public ICollection <EventDto> FindEventsByKeywordsAndCategory(String name, long categoryId, int startIndex, int count) { if (cachingProvider.GetItem(name, false) != null) { ICollection <Event> events = (ICollection <Event>)cachingProvider.GetItem(name, false); cachingProvider.AddItem(name, events); ICollection <EventDto> eventsDto = new HashSet <EventDto>(); foreach (Event e in events) { eventsDto.Add(new EventDto(e)); } return(eventsDto); } else { String[] keywords = name.Split(' '); ICollection <Event> events = EventDao.FindByKeywordsAndCategory(keywords, categoryId, startIndex, count); cachingProvider.AddItem(name, events); ICollection <EventDto> eventsDto = new HashSet <EventDto>(); foreach (Event e in events) { eventsDto.Add(new EventDto(e)); } return(eventsDto); } }
public EventService(MessageService messageService, EventDao eventDao) { _messageService = messageService; _eventDao = eventDao; Task.Run(async() => await InitAsync()); }
public bool SendMail() { if (mailWindow.Subject.Length == 0) { mailWindow.Status = "Subject is empty"; return(false); } if (mailWindow.MailContent.Length == 0) { mailWindow.Status = "Content is empty"; return(false); } List <CheckInDto> checkInDtos = (List <CheckInDto>)mailWindow.EmailData; foreach (CheckInDto checkInDto in checkInDtos) { try { DataEncryption dataEncryption = new DataEncryption(checkInDto.EventAttendeesID.ToString(), null); QRModuleLib.QRModule.CreateQRCode(dataEncryption.OutputCode, checkInDto.EventAttendeesID + ".png", mailWindow.EventId); EmailLibrary.Email.SendEMail(, Properties.Resources.password, checkInDto.Email, mailWindow.Subject, mailWindow.MailContent, mailWindow.EventId + "/" + checkInDto.EventAttendeesID + ".png"); } catch { mailWindow.Status = "Something email address is not exits"; return(false); } } EventDao eventDao = new EventDao(); eventDao.MakeConnection(Properties.Resources.strConnection); eventDao.UpdateStatus(int.Parse(mailWindow.EventId), "sended mail"); return(true); }
// GET: Admin/Event public ActionResult Index(string searchString, int page = 1, int pageSize = 10) { var dao = new EventDao(); var model = dao.ListAllPaging(searchString, page, pageSize); ViewBag.SearchString = searchString; return(View(model)); }
public EventService() { _eventDao = new EventDao(); _userDao = new UserDao(); _seanceDao = new SeanceDao(); _movieDao = new MovieDao(); }
public int CountFindEventsByCategory(long categoryId) { int countProducts; String keywords = ""; String[] name = keywords.Split(' '); countProducts = EventDao.CountFindEvents(name, categoryId); return((int)countProducts); }
public void RemoveEvent() { EventDao eventDao = new EventDao(); eventDao.MakeConnection(Properties.Resources.strConnection); List <EventDto> events = (List <EventDto>)mainWindow.EventData; eventDao.DeleteById(events[mainWindow.SelectIndexEvent].Id); }
public int CountFindEventsByKeywords(string name) { int countProducts; String[] keywords = name.Split(' '); countProducts = EventDao.CountFindEvents(keywords, -1); return((int)countProducts); }
public void RegisterDaos() { UserDao = new UserDao(); TeamDao = new TeamDao(); ClubDao = new ClubDao(); NewsDao = new NewsDao(); TeamUserDao = new TeamUserDao(); EventDao = new EventDao(); AttendantDao = new AttendantDao(); }
public ICollection <EventDto> FindAllEvents() { ICollection <Event> events = EventDao.GetAllElements(); ICollection <EventDto> eventsDto = new HashSet <EventDto>(); foreach (Event evento in events) { eventsDto.Add(new EventDto(evento)); } return(eventsDto); }
public ICollection <EventDto> FindEventsByKeywords(String name, int startIndex, int count) { String[] keywords = name.Split(' '); ICollection <Event> events = EventDao.FindByKeywordsAndCategory(keywords, -1, startIndex, count); ICollection <EventDto> eventsDto = new HashSet <EventDto>(); foreach (Event e in events) { eventsDto.Add(new EventDto(e)); } return(eventsDto); }
public int CountFindEventsByKeywordsAndCategory(string name, long categoryId) { if (name == null) { name = ""; } int countProducts; String[] keywords = name.Split(' '); countProducts = EventDao.CountFindEvents(keywords, categoryId); return((int)countProducts); }
public ICollection <CommentDto> FindAllComments(long eventId, int startIndex, int count) { Event myEvent = EventDao.Find(eventId); ICollection <Comment> comments = CommentDao.FindCommentsOrderByDate(eventId, startIndex, count); ICollection <CommentDto> commentsDto = new HashSet <CommentDto>(); foreach (Comment comment in comments) { commentsDto.Add(new CommentDto(comment, eventId)); } return(commentsDto); }
public IEventCollection GetEventsByCustomerId(string custId) { IEventCollection result = new EventCollection(); logger.Info("Getting all events for customer id {0}", custId); try { var result = EventDao.GetEventsForCustId(custId); } catch (Exception e) { logger.ErrorFormat("Error while fetching result for customer id {0}", custId); } return(result); }
public void LoadEvent() { EventDao eventDao = new EventDao(); eventDao.MakeConnection(Properties.Resources.strConnection); mainWindow.EventData = eventDao.ReadData(((App)Application.Current).UserName, mainWindow.SearchEvent); List <dynamic> eventShowList = new List <dynamic>(); int count = 1; foreach (EventDto eventDto in eventDao.ReadData(((App)Application.Current).UserName, mainWindow.SearchEvent)) { eventShowList.Add(new { NO = count, Name = eventDto.Name, Description = eventDto.Description, Status = eventDto.Status }); count++; } mainWindow.DataEvent = eventShowList; }
public ActionResult Edit(Event Event) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var dao = new EventDao(); var result = dao.Update(Event); if (result) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Event")); } else { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Modify Event successfully"); } } return(View("Index")); }
public ActionResult Create(Event Event) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var dao = new EventDao(); var id = dao.Insert(Event); if (id > 0) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Event")); } else { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Add Event successfully"); } } return(View("Index")); }
public void SubmitCheckIn() { EventDao eventDao = new EventDao(); eventDao.MakeConnection(Properties.Resources.strConnection); eventDao.UpdateStatus(checkInWindow.EventID, "checked in"); CheckInDao checkInDao = new CheckInDao(); checkInDao.MakeConnection(Properties.Resources.strConnection); List <CheckInDto> checkInDtos = (List <CheckInDto>)checkInWindow.MemberInEventData; List <CheckBox> checkBoxes = (List <CheckBox>)checkInWindow.MemberInEventShow; foreach (CheckInDto checkInDto in checkInDtos) { checkInDao.UpdateStatus(checkInDto.EventAttendeesID, (bool)checkBoxes[checkInDtos.IndexOf(checkInDto)].IsChecked); } }
public bool UpdateEvent() { if (detailWindow.DetailName.Length == 0) { detailWindow.Status = "Event name is empty"; return(false); } EventDao eventDao = new EventDao(); eventDao.MakeConnection(Properties.Resources.strConnection); EventDto eventDto = new EventDto(); eventDto.Name = detailWindow.DetailName; eventDto.Description = detailWindow.Desciption; eventDto.Id = detailWindow.Id; return(eventDao.Update(eventDto)); }
public Comment AddComment(string comment, long eventId, long userId) { Event e = EventDao.Find(eventId); UserProfile u = UserProfileDao.Find(userId); Comment c = new Comment(); c.content = comment; c.Event = e; c.UserProfile = u; c.commentDate = DateTime.Now; c.Labels = new List <Label>(); c.loginName = u.loginName; CommentDao.Create(c); return(c); }
public bool AddEvent() { if (addEventWindow.EventName.Length == 0) { addEventWindow.Status = "Event name is empty"; return(false); } if (addEventWindow.EventName.Length > 50) { addEventWindow.Status = "Event name have length lower than 50"; return(false); } EventDao eventDao = new EventDao(); eventDao.MakeConnection(Properties.Resources.strConnection); if (eventDao.Create(new EventDto(addEventWindow.EventName, addEventWindow.Desciption, "", ((App)Application.Current).UserName))) { List <CheckBox> groupShowList = (List <CheckBox>)addEventWindow.Group; int index = 0; foreach (CheckBox checkBox in groupShowList) { if ((bool)checkBox.IsChecked) { EventAttendeesDao eventAttendeesDao = new EventAttendeesDao(); List <GroupDto> groupDtos = (List <GroupDto>)addEventWindow.GroupData; eventAttendeesDao.MakeConnection(Properties.Resources.strConnection); List <EventAttendeesDto> eventAttendeesDtos = eventAttendeesDao.ReadData(groupDtos[index].Id, ""); foreach (EventAttendeesDto eventAttendeesDto in eventAttendeesDtos) { CheckInDao checkInDao = new CheckInDao(); checkInDao.MakeConnection(Properties.Resources.strConnection); CheckInDto checkInDto = new CheckInDto(); checkInDto.EventID = eventDao.GetLastId(); checkInDto.Name = eventAttendeesDto.Name; checkInDto.Email = eventAttendeesDto.Email; checkInDto.Other = eventAttendeesDto.Other; checkInDao.Create(checkInDto); } } index++; } } return(true); }
private static void ResolveForSqlServerCe(IUnityContainer container, string microserviceName, string connectionString) { Func <bool, EventStoreCeDbContext> storeContextFactory = isReadOnly => new EventStoreCeDbContext(isReadOnly, connectionString); Func <bool, EventQueueCeDbContext> queueContextFactory = isReadOnly => new EventQueueCeDbContext(isReadOnly, connectionString); var serializer = container.Resolve <ITextSerializer>(); var time = container.Resolve <IUtcTimeProvider>(); var subscriptionRepository = new SubscriptionRepository(storeContextFactory, microserviceName, serializer, time); container.RegisterInstance <ISubscriptionRepository>(subscriptionRepository); var eventDao = new EventDao(queueContextFactory, microserviceName); container.RegisterInstance <IEventDao>(eventDao); var eventStore = new EventStore <TStream>(microserviceName, serializer, storeContextFactory, time, container.Resolve <IGuidProvider>(), container.Resolve <ILogger>()); container.RegisterInstance <IEventStore <TStream> >(eventStore); }
public async Task SaveAsync(TAggregate aggregate) { var events = new List <EventDao>(); SnapshotDao snapshot = null; foreach (var domainEvent in aggregate.DomainEvents) { var @event = new EventDao() { AggregateId = aggregate.Id, Aggregate = typeof(TAggregate).FullName, Version = aggregate.Version, Data = domainEvent, CreatedAt = domainEvent.CreatedAt }; if (aggregate.Version > 0 && aggregate.Version % _settings.SnapshotInterval == 0) { snapshot = new SnapshotDao() { AggregateId = aggregate.Id, Version = aggregate.Version, Data = aggregate, CreatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow }; } events.Add(@event); } await _context.Events.InsertManyAsync(events); if (snapshot != null) { await _context.Snapshots.InsertOneAsync(snapshot); } foreach (var @event in events) { await _mediator.Publish(@event.Data); } }
public void Update(IBaseObject baseObject) { EventDao.Update(baseObject); }
public Event FindEventById(long eventId) { Event myEvent = EventDao.Find(eventId); return(myEvent); }
public IBaseObject Read(string id) { return(EventDao.Read(id)); }
public void Insert(IBaseObject baseObject) { EventDao.Insert(baseObject); }
public void Delete(string id) { EventDao.Delete(id); }
public static IMicroservice CreateDenormalizer <TDbContext>( string uniqueName, IUnityContainer container, IEventStoreConfig eventStoreConfig, Func <IBus, ILogger, IEventStore <TStream>, THandler> processorFactory = null) where TDbContext : DbContext, IEventStoreDbContext { var streamFullName = EnsureStreamCategoryNameIsValid(uniqueName); System.Data.Entity.Database.SetInitializer <TDbContext>(null); var pollerConfig = PollerConfig.GetConfig(); var connectionString = eventStoreConfig.ConnectionString; AuthorizationFactory.SetToken(eventStoreConfig); Func <bool, EventStoreDbContext> storeContextFactory = isReadOnly => new EventStoreDbContext(isReadOnly, connectionString); Func <bool, EventQueueDbContext> queueContextFactory = isReadOnly => new EventQueueDbContext(isReadOnly, connectionString); var log = container.Resolve <ILogger>(); var serializer = container.Resolve <ITextSerializer>(); var time = container.Resolve <IUtcTimeProvider>(); var guid = container.Resolve <IGuidProvider>(); // Do not know why an Event Dao will need a denormalizer... and a Publisher! // The only events that can (and sould) be queries is 'ReadModelUpdated'. var eventDao = new EventDao(queueContextFactory, streamFullName); var dbContextConstructor = typeof(TDbContext).GetConstructor(new[] { typeof(bool), typeof(string) }); Ensure.CastIsValid(dbContextConstructor, "Type TDbContext must have a constructor with the following signature: ctor(bool, string)"); Func <bool, IEventStoreDbContext> dbContextFactory = isReadOnly => (TDbContext)dbContextConstructor.Invoke(new object[] { isReadOnly, connectionString }); var eventStore = new EventStore <TStream>(streamFullName, serializer, dbContextFactory, time, guid, log); container.RegisterInstance <IEventStore <TStream> >(eventStore); var bus = new Bus(); container.RegisterInstance <IBus>(bus); var receiver = new LongPoller(bus, log, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(pollerConfig.Timeout), streamFullName, container.Resolve <IInMemoryEventPublisher>()); var subscriptionRepository = new SubscriptionRepository(storeContextFactory, streamFullName, serializer, time); var poller = new Poller(bus, log, subscriptionRepository, receiver, serializer, pollerConfig.BufferQueueMaxCount, pollerConfig.EventsToFlushMaxCount); container.RegisterInstance <IMonitoredSubscriber>(poller); var publisher = new Publisher(streamFullName, bus, log, eventDao, eventStoreConfig.PushMaxCount, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(eventStoreConfig.LongPollingTimeout)); container.RegisterInstance <IPollableEventSource>(publisher); var fsm = new MicroserviceHost(streamFullName, bus, log, true); container.RegisterInstance <IMicroservice>(fsm); if (processorFactory == null) { var processorConstructor = typeof(THandler).GetConstructor(new[] { typeof(IBus), typeof(ILogger), typeof(IEventStore <TStream>) }); Ensure.CastIsValid(processorConstructor, "Type THandler must have a valid constructor with the following signature: .ctor(IBus, ILogger, IEventStore<T>)"); var processor = (THandler)processorConstructor.Invoke(new object[] { bus, log, eventStore }); } else { var processor = processorFactory.Invoke(bus, log, eventStore); } var heartbeatEmitter = new HeartbeatEmitter(fsm, log, poller); container.RegisterInstance <HeartbeatEmitter>(heartbeatEmitter); return(fsm); }
public ActionResult Edit(int id) { var Event = new EventDao().ViewDetail(id); return(View(Event)); }