Ejemplo n.º 1
        private double CalculateWithLookupRange(ExcelDataProvider.IRangeInfo range, string criteria, ExcelDataProvider.IRangeInfo sumRange, ParsingContext context)
            var retVal   = 0d;
            var nMatches = 0;

            foreach (var cell in range)
                if (criteria != null && Evaluate(cell.Value, criteria))
                    var or = cell.Row - range.Address._fromRow;
                    var oc = cell.Column - range.Address._fromCol;
                    if (sumRange.Address._fromRow + or <= sumRange.Address._toRow &&
                        sumRange.Address._fromCol + oc <= sumRange.Address._toCol)
                        var v = sumRange.GetOffset(or, oc);
                        if (v is ExcelErrorValue)
                            throw (new ExcelErrorValueException((ExcelErrorValue)v));
                        retVal += ConvertUtil.GetValueDouble(v, true);
            return(Divide(retVal, nMatches));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the average value of all cells that match the given criterion.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="potentialCellsToAverage">
        ///		The cell range to compare against the given <paramref name="comparisonCriterion"/>
        ///		If a cell passes the criterion, then its value is included in the average calculation.</param>
        /// <param name="comparisonCriterion">The criterion dictating which cells should be included in the average calculation.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the average value for all cells that pass the <paramref name="comparisonCriterion"/>.</returns>
        private CompileResult CalculateAverageUsingRange(ExcelDataProvider.IRangeInfo potentialCellsToAverage, object comparisonCriterion)
            var sumOfValidValues    = 0d;
            var numberOfValidValues = 0;
            var valuesToAverage     = potentialCellsToAverage.Select(cell => this.GetFirstArgument(cell.Value)).Where(cellValue => IfHelper.ObjectMatchesCriterion(cellValue, comparisonCriterion));

            foreach (var value in valuesToAverage)
                if (value is ExcelErrorValue cellErrorValue)
                    return(new CompileResult(cellErrorValue.Type));
                else if (ConvertUtil.IsNumeric(value, true))
                    sumOfValidValues += ConvertUtil.GetValueDouble(value);
            if (numberOfValidValues == 0)
                return(new CompileResult(eErrorType.Div0));
                return(this.CreateResult(sumOfValidValues / numberOfValidValues, DataType.Decimal));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private double CalculateWithLookupRange(ExcelDataProvider.IRangeInfo argRange, string criteria, ExcelDataProvider.IRangeInfo sumRange, ParsingContext context)
            var returnValue = 0d;
            var nMatches    = 0;

            foreach (var cell in argRange)
                if (criteria != null && Evaluate(cell.Value, criteria))
                    var rowOffset    = cell.Row - argRange.Address._fromRow;
                    var columnOffset = cell.Column - argRange.Address._fromCol;
                    if (sumRange.Address._fromRow + rowOffset <= sumRange.Address._toRow &&
                        sumRange.Address._fromCol + columnOffset <= sumRange.Address._toCol)
                        var val = sumRange.GetOffset(rowOffset, columnOffset);
                        if (val is ExcelErrorValue)
                        returnValue += ConvertUtil.GetValueDouble(val, true);
            return(Divide(returnValue, nMatches));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private CompileResult CompileSingleCell(ExcelDataProvider.IRangeInfo result)
            if (result.Address.Address == ExcelErrorValue.Values.Ref)
                return(new CompileResult(eErrorType.Ref));
            var cell = result.FirstOrDefault();

            if (cell == null)
            var factory       = new CompileResultFactory();
            var compileResult = factory.Create(cell.Value);

            if (_negate)
                if (compileResult.IsNumeric)
                    compileResult = new CompileResult(compileResult.ResultNumeric * -1, compileResult.DataType);
                else if (compileResult.DataType == DataType.String)
                    if (compileResult.ResultValue is string resultString && double.TryParse(resultString, out double resultDouble))
                        compileResult = new CompileResult((resultDouble * -1).ToString(), compileResult.DataType);
                        compileResult = new CompileResult(eErrorType.Value);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>
 /// Builds a <see cref="CompileResult"/> based off the result and the expression configuration.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="result">The <see cref="ExcelDataProvider.IRangeInfo"/> result.</param>
 /// <returns>The processed result.</returns>
 protected CompileResult BuildResult(ExcelDataProvider.IRangeInfo result)
     if (this.ResolveAsRange || result.Address.Rows > 1 || result.Address.Columns > 1)
         return(new CompileResult(result, DataType.Enumerable));
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public LookupArguments(object searchedValue, string rangeAddress, int lookupIndex, int lookupOffset, bool rangeLookup, ExcelDataProvider.IRangeInfo rangeInfo)
     SearchedValue = searchedValue;
     RangeAddress  = rangeAddress;
     RangeInfo     = rangeInfo;
     LookupIndex   = lookupIndex;
     LookupOffset  = lookupOffset;
     RangeLookup   = rangeLookup;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private CompileResult CompileSingleCell(ExcelDataProvider.IRangeInfo result)
            var cell          = result.First();
            var factory       = new CompileResultFactory();
            var compileResult = factory.Create(cell.Value);

            if (_negate && compileResult.IsNumeric)
                compileResult = new CompileResult(compileResult.ResultNumeric * -1, compileResult.DataType);
            compileResult.IsHiddenCell = cell.IsHiddenRow;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private double CalculateSingleRange(ExcelDataProvider.IRangeInfo range, string expression, ParsingContext context)
            var retVal = 0d;

            foreach (var candidate in range)
                if (expression != null && IsNumeric(candidate.Value) && _evaluator.Evaluate(candidate.Value, expression) && IsNumeric(candidate.Value))
                    if (candidate.IsExcelError)
                        throw (new ExcelErrorValueException((ExcelErrorValue)candidate.Value));
                    retVal += candidate.ValueDouble;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the average value of all cells that match the given criterion. The sizes/shapes of
        /// <paramref name="cellsToCompare"/> and <paramref name="potentialCellsToAverage"/> do not have to be the same;
        /// The size and shape of <paramref name="cellsToCompare"/> is applied to <paramref name="potentialCellsToAverage"/>,
        /// using the first cell in <paramref name="potentialCellsToAverage"/> as a reference point.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cellsToCompare">The range of cells to compare against the <paramref name="comparisonCriterion"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="comparisonCriterion">The criterion dictating which cells should be included in the average calculation.</param>
        /// <param name="potentialCellsToAverage">
        ///		If a cell in <paramref name="cellsToCompare"/> passes the criterion, then its
        ///		corresponding cell in this cell range will be included in the average calculation.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the average for all cells that pass the <paramref name="comparisonCriterion"/>.</returns>
        private CompileResult CalculateAverageUsingAverageRange(ExcelDataProvider.IRangeInfo cellsToCompare, object comparisonCriterion, ExcelDataProvider.IRangeInfo potentialCellsToAverage)
            var sumOfValidValues    = 0d;
            var numberOfValidValues = 0;

            var startingRowForComparison    = cellsToCompare.Address._fromRow;
            var startingColumnForComparison = cellsToCompare.Address._fromCol;
            var endingRowForComparison      = cellsToCompare.Address._toRow;
            var endingColumnForComparison   = cellsToCompare.Address._toCol;

            // This will always look at every cell in the given range of cells to compare. This is done instead of
            // using the iterator provided by the range of cells to compare because the collection of cells that it iterates over
            // does not include empty cells that have not been set since the workbook's creation. This function
            // wants to consider empty cells for comparing with the criterion, but it can be better optimized.
            // A similar problem and optimization opportunity exists in the AverageIfs, SumIf, SumIfs, CountIf, and CountIfs functions.
            for (var currentRow = startingRowForComparison; currentRow <= endingRowForComparison; currentRow++)
                for (var currentColumn = startingColumnForComparison; currentColumn <= endingColumnForComparison; currentColumn++)
                    var currentCellValue = this.GetFirstArgument(cellsToCompare.GetValue(currentRow, currentColumn));
                    if (IfHelper.ObjectMatchesCriterion(currentCellValue, comparisonCriterion))
                        var relativeRow          = currentRow - startingRowForComparison;
                        var relativeColumn       = currentColumn - startingColumnForComparison;
                        var valueOfCellToAverage = potentialCellsToAverage.GetOffset(relativeRow, relativeColumn);
                        if (valueOfCellToAverage is ExcelErrorValue cellError)
                            return(new CompileResult(cellError.Type));
                        else if (ConvertUtil.IsNumeric(valueOfCellToAverage, true))
                            sumOfValidValues += ConvertUtil.GetValueDouble(valueOfCellToAverage);
            if (numberOfValidValues == 0)
                return(new CompileResult(eErrorType.Div0));
                return(this.CreateResult(sumOfValidValues / numberOfValidValues, DataType.Decimal));
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public override CompileResult Execute(IEnumerable <FunctionArgument> arguments, ParsingContext context)
            var functionArguments = arguments as FunctionArgument[] ?? arguments.ToArray();

            ValidateArguments(functionArguments, 2);
            var range    = functionArguments.ElementAt(0);
            var criteria = functionArguments.ElementAt(1).ValueFirst != null?ArgToString(functionArguments, 1) : null;

            double result = 0d;

            if (range.IsExcelRange)
                ExcelDataProvider.IRangeInfo rangeInfo = range.ValueAsRangeInfo;
                for (int row = rangeInfo.Address.Start.Row; row < rangeInfo.Address.End.Row + 1; row++)
                    for (int col = rangeInfo.Address.Start.Column; col < rangeInfo.Address.End.Column + 1; col++)
                        if (criteria != null && Evaluate(rangeInfo.Worksheet.GetValue(row, col), criteria))
            else if (range.Value is IEnumerable <FunctionArgument> )
                foreach (var arg in (IEnumerable <FunctionArgument>)range.Value)
                    if (Evaluate(arg.Value, criteria))
                if (Evaluate(range.Value, criteria))
            return(CreateResult(result, DataType.Integer));
Ejemplo n.º 11
        private double CalculateSingleRange(ExcelDataProvider.IRangeInfo range, string expression, ParsingContext context)
            var returnValue = 0d;
            var nMatches    = 0;

            foreach (var candidate in range)
                if (expression != null && IsNumeric(candidate.Value) && Evaluate(candidate.Value, expression))
                    if (candidate.IsExcelError)
                    returnValue += candidate.ValueDouble;
            return(Divide(returnValue, nMatches));
        protected List <int> GetMatchIndexes(ExcelDataProvider.IRangeInfo rangeInfo, string searched)
            var result        = new List <int>();
            var internalIndex = 0;

            for (var row = rangeInfo.Address._fromRow; row <= rangeInfo.Address._toRow; row++)
                for (var col = rangeInfo.Address._fromCol; col <= rangeInfo.Address._toCol; col++)
                    var candidate = rangeInfo.GetValue(row, col);
                    if (searched != null && Evaluate(candidate, searched))
Ejemplo n.º 13
        private double CalculateWithSumRange(ExcelDataProvider.IRangeInfo range, string criteria, ExcelDataProvider.IRangeInfo sumRange, ParsingContext context)
            var retVal = 0d;

            foreach (var cell in range)
                if (criteria != default(string) && _evaluator.Evaluate(cell.Value, criteria))
                    var rowOffset    = cell.Row - range.Address._fromRow;
                    var columnOffset = cell.Column - range.Address._fromCol;
                    if (sumRange.Address._fromRow + rowOffset <= sumRange.Address._toRow &&
                        sumRange.Address._fromCol + columnOffset <= sumRange.Address._toCol)
                        var val = sumRange.GetOffset(rowOffset, columnOffset);
                        if (val is ExcelErrorValue)
                        retVal += ConvertUtil.GetValueDouble(val, true);
        protected virtual IEnumerable <double> ArgsToDoubleEnumerableZeroPadded(bool ignoreHiddenCells, ExcelDataProvider.IRangeInfo rangeInfo, ParsingContext context)
            var startRow = rangeInfo.Address.Start.Row;
            var endRow   = rangeInfo.Address.End.Row;
            var funcArg  = new FunctionArgument(rangeInfo);
            var result   = ArgsToDoubleEnumerable(ignoreHiddenCells, new List <FunctionArgument> {
            }, context);
            var dict = new Dictionary <int, double>();

            result.ToList().ForEach(x => dict.Add(x.CellRow.Value, x.Value));
            var resultList = new List <double>();

            for (var row = startRow; row <= endRow; row++)
                if (dict.ContainsKey(row))
Ejemplo n.º 15
 private CompileResult InternalCompile(ExcelDataProvider.IRangeInfo offsetRange1, ExcelDataProvider.IRangeInfo offsetRange2)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Ejemplo n.º 16
 private CompileResult InternalCompile(string address, ExcelDataProvider.IRangeInfo offsetRange)
     throw new NotImplementedException();