Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void TestEtyDataLogDPLogTrendConstructor01()
            EtyDataLogDPLogTrend etyDataLogDPLogTrend = new EtyDataLogDPLogTrend();

            etyDataLogDPLogTrend.CreateTime = DateTime.Now;
            etyDataLogDPLogTrend.CreateTime = etyDataLogDPLogTrend.CreateTime;
            etyDataLogDPLogTrend.EntityKey  = etyDataLogDPLogTrend.EntityKey;
            etyDataLogDPLogTrend.Pkey       = etyDataLogDPLogTrend.Pkey;
            etyDataLogDPLogTrend.Value      = etyDataLogDPLogTrend.Value;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static System.Collections.Generic.List <Entity.Trending.EtyDataLogDPLogTrend> GetHistDPLogListTSS(
            /*TrendViewer.Model.TrendViewModel*/ object target,
            Entity.Trending.EtyHistDataPoint histDP, System.DateTime startTime, System.DateTime endTime)
            List <EtyDataLogDPLogTrend> logList = new List <EtyDataLogDPLogTrend>();
            EtyDataLogDPLogTrend        log     = new EtyDataLogDPLogTrend();

            log.CreateTime = DateTime.Now;
            log.Value      = 2;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void TestDrawHistoryChart()
            DataPointListModel  dataPointListModel = new DataPointListModel();
            List <EtyDataPoint> dpList             = dataPointListModel.GetDPListByGrp(TestConst.GROUP_NAME);

            TrendViewModel trendViewModel = new TrendViewModel();
            DateTime       fromTime       = new DateTime(2013, 1, 10);
            DateTime       toTime         = new DateTime(2013, 1, 12);

            EtyHistDataPoint histDP = new EtyHistDataPoint();

            histDP.DPName          = TestConst.HIST_DP_NAME;
            histDP.DPServer        = TestConst.SERVER;
            histDP.DPStartDateTime = fromTime;
            histDP.DPEndDateTime   = toTime;
            histDP.DPEnabled       = true;
            histDP.DPHost          = TestConst.HOST;
            histDP.DPType          = LineType.Line;
            histDP.DPColor         = "-32704";

            List <EtyDataLogDPLogTrend> logList = trendViewModel.GetHistDPLogList(histDP, fromTime, toTime);
            Dictionary <EtyHistDataPoint, List <EtyDataLogDPLogTrend> > histDPLogMap = new Dictionary <EtyHistDataPoint, List <EtyDataLogDPLogTrend> >();

            histDPLogMap.Add(histDP, logList);

            viewAccessor.Call("DrawHistoryChart", DrawHistoryMode.Mixed, histDPLogMap);

            logList = new List <EtyDataLogDPLogTrend>();
            EtyDataLogDPLogTrend log = new EtyDataLogDPLogTrend();

            histDPLogMap = new Dictionary <EtyHistDataPoint, List <EtyDataLogDPLogTrend> >();
            histDPLogMap.Add(histDP, logList);
            viewAccessor.Call("DrawHistoryChart", DrawHistoryMode.Mixed, histDPLogMap);

            viewAccessor.Call("DrawHistoryChart", DrawHistoryMode.NotMixed, histDPLogMap);
//         /// <summary>
//         /// insert a record into TRENDVIEWER_LOG
//         /// </summary>
//         /// <param name="etyTrendLog">a record of trending log</param>
//         /// <returns>true/false(successful/failed)</returns>
//         public bool InsertTrendViewerLog(EtyTrendLog etyTrendLog)
//         {
//             string Function_Name = "InsertTrendViewerLog";
//             LogHelper.Trace(CLASS_NAME, Function_Name, "Function_Entered");
//             bool result = false;
//             /*string localSQL = " INSERT INTO TRENDVIEWER_LOG(DATA_PT_HOST," +
//                                        "DATA_PT_SERVER,DATA_PT_NAME,DATA_PT_VALUE,DATA_PT_DATE) " +
//                                         " VALUES( '" + etyTrendLog.Data_PT_Host + "'" +
//                                         " ,'" + etyTrendLog.Data_PT_Server + "'" +
//                                         " ,'" + etyTrendLog.Data_PT_Name + "'" +
//                                         " ,'" + etyTrendLog.Data_PT_Value + "'" +
//                                         " , to_date('" + etyTrendLog.Data_PT_Time.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + "','YYYYMMDDHH24MISS') " +
//                                         " )";
//             result = SimpleDatabase.getInstance().ExecuteAndReturnNonQuery(localSQL);*/
//             string localSQL = " INSERT INTO TRENDVIEWER_LOG(DATA_PT_HOST," +
//                                        "DATA_PT_SERVER,DATA_PT_NAME,DATA_PT_VALUE,DATA_PT_DATE) " +
//                                         " VALUES( '" + etyTrendLog.Data_PT_Host + "'" +
//                                         " ,'" + etyTrendLog.Data_PT_Server + "'" +
//                                         " ,'" + etyTrendLog.Data_PT_Name + "'" +
//                                         " ,'" + etyTrendLog.Data_PT_Value + "'" +
//                                         " ," + SimpleDatabase.GetInstance().GetParameterDelimiter() + "DateValue)";
//             SqlParameter parameter = new SqlParameter();
//             parameter.ParameterName = "DateValue";
//             parameter.DbType = DbType.DateTime;
//             parameter.Value = etyTrendLog.Data_PT_Time;
//             parameter.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input;
//             List<SqlParameter> parameters = new List<SqlParameter>();
//             parameters.Add(parameter);
//             result = SimpleDatabase.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQueryWithParams(localSQL, parameters);
//             LogHelper.Trace(CLASS_NAME, Function_Name, "Function_Exited");
//             return result;
//         }

        /// <summary>
        /// get dp log list for a historical dp to plot
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="histDP">the given historical dp for charting</param>
        /// <param name="startTime">start time</param>
        /// <param name="endTime">end time</param>
        /// <returns>trend log list</returns>
        public List <EtyDataLogDPLogTrend> GetHistDPLogList(EtyHistDataPoint histDP, DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime)
            string Function_Name            = "GetHistDPLogList";
            List <EtyDataLogDPLogTrend> res = new List <EtyDataLogDPLogTrend>();
            string localSQL;

            //changed by luxiangmei, to make the logic for historical mode the same as mixed mode.
            //                 if (usedInMixMode)  //used in mixed mode
            //                 {
            localSQL = " SELECT CREATETIME,VALUE " +
                       " FROM DATALOG_DP_LOG_TREND WHERE ENTITY_KEY = " + histDP.EntityKey +
                       " AND CREATETIME >= @StartDateValue" +
                       " AND CREATETIME <= @EndDateValue" +
                       " ORDER BY CREATETIME";

            SqlParameter parameter1 = new SqlParameter();

            parameter1.ParameterName = "StartDateValue";
            parameter1.DbType        = DbType.DateTime;
            DateTime dtStart = new DateTime(histDP.DPStartDateTime.Year, histDP.DPStartDateTime.Month, histDP.DPStartDateTime.Day,
                                            startTime.Hour, startTime.Minute, startTime.Second);

            parameter1.Value     = dtStart;
            parameter1.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input;
            List <SqlParameter> parameters = new List <SqlParameter>();


            SqlParameter parameter2 = new SqlParameter();

            parameter2.ParameterName = "EndDateValue";
            parameter2.DbType        = DbType.DateTime;
            DateTime dtEnd = new DateTime(histDP.DPEndDateTime.Year, histDP.DPEndDateTime.Month, histDP.DPEndDateTime.Day,
                                          endTime.Hour, endTime.Minute, endTime.Second);

            parameter2.Value     = dtEnd;
            parameter2.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input;

            System.Data.IDataReader drReader = SimpleDatabase.GetInstance().ExecuteQueryWithParams(localSQL, parameters);
                while (drReader != null && drReader.Read())
                    EtyDataLogDPLogTrend entity = new EtyDataLogDPLogTrend();

                    if (!drReader.IsDBNull(drReader.GetOrdinal("CREATETIME")))
                        DateTime dt;
                        if (DateTime.TryParse(drReader["CREATETIME"].ToString(), out dt))
                            entity.CreateTime = dt;
                    if (!drReader.IsDBNull(drReader.GetOrdinal("VALUE")))
                        entity.Value = Convert.ToDouble(drReader["VALUE"]);

            catch (System.Exception ex)
                LogHelper.Error(CLASS_NAME, Function_Name, ex.ToString());

            if (drReader != null)
