Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void View(string path, ContextObject context)
            _epubControl          = new EpubViewerControl(context);
            context.ViewerContent = _epubControl;
            Exception exception = null;

            _epubControl.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() =>
                    // Opens a book
                    var epubBook  = EpubReader.OpenBook(path);
                    context.Title = epubBook.Title;
                    context.IsBusy = false;
                catch (Exception e)
                    exception = e;
            }), DispatcherPriority.Loaded).Wait();

            if (exception != null)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 private static void TestEpubFile(string epubFilePath, Dictionary <string, int> filesByVersion, List <string> filesWithErrors)
     Console.WriteLine($"File: {epubFilePath}");
         using (EpubBookRef bookRef = EpubReader.OpenBook(epubFilePath))
             string epubVersionString = bookRef.Schema.Package.GetVersionString();
             if (filesByVersion.ContainsKey(epubVersionString))
                 filesByVersion[epubVersionString] = 1;
             Console.WriteLine($"EPUB version: {epubVersionString}");
             Console.WriteLine($"Total files: {bookRef.Content.AllFiles.Count}, HTML files: {bookRef.Content.Html.Count}," +
                               $" CSS files: {bookRef.Content.Css.Count}, image files: {bookRef.Content.Images.Count}, font files: {bookRef.Content.Fonts.Count}.");
             Console.WriteLine($"Reading order: {bookRef.GetReadingOrder().Count} file(s).");
             foreach (EpubNavigationItemRef navigationItemRef in bookRef.GetNavigation())
                 PrintNavigationItem(navigationItemRef, 0);
     catch (Exception exception)
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void AddBookToLibrary(string bookFilePath)
            int bookId;

            if (settings.Books.Any())
                bookId = settings.Books.Max(bookItem => bookItem.Id) + 1;
                bookId = 1;
            EpubBookRef epubBookRef = EpubReader.OpenBook(bookFilePath);
            Image       coverImage  = epubBookRef.ReadCover();

            if (coverImage != null)
                if (!Directory.Exists(Constants.COVER_IMAGES_FOLDER))
                using (Image resizedCoverImage = ResizeCover(coverImage))
                    resizedCoverImage.Save(GetBookCoverImageFilePath(bookId), ImageFormat.Png);
            Book book = new Book
                Id       = bookId,
                FilePath = bookFilePath,
                Title    = epubBookRef.Title,
                HasCover = coverImage != null

Ejemplo n.º 4
 public static void Run(string filePath)
     using (EpubBookRef bookRef = EpubReader.OpenBook(filePath))
         foreach (EpubNavigationItemRef navigationItemRef in bookRef.GetNavigation())
             PrintNavigationItem(navigationItemRef, 0);
        public static string Run(string filePath)
            StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();

            using (EpubBookRef bookRef = EpubReader.OpenBook(filePath))
                foreach (EpubNavigationItemRef navigationItemRef in bookRef.GetNavigation())
                    result.Append(PrintNavigationItem(navigationItemRef, 0));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private ParsedTrackInfo ReadEpub(string file)
            _logger.Trace($"Reading {file}");
            var result = new ParsedTrackInfo
                Quality = new QualityModel
                    Quality = Quality.EPUB,
                    QualityDetectionSource = QualityDetectionSource.TagLib

                using (var bookRef = EpubReader.OpenBook(file))
                    result.AuthorTitle = bookRef.AuthorList.FirstOrDefault();
                    result.BookTitle   = bookRef.Title;

                    var meta = bookRef.Schema.Package.Metadata;


                    result.Isbn           = GetIsbn(meta?.Identifiers);
                    result.Asin           = meta?.Identifiers?.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Scheme?.ToLower().Contains("asin") ?? false)?.Identifier;
                    result.Language       = meta?.Languages?.FirstOrDefault();
                    result.Publisher      = meta?.Publishers?.FirstOrDefault();
                    result.Disambiguation = meta?.Description;

                    result.SeriesTitle = meta?.MetaItems?.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "calibre:series")?.Content;
                    result.SeriesIndex = meta?.MetaItems?.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "calibre:series_index")?.Content;
            catch (Exception e)
                _logger.Error(e, "Error reading epub");
                result.Quality.QualityDetectionSource = QualityDetectionSource.Extension;


Ejemplo n.º 7
        public EpubBook OpenBook(int bookId)
            EpubBook epubBook = EpubReader.OpenBook(settings.Books.First(book => book.Id == bookId).FilePath);

Ejemplo n.º 8
        public bool ProcessEpub()
            ePubDisplayModel = new EpubDisplayModel();

            // Opens a book and reads all of its content into memory
            var epubBookRef = EpubReader.OpenBook(_ePubFilePath); // not using ReadBook as that loads the whole epub book in memory

            if (epubBookRef != null)
                // get file date
                var fileDateStamp = new FileInfo(_ePubFilePath).LastWriteTime;

                var bookContent = epubBookRef.Content;

                var requestIsForXhtml = false; // a whole epub xhtml file has been requested - this happens when a link in the html is selected as it could be a link anywhere in the whole book

                // *************************************************************************
                // check if this request is for a chapter or a file asset i.e. image or font
                // *************************************************************************

                var extension = Path.GetExtension(_processAction);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(extension))                                                           // this might be a request for a file ie. font or image
                    if (SafeFileTypes.Contains(extension))                                                      // this filetype is in the SafeFileTypes list
                        Dictionary <string, EpubContentFileRef> allFiles = bookContent.AllFiles;                // would use bookContent.css/fonts/images but fonts have missing mime-types in the EpubReader package, and so are noth being selected as fonts
                        foreach (var item in allFiles)                                                          // loop all the files in the epub archive
                            if (item.Key.EndsWith(_processAction, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) // this filename matches the requested action (_processAction)
                                switch (item.Value)                                                             // switch based on the class of the EpubContentFileRef type
                                case EpubByteContentFileRef itemValue:

                                    FileToServe = new FileToServe(itemValue.ReadContentAsBytes(), itemValue.ContentMimeType, itemValue.FileName, fileDateStamp);

                                    return(false);    // return ProcessEPub()

                                case EpubContentFileRef textItem:

                                    if (textItem.ContentType == EpubContentType.XHTML_1_1)
                                        requestIsForXhtml = true;        // we want to process this file as it is not a 'File' to serve, it is an HTML document to process
                                    else                                 // stop any other text file from being processed or served
                                        FileToServe = new FileToServe(); // this will stop this file being served
                                        return(false);                   // return ProcessEPub()

                                    FileToServe = new FileToServe(); // this will stop this file being served
                                    return(false);                   // return ProcessEPub()
                    else // disallow filetype
                        FileToServe = new FileToServe(); // this will stop this file being served
                        return(false);  // return ProcessEPub()

                // check if this chapter has been cached in Application memory. If so then return that without continuing.
                if (_isToCache)
                    _cacheHash = GetMd5Hash(_ePubFilePath + _processAction); // create unique hash of this chapter in this book
                    var cachedItem = HttpContext.Current.Cache.Get(_cacheHash);
                    if (cachedItem != null)                                  // cached chapter found
                        ePubDisplayModel = (EpubDisplayModel)cachedItem;

                // Book's title
                ePubDisplayModel.Title = epubBookRef.Title;

                // Book's authors (comma separated list)
                ePubDisplayModel.Authors = epubBookRef.Author;

                // try and find the requested chapter or xhtml file
                if (requestIsForXhtml)
                    FindAndProcessXHTML(ref ePubDisplayModel, epubBookRef); // updates ePubDisplayModel by reference with content
                    FindAndProcessChapter(ref ePubDisplayModel, epubBookRef); // updates ePubDisplayModel by reference with content

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ePubDisplayModel.RedirectToChapter)) // we need to redirect to a chapter so exit this method

                // All fonts in the book (file name is the key)
                //Dictionary<string, EpubByteContentFileRef> fonts = bookContent.Fonts; // Note: VersOne.Epub is missing some font mime-types so be aware that all/some the fonts will not be in this object. They will, however, be in the .AllFiles() object

                // All CSS files in the book (file name is the key)
                Dictionary <string, EpubTextContentFileRef> cssFiles = bookContent.Css;
                string cssContent = string.Empty;

                foreach (var cssFile in cssFiles.Values)
                    cssContent += cssFile.ReadContentAsText();

                // using dotless (css preprocessor) we will add '.epub' to all the book styles in order to keep the book styles restricted to the book and not affect the rest of the browser page.
                string finalCss = string.Format(".epub {{{0}}}", cssContent); // add '.epub' class to all css elements, so we can contain all the book styles to just to book div (which should have a .epub class added to it)

                var dotlessConfig = new dotless.Core.configuration.DotlessConfiguration
                    MinifyOutput = true

                var resultCss = Less.Parse(finalCss, dotlessConfig);

                // FOR REFERENCE IF NEEDED - <base href="'. $this->base_link. '/" target="_self"> // need to include <base> as some cms's adds a trailing '/' to all requests which brakes the relative links in the epub html
                ePubDisplayModel.ChapterHtml = string.Format("<html><head><style>{0}</style></head><body><div class='epub'>{1}</div></body></html>", resultCss, ePubDisplayModel.ChapterHtml);

                if (_isToCache) // if using application cache
                        HttpContext.Current.Cache.Insert(_cacheHash, ePubDisplayModel, null, DateTime.Now.AddDays(1), System.Web.Caching.Cache.NoSlidingExpiration);
                    catch (Exception ex)
