Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Solves the game by fictitious play and verifies the solution.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="snapshotAfter">Number of iterations to make an intermediate snapshot after. -1 for no intermediate snapshot.</param>
        /// <param name="configureSolver"></param>
        private StrategyTree[]  SolveAndVerifyVerifySolution(ActionTree at, ChanceTree ct, double epsilon, bool useLp)
            if (useLp)
                double[]       gv;
                StrategyTree[] st = EqLp.Solve(at, ct, out gv);
                VisStrategyTree.Show(st[0], Path.Combine(_outDir, "st-0.gv"));
                VisStrategyTree.Show(st[1], Path.Combine(_outDir, "st-1.gv"));
                Console.WriteLine("LP gv: {0}, {1}", gv[0], gv[1]);

            FictPlayHelper fp = new FictPlayHelper
                Epsilon        = epsilon,
                VisualizeTrees = true,
                BaseDir        = Path.Combine(_outDir, "fp")

            StrategyTree[] eqStrategies = fp.Solve(at, ct);
            string         error;

            // Verify consistency of strategies
            for (int p = 0; p < 2; ++p)
                Assert.IsTrue(VerifyAbsStrategy.Verify(eqStrategies[p], p, 1e-7, out error), string.Format("Pos {0}: {1}", p, error));

            // Run VerifyEq on the computed strategies.
            Assert.IsTrue(VerifyEq.Verify(at, ct,
                                          eqStrategies, 3 * epsilon, out error), error);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void Solve(ActionTree at, HePocketKind[] sbCards, HePocketKind[] bbCards)
            Ct = CreateCt(sbCards, bbCards);
            var gv = new double[2];

            Strategies = EqLp.Solve(at, Ct, out gv);
            GameValues = gv;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// This functions simulate a typical use case: create trees in many runs of MC sampling, write them, read again
        /// and merge into the master tree. The master tree is than verified.
        /// </summary>
        private void GenerateAndVerifyCT(string name, GameDefinition gd, IChanceAbstraction[] chanceAbstractions, bool areAbstractionsEqual, int samplesCount, int runsCount, double avRelProbabEps, double avPotShareEps, double eqValEps, bool visualize)
            CtMcGen.Tree masterTree = new CtMcGen.Tree();

            int rngSeed = (int)DateTime.Now.Ticks;

            for (int run = 0; run < runsCount; ++run)
                CtMcGen.Tree runTree  = CtMcGen.Generate(gd, chanceAbstractions, areAbstractionsEqual, samplesCount, rngSeed, null);
                string       fileName = Path.Combine(_outDir, String.Format("{0}-{1}-ct.dat", gd.Name, name));

                // Do not use the timer anymore because the tests are too fast.

            ChanceTree actCt = masterTree.ConvertToChanceTree();

            VisChanceTree.Show(actCt, Path.Combine(_outDir, String.Format("{0}-{1}-ct.gv", gd.Name, name)));
            ChanceTree expCt = CreateChanceTreeByAbstraction.CreateS(gd, chanceAbstractions);

            Assert.AreEqual(expCt.PlayersCount, actCt.PlayersCount);
            CompareChanceTrees cmp = new CompareChanceTrees();

            cmp.IsVerbose = visualize;
            cmp.Output    = Console.Out;
            cmp.Compare(expCt, actCt);
            VisChanceTree.Show(expCt, Path.Combine(_outDir, String.Format("{0}-{1}-ct-exp.gv", gd.Name, name)));
            Assert.Less(cmp.AverageRelProbabDiff, avRelProbabEps);
            for (int p = 0; p < chanceAbstractions.Length; ++p)
                Assert.Less(cmp.AveragePotShareDiff[p], avRelProbabEps);

            ActionTree at = CreateActionTreeByGameDef.Create(gd);

            double [] actEqValues, expEqValues;
            EqLp.Solve(at, actCt, out actEqValues);
            EqLp.Solve(at, expCt, out expEqValues);
            for (int p = 0; p < chanceAbstractions.Length; ++p)
                if (visualize)
                    Console.WriteLine("Eq pos: {0} exp: {1} act: {2}", p, expEqValues[p], actEqValues[p]);
                Assert.AreEqual(expEqValues[p], actEqValues[p], eqValEps);
            if (visualize)
Ejemplo n.º 4
        static int Main(string[] args)
            if (!Parser.ParseArgumentsWithUsage(args, _cmdLine))

            if (_cmdLine.DebuggerLaunch)

            GameDefinition gd = XmlSerializerExt.Deserialize <GameDefinition>(_cmdLine.GameDef.Get(Props.Global));

            string     chanceTreeFile = _cmdLine.ChanceTree.Get(Props.Global);
            ChanceTree ct;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(chanceTreeFile))
                ct = CreateChanceTreeByGameDef.Create(gd);
                ct = ChanceTree.Read <ChanceTree>(chanceTreeFile);

            ActionTree at = CreateActionTreeByGameDef.Create(gd);

            double []       values;
            StrategyTree [] st = EqLp.Solve(at, ct, out values);
            if (st == null)
                Console.WriteLine("Cannot find solution");
            string output   = _cmdLine.Output.Get(Props.Global);
            string basePath = string.IsNullOrEmpty(output) ? gd.Name : output;
            string baseDir  = Path.GetDirectoryName(basePath);
            string baseName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(basePath);

            for (int p = 0; p < st.Length; ++p)
                string fileName = Path.Combine(baseDir, string.Format("{0}-{1}.dat", baseName, p));
                Console.WriteLine("Eq value pos {0}: {1}, file: {2}", p, values[p], fileName);

Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void Solve(TestParams testParams, bool visualize, ConfigureSolver configureSolver)
            if (visualize)
                                   Path.Combine(_outDir, String.Format("{0}-at.gv", testParams.Name)));
                                   Path.Combine(_outDir, String.Format("{0}-ct.gv", testParams.Name)));

            StrategyTree [] eqStrategies = new StrategyTree[testParams.ChanceTree.PlayersCount];

            string error;

            for (int heroPos = 0; heroPos < testParams.ChanceTree.PlayersCount; ++heroPos)
                // Create and configure EqLp solver
                EqLp solver = new EqLp
                    HeroPosition = heroPos,
                    ChanceTree   = testParams.ChanceTree,
                    ActionTree   = testParams.ActionTree,

                if (configureSolver != null)

                // Solve EqLp
                eqStrategies[heroPos] = solver.Strategy;

                if (visualize)
                                         Path.Combine(_outDir, string.Format("{0}-eq-{1}.gv", testParams.Name, heroPos)));

                // Verify the eq value and strategy
                Assert.AreEqual(testParams.ExpectedResult[heroPos], solver.Value, testParams.Epsilon, "Wrong eq value");
                Assert.IsTrue(VerifyAbsStrategy.Verify(solver.Strategy, solver.HeroPosition, 1e-7, out error), error);
            // Verify eq, use another (better) epsilon because EqLp and VerifyEq have better precision
            // than most of the reference game solvers like OCFR.
            Assert.IsTrue(VerifyEq.Verify(testParams.ActionTree, testParams.ChanceTree, eqStrategies, 1e-7, out error), error);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Solves the game by fictitious play and verifies the solution.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="snapshotAfter">Number of iterations to make an intermediate snapshot after. -1 for no intermediate snapshot.</param>
        /// <param name="configureSolver"></param>
        private void SolveAndVerifyVerifySolution(TestParams testParams, bool visualize, bool trace, int[] iterCounts, ConfigureSolver configureSolver)
            int playersCount = testParams.ChanceTree.PlayersCount;

            StrategyTree eqStrategy = RunSolver(testParams, visualize, trace, iterCounts, configureSolver);
            string       error;

            // Verify consistency of strategies
            for (int p = 0; p < 2; ++p)
                Assert.IsTrue(VerifyAbsStrategy.Verify(eqStrategy, p, 1e-7, out error), string.Format("Pos {0}: {1}", p, error));

            // Run VerifyEq on the computed strategies.
            StrategyTree[] strategies = new StrategyTree[] { eqStrategy, eqStrategy };
            Assert.IsTrue(VerifyEq.Verify(testParams.ActionTree, testParams.ChanceTree,
                                          strategies, 3 * testParams.Epsilon, out error), error);

            // Do a redundant test with EqLp

            // Find game values for our solution
            GameValue gv = new GameValue
                ActionTree = testParams.ActionTree,
                ChanceTree = testParams.ChanceTree,
                Strategies = new StrategyTree[] { eqStrategy, eqStrategy }


            // Solve eq with EqLp
            double[]       expEqValues;
            StrategyTree[] expStrategies = EqLp.Solve(testParams.ActionTree, testParams.ChanceTree, out expEqValues);

            // Verify the eq value and strategy
            for (int p = 0; p < 2; ++p)
                if (visualize)
                    Console.WriteLine("Expected eq value pos {0}: {1}", p, expEqValues[p]);
                Assert.AreEqual(expEqValues[p], gv.Values[p], testParams.Epsilon, "Eq value differs from EqLp solution");
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void Test_Eq()
            GameDefinition gd = XmlSerializerExt.Deserialize <GameDefinition>("kuhn8.gamedef.xml");
            ChanceTree     ct = CreateChanceTreeByGameDef.Create(gd);

            VisChanceTree.Show(ct, "kuhn8-ct.gv");
            ActionTree at = CreateActionTreeByGameDef.Create(gd);

            VisActionTree.Show(at, "kuhn8-at.gv");

            double[]        values;
            StrategyTree [] strategies = EqLp.Solve(at, ct, out values);
            Console.WriteLine("Kuhn8 eq values: {0}, {1}", values[0], values[1]);
            VisStrategyTree.Show(strategies[0], "kuhn8-eq-0.gv");
            VisStrategyTree.Show(strategies[1], "kuhn8-eq-1.gv");

            // Make strategy for T same as for Q
            //strategies[0].Nodes[strategies[0].FindNode("0d0 0p0", null)].Probab = 0.5;
            //strategies[0].Nodes[strategies[0].FindNode("0d0 0p0 1p1 0p1", null)].Probab = 0.5;
            //strategies[0].Nodes[strategies[0].FindNode("0d0 0p1", null)].Probab = 0.5;

            // Make strategy for Q same as for T
            strategies[0].Nodes[strategies[0].FindNode("0d2 0p0", null)].Probab         = 0;
            strategies[0].Nodes[strategies[0].FindNode("0d2 0p0 1p1 0p1", null)].Probab = 0;
            strategies[0].Nodes[strategies[0].FindNode("0d2 0p1", null)].Probab         = 1;

            VisStrategyTree.Show(strategies[0], "kuhn8-eq-0-adj.gv");

            Br br = new Br {
                ActionTree = at, ChanceTree = ct, HeroPosition = 1

            br.Strategies = new StrategyTree[] { strategies[0], null };
            StrategyTree br0 = br.Strategies[1];

            Console.WriteLine("Br against pos 0: {0}", br.Value);
            VisStrategyTree.Show(strategies[1], "kuhn8-eq-br-0.gv");
Ejemplo n.º 8
        void SolveGame(string runDir, GameDefinition gd, IChanceAbstraction [] chanceAbstractions, double [] brValues)
            ChanceTree ct = CreateChanceTreeByAbstraction.CreateS(gd, chanceAbstractions);
            ActionTree at = CreateActionTreeByGameDef.Create(gd);

            double[]       eqValues;
            StrategyTree[] eqStrategies = EqLp.Solve(at, ct, out eqValues);

            string error;

            for (int p = 0; p < gd.MinPlayers; ++p)
                Assert.IsTrue(VerifyAbsStrategy.Verify(eqStrategies[p], p, 1e-7, out error), error);
            // Verify eq
            Assert.IsTrue(VerifyEq.Verify(at, ct, eqStrategies, 1e-7, out error), error);

            StrategyTree[] brStrategies = new StrategyTree[gd.MinPlayers];

            // Find BR for each position
            for (int heroPos = 0; heroPos < gd.MinPlayers; ++heroPos)
                Br br = new Br
                    HeroPosition = heroPos,
                    ActionTree   = at,
                    ChanceTree   = ct,
                    Strategies   = (StrategyTree[])eqStrategies.Clone()
                brStrategies[heroPos] = br.Strategies[heroPos];
                brValues[heroPos]     = br.Value;

            MergeAndSaveStrategies(runDir, "", eqStrategies, chanceAbstractions);
            MergeAndSaveStrategies(runDir, "-br", brStrategies, chanceAbstractions);