Ejemplo n.º 1
 public DE_EquipmentData(DO_Equipment equipDo)
     m_validOccupation  = equipDo.m_validOccupation;
     m_equipLevelInNeed = equipDo.m_equipLevelInNeed;
     m_equipPosition    = equipDo.m_equipPosition;
     m_attrList         = new List <ValueTuple <ActorUnitConcreteAttributeType, int> > (equipDo.m_equipmentAttributeArr);
     m_attrWave         = equipDo.m_attrWave;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public Equipment(int id, string name, RarityTier rarity, string description, EquipmentPosition position, string spritePath, Character.AllStats stats)
     this.id          = id;
     this.name        = name;
     this.rarity      = rarity;
     this.description = description;
     this.position    = position;
     this.spritePath  = spritePath;
     this.stats       = stats;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 //Drops item being held in the specific item type slot
 public Item DropItem(EquipmentPosition itemType)
     if (inventory.ContainsKey(itemType))
         Item toDrop = inventory[itemType];
Ejemplo n.º 4
 // Constructor for Item called if needed to create a new item with set values.
 public Item(string text, string description, string guid, string imageuri, int _speed, int _attack, int _range, int _defense, EquipmentPosition _position)
     Text        = text;
     Guid        = guid;
     ImageURI    = imageuri;
     Description = description;
     defense     = _defense;
     speed       = _speed;
     attack      = _attack;
     range       = _range;
     position    = _position;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        // To determine where the item goes, just an example of a equip on the body
        public EquipmentPosition ItemLocation(Item item)
            EquipmentPosition equipPos = EquipmentPosition.body;

Ejemplo n.º 6
        //// To determine what the item modifies on the character.
        //// This function calls the updateAttr function in character to update character attributes
        //// Takes in the item and current character object
        //public ItemEquipped(Item someItem, Character currentChar)
        //    bool flag = true;
        //    currentChar.updateAttributes(someItem, flag);

        ////If flag is false, then we remove the item from the character and update attributes
        //public void ItemRemoved(Item someItem, Character currentChar)
        //    bool flag = false;
        //    currentChar.updateAttributes(someItem, flag);

        //Get attributes of current item in certain position
        public void GetCurrentItem(EquipmentPosition location)