Ejemplo n.º 1
 internal CallPoint(int modHandle, EvalStack stack, ElaValue[] locals, FastList<ElaValue[]> captures)
     ModuleHandle = modHandle;
     Locals = locals;
     Captures = captures;
     Stack = stack;
        public void EvalStackProveICanCreateInstance()
            // Arrange
            EvalStack my_stack = new EvalStack();

            // Assert
        public void ExpressionProveICanHandleBadExpression3()
            // Arrange
            Expression my_expression = new Expression();
            EvalStack  eval_stack    = new EvalStack();

            // Act
            my_expression.Parse("5", eval_stack);
        public void ExpressionProveICanParse()
            // Arrange
            Expression my_expression = new Expression();
            EvalStack  eval_stack    = new EvalStack();

            // Act
            object[] actual   = my_expression.Parse("5 + 9", eval_stack);
            object[] expected = { 5, '+', 9 };

            // Assert
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void TerminalProveICanDisplayExpressionResult()
            // Arrange
            Terminal  my_term    = new Terminal();
            EvalStack eval_stack = new EvalStack();
            double    result     = 44;

            // Act
            string actual   = my_term.DisplayExpressionResult(result);
            string expected = "   = 44";

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(actual, expected);
        public void EvalStackProveICanAccessLastQ()
            // Arrange
            EvalStack my_stack = new EvalStack();

            my_stack.lastq = new object[] { 8, '*', 9 };

            // Act
            object[] actual   = my_stack.lastq;
            object[] expected = { 8, '*', 9 };

            // Assert
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(actual, expected);
        public void EvalStackProveICanAccessLast()
            // Arrange
            EvalStack my_stack = new EvalStack();

            my_stack.last = 48;

            // Act
            double actual   = my_stack.last;
            double expected = 48;

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(actual, expected);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void TerminalProveICanReturnLastExpression()
            // Arrange
            Terminal  my_term      = new Terminal();
            EvalStack my_evalStack = new EvalStack();

            my_evalStack.lastq = new object[] { 4, '*', 6 };

            // Act
            string actual   = my_term.ReturnLastExpression(my_evalStack);
            string expected = "   4*6";

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(actual, expected);
        public void ExpressionProveICanParseConstantExp()
            // Arrange
            Expression my_expression = new Expression();
            EvalStack  eval_stack    = new EvalStack();

            object[] test_expression = { 'M', '=', 5 };

            // Act
            object[] actual   = my_expression.Parse("M = 5", eval_stack);
            object[] expected = test_expression;

            // Assert
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(actual, expected);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void EvaluateProveICanDivideUnevenly()
            // Arrange
            Evaluate  division_exp = new Evaluate();
            EvalStack last_values  = new EvalStack();

            object[] test_expression = { 15, '/', 4 };

            // Act
            double actual   = division_exp.EvaluateExpression(test_expression, last_values);
            double expected = 3.75;

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(actual, expected);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public void EvaluateProveICanDivideTerms()
            // Arrange
            Evaluate  division_exp = new Evaluate();
            EvalStack last_values  = new EvalStack();

            object[] test_expression = { 15, '/', 3 };

            // Act
            double actual   = division_exp.EvaluateExpression(test_expression, last_values);
            double expected = 5;

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public void EvaluateProveICanMultiplyTerms()
            // Arrange
            Evaluate  multiplication_exp = new Evaluate();
            EvalStack last_values        = new EvalStack();

            object[] test_expression = { 5, '*', 8 };

            // Act
            double actual   = multiplication_exp.EvaluateExpression(test_expression, last_values);
            double expected = 40;

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public void EvaluateProveICanSubtractTerms()
            // Arrange
            Evaluate  subtraction_exp = new Evaluate();
            EvalStack last_values     = new EvalStack();

            object[] test_expression = { 9, '-', 3 };

            // Act
            double actual   = subtraction_exp.EvaluateExpression(test_expression, last_values);
            double expected = 6;

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public void EvaluateProveICanAddTerms()
            // Arrange
            Evaluate  addition_exp = new Evaluate();
            EvalStack last_values  = new EvalStack();

            object[] test_expression = { 5, '+', 6 };

            // Act
            double actual   = addition_exp.EvaluateExpression(test_expression, last_values);
            double expected = 11;

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public void EvaluateProveICanGetModulo()
            // Arrange
            Evaluate  modulus_exp = new Evaluate();
            EvalStack last_values = new EvalStack();

            object[] test_expression = { 10, '%', 3 };

            // Act
            double actual   = modulus_exp.EvaluateExpression(test_expression, last_values);
            double expected = 1;

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public void EvalStackProveICanGetAndSetConstant()
            // Arrange
            EvalStack my_stack = new EvalStack();

            object[] constant_exp = { 'A', '=', 2 };
            char     constantKey  = 'A';

            // Act
            int actual   = my_stack.GetConstant(constantKey);
            int expected = 2;

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(actual, expected);
        public void ExpressionProveICanDoMathWithConst()
            // Arrange
            Expression my_expression = new Expression();
            EvalStack  eval_stack    = new EvalStack();
            Evaluate   evaluate      = new Evaluate();

            eval_stack.SetConstant(new object[] { 'M', '=', 8 });
            string test_expression = "M * 4";

            object[] test_object = my_expression.Parse(test_expression, eval_stack);

            double actual   = evaluate.EvaluateExpression(test_object, eval_stack);
            double expected = 32;

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(actual, expected);
Ejemplo n.º 18
    private static bool TryCall(ExecutionContext ctx, int offset, ref DyObject?arg1, ref DyObject?arg2,
                                ref DyNativeFunction function, ref DyObject[] locals, ref EvalStack evalStack)
        if (ReferenceEquals(ctx.Error, DyVariant.Eta))
            ctx.CallStack.Push(new Caller(function, offset, evalStack, locals));
            function             = (DyNativeFunction)ctx.CallBackFunction !;
            ctx.CallBackFunction = null;
            ctx.Error            = null;
            locals = function.CreateLocals(ctx);
            if (arg1 is not null)
                locals[0] = arg1;
            if (arg2 is not null)
                locals[1] = arg2;
            arg1 = null;
            arg2 = null;

Ejemplo n.º 19
    private static bool FindCatch(ExecutionContext ctx, ref DyNativeFunction function, ref DyObject[] locals, ref EvalStack evalStack, out int offset)
        CatchMark         mark = default;
        Stack <CatchMark> cm;
        var idx = 1;

        offset = 0;

        while (ctx.CatchMarks.TryPeek(idx++, out cm))
            if (cm is not null && cm.Count > 0)
                mark = cm.Peek();

        if (mark.Offset == 0)

        Caller?cp = null;

        while (ctx.CallStack.Count > mark.StackOffset)
            cp = ctx.CallStack.Pop();

            //It means that this function was called from an external
            //context and we have to terminate our search
            if (ReferenceEquals(cp, Caller.External))


        if (cp is not null)
            function  = cp.Function;
            locals    = cp.Locals;
            evalStack = cp.EvalStack;

        offset = mark.Offset;
Ejemplo n.º 20
    private static int ThrowIf(ExecutionContext ctx, int offset, ref DyNativeFunction function, ref DyObject[] locals, ref EvalStack evalStack)
        var err = ctx.Error !;

        if (FindCatch(ctx, ref function, ref locals, ref evalStack, out var address))
            ctx.ErrorDump = Dump(ctx, offset, function);
            var dump = Dump(ctx, offset, function);
            var cs   = ctx.Trace ?? new DyDebugger(ctx.RuntimeContext.Composition).BuildCallStack(dump);
            ctx.Error     = null;
            ctx.ErrorDump = null;
            ctx.Trace     = null;
            throw new DyCodeException(err, cs, null);
Ejemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs analysis of given call instruction
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentBlock"></param>
        /// <param name="instr"></param>
        /// <param name="stack"></param>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        private static void AnalyzeCallInstruction(Node currentBlock, Instruction instr, EvalStack stack, Context context)
            var method = instr.Method;

            if (method == null)
                throw new ILTranslatorException(string.Format("Instruction {0} has no method", instr.Code));

            int n    = method.Parameters.Count;
            var type = method.DeclaringType;

            bool isGetTypeFromHandle = method.IsGetTypeFromHandle();

            var last = instr;

            for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                var p   = method.Parameters[i];
                var arg = stack.Pop();
                last = arg.Last;
                SetParam(currentBlock, arg.Instruction, p, method, context);
                p.Instruction = arg.Instruction;
                //p.Instruction = last;

                if (isGetTypeFromHandle && !arg.IsTypeToken)
                    isGetTypeFromHandle = false;

            if (instr.HasReceiver())
                var r = stack.Pop();
                last = r.Last;
                r.Instruction.ReceiverFor = instr;
                r.Instruction.BoxingType  = ResolveBoxingType(instr, type, context);

            last = FixReceiverInsertPoint(currentBlock, last, method);
            if (!(method.IsInitializeArray() || isGetTypeFromHandle))
                Instruction dup;
                if (IsDup(stack, out dup))
                    var call = new CallInstructionInfo(method, instr)
                        SwapAfter = true
                    last.BeginStack.Push(new CallInstructionInfo(method, instr));

            if (instr.HasReturnValue())
                stack.Push(new EvalItem(instr, last));
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public void Dup(bool copy)
     Push(EvalStack.Peek(), copy);
Ejemplo n.º 23
 /// <summary>
 /// Clears eval stack.
 /// </summary>
 public void Clear()
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public void Push(object value, bool copy)
     value = copy ? value.Copy() : value;
Ejemplo n.º 25
        public object Pop(bool copy)
            var value = EvalStack.Pop();

            return(copy ? value.Copy() : value);