Ejemplo n.º 1
        void Initialize()
            var su = SimObject.GetFlowsheet().FlowsheetOptions.SelectedUnitSystem;
            var nf = SimObject.GetFlowsheet().FlowsheetOptions.NumberFormat;

            if (SimObject is Pipe)
                var      pipe     = (Pipe)SimObject;
                string[] datatype = { "Length",          "Inclination",    "Pressure",  "Temperature",
                                      "Liquid Velocity", "Vapor Velocity", "Heat Flow", "Liquid Holdup",
                                      "Overall HTC",     "Internal HTC",   "Wall k/L",  "Insulation k/L", "External HTC" };

                string[] units = { su.distance,          "degrees", su.pressure,          su.temperature,       su.velocity,          su.velocity,
                                   su.heatflow,          "",        su.heat_transf_coeff, su.heat_transf_coeff, su.heat_transf_coeff,
                                   su.heat_transf_coeff, su.heat_transf_coeff };

                var btn = new Button {
                    Text = "View Pipe Properties Profile"
                container.Rows.Add(new TableRow(btn));
                btn.Click += (sender, e) =>
                    var plotcontainer = s.GetDefaultContainer();

                    var chart = new Eto.OxyPlot.Plot()
                        Height = 400, BackgroundColor = Colors.White

                    chart.Visible = true;

                    List <double> px, py;

                    var txtres = s.CreateAndAddMultilineMonoSpaceTextBoxRow(plotcontainer, "", 400, true, null);

                    s.CreateAndAddLabelRow(plotcontainer, "Pipe Segment Profiles: " + SimObject.GraphicObject.Tag);
                    var xsp = s.CreateAndAddDropDownRow(plotcontainer, "X Axis Data", datatype.ToList(), 0, null);
                    var ysp = s.CreateAndAddDropDownRow(plotcontainer, "Y Axis Data", datatype.ToList(), 2, null);
                    s.CreateAndAddButtonRow(plotcontainer, "Update Chart/Table", null, (sender2, e2) =>
                        px        = PopulateData(pipe, xsp.SelectedIndex);
                        py        = PopulateData(pipe, ysp.SelectedIndex);
                        var model = CreatePipeResultsModel(px.ToArray(), py.ToArray(),
                                                           datatype[xsp.SelectedIndex] + " (" + units[xsp.SelectedIndex] + ")",
                                                           datatype[ysp.SelectedIndex] + " (" + units[ysp.SelectedIndex] + ")");
                        chart.Model   = model;
                        chart.Visible = true;
                        int i   = 0;
                        var txt = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
                        txt.AppendLine(datatype[xsp.SelectedIndex] + " (" + units[xsp.SelectedIndex] + ")\t\t" + datatype[ysp.SelectedIndex] + " (" + units[ysp.SelectedIndex] + ")");
                        for (i = 0; i <= px.Count - 1; i++)
                            txt.AppendLine(px[i].ToString(nf) + "\t\t" + py[i].ToString(nf));
                        txtres.Text = txt.ToString();
                    s.CreateAndAddLabelRow(plotcontainer, "Results Chart");
                    s.CreateAndAddControlRow(plotcontainer, chart);
                    s.CreateAndAddLabelRow(plotcontainer, "Results Table");
                    s.CreateAndAddControlRow(plotcontainer, txtres);
                    var form = s.GetDefaultEditorForm("Pipe Properties Profile: " + SimObject.GraphicObject.Tag, 400, 500, plotcontainer);
                    form.Topmost = true;
            else if (SimObject is Column)
                var      column   = (Column)SimObject;
                string[] datatype = { "Stage", "Pressure", "Temperature", "Vapor Molar Flow", "Liquid Molar Flow" };

                string[] units = { "", su.pressure, su.temperature, su.molarflow, su.molarflow };

                var btn = new Button {
                    Text = "View Column Properties Profile"
                container.Rows.Add(new TableRow(btn));
                btn.Click += (sender, e) =>
                    var plotcontainer = s.GetDefaultContainer();

                    var chart = new Eto.OxyPlot.Plot()
                        Height = 400, BackgroundColor = Colors.White
                    chart.Visible = true;

                    List <double> px, py;

                    s.CreateAndAddLabelRow(plotcontainer, "Column Profile Results: " + SimObject.GraphicObject.Tag);
                    var xsp = s.CreateAndAddDropDownRow(plotcontainer, "X Axis Data", datatype.ToList(), 2, null);
                    var ysp = s.CreateAndAddDropDownRow(plotcontainer, "Y Axis Data", datatype.ToList(), 0, null);

                    s.CreateAndAddButtonRow(plotcontainer, "Update Chart", null, (sender2, e2) =>
                        px = PopulateColumnData(column, xsp.SelectedIndex);
                        py = PopulateColumnData(column, ysp.SelectedIndex);
                        string xunits, yunits;
                        xunits = " (" + units[xsp.SelectedIndex] + ")";
                        yunits = " (" + units[ysp.SelectedIndex] + ")";
                        if (xsp.SelectedIndex == 0)
                            xunits = "";
                        if (ysp.SelectedIndex == 0)
                            yunits = "";
                        var model = CreateColumnResultsModel(px.ToArray(), py.ToArray(),
                                                             datatype[xsp.SelectedIndex] + xunits,
                                                             datatype[ysp.SelectedIndex] + yunits);
                        chart.Model   = model;
                        chart.Visible = true;

                    s.CreateAndAddLabelRow(plotcontainer, "Results Chart");
                    s.CreateAndAddControlRow(plotcontainer, chart);
                    var form = s.GetDefaultEditorForm("Column Profile: " + SimObject.GraphicObject.Tag, 400, 500, plotcontainer);
                    form.Topmost = true;
            else if (SimObject is Reactor_PFR)
                var reactor = (Reactor_PFR)SimObject;

                if (reactor.points != null && reactor.points.Count > 0)
                    var btn = new Button {
                        Text = "View PFR Properties Profile"
                    container.Rows.Add(new TableRow(btn));
                    btn.Click += (sender, e) =>
                        var chart = new Eto.OxyPlot.Plot()
                            Height = 400, BackgroundColor = Colors.White
                        chart.Visible = true;

                        var model = CreatePFRResultsModel(reactor);
                        chart.Model = model;

                        var form = new Form()
                            Icon    = Eto.Drawing.Icon.FromResource(imgprefix + "DWSIM_ico.ico"),
                            Content = new Scrollable {
                                Content = chart, Border = BorderType.None, ExpandContentWidth = true, ExpandContentHeight = true
                            Title         = "PFR Profile: " + SimObject.GraphicObject.Tag,
                            ClientSize    = new Size(800, 600),
                            ShowInTaskbar = false,
                            Maximizable   = false,
                            Minimizable   = false,
                            Topmost       = true,
                            Resizable     = true
            else if (SimObject is HeatExchanger)
                var hx = (HeatExchanger)SimObject;

                if (hx.CalculationMode == HeatExchangerCalcMode.PinchPoint && hx.HeatProfile.Length > 0)
                    var btn = new Button {
                        Text = "View Heat Exchanged Profile"
                    container.Rows.Add(new TableRow(btn));
                    btn.Click += (sender, e) =>
                        var chart = new Eto.OxyPlot.Plot()
                            Height = 400, BackgroundColor = Colors.White
                        chart.Visible = true;

                        var model = s.CreatePlotModel(hx.HeatProfile.ToList().ConvertFromSI(su.heatflow).ToArray(),
                                                      "Heat Profile", hx.GraphicObject.Tag, "Heat Exchanged (" + su.heatflow + ")",
                                                      "Temperature (" + su.temperature + ")",
                                                      "Cold Fluid", "Hot Fluid");
                        chart.Model = model;

                        var form = new Form()
                            Icon    = Eto.Drawing.Icon.FromResource(imgprefix + "DWSIM_ico.ico"),
                            Content = new Scrollable {
                                Content = chart, Border = BorderType.None, ExpandContentWidth = true, ExpandContentHeight = true
                            Title         = "Heat Profile: " + SimObject.GraphicObject.Tag,
                            ClientSize    = new Size(800, 600),
                            ShowInTaskbar = false,
                            Maximizable   = false,
                            Minimizable   = false,
                            Topmost       = true,
                            Resizable     = true

            var obj = (ISimulationObject)SimObject;

            var structreport = obj.GetStructuredReport();

            if (structreport.Count > 0)
                var containerd = UI.Shared.Common.GetDefaultContainer();
                container.Rows.Add(new TableRow(containerd));
                foreach (var item in structreport)
                    switch (item.Item1)
                    case Interfaces.Enums.ReportItemType.Label:

                    case Interfaces.Enums.ReportItemType.Description:

                    case Interfaces.Enums.ReportItemType.SingleColumn:

                    case Interfaces.Enums.ReportItemType.DoubleColumn:
                        containerd.CreateAndAddThreeLabelsRow(item.Item2[0], item.Item2[1], "");

                    case Interfaces.Enums.ReportItemType.TripleColumn:
                        containerd.CreateAndAddThreeLabelsRow(item.Item2[0], item.Item2[1], item.Item2[2]);
                var txtcontrol = new TextArea {
                    ReadOnly = true
                txtcontrol.Font = GlobalSettings.Settings.RunningPlatform() == GlobalSettings.Settings.Platform.Mac ? new Font("Menlo", GlobalSettings.Settings.ResultsReportFontSize) : Fonts.Monospace(GlobalSettings.Settings.ResultsReportFontSize);

                container.Rows.Add(new TableRow(txtcontrol));

                    if (obj.Calculated)
                        txtcontrol.Text  = "Object successfully calculated on " + obj.LastUpdated.ToString() + "\n\n";
                        txtcontrol.Text += obj.GetReport(SimObject.GetFlowsheet().FlowsheetOptions.SelectedUnitSystem,
                        if (obj.ErrorMessage != "")
                            txtcontrol.Text = "An error occured during the calculation of this object. Details:\n\n" + obj.ErrorMessage;
                            txtcontrol.Text = "This object hasn't been calculated yet.";
                catch (Exception ex)
                    txtcontrol.Text  = "Report generation failed. Please recalculate the flowsheet and try again.";
                    txtcontrol.Text += "\n\nError details: " + ex.ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        void Init()
            Padding = new Padding(10);

            var su = flowsheet.FlowsheetOptions.SelectedUnitSystem;
            var nf = flowsheet.FlowsheetOptions.NumberFormat;

            var mslist = flowsheet.SimulationObjects.Values.Where((x) => x.GraphicObject.ObjectType == ObjectType.MaterialStream).Select((x2) => x2.GraphicObject.Tag).ToList();

            mslist.Insert(0, "");

            this.CreateAndAddDescriptionRow("The Phase Envelope utility calculates various VLE envelopes for mixtures.");

            var spinner = this.CreateAndAddDropDownRow("Material Stream", mslist, 0, (arg3, arg2) => { });

            var spinnerPE = this.CreateAndAddDropDownRow("Envelope Type", Shared.StringArrays.envelopetype().ToList(), 0, null);

            var button = this.CreateAndAddButtonRow("Build Envelope", null, null);

            var chart = new Eto.OxyPlot.Plot {
                Height = 400, BackgroundColor = Colors.White


            var txtResults = this.CreateAndAddMultilineMonoSpaceTextBoxRow("", 400, true, null);

            button.Click += (sender, e) =>
                if (spinnerPE.SelectedIndex >= 0 && spinner.SelectedIndex > 0)
                    var ms   = (MaterialStream)flowsheet.GetFlowsheetSimulationObject(mslist[spinner.SelectedIndex]);
                    var calc = new DWSIM.Thermodynamics.ShortcutUtilities.Calculation(ms);

                    switch (spinnerPE.SelectedIndex + 1)
                    case 1:
                        calc.CalcType = Thermodynamics.ShortcutUtilities.CalculationType.PhaseEnvelopePT;

                    case 2:
                        calc.CalcType = Thermodynamics.ShortcutUtilities.CalculationType.PhaseEnvelopePH;

                    case 3:
                        calc.CalcType = Thermodynamics.ShortcutUtilities.CalculationType.PhaseEnvelopePS;

                    case 4:
                        calc.CalcType = Thermodynamics.ShortcutUtilities.CalculationType.PhaseEnvelopeTH;

                    case 5:
                        calc.CalcType = Thermodynamics.ShortcutUtilities.CalculationType.PhaseEnvelopeTS;

                    case 6:
                        calc.CalcType = Thermodynamics.ShortcutUtilities.CalculationType.PhaseEnvelopeVP;

                    case 7:
                        calc.CalcType = Thermodynamics.ShortcutUtilities.CalculationType.PhaseEnvelopeVT;

                    DWSIM.Thermodynamics.ShortcutUtilities.CalculationResults results = null;

                    Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                        Application.Instance.Invoke(() => txtResults.Text = "Please wait...");
                        results = calc.Calculate();
                    }).ContinueWith((t) =>
                        Application.Instance.Invoke(() =>
                            if (results.ExceptionResult == null)
                                if (results.PlotModels.Count > 0)
                                    chart.Model = (OxyPlot.PlotModel)results.PlotModels[0];

                                    txtResults.Text = results.TextOutput;
                                    chart.Model     = null;
                                    txtResults.Text = "Invalid result";
                                txtResults.Text = results.ExceptionResult.Message;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        void Init()
            Spacing = new Size(5, 5);

            DynamicLayout p1;
            TableLayout   p2;

            p1 = UI.Shared.Common.GetDefaultContainer();
            p2 = new TableLayout()
                Spacing = new Size(5, 5), Padding = new Padding(15)

            Rows.Add(new TableRow(p1, p2));

            p1.Width = 420;

            var l1 = p1.CreateAndAddLabelRow("Envelope Setup");

            var tabcontainer = new TabControl();

            Eto.OxyPlot.Plot chart = null;

            var su = flowsheet.FlowsheetOptions.SelectedUnitSystem;
            var nf = flowsheet.FlowsheetOptions.NumberFormat;

            var complist = flowsheet.SelectedCompounds.Values.Select((x2) => x2.Name).ToList();

            complist.Insert(0, "");

            p1.CreateAndAddDescriptionRow("The Binary Envelope utility calculates Temperature and Pressure VLE/VLLE envelopes for binary mixtures.");

            var spinnerComp1 = p1.CreateAndAddDropDownRow("Compound 1", complist, 0, null);

            var spinnerComp2 = p1.CreateAndAddDropDownRow("Compound 2", complist, 0, null);

            var spinnerPE = p1.CreateAndAddDropDownRow("Envelope Type", Shared.StringArrays.binaryenvelopetype().ToList(), 1, null);

            var tval = p1.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow(nf, "Temperature (" + su.temperature + ")", cv.ConvertFromSI(su.temperature, 298.15f), null);
            var pval = p1.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow(nf, "Pressure (" + su.pressure + ")", cv.ConvertFromSI(su.pressure, 101325.0f), null);

            bool vle = true, lle = false, sle = false, critical = false, areas = false;

            p1.CreateAndAddLabelRow("Display Options");

            p1.CreateAndAddCheckBoxRow("VLE", vle, (arg1a, arg2a) => { vle = arg1a.Checked.GetValueOrDefault(); });
            p1.CreateAndAddDescriptionRow("VLE calculation works on all diagram types.");
            p1.CreateAndAddCheckBoxRow("LLE", lle, (arg1a, arg2a) => { lle = arg1a.Checked.GetValueOrDefault(); });
            p1.CreateAndAddDescriptionRow("LLE calculation works on T-x/y and P-x/y diagrams if the selected Property Package is associated with a Flash Algorithm which supports Liquid-Liquid equilibria.");
            p1.CreateAndAddCheckBoxRow("SLE", sle, (arg1a, arg2a) => { sle = arg1a.Checked.GetValueOrDefault(); });
            p1.CreateAndAddDescriptionRow("SLE calculation works on T-x/y diagrams only.");
            p1.CreateAndAddCheckBoxRow("Critical Line", critical, (arg1a, arg2a) => { critical = arg1a.Checked.GetValueOrDefault(); });
            p1.CreateAndAddDescriptionRow("Critical Line calculation works on T-x/y diagrams only.");
            p1.CreateAndAddCheckBoxRow("Highlight Regions", areas, (arg1a, arg2a) => { areas = arg1a.Checked.GetValueOrDefault(); });
            p1.CreateAndAddDescriptionRow("Highlights the different phase regions in the envelope.");

            var pplist = flowsheet.PropertyPackages.Values.Select((x2) => x2.Tag).ToList();

            pplist.Insert(0, "");

            var spinnerpp = p1.CreateAndAddDropDownRow("Property Package", pplist, 0, null);

            var button = p1.CreateAndAddButtonRow("Build Envelope", null, null);

            chart = new Eto.OxyPlot.Plot {
                BackgroundColor = Colors.White

            var txtResults = new TextArea()
                ReadOnly = true, Font = Fonts.Monospace(GlobalSettings.Settings.ResultsReportFontSize)

            tabcontainer.Pages.Add(new TabPage(new TableRow(chart))
                Text = "Chart"
            tabcontainer.Pages.Add(new TabPage(new TableRow(txtResults))
                Text = "Data"



            button.Click += (sender, e) =>
                if (spinnerPE.SelectedIndex >= 0 && spinnerComp1.SelectedIndex > 0 && spinnerComp2.SelectedIndex > 0 && spinnerpp.SelectedIndex > 0)
                    var comp1 = flowsheet.SelectedCompounds[complist[spinnerComp1.SelectedIndex]];
                    var comp2 = flowsheet.SelectedCompounds[complist[spinnerComp2.SelectedIndex]];

                    var ms = new MaterialStream("", "");
                    ms.PropertyPackage = (PropertyPackage)flowsheet.PropertyPackages.Values.Where(x => x.Tag == spinnerpp.SelectedValue.ToString()).First();

                    foreach (var phase in ms.Phases.Values)
                        phase.Compounds.Add(comp1.Name, new DWSIM.Thermodynamics.BaseClasses.Compound(comp1.Name, ""));
                        phase.Compounds[comp1.Name].ConstantProperties = comp1;
                        phase.Compounds.Add(comp2.Name, new DWSIM.Thermodynamics.BaseClasses.Compound(comp2.Name, ""));
                        phase.Compounds[comp2.Name].ConstantProperties = comp2;
                    double val;
                    if (Double.TryParse(tval.Text, out val))
                        ms.Phases[0].Properties.temperature = cv.ConvertToSI(su.temperature, Double.Parse(tval.Text));
                    if (Double.TryParse(pval.Text, out val))
                        ms.Phases[0].Properties.pressure = cv.ConvertToSI(su.pressure, Double.Parse(pval.Text));

                    var calc = new DWSIM.Thermodynamics.ShortcutUtilities.Calculation(ms);
                    calc.DisplayEnvelopeAreas  = areas;
                    calc.BinaryEnvelopeOptions = new object[] { "", 0, 0, vle, lle, sle, critical, false };

                    switch (spinnerPE.SelectedIndex)
                    case 0:
                        calc.CalcType = Thermodynamics.ShortcutUtilities.CalculationType.BinaryEnvelopePxy;

                    case 1:
                        calc.CalcType = Thermodynamics.ShortcutUtilities.CalculationType.BinaryEnvelopeTxy;

                    DWSIM.Thermodynamics.ShortcutUtilities.CalculationResults results = null;

                    var token = new System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource();

                    var pg = ProgressDialog.ShowWithAbort(this, "Please Wait", "Calculating Envelope Lines...", false, "Abort/Cancel", (s, e1) => {

                    Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                        Application.Instance.Invoke(() =>
                            txtResults.Text = "Please wait...";
                        results = calc.Calculate();
                    }, token.Token).ContinueWith((t) =>
                        Application.Instance.Invoke(() =>
                            pg = null;
                            if (results.ExceptionResult == null)
                                if (results.PlotModels.Count > 0)
                                    chart.Model         = (OxyPlot.PlotModel)results.PlotModels[0];
                                    chart.Model.Padding = new OxyPlot.OxyThickness(5, 5, 20, 5);

                                    txtResults.Text = results.TextOutput;
                                    chart.Model     = null;
                                    txtResults.Text = "Invalid result";
                                txtResults.Text = results.ExceptionResult.Message;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        void Init()
            DynamicLayout p1, p2;

            StackLayout t1;

            p1 = UI.Shared.Common.GetDefaultContainer();
            p2 = UI.Shared.Common.GetDefaultContainer();

            p1.Width = 380;
            p2.Width = 380;

            t1 = new StackLayout();
            t1.Items.Add(new StackLayoutItem(p1));
            t1.Items.Add(new StackLayoutItem(p2));
            t1.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;

            Padding = new Padding(10);

            if (flowsheet.SensAnalysisCollection.Count == 0)
                flowsheet.SensAnalysisCollection.Add(new DWSIM.SharedClasses.Flowsheet.Optimization.SensitivityAnalysisCase());

            mycase = flowsheet.SensAnalysisCollection.First();

            var su = flowsheet.FlowsheetOptions.SelectedUnitSystem;
            var nf = flowsheet.FlowsheetOptions.NumberFormat;

            s.CreateAndAddLabelRow2(this, "Use the Sensitivity Analysis tool to study/analyze the influence of a process variable on other variables in the flowsheet.");


            s.CreateAndAddLabelRow(p1, "Case ID");
            s.CreateAndAddFullTextBoxRow(p1, mycase.name, (arg3, arg2) => { mycase.name = arg3.Text; });

            s.CreateAndAddLabelRow(p1, "Case Description");
            s.CreateAndAddFullTextBoxRow(p1, mycase.description, (arg3, arg2) => { mycase.description = arg3.Text; });

            s.CreateAndAddLabelRow(p1, "Independent Variable");

            var objlist = flowsheet.SimulationObjects.Values.Select((x2) => x2.GraphicObject.Tag).ToList();

            objlist.Insert(0, "");

            var spinner = s.CreateAndAddDropDownRow(p1, "Object", objlist, 0, null);

            var spinner2 = s.CreateAndAddDropDownRow(p1, "Property", new List <string>(), 0, null);

            List <string> proplist = new List <string>();

            spinner.SelectedIndexChanged += (sender, e) =>
                if (spinner.SelectedIndex > 0)
                    mycase.iv1.objectID  = flowsheet.GetFlowsheetSimulationObject(objlist[spinner.SelectedIndex]).Name;
                    mycase.iv1.objectTAG = objlist[spinner.SelectedIndex];
                    proplist             = flowsheet.GetFlowsheetSimulationObject(objlist[spinner.SelectedIndex]).GetProperties(PropertyType.WR).ToList();
                    proplist.Insert(0, "");
                    spinner2.Items.AddRange(proplist.Select(x => new ListItem {
                        Key = x, Text = flowsheet.GetTranslatedString(x)
                    spinner2.SelectedIndex = (proplist.IndexOf(mycase.iv1.propID));
            if (flowsheet.SimulationObjects.ContainsKey(mycase.iv1.objectID))
                spinner.SelectedIndex = (objlist.IndexOf(flowsheet.SimulationObjects[mycase.iv1.objectID].GraphicObject.Tag));

            var txtLowerLimit = s.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow(p1, nf, "Initial Value", 0, null);
            var txtUpperLimit = s.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow(p1, nf, "Final Value", 0, null);
            var txtSteps      = s.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow(p1, "0", "Number of Steps", 0, null);

            txtLowerLimit.Text = mycase.iv1.lowerlimit.GetValueOrDefault().ToString(nf);
            txtUpperLimit.Text = mycase.iv1.upperlimit.GetValueOrDefault().ToString(nf);
            txtSteps.Text      = mycase.iv1.points.ToString();

            var labelUnits = s.CreateAndAddTwoLabelsRow(p1, "Property Units", "");

            spinner2.SelectedIndexChanged += (sender, e) =>
                if (spinner2.SelectedIndex > 0)
                    mycase.iv1.propID = proplist[spinner2.SelectedIndex];
                    mycase.iv1.unit   = flowsheet.GetFlowsheetSimulationObject(objlist[spinner.SelectedIndex]).GetPropertyUnit(proplist[spinner2.SelectedIndex], su);
                    labelUnits.Text   = mycase.iv1.unit;

            double dummy = 0.0f;

            txtLowerLimit.TextChanged += (sender2, e2) =>
                if (double.TryParse(txtLowerLimit.Text.ToString(), out dummy))
                    mycase.iv1.lowerlimit = Double.Parse(txtLowerLimit.Text);

            txtUpperLimit.TextChanged += (sender2, e2) =>
                if (double.TryParse(txtUpperLimit.Text.ToString(), out dummy))
                    mycase.iv1.upperlimit = Double.Parse(txtUpperLimit.Text);

            txtSteps.TextChanged += (sender2, e2) =>
                if (double.TryParse(txtSteps.Text.ToString(), out dummy))
                    mycase.iv1.points = Int32.Parse(txtSteps.Text);


            var btnAddDepVar = s.CreateAndAddBoldLabelAndButtonRow(p2, "Dependent Variables", "Add New", null, null);

            var ll = new StackLayout {
                Orientation = Orientation.Vertical, Padding = new Eto.Drawing.Padding(2), Spacing = 10


            var sc = new Scrollable {
                Border = BorderType.None, Content = ll

            s.CreateAndAddControlRow(p2, sc);

            t1.SizeChanged += (sender, e) => {
                if (p1.ParentWindow != null)
                    p1.Width  = (int)(p1.ParentWindow.Width / 2 - 10);
                    p2.Width  = (int)(p2.ParentWindow.Width / 2 - 10);
                    p1.Height = p1.ParentWindow.Height - 170;
                    p2.Height = p1.Height;
                    sc.Height = p2.Height - btnAddDepVar.Height - 30;
                    foreach (var item in ll.Items)
                        item.Control.Width = sc.Width - 25;

            foreach (var dvar in mycase.depvariables.Values)
                AddDepVar(ll, dvar, objlist);

            btnAddDepVar.Click += (sender2, e2) =>
                var depvar = new DWSIM.SharedClasses.Flowsheet.Optimization.SAVariable();
                depvar.id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                mycase.depvariables.Add(depvar.id, depvar);
                AddDepVar(ll, depvar, objlist);

            var btnRun = s.CreateAndAddButtonRow(this, "Run Analysis", null, null);

            var btnAbort = s.CreateAndAddButtonRow(this, "Abort Run", null, null);

            btnAbort.Enabled = false;

            resulttextbox = new TextArea {
                Height = 400, Text = "", Font = Fonts.Monospace(GlobalSettings.Settings.ResultsReportFontSize), ReadOnly = true

            s.CreateAndAddLabelRow(this, "Results");

            var btnrt = s.CreateAndAddLabelAndButtonRow(this, "View Results Report", "View Report", null, (sender, e) =>
                var form = s.GetDefaultEditorForm("Sensitivity Analysis Report", 500, 500, resulttextbox, true);

            btnrt.Enabled = false;

            resultschart = new Eto.OxyPlot.Plot {
                Height = 400

            var btnrc = s.CreateAndAddLabelAndButtonRow(this, "View Results Chart", "View Chart", null, (sender, e) =>
                var form = s.GetDefaultEditorForm("Sensitivity Analysis Result", 500, 500, resultschart, true);

            btnrc.Enabled = false;

            btnRun.Click += (sender2, e2) =>
                int    iv1np, i;
                double iv1ll, iv1ul, iv1val, iv1val0;
                string iv1id, iv1prop;
                List <List <double> > results = new List <List <double> >();

                iv1ll   = Converter.ConvertToSI(mycase.iv1.unit, mycase.iv1.lowerlimit.GetValueOrDefault());
                iv1ul   = Converter.ConvertToSI(mycase.iv1.unit, mycase.iv1.upperlimit.GetValueOrDefault());
                iv1np   = mycase.iv1.points - 1;
                iv1id   = mycase.iv1.objectID;
                iv1prop = mycase.iv1.propID;

                flowsheet.SupressMessages = true;

                Application.Instance.Invoke(() =>
                    btnAbort.Enabled = true;
                    btnrt.Enabled    = false;
                    btnrc.Enabled    = false;
                    flowsheet.ShowMessage("Starting Sensitivity Analysis, please wait...", IFlowsheet.MessageType.Information);

                var task = new Task(() =>

                    iv1val0 = Convert.ToDouble(flowsheet.SimulationObjects[iv1id].GetPropertyValue(iv1prop));

                    for (i = 0; i <= iv1np; i++)
                        iv1val = iv1ll + i * (iv1ul - iv1ll) / iv1np;
                        flowsheet.SimulationObjects[iv1id].SetPropertyValue(iv1prop, iv1val);
                        List <double> depvarvals = new List <double>();
                        foreach (var depvar in mycase.depvariables.Values)
                            depvar.currentvalue = Convert.ToDouble(flowsheet.SimulationObjects[depvar.objectID].GetPropertyValue(depvar.propID));

                    mycase.results = new System.Collections.ArrayList();

                    foreach (var res in results)

                    flowsheet.SimulationObjects[iv1id].SetPropertyValue(iv1prop, iv1val0);
                }, GlobalSettings.Settings.TaskCancellationTokenSource.Token);

                task.ContinueWith((t) =>
                    flowsheet.SupressMessages = false;

                    if (t.Exception != null)
                        Application.Instance.Invoke(() =>
                            btnAbort.Enabled = false;
                            btnrt.Enabled    = false;
                            btnrc.Enabled    = false;

                            flowsheet.ShowMessage("Error: " + t.Exception.Message, IFlowsheet.MessageType.GeneralError);
                        Application.Instance.Invoke(() =>
                            btnAbort.Enabled = false;
                            btnrt.Enabled    = true;
                            btnrc.Enabled    = true;

                            flowsheet.ShowMessage("Sensitivity Analysis finished successfully.", IFlowsheet.MessageType.Information);
                            if (t.Status == TaskStatus.RanToCompletion)
                                var str = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
                                str.AppendLine("Sensitivity Analysis Run Results");
                                str.AppendLine("Independent Variable: " + flowsheet.SimulationObjects[iv1id].GraphicObject.Tag + " / " + flowsheet.GetTranslatedString(mycase.iv1.propID));
                                str.AppendLine("Range: " + mycase.iv1.lowerlimit.GetValueOrDefault() + " to " + mycase.iv1.upperlimit.GetValueOrDefault() + " " + mycase.iv1.unit + ", " + mycase.iv1.points + " steps");
                                str.AppendLine("Dependent Variables:");
                                int count = 1;
                                foreach (var dvar in mycase.depvariables.Values)
                                    str.AppendLine(count + " - " + flowsheet.SimulationObjects[dvar.objectID].GraphicObject.Tag + " / " + flowsheet.GetTranslatedString(dvar.propID) + " (" + dvar.unit + ")");
                                    count += 1;
                                str.AppendLine("Ind var\t\tDep. vars");
                                int cnt                  = 0;
                                List <double> px         = new List <double>();
                                List <List <double> > py = new List <List <double> >();
                                foreach (var dvar in mycase.depvariables.Values)
                                    py.Add(new List <double>());
                                foreach (double[] res in mycase.results)
                                    var dv = Converter.ConvertFromSI(mycase.iv1.unit, iv1ll + cnt * (iv1ul - iv1ll) / iv1np);
                                    string line = dv.ToString(nf) + "\t\t";
                                    int j       = 0;
                                    foreach (var d in res)
                                        py[j].Add(Converter.ConvertFromSI(mycase.depvariables.Values.ElementAt(j).unit, d));
                                        line += Converter.ConvertFromSI(mycase.depvariables.Values.ElementAt(j).unit, d).ToString(nf) + "\t\t";
                                        j    += 1;
                                    cnt += 1;

                                Application.Instance.Invoke(() => resulttextbox.Text = str.ToString());

                                var model = new PlotModel()
                                    Subtitle = "Sensitivity Analysis Run Results", Title = flowsheet.FlowsheetOptions.SimulationName
                                model.TitleFontSize    = 14;
                                model.SubtitleFontSize = 11;
                                model.Axes.Add(new LinearAxis()
                                    MajorGridlineStyle = LineStyle.Dash,
                                    MinorGridlineStyle = LineStyle.Dot,
                                    Position           = AxisPosition.Bottom,
                                    FontSize           = 12,
                                    Title = mycase.iv1.objectTAG + " / " + flowsheet.GetTranslatedString(mycase.iv1.propID) + " (" + mycase.iv1.unit + ")"
                                int cnt2 = 0;
                                foreach (var dvar in mycase.depvariables.Values)
                                    model.Axes.Add(new LinearAxis()
                                        MajorGridlineStyle = LineStyle.Dash,
                                        MinorGridlineStyle = LineStyle.Dot,
                                        FontSize           = 12,
                                        Title = dvar.objectTAG + " / " + flowsheet.GetTranslatedString(dvar.propID) + " (" + dvar.unit + ")"
                                    model.Axes[cnt2 + 1].Key           = cnt2.ToString();
                                    model.Axes[cnt2 + 1].PositionTier  = cnt2;
                                    model.Axes[cnt2 + 1].AxislineStyle = LineStyle.Solid;
                                    model.AddLineSeries(px, py[cnt2]);
                                    model.Series[cnt2].Title = dvar.objectTAG + " / " + flowsheet.GetTranslatedString(dvar.propID);
                                    ((OxyPlot.Series.LineSeries)(model.Series[cnt2])).YAxisKey = cnt2.ToString();
                                    cnt2 += 1;
                                model.LegendFontSize           = 11;
                                model.LegendPlacement          = LegendPlacement.Outside;
                                model.LegendOrientation        = LegendOrientation.Vertical;
                                model.LegendPosition           = LegendPosition.BottomCenter;
                                model.TitleHorizontalAlignment = TitleHorizontalAlignment.CenteredWithinView;

                                Application.Instance.Invoke(() => { resultschart.Model = model; resultschart.Invalidate(); });

                btnAbort.Click += (sender, e) =>

Ejemplo n.º 5
        void Init()
            Spacing = new Size(5, 5);

            DynamicLayout p1;
            TableLayout   p2;

            p1 = UI.Shared.Common.GetDefaultContainer();
            p2 = new TableLayout()
                Spacing = new Size(5, 5), Padding = new Padding(15)

            Rows.Add(new TableRow(p1, p2));

            p1.Width = 420;

            var su = flowsheet.FlowsheetOptions.SelectedUnitSystem;
            var nf = flowsheet.FlowsheetOptions.NumberFormat;

            var mslist = flowsheet.SimulationObjects.Values.Where((x) => x.GraphicObject.ObjectType == ObjectType.MaterialStream).Select((x2) => x2.GraphicObject.Tag).ToList();

            mslist.Insert(0, "");


            p1.CreateAndAddDescriptionRow("The Phase Envelope utility calculates various VLE envelopes for mixtures.");

            var spinner = p1.CreateAndAddDropDownRow("Material Stream", mslist, 0, (arg3, arg2) => { });

            var spinnerPE = p1.CreateAndAddDropDownRow("Envelope Type", Shared.StringArrays.envelopetype().ToList(), 0, null);

            var EnvelopeOptions = new PhaseEnvelopeOptions();

            var ft = new List <string>()
                "PVF", "TVF"

            var tabcontainer0 = new TabControl()

            var c1 = UI.Shared.Common.GetDefaultContainer();
            var c3 = UI.Shared.Common.GetDefaultContainer();
            var c2 = UI.Shared.Common.GetDefaultContainer();

            c1.CreateAndAddCheckBoxRow("Quality Line", EnvelopeOptions.QualityLine, (arg3, arg1) => { EnvelopeOptions.QualityLine = arg3.Checked.GetValueOrDefault(); });
            c1.CreateAndAddDescriptionRow("Includes a Quality Line in the chart (TP only).");
            c1.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow("G6", "Quality Value", EnvelopeOptions.QualityValue, (arg3, arg1) => { if (arg3.Text.IsValidDouble())
                                                                                                                 EnvelopeOptions.QualityValue = arg3.Text.ToDoubleFromCurrent();
            c1.CreateAndAddDescriptionRow("Vapor Phase Mole Fraction for Quality Line, between 0.0 and 1.0.");
            c1.CreateAndAddCheckBoxRow("Stability Curve", EnvelopeOptions.StabilityCurve, (arg3, arg1) => { EnvelopeOptions.StabilityCurve = arg3.Checked.GetValueOrDefault(); });
            c1.CreateAndAddDescriptionRow("Includes the Stability Curve in the chart (TP only). Works with PR and SRK Property Packages.");
            c1.CreateAndAddCheckBoxRow("Phase Identification Curve", EnvelopeOptions.PhaseIdentificationCurve, (arg3, arg1) => { EnvelopeOptions.PhaseIdentificationCurve = arg3.Checked.GetValueOrDefault(); });
            c1.CreateAndAddDescriptionRow("Calculates the PI curve (TP only), where the region above the curve is for a liquid-like phase and the region beyond the curve is for a vapor-like phase. Calculated using the PR EOS.");
            c1.CreateAndAddCheckBoxRow("Operation Point", EnvelopeOptions.OperatingPoint, (arg3, arg1) => { EnvelopeOptions.OperatingPoint = arg3.Checked.GetValueOrDefault(); });
            c1.CreateAndAddDescriptionRow("Includes the operating point in the chart.");
            c2.CreateAndAddCheckBoxRow("Custom Initialization", EnvelopeOptions.BubbleUseCustomParameters, (arg3, arg1) => { EnvelopeOptions.BubbleUseCustomParameters = arg3.Checked.GetValueOrDefault(); });
            c2.CreateAndAddDescriptionRow("Use the custom initialization options if the generated curve for bubble points has invalid points.");
            c2.CreateAndAddDropDownRow("Initial Flash", ft, 0, (arg3, arg1) => { EnvelopeOptions.BubbleCurveInitialFlash = ft[arg3.SelectedIndex]; });
            c2.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow("G6", "Initial Pressure (" + su.pressure + ")", EnvelopeOptions.BubbleCurveInitialPressure, (arg3, arg1) => { if (arg3.Text.IsValidDouble())
                                                                                                                                                        EnvelopeOptions.BubbleCurveInitialPressure = arg3.Text.ToDoubleFromCurrent().ConvertToSI(su.pressure);
            c2.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow("G6", "Initial Temperature (" + su.temperature + ")", EnvelopeOptions.BubbleCurveInitialTemperature, (arg3, arg1) => { if (arg3.Text.IsValidDouble())
                                                                                                                                                                 EnvelopeOptions.BubbleCurveInitialTemperature = arg3.Text.ToDoubleFromCurrent().ConvertToSI(su.pressure);
            c2.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow("G6", "Maximum Temperature (" + su.temperature + ")", EnvelopeOptions.BubbleCurveMaximumTemperature, (arg3, arg1) => { if (arg3.Text.IsValidDouble())
                                                                                                                                                                 EnvelopeOptions.BubbleCurveMaximumTemperature = arg3.Text.ToDoubleFromCurrent().ConvertToSI(su.pressure);
            c2.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow("G6", "Pressure Step (" + su.deltaP + ")", EnvelopeOptions.BubbleCurveDeltaP, (arg3, arg1) => { if (arg3.Text.IsValidDouble())
                                                                                                                                          EnvelopeOptions.BubbleCurveDeltaP = arg3.Text.ToDoubleFromCurrent().ConvertToSI(su.deltaP);
            c2.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow("G6", "Temperature Step (" + su.deltaT + ")", EnvelopeOptions.BubbleCurveDeltaT, (arg3, arg1) => { if (arg3.Text.IsValidDouble())
                                                                                                                                             EnvelopeOptions.BubbleCurveDeltaT = arg3.Text.ToDoubleFromCurrent().ConvertToSI(su.deltaT);
            c2.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow("N0", "Maximum Points", EnvelopeOptions.BubbleCurveMaximumPoints, (arg3, arg1) => { if (arg3.Text.IsValidDouble())
                                                                                                                              EnvelopeOptions.BubbleCurveMaximumPoints = int.Parse(arg3.Text);
            c3.CreateAndAddCheckBoxRow("Custom Initialization", EnvelopeOptions.DewUseCustomParameters, (arg3, arg1) => { EnvelopeOptions.DewUseCustomParameters = arg3.Checked.GetValueOrDefault(); });
            c3.CreateAndAddDescriptionRow("Use the custom initialization options if the generated curve for dew points has invalid points.");
            c3.CreateAndAddDropDownRow("Initial Flash", ft, 0, (arg3, arg1) => { EnvelopeOptions.DewCurveInitialFlash = ft[arg3.SelectedIndex]; });
            c3.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow("G6", "Initial Pressure (" + su.pressure + ")", EnvelopeOptions.DewCurveInitialPressure, (arg3, arg1) => { if (arg3.Text.IsValidDouble())
                                                                                                                                                     EnvelopeOptions.DewCurveInitialPressure = arg3.Text.ToDoubleFromCurrent().ConvertToSI(su.pressure);
            c3.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow("G6", "Initial Temperature (" + su.temperature + ")", EnvelopeOptions.DewCurveInitialTemperature, (arg3, arg1) => { if (arg3.Text.IsValidDouble())
                                                                                                                                                              EnvelopeOptions.DewCurveInitialTemperature = arg3.Text.ToDoubleFromCurrent().ConvertToSI(su.pressure);
            c3.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow("G6", "Maximum Temperature (" + su.temperature + ")", EnvelopeOptions.DewCurveMaximumTemperature, (arg3, arg1) => { if (arg3.Text.IsValidDouble())
                                                                                                                                                              EnvelopeOptions.DewCurveMaximumTemperature = arg3.Text.ToDoubleFromCurrent().ConvertToSI(su.pressure);
            c3.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow("G6", "Pressure Step (" + su.deltaP + ")", EnvelopeOptions.DewCurveDeltaP, (arg3, arg1) => { if (arg3.Text.IsValidDouble())
                                                                                                                                       EnvelopeOptions.DewCurveDeltaP = arg3.Text.ToDoubleFromCurrent().ConvertToSI(su.deltaP);
            c3.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow("G6", "Temperature Step (" + su.deltaT + ")", EnvelopeOptions.DewCurveDeltaT, (arg3, arg1) => { if (arg3.Text.IsValidDouble())
                                                                                                                                          EnvelopeOptions.DewCurveDeltaT = arg3.Text.ToDoubleFromCurrent().ConvertToSI(su.deltaT);
            c3.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow("N0", "Maximum Points", EnvelopeOptions.DewCurveMaximumPoints, (arg3, arg1) => { if (arg3.Text.IsValidDouble())
                                                                                                                           EnvelopeOptions.DewCurveMaximumPoints = int.Parse(arg3.Text);

            tabcontainer0.Pages.Add(new TabPage(new TableRow(c1))
                Text = "Envelope Options"
            tabcontainer0.Pages.Add(new TabPage(new TableRow(c2))
                Text = "BP Initialization"
            tabcontainer0.Pages.Add(new TabPage(new TableRow(c3))
                Text = "DP Initialization"


            var button = p1.CreateAndAddButtonRow("Build Envelope", null, null);


            var tabcontainer = new TabControl()
                Height = 400

            var chart = new Eto.OxyPlot.Plot {
                BackgroundColor = Colors.White

            var txtResults = new TextArea()
                ReadOnly = true, Font = Fonts.Monospace(GlobalSettings.Settings.ResultsReportFontSize)

            tabcontainer.Pages.Add(new TabPage(new TableRow(chart))
                Text = "Chart"
            tabcontainer.Pages.Add(new TabPage(new TableRow(txtResults))
                Text = "Data"



            button.Click += (sender, e) =>
                if (spinnerPE.SelectedIndex >= 0 && spinner.SelectedIndex > 0)
                    var ms   = (MaterialStream)flowsheet.GetFlowsheetSimulationObject(mslist[spinner.SelectedIndex]);
                    var calc = new DWSIM.Thermodynamics.ShortcutUtilities.Calculation(ms);

                    switch (spinnerPE.SelectedIndex + 1)
                    case 1:
                        calc.CalcType = Thermodynamics.ShortcutUtilities.CalculationType.PhaseEnvelopePT;

                    case 2:
                        calc.CalcType = Thermodynamics.ShortcutUtilities.CalculationType.PhaseEnvelopePH;

                    case 3:
                        calc.CalcType = Thermodynamics.ShortcutUtilities.CalculationType.PhaseEnvelopePS;

                    case 4:
                        calc.CalcType = Thermodynamics.ShortcutUtilities.CalculationType.PhaseEnvelopeTH;

                    case 5:
                        calc.CalcType = Thermodynamics.ShortcutUtilities.CalculationType.PhaseEnvelopeTS;

                    case 6:
                        calc.CalcType = Thermodynamics.ShortcutUtilities.CalculationType.PhaseEnvelopeVP;

                    case 7:
                        calc.CalcType = Thermodynamics.ShortcutUtilities.CalculationType.PhaseEnvelopeVT;

                    calc.PhaseEnvelopeOptions = EnvelopeOptions;

                    DWSIM.Thermodynamics.ShortcutUtilities.CalculationResults results = null;

                    var token = new System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource();

                    var pg = ProgressDialog.ShowWithAbort(this, "Please Wait", "Calculating Envelope Lines...", false, "Abort/Cancel", (s, e1) => {

                    Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                        Application.Instance.Invoke(() => txtResults.Text = "Please wait...");
                        results = calc.Calculate();
                    }, token.Token).ContinueWith((t) =>
                        Application.Instance.Invoke(() =>
                            pg = null;
                            if (results.ExceptionResult == null)
                                if (results.PlotModels.Count > 0)
                                    chart.Model         = (OxyPlot.PlotModel)results.PlotModels[0];
                                    chart.Model.Padding = new OxyPlot.OxyThickness(5, 5, 20, 5);

                                    txtResults.Text = results.TextOutput;
                                    chart.Model     = null;
                                    txtResults.Text = "Invalid result";
                                txtResults.Text = results.ExceptionResult.Message;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        void Init()
            Padding = new Padding(10);

            var su = flowsheet.FlowsheetOptions.SelectedUnitSystem;
            var nf = flowsheet.FlowsheetOptions.NumberFormat;

            var complist = flowsheet.SelectedCompounds.Values.Select((x2) => x2.Name).ToList();

            complist.Insert(0, "");


            this.CreateAndAddDescriptionRow("The Binary Envelope utility calculates Temperature and Pressure VLE/VLLE envelopes for binary mixtures.");

            var spinnerComp1 = this.CreateAndAddDropDownRow("Compound 1", complist, 0, null);

            var spinnerComp2 = this.CreateAndAddDropDownRow("Compound 2", complist, 0, null);

            var spinnerPE = this.CreateAndAddDropDownRow("Envelope Type", Shared.StringArrays.binaryenvelopetype().ToList(), 0, null);

            var tval = this.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow(nf, "Temperature (" + su.temperature + ")", cv.ConvertFromSI(su.temperature, 298.15f), null);
            var pval = this.CreateAndAddTextBoxRow(nf, "Pressure (" + su.pressure + ")", cv.ConvertFromSI(su.pressure, 101325.0f), null);

            var pplist = flowsheet.PropertyPackages.Values.Select((x2) => x2.Tag).ToList();

            pplist.Insert(0, "");

            var spinnerpp = this.CreateAndAddDropDownRow("Property Package", pplist, 0, null);

            var button = this.CreateAndAddButtonRow("Build Envelope", null, null);

            var tabcontainer = new TabControl()
                Height = 400

            var chart = new Eto.OxyPlot.Plot {
                BackgroundColor = Colors.White

            var txtResults = new TextArea()
                ReadOnly = true, Font = Fonts.Monospace(GlobalSettings.Settings.ResultsReportFontSize)

            tabcontainer.Pages.Add(new TabPage(new TableRow(txtResults))
                Text = "Data"
            tabcontainer.Pages.Add(new TabPage(new TableRow(chart))
                Text = "Chart"



            button.Click += (sender, e) =>
                if (spinnerPE.SelectedIndex >= 0 && spinnerComp1.SelectedIndex > 0 && spinnerComp2.SelectedIndex > 0 && spinnerpp.SelectedIndex > 0)
                    var comp1 = flowsheet.SelectedCompounds[complist[spinnerComp1.SelectedIndex]];
                    var comp2 = flowsheet.SelectedCompounds[complist[spinnerComp2.SelectedIndex]];

                    var ms = new MaterialStream("", "");
                    ms.PropertyPackage = (PropertyPackage)flowsheet.PropertyPackages.Values.Where(x => x.Tag == spinnerpp.SelectedValue.ToString()).First();

                    foreach (var phase in ms.Phases.Values)
                        phase.Compounds.Add(comp1.Name, new DWSIM.Thermodynamics.BaseClasses.Compound(comp1.Name, ""));
                        phase.Compounds[comp1.Name].ConstantProperties = comp1;
                        phase.Compounds.Add(comp2.Name, new DWSIM.Thermodynamics.BaseClasses.Compound(comp2.Name, ""));
                        phase.Compounds[comp2.Name].ConstantProperties = comp2;
                    double val;
                    if (Double.TryParse(tval.Text, out val))
                        ms.Phases[0].Properties.temperature = cv.ConvertToSI(su.temperature, Double.Parse(tval.Text));
                    if (Double.TryParse(pval.Text, out val))
                        ms.Phases[0].Properties.pressure = cv.ConvertToSI(su.pressure, Double.Parse(pval.Text));

                    var calc = new DWSIM.Thermodynamics.ShortcutUtilities.Calculation(ms);

                    switch (spinnerPE.SelectedIndex)
                    case 0:
                        calc.CalcType = Thermodynamics.ShortcutUtilities.CalculationType.BinaryEnvelopePxy;

                    case 1:
                        calc.CalcType = Thermodynamics.ShortcutUtilities.CalculationType.BinaryEnvelopeTxy;

                    DWSIM.Thermodynamics.ShortcutUtilities.CalculationResults results = null;

                    Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                        Application.Instance.Invoke(() => txtResults.Text = "Please wait...");
                        results = calc.Calculate();
                    }).ContinueWith((t) =>
                        Application.Instance.Invoke(() =>
                            if (results.ExceptionResult == null)
                                if (results.PlotModels.Count > 0)
                                    chart.Model = (OxyPlot.PlotModel)results.PlotModels[0];

                                    txtResults.Text = results.TextOutput;
                                    chart.Model     = null;
                                    txtResults.Text = "Invalid result";
                                txtResults.Text = results.ExceptionResult.Message;