!AttsTotals.Keys.Contains(BlockRefAttValues[4]))
                                                double value;
                                                if (Double.TryParse(BlockRefAttValues[2], out value))
                                                    AttsTotals.Add(BlockRefAttValues[4], value);
                                                    AttsTotals.Add(BlockRefAttValues[4], 0);
                                                double value;
                                                double z;
                                                if (Double.TryParse(BlockRefAttValues[2], out value))
                                                    z = value;
                                                    z = 0;
                                                double x;

                                                if (Double.TryParse(BlockRefAttValues[4], out value))
                                                    x = value;
                                                    x = 0;

                                                //double total = AttsTotals[BlockRefAttValues[4]];
                                                //AttsTotals[BlockRefAttValues[4]] = total + z + x;
                                                AttsTotals[BlockRefAttValues[4]] += z + x;

                                            XLScols = 1;
                                            foreach (string AttVal in BlockRefAttValues)
                                                string tmp     = AttVal;
                                                double tempInt = 0;
                                                if (Double.TryParse(tmp, out tempInt))
                                                    document.WriteCell(XLSrows, XLScols, tempInt);
                                                    document.WriteCell(XLSrows, XLScols, tmp);
                                    catch (System.Exception Ex)
                                        MessageBox.Show(Ex.Message + "\n" + Ex.Source + "\n" + Ex.StackTrace);
                        catch (System.Exception Ex)
                            Ed.WriteMessage(Ex.Message + Ex.Source + Ex.StackTrace);
                XLSrows += 3;
            }// foreach ( file in files )

                document.WriteCell(XLSrows, 5, "Parts");
                document.WriteCell(XLSrows, 3, "Totals");

                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, double> Total in AttsTotals)
                    //document.WriteCell(XLSrows, 5, Total.Key.ToString());
                    document.WriteCell(XLSrows, 5, Total.Key);
                    double value;
                    if (Double.TryParse(Total.Value.ToString(), out value))
                        document.WriteCell(XLSrows, 3, value);
                        document.WriteCell(XLSrows, 3, Total.Value.ToString());

                    document.WriteCell(XLSrows, 4, "Stk");
            catch (System.Exception Ex)
                MessageBox.Show(Ex.Message + "\n" + Ex.Source + "\n" + Ex.StackTrace);

            FileStream stream = new FileStream(outputDir + outputFileName, FileMode.Create);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            checkedInterface = new int[checkedListBox1.CheckedItems.Count];
            for (int x = 0; x <= checkedListBox1.CheckedItems.Count - 1; x++)
                string ttt = checkedListBox1.CheckedItems[x].ToString().Substring(0, checkedListBox1.CheckedItems[x].ToString().IndexOf('-')).Trim();
                checkedInterface[x] = Convert.ToInt32(ttt);

            //Считаем все маршруты по данному интерфейсу - да геморно, да фигово решение, но пока так 8)
            int countAllRoutersWhereInterfacesChecked = 0;

            for (int x = 0; x <= Helper.routeTable.Rows.Count - 1; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y <= checkedInterface.Length - 1; y++)
                    if (Convert.ToInt32(Helper.routeTable.Rows[x]["IfIndex"]) == checkedInterface[y])

            saveFileDialog1.FileName = "MyRouters";

            if (radioTXT.Checked)
                saveFileDialog1.Filter = "Текстовые файлы (*.txt)|*.txt";
            if (radioCSV.Checked)
                saveFileDialog1.Filter = "CSV разделители - ; (*.csv)|*.csv";
            if (radioBAT.Checked)
                saveFileDialog1.Filter = "Пакетные файлы - ; (*.bat)|*.bat";
            if (radioXLS.Checked)
                saveFileDialog1.Filter = "Файлы Excel - ; (*.xls)|*.xls";

            if (saveFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
                //Экспорт в TXT
                if (radioTXT.Checked)
                    StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(saveFileDialog1.FileName, false, Encoding.Default);
                    writer.WriteLine("Таблица маршрутизации от " + DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime() + "\nВсего маршрутов - " + Convert.ToString(countAllRoutersWhereInterfacesChecked) + "\nФайл создан в программе RouteShow" + "\nhttp:\\\\jobtools.ru\n");
                    writer.WriteLine(GetFormattedText(18, "Destination IP") + GetFormattedText(18, "Mask") + GetFormattedText(18, "Hop") + GetFormattedText(12, "Type") + GetFormattedText(12, "Protocol") + GetFormattedText(8, "Metric") + GetFormattedText(16, "Interface Index") + GetFormattedText(12, "Persistent"));
                    for (int x = 0; x <= Helper.routeTable.Rows.Count - 1; x++)
                        for (int y = 0; y <= checkedInterface.Length - 1; y++)
                            if (Convert.ToInt32(Helper.routeTable.Rows[x]["IfIndex"]) == checkedInterface[y])
                                writer.WriteLine(GetFormattedText(18, Helper.routeTable.Rows[x]["DestIP"].ToString()) + GetFormattedText(18, Helper.routeTable.Rows[x]["SubnetMask"].ToString()) + GetFormattedText(18, Helper.routeTable.Rows[x]["NextHop"].ToString()) + GetFormattedText(12, Helper.routeTable.Rows[x]["TypeText"].ToString()) + GetFormattedText(12, Helper.routeTable.Rows[x]["ProtoText"].ToString()) + GetFormattedText(8, Helper.routeTable.Rows[x]["Metric1"].ToString()) + GetFormattedText(16, Helper.routeTable.Rows[x]["IfIndex"].ToString()) + GetFormattedText(12, Helper.routeTable.Rows[x]["Persistent"].ToString()));
                    writer.WriteLine("\nСписок интерфейсов:");
                    for (int y = 0; y <= Helper.interfaceInfo.Count - 1; y++)
                        for (int z = 0; z <= checkedInterface.Length - 1; z++)
                            if (Convert.ToInt32(Helper.interfaceInfo[y].Index) == checkedInterface[z])
                                writer.WriteLine(Convert.ToString(Helper.interfaceInfo[y].Index) + " - " + Helper.interfaceInfo[y].InterfaceDescription + " " + Helper.interfaceInfo[y].InterfaceName);
                //Экcпорт в CSV
                if (radioCSV.Checked)
                    StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(saveFileDialog1.FileName, false, Encoding.Default);
                    writer.WriteLine("Таблица маршрутизации от " + DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime() + "\nВсего маршрутов - " + Convert.ToString(countAllRoutersWhereInterfacesChecked) + "\nФайл создан в программе RouteShow" + "\nhttp:\\\\jobtools.ru\n");
                    writer.WriteLine("Destination IP" + ";" + "Mask" + ";" + "Hop" + ";" + "Type" + ";" + "Protocol" + ";" + "Metric" + ";" + "Interface Index" + ";" + "Persistent");
                    for (int x = 0; x <= Helper.routeTable.Rows.Count - 1; x++)
                        for (int y = 0; y <= checkedInterface.Length - 1; y++)
                            if (Convert.ToInt32(Helper.routeTable.Rows[x]["IfIndex"]) == checkedInterface[y])
                                writer.WriteLine(Helper.routeTable.Rows[x]["DestIP"].ToString() + ";" + Helper.routeTable.Rows[x]["SubnetMask"].ToString() + ";" + Helper.routeTable.Rows[x]["NextHop"].ToString() + ";" + Helper.routeTable.Rows[x]["TypeText"].ToString() + ";" + Helper.routeTable.Rows[x]["ProtoText"].ToString() + ";" + Helper.routeTable.Rows[x]["Metric1"].ToString() + ";" + Helper.routeTable.Rows[x]["IfIndex"].ToString() + ";" + Helper.routeTable.Rows[x]["Persistent"].ToString());
                    writer.WriteLine("\nСписок интерфейсов:");
                    for (int y = 0; y <= Helper.interfaceInfo.Count - 1; y++)
                        for (int z = 0; z <= checkedInterface.Length - 1; z++)
                            if (Convert.ToInt32(Helper.interfaceInfo[y].Index) == checkedInterface[z])
                                writer.WriteLine(Convert.ToString(Helper.interfaceInfo[y].Index) + " - " + Helper.interfaceInfo[y].InterfaceDescription + " " + Helper.interfaceInfo[y].InterfaceName);
                //Экcпорт в BAT
                if (radioBAT.Checked)
                    StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(saveFileDialog1.FileName, false, Encoding.Default);
                    writer.WriteLine("rem Таблица маршрутизации от " + DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime() + "\nrem Всего маршрутов - " + Convert.ToString(countAllRoutersWhereInterfacesChecked) + "\nrem Файл создан в программе RouteShow" + "\nrem http:\\\\jobtools.ru\n");
                    bool persistent = false;

                    for (int x = 0; x <= Helper.routeTable.Rows.Count - 1; x++)
                        for (int y = 0; y <= checkedInterface.Length - 1; y++)
                            if (Convert.ToInt32(Helper.routeTable.Rows[x]["IfIndex"]) == checkedInterface[y])
                                persistent = false;
                                if (Helper.routeTable.Rows[x]["Persistent"].ToString() == "Да")
                                    persistent = true;
                                writer.WriteLine("route delete " + Helper.routeTable.Rows[x]["DestIP"].ToString() + " MASK " + Helper.routeTable.Rows[x]["SubnetMask"].ToString() + " " + Helper.routeTable.Rows[x]["NextHop"].ToString());
                                if (persistent)
                                    writer.WriteLine("route add -p " + Helper.routeTable.Rows[x]["DestIP"].ToString() + " MASK " + Helper.routeTable.Rows[x]["SubnetMask"].ToString() + " " + Helper.routeTable.Rows[x]["NextHop"].ToString() + " METRIC " + Helper.routeTable.Rows[x]["Metric1"].ToString());
                                    writer.WriteLine("route add " + Helper.routeTable.Rows[x]["DestIP"].ToString() + " MASK " + Helper.routeTable.Rows[x]["SubnetMask"].ToString() + " " + Helper.routeTable.Rows[x]["NextHop"].ToString() + " METRIC " + Helper.routeTable.Rows[x]["Metric1"].ToString() + " IF " + Helper.routeTable.Rows[x]["IfIndex"].ToString());
                    writer.WriteLine("\nrem Список интерфейсов:");
                    for (int y = 0; y <= Helper.interfaceInfo.Count - 1; y++)
                        for (int z = 0; z <= checkedInterface.Length - 1; z++)
                            if (Convert.ToInt32(Helper.interfaceInfo[y].Index) == checkedInterface[z])
                                writer.WriteLine("rem " + Convert.ToString(Helper.interfaceInfo[y].Index) + " - " + Helper.interfaceInfo[y].InterfaceDescription + " " + Helper.interfaceInfo[y].InterfaceName);

                if (radioXLS.Checked)
                    ExcelDocument document = new ExcelDocument();
                    document.UserName = "******";
                    document.CodePage = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ANSICodePage;
                    int  pos  = 0;
                    Font font = new System.Drawing.Font("Tahoma", 10, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold);
                    //document[pos, 0].Font = font;
                    document[0, 0].Value = "Таблица маршрутизации от " + DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime();
                    document[0, 0].Font  = font;
                    document[1, 0].Value = "Всего маршрутов - " + Convert.ToString(countAllRoutersWhereInterfacesChecked);
                    document[1, 0].Font  = font;
                    document[2, 0].Value = "Файл создан в программе RouteShow " + "http:\\\\jobtools.ru";
                    document[2, 0].Font  = font;

                    document.ColumnWidth(0, 120);
                    document.ColumnWidth(1, 120);
                    document.ColumnWidth(2, 120);

                    document[4, 0].Value = "Destination IP";
                    document[4, 0].Font  = font;
                    document[4, 1].Value = "Mask";
                    document[4, 1].Font  = font;
                    document[4, 2].Value = "Hop";
                    document[4, 2].Font  = font;
                    document[4, 3].Value = "Type";
                    document[4, 3].Font  = font;
                    document[4, 4].Value = "Protocol";
                    document[4, 4].Font  = font;
                    document[4, 5].Value = "Metric";
                    document[4, 5].Font  = font;
                    document[4, 6].Value = "Interface index";
                    document[4, 6].Font  = font;
                    pos = 5;
                    for (int x = 0; x <= Helper.routeTable.Rows.Count - 1; x++)
                        for (int y = 0; y <= checkedInterface.Length - 1; y++)
                            if (Convert.ToInt32(Helper.routeTable.Rows[x]["IfIndex"]) == checkedInterface[y])
                                document[pos, 0].Value = Helper.routeTable.Rows[x]["DestIP"].ToString();
                                document[pos, 1].Value = Helper.routeTable.Rows[x]["SubnetMask"].ToString();
                                document[pos, 2].Value = Helper.routeTable.Rows[x]["NextHop"].ToString();
                                document[pos, 3].Value = Helper.routeTable.Rows[x]["TypeText"].ToString();
                                document[pos, 4].Value = Helper.routeTable.Rows[x]["ProtoText"].ToString();
                                document[pos, 5].Value = Helper.routeTable.Rows[x]["Metric1"].ToString();
                                document[pos, 6].Value = Helper.routeTable.Rows[x]["IfIndex"].ToString();
                                document[pos, 7].Value = Helper.routeTable.Rows[x]["Persistent"].ToString();
                    document[pos, 0].Value = "Список интерфейсов:";
                    document[pos, 0].Font  = font;
                    for (int y = 0; y <= Helper.interfaceInfo.Count - 1; y++)
                        for (int z = 0; z <= checkedInterface.Length - 1; z++)
                            if (Convert.ToInt32(Helper.interfaceInfo[y].Index) == checkedInterface[z])
                                document[pos, 0].Value = Convert.ToString(Helper.interfaceInfo[y].Index) + " - " + Helper.interfaceInfo[y].InterfaceDescription + " " + Helper.interfaceInfo[y].InterfaceName;
                    Stream stream = new FileStream(saveFileDialog1.FileName, FileMode.Create);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 // STATUS: this works
 /// <summary> OPTION 2 --> Set the width of a given column </summary>
 /// <remarks> In option 2, you provide a number that corresponds to column number </remarks>
 /// <param name="document"> Excel document that the column is in </param>
 /// <param name="columnNumber"> The target column number </param>
 /// <param name="columnWidth"> The width that you want the column to be </param>
 private void SetColumnWidth(ExcelDocument document, int columnNumber, int columnWidth)
     // document.ColumnWidth(0, 120);
     document.ColumnWidth(columnNumber, columnWidth);