Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void CssClassWellFormatted()
            Services.AddSingleton <NavigationManager>(new MockNavigationManager("http://localhost/"));
            var renderedComponent = RenderComponent <AlertLink>();

            renderedComponent.Find("a").ClassName.Should().Contain("alert-link", Exactly.Once());
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static object[][] PassingConstraints() => new object[][]
            new object[] { AtLeast.Once(), 1 },
            new object[] { AtLeast.Once(), 2 },
            new object[] { AtLeast.Twice(), 2 },
            new object[] { AtLeast.Twice(), 3 },
            new object[] { AtLeast.Thrice(), 3 },
            new object[] { AtLeast.Thrice(), 4 },
            new object[] { AtLeast.Times(4), 4 },
            new object[] { AtLeast.Times(4), 5 },

            new object[] { AtMost.Once(), 0 },
            new object[] { AtMost.Once(), 1 },
            new object[] { AtMost.Twice(), 1 },
            new object[] { AtMost.Twice(), 2 },
            new object[] { AtMost.Thrice(), 2 },
            new object[] { AtMost.Thrice(), 3 },
            new object[] { AtMost.Times(4), 3 },
            new object[] { AtMost.Times(4), 4 },

            new object[] { Exactly.Once(), 1 },
            new object[] { Exactly.Twice(), 2 },
            new object[] { Exactly.Thrice(), 3 },
            new object[] { Exactly.Times(4), 4 },

            new object[] { LessThan.Twice(), 1 },
            new object[] { LessThan.Thrice(), 2 },
            new object[] { LessThan.Times(4), 3 },

            new object[] { MoreThan.Once(), 2 },
            new object[] { MoreThan.Twice(), 3 },
            new object[] { MoreThan.Thrice(), 4 },
            new object[] { MoreThan.Times(4), 5 },
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public async Task ThenTheDeliveryModesForEachProviderAreDisplayed(string not)
            var json = DataFileManager.GetFile("course-providers.json");
            var expectedApiResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TrainingCourseProviders>(json);

            var response      = _context.Get <HttpResponseMessage>(ContextKeys.HttpResponse);
            var actualContent = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

            foreach (var mode in Enum.GetValues(typeof(DeliveryModeType)).Cast <DeliveryModeType>())
                if (mode == DeliveryModeType.NotFound || mode == DeliveryModeType.National)
                var modeName = mode.GetDescription().Replace("’", "&#x2019;");// for some reason HtmlEncode doesn't encode '’'

                if (not == string.Empty)
                    actualContent.Should().Contain(modeName, Exactly.Times(expectedApiResponse.Total + 1));// additional time in the filter ui
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public void CadenaConMasDeUnaOcurrencia()
     _cadenaNoVacioXL.Should().Contain("pero", MoreThan.Twice());
     _cadenaNoVacioXL.Should().Contain("pero", MoreThan.Times(2));
     _cadenaNoVacioXL.Should().Contain("pero", Exactly.Times(3));
     _cadenaNoVacioXL.Should().Contain("pero", Exactly.Thrice());
        public void When_comparing_strings_for_containing_one_equivalent_it_should_ignore_culture(string subject, string expected)
            // Act
            Action act = () => subject.Should().ContainEquivalentOf(expected, Exactly.Once());

            // Assert
            act.Should().NotThrow <XunitException>();
            public void When_a_string_is_matched_and_the_expected_count_is_zero_and_string_not_matches_it_passes()
                // Arrange
                string subject = "a";

                // Act
                Action act = () => subject.Should().MatchRegex("b", Exactly.Times(0));

                // Assert
            public void When_a_string_is_matched_and_the_expected_count_is_zero_and_string_matches_it_fails()
                // Arrange
                string subject = "a";

                // Act
                Action act = () => subject.Should().MatchRegex("a", Exactly.Times(0));

                // Assert
                act.Should().Throw <XunitException>()
                .WithMessage($"Expected subject*a*to match regex*\"a\" exactly 0 times, but found it 1 time*");
            public void When_regex_is_invalid_it_fails_and_ignores_occurrences()
                // Arrange
                string subject = "a";

                // Act
                Action act = () => subject.Should().MatchRegex(".**", Exactly.Times(0));

                // Assert
                act.Should().ThrowExactly <XunitException>()
                .WithMessage("Cannot match subject against \".**\" because it is not a valid regular expression.*");
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void ShouldEachBoardRowContainTenMappedPositionStatesSeparatedBySpace(int rowNumber)
            const string state        = "state";
            const int    headerOffset = 1;

            var boardDouble = CreateDummyBoard();

            A.CallTo(() => _positionStateMapperDouble.Map(A <PositionState> ._)).Returns(state);

            _subject.Print(boardDouble).Split(Environment.NewLine)[rowNumber + headerOffset]
            .Should().Contain(' ' + state, Exactly.Times(Board.Size));
                public void When_string_containment_exactly_is_asserted_and_actual_value_contains_the_expected_string_exactly_expected_times_it_should_not_throw()
                    // Arrange
                    string actual            = "ABCDEBCDF";
                    string expectedSubstring = "BCD";

                    // Act
                    Action act = () => actual.Should().Contain(expectedSubstring, Exactly.Times(2));

                    // Assert
                public void When_string_containment_once_is_asserted_and_actual_value_is_null_then_it_should_throw()
                    // Arrange
                    string actual            = null;
                    string expectedSubstring = "XYZ";

                    // Act
                    Action act = () => actual.Should().Contain(expectedSubstring, Exactly.Once());

                    // Assert
                    act.Should().Throw <XunitException>()
                    .WithMessage("Expected * <null> to contain \"XYZ\" exactly 1 time, but found it 0 times.");
                public void When_string_containment_exactly_is_asserted_and_actual_value_contains_the_expected_string_but_not_exactly_expected_times_it_should_throw()
                    // Arrange
                    string actual            = "ABCDEBCDF";
                    string expectedSubstring = "BCD";

                    // Act
                    Action act = () => actual.Should().Contain(expectedSubstring, Exactly.Times(3));

                    // Assert
                    act.Should().Throw <XunitException>()
                    .WithMessage("Expected * \"ABCDEBCDF\" to contain \"BCD\" exactly 3 times, but found it 2 times.");
                public void When_string_containment_once_is_asserted_and_actual_value_does_not_contain_the_expected_string_it_should_throw()
                    // Arrange
                    string actual            = "ABCDEF";
                    string expectedSubstring = "XYS";

                    // Act
                    Action act = () => actual.Should().Contain(expectedSubstring, Exactly.Once(), "that is {0}", "required");

                    // Assert
                    act.Should().Throw <XunitException>()
                    .WithMessage("Expected * \"ABCDEF\" to contain \"XYS\" exactly 1 time because that is required, but found it 0 times.");
            public void When_regex_is_empty_it_fails_and_ignores_occurrences()
                // Arrange
                string subject = "a";

                // Act
                Action act = () => subject.Should().MatchRegex(string.Empty, Exactly.Times(0));

                // Assert
                act.Should().ThrowExactly <ArgumentException>()
                .WithMessage("Cannot match string against an empty string. Provide a regex pattern or use the BeEmpty method.*")
                public void When_string_containment_exactly_is_asserted_and_expected_value_is_negative_it_should_throw()
                    // Arrange
                    string actual            = "ABCDEBCDF";
                    string expectedSubstring = "BCD";

                    // Act
                    Action act = () => actual.Should().Contain(expectedSubstring, Exactly.Times(-1));

                    // Assert
                    act.Should().Throw <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>()
                    .WithMessage("Expected count cannot be negative.*");
            public void When_a_string_is_matched_and_the_count_of_matches_do_not_fit_the_expected_it_fails()
                // Arrange
                string subject = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt " +
                                 "ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et " +
                                 "ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.";

                // Act
                Action act = () => subject.Should().MatchRegex("Lorem.*", Exactly.Twice());

                // Assert
                act.Should().Throw <XunitException>()
                .WithMessage($"Expected subject*Lorem*to match regex*\"Lorem.*\" exactly 2 times, but found it 1 time*");
                public void When_containment_once_is_asserted_against_null_it_should_throw_earlier()
                    // Arrange
                    string actual            = "a";
                    string expectedSubstring = null;

                    // Act
                    Action act = () => actual.Should().Contain(expectedSubstring, Exactly.Once());

                    // Assert
                    .Should().Throw <ArgumentNullException>()
                    .WithMessage("Cannot assert string containment against <null>.*");
            public void When_the_subject_is_empty_and_expected_count_is_zero_it_passes()
                // Arrange
                string subject = string.Empty;

                // Act
                Action act = () =>
                    using var _ = new AssertionScope();
                    subject.Should().MatchRegex("a", Exactly.Times(0));

                // Assert
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public void Statement_Rented_movie_should_be_listed_once()
            // Arrange
            const string expectedTitle = "Matrix";
            var          rental        = new RentalBuilder().WithTitle(expectedTitle).Build();
            var          customer      = new Customer(null);


            // Act
            var outcome = customer.Statement();

            // Assert
            outcome.Should().Contain(expectedTitle, Exactly.Once());
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public async Task AddCogitation_ShouldReplaceHostAndPortByPlaceholdere()
            var context = CreateContext();
            var svc     = GetRecordsService(context);
            var recId   = Create_Record(context);
            var hpSvc   = new HostAndPortStub();
            var text    = $@"New text with link {hpSvc.GetHostAndPort()}/index and another link {hpSvc.GetHostAndPort()}/images/12345678";

            var cogId = await svc.AddCogitation(recId, text);

            var cog = await context.Cogitations.FindAsync(cogId);

            cog.Text.Should().Contain(hpSvc.GetHostAndPortPlaceholder(), Exactly.Twice());
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public async Task AddDiaryRecord_ShouldReplaceHostAndPortByPlaceholder()
            var context = CreateContext();
            var svc     = GetRecordsService(context);
            var hpSvc   = new HostAndPortStub();
            var text    = $@"New text with link {hpSvc.GetHostAndPort()}/index and another link {hpSvc.GetHostAndPort()}/images/12345678";

            var id = await svc.AddRecord(DateOnly.FromDateTime(DateTime.UtcNow), text, text);

            var rec = await context.Records.SingleOrDefaultAsync(r => r.Id == id);

            rec.Name.Should().Contain(hpSvc.GetHostAndPortPlaceholder(), Exactly.Twice());
            rec.Text.Should().Contain(hpSvc.GetHostAndPortPlaceholder(), Exactly.Twice());
            public void When_the_subject_is_null_it_fails()
                // Arrange
                string subject = null;

                // Act
                Action act = () =>
                    using var _ = new AssertionScope();
                    subject.Should().MatchRegex(".*", Exactly.Times(0), "because it should be a string");

                // Assert
                act.Should().ThrowExactly <XunitException>()
                .WithMessage("Expected subject to match regex*\".*\" because it should be a string, but it was <null>.");
        public void Scan_ShouldProduceThreeLinesBill_WhenSameProductScanned()
            // Arrange
            var service = new CheckoutService();


            // Act

            // Assert
            var currentBill = service.GetCurrentBill();

            currentBill.Should().Contain(Environment.NewLine, Exactly.Twice());
Ejemplo n.º 24
        public void OrderByConcatModifier([DataSources(TestProvName.AllSybase)] string context)
            using (var db = GetDataContext(context))
                var persons = db.Person
                              .OrderBy(c => c.LastName).Take(1);

                var concat = persons

                var sql = concat.ToString();

                sql.Should().Contain("ORDER", Exactly.Twice());

                Assert.DoesNotThrow(() =>
Ejemplo n.º 25
        public async Task FetchRecordById_ShouldReplacePlaceholderByHostAndPort()
            var context = CreateContext();
            var svc     = GetRecordsService(context);
            var rec     = GetTestRecord();
            var hpSvc   = new HostAndPortStub();
            var text    = $@"New text with link {hpSvc.GetHostAndPortPlaceholder()}/index and another link {hpSvc.GetHostAndPortPlaceholder()}/images/12345678";

            rec.Name = text;
            rec.Text = text;
            await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            var savedRec = await svc.FetchRecordById(rec.Id);

            savedRec.Name.Should().Contain(hpSvc.GetHostAndPort(), Exactly.Twice());
            savedRec.Text.Should().Contain(hpSvc.GetHostAndPort(), Exactly.Twice());
        public void When_the_same_failure_is_handled_twice_or_more_it_should_still_report_it_once()
            // Arrange
            var scope = new AssertionScope();


            using (var nestedScope = new AssertionScope())

            // Act
            Action act = scope.Dispose;

            // Assert
            act.Should().Throw <XunitException>()
            .Which.Message.Should().Contain("Failure", Exactly.Times(4));
Ejemplo n.º 27
        public async Task Marking_due_item_as_done()
            using var client = _factory.CreateAuthenticatedClient();
            var response = await client.GetAsync("/");

            var responseContent = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

            .And.Contain("1 overdue and 1 due today (2)")
            .And.Contain("All (3)")
            .And.Contain("All upcoming (2)")
            .And.Contain("Due yesterday", Exactly.Once())
            .And.Contain("Due today", Exactly.Once());

            var item = await GetUserItemWithDescriptionAsync("Test item 2");

            var doneAction      = $"/items/done/{item.UserItemId}";
            var validationToken = IntegrationTestWebApplicationFactory.GetFormValidationToken(responseContent, doneAction);

            var beforeEdit = DateTime.UtcNow;

            response = await client.PostAsync(doneAction, new FormUrlEncodedContent(new[] { KeyValuePair.Create("__RequestVerificationToken", validationToken) }));

            responseContent = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

            .And.Contain("1 overdue (1)")
            .And.Contain("All (2)")
            .And.Contain("All upcoming (1)")
            .And.Contain("Due yesterday", Exactly.Once());
            item = await GetUserItemWithDescriptionAsync("Test item 2");

Ejemplo n.º 28
        public async Task FetchRecordById_ShouldReplacePlaceholderByHostAndPort_InCogitations()
            var context         = CreateContext();
            var svc             = GetRecordsService(context);
            var recId           = Create_Record(context);
            var hpSvc           = new HostAndPortStub();
            var text            = $@"New text with link {hpSvc.GetHostAndPortPlaceholder()}/index and another link {hpSvc.GetHostAndPortPlaceholder()}/images/12345678";
            var cogitationsList = Enumerable.Range(1, 3)
                                  .Select(i => new Cogitation {
                Id = Guid.NewGuid(), RecordId = recId, Date = DateTime.UtcNow, Text = text

            await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            var savedRec = await svc.FetchRecordById(recId);

            foreach (var c in savedRec.Cogitations)
                c.Text.Should().Contain(hpSvc.GetHostAndPort(), Exactly.Twice());
Ejemplo n.º 29
        public async Task UpdateCogitationText_ShouldReplaceHostAndPortByPlaceholdere()
            var context = CreateContext();
            var svc     = GetRecordsService(context);
            var recId   = Create_Record(context);
            var cId     = Guid.NewGuid();
            var cDate   = DateTime.UtcNow;
            var cText   = "Some Text 81237912y0r9182ny";
            var hpSvc   = new HostAndPortStub();
            var newText = $@"New text with link {hpSvc.GetHostAndPort()}/index and another link {hpSvc.GetHostAndPort()}/images/12345678";

            context.Cogitations.Add(new Cogitation {
                Id = cId, Date = cDate, RecordId = recId, Text = cText
            await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            await svc.UpdateCogitationText(cId, newText);

            var cog = await context.Cogitations.FindAsync(cId);

            cog.Text.Should().Contain(hpSvc.GetHostAndPortPlaceholder(), Exactly.Twice());
Ejemplo n.º 30
                public void When_string_containment_equivalent_of_exactly_once_is_asserted_and_actual_value_is_null_then_it_should_throw_earlier()
                    // Arrange
                    string actual            = null;
                    string expectedSubstring = "XyZ";

                    // Act
                    Action act = () => actual.Should().ContainEquivalentOf(expectedSubstring, Exactly.Once(), "that is {0}", "required");

                    // Assert
                    act.Should().Throw <XunitException>()
                    .WithMessage("Expected * <null> to contain equivalent of \"XyZ\" exactly 1 time because that is required, but found it 0 times.");