Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void ShowEquipments()
            var totalRecords = 0;
            var pageIndex    = "" == hidPageIndex.Value ? 1 : int.Parse(hidPageIndex.Value);

            pageIndex = (0 >= pageIndex ? 1 : pageIndex);
            var model = ParseInt(selectedModels.Value);
            var house = ParseInt(hidQueryWarehouse.Value);
            var list  = EquipmentInstance.FindPageList <TB_Equipment>(pageIndex, PageSize, out totalRecords,
                                                                      f => f.Terminal == (int?)null && f.Deleted == false && (model <= 0 ? f.Model >= 0 : f.Model == model) &&
                                                                      (house <= 0 ? (f.Warehouse >= 0 || f.Warehouse == (int?)null) : f.Warehouse == house) &&
                                                                      (f.Number.IndexOf(txtQueryNumber.Value.Trim()) >= 0), null);
            var totalPages = totalRecords / PageSize + (totalRecords % PageSize > 0 ? 1 : 0);

            string html = "";

            if (totalRecords < 1)
                html = "<tr><td colspan=\"11\">No records, You can change the condition and try again.</td></tr>";
                var cnt = (pageIndex - 1) * PageSize;
                var n   = (int?)null;
                foreach (var obj in list)
                    // 入库记录
                    var _in = StoreInstance.GetStoreInfo(obj.id, obj.StoreTimes.Value, true);
                    // 出库记录
                    var _out = StoreInstance.GetStoreInfo(obj.id, obj.StoreTimes.Value, false);

                    var id = Utility.UrlEncode(Utility.Encrypt(obj.id.ToString()));

                    html += "<tr title=\"click to dispatch work\">" +
                            "<td class=\"in-tab-txt-b\">" + cnt + "</td>" +
                            "<td class=\"in-tab-txt-b\">" + (n == obj.Model ? "-" : obj.TB_EquipmentModel.TB_EquipmentType.Code) + "</td>" +
                            "<td class=\"in-tab-txt-b textoverflow\" style=\"text-align: left !important;\">" + (n == obj.Model ? "-" : ("<a>" + EquipmentInstance.GetFullNumber(obj) + "</a>")) + "</td>" +
                            "<td class=\"in-tab-txt-b\" style=\"text-align: left !important;\">" + Utility.GetEquipmentFunctional(obj.Functional.Value) + "</td>" +
                            "<td class=\"in-tab-txt-rb\" title=\"" + EquipmentInstance.GetStatusTitle(obj) + "\">" + EquipmentInstance.GetStatus(obj) + "</td>" +
                            "<td class=\"in-tab-txt-b textoverflow\">" + (null == _in ? "-" : _in.Stocktime.Value.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")) + "</td>" +
                            "<td class=\"in-tab-txt-b\" title=\"" + StoreInstance.GetStatusTitle(_in) + "\">" + StoreInstance.GetStatus(_in) + "</td>" +
                            "<td class=\"in-tab-txt-b textoverflow\">" + (null == _out ? "-" : _out.Stocktime.Value.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")) + "</td>" +
                            "<td class=\"in-tab-txt-b\" title=\"" + StoreInstance.GetStatusTitle(_out) + "\">" + StoreInstance.GetStatus(_out) + "</td>" +
                            "<td class=\"in-tab-txt-b textoverflow\">" + (n == obj.Warehouse ? "-" : obj.TB_Warehouse.Name) + "</td>" +
                            "<td class=\"in-tab-txt-b\"></td>" +
            tbodyBody.InnerHtml  = html;
            divPagging.InnerHtml = "";
            if (totalRecords > 0)
                ShowPaggings(pageIndex, totalPages, totalRecords, "./equipment_inquiry.aspx", divPagging);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void ShowNotbindEquipments()
            var totalRecords = 0;
            var pageIndex    = "" == hidPageIndex.Value ? 1 : int.Parse(hidPageIndex.Value);
            var list         = EquipmentInstance.FindPageList <TB_Equipment>(pageIndex, PageSize, out totalRecords,
                                                                             f => f.Terminal == (int?)null && f.Number.IndexOf(txtEquipment.Value.Trim()) >= 0 &&
                                                                             f.Functional == GetEquipmentTypeByTerminalType() && f.Deleted == false, null);
            var totalPages = totalRecords / PageSize + (totalRecords % PageSize > 0 ? 1 : 0);

            string html = "";

            if (totalRecords < 1)
                html = "<tr><td colspan=\"9\">No equipment has unbind terminal.</td></tr>";
                var cnt = (pageIndex - 1) * PageSize;
                var n   = (int?)null;
                foreach (var obj in list)
                    html += "<tr style=\"cursor: pointer;\">" +
                            "<td style=\"text-align: center;\">" +
                            "    <input type=\"radio\" name=\"bind\" id=\"radio_" + obj.id + "\" />" +
                            "</td>" +
                            "<td style=\"text-align: center;\">" + cnt + "</td>" +
                            "<td>" + (n == obj.Model ? "-" : obj.TB_EquipmentModel.TB_EquipmentType.Code) + "</td>" +
                            "<td>" + EquipmentInstance.GetFullNumber(obj) + "</td>" +
                            "<td style=\"text-align: right;\">" + EquipmentBLL.GetRuntime(obj.Runtime + obj.InitializedRuntime, obj.CompensatedHours.Value) + "</td>" +
                            "<td style=\"text-align: center;\" title=\"" + EquipmentInstance.GetStatusTitle(obj) + "\">" + EquipmentInstance.GetStatus(obj) + "</td>" +
                            "<td>" + (n == obj.Terminal ? "not bind" : obj.TB_Terminal.Number) + "</td>" +
                            "<td>" + (n == obj.Warehouse ? "-" : obj.TB_Warehouse.Name) + "</td>" +
                            "<td>" + obj.GpsAddress + "</td>" +
                            "<td></td>" +
            tbodyBody.InnerHtml  = html;
            divPagging.InnerHtml = "";
            if (totalRecords > 0)
                ShowPaggings(pageIndex, totalPages, totalRecords, "./equipment_terminal.aspx", divPagging);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void ShowEquipments()
            var query = txtQueryNumber.Value.Trim();

            // 模糊查询时页码置为空
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query))
                hidPageIndex.Value = "";

            var totalRecords = 0;
            var pageIndex    = "" == hidPageIndex.Value ? 1 : int.Parse(hidPageIndex.Value);

            pageIndex = (0 >= pageIndex ? 1 : pageIndex);
            var type     = ParseInt(selectedTypes.Value);
            var model    = ParseInt(selectedModels.Value);
            var house    = 0;//ParseInt(hidQueryWarehouse.Value);
            var customer = ParseInt(hiddenCustomer.Value);

            // 表达式
            Expression <Func <TB_Equipment, bool> > expression = PredicateExtensions.True <TB_Equipment>();

            // 设备类型
            if (type > 0)
                expression = expression.And(a => a.TB_EquipmentModel.Type == type);
            // 设备型号
            if (model > 0)
                expression = expression.And(a => a.Model == model);
            // 仓库
            if (house > 0)
                expression = expression.And(a => a.Warehouse == house);
            // 查询号码
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query))
                expression = expression.And(a => a.Number.Contains(query) || a.TB_Customer.Code.Contains(query));
            // 客户号码
            switch (customer)
            case 3:
                // None
                expression = expression.And(a => a.Customer == (int?)null);

            case 2:
                // Bound
                expression = expression.And(a => a.Customer != (int?)null);
                //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query))
                //    expression = expression.And(a => a.TB_Customer.Code.Contains(query));

                // Default
            // 终端绑定状态
            var terminal = ParseInt(hiddenTerminal.Value.Trim());

            switch (terminal)
            case 2:
                // 绑定终端了
                expression = expression.And(a => a.Terminal != (int?)null);

            case 3:
                // 未绑定终端
                expression = expression.And(a => a.Terminal == (int?)null);

                // 忽略的话就是不查询终端的绑定状态
            expression = expression.And(a => a.Deleted == false);

            var list       = EquipmentInstance.FindPageList <TB_Equipment>(pageIndex, PageSize, out totalRecords, expression, null);
            var totalPages = totalRecords / PageSize + (totalRecords % PageSize > 0 ? 1 : 0);

            hidTotalPages.Value = totalPages.ToString();

            string html = "";

            if (totalRecords < 1)
                html = "<tr><td colspan=\"16\">No records, You can change the condition and try again.</td></tr>";
                var cnt = (pageIndex - 1) * PageSize;
                var n   = (int?)null;
                foreach (var obj in list)
                    // 入库记录
                    //var _in = StoreInstance.GetStoreInfo(obj.id, obj.StoreTimes.Value, true);
                    // 出库记录
                    //var _out = StoreInstance.GetStoreInfo(obj.id, obj.StoreTimes.Value, false);

                    var  id  = Utility.UrlEncode(Utility.Encrypt(obj.id.ToString()));
                    bool sat = n != obj.Terminal && n != obj.TB_Terminal.Satellite;

                    // 锁车状态和报警信息
                    string arms = EquipmentInstance.GetLockEffectedStatus(obj);
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(arms))
                        arms = EquipmentInstance.GetAlarmStatus(obj.Alarm);

                    html += "<tr>" +
                            "<td class=\"in-tab-txt-b\">" + cnt + "</td>" +
                            "<td class=\"in-tab-txt-b\">" + (n == obj.Model ? "-" : obj.TB_EquipmentModel.TB_EquipmentType.Code) + "</td>" +
                            "<td class=\"in-tab-txt-b textoverflow\" style=\"text-align: left !important;\">" + (n == obj.Model ? "-" : ("<a href=\"./equipment_position.aspx?key=" + id + "\">" + EquipmentInstance.GetFullNumber(obj) + "</a>")) + "</td>" +
                            "<td class=\"in-tab-txt-b\" style=\"text-align: left !important;\">" + Utility.GetEquipmentFunctional(obj.Functional.Value) + "</td>" +
                            "<td class=\"in-tab-txt-b\" style=\"text-align: right !important;\">" + EquipmentBLL.GetRuntime(obj.Runtime + obj.InitializedRuntime, obj.CompensatedHours.Value) + "</td>" +
                            "<td class=\"in-tab-txt-b\" style=\"padding: 2px !important; vertical-align: middle !important;\">" + EquipmentInstance.GetEngStatus(obj) + "</td>" +
                            "<td class=\"in-tab-txt-b textoverflow\" title=\"" + obj.GpsAddress + "\" style=\"text-align: left !important;\">" + obj.GpsAddress + "</td>" +
                            "<td class=\"in-tab-txt-rb\" title=\"" + EquipmentInstance.GetStatusTitle(obj) + "\">" + EquipmentInstance.GetStatus(obj) + "</td>" +
                            //"<td class=\"in-tab-txt-b\">" + EquipmentInstance.GetOutdoorDays(obj) + "</td>" +
                            //"<td class=\"in-tab-txt-rb textoverflow\">" + EquipmentInstance.GetAverageWorktime(obj) + "</td>" +
                            "<td class=\"in-tab-txt-b\">" + (n == obj.Customer ? "-" : obj.TB_Customer.Code) + "</td>" +
                            "<td class=\"in-tab-txt-rb textoverflow\" style=\"text-align: left !important;\" title=\"" + (n == obj.Customer ? "-" : obj.TB_Customer.Name) + "\">" + (n == obj.Customer ? "-" : obj.TB_Customer.Name) + "</td>" +
                            //"<td class=\"in-tab-txt-b\">" + ((byte?)null == obj.Signal ? "-" : obj.Signal.ToString()) + "</td>" +
                            "<td class=\"in-tab-txt-b\">" + Utility.GetOnlineStyle(obj.OnlineStyle, obj.OnlineTime) + "</td>" +
                            "<td class=\"in-tab-txt-b\">" + arms + "</td>" +
                            "<td class=\"in-tab-txt-b textoverflow\">" + ((DateTime?)null == obj.LastActionTime ? "" : obj.LastActionTime.Value.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm")) + "</td>" +
                            "<td class=\"in-tab-txt-b textoverflow\" title=\"" + EquipmentInstance.GetTerinalTitleInfo(obj) + "\">" + (n == obj.Terminal ? "-" : obj.TB_Terminal.Number) + "</td>" +
                            "<td class=\"in-tab-txt-rb\" title=\"" + EquipmentInstance.GetSatelliteTitleInfo(obj) + "\"><span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-" + (sat ? "ok" : "remove") + " text-" + (sat ? "success" : "danger") + "\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></span></td>" +
                            //"<td class=\"in-tab-txt-b textoverflow\">" + (null == _in ? "-" : _in.Stocktime.Value.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")) + "</td>" +
                            //"<td class=\"in-tab-txt-b\" title=\"" + StoreInstance.GetStatusTitle(_in) + "\">" + StoreInstance.GetStatus(_in) + "</td>" +
                            //"<td class=\"in-tab-txt-b textoverflow\">" + (null == _out ? "-" : _out.Stocktime.Value.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")) + "</td>" +
                            //"<td class=\"in-tab-txt-b\" title=\"" + StoreInstance.GetStatusTitle(_out) + "\">" + StoreInstance.GetStatus(_out) + "</td>" +
                            "<td class=\"in-tab-txt-b textoverflow\">" + (n == obj.Warehouse ? "-" : obj.TB_Warehouse.Name) + "</td>" +
                            //"<td class=\"in-tab-txt-b\">" + (n == obj.Terminal ? "-" : (n == obj.TB_Terminal.Satellite ? "-" : obj.TB_Terminal.TB_Satellite.CardNo)) + "</td>" +
                            //"<td class=\"in-tab-txt-rb\">" + (n == obj.Terminal ? "-" : obj.TB_Terminal.Sim) + "</td>" +
            tbodyBody.InnerHtml  = html;
            divPagging.InnerHtml = "";
            if (totalRecords > 0)
                ShowPaggings(pageIndex, totalPages, totalRecords, "./equipment_inquiry.aspx", divPagging);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// 按照查询条件显示设备列表
        /// </summary>
        private void ShowEquipments()
            var query = txtQueryNumber.Value.Trim();

            // 模糊查询时页码置为空
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query))
                hidPageIndex.Value = "";

            var totalRecords = 0;
            var pageIndex    = "" == hidPageIndex.Value ? 1 : int.Parse(hidPageIndex.Value);

            pageIndex = (0 >= pageIndex ? 1 : pageIndex);
            var type  = ParseInt(selectedTypes.Value);
            var model = ParseInt(selectedModels.Value);
            var house = ParseInt(hidQueryWarehouse.Value);
            // 表达式
            Expression <Func <TB_Equipment, bool> > expression = PredicateExtensions.True <TB_Equipment>();

            expression = expression.And(a => a.TB_EquipmentStatusName.IsItInventory == true && a.Deleted == false && a.StoreTimes == 1 && a.Terminal != (int?)null);
            if (type > 0)
                expression = expression.And(a => a.TB_EquipmentModel.Type == type);
            if (model > 0)
                expression = expression.And(a => a.Model == model);
            if (house > 0)
                expression = expression.And(a => a.Warehouse == house);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query))
                pageIndex  = 1;
                expression = expression.And(a => a.Number.Contains(query));
            var list       = EquipmentInstance.FindPageList <TB_Equipment>(pageIndex, PageSize, out totalRecords, expression, null);
            var totalPages = totalRecords / PageSize + (totalRecords % PageSize > 0 ? 1 : 0);

            hidTotalPages.Value = totalPages.ToString();

            string html = "";

            if (totalRecords < 1)
                html = "<tr><td colspan=\"18\">No records, You can change the condition and try again.</td></tr>";
                var cnt = (pageIndex - 1) * PageSize;
                var n   = (int?)null;
                foreach (var obj in list)
                    // 入库记录
                    //var _in = StoreInstance.GetStoreInfo(obj.id, obj.StoreTimes.Value, true);
                    // 出库记录
                    //var _out = StoreInstance.GetStoreInfo(obj.id, obj.StoreTimes.Value, false);
                    var id = Utility.UrlEncode(Utility.Encrypt(obj.id.ToString()));
                    html += "<tr>" +
                            "<td class=\"in-tab-txt-b\">" + cnt + "</td>" +
                            "<td class=\"in-tab-txt-b\">" + (n == obj.Model ? "-" : obj.TB_EquipmentModel.TB_EquipmentType.Code) + "</td>" +
                            "<td class=\"in-tab-txt-b textoverflow\" style=\"text-align: left !important;\">" + (n == obj.Model ? "-" : ("<a href=\"./equipment_position.aspx?key=" + id + "\">" + EquipmentInstance.GetFullNumber(obj) + "</a>")) + "</td>" +
                            "<td class=\"in-tab-txt-b\" style=\"text-align: left !important;\">" + Utility.GetEquipmentFunctional(obj.Functional.Value) + "</td>" +
                            "<td class=\"in-tab-txt-b\" style=\"text-align: right !important;\">" + EquipmentBLL.GetRuntime(obj.Runtime + obj.InitializedRuntime, obj.CompensatedHours.Value) + "</td>" +
                            "<td class=\"in-tab-txt-b\">" + EquipmentInstance.GetEngStatus(obj) + "</td>" +
                            "<td class=\"in-tab-txt-b textoverflow\" title=\"" + obj.GpsAddress + "\">" + obj.GpsAddress + "</td>" +
                            "<td class=\"in-tab-txt-rb\" title=\"" + EquipmentInstance.GetStatusTitle(obj) + "\">" + EquipmentInstance.GetStatus(obj) + "</td>" +
                            "<td class=\"in-tab-txt-b\">" + EquipmentInstance.GetOutdoorDays(obj) + "</td>" +
                            "<td class=\"in-tab-txt-rb textoverflow\">" + EquipmentInstance.GetAverageWorktime(obj) + "</td>" +
                            //"<td class=\"in-tab-txt-b textoverflow\">" + (null == _in ? "-" : _in.Stocktime.Value.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")) + "</td>" +
                            //"<td class=\"in-tab-txt-b\" title=\"" + StoreInstance.GetStatusTitle(_in) + "\">" + StoreInstance.GetStatus(_in) + "</td>" +
                            //"<td class=\"in-tab-txt-b textoverflow\">" + (null == _out ? "-" : _out.Stocktime.Value.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")) + "</td>" +
                            //"<td class=\"in-tab-txt-b\" title=\"" + StoreInstance.GetStatusTitle(_out) + "\">" + StoreInstance.GetStatus(_out) + "</td>" +
                            "<td class=\"in-tab-txt-rb textoverflow\">" + obj.TB_Warehouse.Name + "</td>" +
                            //"<td class=\"in-tab-txt-b\">" + ((byte?)null == obj.Signal ? "-" : obj.Signal.ToString()) + "</td>" +
                            "<td class=\"in-tab-txt-b\">" + Utility.GetOnlineStyle(obj.OnlineStyle, obj.OnlineTime, false) + "</td>" +
                            "<td class=\"in-tab-txt-b textoverflow\">" + ((DateTime?)null == obj.LastActionTime ? "" : obj.LastActionTime.Value.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm")) + "</td>" +
                            "<td class=\"in-tab-txt-b textoverflow\" title=\"" + EquipmentInstance.GetTerinalTitleInfo(obj) + "\">" + (n == obj.Terminal ? "-" : obj.TB_Terminal.Number) + "</td>" +
            tbodyBody.InnerHtml  = html;
            divPagging.InnerHtml = "";
            if (totalRecords > 0)
                ShowPaggings(pageIndex, totalPages, totalRecords, "./equipment_in_storage.aspx", divPagging);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void ShowTerminalsBinded(int pageIndex)
            var totalRecords = 0;
            // 表达式
            Expression <Func <TB_Equipment, bool> > expression = PredicateExtensions.True <TB_Equipment>();

            // 必须是绑定了终端的设备
            expression = expression.And(f => f.Deleted == false && f.Terminal != (int?)null);

            // 设备type
            //var type = ddlEquipmentType.SelectedValue;
            //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(type))
            //    expression = expression.And(a => a.TB_EquipmentModel.Type == ParseInt(type));

            // 设备model
            //var model = selModel.Value;
            //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model)) { expression = expression.And(a => a.Model == ParseInt(model)); }

            // 是否绑定卫星
            // 是否绑定卫星 -1:ignore,0:not,1:bound
            var sat = int.Parse(selectedSatellite.Value);

            spanSatellite.InnerHtml = "Satellite:" + GotSelectedType(sat);
            if (sat >= 0)
                if (sat == 0)
                    expression = expression.And(a => a.TB_Terminal.Satellite == null);
                    expression = expression.And(a => a.TB_Terminal.Satellite != null);

            // 号码查询
            var query = txtNumber.Value.Trim();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query))
                expression = expression.And(a => a.Number.Contains(query) || a.TB_Terminal.Number.Contains(query) || a.TB_Terminal.TB_Satellite.CardNo.Contains(query));

            var list       = EquipmentInstance.FindPageList <TB_Equipment>(pageIndex, PageSize, out totalRecords, expression, "Number");
            var totalPages = totalRecords / PageSize + (totalRecords % PageSize > 0 ? 1 : 0);

            string html = "";

            if (totalRecords < 1)
                html = "<tr><td colspan=\"13\">No records, You can change condition and try again or " +
                       " <a href=\"./terminal_register.aspx\">ADD</a> new one.</td></tr>";
                var cnt = (pageIndex - 1) * PageSize;
                foreach (var obj in list)
                    var id = Utility.UrlEncode(Utility.Encrypt(obj.id.ToString()));
                    html += "<tr>" +
                            //"<td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"in-tab-txt-rb\"><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"cb_" + id + "\" /></td>" +
                            "<td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"in-tab-txt-rb\">" + cnt + "</td>" +
                            "<td class=\"in-tab-txt-rb\" style=\"text-align: left !important;\"><a href=\"./terminal_register.aspx?key=" + id + "\" >" + CheckQueryString(obj.TB_Terminal.Number) + "</a></td>" +
                            "<td class=\"in-tab-txt-rb\" style=\"text-align: left !important; cursor: pointer;\" title=\"Click to show advanced options\">" + CheckQueryString(TerminalInstance.GetSatellite(obj.TB_Terminal, true)) + "</td>" +
                            "<td class=\"in-tab-txt-rb\">" + obj.TB_Terminal.Firmware + "</td>" +
                            "<td class=\"in-tab-txt-rb\">" + obj.TB_Terminal.Revision.ToString() + "</td>" +
                            "<td class=\"in-tab-txt-rb\" style=\"text-align: left !important;\">" + TerminalTypes.GetTerminalType(obj.TB_Terminal.Type.Value) + "</td>" +
                            "<td class=\"in-tab-txt-rb\" style=\"text-align: left !important;\">" + obj.TB_Terminal.ProductionDate.Value.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "</td>" +
                            "<td class=\"in-tab-txt-rb\">yes</td>" +
                            "<td class=\"in-tab-txt-rb\" style=\"text-align: left !important;\">" + CheckQueryString(GetEquipment(obj.TB_Terminal, obj)) + "</td>" +
                            "<td class=\"in-tab-txt-b\">" + Utility.GetOnlineStyle(obj.OnlineStyle, obj.OnlineTime, false) + "</td>" +
                            //"<td class=\"in-tab-txt-rb\">" + obj.TB_Terminal.Sim + "</td>" +
                            "<td class=\"in-tab-txt-b\"></td>" +
            ShowFooter(totalRecords, pageIndex, totalPages, html);