Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// GetExcelConfigurationMapping
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TEntity">TEntity</typeparam>
        /// <returns>IExcelConfiguration</returns>
        public static ExcelConfiguration <TEntity> GetExcelConfigurationMapping <TEntity>()
            var type = typeof(TEntity);
            var excelConfiguration = new ExcelConfiguration <TEntity>
                SheetSettings = new[]
                    type.GetCustomAttribute <SheetAttribute>()?.SheetSetting ?? new SheetSetting()
                FilterSetting =
                    type.GetCustomAttribute <FilterAttribute>()?.FilterSeting,
                FreezeSettings =
                    type.GetCustomAttributes <FreezeAttribute>().Select(_ => _.FreezeSetting).ToList()

            // propertyInfos
            var dic           = new Dictionary <PropertyInfo, PropertyConfiguration>();
            var propertyInfos = Common.CacheUtil.TypePropertyCache.GetOrAdd(type, t => t.GetProperties());

            foreach (var propertyInfo in propertyInfos)
                var column = propertyInfo.GetCustomAttribute <ColumnAttribute>() ?? new ColumnAttribute();
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(column.Title))
                    column.Title = propertyInfo.Name;
                dic.Add(propertyInfo, new PropertyConfiguration(column.PropertySetting));
            excelConfiguration.PropertyConfigurationDictionary = dic;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>Initializes the <see cref="ExcelAddIn"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        static ExcelAddIn()
            Configuration = ExcelConfiguration.Create();

            ExcelApplication = ExcelDnaUtil.Application;
            Application.EnableVisualStyles();  // required for Marquee progress bar style
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new Excel writer using the given <see cref="Stream"/> and <see cref="ExcelConfiguration"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream">The <see cref="Stream"/> used to write the Excel file.</param>
        /// <param name="configuration">The configuration.</param>
        public ExcelWriterC1(
            Stream stream,
            ExcelConfiguration configuration)
            if (stream == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(stream));
            if (configuration == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(configuration));
            _configuration          = configuration;
            _stream                 = stream;
            _book                   = new C1XLBook();
            _book.CompatibilityMode = CompatibilityMode.Excel2007;
            if (_configuration.AutoSizeColumns)
                _graphics = Graphics.FromHwnd(IntPtr.Zero);

            // Set the default font to Calibri 11, which is the default in newer versions of office
            DefaultFont = new Font("Calibri", 11, FontStyle.Regular);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static async Task <IActionResult> LoadExcelBlob([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "post", Route = "load/excel/blob")]
                                                               HttpRequestMessage req,
                                                               ILogger log)

            ExcelConfiguration conf = await req.Content.ReadAsAsync <ExcelConfiguration>();

            CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(conf.blobConnectionString);

            CloudBlobClient    serviceClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
            CloudBlobContainer container     = serviceClient.GetContainerReference(conf.blobContainerName);
            CloudBlockBlob     blob          = container.GetBlockBlobReference(conf.path);

            var ms = new MemoryStream();
            await blob.DownloadToStreamAsync(ms);

            var dataSet = BuildDataset(ms.ToArray());

            if (!dataSet.Tables.Contains(conf.sheet))
                return(new BadRequestObjectResult($"Unable to find {conf.sheet} sheet"));
            return(new OkObjectResult(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dataSet.Tables[conf.sheet])));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Adjust Column Index
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TEntity">TEntity</typeparam>
        /// <param name="excelConfiguration">excelConfiguration</param>
        private static void AdjustColumnIndex <TEntity>(ExcelConfiguration <TEntity> excelConfiguration)
            if (excelConfiguration.PropertyConfigurationDictionary.Values.All(_ => _.PropertySetting.ColumnIndex >= 0) &&
                excelConfiguration.PropertyConfigurationDictionary.Values.Select(_ => _.PropertySetting.ColumnIndex)
                .Distinct().Count() == excelConfiguration.PropertyConfigurationDictionary.Values.Count)

            var colIndexList = new List <int>(excelConfiguration.PropertyConfigurationDictionary.Count);

            foreach (var item in excelConfiguration.PropertyConfigurationDictionary
                     .Where(_ => !_.Value.PropertySetting.IsIgnored)
                     .OrderBy(_ => _.Value.PropertySetting.ColumnIndex >= 0 ? _.Value.PropertySetting.ColumnIndex : int.MaxValue)
                     .ThenBy(_ => _.Key.Name)
                     .Select(_ => _.Value)
                while (colIndexList.Contains(item.PropertySetting.ColumnIndex) || item.PropertySetting.ColumnIndex < 0)
                    if (colIndexList.Count > 0)
                        item.PropertySetting.ColumnIndex = colIndexList.Max() + 1;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void RegisterClassMapNonGenericTest()
            var config = new ExcelConfiguration();

Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void AddingMappingsWithGenericMethod2Test()
            var config = new ExcelConfiguration();

            config.RegisterClassMap <TestClassMappings>();

            Assert.AreEqual(2, config.Maps[typeof(TestClass)].PropertyMaps.Count);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void AddingMappingsWithInstanceMethodTest()
            var config = new ExcelConfiguration();

            config.RegisterClassMap(new TestClassMappings());

            Assert.AreEqual(2, config.Maps[typeof(TestClass)].PropertyMaps.Count);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void RegisterClassInstanceTest()
            var config = new ExcelConfiguration();

            config.RegisterClassMap(new TestClassMappings());
Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// GetExcelConfigurationMapping
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TEntity">TEntity</typeparam>
        /// <returns>IExcelConfiguration</returns>
        public static ExcelConfiguration <TEntity> GetExcelConfigurationMapping <TEntity>()
            var configuration = (ExcelConfiguration <TEntity>)InternalCache.TypeExcelConfigurationDictionary.GetOrAdd(typeof(TEntity), type =>
                var excelConfiguration = new ExcelConfiguration <TEntity>
                    SheetSettings = new Dictionary <int, SheetSetting>()
                        { 0, new SheetSetting() },
                    FilterSetting  = type.GetCustomAttribute <FilterAttribute>()?.FilterSetting,
                    FreezeSettings = type.GetCustomAttributes <FreezeAttribute>().Select(_ => _.FreezeSetting).ToList()
                foreach (var sheetAttribute in type.GetCustomAttributes <SheetAttribute>())
                    if (sheetAttribute.SheetIndex >= 0)
                        excelConfiguration.SheetSettings[sheetAttribute.SheetIndex] = sheetAttribute.SheetSetting;
                var dic           = new Dictionary <PropertyInfo, PropertyConfiguration>();
                var propertyInfos = Common.CacheUtil.TypePropertyCache.GetOrAdd(type, t => t.GetProperties());
                foreach (var propertyInfo in propertyInfos)
                    var column = propertyInfo.GetCustomAttribute <ColumnAttribute>() ?? new ColumnAttribute();
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(column.Title))
                        column.Title = propertyInfo.Name;

                    var propertySettingType = typeof(PropertySetting <,>).MakeGenericType(type, propertyInfo.PropertyType);
                    var propertySetting     = Activator.CreateInstance(propertySettingType);

                    .Invoke(propertySetting, new object[] { column.PropertySetting.ColumnTitle });
                    .Invoke(propertySetting, new object[] { column.PropertySetting.ColumnIndex });
                    .Invoke(propertySetting, new object[] { column.PropertySetting.ColumnFormatter });
                    .Invoke(propertySetting, new object[] { column.PropertySetting.IsIgnored });
                    .Invoke(propertySetting, new object[] { column.PropertySetting.ColumnWidth });

                    var propertyConfigurationType =
                        typeof(PropertyConfiguration <,>).MakeGenericType(type, propertyInfo.PropertyType);
                    var propertyConfiguration = Activator.CreateInstance(propertyConfigurationType, new object[] { propertySetting });

                    dic.Add(propertyInfo, (PropertyConfiguration)propertyConfiguration);
                excelConfiguration.PropertyConfigurationDictionary = dic;


Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取Excel配置映射
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TEntity">实体类型</typeparam>
        public static ExcelConfiguration <TEntity> GetExcelConfigurationMapping <TEntity>()
            var type = typeof(TEntity);
            var excelConfiguration = new ExcelConfiguration <TEntity>()

Ejemplo n.º 12
        public void PropertyMapOptionalReadTest()
            var config = new ExcelConfiguration();

            config.RegisterClassMap <AMap>();
            config.Maps[typeof(A)].PropertyMap <A>(m => m.AId).OptionalRead();

            Assert.AreEqual(true, config.Maps[typeof(A)].PropertyMaps[0].Data.OptionalRead);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        ///     GetPropertyColumnDictionary
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TEntity">TEntity Type</typeparam>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Dictionary <PropertyInfo, PropertyConfiguration> GetPropertyColumnDictionary <TEntity>(
            ExcelConfiguration <TEntity> configuration)

                   .Where(p => !p.Value.IsIgnored)
                   .ToDictionary(_ => _.Key, _ => _.Value));
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public void EnsureInternalsAreSetupWhenPasingWriterAndConfigTest()
     using (var stream = new MemoryStream()) {
         var config = new ExcelConfiguration();
         using (var excel = new ExcelWriterC1(stream, config)) {
             Assert.AreSame(config, excel.Configuration);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public void PropertyMapWriteOnlyTest()
            var config = new ExcelConfiguration();

            config.RegisterClassMap <AMap>();
            config.Maps[typeof(A)].PropertyMap <A>(m => m.AId).WriteOnly();

            Assert.AreEqual(true, config.Maps[typeof(A)].PropertyMaps[0].Data.WriteOnly);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public void PropertyMapAccessTest()
            var config = new ExcelConfiguration();

            config.RegisterClassMap <AMap>();
            config.Maps[typeof(A)].PropertyMap <A>(m => m.AId).Ignore();

            Assert.AreEqual(true, config.Maps[typeof(A)].PropertyMaps[0].Data.Ignore);
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public ExcelDocumentProccesor()
     _validata              = new Validata();
     _parser                = new Parser();
     _readExcelData         = new ReadExcelData();
     _dataNormalization     = new DataNormalization();
     _excelSheetCongSection = new ExcelSheetCongSection();
     _parserSection         = new ParserSectionPage();
     _excelConfiguration    = ConfigurationHolder.ApiConfiguration;
Ejemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an <see cref="IExcelWriter"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream">The stream used to write the Excel file.</param>
        /// <param name="configuration">The configuration to use for the writer.</param>
        /// <returns>The created writer.</returns>
        public virtual IExcelWriter CreateWriter(
            Stream stream,
            ExcelConfiguration configuration)
            return(new ExcelWriterC1(stream, configuration));
            return(new ExcelWriter(stream, configuration));
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public void MapMultipleTypesTest()
            var config = new ExcelConfiguration();

            config.RegisterClassMap <AMap>();
            config.RegisterClassMap <BMap>();

Ejemplo n.º 20
        internal NpoiHelper()
            _entityType         = typeof(TEntity);
            _excelConfiguration = (ExcelConfiguration <TEntity>)InternalCache.TypeExcelConfigurationDictionary.GetOrAdd(_entityType,
                                                                                                                        t => InternalHelper.GetExcelConfigurationMapping <TEntity>());

            _sheetSettings = _excelConfiguration.SheetSettings.AsReadOnly();


            _propertyColumnDictionary = _excelConfiguration.PropertyConfigurationDictionary.Where(_ => !_.Value.PropertySetting.IsIgnored).ToDictionary(_ => _.Key, _ => _.Value.PropertySetting);
Ejemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new Excel writer using the given <see cref="Stream"/> and <see cref="ExcelConfiguration"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream">The <see cref="Stream"/> used to write the Excel file.</param>
        /// <param name="configuration">The configuration.</param>
        public ExcelWriter(
            Stream stream,
            ExcelConfiguration configuration)
            _configuration = configuration ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(configuration));
            _stream        = stream ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(stream));
            _book          = new XLWorkbook(XLEventTracking.Disabled);

            // Set the default font to Calibri 11, which is the default in newer versions of office
            DefaultFont = new Font("Calibri", 11, FontStyle.Regular);
Ejemplo n.º 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new Excel stream using the given <see cref="Stream"/> and <see cref="ExcelConfiguration"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream">The stream.</param>
        /// <param name="configuration">The configuration.</param>
        public ExcelReader(
            Stream stream,
            ExcelConfiguration configuration)
            if (stream == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(stream));

            _configuration = configuration ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(configuration));
            _reader        = ExcelReaderFactory.CreateReader(stream);
Ejemplo n.º 23
        public IDataResult <IRowItem> RowParser
            (ExcelWorksheet excelWorksheet, int row, ExcelConfiguration excelConfiguration)
            IDataResult <IRowItem> dataResult =
                new DataResult <IRowItem>()
                Success = false
            IRowItem rowItem = new RowItem();

            List <IColumnItem> columnItems = new List <IColumnItem>();
            int end = excelWorksheet.Dimension.End.Column;

            for (int j = excelWorksheet.Dimension.Start.Column;
                 j <= end;
                IExcelWorksheetEntity tmpEntity = new ExcelWorksheetEntity();
                tmpEntity.CellNo         = j;
                tmpEntity.RowNo          = row;
                tmpEntity.ExcelWorksheet = excelWorksheet;

                IExcelWorksheetEntity titleEntity = new ExcelWorksheetEntity();
                titleEntity.RowNo          = excelConfiguration.DataRowIndex.Title;
                titleEntity.CellNo         = j;
                titleEntity.ExcelWorksheet = excelWorksheet;

                IDataResult <string> nametitleResilt = _readExcelData.GetValue(titleEntity);

                if (!nametitleResilt.Success)
                IDataResult <IColumnItem> getDataResult =
                    ColumnParser(tmpEntity, excelConfiguration);
                dataResult.Message += getDataResult.Message;

                if (getDataResult.Success)

            rowItem.ColumnItems = columnItems;
            dataResult.Data     = rowItem;
            dataResult.Success  = true;

Ejemplo n.º 24
        public IDataResult <ExcelConfiguration> GeneratExcelConfig(ExcelWorksheet excelWorksheet)
            IDataResult <ExcelConfiguration> dataResult =
                new DataResult <ExcelConfiguration>();
            ExcelConfiguration excelConfiguration = new ExcelConfiguration();

            excelConfiguration.DataColumn = new DataColumn();
            IExcelWorksheetEntity tmpEntity = new ExcelWorksheetEntity();

            tmpEntity.ExcelWorksheet = excelWorksheet;
            tmpEntity.RowNo          = _excelConfiguration.DataRowIndex.Title;

            List <IDataResult <Data> > dataResults = new List <IDataResult <Data> >();

            int endColumn = excelWorksheet.Dimension.End.Column;

            StringBuilder messegeBuilder = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (var data in _excelConfiguration.DataColumn.Datas)
                IDataResult <Data> tmResultHelper = HelperGenerat(data, tmpEntity, endColumn);

                if (!tmResultHelper.Success)
                    messegeBuilder.Append(data.Name + MessageHolder.GetErrorMessage(MessageType.Space));
            excelConfiguration.DataColumn.Datas = dataResults.Select(p => p.Data).ToList();

            if (dataResults.Any(p => p.Success == false))
                dataResult.Success = false;
                dataResult.Message = MessageHolder.
                                     GetErrorMessage(MessageType.NotIsTitle) +
                                     + messegeBuilder +


            excelConfiguration.DataRowIndex      = _excelConfiguration.DataRowIndex;
            excelConfiguration.NameColumnSection = _excelConfiguration.NameColumnSection;
            dataResult.Data    = excelConfiguration;
            dataResult.Success = true;

        public void EnsureInternalsAreSetupWhenPassingReaderAndConfigTest()
            using (var stream = new MemoryStream()) {
                // Make sure the stream is a valid Excel file
                using (var book = new C1XLBook()) {

                stream.Position = 0;
                var config = new ExcelConfiguration();
                using (var excel = new ExcelReader(stream, config)) {
                    Assert.AreSame(config, excel.Configuration);
Ejemplo n.º 26
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new Excel stream using the given <see cref="Stream"/> and <see cref="ExcelConfiguration"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream">The stream.</param>
        /// <param name="configuration">The configuration.</param>
        public ExcelReader(
            Stream stream,
            ExcelConfiguration configuration)
            if (stream == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(stream));

            _configuration = configuration ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(configuration));
            _book          = new C1XLBook();
            try {
                _book.Load(stream, FileFormat.OpenXml);
            } catch {
                _book.Load(stream, FileFormat.Biff8);
Ejemplo n.º 27
        public void wishListPage()
            //Reading Excel

            string directory = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
            string Excelpath = Path.Combine(directory, Resource1.ExcelPath);

            Global.ExcelConfiguration.PopulateInCollection(Excelpath, "SearchPaint");
            //Implict wait to load the page

            //Navigate to wishlistpage though url provided

            //getting list of all items from list
            IList <IWebElement> ItemsList = ListOfWishList.FindElements(By.TagName("small"));

            for (int i = 0; i < ItemsList.Count; i++)
                try {
                    string Exceldata = ExcelConfiguration.ReadData(2, "PaintID");
                    if (ItemsList[i].Text.Contains(ExcelConfiguration.ReadData(2, "PaintID")))

                        // Validating with Id from excel
                        string ExpectedCondition = ExcelConfiguration.ReadData(2, "PaintID");
                        string ActualCondition   = Global.Base.driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//tbody[1]/tr/td[2]/small")).Text;
                        Base.test.Log(RelevantCodes.ExtentReports.LogStatus.Pass, "Test Pass Paint Addeded to the whishlist");
                catch (Exception e)
                    Base.test.Log(RelevantCodes.ExtentReports.LogStatus.Fail, e.Message);
Ejemplo n.º 28
        internal NpoiHelper()
            _excelConfiguration = (ExcelConfiguration <TEntity>)InternalCache.TypeExcelConfigurationDictionary.GetOrAdd(typeof(TEntity),
                                                                                                                        t => InternalHelper.GetExcelConfigurationMapping <TEntity>());

            _sheetSettings = _excelConfiguration.SheetSettings.AsReadOnly();

            var colIndexList = new List <int>(_excelConfiguration.PropertyConfigurationDictionary.Count);

            foreach (var item in _excelConfiguration.PropertyConfigurationDictionary.Values.Where(_ => !_.PropertySetting.IsIgnored))
                while (colIndexList.Contains(item.PropertySetting.ColumnIndex))

            _propertyColumnDictionary = _excelConfiguration.PropertyConfigurationDictionary.Where(_ => !_.Value.PropertySetting.IsIgnored).ToDictionary(_ => _.Key, _ => _.Value.PropertySetting);
Ejemplo n.º 29
        public static async Task <IActionResult> LoadExcelSharepoint([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "post", Route = "load/excel/sharepoint")]
                                                                     HttpRequestMessage req,
                                                                     ILogger log)

            ExcelConfiguration conf = await req.Content.ReadAsAsync <ExcelConfiguration>();

            var requestUri = new Uri(conf.path);
            var cred       = new SharePointOnlineCredentials(conf.sharepointLogin, conf.sharepointPassword.AsSecureString());

            var excelFileContent = await DownloadFile(requestUri, cred);

            var dataSet = BuildDataset(excelFileContent);

            if (!dataSet.Tables.Contains(conf.sheet))
                return(new BadRequestObjectResult($"Unable to find {conf.sheet} sheet"));
            return(new OkObjectResult(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dataSet.Tables[conf.sheet])));
Ejemplo n.º 30
        public IDataResult <List <IColumnItem> > GetCulumnTitleItem
            (ExcelWorksheet sheet, ExcelConfiguration excelConfiguration)
            IDataResult <List <IColumnItem> > columnsResult =
                new DataResult <List <IColumnItem> >()
                Success = true
            List <IColumnItem> columnItems = new List <IColumnItem>();

            int start = sheet.Dimension.Start.Column;
            int end   = sheet.Dimension.Columns;
            int row   = excelConfiguration.DataRowIndex.Title;
            IExcelWorksheetEntity entity = new ExcelWorksheetEntity();

            entity.ExcelWorksheet = sheet;
            entity.RowNo          = row;

            for (int i = start; i < end; i++)
                entity.CellNo = i;
                IDataResult <string> nametitleResilt = _readExcelData.GetValue(entity);

                if (!nametitleResilt.Success)

                IColumnItem column = new ColumnItem();
                column.BaseEntity       = new BaseEntity();
                column.BaseEntity.Value = nametitleResilt.Data;
                column.ColumNumber      = i;
                column.ColumnType       = ColumnType.None;

            columnsResult.Data = columnItems;

Ejemplo n.º 31
 ExcelUIViewDetail GetDetailView(ExcelConfiguration conf, string viewName)
     foreach (var view in conf.ViewDetails)
         if (view.ViewName.ToUpper() == viewName.ToUpper()) return view;
     return null;
Ejemplo n.º 32
 string GetJoinStr(ExcelConfiguration conf, string table1, string table2)
     string join = " \r\nleft join "+ table2 + " on ";
     ExcelTableSpec tb = GetTableSpec(conf, table1, 0);
     int i = 0;
     foreach (var fd in tb.Fields)
         if (fd.FieldForeignKey && fd.FieldForeignKeyTableName.ToUpper() == table2.ToUpper())
             if (i == 1)
                 join += tb.TableName + "." + fd.FieldName + " = " + fd.FieldForeignKeyTableName + "." + fd.FieldName + " ";
                 join += " AND " + tb.TableName + "." + fd.FieldName + " = " + fd.FieldForeignKeyTableName + "." + fd.FieldName + " ";
     return join;
Ejemplo n.º 33
 string GetFKTableName(ExcelUIViewDetailItem fd, ExcelConfiguration conf)
     ExcelFieldSpec f = GetFieldSpec(conf, GetOnlyTableName(fd), GetOnlyFieldName(fd));
     if (f.FieldForeignKey)
         return f.FieldForeignKeyTableName;
         return "";
Ejemplo n.º 34
    ExcelTableSpec GetTableSpec(ExcelConfiguration conf, string tablename, int rowNumber)
        ExcelTableSpec tbOut = null;
        foreach (var tb in conf.Tables)
            if (tb.TableName.ToUpper() == tablename.ToUpper()) tbOut = tb;

            string name = tbOut.TableName;
        catch (Exception ex)
            throw new ApplicationException("มีการเรียกใช้ table \"" + tablename + "\" แต่ไม่มี rownum="+rowNumber, ex);

        return tbOut;
Ejemplo n.º 35
 ExcelUIViewLookup GetLookupView(ExcelConfiguration conf, string viewName)
     foreach (var view in conf.ViewLookup)
         if (view.ViewName.ToUpper() == viewName.ToUpper()) return view;
     return null;
Ejemplo n.º 36
    private ExcelWorksheet CreateDetailView_XML(ExcelWorksheet worksheet,
        int row, string fieldformat, System.Drawing.Color colFromHex,int i,ExcelConfiguration conf)
        worksheet.Cells["A1"].Value = "TableName";
        worksheet.Cells["B1"].Value = conf.ViewDetails[i].TableName;
        worksheet.Cells["A2"].Value = "ViewType";
        worksheet.Cells["B2"].Value = conf.ViewDetails[i].ViewType;
        worksheet.Cells["A3"].Value = "ViewName";
        worksheet.Cells["B3"].Value = conf.ViewDetails[i].ViewName;
        worksheet.Cells["A4"].Value = "Title";
        worksheet.Cells["B4"].Value = conf.ViewDetails[i].ViewTitle;
        worksheet.Cells["A5"].Value = "Root Service URL";
        worksheet.Cells["B5"].Value = conf.ViewDetails[i].RootServiceUrl;

        worksheet.Cells["A6"].Value = "InputParameters";
        worksheet.Cells["B6"].Value = conf.ViewDetails[i].InputParameters;
        worksheet.Cells["A7"].Value = "FilterParameters";
        worksheet.Cells["B6"].Value = conf.ViewDetails[i].FilterParameters;

        worksheet.Cells["A8"].Value = "MaterPage";
        worksheet.Cells["B8"].Value = conf.ViewDetails[i].MasterPage;
        worksheet.Cells["A13"].Value = "SqlSelect";
        worksheet.Cells["B13"].Value = conf.ViewDetails[i].SQLSelect;
        worksheet.Cells["A14"].Value = "SqlInsert";
        worksheet.Cells["B14"].Value = conf.ViewDetails[i].SQLInsert;
        worksheet.Cells["A15"].Value = "SqlUpdate";
        worksheet.Cells["B15"].Value = conf.ViewDetails[i].SQLUpdate;
        worksheet.Cells["A16"].Value = "SqlDelete";
        worksheet.Cells["B16"].Value = conf.ViewDetails[i].SQLDelete;
        worksheet.Cells["E13"].Value = "SqlSelectParameter";
        worksheet.Cells["F13"].Value = conf.ViewDetails[i].SQLSelectParams;
        worksheet.Cells["E14"].Value = "SqlInsertParameter";
        worksheet.Cells["F14"].Value = conf.ViewDetails[i].SQLInsertParams;
        worksheet.Cells["E15"].Value = "SqlUpdateParameter";
        worksheet.Cells["F15"].Value = conf.ViewDetails[i].SQLUpdateParams;
        worksheet.Cells["E16"].Value = "SqlDeleteParameter";
        worksheet.Cells["E16"].Value = conf.ViewDetails[i].SQLDeleteParams;

        worksheet.Cells["A9"].Value = "ButtonNew";
        worksheet.Cells["B9"].Value = conf.ViewDetails[i].IsHasNewButton;
        worksheet.Cells["C9"].Value = "Caption";
        worksheet.Cells["D9"].Value = "เพิ่ม";
        worksheet.Cells["E9"].Value = "AppearanceRules";
        worksheet.Cells["F9"].Value = "TRUE";
        worksheet.Cells["A10"].Value = "ButtonSave";
        worksheet.Cells["B10"].Value = conf.ViewDetails[i].IsHasSaveButton;
        worksheet.Cells["C10"].Value = "Caption";
        worksheet.Cells["D10"].Value = "บันทึก";
        worksheet.Cells["E10"].Value = "AppearanceRules";
        worksheet.Cells["F10"].Value = "TRUE";
        worksheet.Cells["A11"].Value = "ButtonDelete";
        worksheet.Cells["B11"].Value = conf.ViewDetails[i].IsHasDeleteButton;
        worksheet.Cells["C11"].Value = "Caption";
        worksheet.Cells["D11"].Value = "ลบ";
        worksheet.Cells["E11"].Value = "AppearanceRules";
        worksheet.Cells["F11"].Value = "TRUE";
        worksheet.Cells["A12"].Value = "ButtonSubmitWF";
        worksheet.Cells["B12"].Value = conf.ViewDetails[i].IsHasSubmitWf;
        worksheet.Cells["C12"].Value = "Caption";
        worksheet.Cells["D12"].Value = "ส่งงาน";
        worksheet.Cells["E12"].Value = "AppearanceRules";
        worksheet.Cells["F12"].Value = "TRUE";

        ////Add the headers
        worksheet.Cells["A17"].Value = "ElementType";
        worksheet.Cells["B17"].Value = "ElementId";
        worksheet.Cells["C17"].Value = "Caption";
        worksheet.Cells["D17"].Value = "LV1";
        worksheet.Cells["E17"].Value = "LV2";
        worksheet.Cells["F17"].Value = "LV3";
        worksheet.Cells["G17"].Value = "LV4";
        worksheet.Cells["H17"].Value = "LV5";
        worksheet.Cells["I17"].Value = "ShowCaption";
        worksheet.Cells["J17"].Value = "Data";
        worksheet.Cells["K17"].Value = "PlaceHolder";
        worksheet.Cells["L17"].Value = "Width";
        worksheet.Cells["M17"].Value = "Height";
        worksheet.Cells["N17"].Value = "Format";
        worksheet.Cells["O17"].Value = "TextAlignment";
        worksheet.Cells["P17"].Value = "CustomStyle";

        colFromHex = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#FFFF00");
        worksheet.Cells["A17:P17"].Style.Fill.PatternType = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelFillStyle.Solid;

        row = 18;

        for (int j = 0; j < conf.ViewDetails[i].Items.Count; j++)

           // fieldformat = "";

            worksheet.Cells["B" + row.ToString()].Value = conf.ViewDetails[i].Items[j].ElementId;

            worksheet.Cells["A" + row.ToString()].Value = conf.ViewDetails[i].Items[j].ElementType;

            worksheet.Cells["C" + row.ToString()].Value = conf.ViewDetails[i].Items[j].Caption;
            switch (conf.ViewDetails[i].Items[j].LevelValue)
                case "1":
                    worksheet.Cells["D" + row.ToString()].Value = conf.ViewDetails[i].Items[j].LevelValue;
                case "2":
                worksheet.Cells["E" + row.ToString()].Value = conf.ViewDetails[i].Items[j].LevelValue;
                case "3":
                worksheet.Cells["F" + row.ToString()].Value = conf.ViewDetails[i].Items[j].LevelValue;
                case "4":
                worksheet.Cells["G" + row.ToString()].Value = conf.ViewDetails[i].Items[j].LevelValue;
                case "5":
                worksheet.Cells["H" + row.ToString()].Value = conf.ViewDetails[i].Items[j].LevelValue;

            worksheet.Cells["N" + row.ToString()].Value = conf.ViewDetails[i].Items[j].Formats;
            worksheet.Cells["I" + row.ToString()].Value = conf.ViewDetails[i].Items[j].ShowCaption;
            worksheet.Cells["J" + row.ToString()].Value = conf.ViewDetails[i].Items[j].DataBinding;
            worksheet.Cells["K" + row.ToString()].Value = conf.ViewDetails[i].Items[j].PlaceHolderName;
            worksheet.Cells["L" + row.ToString()].Value = conf.ViewDetails[i].Items[j].Width;
            worksheet.Cells["M" + row.ToString()].Value = conf.ViewDetails[i].Items[j].Height;
            worksheet.Cells["O" + row.ToString()].Value = conf.ViewDetails[i].Items[j].TextAlignment;
            worksheet.Cells["P" + row.ToString()].Value = conf.ViewDetails[i].Items[j].CustomStyle;

        worksheet.Cells["A1:P" + row.ToString()].Style.Border.Top.Style = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin;
        worksheet.Cells["A1:P" + row.ToString()].Style.Border.Right.Style = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin;
        worksheet.Cells["A1:P" + row.ToString()].Style.Border.Bottom.Style = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin;
        worksheet.Cells["A1:P" + row.ToString()].Style.Border.Left.Style = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin;
        worksheet.Cells["A1:P" + row.ToString()].Style.Font.Name = "Tahoma";
        worksheet.Cells["A1:P" + row.ToString()].Style.Font.Size = 10;

        return worksheet;
Ejemplo n.º 37
    string GetValidateString(ExcelConfiguration conf, string fieldname)
        string validStr = "";
        if (fieldname==null || fieldname.IndexOf(".") < 0) return "";
        string tb = fieldname.Substring(0, fieldname.IndexOf("."));
        string fd = fieldname.Substring(fieldname.IndexOf(".")+1);
        ExcelFieldSpec fdSpec = GetFieldSpec(conf, tb, fd);
        if(fdSpec == null)return "";
        if (fdSpec.IsRequireField)
            validStr += "\t\tctl" + fd + ".ValidationSettings.RequiredField.IsRequired = true;\r\n";
            validStr += "\t\tctl" + fd + ".ValidationSettings.RequiredField.ErrorText = \"" + fdSpec.IsRequireFieldMsg + "\";\r\n";
        if (fdSpec.MaxLength > 0)
            validStr += "\t\tctl" + fd + ".MaxLength = " + fdSpec.MaxLength.ToString() + ";\r\n";
        if (fdSpec.RegularExpression != null && fdSpec.RegularExpression!="")
            validStr += "\t\tctl" + fd + ".ValidationSettings.RegularExpression.ValidationExpression = \"" + fdSpec.RegularExpression + "\";\r\n";
            validStr += "\t\tctl" + fd + ".ValidationSettings.RegularExpression.ErrorText = \"" + fdSpec.IsRegularExpressionMsg + "\";\r\n";

        return validStr;
Ejemplo n.º 38
    public bool GenerateDetailView(ExcelConfiguration conf, string viewName, string directoryPath)
        ExcelUIViewDetail view = GetDetailView(conf, viewName);
        if (view != null)
            FormControlTemplateManager ctls = FormControlTemplateManager.GetTemplateFromPath(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["HomePath"] + @"\Assets\ControlTemplates");
            string fileAspx = directoryPath + "\\" + view.ViewName + ".aspx";
            string fileCs = directoryPath + "\\" + view.ViewName + ".aspx.cs";
            string fileAspxTemplate = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["HomePath"] + @"\Assets\ControlTemplates\WebForm.aspx.exclude";
            string fileCsTemplate = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["HomePath"] + @"\Assets\ControlTemplates\WebForm.aspx.cs.exclude";

            string aspxStr = File.ReadAllText(fileAspxTemplate);
            string csStr = File.ReadAllText(fileCsTemplate);

            string aspxContent = "";
            string aspxHeader = "";

            string csDeclareVar = "";
            string csPopulateData = "";
            string csPopulateNewData = "";
            string csInitData = "";
            string csInsertData = "";
            string csUpdateData = "";
            string csUpdateKeyData = "";
            string csValidateData = "";
            string csFormattingData = "";
            List<ExcelTableSpec> tables = new List<ExcelTableSpec>();
            string[] tableArr = view.TableName.Split(',');
            int xx=0;
            foreach (var tb in tableArr)

                tables.Add(GetTableSpec(conf, tb, xx * -1));

            string htmlStr = "";
            string buttonStr = "";

            string select = "";
            string from = tables[0].TableName;
            string where = " 1=1 ";
            string sql = "";
            string dataSourceStr = "";
            string dsSelectParam = "";
            string sqlInsert = "";
            string sqlUpdate = "";
            string sqlDelete = "";
            string sqlInsertP2 = "";
            string sqlUpdateP2 = "";

            #region Gen htmlStr
            for (int i = 0; i < view.Items.Count; ++i )
                ExcelUIViewDetailItem item = view.Items[i];

                FormControlTemplate ctl = ctls.GetControlByName(item.ElementType);
               if (item.ElementType == "listview")
                    FormListStructure frmList = GenerateListViewStructure(conf, item.LevelValue, directoryPath, false);
                    htmlStr += "<div>" + frmList.HtmlTag + "</div>"; //<div>" + frmList.TopButtonTag + "</div>
                    dataSourceStr += frmList.DataSourceTag;
                    csPopulateData += frmList.PopulateCS;
                    csInitData += frmList.InitCS;
                    csDeclareVar += frmList.VariableDeclareCS;
                    csFormattingData += frmList.FomattingCS;
               else if (ctl == null)
                   throw new ApplicationException("Error: View [" + view.ViewName + "] บรรทัดที่ " + item.RowNumber + " ไม่มี ElementType ใน template");

               else if (ctl.ControlName == "dropdown" || ctl.ControlName == "radiolist") //is dropdown
                   //find table
                   string tbName = GetFKTableName(item, conf);
                   if (tbName != null && tbName != "")
                       bool tbNotExisted = true;
                       for (int j = 0; j < tables.Count; ++j)
                           if (tbName.ToUpper() == tables[j].TableName.ToUpper())
                               tbNotExisted = false;
                       if (tbNotExisted && tbName != null && tbName != "")
                           tables.Add(GetTableSpec(conf, tbName, item.RowNumber));

                       htmlStr += ctl.GetEditHtml(item, tables, view.ViewName);

               else if (ctl.ControlName != "tab") //not is tab
                   htmlStr += ctl.GetEditHtml(item, tables, view.ViewName);
               else if (ctl.ControlName == "tab")
                   htmlStr += ctl.GetEditHtmlHead(item, tables, view.ViewName);
                   bool isNotEndTab = true;
                   int countNestedTab = 0;
                   //find tabpage
                   for (int j = i + 1; j < view.Items.Count && isNotEndTab; ++j)
                       ExcelUIViewDetailItem it = view.Items[j];
                       if (it.ElementType == "tabpage")
                           FormControlTemplate c = ctls.GetControlByName(it.ElementType);
                           htmlStr += c.GetEditHtmlHead(it, tables, view.ViewName);
                       else if (it.ElementType == "tab")
                       else if (it.ElementType == "endtab")
                           if (countNestedTab == -1)
                               FormControlTemplate c = ctls.GetControlByName(it.ElementType);
                               htmlStr += c.GetEditHtmlHead(it, tables, view.ViewName);
                               htmlStr += ctl.GetEditHtml(item, tables, view.ViewName);
                               isNotEndTab = false;

            #region Gen csDeclareVar csInitData csPopulateData where
            csInitData += "\t\tds" + view.ViewName + ".SelectParameters.Clear();\r\n";

            csPopulateData += "\r\n\t\t//" + view.ViewName + "\r\n";
            csPopulateData += "\t\tTitle = \"" + view.ViewTitle + "\"; \r\n";
            csPopulateData += "\t\tDataView dv = (DataView)ds" + view.ViewName + ".Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty);\r\n";
            csPopulateData += "\t\tDataRowView drv = dv[0];\r\n";

            csInsertData += "\t\tds" + view.ViewName + ".InsertParameters.Clear();\r\n";
            csUpdateData += "\t\tds" + view.ViewName + ".UpdateParameters.Clear();\r\n";
            if (view.InputParameters != null && view.InputParameters != "")
                string[] fds = view.InputParameters.Split(',');
                int i = 0;
                foreach (var f in fds)
                    where += " AND " + f + "=@" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1);
                    dsSelectParam += "<asp:Parameter Name=\"" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1) + "\" Type=\"Int32\" />";
                    csDeclareVar += "\tstring inputMain" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1) + "=\"-1\";\r\n";
                        csDeclareVar += "\tstring key=\"" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1) + "\";\r\n";
                    csInitData += @"        if (Request.QueryString[""" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1) + @"""] != null && Request.QueryString[""" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1) + @"""] != ""-1"")
            inputMain" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1) + @" = Request.QueryString[""" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1) + @"""];
                    csInitData += "\t\tds" + view.ViewName + ".SelectParameters.Add(\"" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1) + "\", System.Data.DbType.Int32, inputMain" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1) + ");\r\n";
                    csUpdateKeyData += "\t\tds" + view.ViewName + ".UpdateParameters.Add(\"" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1) + "\", System.Data.DbType.Int32, inputMain" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1) + ");\r\n";


            if (view.FilterParameters != null && view.FilterParameters != "")
                string[] fds = view.FilterParameters.Split(',');
                foreach (var f in fds)
                    where += " AND " + f + "=@" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1);
                    dsSelectParam += "<asp:Parameter Name=\"" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1) + "\" Type=\"Int32\" />";
                    csDeclareVar += "string paramMain" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1) + "=\"-1\";\r\n";
                    csInitData += "\t\tds" + view.ViewName + ".SelectParameters.Add(\"" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1) + "\", System.Data.DbType.Int32, paramMain" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1) + ");\r\n";

            foreach (var item in view.Items)
                if (item.ElementType.ToLower() != "listview" && item.ElementType.ToLower() != "detailview")
                    csPopulateData += ctls.GetControlByName(item.ElementType).GetEditCsPopulate(item, tables, view.ViewName) + "";
                    csPopulateNewData += ctls.GetControlByName(item.ElementType).GetNewCsPopulate(item, tables, view.ViewName) + "";
                    csInsertData += ctls.GetControlByName(item.ElementType).GetInsertCs(item, tables, view.ViewName) + "";
                    csUpdateData += ctls.GetControlByName(item.ElementType).GetUpdateCs(item, tables, view.ViewName) + "";
                    csValidateData += GetValidateString(conf, item.DataBinding);
                    csFormattingData += GetFormattingString(item, item.DataBinding);
            //int i = SqlDataSource1.Insert();
            //int i = SqlDataSource1.Update();
            csUpdateData += csUpdateKeyData;
            csInsertData += "\t\tint i = ds" + view.ViewName + ".Insert();\r\n";
            csUpdateData += "\t\tint i = ds" + view.ViewName + ".Update();\r\n";

            #region Gen button
            buttonStr += "";// @"<input type=""button"" class='btn btn-primary' value=' Save ' />";

            #region Gen sql dataSourceStr

            if (view.SQLSelect == null || view.SQLSelect == "")
                if (tables.Count > 1)
                    for (int i = 1; i < tables.Count; ++i)
                        from += GetJoinStr(conf, tables[0].TableName, tables[i].TableName);
                sqlUpdateP2 = " 1=1 ";

                foreach (var fd in tables[0].Fields)
                    if (fd.FieldPrimaryKey)
                        select += tables[0].TableName + "." + fd.FieldName + "\r\n,";
                        sqlUpdateP2 += "\r\n AND " + fd.FieldName + "=@" + fd.FieldName + "";
                foreach (var item in view.Items)
                    if (item.DataBinding != null && item.DataBinding != "")
                        string fdAll = item.DataBinding;
                        string tb = fdAll.Substring(0, fdAll.IndexOf("."));
                        string fd = fdAll.Substring(fdAll.IndexOf(".") + 1);

                        select += fdAll + "\r\n,";
                        if (tb.ToLower() == tables[0].TableName.ToLower())
                            sqlInsert += fd + "\r\n,";
                            sqlUpdate += fd + "=@" + fd + "\r\n,";
                            sqlInsertP2 += "@" + fd + "\r\n,";
                select = select.Substring(0, select.Length - 1);
                sqlInsert = sqlInsert.Substring(0, sqlInsert.Length - 1);
                sqlInsertP2 = sqlInsertP2.Substring(0, sqlInsertP2.Length - 1);
                sqlUpdate = sqlUpdate.Substring(0, sqlUpdate.Length - 1);

                sql = "select \r\n" + select + " \r\nfrom " + from + " \r\nwhere " + where;
                sqlInsert = "insert into " + tableArr[0] + "\r\n(\r\n" + sqlInsert + ")\r\nvalues\r\n(\r\n" + sqlInsertP2 + ")";
                sqlUpdate = "update " + tableArr[0] + " \r\nset \r\n" + sqlUpdate + " \r\nwhere " + sqlUpdateP2 + "";
                sqlDelete = "DELETE FROM " + tables[0].TableName + @" WHERE [" + GetPrimaryKeyName(tables[0]) + @"] = @" + GetPrimaryKeyName(tables[0]) ;
                sql = view.SQLSelect;
                sqlInsert = view.SQLInsert;
                sqlUpdate = view.SQLUpdate;
                sqlDelete = view.SQLDelete;
             <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:DefaultConnection %>"
            SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [COMMON_MASTER_ORGANIZE]"
                <asp:Parameter Name="ORGANIZE_ID" Type="Int32" />
            dataSourceStr += @"
        <asp:SqlDataSource ID=""ds" + view.ViewName + @""" runat=""server"" ConnectionString=""<%$ ConnectionStrings:DefaultConnection %>""
            DeleteCommand=""" + sqlDelete + @"""
            SelectCommand=""" + sql + @"""
            InsertCommand=""" + sqlInsert + @"""
            UpdateCommand=""" + sqlUpdate + @"""
                <asp:Parameter Name=""" + GetPrimaryKeyName(tables[0]) + @""" Type=""Int32"" />
        " + dsSelectParam + @"
            for (int i = 1; i < tables.Count; ++i)
                dataSourceStr += @"
        <asp:SqlDataSource ID=""ds" + tables[i].TableName + @""" runat=""server"" ConnectionString=""<%$ ConnectionStrings:DefaultConnection %>""
                    SelectCommand=""select " + tables[i].DefaultDisplay + "," + tables[i].PrimaryKey + " from " + tables[i].TableName + @""" >

            for (int i = 0; i < view.Items.Count; ++i)
                if (view.Items[i].CustomStyle != null && view.Items[i].CustomStyle != ""
                    && view.Items[i].ElementType.ToLower() == "dropdownfix" )
                    string[] itemRows = view.Items[i].CustomStyle.Split(',');
                    dataSourceStr += @"
        <asp:SqlDataSource ID=""ds" + view.Items[i].DataBinding.Substring(view.Items[i].DataBinding.IndexOf(".")+1) + @""" runat=""server"" ConnectionString=""<%$ ConnectionStrings:DefaultConnection %>""
                    SelectCommand=""select '-1' id, 'กรุณาเลือก' txt ";
                    foreach (var itemRow in itemRows)
                        if (itemRow.IndexOf(":") >= 0)
                            string[] itemCols = itemRow.Split(':');
                            dataSourceStr += " union all select '" + itemCols[0] + "','" + itemCols[1] + "' ";

                    dataSourceStr += @""" >
                else if (view.Items[i].CustomStyle != null && view.Items[i].CustomStyle != ""
                   && (view.Items[i].ElementType.ToLower() == "radiolistfix"))
                    string[] itemRows = view.Items[i].CustomStyle.Split(',');
                    dataSourceStr += @"
        <asp:SqlDataSource ID=""ds" + view.Items[i].DataBinding.Substring(view.Items[i].DataBinding.IndexOf(".") + 1) + @""" runat=""server"" ConnectionString=""<%$ ConnectionStrings:DefaultConnection %>""
                    SelectCommand=""select * from (select '-1' id, 'กรุณาเลือก' txt ";
                    foreach (var itemRow in itemRows)
                        if (itemRow.IndexOf(":") >= 0)
                            string[] itemCols = itemRow.Split(':');
                            dataSourceStr += " union all select '" + itemCols[0] + "','" + itemCols[1] + "' ";

                    dataSourceStr += @") aa where id <> '-1'"" >


            #region Gen aspxContent
            aspxContent = @"<div>
        <h1>" + view.ViewTitle + @"</h1>

        <div  class=""col-sm-12"">
        " + htmlStr + @"
        " + dataSourceStr + @"
            //" + buttonStr + @"

            #region Replace String
            //CodeFile="WebForm.aspx.cs" Inherits="Assets_ControlTemplates_WebForm"
            aspxStr = aspxStr.Replace("CodeFile=\"WebForm.aspx.cs\"", "CodeFile=\"" + view.ViewName + ".aspx.cs\"");
            aspxStr = aspxStr.Replace("Inherits=\"Assets_ControlTemplates_WebForm\"", "Inherits=\"" + view.ViewName + "\"");
            aspxStr = aspxStr.Replace("MasterPageFile=\"~/Assets/ControlTemplates/MasterPageLayout.master\"", "MasterPageFile=\"~/Master/bs.master\"");
            aspxStr = aspxStr.Replace("{content}", aspxContent).Replace("{head}", aspxHeader);

            //class Assets_ControlTemplates_WebForm
            csStr = csStr.Replace("class Assets_ControlTemplates_WebForm", "class " + view.ViewName + "");

            csStr = csStr.Replace("{init}", "\r\n" + csInitData + "");
            csStr = csStr.Replace("{PopulateDataStr}", "\r\n" + csPopulateData + "");
            csStr = csStr.Replace("{PopulateNewDataStr}", "\r\n" + csPopulateNewData + "");
            csStr = csStr.Replace("{Insert}", "\r\n" + csInsertData + "");
            csStr = csStr.Replace("{Update}", "\r\n" + csUpdateData + "");
            csStr = csStr.Replace("{ValidationStr}", "\r\n" + csValidateData + "");
            csStr = csStr.Replace("{FormattingStr}", "\r\n" + csFormattingData + "");
            csStr = csStr.Replace("{declare}", "\r\n" + csDeclareVar + "");

            File.WriteAllText(fileAspx, aspxStr, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
            File.WriteAllText(fileCs, csStr, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);

            return true;

            return false;
Ejemplo n.º 39
    private ExcelWorksheet CreateListView_XML(ExcelWorksheet worksheet,
        int row, string fieldformat, System.Drawing.Color colFromHex, int i, ExcelConfiguration conf)
        worksheet.Column(1).Width = 15;
        worksheet.Column(2).Width = 15;

        worksheet.Cells["A1"].Value = "TableName";
        worksheet.Cells["B1"].Value = conf.ViewList[i].TableName;
        worksheet.Cells["A2"].Value = "ViewType";
        worksheet.Cells["B2"].Value = "ListView";
        worksheet.Cells["A3"].Value = "ViewName";
        worksheet.Cells["B3"].Value = conf.ViewList[i].ViewName;
        worksheet.Cells["A4"].Value = "Title";
        worksheet.Cells["B4"].Value = conf.ViewList[i].ViewTitle;
        worksheet.Cells["A5"].Value = "Root Service URL";
        worksheet.Cells["B5"].Value = conf.ViewList[i].RootServiceUrl;
        worksheet.Cells["A6"].Value = "Order By";
        worksheet.Cells["B6"].Value = conf.ViewList[i].OrderBy;

        worksheet.Cells["A7"].Value = "Filter";
        worksheet.Cells["B7"].Value = conf.ViewList[i].IsHasFilter;
        worksheet.Cells["A8"].Value = "PageSize";
        worksheet.Cells["B8"].Value = conf.ViewList[i].PageSize;
        worksheet.Cells["A9"].Value = "EditView";
        worksheet.Cells["A10"].Value = "FilterView";
        worksheet.Cells["A11"].Value = "InputParameters";
        worksheet.Cells["A12"].Value = "FilterParameters";
        worksheet.Cells["A13"].Value = "MasterPage";

        worksheet.Cells["B9"].Value = conf.ViewList[i].EditView;
        worksheet.Cells["B10"].Value = conf.ViewList[i].FilterView;
        worksheet.Cells["B11"].Value = conf.ViewList[i].InputParameters;
        worksheet.Cells["B12"].Value = conf.ViewList[i].FilterParameters;
        worksheet.Cells["B13"].Value = conf.ViewList[i].MasterPage;

        worksheet.Cells["A14"].Value = "ButtonNew";
        worksheet.Cells["B14"].Value = conf.ViewList[i].IsHasNewButton;
        worksheet.Cells["C14"].Value = "Caption";
        worksheet.Cells["D14"].Value = "เพิ่ม";
        worksheet.Cells["E14"].Value = "AppearanceRules";
        worksheet.Cells["F14"].Value = "TRUE";
        worksheet.Cells["A15"].Value = "ButtonSave";
        worksheet.Cells["B15"].Value = conf.ViewList[i].IsHasSaveButton;
        worksheet.Cells["C15"].Value = "Caption";
        worksheet.Cells["D15"].Value = "บันทึก";
        worksheet.Cells["E15"].Value = "AppearanceRules";
        worksheet.Cells["F15"].Value = "FALSE";
        worksheet.Cells["A16"].Value = "ButtonDelete";
        worksheet.Cells["B16"].Value = conf.ViewList[i].IsHasDeleteButton;
        worksheet.Cells["C16"].Value = "Caption";
        worksheet.Cells["D16"].Value = "ลบ";
        worksheet.Cells["E16"].Value = "AppearanceRules";
        worksheet.Cells["F16"].Value = "TRUE";
        worksheet.Cells["A17"].Value = "SqlSelect";
        worksheet.Cells["A18"].Value = conf.ViewList[i].SQLSelect;
        worksheet.Cells["A19"].Value = "SqlUpdate";
        worksheet.Cells["A20"].Value = conf.ViewList[i].SQLUpdate;
        worksheet.Cells["F17"].Value = "SqlSelectParameter";
        worksheet.Cells["F18"].Value = conf.ViewList[i].SQLInsertParams;
        worksheet.Cells["F19"].Value = "SqlUpdateParameter";
        worksheet.Cells["F20"].Value = conf.ViewList[i].SQLUpdateParams;

        ////Add the headers
        worksheet.Cells["A21"].Value = "Caption";
        worksheet.Cells["B21"].Value = "Column";
        worksheet.Cells["C21"].Value = "Format";
        worksheet.Cells["D21"].Value = "TextAlignment";
        worksheet.Cells["E21"].Value = "IsHideResize";
        worksheet.Cells["F21"].Value = "CustomStyle";

        colFromHex = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#FFFF00");
        worksheet.Cells["A21:F21"].Style.Fill.PatternType = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelFillStyle.Solid;

        row = 22;
        for(int j=0;j<conf.ViewList[i].Items.Count;j++)
        //foreach (DataRow dr_columns in ds_columns.Tables["columns"].Rows)

            worksheet.Cells["A" + row.ToString()].Value = conf.ViewList[i].Items[j].Caption;
            worksheet.Cells["B" + row.ToString()].Value = conf.ViewList[i].Items[j].DataBinding;
            worksheet.Cells["C" + row.ToString()].Value = conf.ViewList[i].Items[j].Formats;
            //worksheet.Cells["D" + row.ToString()].Value = conf.ViewList[i].Items[j].Formats;
            //worksheet.Cells["E" + row.ToString()].Value = conf.ViewList[i].Items[j].Formats;
            //worksheet.Cells["F" + row.ToString()].Value = conf.ViewList[i].Items[j].Formats;

        worksheet.Cells["A1:F" + row.ToString()].Style.Border.Top.Style = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin;
        worksheet.Cells["A1:F" + row.ToString()].Style.Border.Right.Style = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin;
        worksheet.Cells["A1:F" + row.ToString()].Style.Border.Bottom.Style = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin;
        worksheet.Cells["A1:F" + row.ToString()].Style.Border.Left.Style = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin;
        worksheet.Cells["A1:F" + row.ToString()].Style.Font.Name = "Tahoma";
        worksheet.Cells["A1:F" + row.ToString()].Style.Font.Size = 10;

        return worksheet;
Ejemplo n.º 40
    public FormListStructure GenerateListViewStructure(ExcelConfiguration conf, string viewName, string directoryPath, bool isInListView)
        FormListStructure frm = new FormListStructure();
        ExcelUIViewList view = GetListView(conf, viewName);
        if (view != null)

            string[] tables = view.TableName.Split(',');
            ExcelTableSpec tableSpec = GetTableSpec(conf, tables[0],0);

            string gridStr = "";
            string buttonStr = "";

            string select = "";
            string from = tables[0];
            string where = " 1=1 ";
            string sql = "";
            string dataSourceStr = "";
            string dsSelectParam = "";

            #region Gen Grid
                var editView = GetDetailView(conf, view.EditView);
                    string xx = editView.ViewName;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new ApplicationException("View " + view.ViewName + " ต้องการ View " + view.EditView + " ** แต่ไม่มี", ex);
                var linkDetail = @"<a target=""_blank"" onclick=""OpenChildDetail('fancyBox" + view.ViewName + @"','" + view.EditView + @".aspx?" + editView.GetHyperlinkRequest() + @"', view" + view.ViewName + @");""><img src=""images/edit.png"" style=""border:none"" alt=""edit"" /></a>";
                if (isInListView)
                    linkDetail = @"<a target=""_self"" href=""" + view.EditView + @".aspx?" + editView.GetHyperlinkRequest() + @"""><img src=""images/edit.png"" style=""border:none"" alt=""edit"" /></a>";

            gridStr = @"

        <dx:ASPxGridView ID=""view" + view.ViewName + @""" runat=""server"" Width=""100%""
        AutoGenerateColumns=""False"" Styles-AlternatingRow-BackColor=""White"" Styles-Row-BackColor=""#D9EDF7""
        DataSourceID=""ds" + view.ViewName + @""" KeyFieldName=""" + GetPrimaryKeyName(tableSpec) + @"""  ClientInstanceName=""view" + view.ViewName + @""" Theme=""Metropolis"">

            <dx:GridViewCommandColumn SelectAllCheckboxMode=""Page"" ShowClearFilterButton=""True""
        ShowDeleteButton=""True"" ShowSelectCheckbox=""False"" ButtonType=""Image"" VisibleIndex=""0"">
            <dx:GridViewDataTextColumn FieldName=""" + GetPrimaryKeyName(tableSpec) + @""" ReadOnly=""True""  Visible=""False"" VisibleIndex=""2"">
                    <EditFormSettings Visible=""False"" />
            <dx:GridViewDataTextColumn VisibleIndex=""1"" Caption="""">
                    " + linkDetail + @"

                int colNum = 2;
                foreach (var fd in view.Items)

                    var f = GetFieldSpec(conf, tables[0], fd.DataBinding);
                    //frm.ValidateCS += GetValidateString(conf, f.FieldName);
                    frm.FomattingCS += GetFormattingListString(view, fd);
                        if (f==null || f.FieldType == ExcelEntityFieldType.String)
                            gridStr += @"
        <dx:GridViewDataTextColumn Caption=""" + fd.Caption + @""" FieldName=""" + GetOnlyFieldName(fd) + @""" VisibleIndex=""" + colNum + @""">
                        else if (f.FieldType == ExcelEntityFieldType.Number)
                            gridStr += @"
        <dx:GridViewDataSpinEditColumn Caption=""" + fd.Caption + @""" FieldName=""" + GetOnlyFieldName(fd) + @""" VisibleIndex=""" + colNum + @""">

                        else if (f.FieldType == ExcelEntityFieldType.DateTime)
                            gridStr += @"
        <dx:GridViewDataDateColumn Caption=""" + fd.Caption + @""" FieldName=""" + GetOnlyFieldName(fd) + @""" VisibleIndex=""" + colNum + @""">
                        else if (f.FieldType == ExcelEntityFieldType.Boolean)
                            gridStr += @"
        <dx:GridViewDataCheckColumn Caption=""" + fd.Caption + @""" FieldName=""" + GetOnlyFieldName(fd) + @""" VisibleIndex=""" + colNum + @""">
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw new ApplicationException("View " + view.ViewName + " ต้องการใช้ field [" + fd.DataBinding + "] แต่ไม่มีในตาราง [" + GetOnlyTableName(fd)+"]", ex);

                gridStr += @"</Columns>
            <Settings ShowFilterRow=""True"" ShowFilterRowMenu=""true"" ShowHeaderFilterButton=""false"" ShowGroupPanel=""False"" />
            <SettingsBehavior ConfirmDelete=""true"" AllowSelectSingleRowOnly=""true"" />
            <SettingsText ConfirmDelete=""ท่านต้องการลบรายการนี้หรือไม่?"" />
                <Image ToolTip=""ลบ"" Url=""Images/del.png"" />
        <a id=""fancyBox" + view.ViewName + @""" class='fancyBox'  style=""display:none""></a>


            #region Gen sql dataSourceStr
                if (view.SQLSelect == null || view.SQLSelect == "")
                    ExcelTableSpec tb = GetTableSpec(conf, tables[0], 0);
                    foreach (var fd in tb.Fields)
                        if (fd.FieldPrimaryKey || fd.FieldForeignKey)
                            select += tb.TableName + "." + fd.FieldName + "\r\n,";
                    if (tables.Length > 1)
                        for (int i = 1; i < tables.Length; ++i)
                            from += GetJoinStr(conf, tables[0], tables[i]);
                    foreach (var item in view.Items)
                        if (item.DataBinding != null && item.DataBinding != "")
                            select += item.DataBinding + "\r\n,";
                    select = select.Substring(0, select.Length - 1);

                    if (view.InputParameters != null && view.InputParameters != "")
                        string[] fds = view.InputParameters.Split(',');
                        foreach (var f in fds)
                            where += " AND " + f + "=@" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1);
                            dsSelectParam += "<asp:Parameter Name=\"" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1) + "\" Type=\"Int32\" />";

                    if (view.FilterParameters != null && view.FilterParameters != "")
                        string[] fds = view.FilterParameters.Split(',');
                        foreach (var f in fds)
                            where += " AND " + f + "=@" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1);
                            dsSelectParam += "<asp:Parameter Name=\"" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1) + "\" Type=\"Int32\" />";
                    sql = "select " + select + " from " + from + " where " + where;
                    sql = view.SQLSelect;
             <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:DefaultConnection %>"
            SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [COMMON_MASTER_ORGANIZE]"
                <asp:Parameter Name="ORGANIZE_ID" Type="Int32" />
            dataSourceStr = @"
        <asp:SqlDataSource ID=""ds" + view.ViewName + @""" runat=""server"" ConnectionString=""<%$ ConnectionStrings:DefaultConnection %>""
            DeleteCommand=""DELETE FROM " + tables[0] + @" WHERE [" + GetPrimaryKeyName(tableSpec) + @"] = @" + GetPrimaryKeyName(tableSpec) + @"""
            SelectCommand=""" + sql + @""" >
                <asp:Parameter Name=""" + GetPrimaryKeyName(tableSpec) + @""" Type=""Int32"" />
        " + dsSelectParam + @"

            #region Gen PopulateData
            //frm.PopulateCS += "//Grid \r\n";
            //frm.PopulateCS += "ds" + view.ViewName + ".SelectParameters.Clear();\r\n";
            frm.InitCS += "//Grid "+ view.ViewName+" \r\n";
            frm.InitCS += "ds" + view.ViewName + ".SelectParameters.Clear();\r\n";
            if (view.InputParameters != null && view.InputParameters != "")
                string[] fds = view.InputParameters.Split(',');
                foreach (var f in fds)
                    frm.VariableDeclareCS += "string input" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1) + "=\"-1\";\r\n";
                    //frm.PopulateCS += "ds" + view.ViewName + ".SelectParameters.Add(\"" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1) + "\", System.Data.DbType.Int32, input" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1) + ");\r\n";
                    frm.InitCS += @"        if (Request.QueryString[""" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1) + @"""] != null && Request.QueryString[""" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1) + @"""] != ""-1"")
            input" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1) + @" = Request.QueryString[""" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1) + @"""];
                    frm.InitCS += "ds" + view.ViewName + ".SelectParameters.Add(\"" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1) + "\", System.Data.DbType.Int32, input" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1) + ");\r\n";

            if (view.FilterParameters != null && view.FilterParameters != "")
                string[] fds = view.FilterParameters.Split(',');
                foreach (var f in fds)
                    frm.VariableDeclareCS += "string param" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1) + "=\"-1\";\r\n";
                    //frm.PopulateCS += "ds" + view.ViewName + ".SelectParameters.Add(\"" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1) + "\", System.Data.DbType.Int32, param" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1) + ");\r\n";
                    frm.InitCS += "ds" + view.ViewName + ".SelectParameters.Add(\"" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1) + "\", System.Data.DbType.Int32, param" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1) + ");\r\n";
            if (view.SQLSelectParams != null && view.SQLSelectParams != "")
                string[] fds = view.SQLSelectParams.Split(',');
                foreach (var f in fds)
                    frm.VariableDeclareCS += "string param" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1) + "=\"-1\";\r\n";
                    frm.InitCS += "ds" + view.ViewName + ".SelectParameters.Add(\"" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1) + "\", System.Data.DbType.Int32, param" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1) + ");\r\n";

            #region Gen button
            buttonStr += "";// @"<input type=""button"" id=""btn" + view.ViewName + @"_new"" class='btn btn-primary' value=' Add ' onclick=""location='" + view.EditView + ".aspx?id=-1';\" />";

            frm.HtmlTag =  @"<div>
        " + gridStr + @"
            frm.DataSourceTag = dataSourceStr;
            frm.TopButtonTag = "";// buttonStr;

            return frm;

            return frm;
Ejemplo n.º 41
    public bool GenerateLookupView(ExcelConfiguration conf, string viewName, string directoryPath)
        ExcelUIViewLookup view = GetLookupView(conf, viewName);
        if (view != null)
            string fileAspx = directoryPath + "\\" + view.ViewName + ".aspx";
            string fileCs = directoryPath + "\\" + view.ViewName + ".aspx.cs";
            string fileAspxTemplate = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["HomePath"] + @"\Assets\ControlTemplates\WebFormLku.aspx.exclude";
            string fileCsTemplate = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["HomePath"] + @"\Assets\ControlTemplates\WebFormLku.aspx.cs.exclude";

            string aspxStr = File.ReadAllText(fileAspxTemplate);
            string csStr = File.ReadAllText(fileCsTemplate);

            string aspxContent = "";
            string aspxHeader = "";

            string buttonStr = "";

            string[] tables = view.TableName.Split(',');
            ExcelTableSpec tableSpec = GetTableSpec(conf, tables[0], 0);

            FormListStructure frmList = GenerateLookupViewStructure(conf, viewName, directoryPath);

            if (view.InputParameters != null && view.InputParameters != "")
                string[] inputs = view.InputParameters.Split(',');
                foreach (var f in inputs)
                    frmList.VariableDeclareCS += "\tstring key=\"" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1) + "\";\r\n";
                frmList.VariableDeclareCS += "\tstring key=\"id\";\r\n";
            #region Gen button
            buttonStr += "";// @"<input type=""button"" class='btn btn-primary' value=' Add ' onclick=''; />";

            #region Gen aspxContent
            aspxContent = @"<div>
        <h1>" + view.ViewTitle + @"</h1>
        " + buttonStr + @"
        " + frmList.HtmlTag + @"
        " + frmList.DataSourceTag + @"

            #region Replace String
            //CodeFile="WebForm.aspx.cs" Inherits="Assets_ControlTemplates_WebForm"
            aspxStr = aspxStr.Replace("CodeFile=\"WebForm.aspx.cs\"", "CodeFile=\"" + view.ViewName + ".aspx.cs\"");
            aspxStr = aspxStr.Replace("Inherits=\"Assets_ControlTemplates_WebForm\"", "Inherits=\"" + view.ViewName + "\"");
            aspxStr = aspxStr.Replace("MasterPageFile=\"~/Assets/ControlTemplates/MasterPageLayout.master\"", "MasterPageFile=\"~/Master/blank.master\"");
            aspxStr = aspxStr.Replace("{content}", aspxContent).Replace("{head}", aspxHeader);

            aspxStr = aspxStr.Replace("{fieldpk}", tableSpec.PrimaryKey);
            aspxStr = aspxStr.Replace("{fielddisplay}", tableSpec.DefaultDisplay);

            //class Assets_ControlTemplates_WebForm
            csStr = csStr.Replace("class Assets_ControlTemplates_WebForm", "class " + view.ViewName + "");
            csStr = csStr.Replace("{PopulateDataStr}", "\r\n" + frmList.PopulateCS + "");
            csStr = csStr.Replace("{declare}", "\r\n" + frmList.VariableDeclareCS + "");
            csStr = csStr.Replace("{init}", "\r\n" + frmList.InitCS + "");


            File.WriteAllText(fileAspx, aspxStr);
            File.WriteAllText(fileCs, csStr);

            return true;

            return false;
Ejemplo n.º 42
    public FormListStructure GenerateLookupViewStructure(ExcelConfiguration conf, string viewName, string directoryPath)
        FormListStructure frm = new FormListStructure();
        ExcelUIViewLookup view = GetLookupView(conf, viewName);
        if (view != null)
            string[] tables = view.TableName.Split(',');
            ExcelTableSpec tableSpec = GetTableSpec(conf, tables[0],0);

            string gridStr = "";
            string buttonStr = "";

            string select = "";
            string from = tables[0];
            string where = " 1=1 ";
            string sql = "";
            string dataSourceStr = "";
            string dsSelectParam = "";

            #region Gen Grid
                gridStr = @"
        <dx:ASPxGridView ID=""view" + view.ViewName + @""" runat=""server"" Width=""100%""
         Styles-AlternatingRow-BackColor=""White"" Styles-Row-BackColor=""#D9EDF7""
        AutoGenerateColumns=""False"" ClientInstanceName=""view" + view.ViewName + @"""
        DataSourceID=""ds" + view.ViewName + @""" KeyFieldName=""" + GetPrimaryKeyName(tableSpec) + @"""  Theme=""Metropolis"">

        ShowSelectButton =""True""
        SelectAllCheckboxMode=""Page"" ShowClearFilterButton=""True""
        ShowDeleteButton=""False"" ShowSelectCheckbox=""False"" ButtonType=""Image"" VisibleIndex=""30"">
            <dx:GridViewDataTextColumn FieldName=""" + GetPrimaryKeyName(tableSpec) + @""" ReadOnly=""True""  Visible=""False"" VisibleIndex=""2"">
                    <EditFormSettings Visible=""False"" />

                int colNum = 2;
                foreach (var fd in view.Items)
                    gridStr += @" <dx:GridViewDataTextColumn Caption=""" + fd.Caption + @""" FieldName=""" + GetOnlyFieldName(fd) + @""" VisibleIndex=""" + colNum + @"""></dx:GridViewDataTextColumn>

                gridStr += @"</Columns>
            <Settings ShowFilterRow=""True"" ShowGroupPanel=""False"" />
            <SettingsBehavior ConfirmDelete=""true"" AllowSelectSingleRowOnly=""true"" />
                <Image ToolTip=""เลือก"" Url=""Images/select.png"" />

        <ClientSideEvents SelectionChanged=""grid_SelectionChanged"" />


            #region Gen sql dataSourceStr

                if (view.SQLSelect == null || view.SQLSelect == "")
                    foreach (var fd in tableSpec.Fields)
                        if (fd.FieldPrimaryKey || fd.FieldForeignKey)
                            select += tableSpec.TableName + "." + fd.FieldName + "\r\n,";
                    if (tables.Length > 1)
                        for (int i = 1; i < tables.Length; ++i)
                            from += GetJoinStr(conf, tables[0], tables[i]);
                    foreach (var item in view.Items)
                        if (item.DataBinding != null && item.DataBinding != "")
                            select += item.DataBinding + "\r\n,";
                    select = select.Substring(0, select.Length - 1);

                    if (view.InputParameters != null && view.InputParameters != "")
                        string[] fds = view.InputParameters.Split(',');
                        foreach (var f in fds)
                            where += " AND " + f + "=@" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1);
                            dsSelectParam += "<asp:Parameter Name=\"" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1) + "\" Type=\"Int32\" />";

                    if (view.FilterParameters != null && view.FilterParameters != "")
                        string[] fds = view.FilterParameters.Split(',');
                        foreach (var f in fds)
                            where += " AND " + f + "=@" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1);
                            dsSelectParam += "<asp:Parameter Name=\"" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1) + "\" Type=\"Int32\" />";
                    sql = "select " + select + " from " + from + " where " + where;
                    sql = view.SQLSelect;
                    if (view.SQLSelectParams != null && view.SQLSelectParams != "")
                        string[] fds = view.SQLSelectParams.Split(',');
                        foreach (var f in fds)
                            dsSelectParam += "<asp:Parameter Name=\"" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1) + "\" Type=\"Int32\" />";
             <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:DefaultConnection %>"
            SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [COMMON_MASTER_ORGANIZE]"
                <asp:Parameter Name="ORGANIZE_ID" Type="Int32" />
            dataSourceStr = @"<asp:SqlDataSource ID=""ds" + view.ViewName + @""" runat=""server"" ConnectionString=""<%$ ConnectionStrings:DefaultConnection %>""
            DeleteCommand=""DELETE FROM " + tables[0] + @" WHERE [" + GetPrimaryKeyName(tableSpec) + @"] = @" + GetPrimaryKeyName(tableSpec) + @"""
            SelectCommand=""" + sql + @""" >
                <asp:Parameter Name=""" + GetPrimaryKeyName(tableSpec) + @""" Type=""Int32"" />
        " + dsSelectParam + @"

            #region Gen PopulateData
            //frm.PopulateCS += "//Grid \r\n";
            //frm.PopulateCS += "ds" + view.ViewName + ".SelectParameters.Clear();\r\n";
            frm.InitCS += "//Grid " + view.ViewName + " \r\n";
            frm.InitCS += "ds" + view.ViewName + ".SelectParameters.Clear();\r\n";
            if (view.InputParameters != null && view.InputParameters != "")
                string[] fds = view.InputParameters.Split(',');
                foreach (var f in fds)
                    frm.VariableDeclareCS += "string input" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1) + "=\"-1\";\r\n";
                    //frm.PopulateCS += "ds" + view.ViewName + ".SelectParameters.Add(\"" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1) + "\", System.Data.DbType.Int32, input" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1) + ");\r\n";
                    frm.InitCS += @"        if (Request.QueryString[""" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1) + @"""] != null && Request.QueryString[""" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1) + @"""] != ""-1"")
            input" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1) + @" = Request.QueryString[""" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1) + @"""];
                    frm.InitCS += "ds" + view.ViewName + ".SelectParameters.Add(\"" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1) + "\", System.Data.DbType.Int32, input" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1) + ");\r\n";

            if (view.FilterParameters != null && view.FilterParameters != "")
                string[] fds = view.FilterParameters.Split(',');
                foreach (var f in fds)
                    frm.VariableDeclareCS += "string param" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1) + "=\"-1\";\r\n";
                    //frm.PopulateCS += "ds" + view.ViewName + ".SelectParameters.Add(\"" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1) + "\", System.Data.DbType.Int32, param" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1) + ");\r\n";
                    frm.InitCS += "ds" + view.ViewName + ".SelectParameters.Add(\"" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1) + "\", System.Data.DbType.Int32, param" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1) + ");\r\n";
            if (view.SQLSelectParams != null && view.SQLSelectParams != "")
                string[] fds = view.SQLSelectParams.Split(',');
                foreach (var f in fds)
                    frm.VariableDeclareCS += "string param" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1) + "=\"-1\";\r\n";
                    frm.InitCS += "ds" + view.ViewName + ".SelectParameters.Add(\"" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1) + "\", System.Data.DbType.Int32, param" + f.Substring(f.IndexOf('.') + 1) + ");\r\n";

            #region Gen button
            //buttonStr += @"<input type=""button"" id=""btn" + view.ViewName + @"_new"" class='btn btn-primary' value=' Add ' onclick="""" />";

            frm.HtmlTag = @"<div>
        " + gridStr + @"
            frm.DataSourceTag = dataSourceStr;
            frm.TopButtonTag = buttonStr;

            return frm;

            return frm;
Ejemplo n.º 43
    protected void ASPxButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //list inline
        ExcelConfiguration xlsConf = new ExcelConfiguration();
        //ExcelConfiguration xlsConf = ExcelConfiguration.GetExcelConfigurationXls("c:\\pj.xls");

        var tb1 = new ExcelTableSpec();
        tb1.TableName = "COMMON_MASTER_REGION";
        tb1.DefaultDisplay = "REGION_NAME_THA";
        tb1.Fields.Add(new ExcelFieldSpec() { FieldName = "REGION_ID", FieldType = ExcelEntityFieldType.Number, FieldPrimaryKey = true, FieldTypeString="Int32" });
        tb1.Fields.Add(new ExcelFieldSpec() { FieldName = "REGION_NAME_THA", FieldType = ExcelEntityFieldType.String });
        tb1.Fields.Add(new ExcelFieldSpec() { FieldName = "REGION_NAME_ENG", FieldType = ExcelEntityFieldType.String });
        tb1.Fields.Add(new ExcelFieldSpec() { FieldName = "UPDATE_DATE", FieldType = ExcelEntityFieldType.DateTime });

        var tb2 = new ExcelTableSpec();
        tb2.TableName = "COMMON_MASTER_PROVINCE";
        tb2.DefaultDisplay = "PROVINCE_NAME";//
        tb2.Fields.Add(new ExcelFieldSpec() { FieldName = "PROVINCE_ID", FieldType = ExcelEntityFieldType.Number, FieldPrimaryKey = true, FieldTypeString="Int32" });
        tb2.Fields.Add(new ExcelFieldSpec() { FieldName = "REGION_ID", FieldType = ExcelEntityFieldType.Number, FieldForeignKey = true, FieldForeignKeyTableName = "COMMON_MASTER_REGION" });
        tb2.Fields.Add(new ExcelFieldSpec() { FieldName = "PROVINCE_CODE", FieldType = ExcelEntityFieldType.String, IsRequireField = true, MaxLength = 2, MinLength = 2 });
        tb2.Fields.Add(new ExcelFieldSpec() { FieldName = "PROVINCE_NAME", FieldType = ExcelEntityFieldType.String, IsRequireField = true });
        tb2.Fields.Add(new ExcelFieldSpec() { FieldName = "UPDATE_DATE", FieldType = ExcelEntityFieldType.DateTime });
        tb2.Fields.Add(new ExcelFieldSpec() { FieldName = "OptimisticLockField", FieldType = ExcelEntityFieldType.Number });

        var tb3 = new ExcelTableSpec();
        tb3.TableName = "COMMON_MASTER_DISTRICT";
        tb3.DefaultDisplay = "DISTRICT_NAME";//
        tb3.Fields.Add(new ExcelFieldSpec() { FieldName = "DISTRICT_ID", FieldType = ExcelEntityFieldType.Number, FieldPrimaryKey = true, FieldTypeString = "Int32" });
        tb3.Fields.Add(new ExcelFieldSpec() { FieldName = "PROVINCE_ID", FieldType = ExcelEntityFieldType.Number, FieldForeignKey = true, FieldForeignKeyTableName = "COMMON_MASTER_PROVINCE" });
        tb3.Fields.Add(new ExcelFieldSpec() { FieldName = "DISTRICT_CODE", FieldType = ExcelEntityFieldType.String, IsRequireField = true, MaxLength = 100, MinLength = 20 });
        tb3.Fields.Add(new ExcelFieldSpec() { FieldName = "DISTRICT_NAME", FieldType = ExcelEntityFieldType.String, IsRequireField = true });
        tb3.Fields.Add(new ExcelFieldSpec() { FieldName = "UPDATE_DATE", FieldType = ExcelEntityFieldType.DateTime });
        tb3.Fields.Add(new ExcelFieldSpec() { FieldName = "OptimisticLockField", FieldType = ExcelEntityFieldType.Number });

        var l1 = new ExcelUIViewList();
        l1.ViewName = "COMMON_MASTER_PROVINCE_List2";
        l1.ViewTitle = "PROVINCE";
        l1.ViewType = "ListView";
        l1.EditView = "COMMON_MASTER_PROVINCE_Detail";
        l1.InputParameters = "";
        l1.IsHasNewButton = true;
        l1.IsHasSaveButton = true;
        l1.IsHasDeleteButton = true;
        l1.NewButtonCaption = "New";
        l1.SaveButtonCaption = "Save";
        l1.DeleteButtonCaption = "Delete";
        l1.Items.Add(new ExcelUIViewListItem() { DataBinding = "COMMON_MASTER_PROVINCE.PROVINCE_CODE", Caption = "PROVINCE CODE", RowNumber = 1, TextAlignment = "left" });
        l1.Items.Add(new ExcelUIViewListItem() { DataBinding = "COMMON_MASTER_PROVINCE.PROVINCE_NAME", Caption = "PROVINCE NAME", RowNumber = 2, TextAlignment = "left" });
        l1.Items.Add(new ExcelUIViewListItem() { DataBinding = "COMMON_MASTER_REGION.REGION_ID", Caption = "REGION ID", RowNumber = 3, TextAlignment = "left" });
        l1.Items.Add(new ExcelUIViewListItem() { DataBinding = "COMMON_MASTER_REGION.REGION_NAME_THA", Caption = "REGION ID", RowNumber = 4, TextAlignment = "left" });

        var l2 = new ExcelUIViewList();
        l2.ViewName = "COMMON_MASTER_DISTRICT_List";
        l2.ViewTitle = "DISTRICT";
        l2.ViewType = "ListView";
        l2.EditView = "COMMON_MASTER_DISTRICT_Detail";
        l2.InputParameters = "COMMON_MASTER_DISTRICT.PROVINCE_ID";
        l2.IsHasNewButton = true;
        l2.IsHasSaveButton = true;
        l2.IsHasDeleteButton = true;
        l2.NewButtonCaption = "New";
        l2.SaveButtonCaption = "Save";
        l2.DeleteButtonCaption = "Delete";
        l2.Items.Add(new ExcelUIViewListItem() { DataBinding = "COMMON_MASTER_DISTRICT.DISTRICT_CODE", Caption = "code", RowNumber = 1, TextAlignment = "left" });
        l2.Items.Add(new ExcelUIViewListItem() { DataBinding = "COMMON_MASTER_DISTRICT.DISTRICT_NAME", Caption = "name", RowNumber = 2, TextAlignment = "left" });
        l2.Items.Add(new ExcelUIViewListItem() { DataBinding = "COMMON_MASTER_DISTRICT.UPDATE_DATE", Caption = "updatetime", RowNumber = 3, TextAlignment = "left" });

        var d1 = new ExcelUIViewDetail();
        d1.ViewName = "COMMON_MASTER_PROVINCE_Detail";
        d1.ViewTitle = "PROVINCE";
        d1.IsHasNewButton = true;
        d1.IsHasSaveButton = true;
        d1.IsHasDeleteButton = true;
        d1.InputParameters = "COMMON_MASTER_PROVINCE.PROVINCE_ID";
        d1.NewButtonCaption = "New";
        d1.SaveButtonCaption = "Save";
        d1.DeleteButtonCaption = "Delete";
        d1.Items.Add(new ExcelUIViewDetailItem() { RowNumber = 1, ElementType = "tab", ElementId="tabMain1", Level=1, LevelValue="tab12"});
        d1.Items.Add(new ExcelUIViewDetailItem() { RowNumber = 2, ElementType = "tabpage", ElementId="tab1", Level = 2, LevelValue = "tabpage" , Caption="Tab1", CustomStyle="active"});
        d1.Items.Add(new ExcelUIViewDetailItem() { RowNumber = 3, ElementType = "box", Level = 3, LevelValue = "box12", Caption="Box1" });
        d1.Items.Add(new ExcelUIViewDetailItem() { RowNumber = 4, ElementType = "textbox", Level=3, LevelValue="field12",
            DataBinding = "COMMON_MASTER_PROVINCE.PROVINCE_CODE", Caption = "PROVINCE CODE", Formats="0-0", TextAlignment="right" });
        d1.Items.Add(new ExcelUIViewDetailItem() { RowNumber = 5, ElementType = "textbox", Level=3, LevelValue="field12",
            DataBinding = "COMMON_MASTER_PROVINCE.PROVINCE_NAME", Caption = "PROVINCE NAME"});
        d1.Items.Add(new ExcelUIViewDetailItem() { RowNumber = 6, ElementType = "dropdown", Level=3, LevelValue="field12",
                                                   DataBinding = "COMMON_MASTER_PROVINCE.REGION_ID",
                                                   Caption = "REGION", Width=200
        d1.Items.Add(new ExcelUIViewDetailItem()
            RowNumber = 7,
            ElementType = "datepicker",
            Level = 3,
            LevelValue = "field12",
            Caption = "UPDATE DATE",
            Width = 200
        d1.Items.Add(new ExcelUIViewDetailItem()
            RowNumber = 8,
            ElementType = "textint",
            Level = 3,
            LevelValue = "field12",
            DataBinding = "COMMON_MASTER_PROVINCE.OptimisticLockField",
            Caption = "OptimisticLockField",
            Formats = "N2",
            TextAlignment = "right"
        d1.Items.Add(new ExcelUIViewDetailItem()
            RowNumber = 9,
            ElementType = "listview",
            Level = 3,
            LevelValue = "COMMON_MASTER_DISTRICT_List",
            Caption = "DISTRICT"
        d1.Items.Add(new ExcelUIViewDetailItem() { RowNumber = 7, ElementType = "endbox", Level = 3, LevelValue = "endbox" });
        d1.Items.Add(new ExcelUIViewDetailItem() { RowNumber = 8, ElementType = "endtabpage", Level = 2, LevelValue = "endtabpage" });

        d1.Items.Add(new ExcelUIViewDetailItem() { RowNumber = 9, ElementType = "tabpage", ElementId="tab2", Level = 2, LevelValue = "tabpage", Caption="Tab2" });
        d1.Items.Add(new ExcelUIViewDetailItem() { RowNumber = 10, ElementType = "box", Level = 3, LevelValue = "box12", Caption="Box2" });
        d1.Items.Add(new ExcelUIViewDetailItem() { RowNumber = 11, ElementType = "button", Level = 3, LevelValue = "field12", Caption="button xxx" });
        d1.Items.Add(new ExcelUIViewDetailItem() { RowNumber = 12, ElementType = "endbox", Level = 3, LevelValue = "endbox" });
        d1.Items.Add(new ExcelUIViewDetailItem() { RowNumber = 13, ElementType = "endtabpage", Level = 2, LevelValue = "endtabpage" });
        d1.Items.Add(new ExcelUIViewDetailItem() { RowNumber = 14, ElementType = "endtab", Level = 1, LevelValue = "endtab" });

        var d2 = new ExcelUIViewDetail();
        d2.ViewName = "COMMON_MASTER_DISTRICT_Detail";
        d2.ViewTitle = "DISTRICT_Detail";
        d2.TableName = "COMMON_MASTER_DISTRICT";
        d2.IsHasNewButton = true;
        d2.IsHasSaveButton = true;
        d2.IsHasDeleteButton = true;
        d2.NewButtonCaption = "New";
        d2.SaveButtonCaption = "Save";
        d2.DeleteButtonCaption = "Delete";
        d2.Items.Add(new ExcelUIViewDetailItem()
            RowNumber = 4,
            ElementType = "textbox",
            Level = 3,
            LevelValue = "field12",
            Caption = "DISTRICT CODE",
            Formats = "00",
            TextAlignment = "right"
        d2.Items.Add(new ExcelUIViewDetailItem()
            RowNumber = 5,
            ElementType = "textbox",
            Level = 3,
            LevelValue = "field12",
            Caption = "DISTRICT NAME"


        FormGenerator gen = new FormGenerator();
        gen.GenerateDetailView(xlsConf, "COMMON_MASTER_PROVINCE_Detail",
            @"C:\Users\JOJOJS\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\WebSites\eForm20\Test");
        gen.GenerateDetailView(xlsConf, "COMMON_MASTER_DISTRICT_Detail",
            @"C:\Users\JOJOJS\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\WebSites\eForm20\Test");
        if (gen.GenerateListView(xlsConf, "COMMON_MASTER_PROVINCE_List2",
            @"C:\Users\JOJOJS\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\WebSites\eForm20\Test"))

        //gen.GenerateDetailView(xlsConf, "COMMON_MASTER_PROVINCE_Detail",
        //    @"C:\Users\JOJOJS\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\WebSites\eForm20\Test");
Ejemplo n.º 44
 ExcelFieldSpec GetFieldSpec(ExcelConfiguration conf, string tablename, string fieldname)
     foreach (var tb in conf.Tables)
         if (tb.TableName.ToUpper() == tablename.ToUpper())
             foreach (var fd in tb.Fields)
                 if(fd.FieldName.ToUpper() == fieldname.ToUpper())
                 return fd;
     return null;