Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void HandleDeath(Mobile victim, Mobile killer)
            if (killer == null)
                killer = victim.FindMostRecentDamager(true);

            PlayerState killerState = PlayerState.Find(killer);

            Container pack = victim.Backpack;

            if (pack != null)
                Container killerPack = (killer == null ? null : killer.Backpack);
                Item[]    sigils     = pack.FindItemsByType(typeof(Sigil));

                for (int i = 0; i < sigils.Length; ++i)
                    Sigil sigil = (Sigil)sigils[i];

                    if (killerState != null && killerPack != null)
                        if (Sigil.ExistsOn(killer))
                            killer.SendLocalizedMessage(1010258);                               // The sigil has gone back to its home location because you already have a sigil.
                        else if (!killerPack.TryDropItem(killer, sigil, false))
                            killer.SendLocalizedMessage(1010259);                               // The sigil has gone home because your backpack is full.

            if (killerState == null)

            if (victim is BaseCreature)
                BaseCreature bc            = (BaseCreature)victim;
                Faction      victimFaction = bc.FactionAllegiance;

                if (bc.Map == Faction.Facet && victimFaction != null && killerState.Faction != victimFaction)
                    int silver = killerState.Faction.AwardSilver(killer, bc.FactionSilverWorth);

                    if (silver > 0)
                        killer.SendLocalizedMessage(1042748, silver.ToString("N0"));                             // Thou hast earned ~1_AMOUNT~ silver for vanquishing the vile creature.

                #region Ethics
                if (bc.Map == Faction.Facet && bc.GetEthicAllegiance(killer) == BaseCreature.Allegiance.Enemy)
                    Ethics.Player killerEPL = Ethics.Player.Find(killer);

                    if (killerEPL != null && (100 - killerEPL.Power) > Utility.Random(100))


            PlayerState victimState = PlayerState.Find(victim);

            if (victimState == null)

            if (killer == victim || killerState.Faction != victimState.Faction)

            if (killerState.Faction != victimState.Faction)
                if (victimState.KillPoints <= -6)
                    killer.SendLocalizedMessage(501693);                       // This victim is not worth enough to get kill points from.

                    #region Ethics
                    Ethics.Player killerEPL = Ethics.Player.Find(killer);
                    Ethics.Player victimEPL = Ethics.Player.Find(victim);

                    if (killerEPL != null && victimEPL != null && victimEPL.Power > 0 && victimState.CanGiveSilverTo(killer))
                        int powerTransfer = Math.Max(1, victimEPL.Power / 5);

                        if (powerTransfer > (100 - killerEPL.Power))
                            powerTransfer = 100 - killerEPL.Power;

                        if (powerTransfer > 0)
                            victimEPL.Power -= (powerTransfer + 1) / 2;
                            killerEPL.Power += powerTransfer;

                            killerEPL.History += powerTransfer;

                    int award = Math.Max(victimState.KillPoints / 10, 1);

                    if (award > 40)
                        award = 40;

                    if (victimState.CanGiveSilverTo(killer))
                        if (victimState.KillPoints > 0)
                            int silver = 0;

                            silver = killerState.Faction.AwardSilver(killer, award * 40);

                            if (silver > 0)
                                killer.SendLocalizedMessage(1042736, String.Format("{0:N0} silver\t{1}", silver, victim.Name));                                     // You have earned ~1_SILVER_AMOUNT~ pieces for vanquishing ~2_PLAYER_NAME~!

                        victimState.KillPoints -= award;
                        killerState.KillPoints += award;

                        int offset = (award != 1 ? 0 : 2);                           // for pluralization

                        string args = String.Format("{0}\t{1}\t{2}", award, victim.Name, killer.Name);

                        killer.SendLocalizedMessage(1042737 + offset, args);                           // Thou hast been honored with ~1_KILL_POINTS~ kill point(s) for vanquishing ~2_DEAD_PLAYER~!
                        victim.SendLocalizedMessage(1042738 + offset, args);                           // Thou has lost ~1_KILL_POINTS~ kill point(s) to ~3_ATTACKER_NAME~ for being vanquished!

                        #region Ethics
                        Ethics.Player killerEPL = Ethics.Player.Find(killer);
                        Ethics.Player victimEPL = Ethics.Player.Find(victim);

                        if (killerEPL != null && victimEPL != null && victimEPL.Power > 0)
                            int powerTransfer = Math.Max(1, victimEPL.Power / 5);

                            if (powerTransfer > (100 - killerEPL.Power))
                                powerTransfer = 100 - killerEPL.Power;

                            if (powerTransfer > 0)
                                victimEPL.Power -= (powerTransfer + 1) / 2;
                                killerEPL.Power += powerTransfer;

                                killerEPL.History += powerTransfer;

                        killer.SendLocalizedMessage(1042231);                           // You have recently defeated this enemy and thus their death brings you no honor.
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static void HandleDeath(Mobile victim, Mobile killer)
            if (killer == null)
                killer = victim.FindMostRecentDamager(true);

            if (killer == null)
                return;                                         // happens if GM [kill'ed
            // creature points

            if (victim is BaseCreature)
                BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)victim;

                if (bc.Map == Factions.Faction.Facet && bc.GetEthicAllegiance(killer) == BaseCreature.Allegiance.Enemy)
                    Ethics.Player killerEPL = Server.Ethics.Player.Find(killer);

                    if (killerEPL != null && (100 - killerEPL.Power) > Utility.Random(100))
                    {                           // killer belongs to an ethic
                        if (killer is PlayerMobile)
                        {                       // sanity
                            if ((killerEPL.Ethic == Ethic.Evil && killer.ShortTermMurders == 0) || (killerEPL.Ethic == Ethic.Hero && killer.ShortTermMurders == 0 && !killer.Murderer))
                            {                   // no murder counts if Hero. Evil ok to have longs (this is how I read the docs)
                                if (killerEPL.Ethic == Ethic.Evil || ((killer as PlayerMobile).NpcGuild != NpcGuild.ThievesGuild))
                                {               // Heros can't belong to the Thieves guild and gain life force. Evil ok
                                                // from the evil/hero system doc
                                                // Note that in everything below, "kills" is defined by "the person who did the most damage when the
                                                //	person was killed." (I assum this applied to creatures as well.)
                                    if (Mobile.MostDamage(victim, killer))
                                        if (killerEPL.Power < 100)
                                            killer.SendLocalizedMessage(1045100);                                             // You have gained LifeForce
                                            killer.SendLocalizedMessage(1045101);                                             // Your LifeForce is at the maximum

                // player points

                Ethics.Player killerEPL = Server.Ethics.Player.Find(killer, true);
                Ethics.Player victimEPL = Server.Ethics.Player.Find(victim);

                // evil kill an innocent

                // When evils kill innocents that they attacked, all the evil's stats and skills fall by 50% for five minutes .
                //	They also lose lifeforce. If the evil has 0 lifeforce, then the evil can also be reported for murder.
                //	Lastly, they cannot hide, recall, or gate away for those five minutes.
                if (killer.Evil && !victim.Hero && !victim.Evil)
                    if (ComputeMurder(victim, killer))
                    {                           // stats and skills

                        // loss of life force (no idea how much)
                        killerEPL.Power -= Math.Min(killerEPL.Power, Utility.Random(10, 50));

                        // loss of sphere
                        killerEPL.History -= Math.Min(killerEPL.History, Utility.Random(10, 50));

                        // set the EvilCrim state which will prevent gate and hide for 5 minutes
                        killer.ExpirationFlags.Add(new Mobile.ExpirationFlag(killer, Mobile.ExpirationFlagID.EvilCrim, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5)));

                        killer.SendLocalizedMessage(1045108);                                           // You have lost lifeforce
                        killer.LocalOverheadMessage(Server.Network.MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 500913); // The life force of this victim was not pure.  You stumble back in pain.

                // good kill an innocent

                // Innocents who die to heroes are covered under the standard reputation system. In addition, the heroes are stripped of their status.
                // If you lose too much sphere or lifeforce, you become a "fallen hero." You are still gray to evils for an additional five minutes.
                // If a hero is reported for murder, all lifeforce and sphere immediately vanishes, and you become a fallen hero
                if (killer.Hero && !victim.Hero && !victim.Evil)
                    if (ComputeMurder(victim, killer))
                    {                           // the killer murdered the victim
                                                // loss of life force (no idea how much)
                        killerEPL.Power -= Math.Min(killerEPL.Power, Utility.Random(10, 50));

                        // loss of sphere
                        killerEPL.History -= Math.Min(killerEPL.History, Utility.Random(10, 50));

                        if (killerEPL.Power == 0 || killerEPL.History == 0)
                            // set the FallenHero state which make you gray to evil for 5 minutes (what does it mean for a hero to be gray to an evil?)
                            killer.ExpirationFlags.Add(new Mobile.ExpirationFlag(killer, Mobile.ExpirationFlagID.FallenHero, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5)));

                        killer.SendLocalizedMessage(1045108);                         // You have lost lifeforce

                // transfer lifeforce

                if (Mobile.MostDamage(victim, killer))
                {                         // we did the most damage
                    if (killerEPL != null && victimEPL != null && victimEPL.Power > 0)
                    {                     // two participants in the ethics system
                        if (killer is PlayerMobile)
                        {                 // sanity
                            if ((killerEPL.Ethic == Ethic.Evil && killer.ShortTermMurders == 0) || (killerEPL.Ethic == Ethic.Hero && killer.ShortTermMurders == 0 && !killer.Murderer))
                            {             // no murder counts if Hero. Evil ok to have longs (this is how I read the docs)
                                if (killerEPL.Ethic == Ethic.Evil || ((killer as PlayerMobile).NpcGuild != NpcGuild.ThievesGuild))
                                {         // Heros can't belong to the Thieves guild and gain life force. Evil ok
                                    if (victim.CheckState(Mobile.ExpirationFlagID.NoPoints) == false)
                                    {     //  [un]holy word - No sphere nor lifeforce is granted for the kill.
                                        if (killerEPL.Ethic != victimEPL.Ethic)
                                        { // heros can't gain life force by killing other heros (we'll apply this to evils as well)
                                          // 20% of victim's power
                                            int powerTransfer = victimEPL.Power / 5;

                                            if (powerTransfer > (100 - killerEPL.Power))
                                                powerTransfer = 100 - killerEPL.Power;

                                            if (powerTransfer > 0)
                                                victimEPL.Power -= powerTransfer;
                                                killerEPL.Power += powerTransfer;

                                                killerEPL.History += powerTransfer;

                                                killer.SendLocalizedMessage(1045100);                                                 // You have gained LifeForce
                                                victim.SendLocalizedMessage(1045108);                                                 // You have lost lifeforce
                                                killer.SendLocalizedMessage(1045101);                                                 // Your LifeForce is at the maximum

                // award special kill points to pre ethic enrollment participants that kill evil
                // to qualify we will use the rules for gaining life force for Hero i.e.,
                // You cannot gain points life force while you are red, not while you have any short murder counts,
                //	nor if you are a member of the Thieves' Guild.
                if (killerEPL == null && victimEPL != null && victimEPL.Ethic == Ethic.Evil)
                {                       // killer not in ethics && victim is Evil
                    if (killer.ShortTermMurders == 0 && !killer.Murderer)
                    {                   // no murder counts
                        if (killer is PlayerMobile && (killer as PlayerMobile).NpcGuild != NpcGuild.ThievesGuild)
                        {               // not in the Thieves' Guild
                            PlayerMobile pm = (killer as PlayerMobile);
                            // check to make sure we have not killed thie evil before
                            bool goodKill = true;
                            foreach (PlayerMobile.EthicKillsLog ekl in pm.EthicKillsLogList)
                                if (ekl.Serial == victim.Serial && !ekl.Expired)
                                {                                       // we've killed this guy within the last 5 days
                                    goodKill = false;
                            if (goodKill)
                                pm.EthicKillsLogList.Add(new PlayerMobile.EthicKillsLog(victim.Serial, DateTime.Now));
                                if (pm.EthicPoints >= 5)
                                {                                       // Add to Good alignment (EthicPoints log will be wipped on next serialization)
                                    if (Ethic.Hero.IsEligible(killer))  // make sure they are old enough
                                        Player pl = new Player(Ethic.Hero, killer);


                                        killer.FixedEffect(0x373A, 10, 30);

                                        killer.SendLocalizedMessage(501994);                                         // For your heroic deeds you are granted the title of hero.
                                {                                        // tell them they are on the path to hero!
                                    killer.SendLocalizedMessage(502598); // Strive to continue on the path of benevolence.
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public override void OnResponse(NetState state, RelayInfo info)
            Mobile from = state.Mobile;

            switch (info.ButtonID)
            case 1:
                Mobile killer = m_Killers[m_Idx];
                if (killer != null && !killer.Deleted)

                    //if ( Core.SE )
                    Timer.DelayCall <Mobile[]>(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10), new TimerStateCallback <Mobile[]>(ReportedListExpiry_Callback), new Mobile[] { from, killer });

                    if (killer is PlayerMobile)

                    killer.SendLocalizedMessage(1049067);                              //You have been reported for murder!

                    Ethics.Player killerEPL = Ethics.Player.Find(killer);

                    if (killer.Kills == Mobile.MurderCount)
                        killer.SendLocalizedMessage(502134);                                  //You are now known as a murderer!
                        if (killerEPL != null)
                            killer.SendMessage("You have been stripped of your status due to your dastardly actions.");
                            killer.SendMessage("You must absolve yourself of sin before your abilities will return.");
                            killerEPL.Power        = 0;
                            killerEPL.FallenExpire = DateTime.Now + Ethic.FallenPeriod;
                            if (killer is PlayerMobile)
                                ((PlayerMobile)killer).ValidateEquipment();                                         //strip them of their ethics items.
                    else if (SkillHandlers.Stealing.SuspendOnMurder && killer.Kills == 1 && killer is PlayerMobile && ((PlayerMobile)killer).NpcGuild == NpcGuild.ThievesGuild)
                        killer.SendLocalizedMessage(501562);                                   // You have been suspended by the Thieves Guild.

            case 2:

            if (m_Idx < m_Killers.Count)
                from.SendGump(new ReportMurdererGump(from, m_Killers, m_Location, m_Map, m_Idx));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static void HandleDeath(Mobile victim, Mobile killer)
            if (killer != null && victim != null && killer != victim && !(killer is BaseCreature))
                if (victim is BaseCreature)
                    BaseCreature bc         = (BaseCreature)victim;
                    Region       homeregion = Region.Find(bc.Home, victim.Map);

                    if ((homeregion == null || !homeregion.IsPartOf(typeof(ChampionSpawnRegion))) && (killer.Region == null || !killer.Region.IsPartOf(typeof(ChampionSpawnRegion))))
                        if (!(victim is BaseVendor) && bc.GetEthicAllegiance(killer) == BaseCreature.Allegiance.Enemy)
                            Player killerEPL = Player.Find(killer);

                            if (killerEPL != null && killerEPL.Power < Player.MaxPower)

                                killer.SendMessage("You gain a little life force for slaying a minion of {0}.", killerEPL.Ethic == Ethic.Evil ? "justice" : "evil");
                else if (victim.Guild == null || killer.Guild == null || killer.Guild != victim.Guild)                   //not guild mates
                    Ethics.Player killerEPL = Player.Find(killer);
                    Ethics.Player victimEPL = Player.Find(victim);

                    PlayerState killerState = PlayerState.Find(killer);
                    PlayerState victimState = PlayerState.Find(victim);

                    bool applyskillloss = false;

                    if (killerState != null && victimState != null && killerState.Faction == victimState.Faction)
                        applyskillloss = true;                          //Faction mate penalty, we assume they are of the same ethic, or one is not in ethics.
                    else if (killerEPL != null && !killerEPL.HasFallen) //Killer is in ethics
                        if (victimEPL != null && !victimEPL.HasFallen)  //Victim is in ethics
                            if (killerEPL.Ethic != victimEPL.Ethic)
                                if ((killerEPL.Ethic == Ethic.Evil || (!killer.Criminal && killer.Kills < 5)) && victimEPL.Power > 0)
                                    int powerTransfer = Math.Max(1, victimEPL.Power / 5);

                                    if (powerTransfer > (Player.MaxPower - killerEPL.Power))
                                        powerTransfer = Player.MaxPower - killerEPL.Power;

                                    if (powerTransfer > 0)
                                        victimEPL.Power -= powerTransfer;
                                        killerEPL.Power += powerTransfer;

                                        killer.FixedEffect(0x373A, 10, 30);

                                        string message = "a little";

                                        if (powerTransfer > 20)
                                            message = "a lot";
                                        else if (powerTransfer > 10)
                                            message = "a good amount";
                                        else if (powerTransfer > 5)
                                            message = "some";

                                        killer.SendMessage("You have gained {0} life force for killing {1}.", powerTransfer, victim.Name);
                                        victim.SendMessage("You have lost {1} life force for falling victim to {1}.", powerTransfer, killer.Name);

                                    if (victimEPL.Sphere > 0 && (victimEPL.Rank > 3 || (killerEPL.Rank - victimEPL.Rank < 3)))
                                        int sphereTransfer = Math.Max(1, 1 + (victimEPL.Rank - killerEPL.Rank));
                                        //Always at least 1pt
                                        victimEPL.Sphere -= sphereTransfer;
                                        killerEPL.Sphere += sphereTransfer;
                            else                             //Both are of the same ethic - PENALTY!
                                applyskillloss = true;
                        else if (killerEPL.Ethic.IsAggressed(victim))                             //Were they grey to this Ethic?
                        else if (victimState == null || killerState == null)                           //Not in ethics - PENALTY!
                            killerEPL.Power -= Math.Min(killerEPL.Power, 20);
                            killer.FixedParticles(0x377A, 244, 25, 9950, 31, 0, EffectLayer.Waist);
                    else if (victimEPL != null && !(killer is BaseCreature))                       //Killer is NOT in ethics, but victim is.
                        if (victimEPL.Ethic == Ethic.Evil)
                            if (killer.Kills < 5 && !killer.Criminal)
                                killer.FixedEffect(0x373A, 10, 30);

                                killer.SendMessage("You have slayed an evil soul, embracing the path of heros.");
                        else if (victimEPL.Ethic == Ethic.Hero)
                            killer.FixedEffect(0x373A, 10, 30);

                            killer.SendMessage("You have slayed a heroic soul, embracing the path of the evil.");

                    if (applyskillloss)
                        killerEPL.Power /= 3;
                        killer.FixedParticles(0x377A, 244, 25, 9950, 31, 0, EffectLayer.Waist);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static void HandleDeath(Mobile victim, Mobile killer)
            if (killer != null && victim != null && killer != victim && !(killer is BaseCreature))
                if (victim is BaseCreature)
                    BaseCreature bc         = (BaseCreature)victim;
                    Region       homeregion = Region.Find(bc.Home, victim.Map);

                    if ((homeregion == null || !homeregion.IsPartOf(typeof(ChampionSpawnRegion))) && (killer.Region == null || !killer.Region.IsPartOf(typeof(ChampionSpawnRegion))))
                        if (!(victim is BaseVendor) && bc.GetEthicAllegiance(killer) == BaseCreature.Allegiance.Enemy)
                            Player killerEPL = Player.Find(killer);

                            if (killerEPL != null && killerEPL.Power < Player.MaxPower)

                                killer.SendMessage("You gain a little life force for slaying a minion of {0}.", killerEPL.Ethic == Ethic.Evil ? "good" : "evil");
                else if (victim.Guild == null || killer.Guild == null || killer.Guild != victim.Guild)                   //not guild mates
                    Ethics.Player killerEPL = Player.Find(killer);
                    Ethics.Player victimEPL = Player.Find(victim);

                    PlayerState killerState = PlayerState.Find(killer);
                    PlayerState victimState = PlayerState.Find(victim);

                    bool applyskillloss = false;

                    if (killerState != null && victimState != null && killerState.Faction == victimState.Faction)                       //Faction mate penalty
                        applyskillloss = true;
                    else if (killerEPL != null)                       //Killer is in ethics
                        if (victimEPL != null)                        //Victim is in ethics
                            if (killerEPL.Ethic != victimEPL.Ethic)
                                if ((killerEPL.Ethic == Ethic.Evil || (!killer.Criminal && killer.Kills < 5)) && victimEPL.Power > 0)
                                    int powerTransfer = Math.Max(1, victimEPL.Power / 5);

                                    if (powerTransfer > (Player.MaxPower - killerEPL.Power))
                                        powerTransfer = Player.MaxPower - killerEPL.Power;

                                    if (powerTransfer > 0)
                                        victimEPL.Power -= powerTransfer;
                                        killerEPL.Power += powerTransfer;

                                        killerEPL.History += powerTransfer;

                                        killer.FixedEffect(0x373A, 10, 30);

                                        string message = "a little";

                                        if (powerTransfer > 20)
                                            message = "a lot";
                                        else if (powerTransfer > 10)
                                            message = "a good amount";
                                        else if (powerTransfer > 5)
                                            message = "some";

                                        killer.SendMessage("You have gained {0} life force for killing {1}.", powerTransfer, victim.Name);
                                        victim.SendMessage("You have lost {1} life force for falling victim to {1}.", powerTransfer, killer.Name);
                            else if (victimEPL.Ethic == Ethic.Hero)                               //Both are Heros - PENALTY!
                                applyskillloss = true;
                        else if (killerEPL.Ethic.IsAggressed(victim))
                        else if ((victimState == null || killerState == null) && victim.Kills < 5)                             //Innocent - PENALTY!
                            killerEPL.Power -= Math.Min(killerEPL.Power, 20);
                            killer.FixedParticles(0x377A, 244, 25, 9950, 31, 0, EffectLayer.Waist);
                    else if (victimEPL != null && !(killer is BaseCreature))                       //Killer is NOT in ethics, but victim is.
                        if (victimEPL.Ethic == Ethic.Evil)
                            if (killer.Kills < 5 && !killer.Criminal)
                                killer.FixedEffect(0x373A, 10, 30);

                                killer.SendMessage("You have slayed an evil soul and embraced the path of heros.");
                        else if (victimEPL.Ethic == Ethic.Hero)
                            killer.FixedEffect(0x373A, 10, 30);

                            killer.SendMessage("You have slayed a heroic soul and embraced the path of the evil.");

                    if (applyskillloss)
                        killerEPL.Power /= 3;
                        killer.FixedParticles(0x377A, 244, 25, 9950, 31, 0, EffectLayer.Waist);

                    if (killer.Kills >= Mobile.MurderCount && killerEPL != null && killerEPL.Ethic == Ethic.Hero)
                        killer.SendMessage("You have been stripped of your hero status due to your dastardly actions.");
                        Ethics.Player killerPLYR = Player.Find(killer, false);
                        if (killerPLYR != null)